Book 4|19. Appointment

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Chapter dedicated to AlessaClearwater. Thanks for reading and sticking through the hard bits of the book! Not everyone makes it through without giving up, but you did, so well done, you!

Chapter 161—Appointment


Cage's domain, inside of Armand's kingdom, was vast. In addition to a multi-storied atrium housing apartments for several hundred vampires, it contained common areas that included several great rooms, a game room, library and a fully stocked modern kitchen with industrial appliances.

However, Talon's apartment was located in the same block of luxury suites where Cage and I resided, and I made quick progress as I walked the familiar passageway, turning right and then left, before I reached two large double doors across the hall from each other. Kieran lived in one and Talon had moved into Talia's previous suite.

I knocked on the door. It only took a second for Talon to open it wide. He ushered me inside, extending his hand toward the living room, chastising me softly, "You know you don't need to knock. You have a key."

I crossed the elegantly styled room and settled down on a plush bisque-colored sofa, pulling my knees up, and tucking my legs by my side, to get comfortable. Talon joined me, his movement surprisingly sleek and elegant, given his large frame. He sat down and leaned back against the couch cushion with his legs spread comfortably, his hands in his lap.

I grinned over at him and teased, "But what if you were walking around naked?"

He rolled his eyes and replied with a smirk, "I think we've seen enough skin of each other by now, that it no longer matters."

My smile widened. There was truth in his words. When we first met, he was as naked as the day he was born. And after spending so many weeks with Marku, he'd probably seen enough flesh of mine to last him a lifetime.

I changed the subject, getting to the reason I was there. I bubbled in excitement. "Did Cage tell you we're going on vacation after my Reception Gala in three weeks?"

Talon's face fell and he averted his gaze as he answered noncommittally, "He mentioned something about it." He picked at a nonexistent piece of lint on the sofa.

I frowned, surprised at his response and upset at the anxiety in his tone. Had Cage told him we weren't taking him with us? Surely not. Cage and I hadn't discussed it, but I just assumed it was a given that Talon would join us. Cage understood that neither Talon nor I were ready to be separated from each other right now, not for an extended period of two weeks, not after I spent two long months away from him, submerged in one of the Pools of Morenth while I was searching for Cage. I needed Talon close by my side just as much as he needed me.

I spoke quickly to reassure him, to make him understand his importance. "Of course you're coming with us. You know we'd never leave you behind."

He shook his head, bringing his eyes back to mine. "But this is your vacation. I don't want to interrupt or be a burden."

Oh...he wasn't worried about being left behind. He was uncomfortable about joining us. I turned on the couch toward him, and got up on my knees so I could reach his face. My fingers gently traced the sharp crest of his cheekbone. He leaned his head into my palm, and the tightness in his shoulders relaxed a little. I murmured softly, "How can you possibly even think that? You are my family. I need you with me. It stresses me when you're not around."

I saw the determination in his expression waiver. He understood exactly what I meant, because it was hugely stressful for him as well when we were apart. I rambled on, "And if that were not already enough motivation, Cage and I will need a security detail while we travel, and you're the most bad ass vampire I know."

My words were meant to tease him, but it was the truth. Not many vampires could beat him in raw brute strength and no one exceeded his skill with knives, not even Cage. Talon handled a blade as if it were an extension of his hand, a part of his body that he could wield at will and with pin-point precision.

Talon's lips curled up into a lopsided grin.

Hope grew in my belly and I babbled excitedly, "We'll have so much fun, visiting countries we've never seen before, enjoying the sights and sounds and local cuisine. And you'll have your own suite...the lap of luxury!"

He snorted and arched an eyebrow, suspiciously close to rolling his eyes again. Talon cared nothing for physical things. He'd lived in poverty as a young child and once he'd been stolen away by the vampires, he only had one desire and one goal—to live to see the next day.

I hesitated to express my next thought. We hadn't talked about her in a while, but maybe things were different now that we were back, and they'd spent a week together. I murmured, "Why don't you invite Ivy to come with us?"

Instantly, stress rolled through his broad shoulders. He looked down at his hands. I hurriedly backtracked, "You don't have to! You could invite anyone you chose. I'm certain we could make arrangements regardless of who they are. And you don't even have to bring someone, if you'd rather just take the time to relax with Cage and I, and the rest of the security team."

He was silent for a long time, a muscle twitching in his jaw. I took his hand in mine and waited. He opened his mouth and then closed it again, conflict raging in his eyes. It was clear he needed and wanted to say something, but was having difficulty getting the words out.

My tone shifted to one of authority, an edge I didn't use with him often, but it was always the push he needed. If nothing else, his days as a pet had instilled absolute obedience to the authority above him.

"Talon, talk to me...Don't shut me out. We've been through too much together to hold back from each other now. You know you can say anything to me. I'll never judge you, never think less of you. There's nothing you can say that would ever diminish the love I have for you."

"I know," he whispered, his jaw working again. "It's just that I... I can't be what Ivy wants me to be." His breathing became ragged and his hands clenched into fists.

Alarm ran through me at the significant shift in his emotions. His beautiful green eyes met mine, twisted in agony. The words caught in his throat, "I hate that I am so fucking broken."

My heart clenched. I cupped his face with both hands, making sure he heard me and spoke fervently, "Talon, we're all broken in some form or another. You'll get past this. You'll get to the point where you feel comfortable and seek out intimacy again. Don't place any expectation on yourself. When the time is right, it will happen."

He closed his eyes, leaning into my hand. I murmured delicately, "Talon, are you having a physical problem or could it be possible that the problem is Ivy, specifically? I know you're fond of her, but have you considered any other female? Does your body respond this way when you consider every female?"

He sat back as he contemplated my question. I dropped my hands into my lap while I waited for him to speak. After a moment, he said with a small blush, "It's not a physical, work just fine. I don't know if it's just Ivy or not."

"Okay... It's okay if you don't know right now."

His brow was still furrowed in deep concentration. I wanted to ask what going through his head, but didn't want to break the spell of him opening up to me. I reached for his arm, and rubbed it soothingly. His eyes finally focused and he said softly, "I'd like to bring...Maya," And then his face fell as he added, "...if she would be willing."

"I'm sure she would want to come with you," I reassured him quickly. I knew it beyond a shadow of a doubt because I would make it happen. I asked carefully, "Do you think she is someone you could be intimate with?"

Not that I would force her into any intimacy. I would make sure she joined us, but after that point, she and Talon were on their own.

His eyes widened in surprise. "Oh no, I didn't mean for her to come with us with the goal of sex. Just the opposite..."

I raised an eyebrow.

"She won't want anything physical with me," he mumbled.

I watched him carefully. He seemed relieved but also sad at the same time. I nodded in understanding. "And that's easier for you... No expectations."

"Yes," he breathed.

I sat back as I studied him. "I think it's a good idea. And it will probably help her quite a bit as well. Has Kieran said how she has acclimated so far to her new circumstances?" I realized we'd been gone for almost six months. A lot could have happened in that amount of time.

"He told me she's quiet and keeps to herself for the most part when she isn't working. He tried to get her to open up a few times without much success. He's glad that I'm back. I don't think he was too fond of his pet management duties."

I let out a small laugh. It didn't surprise me. I stood to my feet and walked to his kitchen, asking over my shoulder, "How are the other pets?"

Talon followed me, his head tilted to the side as he watched me rummage through his cabinets. Instead of answering my previous question, he asked curiously, "What are you looking for?"

I chewed on my lip as I concentrated on my task at hand, and replied, "I'll know when I see it." I climbed up and stood on the countertop, so I could reach the taller cabinets.

"I'd do that for you if you'd just tell me what you're looking for," Talon murmured dryly.

"I'm fine," I mumbled, moving boxes of dry goods out of the way, and pushed my head inside so I could peer into the dark crevices at the back.


I frowned. I didn't think it would be this difficult. Heaving a loud sigh, I took a step to the side and pulled open the next cabinet. I quickly shuffled the contents, my heart picking up the pace when I saw the telltale sign of glass glittering off of the dim light.

"Ah hah!" I crowed, reaching my hand in and pulling it out. I spun to face Talon and fist-pumped the bottle in the air triumphantly.

Talon was standing with his back against a row of cabinets across from me, his arms folded across his broad chest.

"Really?" His lips curled into a wide smirk as he stared at me, perched on his countertop, holding some sort of alcohol in my hands.

Hmm...what had I found exactly?

I ignored him. I would deal with the implied sarcasm in his tone in a minute. Right now, I only cared about one thing and turned the bottle around to read the label curiously. Although, it didn't really matter... at this point, I wasn't picky. I was going to drink it whatever it was. The smooth amber-colored liquid reflected the light from the chandelier is over our heads—Bourbon.

Meh, I tsk'd and shrugged my shoulders. It wasn't my favorite, but in a pinch, it would have to do. Where was a Long Island Iced Tea when I needed one? I thought wistfully.

I refocused on the male vampire looking at me as though I lost my mind. "Where are your glasses?"

"Seriously?" His eyebrows rose. "You're really doing this?" He questioned dubiously. But he pushed off of the cabinets behind him and stepped to another door, opening it and extracted a clear glass.

"Two glasses, Talon, I don't drink alone," I informed him.

"I don't normally drink at 2 PM in the afternoon," he muttered to himself, shaking his head. But he did as I asked, reaching back into the cabinet and pulling out a second glass. He placed both of them on the counter next to me. "So, what are we celebrating?"

I cringed and stated emphatically, "We are not celebrating."

His eyebrows pulled together in concern, the question obvious on his face. I held a finger in the air letting him know to wait a minute. I needed the alcohol on board before I even started this conversation. Pouring the liquid into the glasses, I held mine up and sniffed. My nose wrinkled in distaste. I frowned. Maybe it would be easier if I plugged my nose while I drank.

"Cheers," I muttered, clinking my glass against his in the air.

He brought the drink to his lips and swallowed without so much as any reaction. Hell, he didn't even blink. While I, on the other hand, held my nose closed with two fingers, my elbow in the air, and took a long sip, coughing and sputtering as the alcohol burned a path down my throat, warming my belly. I couldn't hold back the growl that slipped my lips at the nasty taste, but I could tell an almost immediate difference. I smiled to myself. Good, it wouldn't take long.

"So tell me what's going on," Talon demanded.

I motioned for him to follow me as I walked back into the living room, repeating the process of squeezing my nose and pouring the alcohol down my throat, on my way. And also repeating the process of nearly choking to death, and hissed, "Sweet fuck, that's nasty."

Talon drawled from behind me, "Then why are we drinking it again?"

"Hang on, one more drink should do it," I called over my shoulder and then turned to face him. "Oh wait, grab the bottle."

He shook his head, but didn't question me. Instead, he turned and walked back a few steps, snatched up the bottle and returned to join me on the couch.

He eyed me as he set the bottle down on the coffee table in front of us. I was feeling the full effects of the alcohol coursing through my body and I didn't appreciate his suspicious look, not one little bit. I raised my finger in the air. My intention was to defend myself with solid and irrefutable commentary; however, I just ended up slurring petulantly, "What? It was the logical thing to do. Once we got settled, I didn't want to have to get up again." Shit, the alcohol was definitely working fast. I was feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Uh huh," he replied dryly and then nodded his head toward something on my right. I looked in the direction he had pointed, puzzled by what could've caught his attention, and then realized my finger was still hovering in the air... With no point to make whatsoever.

A blush covered my cheeks as I snatched my hand back into my lap.

"All right, I think you are sufficiently liquored up," he began again, this time his words were stern and forceful. "What's this about?"

My eyes widened as the authority in his voice washed over me.

And then I giggled.

He frowned, his displeasure evident.

I clasped a hand over my mouth, trying to contain my wayward giggles that didn't stop. But the irony kept tickling me. My how we'd come full circle. Just a moment ago, I was using my authority to get him to talk. And now, here we were, with him pressuring me in the same way.

Apparently, his patience for my antics ran out, and he reached forward and snatched the glass out of my hand, placing it on the side table next to him.

All giggling ended.

No, he did not just do that.

I narrowed my eyes and stood to my feet, my intention of retrieving my stolen glass, clear. But before I could take a step, he growled deep in his throat, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

I froze and stared at him in shock. His warning was real.

I had no doubt that if I tried to collect my glass now, he would physically stop me. He'd never manhandled me before. Well, except for forcing me to eat during our stay in Marku's kingdom. I knew from experience, he was stronger than me.

We stayed locked in a visual standoff, his hazel eyes silently promising he would make good on his unspoken threat. And that bastard didn't even bother to get off the couch to face me. Instead, he remained reclined back, one arm stretched over the back of the couch, the other swirling the amber liquid remaining in his glass. His confidence in his ability to follow through, was striking and unsettling.

And so I dropped my happy ass back down to the couch. I huffed. I might have relented to his demand, but I glared at him as I did so. He was completely unaffected by my fussy stare and just waited for me to get to the point. After another suspended moment of silence, he murmured, "I'll give it back to you once you start talking."

Okay, well I couldn't really argue with his logic, particularly when I was already being so logical. But my mind was drawing a blank. What did I want to tell him again?

Oh yes, I know!

I leaned forward and hissed, "I have to watch Armand and Brialle's Mating Ceremony!"

His eyes opened wide as he breathed, "Holy fuck."

Yes, it was appalling...but I didn't miss the amused twitch to his lips. I narrowed my eyes, my lips set in a determined pout as I growled, "It's not funny!"

"It's a little funny," he snorted, laughter rumbling out of his chest as he brought his drink to his lips.

I inhaled sharply. The sound of his laughter was rare. It was so pure and beautiful, it stunned me every time I heard it and I always craved more. It was impossible not to return his smile.

"So, is this why you want to get drunk off your ass?"

"Of course," I snapped, no longer enamored by his good mood. This was serious business. Just the thought of it had my stomach in knots. I let out a low groan. Thankfully, Talon reached over for my drink and handed it back to me, his expression sympathetic.

"What am I going to do?" I moaned and dropped my head in my hands, it was just a little too heavy to hold up at the moment.

He spoke soothingly, "It will be okay. It won't take long and then you'll be out of there. It truly is very common and normal in this culture."

"No Talon, you don't understand." My head snapped up and my face turned an unpleasant shade of blue as I ground out through my teeth, "I cannot witness my father giving my mother anal."

He blinked and tried to contain his smile again. "Out of all of the things that might happen, that's the one thing you're worried about?"

I had to make him understand. I leaned in and whispered loudly, "He's a freak, Talon...I just know he has to be!" I waved my hands in the air, communicating the absolute seriousness of the matter.

"Apple doesn't fall from the tree, huh?" he teased.

"Really?" I stuck my tongue out at him.

Talon just shook his head at me, and took another sip of his drink, settling in for whatever crazy I decided to throw at him next, while I stood to my feet where I could get better leverage on my thoughts, and prattled on, "Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against it. I'm sure it's quite...pleasurable."

I froze and squeezed my eyebrows together as I contemplated my own words. The alcohol had stripped away all of my inhibitions and the better part of my good sense. I paced the floor and murmured, "Well, I don't really know if it's pleasurable...since Cage and I haven't exactly taken that step yet."

Talon coughed and sputtered. I peered down at him. Apparently he had just taken a drink and it had gone down the wrong pipe. He waved a hand in my general direction and coughed again, "I'm fine...please, continue."

I studied him, confused. For some reason, his lips were twitching.

No matter, I didn't have time to try to figure out his mysteries today. I had enough of my own to deal with and refocused on the topic at hand. I started to pace again, wobbling a bit, and asked, "Where was I?"

"Anal..." he replied, his voice so gruff, it was close to another cough. I looked back down to find his eyes glittering and his lips were twitching again.

"You're very twitchy today," I commented.

"Uh...yeah." He covered his mouth with his hand.

I shook my head at him and continued to pace, "Oh while I currently have no clue if anal is pleasurable, I will know! And would you like to know how I will know?"

"Um..." the word trailed off of Talon's tongue.

I ignored him, rambling on, "Because my brilliant mate has set an appointment for me to find out—after my Reception Gala!"

Just hearing those words come out of my mouth sounded bizarre to me. Somehow it had made sense to me before, but, the absurdity hit me strong. I pulled gulps of air in and out of my lungs to steady myself.

"Hang tight for just a minute," Talon jumped to his feet and scurried out of the room. I stared at him in disbelief. Here I was, baring my soul and he runs out on me?!

But in less than a blink, he was back on the couch. "Sorry about that. I just needed to, um...grab a drink of water. Please continue."

I stared at him. He wasn't holding a drink of water. The only thing in his hand was his phone. He lifted his Bourbon from the table with a nod, and swallowed another swig down.

I just shook my head. He was being so damn twitchy today.

I continued ranting, "Did you hear what I said? Who does that, Talon?" I really hoped he had an answer, even in the middle of all of his damn twitchiness, because I seriously needed the madness explained. I pushed my chest out and waved my hands in the air again, my voicing rising, "Who sets an appointment for their significant other to pop their anal cherry?!"

Talon's eyes opened wide for a split second, his bottom lip clenched between his teeth, and then that bastard burst into a fit of laughter. On and on it went, wave after wave until he was gasping for air, trying to calm himself down...only to glance up at me and it start all over again. I think he might have even snorted some of his drink out of his nose.

Well, I was so glad he found my plight so humorous. I crossed my hands over my chest and tapped my foot loudly against the hardwood floor as I glared and waited for him to quit rolling around on the couch like a pubescent fool, and come up for air.

After several minutes, he pulled him back together and muttered, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please...what were you saying?"

I humphed and stomped my foot. "I don't care how pretty your laughter is, I'm still mad at you!"

"My pretty laughter?" he echoed, in confusion.

Damnit...just damn him for looking so sweet and innocent. I could never stay mad at him, even if I wanted to. I sighed heavily and went back the topic at hand. "And Cage is being very suspicious about his plans. Two boxes, wrapped in non-descript brown packaging were delivered yesterday, and he's forbidden me to even touch them. He just smirked, and told me I would get to see when the time came."

I stopped talking.

Talon stared at me for a moment and then the realization that I was waiting for his opinion of Cage's strange behavior, dawned on his face. He muttered quickly, "Oh! Yes...I'm sure he will."

That was it? That was his grand insight? I sighed heavily. Clearly, he was going to be no help at all.

Abruptly, the door behind me opened. I turned to find Cage!

Ah hah. Just the person I wanted to see.

I intended to stride purposefully across the room, maintaining my elegance, showing him I was a force to be reckoned with so he would give me the answers I wanted. Instead, I found myself stomping my way over to him, clomping my feet along the hardwood floor, sounding more like an out-of-control mare than a graceful vampire.

Cage's lip curled up when I accidentally sidestepped off course and had to readjust my direction. Damn the Bourbon. I finally made it to him. It would have been easier for him to come to me, but clearly he wasn't doing me any favors, just standing in the doorway with an expression resembling that of a cat that just ate a canary.

"You!" I poked my finger hard into his chest and demanded, "Explain to my why you've set an appointment to pop my anal cherry?"

Talon coughed behind me, but I didn't turn around. I didn't have time to figure out why he couldn't take a drink without choking.

Cage ignored my question. Instead, he grabbed my hips and jerked me tight against his body. And there was no mistaking his raging erection.

"Oh!" I gasped in shock, heating flaring out of me.

Cage rubbed his body against mine, a slow, but definitely noticeable grind, as his head came down, his breath hot on my neck. His voice was low and thick with lust. "You might think I'm too honorable of a man to take advantage of a beautiful woman who is clearly drunk off her ass."

"Um, yeeees...?" I drew out the word, unsure what answer he was looking for, my brain was a bit befuddled from the alcohol and the intense desire coursing through my body.

Cage smirked wickedly. "But you would be wrong."

"I would?" My eyes opened wide.

"The things I'm going to do to you." His fangs scraped along my neck, causing a hard shudder up and down my spine.

"But...your meetings?" I breathed. He was supposed to be in meetings all day.

"When Talon sends me a text, letting me know my mate is drunk and would like to discuss her upcoming anal deflowerment, I canceled my meetings. And now, I have every intention of taking you back to our suites and thoroughly having my way with you."


Okay, its soooo not edited and I know it needs a lot of smoothing out, but its a long chapter and it would take several more hours for me to fine tune it, which I just don't have right now because I'm pushing to finish three stories. Soooo....I hope you get the gist of what's happening in the chapter and enjoy.

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