Another party?

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Marinette woke up with a groan, it was 12:00PM and her phone was ringing. She picked it up 68 missed calls from Alya, 200 missed texts. All starting from 11:30AM. Alya called yet again, Marinette picked up.



"Sorry I was sleeping."

"Well no duh!"

"Anyways did you need something?"

"Yes! Juleka, Rose, and I have decided to arrange a class sleepover and I want you to come help set it up, Everyone has accepted but Adrien is still pending, you know because of his dad, we still need to find out where it will take place. Also Chloe isn't invited."

"Yea sure I'll come help. But we need a place. Do we have any options?"

"Not really. Rose's mom doesn't want a class of kids in her house, Juleka said her house is to small and I have all my brothers and sisters at home."

"I can ask my parents if it's ok if we have it here. Just hold on while I ask." Marinette said. When Alya hummed an ok she set the phone down and went to Sabine and Tom who was in the bakery. It was slightly busy but she got her parents to calm down for a minute to ask them.

"Maman, Papa, is it ok if my class has a sleepover here?" Marinette asks.

"How many are in your class?" Sabine questions.

"14." The bluenette answers. Tom and Sabine look at each other. They have work in the morning, they can't be kept up. Sabine smiles and whispers to her husband. After back and forth whispering they come to a conclusion

"Ok they can come over, we will take the day off tomorrow but in return you have to go hang out somewhere else with your friends all day tomorrow." Tom explains. Marinette smiles and hugs her parents.

"Thank you Maman, Papa! I love you both." With that the bluenette went back to her room, her parents went back to work.

"Alya, my parents said we can have it here." Marinette said happily.

"Yeeesss! I'll be right over, we can start setting up the place while Rose and Juleka get sleepover stuff entertainment wise. We can make a bunch of food and set up anything else."



Alya had gone over and the two set up everything, from cleaning the house up, to baking some sweets, and even to some slight decorating. At 2:00 PM they were finally done, still waiting on Rose and Juleka, people would start arriving at 5:00 PM. So Marinette left Alya briefly and called Adrien on her balcony.

"Hello?" Adrien answered.

"Hi!" Marinette chirped.

"Did you need something?" Adrien asked.

"Well, I was wondering if you were able to come to the party tonight, it's being held at my place and I would...enjoy your company?" Marinette stated awkwardly as she leaned against the railing and cringed to herself, smaking her forehead lightly as Adrien chuckled.

"Well princess I'm glad to tell you my father allowed it as he met you and I don't have anything planned for today or tomorrow." Adrien explained. Marinette silently jumped in delight. She didn't fully understand why she was so happy, but she had a slight idea.

"Well I'll see you then, be here at around 5 ok?" Marinette said happily.

"Yes of course bugaboo."

"Bye kitty!"

"Bye princess." with that they hung up. 

Marinette rushed downstairs to Alya and told her the good news.

"OMG GIRL THAT'S GREAT! By the way how did that ball thing go?" That started a whole conversation of the ball until Rose and Juleka showed up and started setting everything up.


It was 6 o'clock and the whole class was there but one. Chloe wasn't invited. The class was surprised Sabrina (quite suspiciously) showed up even though Chloe wasn't there. Immediately Marinette had prepared dinner for everyone since they figured why eat when you're going to a bakery during dinner time? Everyone was impressed with the pigtailed girl's cooking, considering how clumsy she usually is. Then came time to entertain.

"We are going to play truth or dare!" Alya stats. A chorus of 'boos' and 'woos' erupted.

"I shall start!" Alya exclaims, quieting the class. She dramatically looked over her peers. Suddenly she thrusted her hand out, as though her torso was burning her arm, to point at a cocky Kim.

"KIM! truth or dare?" She declared.


"I dare you to-" She was interrupted with a knock.

"Hold on!" Marinette said as she got up. She answered the door to an angry Chloe and Lila. The class groaned, everyone forgot about Liar, er- Lila entirely.

"Nice party, but you can't not include your queen! Sabrina?! You to?!" Chloe scoffed as Sabrina rubbed her arm. The class glared at the two, especially Max.

"To bad you aren't the queen then huh?" Alya sassed.

"Oh sweetie, she meant me." Lila replied. Everyone groaned, even Chloe.

"You wish. Anyways, fine join us, any bullcrap and you're out, I'm not making you dinner." Marinette sighed. Guiding the two idiots in. They joined the circle.

"Anyways," Alya returned to her stance, pointing at Kim," I dare you to eat the Carolina Reaper!"

"YES!" Kim shouted. Marinette sighed, she went into the kitchen and got out milk, ice cream, root beer, and bread. Kim and the class followed. Marinette put on gloves and grabbed a pepper.

"What's with the gloves?" Mylene asked.

"I don't want to touch it then touch my eyes, as my eyes will burn, same for kim, I'm just gonna feed it to him so no one's eyes are damaged." Marinette explained. Everyone nodded as she fed Kim the world's hottest pepper. Kim chewed and swallowed immediately his face turned red as he coughed and hiccuped. He began chugging milk and root beer and shoving ice cream and bread into his mouth Alix was laughing along with most of the class, but her's seemed slightly forced. Once Kim calmed down, the class went back into the living room.

"Alright my turn!" Kim shouted. He looked over his classmates. "Nino, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Nino squeaked.

"I dare you to lick Marinette's cheek!" Mari, Nino, Adrien, and Alya, gasped in fear. Nino silently scooted to Marinette and pokes her cheek with his tongue. Adrien tried not to growl or hiss. Nino then shouted a name before anyone could say anything.



"I dare you to sit on Kim's lap for the rest of the game!" Alix blushed and sat on Kim's lap.

"Is there punishments if you don't complete the dare?" Alix asked.

"Yes." Alya grinned evilly. Everyone cringed in fear.

"Um, Chloe, truth or dare?" Alix asked.

"Truth." Chloe stated.

"Meanest thing you've ever did to someone who didn't deserve it." Alix stated, Kim giggling.

"Um," her eyes flickered to Nathaniel as she continued nervously," no, I'm not mean!"

"LIES! PUNISHMENT IS SEVEN MINUTE IN HEAVEN OF OUR CHOICE!" Alya yelled. "AND WE CHOOSE NATHANIEL!" Chloe looked horrified as Ivan collected both teens and shoved them in the closet, and propped a chair to keep it closed.


"Ok, um Marinette, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to blindfold yourself, and we'll mix ourselves up, and whoever you find gets a kiss  on the cheek from you." (Almost like Marco Polo)

"Ok?" Marinette got a piece of cloth and blinded herself. Everyone mixed themselves up, and as Marinette was about to touch Adrien, Lila pushed herself in the way. Marinette kissed Lila's cheek. Adrien was EXTREMELY annoyed, Lila was disgusted, and Marinette was clueless. Until she took off the blindfold and was disappointed. She was angry as well. The class got back into a circle. Alix went back into Kim's lap. Adrien scooted closer to Marinette.

"Lila, truth or dare?" Marinette said, Alya was very excited.

"Truth." Lila responded.

"Ok, why are you always lying about everything? Have you forgotten how to tell the truth?"

"Excuse me? How dare you! I'm the most honest person alive!" Lila looked at Alya "But if I did lie it'd be because I wanted to. Adrien, truth or dare?"

"Dare," responded a grumpy Adrien. Lila smirked at Marinette.

"Do something you've always wanted to do to your crush." With that, Lila got ready for a kiss. When she didn't feel anything she opened her eyes. Adrien had tackled Marinette and smashed his lips to hers, his hands on her waist and her hands in his blond hair. Lila scowled. The class cheered and whistled, Alya fainted. Nino was laughing to the point of tears. Adrien got off of the bluenette with a light blush. She sat up with a tomato face.

"U-uh, should we um, a, l-let Chloe, and N-Nathaniel out of t-the closet...?" Marinette sputtered out. Adrien was simply glowing with pride, although he himself was unable to form words either.

Nino agreed as he fanned Alya, Ivan opened the closet to a crying Chloe in the tomato head's arms.

"Come out when you're ready." Ivan exclaimed awkwardly as he closed the door. As he rejoined the group Alya had regained consciousness and was currently screaming and fangirling at Marinette saying things such as," THE MAN OF YOUR DREAMS KISSED YOU!" "DID YOU SEE LILA'S FACE!" "Oh shoot I think I left my curling iron on at home." "AGRESTE WAS ON TOP OF YOU!" "WHERE ARE MY ADRIENETTE BABIES?!" Marinette was mortified and began to tackle the blogger yelling, "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" The class was either cringing or laughing.

"Alya, truth  or dare?" Adrein suddenly said, shutting the red head up.


"I dare you to streak down the street shouting apologies while on Nino's back." The two victims blushed and immediately began to deny.

"Ok then 7 minutes in heaven is your punishment." Alya grabbed Nino and ran to the closet, which Chloe and Nathaniel were finally exiting.

As the night grew older the class played games until everyone but two were passed out along the living room. Marinette, thinking everyone was asleep, got up and went to her balcony. She leaned against the railing as Tikki came out. Marinette handed her a cookie and looked across the city in silence.

"What kind of hostess leaves her guests alone?" A familiar voice said from behind her.

"One who needs fresh air." She responded coolly, despite the rising heat in her cheeks.

"Mind if this cool cat joins you?" Marinette looked at the goofy blond.

"I don't see one but I guess a stray will suffice."

"Me-ouch M'Lady, why must you be so cold?"

"Why must you be so persistent?"

"Because," He was now standing directly behind the girl," last I checked," his arms wrapped around her waist from behind and he whispered into her ear, his hot breath fanning the side of her face, adding more color to her very red cheeks," you kissed me back."

Before Marinette could respond she heard a scream from the living room, followed by even more. The class was running out of the bakery from a very jealous akuma.


Hey guys! I'm back! Sorry, I was stressing over finals and AP testing, but I'm back and I plan on updating more hopefully! I will most likely edit what I have done so far and change little minor details to make it flow better though. But other than that some of the dares came from you guys and the rest came from myself. Thank you!

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