I Regretti

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Y'all, I had to find a forum online to put together the Cram School Schedule bc the subjects are scattered around in the beginning of the manga like Kato was sprinkling fish food into a tank full of her readers. 😂 Some amazing amazing people got all the classes accounted for and they are my saviors, bruh. Mad Respect.

Also, there's no blueprints or reliable way to see the Dorm layout, so I made it up. I hope y'all don't mind and can see the layout decently enough when I describe it.


He regretted agreeing to come to school. He regretted it so much.

These goddamned rich brats were all staring and judging as he passed by. He at least didn't make a fool of himself by being unable to open his locker(it happened on his first day of middle school and he'd never forget that shit because it was used against him until he graduated and left that shithole behind for good), so that was a plus. Yukio showed him where his classes would be after the Entrance Ceremony(Rin promised to make him Sashimi for dinner for being First Year Representative), and then went to his own classes.

Rin went from class to class and the teachers had everyone introduce themselves as an Ice Breaker. Thankfully, literally no one from Rin's neighborhood went to True Cross, so he didn't have to dread introducing himself. People recognized his last name thanks to Yukio's status as both one of four students who got in on a scholarship and the First Year Representative.

Rin sat through the introductions and did his best not to fall asleep due to the boredom.

That went on for all class periods and then they were released to go chill in their dorms. Rin and Yukio had spent lunch together, but the younger warned him that he'd have Cram School only half an hour after regular school ended.

Mephisto showed up as a pink terrier(that was a surprise, and yet also not–Clown's gotta have tricks, right?)and gave him a key to the Cram School, showing him his classroom.

There was literally only seven people there, not counting Rin.

"This is the saddest class I've ever seen." Rin muttered to the dog.

"Yes, we're running low on recruits. It's been like this for years now, I'm afraid. Go on now, take a seat." Mephisto insisted quietly.

Rin normally sat in the middle or the back, but there were already people in the middle and back and the front was almost totally empty, so he sat there. Besides, this first class was Yukio's and he wanted to see his little brother teach up close.

"Everyone, please take your seats. The lesson is about to begin." Yukio walked in wearing an Exorcist uniform and carrying a briefcase that he set on his desk. Rin did his best not to snicker.

So professional, I bet he's freaking out inside right now....

"It's a pleasure to meet you all, I'll be your teacher for Demon Pharmaceuticals, Yukio Okumura."

Rin heard the three boys somewhere behind him muttering. "Like the First Year Representative Yukio Okumura? Damn, who woulda guessed, he looks so friendly." The pink-haired boy said. The bald boy nodded and the bigger, punk-looking guy grunted.

"As I'm sure you can see, yes I'm the same age as all of you. However, I've already been an Exorcist for two years and am qualified to teach on this subject. Please call me Sir or Teacher." God, Yukio was such a goody-two-shoes. Rin had to try his hardest to keep from laughing out loud. He bit his tongue, but he could hear Mephisto's snickering, which meant he was probably thinking the same thing.

Yukio went on to ask how many people in the class didn't have a Mashou–a spirit wound–from a demon. The three boys somewhere behind Rin all raised their hands. Rin raised an eyebrow. They'd never even seen demons and yet they wanted to be Exorcists? He couldn't wait to see at least one of them piss themselves at the first sight of a demon. He'd already seen a decent variety the night the Monastery was attacked–they were probably attracted by the presence of Satan.

Yukio used rotten animal blood(which smelled horrid and murdered Rin's sensitive sense of smell)to summon Hobgoblins to scratch the three students and then he dispatched them quickly with twin handguns he had at his sides.

"Fuckin' showoff." Rin muttered when Yukio passed his desk. He knew his twin heard him from the twitch of his eyebrow, but Yukio kept going on with the class.

They went over what they'd be doing in the class and then it was over. Rin had to sit through six more classes–Demon History, Demon Studies, Grimoire Lit, Magic Circles and Summoning, Holy Scripture Recitation, and Practical Athletics. P.A. was last so they could all just shower and then go back to the dorms.

Mephisto led Rin to his dorm after the Cram School day was over.

"I put you and your brother in the Old Boys Dorm, so you're far away from the school and Headquarters just for safety." The Time Lord explained.

"Gee, thanks." Rin snorted.

"Oh come now, you've just received powers you haven't dealt with since you were a newborn and you handled them....well, not terribly, but it was on a larger scale and therefore a mess. You need more precise control over your flames. If I were you, I'd find a way to train them for that with the advantage of living here with only your brother. Ciao~!" The demon did his signature German Countdown and poofed away. Rin wondered if that guy ever walked anywhere(not counting showing Rin the Cram School and his Dorm).

He looked around the first floor–the door opened up to a Common area devoid of any furniture and covered in dust that made him sneeze, then there was a huge kitchen that had a large window open to the Common Area(most likely used to serve food at one point), then a hallway split off from the Common room and there were large communal bathrooms, a large empty recreational room, and a decent sized storage room filled with old equipment, extra sheets and blankets, and old, dust-covered furniture. Rin figured he'd turn the rec room into a training area for himself, but he'd have to do something about the walls, floor, and ceiling since they were all wood and would catch fire easily.

He went upstairs to the second floor and explored more–all he found were bedrooms, four normal bathrooms, and two storage closets. It was the same for the third floor, where Rin found Yukio and all their boxes of belongings in one room near the stairs. Yukio was unpacking his materials and organizing them on his desk.

People usually assumed Yukio was the super clean and neat one and Rin was the messy one, but it was the other way around. Yukio was busy and often disregarded cleaning, so Rin was always the one cleaning things and because he'd had sensitive senses even as a human, he'd gotten good at it so he wouldn't be sneezing in response to dust and dirt everywhere all the time.

Rin didn't have any materials except a couple textbooks and a pencil a nice guy in his homeroom class gave him earlier that day, so he simply swiped a few volumes of Yukio's manga from a box and placed them under his bed while Yukio wasn't paying attention.

"How was your first day?" Rin asked to keep Yukio's attention away from the manga he was currently taking.

"Ah, I'm in all advanced classes this year, so I already have homework." Yukio sighed, setting up his desk in a way that Rin knew was going to end up as a disorganized mess one month into school. He'd learned not to mess with or organize any of Yukio's stuff or the doofus wouldn't be able to find anything. Yukio couldn't find anything he needed even when he himself organized all his stuff.

Rin snorted. "Can't relate."

"Yes you can, you faker! I can't believe you're in the classes just below mine!" Yukio accused exasperatedly.

Rin grinned sheepishly–He'd totally forgotten about that.

"Whatever. How was Cram School?" Yukio asked, changing the subject. He understood why Rin had dumbed himself down, there was no need to grill him. This did explain why Rin spent too much time worrying about whether he was being selfish or not any time he made a decision that benefited himself–The last time he'd done it

"Some of the classes are kinda interesting and others are hella boring. I like P.A. the most." Rin shrugged.

"Were you able to pay attention better? Any side effects from the meds so far? Nausea, dizziness, tiredness, loss of appetite?" Yukio asked next.

Rin smiled. He'd started taking ADHD meds the week before and he was still settling into it. Because he was a half-demon, they needed a higher dosage than what was normally recommended so Rin wouldn't just burn through them in an hour. Even with a higher dosage, he still had to take two a day, so that meant he had to eat breakfast and dinner, even if the loss of appetite–one of the side effects–prompted him not to.

"I'm okay. No dizziness since the second day, kinda tired and not hungry much. Still no nausea." Despite the side effects he did have to deal with, Rin could actually concentrate on one thing for more than five minutes for once instead of jumping from one thing to the other without even finishing the first thought or task. He could listen better in class and didn't fidget as much. It was nice being a relatively normal student.

"The side effects seem to be mild, so I think it'll balance out soon enough. By the way, was my class one of the boring ones?" Yukio wondered.

Rin grinned. "No, we got to watch you shoot demons in that class."

Yukio rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and you kept trying to make me laugh, you brat!" He huffed.

Rin snickered. "You almost did!"

Yukio shook his head, smiling fondly. "So, dinner?" He prompted.

"Yukio, we can't, we're brothers." Rin teased.

Yukio's face scrunched up in disgust. "God, never say that again! I meant, did you want me to come with you so you wouldn't be alone downstairs?" He reiterated.

"That would be nice, thanks." They went downstairs and Rin made the promised Sashimi(Rin, personally, wasn't a huge fan of seafood, but Yukio was, so he'd bear with it).

First day of School, complete. Rin felt a lot better about it despite having extra work to catch up on. As long as Yukio was here with him and he kept taking his meds and got along with the other students, he'd be okay.


Getting some ADHD meds is a personal dream of mine that I'm projecting onto Rin.

Long story short: My family is full of hardcore Christians who don't believe in Mental Health and have denied me any meds for mental stuff since I was a child and simply let me believe I was stupid and had behavioral problems for years until I found out about the ADHD they literally HID from me before getting diagnosed as a child.

So, Rin gets meds for his ADHD and is therefore a lot better at handling some situations. He takes Atomexine and a few of the side effects are tiredness, loss of appetite, and decrease in sexual desire, along with dizziness too. Imma throw some of those in bc I like making my stories more realistic than Kato does.

I switched my major from Psychology to English, but I still have an interest in Psychology and I like to make universes like BE more realistic along with the crazy demons and magic stuff bc it's way more relatable and there are so many things wrong in canon that are glossed over and it bothers me. Take the results of trauma that Rin doesn't have but SHOULD, for example. I grew up very similarly to Rin and got ostracized, outcasted, and called all kinds of horrible shit you should never call a kid. They destroyed my self-esteem and self-worth before I even had a chance to develop them bc it all started in preschool for me, just like Rin. In the later years, things got way worse and I got beat up a lot and had to fight for people to fuck off, also like Rin. So, I do understand Rin's issues to a certain extent, and I know for a fact that boy should have some serious issues that he lacks in canon(I also want revenge on my father for ruining my life and other people's lives, just like Rin LMAO). I give him those so he can overcome them and his friends can notice how to help him and themselves bc these kids are ALL traumatized.

I hope you're enjoying this story. Sorry again about lack of updates.

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