I Am... ~Gruvia~

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(A/N): Hey. This is my newest Gruvia book and probably one of the last books I'll be writing for a while. I already have quite a few so... I hope you like this book, and enjoy this chapter!


Juvia POV (Gonna be her POV for a while)

I am.... not good for no one a pathetic little rainwoman who is desperate for love. I'm done fighting for love. And I'm done searching for it. I've been unlucky with love.

What made me think I would be lucky with Gray? I was happy at the moment... But now, I realize Gray keeps rejecting me.

Am I alone in the love world? Or do I just have bad luck in love, Sticking to me every were I go?

Gray...You never really paid attention to me. I guess that's how you feel about me. A hopeless, worthless, girl who's trying to find someone to love. Why can't anyone... Truly.... Love me?

I sat here thinking, all my thought's in the back of the guild. Sitting here alone, in the back of the guild with my blue wavy hair and pale white skin. I smirked sadly to myself. "I guess.. I really am hopeless." I said softly to myself.

I look up to see Gray fighting Natsu. I didn't even cheer my Gray-Sama on. Acutally, I shouldn't even call him my Gray-Sama anymore. He is nothing but a friend who can't see that I love him.

I see Gajeel coming my way. I can hear the thunder from the back of the guild. Gajeel sit's down. "We got rainy weather this month it seems." Gajeel said. I look at him.

"It seems so." I said trying my best smile. He looked at me. "You can't fool me with that smile." I looked away. I forgot only Gajeel knew about my problem. "If you have anymore problems you can tell me."

He said. I look at him with a smirk. "You know I should be talking about this with a girl. It seems kind of wierd to talk to you about guy problems when your a guy." "That's because... I'm a guy. Guy's know what guy's think."

I shake my head. "You know you can move on.." I look back up at him. "If you don't think Gray is right, There are plenty of other guy's out there for you. I'm certain of that. Just do one favor for me Juvia."

I look at him interested in what he's going to say next. "What is it?" "Don't give up on love and don't ever lose hope." I nod. "You're like a brother to me Gajeel... Thank you." I said hugging his buff arm. Levy joins our table.

She sit's with Gajeel and I. "Well, That's the first time I hear Gajeel talk like that." She said. "Do you know as well?" I said. She Nod's. "Sorry.. I know you don't want your business out in the guild. But, It's only me and Gajeel who know." I nod and smile another fake smile. I never knew how hard it could be to smile.

"It's okay. As long as it's just you two." I get up with my umbrella.

"I'll be going. See you guy's tommorow." They both nod.

As I walk toward the exit of the guild, My face expression went blank again.

I felt eyes on me. I look up to see who it was. It was Gray taking a glimps of me. When I caught his eye he looked away. I keeped walking with my umbrella already set to go.

I touch the door nob. Huh, That's weird.... Why would Gray want to look at a gloomy rain woman like me? It's obvious I was the cause of this rain. I opened the door and left. It was pouring hard. I started walking up hill with the rain pounding on my umbrella.

I hear the rain dropping and the clicking of my heels fall to the ground. I love this noise. It's peaceful. I wonder if I can feel love, And learn to ever smile again. "Drip, Drip Drop." I said to myself.

I walk alone back to my house in the hard pouring rain.

Without Gray... Without love or Friendship... Without Fairy tail... Without anyone.... I am nothing....

❮❮ To Be Continued... ❯❯


(A/N): Hope you enjoyed this first chapter! And Hope you put this book in your library! vote, comment and follow! dont forget to read the rest of my books and if you have yes this is the first depressing book ive wrote so far. see ya! stay tuned for the next chapter. want me to update? comment and I will! :)

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