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In my 25 years of existence I have seen a lot of things, be it dead bodies (courtesy of me), blood all over the walls, but never have I imagined to see someone faint on the spot because I kissed them.

I didn’t know I had that much power over him, but I want to keep kissing him but I know I can't take advantage of him just yet, I thought.

I slowly get off his body and sit near the couch as I stare at him creepily.

“I need your signatures on these - woah what's happening?” Chase enters the room and has this evil smirk on his face.

“Couldn’t wait to jump on him huh?”

“Oh shut up, it’s nothing like that, he fainted and bring me some water would you?” I said rubbing my forehead but not before smiling a little.

“Yes ma’am.” He winked and mockingly saluted me.

I heard a noise coming from Zach’s pocket and when I checked it, guess who is calling him? Surprise surprise it’s Natalie, his ex. And yes I have kept tabs on his life once he started his job in my company.

I accepted the call because I had to give her a piece of my mind and to respectfully tell her to fuck off.

“ZACH I WANT TO MEET MY DAUGHTER, SHE NEEDS TO SEE HER MOMMY, DON’T IGNORE ME.” Her voice has become so shrill and annoying over the years and it’s giving me a headache.

“Miss Natalie, I believe you are supposed to be working right now,” I said with a stern voice.

“And who are you to tell me whether I should be working or not, huh,” Natalie remarks sarcastically.

“I believe I haven’t introduced myself, I am Anna Gupta, and I believe I am the one that gave you the position as an assistant to my other major company and I expected your 100% but it doesn’t seem like you care enough about the job,” I said in my professional voice.

Yes, it’s not a mystery that I am the one who offered Natalie a job because I saw how much Zach was suffering to manage everything going on his life and the surprising fact is he never once complained and kept going through the day with a smile on his face.

“How do you have Zach’s phone huh? And I don’t believe that you are Anna Gupta.” Natalie said.

“I thought I gave you many opportunities to get sober and stay away from Zach but you don’t listen now do you, may I remind you that we had a deal,” I said, starting to get frustrated.

I saw Jake outside my office and I gestured for him to come in while I listened to the pathetic attempts of Natalie trying to make her sound tough.

By the looks on Jake’s face, I knew he figured out who I was talking to and with a nod, he knew what he had to do.

Telepathy is real people, I thought.

“You should have told me it was you that gave Natalie the position.” I turn around and find Zach trying to sit up and his eyes are now wide open, “I don’t know how to repay you.”

“You weren’t supposed to hear that, how long were you awake for?”

“Long enough to know that you are an angel sent from above, I don’t know how to thank you enough. Natalie desperately needed a job to stay sober but it looks like that is also not working.” He said and I could see the tiredness in his eyes.

“Listen Zach there are a lot of things you can't control in your life trust me I have personally experienced it, you don’t have to keep worrying about someone who doesn’t want to be helped. You have a daughter and I can see how much you love her, so worry about your loved ones and leave Natalie to me, got it?” I said.

He needs to understand that he can't help everyone no matter how much he wants to.

“Can I have a chance to redo our first kiss?” He blurted out. “I mean you are just amazing and I fainted, um because, I MEAN YOU ARE YOU”  He blushed and looked at me pouting.

I chuckled and looked at him and came close to him and just as I was about to reach his very enticing lips I turned my face so that it was near his ears and spoke softly,

“Are you sure that is a good idea? Don’t tempt me further Mr. Knightley because there is no one stopping me from taking you right here, right now.”  I placed a small kiss on his cheek and moved away from him.

I stood up and went to my desk and started looking at the company accounts documents that I asked and started analyzing them. And then taking those documents in my hands I went to sit at my favorite chair because being comfortable is very important.

I sneakily glanced at where Zach was sitting and saw that he was still in shock and hadn't moved at all, and I chuckled softly.

“I cleared out the body as you asked me to Anna,” Jake said as he entered my office. “Whoa, what happened to him? Anna what did you do to the poor boy.” He shook his head and made his way to him.

“I didn’t know he would freeze, I just said a few words which were pure I swear and he just froze though I like seeing him like this, makes me feel all tingly inside you know what I mean?” I looked at him and smiled but my trance was broken when I saw Jake standing in front of Zach and chanting ‘Poor boy, poor poor boy’ repeatedly.

After a few minutes of Jake shaking the poor boy, Zach finally came to his senses and immediately hugged Jake. The look of Jake was priceless, his ears and neck turned red.

“Okay boys the fun part is over, now both of you go back to work.” I walked towards them and stood next to Jake and leaned towards him and whispered to him “For your sake, you better hope that he didn’t hear anything about the body” and leaned away from him showing my evil smile and I saw Jake gulp and it's surprising because he isn't scared of anything.

I heard a clearing of the throat and sad Zach giving death stares to Jake and I am pretty sure I saw jealousy in his eyes.

Then before I could say anything Zach came and stood between us and held my arm and in his cute voice which resembled a baby, most probably due to his baby daughter said, “MINE”.


Hello again!!! I hope everyone is doing well 😊😊 Thank you so much for reading my book 😍

I hope everyone is liking the story so far, please let me know your thoughts❤️❤️

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See you guys in the next chapter, bye bye❤️

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