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A/N to my Indonesian wattpad readers, I post my original story @suhaa_alhasnah it's all in Indonesian. Please read and follow me.

Fred woke up on the hard floor, feeling funny as he realises the room he's in. It looks so stiff with just a bed, a study, and a wardrobe. No pictures, no toys, no decorations, nothing. As he sits up, he realises drops of fresh wet blood and a few strands of hair. Blood? He's bleeding?

"Mum? Dad?" Fred called. "George? Anyone?"

When no one answered, Fred decided not to move as he inspected his body. No, nowhere is he bleeding. He searched for his wand and found it, and using it, he chanted 'wingardium leviosa' to levitate the blood and the hair, searching for anything nearby to keep it.

"George!" He yelled again. "Bill! Percy!"

"Fred?" Charlie appeared from the door. "You called?"

"I was calling Percy but you'd do-" Fred shrugged. "Anyway, you got a vial I can use?"

"Hold on, Percy?" Charlie interrupted. "Who's Percy?"

"Our brother?" Fred said. "Merlin, Charlie. You act like the dumbest sibling in the world."

"Haha, funniest joke of the year," Charlie said sarcastically with no humour whatsoever. When they realised Fred doesn't roll his eyes or something, Charlie continued. "Did the war screw up your head? There's never been a Percy."

"What do you mean there's never been a Percy?" Fred furrowed his brows. "Percival Ignatius Weasley, the brother right after you and before Fred and I, literally the biggest prat on Earth?"

"I'll just pretend you never talked to me-" Charlie shook their head as they started to leave.

"Wait!" Fred called them again, causing Charlie to groan and face him again. "What about the vial? Can you grab one of mine?"

"Grab it yourself-" Charlie rolled their eyes. "Why are you here, anyway?"

"What is this room?" Fred asked, looking around.

"To be honest, I don't know-" Charlie shrugged as they had a hand forward for Fred to hold, which he did. "I never even knew this room existed until now, when I hear your voice calling for me."

"I wasn't," Fred shook his head as he left the room, realising that it connects to the Burrow he's called home for 17 years of his life. Feeling weird, he reached his room and grabbed the nearest empty vials he can find, placing the blood in one vial and the hairs in another before closing the cap on both vials.

Fred walked to his study, seeing the pictures he'd taken over the years with his camera. There's his parents, Bill, Charlie, George, Ron, Ginny, Charlie's right. There's no other one. But there had been another one, he could've sworn there had been another one. Fred closed his eyes, trying to remember who this other person looked like.

He was a he, he had blue eyes and red curly hair, he wore glasses, he had so many freckles, he had been tall and lanky, always either wearing robes or jumpers or full-set pyjamas. As Fred tried to remember more, he remembered that the other person had been a Prefect and a Head Boy in school and wore his Prefect and Head Boy badge with such pride, he talked with such complicated vocabulary that made him sound not like a smart person, but a smart-alec. He had Scabbers that he somehow had a close friendship with, but Scabbers wouldn't have that close friendship with Ron.

Fred sat on his study, taking a parchment scroll and his quill. His handwriting is terrible, but at least he needs to write. Somehow, Charlie doesn't know Percy. He needs to write everything he knows about Percy so he doesn't forget and he has proof that he's not making this up, the sudden room that he was in will be proof. Could it be Percy's room? Why was it so empty, then? Fred may have moved out- oh, right. Fred threw away any remaining contents alongside George after sending the dragon dung, he'll ask if he remembers it.


"Mum, Dad, I have a question," Fred said after he swallowed his water. He will prompt his parents to talk about it in front of his other siblings, maybe they can help him if his parents don't believe him. "Why do we suddenly have an extra room?"

Arthur pressed his lips as he shrugged. "I don't know, I'll check on it."

"I woke up on the floor of the new room, next to me some blood on some hair. I separated them," Fred added. Arthur and Molly seemed interested as they nodded. "Aren't you worried that I'm suddenly on the floor in the new room?"

"I didn't make any room-"

"But there is, Dad," Ron interrupted, forcing Arthur to close his mouth. "I just realised it because it was next to Charlie's and I need to borrow something of theirs."

"Mum, Dad," Fred called, looking at Molly's eyes as he cocked his head. "Who are your children and what are their birth orders?"


"Charlie, I don't want to hear it," Fred interrupted. "Mum, answer me. Who are your children and what are their birth orders?"

"Fred, don't be ridiculous-"

"Just tell me!" Fred nearly yelled before sighing, taking a deep breath in. "Just tell me, please. I need to know something."

"William Arthur, our firstborn," Molly started to list off. "Charlie Septimus, our second born. Frederick Gideon, our third born. George Fabian, our fourth born. Ronald Bilius, our fifth born. Ginevra Molly, our sixth born."

"Fred, this is ridiculous!" Ginny huffed. "What are you trying to achieve?"

"Where is Percival Ignatius Weasley?" Fred asked. "Where is he between all of us? He should've been born right after Charlie and before George and me!"

"What are you talking about?" Arthur asked. "There's no one right after Charlie and between you and George."

"Here-" Fred took out the folded parchment scroll from his pocket and handed it to his father who shared it with his mother for them to read it. "I wrote everything I knew about Percival, or Percy as we call him. I even drew a sketch of how he looked like."

"Dad, just give it to me," Bill told him, having a hand forth for the scroll. "Maybe Fred is just tired. Hogwarts cleanup, right?"

"I'm not-" Bill gave Fred a glance which basically told Fred to close his mouth and agree with him. "Yeah, Hogwarts cleanup."

"I'll accompany him to his room." Fred stood up and Bill followed, taking the scroll from his father's hands as they both navigated for Fred's room, Fred closing the door behind him.

"I have a feeling I know what you're talking about, but I don't like it," Bill said. "Tell me everything. From the beginning."

So he did.


"I found a book."

Bill and Fred are in Percy's room (they agreed to call this new room Percy's room), searching for anything odd. So far, Fred recalled the room had been boring with just a plain bed, a plain wardrobe, and a plain study, and true when they returned they see that it's a plain room with just a bed, a study, and a wardrobe. Bill and Fred began a search through the room, hoping to find anything that'll be their lead on figuring out this Percy person.

"What's the title?" Fred asked, walking in Bill's direction.

"Souls and Sacrifices," Bill reads. "Doesn't sound good. Doesn't look like your fairytale."

"Open it," Fred said. Bill tried but somehow, something seemed to be keeping him from opening the book. As Bill inspected, the title of the book seemed to be surrounded with animal teeth, two serrated tusks pointing the other way.

"Maybe I should sacrifice my blood," Fred said as he forced his finger to the edge of one of the serrated tusk, and Bill tried to open it. When it wouldn't open up, he tried covering more blood against the other tusk before letting Bill heal it with magic. The tusk disappears and the book suddenly opens itself.

"We're going for the sacrificial resurrection practice," Bill said as he searched through the bibliography, immediately finding it among the 's' rituals. Fred shuddered, a lot of the names had been scary. Bill opened the page.

"What does it say?"

"Whoever practises this ritual will have their name and their existence removed from Earth, and no one will remember them but the person they sacrificed themselves for," Bill reads. "The person who practises this ritual will die and their body will be deformed before changing to imitate the dead person. The dead person will then gain life with memories untouched and the only one who knows about the sacrificing person. The area in which the ritual was done will remain untouched when the resurrected person wakes and will be added to exist."

"So, in other words," Fred swallowed his saliva. "I'm dead."

"I'm afraid you're supposed to be-" Bill heavy heartedly nodded. "And Percy revived you."

"And this is supposed to be his body," Fred added. He walked to sit on the bed- Percy's bed, and lets his hands travelled through the bedsheets. "This is his bed."

"I'm afraid so," Bill said, sitting next to him. Without a warning, Fred lays his head on Bill's shoulders and Bill lets him.

"We were horrible to him," Bill heard a sob, he never realised Fred was crying. He gently patted Fred's back. "All he wanted was to make us proud and keep us safe. But we treated him like shit."

"Can you tell me an instance?" Bill asked, careful with his words. Now that they know the answer to their riddle, he almost wished they didn't.

"Do you know that Dad accused him of spying on the Order?" Fred cried more. Bill closed his mouth. "He got a promotion and wanted to show it off, but no one congratulated him. Instead, Dad accused him of wanting to spy on the Order for the Minister. We should've apologised to him for letting Dad go with accusing him such."

"What else do you remember?"

"I wrote everything I knew in that parchment scroll," Fred said. "Every single thing. How long did I remember Percy lived, what was his job, who was his girlfriend, everything."

"Give me the book," Bill said, and Fred complied. Bill reads the pages about sacrificial resurrection practice.

"The resurrected person will have marks on their body, telling how did they die," Bill reads. "Fred, what was your last memory before you wake up on the floor?"

"Percy making a joke at Thicknesse before turning him into a sea urchin," Fred smiled, his head full of the memory. "And umm, I was shocked that he'd make a joke when there's this big bang behind me, a big rock hits my head."

"Let's take a look at the back of your head, then," Bill said. Fred nodded as he looked away from Bill, giving him a clear look at the back of his head. Bill went through the strands of his hair to his skin, and true, he sees dark spots on three different spots.

"You had three dark spots on your head-" Bill nodded, putting down the hair. "You died because three rocks hit your head, causing you to bleed to death."

"Don't say that-" Fred shuddered. "Don't talk as if I'm an undead. I didn't die."

"You did die, Percy sacrificed himself for you," Bill fought. Fred bit his bottom lips. "I hope you'll tell Mum and Dad about this, after confusing the hell out of them."



Percy groaned, hiding his parchment scroll in his bag and placing back his quill. Percy stood up and went to the room in the Burrow his father is in, the one he's told no one may enter. Percy frowned, why is he in that room? What's in that room? "Yes, Dad?"

"Come here," Fred called. Percy complied without question, sitting across his father on the floor. In front of him had been a folded parchment scroll. "Percival Ignatius Weasley, let me tell you something about my past and your name."

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