A baby can save a life

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Gray POV

I want to definitely make sure. That does not happen. I love Juvia. She can't die we just gotten out of a crazy situation and were finally back home. Well considering now that she lives with me. Plus were engaged... My thoughts had gotten interrupted when I heard something drop on the floor.

I followed the sound to go see what had happened. It was Juvia in a night gown with a big stomach. She looked as she did something wrong. "If you had to reach for something you should tell me." I said picking up the box she wanted. She smiled.

"Sorry." Juvia said. Then she walked off. I went back to the room to get ready to go to the guild.

Juvia POV

I but the box on the table and opened it. Chocolate~ I said in my head. I took one and sat down to continue sewing baby clothes. Gray starts to leaving somewhere. "Were you going?" I asked. "Job. Rents almost due." He said. "Oh. Well hurry back, I'll miss you."

I said blushing. He came over and kissed me. "I'll see you soon." He said. "Ok don't pick too long of a job gray." I said as he left. "Promise." He said. Then I continued with sewing.

Gray POV

when I got to i went to the board. And picked a job that wasn't long but good pay. But before I wanted to go I wanted someone to know something. "Hey lucy." I said approaching her. She turns from Natsu.

"Oh hey gray, whats up?" She replied. "Nothing much just need to ask you guys a favor." "Sure fire away." Said Natsu. "Do you mind watching over Juvia, you know just to check in with her from time to time? I'm going on a two day job." "Sure." Levy said popping out of no where. I smiled.

"Yea will keep watch." Said lucy. "Thanks guys." I said going to Mira. Then after that I left.

Lucy POV

I'll be glade to keep watch of Juvia. We did go through the same thing. I'll check on her tonight. "So Lucy what do you want to do today?" Natsu asked. I shrugged. "Your pick." I said.

"You sure?" I nod. " ok let's go for icecream." I smiled. "Icecream?" I said. He nods. "Its nice to have something sweet once in a while." He said. I grabbed my bag. "I guess your right." I said.

Juvia POV

when I was done sewing I started to straighten up the place a little more. When I was done I got a big fluffy cover and wrapped myself in it and laid on the couch to look at tv.

It was getting dark then I had fallen asleep. Then suddenly I heard the door bell ring. I woke up and went to go see who it was bringing along my cover. I opened the door. It was Natsu and Lucy along with levy and gajeel.

"Visitors?" I said letting them in. "Yea. Gray asked us to watch to check in on you from time to time." Levy said. "Oh." I said going to sit down I look at the time. It was around eight.

We had tea and talked. "So I need info on your pregnancy." Levy said. " boy or girl?" Lucy added. "There actually fraternal twins." I said smiling. "Were you and gray planning this?"

Natsu asked. "Well no it wasn't on purpose." I said. "Oh wow it was an accident?" Gajeel said.

I giggled. "Well if you put it like that it makes me sound bad. I mean, it was I. Accident but were ready for it. So it's not an accident. I don't want people telling my kids they were accidents." Levy smiled. "I see." I nod.

"So don't you guys think its about time you guys have a kid or something?" I said. Levy and lucy starts blushing. "I don't know I'm thinking about it." Natsu said. Lucy looked like she wanted to explode.

"I don't know, maybe." Gajeel said. Levy looked red like erzas hair.

I nod. "Well I hope you guys do." I said.


To day is the day gray is coming back and I'm super happy. i was sewing again when i felt this pain and pressure going down towards my women hood. i stood up and thats when my water broke. my heart started beating fast.

i felt like i was going to panic. but there was no time for that.

Natsu POV

my phone started ringing. then thats when i realized i had Lucy's phone instead of mine. i answer. "hello?" it was Juvia and she said that she was in labor. I told her that I was comming right over. That's when I called gray.

Gray POV

"In labor!?" I said. "Yes dude hurry to the hospital." Natsu said. I started running. Good thing I'm back sooner. When I got to the hospital Natsu and the rest were in the waiting room. I went into the delivery room and Juvia was painting.

"Sorry I'm late." I said. She shakes her head. "No its fine the baby's haven't came yet." She said gabbing my hand. Soon the babies were born. Then suddenly the doctors were in a rush.

"Wait what?" I said.

Juvia POV

I'm.. I feel light headed. "Loosening to much blood." I heard one of them say. No. No this can't be happening not like the dream. No I can't leave gray and the kids. "Is she going to be okay?" Gray said. "We're not sure." The doctor said.

No I don't want this someone stop it, its a nightmare all over again. Then I felt this unfamiliar magic flow through me. It was warm flow witch brought me to ease. "She's stabilizing." I hearted the doctor say.

I smiled. As soon as I was ok they brought me over the kids. Gray sat next to me. "Are you sure your ok?" He said. I nod. "You were dying I didn't know what to do.." I he said. I smirk. It was the babies that saved me." I said.

He looked confused. "I could feel the babies magic flow through me. It was a pleasant feeling. I could feel the pain go away during that time." Gray looks at the baby boy in his arms. "Well thank you. Your a life saver." He said.

I laugh a little. "life saver?" I said. He smiles. "I'm naming him Akio, meaning light. Cause he lights up our world." He said.

"Oceania, the sea. She's going to be going with the flow." I said. We both smile. Later on lucy and the rest came to see the babies.

After a couple of days adjusting to the parenting life we were getting a hang if things. I'm finally able to hang around the guild again and revert back to my normal life. Soon the day ended and we playing with the kids.

Who knew a baby could save a life with its amount of magic it has already. This is my life of how I got gray this is how happy I should be. Who am I? I should say. Who do I want to be? Who do I need to be? No I don't have to want or be someone. I am someone.

I am...






































Juvia lockser

                          THE END


A/N: comment of what you think of the whole story! Was it good or bad? I'm still working on my writing skills so don't judge. also vote! Thank you for reading this book I appreciate it a lot! I might be maalking a new book. So help me pick out the ship.

Comment jerza, nalu, gruvia or mirauxs. I can't decide... Until then!

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