Book 3|37. The Queen's Tale

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Chapter dedicated to Book_Nerd2016. Thanks tons for reading and voting! You are the bestest!

Chapter 127 –The Queen's Tale– Raine's POV

The sun had risen. Vampires littered every free space of the small house, lying on the couches and floors, fast asleep. Cage and I sat at the dining room table, having offered to take the first watch. Neither of us was ready to be separated from the other, even by sleep. I held a steaming cup of coffee to my lips and swallowed, feeling the hot liquid run down my throat into my belly. Cage sat reclined back, deep in thought, with his leg bent at the knee and his foot propped up on another chair. His fingers gently tapped on the side of his resting mug.

"What now?" I murmured.

His glance flickered to me. "We need to get the Queen back to Armand. Now that she is no longer a risk to him, we can expect the full support of his forces to protect you from Marku."

My stomach twisted. I began hesitantly, "Strategically, that makes sense..."

His eyebrow rose. "But?"

"She is no longer a risk to Armand, but he is most certainly a risk to her. Cage, you know he will lock her away and torture her without mercy for trying to take his life."

Cage's features turned hard. "It is due punishment for her crimes."

I leaned forward, my eyes flashing. "No, it is not! And you know it. Her mistake was loving the wrong man. Armand never cared for her. He spurned her, leaving her isolated without male companionship. On top of that, she was publically humiliated by him. She had to watch another woman take her place in every way except the title of Queen. She never would have sought out Vladimir's affections if Armand had properly filled his role as her mate. He is equally guilty, if not more so!"

His lips were set in a thin hard line. The muscles in his law twitched. "He was guilty of having an affair, of ignoring her. She is guilty of attempted murder. There is a difference."

"Have you never been driven to desperation? Desperate people do desperate things."

His expression remained tight, but he didn't continue to argue the point, knowing we weren't going to agree. He murmured, "Her frustration and anger make sense. But what I don't understand is her choice to have him assassinated, knowing the physical pain it would cause her."

From across the room, a small voice interjected, "I can answer that."

My head snapped around to see Ileana staring at us. She had her legs gathered in a chair, holding her knees to her chest. I hadn't realized she was awake. Cage nodded toward one of the dining room chairs. "Join us."

Ileana stood carefully from her seat and walked over, her steps labored, her pain obvious. She flinched as she obediently sat in a chair opposite us.

"Speak," Cage ordered.

The Queen inhaled slowly to steady her voice. "I had already found someone who could reverse the mate bond."

I gasped. Cage sat forward, his foot falling from the spare chair. He stared at Ileana intently. "That's not possible."

"I thought so too, but more than one source confirmed it. Killing Armand was never a part of my plan. It was Vladimir's but not mine. I was getting ready to run. And I was close. I had just moved the finances I needed. Vladimir promised to give me a month after I left before he killed Armand. It was a risk because there was a possibility the bond couldn't be broken and then I would face eternal torment. However, when the opportunity arose and Armand was struck immobile before him, Vladimir decided to act. I knew the pain would be fierce, but I wouldn't stand in Vladimir's way because even if I broke free, Armand would hunt me relentlessly."

"That's for damn sure," Cage muttered.

An idea was already strong in my mind. I wanted to get back to the bond and eagerly interjected, "Who can release the bond?"

She hesitated for a long time, her glance flickering up to mine and then back down to her hands. Anxiety crept up my back. Maybe I didn't want to know. Finally, she whispered, "Acheron."

Cage was on his feet in an instant, both hands on the table as he leaned toward Ileana. Tension rolled off of him. He hissed, "Impossible! Whoever told you that, lied. He doesn't hold that kind of power."

Ileana shrank away from Cage's anger. I placed my hand on his arm, pulling him back down, and asked tightly, "Who is Acheron?"

Cage sat reluctantly and then turned to me. "Your grandfather."

"What?" I breathed. Cage had told me my grandfather was still alive, but from his description, the man didn't sound like someone I would want to meet.

Ileana bit her lip. "He cannot personal break the bond, but he can guarantee the service...for a price. I was on my way to him when Marku captured me."

My head spun. My grandfather. It was still so surreal. I had lived my life entirely alone and now family members kept dropping out of the woodwork. It was clear Cage didn't like Acheron, but meeting Brialle and Talia had turned out well, and even Armand, in his own way. So, maybe meeting Acheron could be beneficial, particularly if he could follow through on his claim of releasing the mate bond. With the bond gone, both Armand and Queen Ileana would be free. He would likely still hunt her but at least she could hide from him without pain.

I didn't have to tell Cage my thoughts. He could read them on my face. He hissed, "No...we're not doing it! It's too dangerous. I told you Acheron is loyal to no one, least of all Armand."

"His ill-will toward Armand works in our favor," I pointed out. "I'm sure he would be happy to assist in shaming Armand by releasing his mate. Cage, he is my grandfather. At the very least, maybe we can get more information. We need to try. I refuse to send her back to Armand."

Cage glared at me, his words like ice. "If you do this, Armand will try to kill you!"

Anger...and power...began to build in my belly. I felt my eyes shift color, I wasn't sure if they had turned crimson or glowed blue. I clenched a fist and snarled, "You may speak the truth, but I am done cowering under the threat of violence, particularly from Armand. I am his equal. I am a bloodline vampire! If he wants a fight, so be it."

Instantly, Cage's fury and aggression matched—and then easily exceeded—mine. A vein bulged in his neck. His eyes were stormy with violence and danger. "Are you so eager to die?" he spat. "Is it not enough that you have one Bloodline Vampire who wants to hunt and torture you...but do you need to add another equally bloodthirsty fucker to the list?!"

With effort, I reigned in my anger. I wasn't handling this right. I would have to do better if I wanted Cage on my side. I waited, pushing air though my lungs to calm myself. After a long moment, I reached to Cage, placing my hand over his clenched fist. He tensed at my touch, still furious with me, but didn't pull his hand away. I spoke softly, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lost my temper."

He continued to stare at me warily.

"Cage, setting her free is the right thing to do. I know you are worried about Armand retaliating, but if we can find someone to break the bond, we could end his suffering permanently, and Queen Ileana could never be used as a pawn against him again. Yes, he wouldn't get to torture her, but he would be free as well."

Cage ground his teeth together. "You don't know him like I do."

"True," I allowed. "But I am his daughter. And Brialle is back in his life. I am certain I could get her to agree and support me. And there is one more thing."

"What is that?" he asked tightly.

My voice was deep with conviction. "They owe me. Both of them, for the fucked up mess that was my childhood, and the pain I have gone through since at his hands. I have asked for nothing from either of them. They could give me this one thing."

He relaxed his fist, his eyes deep in thought. I was getting through to him! He nodded toward the Queen and asked quietly, "You will only be able to use that power play once. Are you really ready to use it on her?"

I answered without hesitation, "Yes."

There was another long moment of silence before he finally hissed under his breath in resignation, "Fucking hell."

Yes, I had won him over!

My glance cut to Queen Ileana. She stared at me with wide eyes. Silent tears coursed down her cheeks. My heart went out to her. I gave her a small smile.

Cage stood to his feet and went to Echo, Talon and York, waking each of them with a hand to their shoulder. With each tap, they jumped to attention, their eyes scanning the room for danger. Cage nodded toward the table. When everyone was seated, Cage began quietly, "We are headed toward Acheron."

York hissed, "Why?"

"Queen Ileana believes he has someone who can break the mate bond, for a price."

"What the hell?!" Echo's expression revealed his shock. "I've never heard of such a thing. Is that even possible?"

Cage replied, "According to the Queen, it's been confirmed by more than one source." He turned his attention back to York. "What do you know about him?"

York's expression was hard, "Acheron runs an extensive black market. Marku has done business with him in the past. The fucker cannot be trusted."

"From my experience, most vampires can't be trusted," I said ruefully. "But if we get there and suspect he is lying, then we won't follow through with the deal."

"Where can he be located?" Cage asked.

Queen Ileana spoke softly, "I was given a location in the Carpathian Mountains. Do you have a map?"

I pulled out my phone and handed it to Cage, who quickly accessed a map of the mountain range. He pushed the phone in front of Ileana. She studied it for a long moment, scrolling a few times to find the exactly location and then pointed to a spot on the screen. "There."

Cage looked up from the screen to York. "Is this location consistent with the information you have on him?"

York nodded. "His stronghold will not be easily accessed. It will take two days travel time if we run through the nights."

"Okay," Cage agreed reluctantly.

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