Book 3|21. Masturbation & BDSM

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Chapter 111 –Masturbation & BDSM– Raine's POV

Marku traced my jaw with his long fingers, his pupils dilated and darkened into a smoky ice, electric with desire. Oh shit. I knew I couldn't put him off any longer. Now the real test would begin.

His wandering fingers slid down my chest, just barely grazing past my exposed nipple until they found the waist band of my shorts. I racked my brain for a way to delay him or at least get him off track, and sputtered, "Earlier...what did you mean when you told the maid that 'she could'?"

"Violet?" His eyebrow rose and his hands momentarily stilled.

Was that her name? He didn't have time to introduce us in the middle of all of his eye-fucking with her earlier. Aside from Penelope, the scantily clad pet was the only other female he had interacted with, so it had to be her. "Yes," I sputtered, hoping the story was lengthy and detailed as it seemed my ploy to distract him was successful. At least, for the moment.

He smirked, "I told her she could get herself off."

"What?" My eyebrows shot up. That wasn't the answer I expected. I had hoped for any conversation not about sex...and now we were discussing had that happened??

His tone was low and smooth. "Obviously, I cannot service her for the time being, so I gave her permission to find her own release."

I blinked. "Is she so sexed, that she cannot wait three days for you to 'service her'?" I asked, my tone clipped, my irritation seeping through.

He smirked, "When I told you I fuck like a demon, I wasn't exaggerating."

"Cocky bastard," I hissed under my breath.

He chuckled, the sound coming out way more predatory than humorous. His fingers were in motion again, tightening on my shorts, his command husky and deep. "Lift."

That one word was enough to cause adrenaline to ricochet through me. I held for a beat and then lifted, trying hard not to tremble. He pulled the garment slowly down my legs, letting the tips of his fingers trail down my skin with it.

And then I was naked before him. He didn't try to hide his appreciation as his eyes moved down my body, taking in every inch. "Fucking beautiful."

His burning gaze came back up to my face and he leaned in to my neck. His tongue barely grazed my skin as he purred, "Jealously looks quite lovely on you, by the way."


Had he lost his damn mind?

"I am not jealous!" I spat, squirming as his tongue continued along my collarbone.

"Uh huh," he replied, further infuriating me.

My hands balled into fists. I knew what was coming and was bound and damned determined to control my physical response this time. His mouth continued it's downward path. In less than a second, I had no doubt he would be nibbling on my breasts.

Shit, shit, shit.

I needed another distraction.


"Why is she happy?" I blurted out. The almost naked maid or whatever she was supposed to be, had seemed nothing except thrilled to see him. I didn't understand it.

He stopped and pulled back to look at me. I forced myself not to exhale loudly, revealing my extreme relief at his pause. "Why wouldn't she be?"

I thought that part was obvious. "Because she is with you."

He chuckled, "When I obtained her, she was a little bit like you are, obstinate, willful and determined. It made breaking her much more pleasurable."

"So you would rather have your toys broken?" I asked scornfully, disgusted by his barbaric traits.

"Does she look broken to you? She purrs at every touch I give her. She pleases me, greatly, so I reward her."

"She just had to go through hell first, before you treat her gently?" I snapped.

His lips curled, his voice low and seductive, "I didn't say I am always gentle with her. Only that she enjoys her submission. Most strong willed woman do."

Oh, holy hell!

We just went from masturbation smack dab into submissives!

I ground my jaw together and huffed under my breath, "Not every strong willed woman."

His grin widened, his dark eyes gleaming as he slid off the couch and positioned himself on his knees between my thighs. His movement reminded me of a panther, calculating and deadly. I tried to shut my legs but with 200+ pounds of solid-muscled vampire between them, it wasn't really working. Instinctively, I tried to shimmy backward, but his hands gripped my hips, keeping me in place.

"Really? Are you implying that you do not like being dominated and controlled by a strong, virile male?" he challenged. "I may not know everything but I know powerful men and they are all the same. Are you trying to tell me that Micage has never tied you to a bed and blindfolded your sight, while slamming in and out of that hot, wet pussy?"

"That's none of your damn business!" I hissed. I tried to reply angrily, but the words came out high and breathy, as images of Cage doing that very thing wound through my mind.

Marku nodded in satisfaction at my response, leaned forward and latched onto one of my breasts, keeping his promise of flicking my nipple with his tongue and pulling it to attention with his teeth.

I was shocked at my body's response.

It was worse than before!

Heat coiled through me and I bit back a groan.

Son of a bitch!

I had to stop imagining sex with Cage. That had to be the problem, the reason my reaction was so strong.

Marku leaned back and his lips curled up wickedly when he looked at me. I had no idea what expression my face held, but I was certain it just fueled whatever nonsense idea he had that I wanted him.

My traitorous body was reacting a hell of a lot stronger than I expected, and I planned to have a stern talk with myself about it later, once I could think straight again. But he was wrong...I did not want him.

Abruptly, his hand left my hip, only to find its way down to my quivering heat. He trailed his middle finger right through my folds and then brought it to his mouth, sucking away my wetness in one smooth lick. Before I could even fathom a smart ass reply, he continued relentlessly, "Do you deny that he has turned your pretty little ass over and spanked you...And with every smack of his hand against your flesh, that tight sex of yours clamped down around his cock?"

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out his words.

That was a mistake.

Because it just made the images in my head all the more vibrant and clear. The erotic sting of Cage's hand smacking me on the ass, and his firm fingers grasping my butt cheeks and rubbing each area. I freaking loved it when he did that. My mind replayed the night he changed me. His hand wrapped around my neck as he bent me over the bed. And his other hand...

I shuddered at the memory, my breath whooshed out of my lungs and then sped up. I was appalled to realize I instinctively arched my back, pushing my chest into Marku.

He growled. My eyes snapped open, only to be stunned by the sight in front of me. No longer was it Marku's face inches away from mine, and his voice whispering dirty little words, but now it was Cage's!

What the fuck?!!

Adrenaline rocked through my system, leaving me quivering, as I stared in disbelief, Cage's eyes intently staring back at me, his smooth as silk voice speaking.

I clenched my eyes shut and shook my head, trying to clear my mind. This couldn't be happening. When I opened them again, Marku was back!

Was I hallucinating??

Had I just imagined seeing Cage?

With a shock, I realized that I really had no idea what Marku was capable of. He had just warned me he had 'additional talents'. Was his power of suggestion so strong, that I would actually see a different male in front of me if he wanted me to?

But even though I had seen Cage's face and heard his voice, I had still known in my head that it wasn't actually him. My eyes clamped shut again, trying to make sense out of it all.

Marku's voice, low and seductive, broke through my concentration once more as he whispered, "You see, I happen to know that you enjoy being dominated by a man. Your mating ceremony was proof of it. I have never met a more strongly willed woman than you, but yet...what did you want Micage to do to you?"

Oh shit, he knew.

Marku fell silent, waiting for my response this time.

I shook my head, almost seeing sparks behind my tightly closed eyelids, and refused to answer.

His fingers found my painfully hardened nipple and he squeezed tightly. "Answer me!"

It was like a lightning bolt through my system. My clit throbbed. My eyes flew open...only to find Cage looking back at me once more!

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

I blinked and then he was gone again!

Clearly I was losing my mind.

Marku's pale ice eyes bore into me as he demanded, "What did you want him to do to you?!"

I was so thrown off balance by his words, my body's ridiculously strong response and hallucinations of Cage, that I couldn't think straight. There was no way for me to answer other than honestly, and I cried out, "I wanted him to take me by force!"

Marku growled, his expression smug, his eyes expectant. "Yes, that is correct. For your mating ceremony, nonetheless, you fought him because you wanted him to force his cock into you. Which is fucking hot, by the way, and I wish I'd been there to watch."

I was full-on panting and swiped my hand toward my glass of wine, my throat so parched, it felt like the Sahara desert. My eyes closed of their own accord as the liquid slid down my throat, cooling the burn. When I opened them, I caught his gaze flicker to the glass I was holding, and another smug smile played on his lips.

The wine?!

Was that the cause of my hallucinations??  Had he somehow laced my drink? I had seen him open the bottle, but I couldn't recall now if he had taken a drink himself.

My head and body were swirling in chaos. I still wasn't thinking cognitively, and my mind barely registered when Marku placed a hand on my belly, pushing my upper body so that I was leaning back against the couch.  He then drew one of my knees up, locking his other arm around my hip to hold me still.

"Do you want to know why every strong-willed woman wants a man stronger than her, willing to take what he wants, and demand she submit to him?"

Words were just not possible at the moment, so I didn't answer. Clearly not expecting or wanting my reply,  he continued to make his point, "Because she would never respect him if he couldn't."

There was something oddly profound about his statement, but I couldn't dwell on it, because when his tongue came down hard and aggressive on my clit, every nerve ending in my body exploded. My fingers wound into his hair, clenching down as I tried to force his head away from me. I couldn't move him.

The bastard had the audacity to chuckle, purring in approval, "I like it when you play rough."

And then he licked me harder, expertly. Long strokes from my opening, all of the way up and back again, tongue fucking me and lapping at my clit.

I threw my head back and cried out, "No, no, no!"

But I didn't mean it.

And the fucker knew it, maybe because I was now holding his head in place and grinding my pussy against his face.

More growls reverberated from his chest, causing vibrations to cascade over my sensitive flesh. And that was all it took to push me right over the edge. I felt a familiar tingling begin at the back of my hips and press forward into my core as my climax exploded out of me.

His tongue stayed on my flesh until every last pulse released from my body and then he undid his pants, his cock springing free. His eyes blazed, his pupils fully dilated as he began to climb up my body...

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