Chapter 4

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    "I'm feeding them now so you can look over any you want while I feed them" the man who had brought me said. I opened my eyes and lifted my head up just as the back van doors opened. Alaska sunshine poured in and other dogs began to look up too. My stomach growled in hunger and I scooted closer to the cage door. The evil man hopped inside with a stranger. He started opening cage doors and dropping food bowls with Kibbles and Bits inside it. The other man, who looked young with a blue jacket and a checkered shirt, was looking in the cages judging the dogs.

   He passed by me and I held my breath. He stopped beside my cage and stuck his hand in it. I slowly sniffed his hand then licked it in a friendly manner. He removed his hand from my cage, wiped it on his shirt, and gave me a disgusted look. He stood up and started looking at the other dogs again.

     I felt heartbroken and shocked. What if that was my only way out of here and I already blew it? I sat in the back of the cage waiting for my food, at least that would take the strange man who was observing us off my mind. The evil man opened the cage door next to me and threw the food bowl in it, making the bowl hit the ground with a thud and wobble a bit. He closed the cage and moved to mine. He opened it and stared at me as he dropped the bowl down. He closed the cage and moved on.

   The stranger cleared his throat and spoke "I'll take that over there". He pointed to a dog that was shaking in the corner. He was wagging his tail in happiness and you could see the outline of his ribs, probably from hunger. The brown dog looked like a mix of Labrador Retriever and Pomeranian. The evil man nodded and replied "That one will be $159. The cost of feeding, holding him here, and the worth of him is a lot".

"That's a steep price but i guess it'll be worth it" the stranger said. The evil man walked over to the dogs caged and opened it. The stranger followed behind him eagerly and pulled out a collar and a leash. The dog moved out from the cage and stood in front of his new owner. He put the collar around his neck and it said Lucky. He sure was lucky to be getting out of this mess. They turned and exited the vehicle with the evil man following right behind.

"Here's the money Brian" I heard the stranger say. "Thanks Rich I'll see you later" he replied. Great my only chance to get out was ruined and some other dog snatched it from me. How was that dog any better than me? I was younger, healthier, and smarter than that mutt. My frustration was tossed aside by my stomach growling. I totally had forgotten about the food in front of me.

I moved to the bowl and looked at it. I had never had dog food before. I usually ate raw meat from deer,sheep, chickens, or anything my parents could catch. I opened my mouth and started eating. The food crunched under my teeth and a bitter taste consumed my mouth. It wasn't bad but definitely didn't taste good. It tasted pasty and had a bland taste of meat and vegetables. I was starving so I ate what was left.

After finishing my decent breakfast I circled around my cage and curled up. Scars next to me finally moved. He moved his ears back and stretched out. He stood up, ate his food, and laid back down with a loud sigh. Life here already sucked and I was going to be here for who knows how long. It would be the same routine everyday, get fed, be ignored, sleep, and repeat.

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