Epilogue Part Two

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Amazing cover above by @Lost48! Thanks, love!

Well as usual, the writing is extending longer than I initially expected, so in addition to this Epilogue Part TWO, there is still another EPILOGUE PART THREE coming after this!

Chapter 165— Epilogue Part Two


The pitter patter of little feet coming from the opposite side of the Council room caught my attention. In a blur of movement, a small bundle of energy raced toward Armand with his hands out. "Papa!"

Instantly, Armand's complete attention focused on the little boy. He crouched down, ready to catch his hurtling offspring, when Brialle rushed into the room behind him.

"Tarquin!" she gasped and then gulped in air to catch her breath before continuing, "You know not to run from mommy!"

I bit back a giggle. Brialle's hair was askew, tendrils flying haphazardly around her face, and her chocolate colored eyes a bit wild as they zeroed in on my fifteen-month-old brother, who was now safely tucked in Armand's embrace.

Armand stood to his feet, holding the boy to his chest, who was the spitting image of Brialle. Tarquin smiled brilliantly up at him, flashing his pearly white teeth. Armand's eyes danced, but his chest gave a slight rumble and his voice lowered sternly, "Is that true? Did you run from your mother?"

Tarquin's smile slipped. He uttered softly, "Um...no?"

Armand's eyes darkened and the rumble in his chest got louder. My little brother was certainly not immune to the devastatingly fierce aura that Armand held. Instantly, Tarquin rattled out in a panic, "I mean yes! I'm sorry...I didn't mean to!"

I could see Armand holding back his laughter, but he maintained his stern expression. "How exactly where you running...but you 'didn't mean to'?"

Tarquin shifted uneasily in his arms, his eyes darting around the room for any help he may receive. When no one spoke up, he sighed heavily and dropped his head. "Sorry, Papa...I won't do it again."

"Uh huh," Armand couldn't hold back his snort. He lifted the little boy's chin with his fingers. To Tarquin's credit, he held Armand's intense lapis gaze, his own sable brown irises not wavering. Armand's voice dropped even lower, all humor gone. "Never lie to me, son."

Tarquin may have successfully held his gaze, but he flinched...he understood the heavy weight and seriousness of Armand's command. His eyes opened wider as he whispered, "Yes, Papa."

Armand relaxed. "Good boy, but for your indiscretion, you will train an additional hour tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes—like that was going to deter my little brother from future misbehavior —Tarquin loved to train. Armand may as well have offered him an ice cream cone instead.

Tarquin's brilliant smile was back. His head bobbed up and down as he breathed happily, "Of course, Papa!"

Brialle knew it was no punishment as well. She spoke evenly, her tone a warning, "Armand..."

Armand glanced up at her and quickly added to Tarquin, "And stop running from your mother."

Brialle shook her head, giving up, and muttered, "You spoil him."

Armand's eyes opened in feigned innocence. "What? I gave him a punishment."

She sighed, "Just set him down. He needs to finish getting dressed."

Armand placed Tarquin on his feet. He was wearing black pants with black boots...and no shirt, his bare chest revealing an exact replica of Armand's lion family crest. I smiled to myself. He was so much like Armand. Rarely could Armand be found with anything covering his chest.

Brialle held out a little white button-down dress shirt, and motioned Tarquin forward. He reluctantly walked to her, and whined, "Aw, mommy...do I have to?" From his pitiful tone, you'd think she'd just asked him to walk over hot coals.

"Yes, son...even Papa is wearing a shirt today, see?"

Tarquin didn't bother to look back at Armand. He'd already seen, and clearly wasn't impressed with his father's attire. His bottom lip jutted out into a pout. But he dutifully pushed his arms through the sleeves as she held it out.

Shifting his weight impatiently, he waited for Brialle to button up the offensive garment, and then appeared appalled, gritting his teeth, when she had the nerve to tuck it in.

Released from his torture, Tarquin happily ran to where we were sitting on the couches, and launched himself into Talon's lap. Talon caught him easily, grinning, "What's up, little Lion?"

"You gonna train me 'morrow? Papa says I get an extra hour."

I chuckled. Yeah, he definitely didn't consider the extra hour a punishment.

Talon rubbed his chin, pretending to seriously consider the matter. Tarquin waited with bated breath. He adored Talon. Next to Armand, he thought Talon hung the moon. And Talon was just as crazy for the little guy. Finally, after leaving him in enough suspense, Talon's grin widened. "I think I can make that happen."

Tarquin clapped his hands and squealed, "Yay!"

Everyone laughed, tickled by his infectious good humor. Of course, there'd been no doubt Talon would be working with him tomorrow. Armand took every opportunity, visiting several times a year, to have Talon work with him throwing knives. The little boy was actually quite talented. Even in his pint-size body, he was strong with remarkably good aim.

Brialle walked over to us with Armand at her side. They sat down on an adjoining couch to our right, just as Talia and Alaric walked through the door. I jumped to my feet and ran across the room, pulling her into a tight hug. Well, as close as I could get, given her swollen belly. "I'm so excited to see you again!"

Her lips curled up gently as I pulled away, but her smile didn't reach her eyes. She exhaled softly, "Me too."

Neither one of us mentioned the obvious—the last time we'd seen each other was at his father's funeral. Alaric wrapped an arm around her back supportively. She looked up, and when their eyes met, a wave of unspoken words flickered between them—pain, support and love.

My anxiety spiked, but I pushed it back, forcing my expression to remain happy. I worried about her. I worried about both of them. It was only four weeks ago that Alaric's father, King Quinn, died at the hands of Skoldr.

From Alaric's recount of that day, they were ambushed while traveling. They fought back but it wasn't enough. Quinn had been slain and Alaric barely made it out with his life, severely injured. They were still investigating the motive behind the attack.

I didn't dare ask questions about it right now. She looked too fragile in her current state. Her close call—almost losing Alaric—had taken much out of her. It didn't help that she was eight months pregnant, and the pregnancy had also taken its toll on her body. She was tired but she persevered, always putting on a brave front.

She leaned into him, absentmindedly rubbing his arm, while he led her over to our grouping of couches. They sat down on the couch to our left.

Kieran and Talon stood to their feet, with Tarquin content to remain in Talon's arms, and repositioned themselves on a sofa behind us, leaving the seating directly across from us open for our guests.

Their timing was impeccable because our first guest had arrived—Tavian!

All of us stood to our feet as the large, hulking Dragon strode through the door and nonchalantly made his way across the room. His walk was not intentionally aggressive, but his Dragon lurking behind his eyes was certainly intimidating. It would be foolish for anyone not to recognize his potential to inflict significant harm.

He was dressed impeccably, with all of the honors befitting his Royal standing. One of his large hands rested comfortably on a devastatingly beautiful sword that hung at his hip. The mass and size of the weapon were a testament to his skill; only the greatest champions could wield such an instrument of destruction. Ancient symbols were engraved along its gleaming length. Precious jewels, the size of hazelnuts, peaked out from in between his fingers wrapped around the hilt.

"Wow!" Tarquin breathed from behind me. I wasn't sure if his awe was for the powerful male or for the attractive weapon, probably both.

Tavian's glance cut Tarquin who was beaming at him. He flashed the little boy a smile, entertained by his youthful exuberance. Tarquin giggled. Tavian's good humor remained as he stopped in front of Brialle, and bowed low, kissing the back her outstretched hand. "How good it is to see you again, my lady. My sources tell me you are a Queen now." With his lips hovering right over still-captive hand, he glanced up through his eyelashes and met her gaze, his cerulean and emerald orbs swirling playfully. "Royalty favors you...you are as beautiful as I remember."

Armand let out a low growl, which Tavian completely ignored, not even bothering to glance in his direction as he held Brialle's gaze. She flushed and looked down. "Um, of course...thank you for joining us today."

Tavian's charisma was just as effective as I remembered. The Dragon Lord had swag—an entire boatload of it. With or without clothing—it was always questionable with him. His confidence easily matched Felaern's enigmatic presence, and he wasn't holding any of it back.

Armand looked at a blushing Brialle, and gave an annoyed grunt, muttering under his breath, "Really?"

Tavian finally straightened and turned his head to meet Armand's hard gaze, the good humor falling away from his expression. They faced off, both stretching to their full height, chests protruding, the muscles in their arms contracting as they both eying each other dangerously. Brialle tried to defuse the thick tension in the room, "Tavian, I'd like you to meet my mate, King—."

Tavian interrupted coolly, "Oh, I know very well who he is—King Armand." He scrunched his nose as if saying Armand's name caused a bad taste in his mouth. There was a glint in his eyes as he continued, "King Morenth was disappointed he couldn't make it today, and sends his...regards."

A slight shudder ran down my spine at Tavian's feral expression and barely veiled threat. I highly doubted King Morenth spared any regard for Armand. And depending on just how much Ileana had revealed, having both King Morenth and Armand in the same room was likely to be volatile.

Armand wasn't intimidated. He held Tavian's gaze coldly and didn't bother to reply.

After another suspense-filled pause, Tavian moved on, his gaze flickering to me. I breathed a sigh of relief. He reached out, but I had no intention of shaking hands and just tossed my arms around him. "Tavian!"

Laughter rumbled through his chest as he squeezed me tight, picking me up off my feet for a moment and then releasing me back down to the floor. His voice was gruff and warm, "Queen Raine, it is a pleasure to see you again. Ileana sends her fondest regards. She regrets she was unable to make it today, and would like to extend an open invitation for you to visit us at any time."

"How is she?" I asked eagerly. It had been more than a year since I'd last communicated with Ileana, and that had been via messenger since there was no cell service between our realm and the Untamed Dimensions. I was dying to know more details.

Unfortunately, he gave very little away. "She is well. Happy. She misses you."

I sighed. I was relieved to hear she was happy. However, apparently, I would have to travel to the Dragon Realm in order to get my answers.

Cage reached forward and Tavian clasped his hand. They shook firmly and then Cage motioned toward Talia and said, "Tavian, I'd like you to meet Raine's twin sister, Queen Talia and her mate King Alaric."

Tavian  moved to kiss the back of Talia's hand, and firmly shook Alaric's, his smile never dimming. "A pleasure." They both nodded.

"As you likely recall, this is Talon," Cage continued, nodding over his shoulder, "and one of my good friends, Kieran."

Tavian acknowledged Kieran, and then focused on Talon, who was still holding Tarquin in his arms. "Indeed, I remember you. You've done very well for yourself, Third-in-Command, is it?" Tavian's warm friendliness with Talon was evident in his voice, and I remembered they spent two months together while I was under one of the Pools of Morenth. The memory of searching for Cage's devastated body caused me to shudder hard, and I pushed it away.

Talon grinned, completely relaxed and confident in the Dragon's presence, "It's good to see you again."

"Why don't we all sit down?" Cage suggested, motioning his hand toward the empty couch across from us.

Tavian relaxed on the sofa, repositioning his sword so that it hung on the outside of his leg. The rest of the group followed suit, sitting comfortably. Tavian cocked his head as he eyed Tarquin. "Is this the young Prince?"

Cage replied, "No, he is Tarquin, heir to the throne of Armand."

Tavian's gaze flickered back to Brialle. "Yes, I can see that. The resemblance is uncanny." His playful expression turned devious. "Although, I don't see much of his father in him...are you quite certain of his parentage?"

Instantly, Armand was on his feet, his eyes glowing crimson, a fierce growl releasing from his chest. He took a step toward Tavian, who eagerly rose to meet him. At the same time, Talon quickly handed Tarquin to Kieran, and he and Cage pushed themselves in between the warring Armand and Tavian.

Alaric was also on his feet, but he stayed planted in front of Talia protectively, his body tense and his arms out, ready to fight if needed.

"Let's all just calm down," Cage soothed. "Tavian, is it really necessary to provoke him? There are children present, and I'd prefer my Counsel room not get torn to pieces. This is to be a joyous occasion, not a war."

Tavian took a step back but his smirk did not diminish as he nodded his head contritely. "Of course, you are correct...my apologies."

The tension lessened from the group as everyone returned to their seats.

"So, pray tell, where are the little guests of honor?" Tavian inquired.

Cage nodded over Tavian's shoulder. "Here they come now."

The large double doors leading out to the courtyard opened. Loki walked through with Collette riding his back, her little hands curled into his fur. Ivy held Xander in her arms. Hayden and the other Hunter guards surrounded them.

Three feet into the room, Loki ground to a halt, his nostrils flaring. The hair along the ridge of his spine stood up and his ears went flat as he eyed Tavian hatefully. Clearly, he hadn't forgotten Tavian or being forcefully carried by the Dragon against his will.

Tavian snickered.

Loki wasn't impressed. His lips curled back revealing deadly fangs. Coco's eyes widened as she felt Loki's irritation beneath her. Her glance darted back and forth between Tavian and back down to Loki.

I tutted to Loki, letting him know he needed to lose the attitude and come closer. His eyes met mine and he whined as if saying, "Are you really going to take his side over mine? I thought we were more than that."

I rolled my eyes. Such a drama queen. Another sound emitted from my throat. His ears drooped in defeat and he reluctantly walked the rest of the way to us.

"I see some things never change," Tavian rumbled playfully.

"No," I agreed with a chuckle. "Tavian, I'd like you to meet Alexander, heir to the throne and his younger sister by a minute, Collette."

I refocused on the children. "Xander, Coco...come closer. I'd like you to meet Tavian. He is a Dragon Lord, Third-in-Line to the Crown of the Dragon Realm."

Both of their expressions lit up. Before I could clarify she needed to get down in some modest fashion that did not include showing off her underwear, Coco stood on Loki, and gracefully back flipped through the air, flashing the pink panties she wore under her pretty dress, before landing elegantly on the balls of her feet, her raven curls bouncing around her face.

I grimaced, blushing at her lack of decorum. I swear that child gave no fucks whatsoever. Xander wasn't much better...he was so much like Cage.

Tavian chuckled, picking up on my embarrassment. His eyes glimmered with amusement as he teased, "She certainly is...acrobatic." I knew he wasn't fazed in the least with her little peep show. Hell, he was a Dragon. His entire culture spent half their lives running around naked, for heaven sakes. But still, it was like I hadn't taught her a lick of manners.

Of course, even if I'd explicitly detailed to her what was expected, she still might have done it her own way. Both she and Xander bordered on ridiculously independent and stubborn. I muttered to Cage under my breath, "I blame that on you."

He chuckled along with Tavian.

"Are you really a Dragon?" Xander asked as both children crowded around Tavian's knees.

"I am, indeed," the Dragon Lord grinned down at them.

Coco demanded excitedly, "Can I ride you?"

Oh dear mother, she did not just say that!

"Coco!" I hissed. "It's not polite to ask guests if we can ride them." I couldn't believe those words actually came out of my mouth. This was my life now...how bizarre. The rest of the group just found her hilariously funny.

Before Tavian could respond, Xander reached his hand out, tentatively touching Tavian's arm. He tilted his head, his eyes narrowed skeptically, "If you're a Dragon, where are your scales?"

"Would you like to see, little one?"

Xander's eyes got huge. He breathed excitedly, "Yes!"

Tavian stood to his feet and began to unbutton his jacket. I held my hands out toward him. "Tavian...I'm not sure that's a good idea! This space isn't big enough for your better half."

Not to mention, I certainly did not want to have to explain certain differences in their anatomy. Undoubtedly, Xander would have demanded to know why Tavian's cock had ridges when his didn't. I cringed just at the thought of that conversation.

"I'll show him just enough." Tavian winked as he stepped away from the couches into the larger center space, removing his shirt completely. In the next instant, gorgeous black wings sprouted from his back, unfurling gracefully. His eyes shifted to cerulean and emerald slits, and the eyes of his Dragon stared down at the two of them.

Coco squealed and clapped her hands. I couldn't fault their awe and wonder. He really was magnificent. Completely unafraid, both of them rushed him. He leaned down to gather them in his strong arms. When he stood, he brought his wings closer, curling them around his arms, so they could feel them.

After several oh's and ah's, Coco grasped his neck and wiggled her way higher up his chest, until she reached his ear. She cupped his ear and whispered softly, "So later...when Momma's busy...can I ride you?"

In a room full of vampires, of course everyone heard her. My mouth dropped open at her audacity! The group burst out laughing, causing my cheeks to flush with embarrassment. Even Armand found her behavior humorous, his lips twitching.

Cage somehow managed to conceal his amusement as he released a deep growl from his chest, his voice dropping dangerously, "Collette!"

Her head snapped around instantly, responding to Cage's tone of authority. Her eyes were wide as she stared at him. Xander had a shit-eating grin as he leaned and whispered loudly in her ear in a singsong tone, "Oohh...you in trou-ble."

Without daring to take her attention away from Cage, she hissed under her breath and flashed fang at her brother.

"Xander," Cage added in warning.

Xander's grin instantly fell away. A little shudder ran down his spine as he breathed softly, "Oh shit."

What the hell did my child just say?!

Loud snorts of laughter erupted from the group. My head spun to Cage, my hands on my hips. "Did you teach him to say that?!"

Cage's eyes opened wide, his expression of pure innocence matching the children's. "No...of course not."

My eyes narrowed. I tapped my foot and drew in a deep breaths to calm myself. Maintaining the look of an angel, Cage offered helpfully, "Maybe it was Talon."

"What?!" Talon gasped from behind me. "No! I swear, I didn—"

"Shh!" I hissed to Talon, emphasizing my command by closing my fingers and thumb together in the air, showing him what I wanted his mouth to do.

Instantly, he fell silent.

I chastised Cage, "Don't you throw Talon under the bus!"

Cage actually batted his damn eyelashes.

"Unbelievable!" I muttered, shaking my head, and threatened, "Were going to discuss this more later."

Cage's lips curled up wickedly, completely entertained and looking forward to it. He fucking loved a challenge. Damn him!

I sighed heavily, looking back at Tavian, "I'm so sorry for their behavior."

Tavian laughed, "Actually, they're quite well-behaved compared to Dragon young."

I gave him an appreciative smile for understanding as he crouched down and released the twins. Before he let loose of Collette, he murmured a soft promise in her ear, "When you're bigger..."

Her face lit up like a Christmas tree, grinning from ear to ear. Both kids ran to join Cage and I on the couch, but Tavian remained crouched on the ground. His eyes found Tarquin's as he offered softly, "Would you also like to feel, young one?"

I looked over my shoulder to find Tarquin practically jumping up and down in Kieran's arms, eager to take a turn with the large Dragon Lord. Anxiety wound through me as I saw tension roll through Armand's thick chest. The room was quiet as Armand and Tavian made eye contact, neither blinking.

Kieran held tightly to Tarquin as he waited for Armand's decision. From my peripheral vision, I saw Brialle place her hand on his arm, her fingers digging in. Finally, Armand sighed and gave a small nod.

Kieran released Tarquin to his feet. The little boy ran around the furniture and without any hesitation or fear, launched himself into the waiting Dragon Lord's arms. His no-holds-barred approach made quite an impact, and Tavian grunted as he stood to his feet, holding Tarquin. "You're strong, young one."

Tarquin's little fingers excitedly touched the crest of Tavian's black wings.  His little face scrunched into intense concentration as he studied the wings features, carefully feeling the smooth, elastic texture and even sniffing. Content he'd determined all there was to know about his wings, Tarquin cupped Tavian's cheeks with both of his little hands. The Dragon Lord allowed him to turn his head to the left and the right as Tarquin continued his in-depth study.

After a moment, he released Tavian's face and looked him straight in the eyes as he breathed, "You're amazing!"

Tavian gave him a brilliant smile as he set him back down on his feet.

A grunt of annoyance came from Armand's chest.

Tarquin ran into Brialle's arms.

Tavian's wings disappeared and he put his shirt back on before returning to the couch. Once he was seated, he murmured, "The Dragon Realm would like to extend gifts to the young Prince and Princess."

Without any signal I could determine, the door to the Council Room opened, and another male walked through, holding two ornately carved medium-sized wooden chests. Given his hulking size, I had no doubt the new male was also a Dragon. He walked directly to our group and set the chests next to Tavian on the couch, before stepping away and waiting silently.

"Mommy, what is it?" Coco breathed, her head craning toward the gifts.

"Come," Tavian motioned them forward.

Both scrambled off our couch and huddled around his legs eagerly. He carefully opened the first chest and reached his hand in to pull out a crystal egg. He held the marvelous egg in his large palm, the light reflecting thousands of azure and absinthe crystals—the colors shockingly close to his cerulean and emerald eyes.

I inhaled sharply, "That's not real, is it?!" I had no idea how to raise a Dragon and couldn't imagine King Morenth ever giving away something so precious.

Tavian smiled, "No...however their worth is beyond words. Take care to keep them safe...as they may just help the young ones in a time of need."

I blinked. In a time of need?  Okay...clearly more than just a trinket. "What—?"

He cut me off, speaking cryptically, "Keep them safe."

All right, I guessed that was all the information he was willing to provide. I closed my mouth and nodded.

Tavian gently placed the blue-green egg in Xander's waiting hands. Xander gripped it close to his chest protectively, breathing, "It's heavy...Mommy."

Tavian opened the other chest and extracted another egg in equal size, this one with pink, snowy iridescent and gold crystals. Coco's eyes widened, glowing brilliantly as she gasped, "Oh!" Her little hands trembled as she held them out for him to hand her the treasure. When he released it to her, she softly pressed her lips to the top of the egg, and then clutched it to her chest just as Xander had.

Tavian made a noise of approval.

"What do you say?" Cage murmured.

Both children looked up at Tavian and chimed in unison, "Thank you!"

He leaned forward and kissed each of them on the forehead, before standing to his feet. "We must be going."

The rest of us stood to our feet while the children sat and held their prizes in their laps. I held tightly to the large Dragon when he reached down to hug me, promising in his ear, "Tell Ileana I'll visit soon."

"She will like that," he replied as he pulled away.

After making all of his goodbyes, Tavian and the other Dragon left.


Well, what are your thoughts on the Epilogue Part 2?

Remember, Epilogue Part 3 is still to come!! Don't miss it, because MARKU will be showing up!!

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