Capitulo 13

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             “For the opening of the graduation ceremony, they are here to sing a song as we start this celebration. The new singing sensation, Miss Shana Faith Morris and our dearest principal, Mister Percy Woods!”

             The whole place were filled with aloud of round of applause as they enter the stage. Shana and Percy is about to sing in duet… again.

             No one ever expected that their Principal they expected to be an old and fierce, is a young and a gentle-looking man. And what they didn’t expected also is the fact that he and this year’s Magna Cum Laude and the new internet sensation which is Shana, will be singing in duet.

             I am proud of Shana. But, I can’t stop myself to be jealous while  hearing everyone making a ship to the two of them.

             I want to stand up from my seat and shout at the top of my voice that Shana is mine. But, for the sake of this special day, I need  to compose myself and prevent myself to be consumed by the green monster inside my chest.

             “Oh my gosh! They are so perfect!” A student commented that is obviously an instant fan of the two, that is walking slowly to the middle part of the stage as the intro started to play.

             “Truuee! I agree with you, girl! Who would expect that Fafa Fercy is also singing!” A gay friend of them agreed.

             As they started to sing, their eyes is looking to each other with intimate feels that makes me bit my lip and clench my fist.

             ‘That should be me!’ I thought.

             I heard everyone gasp as Percy started to sing his part. His voice is so deep like the ocean. His voice really compliments  that part of the song to him. And the way he sing the foreign part, it’s very natural.

             We all have goosebumps when they started to sing the duet part.

             I know that Shana is a half-foreign. But, what about this Percy who is singing the Latin parts naturally and perfectly? Who really is he?

             And they finally met in the middle, they hold each other’s hands that made the crowd of students feel giddy.

             Percy is charming, indeed. But… I am way better than him in every aspect.

             The feelings of their voices that blends feels so real. I must admit that this makes me feel so insecure. Because, aside of the fact that she is singing in duet with Percy, all I know is Spanish and not this Latin. Percy looks so knowledgeable in some aspects, and it makes me feel panic.

             I restrain myself to stand up and attack Percy as he wrap his arms at Shana’s waist that seems not to notice Percy’s tactic. Her, looking at me while she is singing makes me feel sane. I feel that she is only singing the song for me, that makes me feel loved.

             After the song, the whole place filled with students, their parents and school staffs, was filled once again with loud roar of applause. Percy gave Shana a bouquet of assorted-colored of tulips that made her smile.

             Damn! She is mine! But, seeing her smile, makes me happy deep inside even though the one who made her smile is just the flowers from a punk like Percy.

             After the song as the opening of the program, the important people in the academy and the city gave their speech. Also Shana who is the Magna Cum Laude gave her speech emotionally that made me smile for a contrast. Because, among the people in here, I am the only one who knows the real reason of it.

             Uncle and Mom was supposed to be here. They supposedly back home a week ago. But, they didn’t come back home. I’m retaliating deep inside because of how selfish and cruel Uncle to Shana. Shana experienced lots of hardships that I, alone witnessed. But, after this day, they don’t know nor maybe, Uncle don’t care that Shana will be possibly gone after this very day.

             “What’s up with that ‘final gig’? You don’t want to sing anymore?” I asked her. Because of the fact that she smiled earlier to a guy that I don’t even know, I feel my heart is going to explode.

I smiled bitterly and look at me. I stunned as I look at her sorrowful pair of eyes. I feel my heart ache.

“Because… there is a big chance that I can no longer be the ‘Shana’” She started to cry that made me panic.

I feel like being bumped by a big truck for a numerous times as I see her burst in tears. Why? She is just singing happily earlier, but why crying now?

“H-How can you s-say that?” I chuckle bitterly.

“My grandparents ordered me to go back to France as soon as possible.” She replied. But, I can feel that there is more than meets the eye. I am not satisfied with her answer.

             “What’s wrong with it?” I asked her, hoping that it will be a good and not a bad answer.

             “What’s wrong with it?” She asked then laugh nonchalantly that made me shiver.

             I know Shana. And this Shana, is not my Shana!

             “Shana.” I called her name.

             “I am just about to marry a stranger.” She sarcastically answered with her most bitter smile.

             Is it the reason she wants Uncle stay?

             “Well, it is a good thing to you because you, because there’ll be no one that will ask for their attention other than you.” Her eyes full of life and joy was filled of hopelessness. “But, please, promise me one thing, Bryan.”

             “W-what is it?” I want to hug her and comfort her. I want to tell her my feelings to her. I want to tell her that I can lose anything but not her. But, looking at her, crying and slowly become a stranger to me because of the burden she is shouldering, I can’t.

             “Take me already.”


             She wants me to take her? To take her first? Is it because she don’t want a stranger to be her first, right? I must be jumping out of joy and feeling so happy, right? But why do I feel that I will just take advantage of her if I do it?

             But, I already taken advantage of her since day one. But, thinking back, this is different than the previous.

             Because, the previous is just to brand her mine.

             But, now, I want to do it with our feelings attached.

             But, I know that this is just a one-sided relationship. And I don’t want that.

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