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“You know it's not a good idea to spy on people Zach”

His eyes widened and honestly, it was hilarious to see that. I saw him following me, I mean I wouldn’t have been a gang leader if I didn’t notice small things..

I knew I made a mistake when I hired him in my company, he is a great employee no doubt but I have a bad habit of looking at him work, or when he is talking to his clients or laughing with his friends, it's not healthy I know I know but I can't help it, if you see him for yourself you would say the same thing.

“I, uh I just umm YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!” Zach shouted.

“Wow, when people shout out your name from the mountains and you hear an echo? I didn’t know I could experience that in this hallway…It's cute how nervous you got are right now.” I said.

“I am not nervous, you just scared me for a second.”

“Suree… and if I ask you whether you heard something you would say no I didn’t so let us skip all that and get to the point shall we?” I said.

“Excuse me?” He said. And at that moment I realized that in this very same hallway seven years ago it was him who had cornered and was towering over me with those same bulky muscles and whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

How I wish that was the end of that incident but as cliche as it sounds it was just the beginning….


After agreeing to tutor Jake at my place at 6 I went back to my routine of just surviving the senior year with no distractions, well

it might sound weird but I craved those distractions.

I wanted friends who would force me to go to parties, ask me to watch rom-coms on repeat even though the only genre I watch is horror or beg me to be their wing woman. I only experienced the feeling of want from my family but not my peers..

No need to start pitying me though, just a few months left for school to be over so that I can start fresh and spread my non-existent wings. 

Anyway sharp at 6 Jake arrived and the tutoring went well (though I am pretty sure Jake was being nice and didn’t laugh at my pathetic attempts to joke).

After two hours of rigorous training in calculus and yes I used the word rigorous because calculus is difficult, we decided to finish for the day.

“Thanks for your help darling, you are saving my butt you know. Also today was fun.” Jake said.

“Fun? Really? I am pretty sure you were going in the lines of boring but sure I'll take that.” I replied 

“Haha no, I had a good time, who knew behind these big, black-rimmed glasses there is a nerd who loves cracking silly jokes.” Just after he said that he ruffled my hair.

“Hey don’t ruffle my hair I am not your pet dog Shiro though if you have a pet like him then I don’t mind you ruffling my hair cause he is so cute and technically you are saying that I am cute too so, hehe” I rambled, I need a stop button sometimes.

“Actually I do have a pet fish and now that you mention it I should change its name to Shiro, but jokes apart thanks a lot friend,” Jake said.

“Friend? Like a friend friend? I asked.

“Of course darling, you are cool and cute like a doll, sit with me during lunch tomorrow okay?”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to ruin your image.” I said.

“Of course not, you are my new friend, I'll introduce you to everyone,” Jake replied.

And that was the start of our newly formed friendship. If you are wondering if I went to sit with him and his friends, the answer is no I couldn’t. I do not have people skills but the most surprising thing was when Jake came to sit with me every day during lunch. We sat on the benches outside the cafeteria and just talked.


You might be wondering what happened to Jake? Nothing much honestly he just became my most trusted man and helped me in any gang-related work, in fact, he always tells me that I was the one who changed him into the badass person he is today.

Also, he has a shark as his pet. Don’t ask me why because frankly I don’t know and do not ask him this if you value your life and don’t want to get shot.

“Do you remember this hallway, Zach?” I asked.

“Yes I do, how can I forget?” He had this sad look in his eyes which immediately made me retract my body and create a distance.

I didn’t want to show any weakness to him. So taking a step back I cleared my throat and took my phone out and called my assistant Mary.

“Mary, write an email to Zachary Sin Knightley that he is being promoted to my floor and also mention all the necessary details and he is to meet me tomorrow at 10 am sharp.”

“Yes ma’am.” She said and hung up the phone.

“Were you talking about me?” I heard a voice beside me.

“Are you Zachary Sin Knightley?” I asked.

“Yes, I am.” He said and looked down, reminding me of a puppy who just got scolded.

“See you tomorrow Zachary. Do not be late.” 

I turned around and was about to walk away when I crashed into a hard but warm surface. 

Damn that would have been such an amazing exit but no I had to crash into him, I thought.

“Oh I am so sorry, let me help you.” He said.

And looking down I saw my dress was tangled in his bracelet around his wrist which has the letter A engraved. 

“That’s a beautiful bracelet, must be someone special,” I said.

“Yes, she is really special,” Zach said.

He has this distant look in his eyes as if he was thinking about something or more specifically someone and smiled which revealed his dimples which made me swoon but I remained stoic because I didn’t want to reveal my weakness to anyone.

After five minutes of awkward attempts, me trying my best not to touch his silver hair and many blushing faces (he indeed looks really cute when he blushes) later, I was ready to leave.

I looked up into his blue eyes and said my goodbyes not before warning him to not be late and him trying his best not to look scared I turned away and started walking to the exit but not before being joined by my bodyguards who came from different directions and silently joined me, and then discreetly switching on my earpods so I could call Chase and ask him to get my bubble bath ready.

Tomorrow is an important day for which I have been waiting for a long time….


Hello to all my amazing readers!😇 Before starting my long and boring author's note which trust me I always think of shortening it but just can't you know what I mean? 😬 I just want to thank everyone for all the votes and comments, it really motivates me to write more 😊😊 so love you all so much!! ❤️❤️

Also thank you so so so much for 151 views! I would love to hear what you guys think of the story so far so drop a message and I'll definitely reply to you ☺️☺️

Anyway please vote, comment and share my story!!
See you guys in the next chapter! 😎

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