Chapter 28

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Author's point of view

Shivaay woke up, he was excited to go and meet his kids. He dressed up fast so he can leave fast. He looked at the mirror when he buttoned the buttons of his hands. He straightned his dress to look more presentable. He put his watch and started walking down stairs.

"Billu , where are you going this early in the morning itself, you don't schedule your meetings this early for sure" said Dadi and looked at him with a questioning look. Shivaay took a deep breath and wanted towards his grandmother who was analysing him thoroughly.

"Nothing Dadi , I have to meet someone that's why I'm going early itself" said Shivaay with a smile and Dadi's face relaxed.

"Going this early? Eat your food first then go, you are getting weak day by day" said Dadi . Shivaay wanted to roll his eyes so badly but he was helpless.

"I'm eating me food and all properly, don't worry about that my dearest Dadi, I'm perfectly fine and so is my diet" said Shivaay

"I can't wait to bring Ragini into this house, she will take care of your everything, she would make sure that you eat everything properly, She will lift the stress of your reckless food and health habits from me,  By the way check up on your future wife once in a while" said Dadi and Shivaay nodded

"She is not going to be my wife in any life" Shivaay said, in his mind.

Shivaay literally forgot about Ragini after knowing about the existence of his kids. He was happy and the name Ragini itself ruined his mood. He truly wished that Ragini wasn't trapped in his world. She was adding knots to his already twist. When he feels that the knots are slowly untangling, new knots seems to form.

"I'll stay for breakfast but I'll leave as soon as the breakfast is over , I really hope that the breakfast is already made because I really don't want to be late today for the meeting" said Shivaay with thousand thoughts running in his mind, Peace was something which wasn't written in his fate

Shivaay went towards her door, he was happy to meet her again , he felt like he was shining up. He discarded all his puzzling thoughts before knocking on the door. He took a deep breathe and knocked on the door.

"Come in" he heard Annika's sweet voice

Shivaay entered the room, He saw Annika looking at her phone . Shivi was sleeping peacefully , he smiled seeing the peacefulness in her face. Shivaay sat in the nearest sofa , he decided to look into his office matter. He texted his assistant stuff related to his office.

"Shit!" Whispered Shivaay to himself, Annika looked at him with a murderous look.

"Sorry but I've to go, it's really important and I forgot about it completely, I can't postpone it so can you please tell Shivi that I came here to check up on her" asked Shivaay and Annika subtlety nodded.

"Thanks a lot Annika for this, if it wasn't this important I wouldn't have even left her side at all, I really wanted to be there for her when she wakes up but I can't " said Shivaay, his last words ended in a sad tone .

"I'll tell her you came here, she would be really happy knowing that so don't worry, go and do what you have to do" said Annika after feeling bad seeing him in sadness.

"Thank you" said Shivaay and Annika smiled at him. That smile melted his heart and made him feel a lot better.

The nurse had called me up telling that the doctor wants to meet me. It was scary for me, what if something is gravely wrong?. My poor baby, I wish she was all better, she is miserable staying in the hospital but I really wished that I could do something.

"Hello Mrs.Oberoi, Mr.Oberoi isn't around" asked The doctor, I wanted to roll my eyes so badly but it's not the situation to do that.

"Doctor, I am just Annika not Mrs.Oberoi and Mr.Oberoi had an office emergency so he left a little while ago" I said with a dash of sass

"Sorry for the mix up Ms.Annika , anyway take a seat" said The doctor and I took the seat next to his table.

"So Ms.Annika , I would Advise you to do the surgery as soon as possible before the problems starts to escalate to a position we can't handle" said The doctor and I felt my heart stop for a minute

"Yes doctor, we can do that" I said

"That's great, Let's do it at the earliest, you deposit the money and we will go for the earliest date as possible, I assure you that I'll get you the earliest date" said The doctor and I slowly nodded.

"That's all" said the doctor
"Thank you doctor" I said ,I got up from there and started walking outside the doctors cabin

I went towards the counter to know how much will it cost to do the surgery ,I really hope I can afford it. I've been saving money and all, it's hard to save much when there are two kids. I might have to clean out.

"How much does the surgery cost" I asked

"It costs INR.........

I am not going to tell the money because I can't do more research and all. Anyway..I might put this on hold for 2 weeks if exams occur. The updates might be a mess for the coming weeks but I'll try my best to be systematic

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