(Christmas special) Hello! I'm the doctor!

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3rd POV: a blue box can be seen spinning in space near the planet earth, the design of the box is coloured blue (obviously) small windows on each side of the box, writing on top of it saying "Police - public call - Box." Now you're probably wondering what's so special about this blue box? Well you can probably tell that it isn't just an ordinary box, for you see, it may be smaller on the outside, it is actually bigger on the inside, and it has a name other than police box. It's called the TARDIS, it stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space,

And it all belongs to one man, a time lord, a being who travels through time and space, goes on adventures with his companions on different planets and timelines, experiences, loss, victory, fear, hate, excitement, all kinds of emotions, but the time has come, for you must know, this man has lived quite a life, or should I say lives for he has been reborn 13 times, and in those 13 times, he has forgotten his previous lives but has gradually regained most of the memories his previous selves have lived through, you also probably don't know his name either, his name is the doctor, now I know what you're thinking, "doctor? Doctor who?" Well that's the thing, he just goes by the doctor, he would always laugh when people would ask that question though, but I'm getting of topic, as I was saying his time has come, as it is now the doctors time, time to let go and let the regeneration run it's course.


(Stop at 3:20)

With a yell, the regeneration stops, in place of the old doctor, is a young man, with (e/c) and (h/c), his eyes are dazed for a moment before blinking and looking around the TARDIS seeing sparks going, the console malfunctioning, placing his hand on the console he breathes in and out before speaking.

Doctor: "alright old girl, whisk me away!" He shouts with excitement.

Not long after saying it, he can feel the TARDIS shaking violently before feeling it plummeting, he falls to the ground, now any normal person would immediately panic.

But the doctor is anything but normal.

Doctor: "Whoo!!! Hahahahaha!!! Oh there's something I'm forgetting! (Stands up and starts tapping his head in obvious frustration) I'm.... I'm- (the console explodes in sparks) oh dear!!! Hahaha!!! Wooo!!! (Runs around the console) I feel like I should say something!!! But what?! Umm.... geronimo!!! No wait maybe I should say..... allons-y!!! No wait... Gallifrey stands!!! No wait!! It doesn-" is as far as he got as the TARDIS suddenly shook and he hit his head on the console, knocking him unconscious, a wisp of yellow smoke comes out of his mouth and dissipates into the air.


A groan escapes the lips of the doctor, as he slowly sits up and reaches up to the console so he can lift himself up. He sets himself in standing position, both hands on the console.

Doctor: "ugh, did anyone get the number of that sortaran that hit me?" He questions as he rubs the part of his head that was hit.

After getting rid of the pain, he slowly looks up and sees that the TARDIS seems fully repaired, only it's on shutdown for the moment, he then looks around and sees that setting of the console area looks very familiar.

Doctor: "I remember this console room!! This belonged to my (taps head repeatedly) tenth regeneration? No he was in his grunge phase, good thing my eleventh got over i- ah yes it was the eleventh!!! Now for the important questions!" He then starts to tap his body, "head? Check, arms? 2 arms! Fingers! Lots of fingers, Ok, uhh nose! (You decide how it looks like) ok legs, 2 legs! 2 working legs! Hair!!"

(If you have short hair)

Doctor: "short hair, ok that's fine!"

(If you're bald)

Doctor: "I'm bald!!! That's a first!! No it's not! Who am I kidding?!"

(If you have long hair)

Doctor: "long hair!! I'm a girl!!! No (massages throat and deepens voice) no (normal voice) I'm not a girl!"

(Now to the next part - if you're ginger)

Doctor: "YES!! After all this time I'm finally ginger!!! Oh thank goodness for that!!"

(If you're not ginger)

Doctor: "and I'm still not ginger!!! I wanted to be ginger!!!"

(Back to normal now)

Doctor: "eyes!! 2 eyes!! Ears!! 2 as well!! Ok, now what am I? I'm... I'm (looks at his clothes) not correctly dressed, to the wardrobe!"

The doctor starts to run to the doors and corridors trying to find his way to the wardrobe, when he did find it, he also found a swimming pool there, it was quite odd, but who was he talk? The doctors attire consisted of a (f/c) suit with a (s/f/c) tie, along with the suit, he wore converse shoes and a long brown trench coat (imagine the 10th doctor's coat and converse shoes), he didn't know why, but he felt the need to wear this coat, it was nostalgic for reasons unknown to him, the regeneration was still running it's course so everything was jumbled up in his head, memories of forgotten pasts was coming back to him. Walking back to the console room, he begins to boot up the TARDIS, he smiles when he hears his beautiful tardis awaken, but frowns when he sees most of it's systems are still being repaired. The doctors turns around and was about to move to the other side of the console when he catches an unexpected sight. In front of him is a woman with white hair in a ponytail, her eyes are blue, she is currently wearing a wedding dress, an angry scowl is present on her face.

???: "where am I?" She asks in a surprisingly calm tone.

Doctor: not knowing what is happening, the doctor could only say "what?"

???: with angry scowl she yells her question again, "where the hell am I?!"

Doctor: "...... what?!"

???: "I want answers to my questions!!! Not questions to my questions!!! So tell me where I am or I swear I will freeze you!!" The white haired woman exclaims as a blue aura surrounds her.

The doctor is unfazed and walks up to the blue haired beauty.

Doctor: "this is impossible!! You shouldn't be here!"

???: in a sign of frustration she butts heads with the doctor, "well I clearly am! You abducted me didn't you?!"

Doctor: "what?! Why would I want to abduct you?! You're too loud to start with!" He exclaims in agitation, already feeling a headache coming on.

The blue haired woman looks behind him and sees the doors and walks passed him, bumping shoulders with the good doctor while doing so.

???: "well I'll be going now and don't you think about doing this to me again!!"

As she prepares to open the door, the doctor attempts to stop her but to no avail, when she does, she freezes on the spot, as she gazes into literal space, the doctor stands beside her, looking out into the void of space with the woman.

Doctor: "you're in space." He says in a calm tone, giving a side glance to the woman.

???: "how..... how did we get here?"

Doctor: "well.... we are currently in a spaceship, it's called the TARDIS."

???: "how are we breathing?"

Doctor: "the TARDIS creates an oxygen bubble around itself, so it's constantly supplying air, and I'm glad that the oxygen function is working, otherwise you'd be suffocating if it wasn't.

???: "so what are you? An alien?" She asks skeptically, only to get silence.

Looking at the doctor, she can see a look that shows contemplation, like he doesn't know what he is. The doctor slams the door shut and runs back to the console.

Doctor: "right then, judging by your clothes you were going to get married, now where do I need to go?" He asked, while discreetly releasing regeneration energy out from his mouth.

???: the woman remembering what happened moments ago, regains her scowl and starts yelling, "London, earth, the milky way galaxy!" She exclaims while marching to where he is.

Doctor: "you could've just stopped at London, or earth for that matter." The good doctor deadpans while pulling a lever.

The TARDIS shakes for a moment before coming to a halt, the doctor opens the door and sees that he's on earth, the woman walks out and seethes in anger.

???: "this isn't where the wedding is being held!!"

The doctor sighs in exasperation and rubs his face.

Doctor: "you didn't exactly tell me where it was being held, besides even if you did, the TARDIS wouldn't be able to take us there, she's still recalibrating." He says as he rubs the door of the TARDIS.

???: the woman seethes in anger again and walks off, "whatever Martian boy!! I'm going to get a cab!"

Doctor: "lovely! I'll get the money" he says in happiness while going to a cash machine.

When he gets there, he realises that he doesn't have his most important tool and runs back to the TARDIS, when walking in, he tries to find his most truthful friend in dangerous situations.

Doctor: "where is it? Where is it?"

The console suddenly shoots something out of it, the doctor catches it with ease and examines it, and then smiles, he finally has his sonic screwdriver (it's the elevenths screwdriver).

Doctor: : "oh brilliant, thanks dear!" He says as he runs out of his personal ship.

When running back to the ATM, he whips out the screwdriver and uses it to get some money out of it. After he does that, he looks around and spots the blue eyed lady in a cab, driving off, the doctor manages to get a good look at the driver and freezes when he sees a Santa driving it, a memory rushes into his head and he murmurs.

Doctor: "pilot fish, if there's one, then that means-" stopping himself from speaking and turns to see a group of santas with instruments walking up to him, knowing what's to come, he points his sonic at the ATM, causing it to malfunction and shoot money out, human and faunus run to the machine to snatch it, the doctor uses the crowd to disappear and run back to the TARDIS. The group of Santas halt themselves and stand completely still.

(With the cab)

The white haired beauty is currently sitting in the cab, summarising how it has been a really bad day for her, the cab is at a roundabout and when the woman tells him to take the 2nd exit, he ignores her and continues straight on.

???: "excuse me, you miss the turn, (ignores her) OI!! Are you listening to me?!"

The woman grabs on to the hood of the santa and pulls it off, revealing a robot head, the woman begins to panic and prepares to open the passenger doors only for them to lock, her hands glow blue and a glyph appears, she aims them at the door as a surge of energy leaves her hands and attacks the door, to her shock, her attack had no effect on it, she then starts banging on the door calling for help only to stop, turn around and mumble.

???: "you must be joking me."

A blue box can be seen flying dangerously low on the highway, inside said box, is none other than the doctor himself, struggling to keep the ship steady as it releases sparks.

Doctor: "I've only just regenerated and I already have to deal with this?!" He moves to the opposite side of the console and flicks a switch, "stay with me old girl."

The tardis manages to get on the left hand side of the cab, with quick thinking, the doctor quickly ties a rope to a lever and wraps the other end of it to his hand. The doctor runs to the doors and opens them and calls out to the women.

Doctor: "open the doors!" He exclaims, to which she points to the door and shakes her head, getting the message, he uses the screwdriver and unlocks it, the pilot fish driver tightens its hands around the steering wheel and speeds up a little, noticing this, the doctor pulls the handle with the rope, making it match up to it's speed, he looks back at the woman and shouts once again "jump for it!"

???: "I'm in my wedding dress!!!"

Doctor: "yes! You look lovely! Now jump! Trust me!!"

The woman moves to the edge of the door and looks at the doctor, she leaps into the air and into the boys arms and they both fall to the floor. the time lord lifts his head up and pulls the leaver with the rope again, causing the TARDIS to fly up into the air.

(Mini timeskip)

The woman is currently sitting on the edge of a building, looking out into the distance, behind her is the TARDIS which is currently smoking, the doctor comes out of it with a fire extinguisher, coughing his heart out, once he's done, he puts it down and walks up to the woman.

Doctor: "the TARDIS overheated, she still hasn't finished her own regeneration, and neither have I," he mutters the last part to himself as he releases more energy out into the air and watches as it flies into the atmosphere, he turns his attention back to the woman who is unresponsive at the moment, he walks up to her, takes off his jacket and places it around her shoulders.

???: "thanks" she murmurs with sincerity.

Doctor: "ah don't mention it, anyway, judging by your facial expression, you probably missed the wedding didn't you?" A nod is all he got from her, "well, at least you have the honeymoon." He says.

???: a sigh escapes her lips as she speaks, "it's just a holiday now."

Doctor: "right..... right." He says the last one a bit quite before saying, "sorry."

???: the woman snorts and replies back, "don't be, it wasn't your fault."

Doctor: "well that's a first, you're not accusing me, a bit odd from your behaviour earlier,"

???: she snorts again, "yeah well... I've taken the time to think over everything that happened."

Doctor only nods his head and looks out into the distance, an awkward silence sets in so the woman attempts to break it.

???: "ok so, robot santas, what's that about?"

Doctor: "ah well, they're just your basic robot scavengers, the father christmas stuff is just a disguise." A memory pops into his head, "I fought them 4 christmas' ago."

???: "when was that?"

Doctor: " big spaceship over London?" A confused face is what he gets, " people being controlled?"

???: "none of that ever happened."

The doctor is momentarily shocked before coming to a conclusion.

Doctor (in head): "I'm probably in a parallel earth, but how? Maybe I went through a wormhole when I was unconscious."

Doctor: "so what is it that you do?" He asks with curiosity and to break the silent atmosphere.

???: "I go to an academy called union academy."

Doctor: "an academy? And you're getting married?" He asks with genuine confusion.

???: "(shrugs) yeah, I go to an academy, i go there to learn, to make friends, to train my powers."

Doctor: "I'm sorry, powers?"

???: "yeah, you probably know them Martian boy, you've probably scouted the planet out," seeing the confusion still on his face, she elaborates, "you know, sacred gears?" No reaction, "quirks?" No reaction, "semblances?" Again, no reaction, "please tell me you know faunus, Angels, devils and fallen angels."

Doctor: "oh is that what they're called? I though they were distant cousins to some alien races I've met."

???: "you're joking right?"

Doctor: "nope!" He says smiling while popping the p.

???: "who are you anyway?"

Doctor: "I'm the doctor."

???: she arches an eyebrow, "doctor who?"

Doctor: he laughs, "I love it when they ask that. I just go by the doctor."

???: "well that won't suit me, you need a human name at least."

Doctor: he sighs, "fine, how about Y/N then?"

A/N: just so you know, I'll be calling you the doctor in this chapter, in later chapters would you like to referred to as the doctor or Y/N or both, let me know in the comments.

???: "much better."

Doctor: "I still prefer being called doctor."

Weiss: "fine whatever doctor, my name is weiss schnee heiress to the schnee dust company!" She says with enthusiasm but is shocked to see he isn't surprised. "You don't look surprised."

Doctor: meh, I've seen and fought things you wouldn't believe, you telling me that you're an heiress to something special is nothing but an average Tuesday for me, anyway, this guy you're marrying, what's his name?"

Weiss: "Neptune." she answers like a love sick puppy.

Doctor: "how long have you been with him?"

Weiss: "six months."

Doctor: "bit quick to be married aren't you?"

Weiss: "it just kind of happened, we got to know each other and then he asked me to be his, of course I couldn't always see him because I was busy but whenever he saw me working hard, he would always offer to make tea."

Doctor: "I could go for some tea." He murmurs off handedly.

Weiss: "we had a few dates until he eventually popped the question." A flashback to weiss and neptune talking until weiss asks "will you marry me?" To which everyone stops. Back in the present, weiss continues speaking, "he nagged and nagged me, until eventually he wore me down and I gave in." Back in the flashback, Neptune is running away while weiss is chasing him and talking about how it would be amazing. It then cuts to Neptune and weiss walking while weiss keeps saying "please."

Doctor: he nods his head and begins to reach for something in his pocket and pulls out a ring, "lovely story and all, but I'm gonna need you to put this on."

Weiss: "whyyyyy?" She asks.

Doctor: "those creatures can track you within minutes, this bio damper will keep you cloaked to them," he gently grabs her hand (which makes her cheeks flush a little) and puts the ring on her middle finger, "I hereby dub thee, bio damped." He says with a smile, which makes her giggle.

Weiss: "for better or for worse." She says before sighing softly and looking back out.

Weiss: "it's a shame you don't have a time machine, then we could go back and none of this could've happened." She says which makes the doctor stiffen a little before managing to speak.

Doctor: "y-yeah, but if I did have a time machine, I wouldn't be allowed to enter someones personal time stream." He says and then quickly adds on "apparently" attempting to make the lie believable. The doctor stands up and gives weiss his hands, "come on up you get, let's get you to your family."

Weiss: she grabs his hands and both walk to the TARDIS that has stopped smoking, "my family is gonna be gutted about all this. Please try and get us to where I tell you Martian boy."

Doctor: "I'm not from mars."


The doctor and weiss are currently walking into a small little building while chatting.

Doctor: "so, this Neptune person, what does he do?"

Weiss: "he works at HC Clements as the head of the HR department even though I told him he didn't have to, but he insisted on working to get his own money." She says, not noticing the doctor go stiff and his eye twitch for a moment.

Doctor: "what does HC clements do?"

Weiss: "umm, I think it's security systems, you know like entry codes, ID cards, that kinda stuff, if you ask me, I'd say it's a posh name for locksmiths.

The doctor nods his head a little and starts to murmur the word 'keys' to himself before both he and weiss stop.

Doctor: "do I hear music?"

Weiss face morphs into an angry scowl, a growl escapes her as she stomps her way to the entrance.

Doctor: he looks on and could only murmur two words, "oh dear."

The doctor follows closely behind her, when they walk in, they see a bunch of adults and children dancing and chatting, in the middle of the dance floor, is a blue haired boy with goggles on his head dancing with a woman and touching her body. Eventually everyone sees weiss and the doctor standing there, eventually the boy turns around and grows pale and stiff.

(The people at the reception are the schnee family, RBY, JNPR, CFVY, sun, qrow, tai, summer, the belladonas)

Weiss: "you had the reception without me." She says extremely calm.

Doctor (in head): "oh dear indeed." He thinks as he rubs his face at the audacity the group had to do something without the bride.

???: "weiss!! W-what happened to you?!" The blue haired boy asked nervously.

Weiss: "YOU HAD THE RECEPTION!!! WITHOUT ME!!!" She exclaims, causing most people to look away.

The doctor leans forward a bit to address himself.

Doctor: "hello! I'm the doctor." He says, smiling at the end.

A/N: roll credits.

Weisa rounds her head to the doctor and exclaims once again.

Weiss: "they had the reception without me." She says, the doctor nods his head.

Doctor: "yes weiss, I gathered that."

A man who has white hair and blue eyes walks up to up to weiss and speaks.

Jaques: " what did you expect us to do? I got your silly little message, 'I'm on earth' (this happened during the time weiss was in the cab) very funny, but what the hell happened?!"

Once that question was asked, everyone started asking their own, overwhelming poor little weiss while the doctor looks at everyone, eventually, weiss breakdown and begins to cry, everyone let's out an 'awww' while neptune (I'll just call him that now) gave her a hug which she recuperates, everyone gives a round of applause for the reunited couple, the doctor looks at weiss face and sees no tears, when weiss sees him looking at her, she sneaks a glance at him and winks, the doctor realises what she's doing and couldn't suppress a smile of amusement at the whole charade, eventually everyone calms down and goes back to dancing, weiss joining them, the doctor goes to the bar and watches everyone, weiss sees him and sends a little smile and wink which causes him to look away, snort, and smile again, the doctor looks to his left and sees a man on his phone, he taps the man and asks if he could borrow it for a moment, to which the man gives it, the doctor thanks him and takes it, puts on his glasses (tenths glasses) and types the name HC Clements and then grabs his sonic screwdriver and uses it on the phone and looks around to see if anyone is looking. He looks down at the phone and sees who owns the company and frowns, the name torchwood is shown to be the owner of HC Clements. Suddenly, the doctors head starts throbbing as he sees multiple flashes of memories that aren't exactly his, in the memories, it shows all the atrocities that torchwood has committed, once the memory flashes are over, he frowns even more at what he saw. He turns around and gives the man his phone back and looks out into the crowd, he sees a man with a video camera and walks up to him and asks to if he could watch the footage of the wedding, the man allows it and shows him the footage.

Camera guy: "I taped the whole thing, they all had a look. They said 'sell it to you've been framed.' I said 'more like the news.' He says with a snort but the doctor is too focused on the recording to care. The man presses play and says, "here we are."

The recording shows weiss glowing gold before she screams and disappears. The doctor squints his eyes.

Doctor: "it can't be. Play it again."

The man does so and comments again.

Camera guy: "clever mind. Good trick, I'll give her that. I was clapping."

When the footage replays, the doctor looks closely and speaks in disbelief.

Doctor: "that looks like... huon particles!"

Camera guy: "what's that then?"

Doctor: he takes off his glasses and speaks, "that's impossible, thats ancient. Huon energy doesn't exist any more, not for billions of years. It's so old that..." realisation strikes the doctor and he looks at weiss, more specifically, the bio damper he placed on her, "can't be hidden by a bio damper!" He exclaims as he runs outside to a window and sees the pilot fish disguised santas walking to the building. The doctor runs back inside and yells, "weiss!" Once he gets to her he explains the situation as quickly as he can, "weiss! They've found you!"

Weiss: "but you said I was safe." She exclaims.

Doctor: "the bio damper doesn't work. We've got to get everyone out."

Weiss: "everyone here has semblances, I'm sure we can-"

Doctor: "weiss, you told me that you couldn't break down the door to a cab, and my gut is telling me is that these guys have somehow found a way to neutralize your powers! Now come on, out the back door!" He exclaims as both of them run to the emergency exit only to see more pilot fish, "nevermind!" He exclaims as both of then shut the doors. The 2 run to another exit only to see 2 more pilot fish.

Weiss: "we're trapped." She says. The doctor looks at one of the pilot fish who seems to be holding a remote control.

A memory flash in the doctors head as he then looks at the Christmas tree and immediately panics.

Doctor: "christmas trees." He murmurs.

Weiss: "what about them?"

Doctor: "they kill!" He exclaims. Both the doctor and weiss tell everyone to back away from the tree to which most of the people do, however whitley is unhappy.

Whitley: "oh for gods sake, this mans an idiot! What harm can a Christmas tree d... oh." He says that last part quietly as the ornaments on the trees start spinning and coming of the trees, they stay afloat until eventually they start crashing down, causing an explosion, everyone begins to panic and starts using their semblances to destroy them, most are able to destroy the ornaments while some are ineffective, most start to use the tables for cover.

Weiss hides behind a table and sees neptune cowering and screaming like a little bitch, weiss grabs his arm and yanks him down so he could hide with her, the doctor runs and jumps managing to narrowly dodge an ornament and hide behind a table. The doctor peaks his head over and sees the robot santas standing in a row, looking at him. The doctor gets up and shouts.

Doctor: "Oi! Santa! Word of advice. If you're attacking a man with a sonic screwdriver, (grabs a microphone) don't let him near the sound system." He says before jamming the screwdriver into the sound system and activating it, causing the speakers to let out feedback. The robots starts shaking from the sound attacking them, eventually, bits of robotic technology fall from their bodies until they eventually collapse allowing the doctor to let up on the sound system.

Everyone comes out of cover and start to check up on the wounded, weiss assisting them, the doctor goes to the bodies and grabs the controller and robot head.

Neptune: "what is it? What are they?"

Weiss: "neptune! Stop asking questions and just help them!"

The doctor turns around to address weiss.

Doctor: "look at that. Remote control for the decorations, but theres a second remote control for the robots. These guys aren't scavengers anymore. I think someone's taken possession of them."

Weiss: "nevermind all that, people are wounded, we have healers but you're a doctor, we need your analysis."

Doctor: "nah! They wanted you alive, look, they're not active now." He says as he tosses an ornament to weiss who catches it and examines it before looking at the doctor.

Weiss: "all the same, you could help."

Doctor: "you've got to think of the bigger picture weiss, there's still a signal!" He exclaims as he runs out.

Weiss is about to follow until her sister calls her.

Winter: "weiss, who is he? Who is that man?" Weiss doesn't answer and runs out to follow the doctor.

When she gets outside, she sees the doctor using his sonic on the machine head.

Doctor: "there's someone behind this, directing the roboforms."

Weiss: "but why me, what have I done?"

Doctor: "if we find the controller, we'll find that out, oooh! It's up there, something in the sky."

(In space)

A star like ship is orbiting the earth, within it is a red female alien with spider like legs, within the ship, are multiple spider webs.

???: "that boy is very clever. I'll eat him up all snicker - snacker, little travelling man, he shall come to me and the beautiful bride. Such secrets to unlock. I shall descend upon this night, I shall descend upon earth!"

(On earth)

Doctor: "weiss I lost the signal! We've got to go neptunes office at HC clements I thinks that's where it all started, (sees neptune) neptune! Is it Neptune? Neptune can you give me a lift?

(Mini timeskip)

The trio are inside the company building running.

Doctor: "it might be a locksmith to everyone, but the company was bought up 23 years ago by the torchwood institute."

Weiss: "who are they?"

Doctor: "a group that are not very kind to outsiders. Torchwood was destroyed, but HC clements stayed in business!" He says while typing on a computer. " I think, someone else came in and took over the operation."

Weiss: "but why do they want me?" She exclaims a bit worried.

The doctor turns and faces her.

Doctor: "somehow, you've been dosed with huon energy, and that's a problem, because huon energy hasn't existed since the dark times. The only place you'd be able to find a huon particle now, is a remnant in the heart of the TARDIS. You see, that's what happened. (Grabs a mug and pen) say, that's the TARDIS (the mug) and that's you. (the pen) the particles inside you activated, the two sets of particles magnetized and whap! (Puts pen in mug) You got pulled into the TARDIS."

Weiss: "I'm a pen inside a mug."

Doctor: "yup." He says popping the P. "Neptune! What has HC Clements been working on? Anything top secret, special operations, don't enter?"

Neptune: "how the hell am I supposed to know? I'm in charge of personal, I wasnt project manager.... wait, why am I explaining myself for? What the hell are you even talking about?!"

Doctor: "the point is that you make keys and look at what we have here." He says while showing the schematics of the building. "We're on the 3rd floor and underneath reception theres a basement right? Then how come when you look on the lift, theres a button marked lower basement? Theres a whole floor which doesn't exist on the official plans" he explains while looking at the buttons on the elevator, he looks at the married duo and asks, "so what's down there?"

Neptune: "are you telling me this building has a secret floor?" He asks skeptically.

Doctor: "no I'm showing you this buildings got a secret floor."

Weiss: "you need a key." She says, stating the obvious.

Doctor: "no I don't." He says as he points his sonic on the lock, the lock clicks indicating its unlocked. "Right then, thanks, you 2, I can handle this, see you later."

Weiss: "no chance, Martian, you're the man who keeps saving my live. I ain't letting you out of my sight." She says while going into the elevator.

Doctor: "going down."

Weiss: "Neptune!" She calls him.

Neptune: "m-maybe I should go to the others and tell them about this!"

Weiss: "inside! Now!"

Neptune whimpers like a puppy and goes in. the doctor decides to speak.

Doctor: "to honor and obey."

Neptune: "tell me about it."

Weiss: "Oi!"

The elevator doors close.

(Back in space)

???: "the bride approaches, she is my key!"

(Ok earth)

The elovator doors open, and the trio exit.

Weiss: "where are we? What goes on down here?"

Doctor: "we're about to find out."

Weiss: "Neptune, does your boss know about this?"

Neptune: "I don't know."

Weiss: "how could you not know?!"

Doctor: "oi! Calm it down! (Sees something) oh look. Transportation."

The trio are on segways, driving in silence, neptune and the doctor look at weiss as she let's out a snort before going into full blown laughter, the doctor soon following, neptune looks at the 2 a bit weirded out as they continue to laugh. The 3 eventually stop at a door. The doctor opens it and sees a ladder, he turns to the duo.

Doctor: "wait here, I just need to get my bearings. Don't do anything" he says.

Weiss: "you better come back." She warns him.

Doctor: "I couldn't get rid of you even if I tried." He says before climbing up leaving a smirking weiss. As the doctor climbs up, Neptune talks fo weiss.

Neptune: "weiss, have you really thought about this, properly? I mean this is serious! what the hell are we gonna do?" He says.

Weiss looks at him and then speaks.

Weiss: "oh I thought July." She says before looking at the doctor.

The doctor eventually makes it and opens a hatch and climbs out of it and sees that he's at, he looks around before jumping back down and explaining.

Doctor: "Thames flood Barrier! Right on top of us. Torchwood snuck in and built this place underneath."

Weiss: "so what, theres like a secret base hidden underneath a major london landmark?" She asks and he nods.

Doctor: "I know, unheard of." He says before walking away, weiss directly following, mouth slightly agape, neptune eventually follows.

The trio eventually make it to another door and the doctor opens it and what he sees surprises him.

Doctor: "ooh, look at this!" What they see before them is a bunch of pipes with water bubbling within them, connected to electrical equipment, "stunning!"

Weiss: "what is this stuff?"

Doctor: "particle extrusion. Hold on a sec." The doctor runs to a pipe and taps it before speaking, "brilliant, they've been manufacturing huon particles, of course my people got rid of them cause they unravel the atomic structure."

Neptune: "your people? Who's your people? You look like a loner to me." He ends with an insult, earning him a smack on the back of his head and an angry look from weiss which causes him to back away.

Doctor: "well you're not half wrong, I'm a freelancer." He says as he's still being bombarded with memories, some of them showing he was part of a race and that he was born a planet called galiffrey, however he still cannot remember the name of his race, but thinking about his home, bought a frown to his face before his eyes brighten up and focusing on the task at hand, "but this lot are rebuilding them, they've been using the river, extending them through a flat hydrogen base so they've got the end result." He says as he walks up to a pipe and pulls out a small bottle container with water in it, "huon particles in liquid form."

Weiss: "and that's what's inside of me?" She asks as the doctor opens the cap a little, causing the particles to activate and glow. Weiss looks down at herself as she glows, the doctor then closes the lid.

Doctor: "genius! 'Cause the particles are inert, they need something living to catalyzed inside, and that's you! Saturate the body and then... OH!" He exclaims causing weiss to jump a little, "the wedding! Yes! You were getting married! Oh, your body's a battleground! Add on with your semblance, you get a new type of huon energy! Best day of your life, walking down the aisle. It's a chemical war inside. Adrenalin, acetylcholine, wham go the endorphins, OH, you're cooking! Yeah you're like a walking oven. A pressure cooker, a microwave, all churning away. The particles reach boiling point, shazam!"


The doctor recoiled from the smack that got delivered he turns to weiss who once again, has an angry scowl on her face.

Doctor: "what did I do?!"

Weiss: "are you enjoying this?!" She exclaims. The doctor looks a bit sheepish. Weiss takes a deep breath and calms down and speaks, "look, just tell me, these particles, are they dangerous? Am I safe?"

Doctor: "yes of course!" He answered a bit to quickly.

Weiss: "(sigh) Y/N, if your people got rid of huon particles, why did they do that?" She asked seriously but also fearfully.

A moment of contemplation from the doctor before he answers.

Doctor: "because they were deadly." He answers grimly.

Weiss: steps back and holds her stomach, tears appearing near her eyes, "oh my god."

Doctor: "it's ok, weiss, I'll sort it out. Whatever happened to you can be reversed, I'll make sure of it."

Weiss seems to brighten up a little, before nodding her head, she looks behind the doctor and notices a door.

Weiss: what's over there?

The doctor turns around and looks at the door, he runs up to it and attempts to open it, the door is locked so he uses his screwdriver and opens the door. What he sees is shocking, a little girl with snow white hair in a patients robe is lying on a table, her arms and legs are wrapped in bandages, a horn is shown on the right side of her forehead, cables are connected to her body, the cables themselves are connected to more pipes containing huon particles, weiss walks in and sees what's going on and her hand shoot up to her mouth.

Weiss: "what the?"

Doctor: "it looks like they were trying to use her blood and mix it with huon particles, maybe she possesses something within her?" He mutters to himself while walking to the unconscious girl, grabbing his stethoscope from his pocket to see if she has a heartbeat, thankfully she does. "Maybe she has some kind of special magic, or maybe those semblances or quirks, this is most troubling indeed, but what kind is it that would need her to be hooked up to this-"

Weiss: "doctor, you're muttering."

Doctor: "am I? Sorry, I tend to do that when I figure something out, get excited or when I'm under stress."

Weiss: "which one is it then?"

Doctor: "all 3 of them."

Weiss is surprised for a moment but ignores it for now and walks up to the girl.

Weiss: "is she ok?"

Doctor: "yeah she's fine, she seems to be in a deep state of unconsciousness, we need to wake her up, we may get some answers."

Weiss: "you can't think of interrogating her when she sees us!" She exclaims, the doctor looks at her in seriousness.

Doctor: "relax I wont, I'll give her time to recover, afterall, the patient comes first."

Weiss: "how should we wake her?"

Doctor: "like this." He says before putting his right hand to his lips and kisses it, a golden wisp of regeneration energy appears on his hand. He puts his hand on her forehead, the girl glows for a moment before she opens her eyes showing that they are blood red. She blinks a little before seeing the doctor and weiss, she's about to panic but weiss attempts to calm her down.

Weiss: "it's ok calm down, we're not gonna hurt you, just breathe, we're gonna get you out of here ok? We promise." She says soothingly, the girl nods, although reluctantly. Weiss looks at the doctor, "how did you do that?"

Doctor: "I'm still in the first few stages of my regeneration." He says as another wisp of energy comes out of his mouth, he's about to speak before he stops for a moment and then speaks, "new teeth again, and I got new kidneys," his face cringes, "ugh, I don't like the colour, anyway!" He rounds his head to the girl and asks her questions, "now then little one, 2 questions, what is your name and why are you down here?" He asks calmly and curiously.

???: with a bit of hesitance, she speaks, "m-my name i-is e-eri and i-i was brought h-here because of m-my q-quirk."

Weiss: "what's your quirk?" She asks as both her and the doctor remove the cables from her, once they're gone, the girl now named eri sits up on the table and looks down.

Eri: "m-my quirk i-is called r-rewind, I-it allows m-me to reverse anyone to t-their p-peevious s-state, l-like healing someones I-injurys and undo b-body modifications." She explains timidly.

The doctor looks at eri and sees a few similarities between her quirk and his regeneration and starts to compare them.

Doctor (in head): her quirk allows her to heal injuries like my regeneration and allows her to undo body modifications, while I get modifications to my body, I wonder if she was to use her quirk on me, would she be able to reverse me to a previous regeneration or the very first regeneration? There are endless possibilities if she uses her quirk on me." He thinks.

Doctor: "don't worry eri, we're gonna get you out of here, and we're gonna undo whatever happened to weiss."

The intercom in the room suddenly turns on and the 4 person group hear a voice.

???: oh she is long since lost!

Neptune runs to the door and down the hallway scared. Eri is afraid and hides behind both weiss and the doctor, weiss prepares her glyphs while the doctor activates his sonic screwdriver. The wall in front of them lifts upwards, revealing another room

???: "I have waited so long, hibernating at the edge of the universe, until the secret heart was uncovered and called out to waken."

When the wall is fully lifted, pilot fish can be seen on platforms armed with rifles all aimed at the trio. The three look around in nervousness, the doctor starts to speak.

Doctor: "you've been digging." He says as he sees the big hole. He looks down it and scoffs. "Oh how very torchwood. Drilled by laser. How far down does it go?"

???: "down and down. All the way to the centre of the earth."

Doctor: "seriously?" He asks skeptically. "What for?"

Weiss walks up to the doctor and speaks in a bit of excitement.

Weiss: "dinosaurs!"

Doctor/eri: "what/e-eh?"

Weiss: "dinosaurs?"

Doctor: "what are you on about, dinosaurs?"

Weiss: "you know, that film, under the earth with dinosaurs. I'm trying to help."

Doctor: "that doesn't help."

???: "such a sweet couple."

Doctor: "oh please, she may look lovely but she's bossy (weiss: Oi!!) And I'm centuries older than her. Oh and by the way, only a madman talks to thin air, and trust me when I say this, you wouldn't want to make me mad, where are you?!"

???: "high in the sky!"

(In space)
???: "floating so high on christmas night."

Doctor: "i didn't come all this way to talk on the intercom, come on! Let's have a look at you!"

???: "who are you, with such command?"

Doctor: "I'm the doctor."

???: "prepare your best medicines doctor-man, for you will be sick at heart."

(The underground base)

The alien teleports down to where the trio are and shows itself in all its glory, the creature had the body of a spider but had the top body of a human, her arms were like spider legs, her face had 6 eyes a nose and a mouth with sharp teeth. The trio recoil at the sight, the doctor is the most shocked.

Doctor: "racnoss." He mutters, "but that's impossible, you're one of the racnoss."

Empress: "empress of the racnoss." She says as she hisses.

Doctor: "if you're the empress, then where's the rest of the racnoss?" He questions before asking, "or are you the only one?"

Empress: "such a sharp mind." She says as she hisses, the empress looks down and sees eri hiding behind the doctor, "hello little eri, you look delicious I could eat you up!" She exclaims, making eri scared and hide behind the doctors leg who Pet's her head to keep her calm.

Doctor: "so that's it then, your the last of your kind." He leans to weiss and starts explaining the racnoss origins, "the racnoss come from the dark times, billions of years ago, billions. They were carnivores, omnivores, they devoured whole planets."

Empress: "racnoss are born starving. Is that our fault?"

Eri: "t-they eat people?" She asks fearfully.

Doctor: "yep, hey weiss (she looks at him) you've seen what HC Clements looks like right? (She nods) did he wear those black and white shoes?

Weiss: "he did, I used to laugh about it, I called him a fat cat in spats. Why?" She asked.

The doctor doesn't answer and simply points upwards to a spider web, weiss and eri look up and see a man covered in webs, the only thing visible was a pair of black and white shoes, weiss recoiled in shock while eri let's out an 'eep.'

Empress: "he is my christmas dinner."

Doctor: "you shouldn't even exist." He says before leaning close to weiss to explain why, "way back in history, the fledgling empires went to war against the racnoss. They were wiped out."

Empress: "except me." She says. Weiss looks to the right and sees neptune with an axe who puts his hand to his mouth in a shushing manner, he proceeds to quietly walk to the queen, she curtly nods before turning to the queen.

Weiss: "that's what I've got inside me, that huon energy thing." She says while the empress is about to turn to where neptune is, she quickly speaks again, "OI!" She exclaims, causing the empress to look at her, "look at me lady, I'm talking to you! Where do I fit in?! How come I get all stacked up with those huon particles?!" She exclaims, the doctor looks to the right and sees neptune, he narrows his eyes.

Doctor (in head): "how did he get there?" He thinks but not for long as he pays attention to the empress who is about to turn until Weiss calls her again.

Weiss: "look at me, you! Look me in the eye and tell me!"

Empress: "the bride is so feisty!" She says while cackling.

Weiss: "yes I am!" She agrees and keeps talking, "and I don't know what you are, you big..... thing!"

Doctor: "couldn't come up with something better?"

Weiss: "shut it." She says before looking back at the empress, "but a spider's just a spider, and an axe is an axe, now do it!" She tells the last part at Neptune. He raises the axe and prepares to hit the empress as she turns to him, neptune freezes and then starts laughing, the empress joining in.

Neptune: "that was a good one. Your face!" He says while laughing.

Empress: "neptune is funny."

Weiss: "what?" She asked, the doctor looks solemn, already seeing what's going on.

Doctor: "I'm sorry weiss." He says as weiss looks confused and angered.

Weiss: "sorry for what? Neptune, don't just stand there, attack her!"

Neptune: "oh god, you're so thick weiss!" He says as weiss looks shocked. "Months I've had to put up with you! Months! A woman who gives up as soon as everything doesn't go her way like a spoilt child!" He says as weiss looks back and fourth between the doctor and neptune.

Weiss: "I-i don't understand." She says, so the doctor decided to explain it for her.

Doctor: "what did he do for you when ever you were busy?" He asks to which weiss looks at him and doesn't respond, still shocked by what neptune did so the doctor continues, "he made you tea weiss."

Weiss: "w-what?"

Neptune: "everyday, I made you tea." He says laughing at the end.

Doctor: "you had to be dosed with liquid particles over six month." He says solemnly, weiss eventually understands what he's implying.

Weiss: "he was poisoning me." She says, her voice low, the doctor merely nods, eri moves away from the doctors leg and grabs weiss' left hand as way to comfort her. Weiss unconsciously squeezes it, the doctor looks back at the 2 and speaks.

Doctor: "you know, I should've known you were behind this as well Neptune, it was all in the job title. The head of human resources."

Neptune: "this time, its personnel."


Neptune: "I couldn't risk you running off! I had to say yes. And then I was stuck with a woman who thinks the height of excitement is some new clothes." He says, the doctor looks at weiss in sympathy. Neptune continues to speak, "I had to sit there and listen to all that yap yap yap. 'Ooh, Brad and Angelina. Is posh pregnant? X factor, Atkins diet, feng shui, split ends, text me, text me, text me.' Dear god, the never-ending fountain of fat, stupid trivia!" He says before adding, "I deserve a medal!"

Doctor: "is that what she offered you? The empress of the racnoss? What even are you, her consort?"

Neptune: "it's better than a night with her!" He says.

Weiss: "b-but Neptune..." she says quietly, "I love you."

Neptune looks at her in mock contemplation before grinning and saying.

Neptune: "that's what made it easy." He says causing weiss to let some tears out. Neptune then looks at the doctor, "it's like you said doctor. The big picture, what's the point of it all if the human and faunus race is nothing? That's what the empress can give me. The chance to go out there, to see it all, I could probably get a harem full of beautiful alien women, they wouldn't be able to resist me!! I think you understand that don't you doctor?"

The doctor stares at Neptune and before he could speak....

Eri: "what's a harem?" She asked causing weiss and the doctor to stiffen, the doctor didn't know how to respond so weiss did it.

Weiss: "d-dont worry about it sweetie." She said calmly, squeezing her hand as well, the doctor mentally thanks weiss for answering. The doctor turns back to the Neptune and the empress as said empress speaks.

Empress: "who is this little physician?"

Neptune: "she said, Martian."

Doctor: "oh, I'm sort of homeless. Now here's what I'd like to know, what is down there?" He asks pointing at the whole. "The racnoss are extinct. What's gonna help you, 4,000 miles down? That's just the molten core of the earth, isn't it?"

Neptune: "I think he wants us to talk." He says to the empress.

Empress: "I think so too."

Neptune: "well, tough, all we need is weiss and maybe that little girl too." He says, the empress speaks to the pilot fish.

Empress: "the little girl is no use to me anymore, kill her and the chattering little doctor-man." She says.

Weiss stands in front of both the doctor and eri.

Weiss: "don't you dare hurt them!" She exclaims, eri hides behind the doctor again.

Doctor: "no, no, it's alright." He says but weiss doesn't listen as a blue aura surrounds her and a glyph appears.

Weiss: "no! I won't let them!"

Empress: "at arms!" She yells.

Doctor: he puts his hand up and speaks. "Ah, now except..."

Empress: "take aim!" She yells.

Doctor: "well, I would like to point out the obvious."

Empress: "they won't hit the bride, they're such very good shots."

Doctor: "j-j-just hold on. Hold on just a tick, just a tiny little...just a tick..." he says quickly before continuing. "If you think about it, the particles activated in weiss and drew her inside my spaceship." He says while pulling out the container with huon particles and puts his hand on the lid. "So, reverse it, and the spaceship comes to her." He says opening the lid a little, weiss glows gold, the empress orders her men to open fire to which they do, however, the trio are surrounded by little particles that morph into the TARDIS, blocking the bullets. The doctor closes the lid and weiss stops glowing, eri looks around in astonishment before following the doctor. "And off we go!"

The empress is angered and yells out.

Empress: "the key! My key!" She yells as the TARDIS starts to disappear, it eventually does and it travels through time and space.


The doctor is pushing buttons and hitting switches and then looks at weiss.

Doctor: "oh. Do you know what you said before, about a time machine? Well I lied." He says before twisting a nob. "And now we're gonna use it." He says as the TARDIS goes through the time vortex. "We need to find out what the empress of the racnoss is digging up. If it's something buried at the planets core, it must've been there since the beginning. That's just brilliant. Motto benne! I've always wanted to see it!" He says and looks at weiss who is leaning on a railing, silently crying. "Weiss, were going further back than I've ever been before." She merely nods her head, not looking at him, the doctor frowns and looks back at the console. Eri walks up to weiss and taps her on the leg, causing her to look down at the snow haired girl, eri timidly hugs weiss' leg to comfort her bringing a little smile to her face and unknowingly the doctor who took a peak.

(With the empress)

Empress: "if a key is lost, then another must be cut" she says looking at Neptune. "Take aim!" She yells as the pilot fish aim at neptune who looks around in nervousness.


The TARDIS has reached its destination, inside the ship, weiss has managed to stop crying, the doctor looks at her and speaks.

Doctor: "we've arrived. Do you want to see?" He asks. Weiss merely shrugs.

Weiss: "I suppose." She says, the doctor grabs the monitor and attempts to scan but nothing happens.

Doctor: "hold on, scanner's a bit small. Maybe your way's best." He says while heading to the door. He turns around and speaks to weiss. "Come on." He says. Weiss huffs and stands up and walks, he looks at eri who's standing there awkwardly. "Come on eri, you can see this too, it's gonna blow you away." He says warmly, eri runs up to the doctor and stands next to him while weiss is still walking to them. "No human and I guess faunus, angel, devil and fallen angel has ever seen this, you 2 will be the first."

Weiss: "all I want to see is my bed" she says when reaching the door.

The doctor puts his hand on the handle doors and turns to address the 2 females.

Doctor: "weiss schnee, eri, welcome, to the creation of the earth." He says while opening the doors. The trio look out into space and see different coloured gas clouds, the sun, dust and rock. "We've gone back 4.6 billion years. Theres no solar system yet, only dust, rock and gas." He says as he points at the sun, "that's the sun, over there. Brand new" he says with a smile on his face, "and it's just beginning to burn." He says as both weiss and eri are shell shocked.

Eri: "d-doctor? Where's the earth?" She asks looking around for it.

Doctor: "it's all around us eri, in the dust." He says looking at both of them. Weiss and eri look back at him before the trio look out at it again.

Weiss: "this puts the whole wedding into perspective. Neptune was right, we're just....tiny."

Doctor: "no, but that's what you do, the human, faunus, devil, angel and fallen angel race, you all make sense out of chaos marking it out with weddings and Christmas and calendars. This whole process is beautiful but only if it's being observed." He says.

Weiss: "so we came out of all this?"

Doctor: "yep, isn't it brilliant?" He asks as the trio remain silent as they watch. Eri grabs both weiss' and the doctors hands, the 2 mentioned look down at her and see her watching in glee, her eyes shinning with a beaming smile, causing the 2 to smile, before they look at eachother and then back out into space, though weiss had a tiny tint of peek across her face. A rock goes past the TARDIS.

Weiss: "I think that's the isle of wight." She says causing both her and the doctor to laugh a little.

Doctor: "eventually, gravity takes hold. Say, one big rock, heavier than the others, starts to pull other rocks towards it, all the dust and gas and elements get pulled in, everything piling in, until you get-"

Weiss/eri: "the earth."

Doctor: "yeah, but the question is, what was that first rock?" He asks before seeing a star like ship come out of a gas cloud. "Look...... the racnoss" he says looking solely on the ship.

(With the empress)

Empress: "now I have measured the brides catalyst, I can force feed it!" She says as the pilot fish have Neptune restrained and force him to drink down the huon particles, "drink the particles, become the key!"


The doctor runs back to the console and starts messing with it while calling out to weiss, "hold on, the racnoss are hiding from the war. What's it doing?" He asks as weiss sees the ship suck in all the dust, rock and cloud.

Weiss: "exactly what you said!" She says, as the doctor runs back and sees the rocks and dust surrounding the ship.

Doctor: "oh!, they didn't just bury something at the center of the earth! They became the center of the earth. The first rock." He says before an explosion rocks the TARDIS.

Eri: "w-what was that?!" She asks fearfully.

Doctor: "trouble!" He says as he closes the door.

(With the empress)

Empress: "my wonderful key! Now my servants, bind him!" He says as neptune starts to glow.


The trio are holding onto the console while the TARDIS is shaking.

Weiss: "what's it doing?!" She exclaims.

Doctor: "they're reversing the trick of mine." He says while kicking a lever.

The TARDIS goes in reverse through the time vortex.

Weiss: "well, can't you stop it? Hasn't it got a handbrake? Can't you reverse, or warp, or beam or something?!" She lists off.

Doctor: "stop being a back seat driver! Oh! Wait a minute." He says before pulling something out of the console, "the extrapolator! It can't stop us, but should give us a good bump!"

(With the empress)

Neptune is being pulled onto the web as the TARDIS comes back.

Empress: "the bride shall join her groom. What a wedding there shall be."

Within the TARDIS the doctor smacks the extrapolator while shouting,

Doctor: "now!"

The TARDIS disappears from view and back into the hallway, weiss, eri and the doctor walk out and run to the door that leads to the Thames flood Barrier.

Doctor: "we've gone about 200 yards to the right. Come on!" He yells as the 3 start running.

The empress is displeased and orders the pilot fish.

Empress: "she is close, find the holy bride in white!" She yells.

Back with the trio, the 3 make it to the door, the doctor opens starts to open the door while weiss asks.

Weiss: "what do we do?"

Doctor: "I don't know! I'm making it up as I go along. But trust me, I've got a history."

Weiss: "but I don't understand." She says before continuing, "I'm full of particles, but what for?" She questions.

Doctor: "there's a racnoss web at the center of the earth, but my people unravelled their power source, the huon particles ceased to exist but the racnoss were stuck. They've just taken hibernation for billions of years, frozen, dead, kaput! So your the new key, brand new particles, living particles. They need you to open it. And you have never been so quiet." He says before turning around to see weiss is nowhere to be seen. Both the doctor and eri look back and forth down the hallway and see her not there, the duo turn back to the door to open it only to be face to face with a gun.

(With weiss)

Weiss: "I hate you!" She yells while being stuck in the web.

Neptune: "yeah, I think we've gone a bit beyond that now, sweetheart."

Empress: "my golden couple. Together at last, your awful wedded life. Tell me, do you want to be released?" She asks while hissing.

Weiss/Neptune: "yes!"

Empress: "you're supposed to say, 'i do.'"

The duo look at eachother in disgust.

Neptune: "no way."

Empress: "say it!" She hisses, Neptune eventually relents and says.

Neptune: "I do." He says while weiss saying the same thing.

Weiss: "I do."

Empress: "I don't." She says and cackles. "Activate the particles! Purge every last one!" She yells as both weiss and neptune glow gold, the huon particles leave their bodies and head straight for the hole. "The secret heart, unlocks. And they will waken, from their sleep of ages."

Weiss: "who will? What's down there?"

Neptune: "how thick are you?!" He yells.

Empress: "my children, the long lost racnoss, now reborn to feast on flesh. The Webster shall come to me!" She yells as her ship descends and stays stationary above london, people look at it and think its something special for christmas until the ship shoots lightning, attacking the buildings and citizens, heroes, hunters/huntresses, devils, Angels and fallen Angels start evacuating people. The empress looks at the 2 victims and speaks. "My children need sustenance! Perish the web!" She yells.

Neptune: "no! Use her, not me, use her!"

Empress: "oh my funny little lance. But you were quite impolite to your lady friend. The empress does not improve." She says before cutting Neptune off the web, causing him to fall down the hole screaming.

Weiss: "neptune!" She yells.

A pilot fish can be seen walking up some stairs while the empress speaks.

Empress: "my children are climbing towards me and none shall stop them!" She yells before she looks at the lone pilot fish. "So you might as well unmask, yourself, my clever little doctor man."

The pilot fish takes its head and cloak off to show that its the doctor and eri who hid under the cloak.

Doctor: "oh well, nice try." He says. He wips out the sonic screwdriver and aims it at weiss. "I've got you weiss." He says as the web starts to rip.

Weiss: "I'm gonna fall!" She yells before it rips fully.

Doctor: "you're gonna swing!" He says as weiss quickly grabs onto a bit of web and starts swinging to where the doctor is while screaming, the doctor expands his arms to catch her, "I've got you" he says while weiss continues to swing, however she misses and swings below the doctor is and falls with a clang, the doctor and eri wince as weiss lays flat on the ground. "Sorry." He says sheepishly.

Weiss: "thanks, for nothing." She says while getting up.

Empress: "the doctor man amuses me." She says while the doctor glares at her.

Doctor: "empress of the racnoss, I give you one last chance. I can find you and your children a place in the universe to co - exist. Take the offer and end this now."

Empress: "these men are so funny."

Doctor: "what's your answer?" He asks seriously.

Empress: "oh, I'm afraid I have to decline." She hisses.

Doctor: "then what happens next is your own doing." He says grimly.

Empress: "I'll show you what happens next!" She hisses before calling to the pilot fish, "at arms!"they do so, "take aim! And-"

Doctor: "relax." He says calmly. The pilot fish malfunction and drop. Weiss looks at then before looking back at the doctor.

Weiss: "what did you do?" She asks as the doctor puts his hands in his pockets and looks at her.

Doctor: "guess what I have weiss." He says before pulling the remote control to control the ornaments, "pockets!"

Weiss: "how did that fit in there?" She asks?

Doctor: "they're bigger on the inside." He says before looking at the speaking empress.

Empress: "roboforms are not necessary. My children may feast on Martian flesh." She says.

Doctor: "oh but I'm not from Mars." He says seriously.

Empress: "then where?" She asks.

Doctor: "my home planet is far away and long since gone. But its name lives on.... Gallifrey." He says, his eyes darkening, the name causes the empress to cry out in anger.

Empress: "your people murdered the racnoss!"

Doctor: "I warned you." He said seriously, "you did this." He says, before pulling out some baubles and tossing them and controlling them with the controller.

Empress: "no! Don't!" She pleads but the doctor doesn't hear it and sends them into different pipes and building, sending water flooding in, fire appears surrounding the empress as she listens to the wails of her children. "No! My children!" She yells. Weiss looks at the doctor to see he's unfazed by it all, eri is scared and holds on to the doctors leg, eyes closed.

The doctor just watches on, emotionless, watching the suffering of the empress. Weiss calls the doctors name.

Weiss: "doctor!" She yells, the doctor looks at her, "you can stop now!" She exclaims. The doctor looks back at the racnoss, emotions swirling in his eyes as he sees what he's committed, he then picks up eri, looks down at weiss and yells.

Doctor: "come on!" he yells. Weiss runs up the stairs to where the doctor is and they both run up.

Empress: "transport me!" She yells as she teleports away to her ship. "Oh, they will suffer, so suffer. This planet shall be scorched." She yells.

The doctor, eri, and weiss make it to a ladder.

Doctor: "hold on tight to me eri." He says, eri nods her head and wraps her arms around his neck as the they proceed to climb the ladder, weiss following behind.

Weiss: "what about the empress?!" She yells while climbing.

Doctor: "she's used up all her huon energy. She's defenceless!" He explains.

Out on the streets of London, tanks are rolling to the ship, once they're in range, they're given the order to open fire and true to the doctors word, the ship takes damage and eventually blows up, blowing the empress in the process, the doctor, eri and weiss come out of a hatch and look out into the distance. As the 3 look out into the distance, weiss speaks.

Weiss: "theres just one problem." She says before adding on, "we've drained the thames." She says as the 3 look out and see no water and ships stationary.

(Mini timeskip)

The TARDIS is parked outside a huge building with the letters, UA, this is Union Academy, an academy that trains the next generation of warriors. Weiss, eri and the doctor exit the TARDIS.

Doctor: "there we go, told you she'd be all right, survive anything." He says, happy that the TARDIS is nearly done regenerating, the only function not working was the translation system, he then speaks a bit more, "more than I've done." He says. He grabs his sonic and scans weiss. "All the huon particles have gone." He says with a smile, putting the sonic away. "No damage, you're fine."

Weiss: "yeah, but apart from that.... I missed my wedding, lost my job, and became a widow on the same day.... well sort of." She says.

Doctor: "sorry, I couldn't save him." He says solemnly.

Weiss: "yeah well, he deserved it." She says. The doctor raises his eyebrow, eri suddenly speaks.

Eri: "did he though?" She asks.

A/N: this what eri is wearing now.

The doctor got her clothes from the wardrobe in the TARDIS, back to the story.

Weiss: ".....no (sighs) he didn't." She says.

The doctor nods before looking down at eri and rufles her hair which she giggles to however he frowns when he sees the bandages on her arms still there, the wounds on the legs were healed but he didn't know why the arms weren't.

Doctor: "shouldn't your arms be healed eri?" He asks, eri looks down frowning.

Eri: "t-theyre taking awhile too." She says. The doctor goes on one knee and has eri face him, a wisp of energy comes out of his mouth, he then leans his head and kisses eri on the forehead, yellow energy surrounds her and disappears in seconds, the doctor removes the bandages on her arms and sees there are no wounds.

Doctor: "now there isn't." He says smiling, eri looks gobsmacked before sniffing and then hugs the doctor, he then hears her say a word that he would never expect to hear.

Eri: "t-thank y-you p-papa." She says, suddenly a memory comes to him and it shows a girl that was like him but she was born from a machine, trained to be a soldier but he taught her to be better, within the mind of the doctor, the name of the girl is remembered.

Doctor (in head): "Jenny." He thinks, a lone tear falls from his eye before he hugs eri, the 2 eventually separate and the doctor stands up, eri holds his hand with a bright smile on her face, the doctor looks at weiss and asks, "what are you gonna do now?"

Weiss: "well I'm not getting married for starters and I'm not gonna temp anymore... I dunno, maybe when I'm done at the academy, I'll travel, see a bit more of planet earth. (Smiles) walk in the dust." The doctor smiles when hearing that, weiss continues. "Just go out there and do something."
She says enthusiastically.

The doctor nods his head and is about to speak before he stiffens, something both weiss and eri see. The doctor stays frozen to the point that it's starting to concern them.

Weiss: "doctor what's wrong?" She asks walking to him only for her and eri to recoil when the doctor gasps and collapses to his knees, his breathing ragged, weiss collapses next to him and holds him by his shoulders. "What's wrong?!, what's happening?!" She asks quickly.

Doctor: "I've made it paAAST! The first stage of my regeneration cycle, I'm now heading to the part that causes me extreme pain due to changes in the BODY!!" He says, yelling every little bit when the regeneration causes him pain, he then let's out another yell and falls flat on his back, staring up into the night sky, weiss and eri are over him trying to figure what to do to help but can't think of anything to help, the doctor starts to lose consciousness, but before he does he sees another memory of another girl.

??? (Echo): "run you clever boy, and remember me." The voice says. Before he loses consciousness, he sees a silhouette of a of a woman standing at the TARDIS doors and says.

Doctor: "c-clara?" He asks before going unconscious, regeneration energy leaving through his mouth as he did. The 2 snow white haired women try shake him awake, but stop when they hear a feminine voice behind them.

???: "d-doctor?" The woman says before running to him and checking him over.

Eri: "w-who are you? How do you know papa?" She asks, the woman looks at her oddly before ignoring what she called the doctor and checking him over.

Clara: "the names clara oswin oswald, I was a long time companion of his." She says before touching the side of his face, "I remember him looking different before I died, I guess he's regenerated." She says before looking at the 2, "don't worry about it, now that he's unconscious, he can through it without issue." She says causing the 2 to sigh in relief, weiss picked up on when clara said 'died' and was gonna ask what she meant before the trio grew stiff at the sudden yell of a male voice.

???: "what's going on here?!" The man yelled.

The trio look ahead to see the UA academy staff running to their location, following behind them is general ironwood, winter, some atlas troops, sirzechs, azazel and micheal. Seeing weiss, winter runs to her sister and checks over it.

Winter: "weiss! Are you alright?! You disappeared with (sees the doctor)...him, what's wrong with him?" She asks.

Weiss: "we stopped an alien invasion, that's what happened." She said, everyone looks confused except for winter and ironwood.

Ironwood: "what were you doing miss schnee? You speak as if you did something." He asked sternly, weiss looked down and messes with her hands. Weiss eventually spoke and gave a short version of the events that transpired. Needles to say some were shocked. Ironwood looked at the TARDIS and had a thought. "This technology allows someone to travel through time and space huh? We could use this against our enemies." He says. Clara quickly stood up and faced the general.

Clara: "no you can't, the TARDIS belongs to one man, and that's the doctor. I'm a little confused on how I'm alive, but that's not important right now, you wont take the TARDIS." She says firmly.

Nezu: "now, now, I'm sure everything can-" he begins but is interrupted by ironwood.

Ironwood: "apologies principle nezu, but this man (points at doctor) is an alien and according to miss schnee, he has a machine that can benefit us in protecting everyone, and he holds knowledge of other worlds, with his knowledge and technology, we can be better." He says, trying to convince them of the posibilities. Before anyone can speak, clara walks right up into the generals face and says firmly.

Clara: "You. Are. Not. Having. The. TARDIS. Or. The. Doctor!" She says, glaring for added effect. With a flick of his wrist, ironwoods men aim their weapons at eri, clara and the doctor.

Ironwood: "this isn't up for debate!" He exclaims, before moving past her bumping shoulders, before he could get in the TARDIS, Clara snaps her fingers and the doors to it close. Ironwood turns around and glares at clara who's smirking victoriously. "Open those doors." He orders.

Clara: "hmm, nope!" She says smugly. Ironwood aims a gun at her head and was about to order her again until, aizawa wraps his scarf around ironwood and midnight uses her quirk to knock out the atlas troops.

Aizawa: "ironwood, stop being an idiot, you're not doing anything to them or whatever that thing is." He says pointing at the TARDIS. Ozpin walks up to weiss and speaks.

Ozpin: "ms schnee, you said this man can help us, do you think it's possible for him to do so again?"

Weiss: "well.... maybe, although one slight problem." She says nervously.

Ozpin: "what is it?"

Weiss: "well-" she begins but is cut off.

Clara: "hang on," she interrupts, "what is it that you need help with?" She asks addressing the other staff members.

Sirzechs: "we never did truly introduce ourselves, my name is-"

Clara: "not interested tomato head." She interrupts, sirzechs deadpans while azazel chuckles.

Azazel: "feisty." He said, a bit perversely.

Clara: "OI." She warns, she then turns to the headmaster and asks, "what is the problem?"

Ozpin: "well, a ship was seen coming to earth, it sent a message that we were unable to translate at the moment. If this doctor is an alien that has lived for centuries, then he may be able to help us."

Clara: "it would, but one problem, or rather 2, the 1st is that the doctor is going through a regeneration cycle, and it's putting strain on him since he's in the painful stage so he can't help." She stated.

Micheal: "what's the second?" He asks.

Clara: "the TARDIS can translate any language." She begins.

Present mic: "I don't see how that's a pro-" he begins but is interrupted by clara yet again.

Clara: "but in order for it to translate, the doctor needs to be awake and healthy which he currently isn't." She finishes then rounds to ironwood, "and you." I have seen many things out there with the doctor. And you're something that I can already tell that's gonna get on my nerves, so for good measure..." as she says this she clenches her fist and punch ironwood in the face, knocking him to the floor, his troops go to check on him except winter.

Azazel: "damn!" He exclaims, surprised by the woman's ballsee move.

Clara smirks before picking the doctor and wrapping one of his arms around her neck.

Clara: "now, for saving the world, I believe, you at least owe him a comfy bed, until he's done." she says. The staff exchange looks, before glynda goodwitch walks up to clara and speaks.

Goodwitch: "follow me." She says before walking away. Clara Carrie's the limp doctor with eri following closely behind, weiss looks at her sister and speaks.

Weiss: "winter, I'm gonna go change into my normal attire, I can't stand being in this dress any longer." She says before heading to her dorm.


Clara and eri are in a hospital room, the doctor is still regenerating, every now and then, regeneration energy would leave his body and dissipate. Eri just got done explaining what happened before the doctor collapsed.

Clara: "you must have been very scared." She says.

Eri: "y-yeah, but papa was always there to keep me calm, I'm happy to have met him." She says smiling at the doctor's sleeping form, clara looks at the doctors face as well, memories of the adventures they went through, the hardships they faced until she picked up what eri called the doctor.

Clara: "eri (said girl looks at Clara) you called the doctor your papa, why?" She asked with confusion.

Eri blushes a bit in embarrassment before speaking.

Eri: "w-well, I call him papa, b-because he's my hero. And he always had this way of keeping me calm and-"

Clara: "safe." She finishes.

Eri: she nods her head, "yeah, I know it's weird to call someone you just met papa, but I prefer to call him that."

Clara: "but why do you?"

Eri: looks at clara with a smile that's as bright as the sun, "because he's the papa I wish I had." She says with pure adoration for the doctor.

Clara: smiles at eri's childishness, "and I'm sure your the daughter, the doctor wished he had as well." She says sincerely, the door to the room opens and reveals, teams RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, sun, the orc, the student council, class 1-A and 1-B. Clara is surprised by how many there are but still greeted them. "Umm... hey, I'm clara, I don't believe I know any of you."

(Mini timeskip cause I can't be asked to do introductions).

After everyone introduced themselves, most started asking questions regarding the events that happened, while some asked eri, weiss and clara questions regarding the doctor, they tried to answer as best as they could, however clara made sure to not answer any questions that are personal about the doctor, the TARDIS, or herself.

Rias: "excuse me clara, (said girl looks at her) who exactly is the doctor?" She asked, it was then that Clara looked down at the doctor with a melancholy smile.

Clara: "I could tell you so many things about who the doctor is or what the doctor really is. But the thing is.... there are no words to summarise the doctor."

Momo: "he must mean a lot of to you."

Clara: "not just me, he means a lot to everyone. The whole galaxy owes him a debt that even they can't repay. He's saved worlds, entire civilisations, even his worst enemies." She says

Ruby: "he's like a hero in those stories mum used to read me!" She said with stars in her eyes.

Clara: "he's already been a hero ruby, and he's already been a warrior too. But there is one thing that he is and always will be."

Sona: "and what's that?" She asks curiously.

Clara: " a doctor." She explains simply, the others didn't understand but it was obvious that Clara new very well what it meant to be the doctor. Speaking of the devil, he suddenly awoke with a gasp, scaring everyone.

Clara: "doctor!" She exclaims surprised.

Eri: "papa!" She yelled happily.

Everyone (except Weiss, clara and eri): "PAPA?!?!" They yelled, the doctor ignored them and grabbed Clara's arm and said.

Doctor: "TARDIS." he wheezed. Understanding what he said, clara grabbed the doctor and started making her way to the TARDIS, eri closely following.

As they were running to the TARDIS, Clara noticed some people were not working but she ignored it and kept going. When they arrived Clara saw atlas troops around it.

Clara: "OI! Back away from the old girl!" She yells before pushing them and opening the doors, setting the doctor gently down and closed the doors, when she turned around, she saw not only eri, but ruby, weiss, rias, akeno, momo, izuku and mina. "How did you- you know what? Don't care, doctor comes first!" She says making her way to him, she was gonna ask what was wrong until the TARDIS started shaking for a few minutes, eventually it stopped, Clara slowly went to the doors and opened them, only to be roughly pulled out, the others were gonna help her (sans eri) but were caught off guard by other figures restraining them. Once they were pulled out of the TARDIS, Clara called out to eri. "Eri! Close the doors! Don't let them get the doctor! "She yelled, eri nodded and shut the doors as quickly as she could. The figures revealed themselves to be the sycorax who captured a parallel version of harriet Jones. The sycorax began cheering and ordering their victims execution in their native language, clara got annoyed and yelled, "OI, I don't know what you want, but I command you to leave this planet!" She yelled out, it was silent until they began laughing, a sycorax, a leader by the looks of him came down and began speaking, however no one was able to understand until he suddenly started speaking English.

Sona: "hold on, he's speaking english." She realises.

Clara: "you're speaking english", she says

Leader: "I would never dirty my tongue with your primitive bile."

Clara: "but that's English, but how? Unless.... (smiles) the TARDIS translater is working, and if that's working then...." she says before turning to the TARDIS, the rest doing the same, the doors open to reveal a smiling eri and a revitalised doctor.

Doctor: "you missed me?" He asked cheekily. Clara smiles, the sycorax leader grabbed whip and attack the doctor who caught it and glared, "you could have someones eye out with that."

Leader: "how dare-" is as far as he got as the doctor grabbed his staff and broke it half.

Doctor: "just can't get the staff. Now you, just wait." He says pointing at the leader. "I'm busy." He finishes. He turns around and smiles, "Weiss hello! Nice to see you out that stupid dress." He says.

Weiss: "nice to see you healthy.... not that I care you dunce."

The doctor smiles before seeing a familiar face.

Doctor: "and harriet Jones, MP for flydale north! Blimey, it's like this is your life. Tea, that's what I needed, a good cup of tea, helps heal the synapses, I'm surprised eri knows how to make it, and that the TARDIS has an instruction manual on me." He shrugs at the last part, clara slowly walks up to the doctor and speaks.

Clara: "doctor? (He looks at her) are you really him, are you really MY doctor?" She asks, the doctor slowly walks to her, stares right into her eyes and speaks.

Doctor: "I never forgot, I never forgot those days, I never forgot, when the doctor was me." He says, Clara can feel tears slipping from her eyes. "You should be dead, but I'm honestly surprised you escaped it, that's usually my thing.... (smiles) but I'm glad your not clara..... my Clara oswin oswald.... (wipes tears from her face) my impossible girl." He says, clara smiles and hugs the daughter with all her might.

Clara: "doctor.... my doctor." She says, her face buried into his clothes.

Harriet: "I'm sorry to interrupt, but who is this?" She asks.

Doctor: "(murmurs) that ruined the moment, (out loud) I'm the doctor."

Clara: "he's the doctor."

Harriet: "what happened to my doctor? Or is it a title that just passed on?"

Doctor: "I'm him, I'm literally him. Same man new face, well new everything" he says.

Harriet: "but you can't be." She says, not believing it.

Doctor: "harriet Jones. We were trapped in downing street, and the thing that scared you wasn't the aliens, wasn't the war, it was the thought of your mother being on her own." He said.

Harriet: "oh my god"

Doctor: "did you win the election?"

Harriet: "landslide majority."

Leader: "if I may interrupt."

Doctor: "yes! Sorry, hello big fella."

Leader: "who are you?"

Doctor: "well that is the question."

Clara: "you do get asked that a lot."

Leader: "I demand to know who you are!" He bellows.

Doctor: "I don't know!" He bellows back before continuing, "that's the thing, I'm the doctor but beyond that, I just don't know. I literally do not know who I am. It's all untested am I funny? Am i sarcastic? Sexy?" He asks, the last part winking at clara, who smirks, behind them, akeno is eyeing the doctor and licking her lips, the doctor saw and had to suppress a shiver, "a right old misery? Life and soul? Right handed, left handed? A gambler, a fighter, a coward, a traitor, a liar, a nervous wreck? Judging by the evidence, I've certainly still got the gob." He says before seeing a console and pointing at it, "and how am I going to react when I see this? A great big threatening button." He says walking to, the others following, "a great big threatening button which must not be pressed under any circumstances, am I right? Let me guess, it's some sort of control matrix, hold on, what's feeding it?" He asks opening it, "what have we got here?" He dabs his finger in the red liquid and licks it, "blood? Definitely blood, human and faunus blood to be precise, A positive, with just a dash of iron. But that means..." he thinks before he realises, "blood control, blood control! Oh! I haven't seen blood control for years! You're controlling all the A positives!" He says, angering the leader, "which leaves us with s great big problem. Cos, I really don't know who I am. And I don't know when to stop, so when I see a great big threatening button which shouldn't be pressed, then I just wanna do this." He says before hitting the button, everyone yells no, however on earth, the people controlled were wondering what they were doing on the roof of buildings before moving away.

Mina: "you killed them!"

Doctor: "did I bif fella?" He asks the leader.

Leader: "we allowed them to live."

Doctor: "please, you had no choice, now, I'm only gonna say this once. Leave earth."

Leader: "or what?"

Doctor: "or (pulls a sword from a sycorax) I challenge you!" He says causing an uproar, "am I right that the sanctified rules of combat still apply?"

Leader: "you are this worlds champion?" He asks drawing his sword.

Doctor: "thank you." He says as he takes off his coat and gives it to clara, "I don't know who I am and you've already summed me up, now are you gonna accept? Or are you a cranak pel casackree Salvak?" He asks, angering the leader, the 2 get on their knees like a knight.

Leader: "for the planet."

Doctor: "for the planet."


(0:40 to 3:32)

The students of UA clap for the fantastic fight, clara gives the doctor his coat back and the 2 begin walking away, however the leader got back up and was gonna attack however the doctor pulled his sonic and used it at the leaders feet where a hatch opened up and he fell. The students, eri, doctor, Clara and harriet make it back to the TARDIS. The doctor speaks before they leave.

Doctor: "by the ancient rites of combat. I forbid you to scavenge here for the rest of time. And when you go back to the stars and tell others of this planet, its riches, it's people and its potential, tell them this, it is defended!" He says before they disappear and are back at the academy. The ship departs the earth and everyone celebrates the staff of UA and atlas general and specialist go to check on the students, harriet walks up to the doctor.

Harriet: "my doctor."

Doctor: "prime minister." He says before the 2 hug.

Harriet: "absolutely the same man!" She says before looking to the sky, "are there more out there?" She asks.

Doctor: "not just sycorax. Hundreds of species, thousands of them. And the human race is drawing attention to itself. Every day you're sending out probes, messages and signals. This planet is so noisy. You're getting noticed. More and more. You'd better get used to it." He says before going to join clara and eri. A car appears and a man with an earpiece goes to harriet and speaks.

Earpiece guy: "it's a message from torchwood. They say the ready," he says, harriet looks at the doctor for a moment before speaking.

Harriet: "tell them to fire." She says, the man nods and gives them the order. Suddenly 3 green energy beams clash together and shoot up into space and directly hit the sycorax ship that was leaving, everyone who saw it was shocked, most had their hands covering their mouths or were crying, none more than the doctor, before his eyes narrow.

Doctor: "torchwood." He said quietly, but weiss heard him.

Weiss: "I thought you said torchwood was gone!" She exclaimed.

Doctor: "I thought it did." He said his eyes darkening. He looks at harriet. "That was murder!"

Harriet: "that was self defence."

Doctor: "they were leaving!"

Harriet: "you said it yourself, they go back to the stars and tell about the earth, I'm sorry, but you're not here all the time."

Doctor: " I should've told them to run and hide because, the monsters are coming, the human and faunus race!"

Harriet: "I did it on their behalf."

Doctor: "I should've stopped you."

Harriet: "what does that make you? Another alien" clara didn't take kindly to that and was about to retort but the doctor beat her to it.

Doctor: "don't you dare push me harriet jones, I'm a new man now! I could bring down your government with one word."

Harriet: "you're capable of many things, but that is impossible."

Doctor: "you're right, not one word, just six."

Harriet: "I don't think so."

Doctor: "six words."

Harriet: "stop it!"

Doctor: "six."

Its quiet between the 2 before the doctor goes to the earpiece guy, takes off and mutters.

Doctor: "don't you think she looks tired?" He asks before walking away. Clara and eri closely follow before weiss does after sending a glare at harriet. Soon everyone else leaves, harriet goes to the guy.

Harriet "what did he say?" She asks desperately but gets no answer, she asks again but he doesn't know, she tries to ask the doctor but he ignores her and keeps walking, she could only mutter, "I'm sorry."

In celebration for the defeat of the alien threats, the staff at UA invited clara, eri and the doctor to a Christmas feast which they agree too, everyone was laughing and celebrating, the news was on and it showed harriet being asked if she was ok to remain prime minister. Eventually, the doctor excused himself and went to the roof, up there he spent his time looking to the sky, eventually Clara and eri came to see him.

Clara: "you alight?"

Doctor: "not really, things have been blown out of proportion."

Clara: "what do you mean?" She asks.

Doctor: "Clara these events happened before, but not in the same order, the huon particles and the racnoss happened after the sycorax invasion. These things happened during the tenth doctors time. And since this is a parallel earth, it's likely that I'm about to take a trip down memory lane." He says, Clara doesn't say anything for a moment but speaks right afterwards.

Clara: "that's good then isn't it? You know what the events are and can likely stop them." She says.

Doctor: "but here's the thing, when they do come, I might not be able to change it, because what if it leads to a distortion in time where the event I change will cause a chain reaction that will cause another event to not go the way I remembered, this is like going through someones personal time stream, I'd be creating a distortion in time by going through someones personal history." He says.

Clara nods her head a bit, before taking the doctors hand looking into the sky.

Clara: "you're not alone anymore doctor, I'm here by your side once again. Whenever you're in trouble, I'll be sure to save you." She says with a smirk. Eri grabs the doctors hand.

Eri: "I'll be with you too papa, I don't want you to be sad and hurt."

Doctor: "eri, I can't take you with me, what I do is dangerous."

Eri:"please let me go with you! I don't want to be left alone again, I want to stay with you papa!!" She begs, almost crying.

The doctor looks away before looking at Clara who nods her head as a signal to say 'take her and raise her as your own,' with a sigh, the doctor looks down at eri and smiles.

Doctor: "alright eri, you can stay with me, BUT! If it gets top dangerous, I want to stay within the TARDIS, got it?"

Eri smiles a beaming one and hugs the doctor.

Eri: "yes papa! I promise I'll be good!"

The doctor smiles before picking up eri and holding Clara's hand again. The trio stare into the sky, prepared for their next adventure.


A/N: I know this is like super late, but MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope it was wonderful for everyone, I appreciate everyone who has read my stories, who has been patient with me and has been giving me positivity. Anyways I'd like to ask you guys this. So In this chapter, I tried a different writing style, do you prefer this one or the one I use in my other stories, leave a comment, anyways, thanks for reading this, and as always..... PEACE✌✌

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