Book 2|32. Teetering on the Edge

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Chapter dedicated to D3bb88. Thanks, thanks, thanks for reading and voting!!

Music: Ready or Not  Here I Come. Not sure the version, might be Mischa Chillak

Chapter 73 –Teetering on the Edge– Raine's POV

His utter nonsense caused my head to hurt, and I had had enough of his games. I gritted my teeth and lightly stepped to the side, looking for an opening. He had to have some sort of weakness that I could exploit. His stance lowered and he grinned broadly as he purred, "Oh, by all means, my dear, bring it on."

It wouldn't be easy, but I had held my own against two vampires at the same time before. Surely, I could manage to successfully free myself from his grasp. Before I could even make a move, he lunged toward me.

Without conscious thought, I spun away from his grasp. My body moved on instinct, knowing what to do. My heart pounded in my chest as I faced him again. That bastard nodded in approval, as if he was teaching me to fight, not defending himself from any actual attack.

I growled and blurred forward, dropping low to keep my upper body away from his powerful grip, while I jutted out my foot, intent on connecting to his shin.

When he leapt over me, avoiding the hit, I knew I only had a millisecond to turn around and defend his counter strike. Unfortunately, I was a breath too late, and his hand slammed into my shoulder, causing me to cry out and spiral off balance.

He waited patiently for me to recover.

I narrowed my eyes, determination flowing hard and strong through my bones. Maybe a more direct approach was necessary. I shot toward him, throwing a right-handing punch. As expected, he blocked my strike, but I was already in motion to counter, spinning at an incredible speed and landed a fierce kick solidly to his chest.

The impact forced him back several feet.

When he regained his balance, he raised an eyebrow at me in surprise and prowled toward me purposefully.  I couldn't help the small smirk that fell across my face. But maybe my expression of victory was a touch premature, because he suddenly bolted forward, wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug, and tackled me to the ground. I cried out in pain as I landed hard on my back.

His hips straddled my body, and he used the full weight of his large frame to keep me down. I writhed beneath him, struggling to free myself.  His pupils dilated completely at the movement and he growled in pleasure.

I froze. Okay, note to self, no wiggling my body against his, even in an attempt to get free. It most certainly did not get me the response I was looking for. I held perfectly still, my heart pounding, waiting for an opportunity.

The fire in his eyes gently calmed and he lifted to his knees to get off of me.

Once again, I wasn't employing my best judgment as I decided to use that exact moment to shove my knee right into his groin. He grunted in pain and dropped his body flat against mine as he held my hands down over my head. Dark fury crossed his features as he growled, "I had been nice, but clearly nice is not effective with you, so now I am going to teach you a lesson."

His words caused cold hard fear to spike in me, but I couldn't back down. Not until I had my freedom. I used every last ounce of strength I had to try to push him off of me. Shockingly I was almost successful. However, before either of us could make another move, the game changed entirely.

I heard a sharp hiss pierce the air.

I recognized the sound of their crossbow– Hunters!

Several more shots were fired right in my direction! I screamed. They might have been aiming for Marku, but I was virtually attached to him, making the odds highly likely that I would get hit as well!

Thankfully, Marku flipped off of my body. He spun almost gracefully to avoid the lethal daggers. I made a split second decision. While he was otherwise engaged with the hunters, I saw my opportunity and took it – I ran like hell.

The wind whipped at my skin and hair as I flew over the ground. I realized in shock, that I was running much faster than normal. From the way the scenery zoomed by, I had to be running almost at vampire speed!

The noise, of the fight behind me, quickly faded away as I gained more and more distance. I had no idea what direction I should be running, but if Marku had been going this way before, then likely it led to some sort of civilization.

I prayed the Hunters would somehow be able to kill him, but it was unlikely, which meant I just needed to keep moving. I ran for fifteen minutes, covering several miles. I was feeling more confident, but now the sun was beginning to descend in the sky. Traveling alone in the dark was going to be much more difficult.

I couldn't consider my options any further, because without any word of warning, I was shockingly thrown to the ground!


Marku's fierce growling erupted, almost seemingly from every direction, as he once again forced me to my back, keeping me down with the weight of his body. But this time, he wasn't straddling me. Instead, he forced my legs apart with his knee and pushed his hips forcefully into me, rubbing his extremely hard erection roughly against my pussy.

I cried out at the movement and froze.

I stared up at him with wide eyes, my chest heaving. His pupils were fully dilated and it was more than clear that he was right on the edge of his restraint. He demanded seductively, "Do I have your attention now?"

"Yes!" I gasped, trying not to cry.

"Good!" he growled. "Now, if you don't want me to strip you bare, and take you right here and right now, I suggest you stop exciting me!"

I trembled beneath him, and my previous strength faded away. I waited silently. After a moment, he seemed to be convinced that I wouldn't fight him, and he lifted his weight off of me, sitting back on his knees.

I had intended to hold still while I waited to see what he would do next, but when he loosed his belt, and pulled it off, I immediately tried to wiggle back away from him.

Instantly, he completely lifted me from the ground and pulled me to his body. He remained sitting back on his knees, but now he had me positioned, with my legs around him, in his lap. He pushed my hips down, and once again stroked his hard cock against my core. He ground out, "What did I tell you about exciting me?!"

I shook uncontrollably and remained silent.

In another moment, the tension seemed to bleed from his massive frame and he said shortly, "Give me your feet. I am going to tie your ankles together so we do not have any more of this escape nonsense."

I gently eased myself off of his lap, afraid to move too quickly. When my butt hit the ground, I arranged my feet together in front of him. He murmured approvingly, "Good girl," and then wrapped the belt a few times around my ankles before strapping it tightly together.

He stood to his feet.

Anxiety crashed through me hard and strong as I looked up at him. For all of my efforts today, I hadn't succeeded in freeing myself.

He scooped me from the ground, held me to his chest and then we were in motion once again.

It was dark now.

As he ran, I asked quietly, "What happened with the hunters."

I could see his cruel smile in the moonlight as he said simply, "I killed them."

My belly twisted as I thought about the men who had just given their lives in an attempt to save mine. I couldn't stop the tears that flowed silently down my face. Marku had to know I was crying, but said nothing.

About an hour later, we were in a large city. Marku had pulled out his phone, completed a quick search and then turned in a different direction, weaving his way through the city. I wondered where we were headed and then abruptly I knew – as I stared up at a luxury hotel!

I stiffened in his arms as panic rushed through me.

I couldn't do this!

He noticed my change in demeanor and threatened, "If you scream or attempt any sort of escape, I will kill every man, woman and child in the building. Are we crystal clear on that?!"

I shuddered hard and nodded, knowing it wasn't an empty threat.

He carried me into the lobby, with my feet still bound together like a calf at a rodeo. After just a few minutes of compulsion, we were headed in an elevator up to a penthouse suite and every person we passed had forgotten we ever existed.

When we reached the room, Marku set me on a couch and extracted his phone again. I quivered uncontrollably. I knew it was a lost hope now. There was no way Alaric could find me.

He glanced up and noticed my trembling. He settled himself on the couch next to me and forced me to look at him. He said surprisingly gently, "You know this is going to happen. I don't want to hurt you. If you will just let yourself, I can bring you immense pleasure."

I had no idea what to say to that, so remained silent. His features turned cold as he finished, "But if you fight me, I will inflict pain on you."

I shuddered hard. I knew he meant it. I nodded toward the bathroom and whispered, "Could I have a moment alone?"

"Of course," he replied. He stood and went to check out the bathroom, I assumed making sure there wasn't anything I could use to escape. When he returned, he knelt down in front of me. He grasped the belt buckle to undo it, but stopped. He looked up at me and asked pointedly, "Are you going to fight me tonight?"

I was silent for a long time and then finally whispered brokenly, "No..."

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