Book 2|18. Changes

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Chapter 59 – Changes – Alaric's POV

Raine slept for eight hours. I was beginning to wonder if something was physically wrong with her, but her vital signs remained calm and stable. She even snored softly at times. I held her tightly with her back against my chest, feeling her heartbeat through her skin.

Finally, she stirred in my arms as she came to awareness. Suddenly, she started to thrash her body, trying to break free of my grip. I held her tighter and whispered urgently, "It's just me...You are safe now. No one is going to hurt you."

She exhaled loudly as she stopped fighting. Then she curled into me tighter. I wrapped myself around her as much as I could, even bringing a leg over hers, locking her in place and making it impossible for her to move. Still, she pressed back into me, wanting more of the safety and security she felt by my body, as I enveloped her.

I smoothed her hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear as I continued to murmur soothingly, "Everything is going to be okay." I wasn't really sure if I spoke the truth, however I needed her to calm down and she was still visibly shaking.

After a few more moments, her body was still and relaxed in my arms. I whispered, "Do you remember what happened?"

She twisted so that she could face me. I loosened my grip a little as she repositioned herself comfortably, but I still kept her close to my body. She wrinkled her eyebrows and answered, "I'm not sure. Everything is a little hazy. I remember Echo surrounding us...And then fighting...."

I tried to help her piece it together by filling in the blanks as I could, "Your heartbeat slowed way down. After we were attacked, you actually held off two vampires. I didn't know you could fight like that."

She contemplated, "I can't...At least, not normally. But sometimes my body changes when threatened. Until now I have only fought against Hunters. I didn't know I had the strength to combat a vampire, let alone two at a time."

I interrupted in surprise, "You have been in hand-to-hand combat against the Hunters as well?!"

She nodded and explained, "They tried to kill me. There is a prophecy that states my loyalty rests on the head of a pin, and the side I choose will cause great devastation and realize great victory. Three of Hayden's warriors were convinced I would align with the vampires against them. So they broke into my chalet and attacked Cage and I. It was the first time I had ever felt that strange sensation; it's like a vibration that I can hear and touch in the air. During those times, I have more-than-human strength. But the ability comes and goes."

I listened to her in amazement and concern. I had not been aware of any prophecy. I asked, "Why didn't you tell me about the prophecy?"

She shrugged, "Because I didn't think it meant anything. Yes, I have been able to defend myself on occasion, but more often than not, I am at the mercy of the vampires around me. And certainly never have I been in a position of strength against them."

I considered her words and what they might mean. I reflected on the events from yesterday and murmured, "Your eyes glowed blue."

"They did what?!" she gasped.

Obviously, she was unaware of the trait. I confirmed, "Yes, whatever power or influence you used coincided with your altered vision."

Her eyes were wide as she breathed, "What does it mean?"

"I don't know. I've never seen or heard of it before. Thankfully, you did not try to force Gen. Raed or myself into submission, only Echo and his men."

She looked appalled and whispered, "I would never want to do that to you. I have no desire to control anyone."

I murmured gently, "You clearly desired it yesterday. You even stroked one of the men affectionately when he swore his allegiance to you. He was also the one that mentioned he was no longer in pain. What did he mean? Were you inflicting pain on him as well?"

"I don't think so," she answered hesitantly. "Maybe, I was just using compulsion. It might make sense because Armand is my father and I, myself, am immune to any compulsion."

I shook my head. "I have seen plenty of compulsion. What you did was not mind control. It was mind altering. Not to mention your glowing blue eyes."

She looked almost afraid of herself.

I comforted her, "Whatever it was, it kept you out of the hands of Marku and that cretin, Echo. That is all that matters. How do you feel now?"

She seemed to take a mental inventory of her body, and then replied "I feel fine."

"Okay, let's get dressed and get some food in you. Whatever you did caused you to pass out and remain unconscious for hours, so we need to get your strength back. We still have one more night of this bullshit."


Raine and I spent the afternoon together quietly. All too quickly, we had to leave to attend the last night of the Alliance. I growled as she slipped into another ridiculously sexy outfit. I could tell from her expression, she was unhappy with it as well.

This time we had a full security force accompany us, men from both Armand's country and mine, including General Raed. I looked at Gen. Raed questioningly. He replied to my unspoken question, "Armand needed to know."

I nodded. Maybe he was right.

He continued, "She will be surrounded at all times during the meeting, as well as additional security presence in the room."

"What did Armand say about her unusual ability?" I asked pointedly.

"He believes it is related to her mother, Brialle. She is a very powerful Immortal, so it stands to reason Princess Raine might have some latent talents."

I nodded again. That did make perfect sense. I just worried whether or not she was going to be able to control them.


When we entered the meeting room, Cage's attention trained on Raine. I could almost read his thoughts as his eyes ravaged over her body, inspecting her for any damage, and then relaxed in relief to see that she was truly okay.

Echo was also watching her intently. A low warning growl reverberated through my chest. She made eye contact with him and he smiled. I was shocked to find his expression genuine. He was truly happy to see her. She gave him a small smile and a nod in return.

A part of me was surprised that Echo was still alive. I expected Armand would have killed him for his actions the night before. I wasn't sure if Armand was just completely assured that Raine had permanently altered Echo, or if he was curious to test his theory. There was enough security around her now that Echo was no longer a threat, giving Armand some leeway to study the situation further.

Once Raine was settled in her chair, I sat down at the table next to my father.


The first hour of the meeting went by smoothly, almost mundanely. It wasn't until Echo was asked a question that all hell broke loose. The inquiry came from Isolde, "Echo, assuming you are able to deliver on your promise for better quality product, I would like your commitment for an additional three auctions in the fall. In return, we will increase your allotted marketing by 25%."

Echo's response was confusing, to say the least, "Isolde, I no longer have the authority to answer your question."

Isolde clarified shortly, "What do you mean 'You no longer have the authority'?"

Echo's answer was simple, "Ownership and rule of my country has transferred to Princess Raine."

The entire room erupted into murmuring and hissing, while those at the table demanded further explanation. Even I couldn't help myself from responding with, "What the fuck?!"

Echo was looking past my shoulder, I assumed at Raine, when he replied resolutely, "Yes, I have relinquished all rule and ownership to her. Would you join me Princess, so that you may provide your response?" He motioned for one of the gentlemen with him to leave the table and he moved over one chair, leaving her the center spot for his nation.

I turned to look at Raine, who was equally stunned by his declaration. Surprisingly, it was Marku who demanded loudly, "Silence!!"

The entire room fell quiet.

Marku spoke with authority, "The change has been acknowledged. Princess, please join us."

Raine blinked, and then stood hesitantly to her feet. She made her way around the table and sat in the open chair. She looked at Isolde and mumbled, "Would you mind repeating your question?"

Isolde was silent a moment longer, and then she repeated, "I am prepared to increase your allotted marketing by 25%, on the condition you will commit to three additional auctions in the fall. Do we have an accord?"

Echo slid a jewelry catalog in front of her, showing her the recent collections that were placed up for auction. She studied the information intently and then asked Echo, "What additional resources would be required to accommodate Isolde's request?"

"Staffing would need to be increased by 40%. Additionally, peripheral expenses would add another 5%."

"What is our profit margin for each auction?" Raine continued.

I found it shocking that she had automatically transitioned into using a plural, associating herself so completely with the kingdom. Echo replied, "Approximately 43%. It has been a little lower in the last six months."

It was clear that Raine was calculating the information in her head. After a moment, she turned to Isolde and spoke smoothly, "For the benefit of mutual profit for both countries, I would like to counter offer. We would be willing to commit to two additional auctions with a 25% marketing increase, or three additional auctions on the guarantee of a 35% increase in marketing."

Isolde stared at her in surprise, but a small smile played on her lips. She murmured softly, "So much like your mother. Yes, we could consider 35% in exchange for the three additional auctions. Do we have a final agreement?"

Shockingly, Raine looked over at Armand and asked, "Father, if you were in my situation, what response would you give?"

Armand looked uncharacteristically startled, but recovered almost instantly. I was stunned to hear a note of pride in his voice when he confirmed, "I would agree to the arrangement."

"Excellent," Raine smiled and then refocused on Isolde, answering, "Yes, we have a deal." The contracts were written, printed and signed while the conversation moved to another topic.


Again, the meeting went smoothly for another hour until Marku told Esmeralda, "Your note is due today. Please transfer the funds to this account number." One of his high Council slid a piece of paper to Esmeralda and waited for her to wire the money.

Her voice cracked as she mumbled nervously, "Marku, we just need a little more time. We have $450,000 and are only short $50,000. We will have it by this weekend. Would it be agreeable for me to transfer the amount we have now and the remainder on Monday?"

Marku's eyes darkened dangerously and his smile turned cruel.


I never understood why any of these countries accepted loans from him. They were always unfairly slanted to his benefit. Worse than that, if they failed to act upon their commitment, he always made an example out of their breach of contract, usually in devastating ways.

I stared at his cold hard calculation. This was going to be bad...very, very bad...

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