Chapter 9

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Shivaay's point of view
I had Ignored Daksh in the men's room but I decided to look whom he is with , I don't know why this curiosity rose in me. Anyway it's better than being with Ragini , God that's torture.

I saw Daksh walking towards a lady in Yellow . She looked familiar , I couldn't see her face. She slowly turned her head to straighten her hair strands. No way, how did I get lucky.

"Annika" I whispered

Suddenly a crowd came between my love and me. I could see Daksh somehow through the crowd. I tried to move through the crowd. I'm going to meet my Annika, my heart.

"Excuse me" I said moving through the crowd.

I tried a lot moving through this packed crowd towards Daksh . I was lucky enough that I could see Daksh at least who could lead me to Annika . I somehow successfully reach near Daksh.
"Daksh" I called out
"Daksh "I called out again

I tapped on Daksh' shoulders and he turned. When I got close to him , Annika was not with him. No worries, he will take me Annika. I am getting her back and bye Ragini.

"Oh , hey Shivaay" said Daksh
"How are you Daksh" I asked , why am I being formal
"Fine" said Daksh confused
"Where is Annika" I asked
"I don't know" said Daksh

This man is getting on my nerves, I am already not a fan of him and now he is making me more angry. I need to keep calm for Annika , I need to know and he is my way.

"I saw her with you so tell me where is she" I asked
"I can't understand what you are saying, I don't know" said Daksh
"I saw you so now tell me" I said with a hint of anger
"I don't know man" said Daksh

Is he kidding me, I saw her with him just now. Such a bloody liar he is. I want to punch him so badly. What is his issue with me finding my Wife , Annika is my wife.

"Tell me Khurana , tell me now" I said angrily
"I don't know" said Daksh
"Tell me where is my Annika" I asked him holding on to his collar
"I don't know man" said Daksh

I threw a punch on his face because he deserves it. Can't he say like a normal person.
"Tell me ,where is Annika" I screamed at him
"I don't know Shivaay" said Daksh

I started Punching and he threw me a punch. Within it became a fight and it started to get crowded . I felt some hands pulling my away from punching Daksh.

"Stop it Shivaay" Ragini
"Shut up , he will take me Annika" I said
"Stop Mr. Oberoi or you'll get banned from here" said a guy
"I don't care about anything other than Annika "i said

Within a span of time I was pulled away from Daksh . Daksh was wiping the blood from his lips, somewhere in happy for doing that but my main is Annika.

"Shivaay, you should be happy that I'm not complaining" said Daksh

He faded into the crowd in seconds. I couldn't see him anymore. I felt a pair of Hands dragging me. It was Ragini . This woman is crazy, I need to find my Annika.

"Shiv you need to get over this Annika girl, it is driving you crazy "said Ragini
"This Annika girl? , Remember you are talking about my love" I said, how dare she

"Shiv , now I'm in your life and not Annika , you are going to marry me so I'm your life partner and also should be your love "Said Ragini

"Stay on your limits Ragini , Annika is my love and you can't never take her place" I said, she need to know her limit

I got into my car and started driving towards home. I missed my Annika today but at least I saw a glance of her , my Annika. I need to get rid of this Ragini and then only I can find Annika without any issues...

Ragini's point of view
This Annika is trying to get back on the picture, I can't let that happen. I will not let Shiv get away from me. Shiv is only mine and I'll go to any lengths to make him mine.

"How was the dinner" asked dadi , the person I am looking for
"It went -"I kept silent for the mystery , I need to keep her in the verge for to make her agree

"Tell me what happened Ragini" asked Dadi , this much concern just the thing I've been looking for
"Dadi , what can I say it was not something I planned but -"I stopped and started fake sobbing

"Tell me Ragini , I'll solve it" said Dadi , she believed my tears
"Today at the Restaurant Shivaay started a fight with a guy telling him to say where Annika is , I can wait my whole life for Shiv but his madness for Annika is hurting me and shattering my Hope slowly" I said

"I know what to do" said Dadi hugging me tight , the bullet hit where it was needed
"How dadi" I asked making my hope visible in my face
"Shiv will be engaged to you" said Dadi.....

Miss me? You wouldnt have , Duh! 
If you did, just hit the star. Till we meet again next Friday , follow my Instagram account that is @ Devilish_Grinner

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