Prologue: A Good Person

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Ruby's POV:

My dad and I had decided to visit my mother's grave, i had planned to visit her a while ago but things have been...Busy.

Me: "Hey mom, sorry I haven't come by in a while, things have been..well things have been pretty busy, oh! Dad's here too, he' know dad, he still teaches at Signal but he told me he's going out on some missions soon, I think he misses adventuring with you...I miss you too. Haven't been kicked out of Beacon yet, so that's cool, I think being on a team with Yang helps, I keep her in line, that was a joke, but she's actually a really great fighter, you can tell she's learned alot from Dad, well so are Weiss and Blake, oh! Their my teammates, and together we form team RWBY, and we also have a fifth member of our team, (Y/n) Valkyrie, he's also my boyfriend, Dad doesn't know yet *wink* but I really like him he's strong, and funny, and heroic, and he also really cares about all of us, Yang and the girls sometimes tease and flirt with him, and does it too, but I know he loves me more so I'm not too worried, oh! We have a ship name its "Lightning Rose" I like it has a nice ring to it, but  lately he's been going on a lot of "missions" but knowing him, he's probably trying to find answers and stuff, see he's worried something is coming, I don't know Torchwick told him something that's been keeping him worried, I wish I could spend more time with him, but...Stuff, I just hope he makes it to our first round in the tournament, anyways, uh I've made a bunch of new friends, one of them is Nora, (Y/n)'s sister, she's crazy strong too, oh! We've also stop some bad guys too! I guess it's true what they say: like mother like daughter...I still wonder why Ozpin let (Y/n) and I into Beacon early, but I guess he'll tell me someday, you know how he is, it's funny the more I get to know him the more he starts sounding like uncle Qrow." I said as I heard Zwei bark meaning Dad came.

Ruby: "Oh! Looks like dad's back, I gotta go! He's dropping me off at Beacon for the tournament match before he goes on his next mission! Wish me luck!" I said excited as I put my hood on as a momentum to her, I walked to dad but before that I stopped just to say one last thing.

Ruby: "It was great to talk." I said as I walked away, smiling.

3rd POV:

Today was the days of the Tournament, broadcasting live from the Amity Colosseum! Which wasn't too far from Beacon.

People from every kingdom were tuning in and watching the fights roll, the colosseum itself was tremendously packed.

Team RWBY was currently up, it was their first found against a team from Haven known as team ABRN, and for the most part they were actually holding the opposing team at bay.

Port: "O-HO! It seems we have another astonishing bunch ahead of us! Wouldn't you agree professor?" Port asked Oobleck, being that both were the announcers for the broadcast.

Oobleck: "Doctor! And yes, Peter I think it's safe to say: this match maybe one of the closest we've seen in four-and-four round of the tournament!" He said we excitement.

Port: "For those of you just now joining us: WELCOME TO THE VYTAL FESTIVAL TOURNAMENT!! Broadcasting live from the Amity Colosseum!!" He announced over the intercom.

Port: "If this is your first time watching allow us to break down the rules." He said.

Oobleck: "the tournament is divided into three distinctive rounds: Teams, doubles, and singles, age and school year are irrelevant, in this tournament, the only attribute being tested is...skill." He explained adjusting his glasses.

Port: "Correct! The winners of this battle will elect two of their members to represent them in the doubles round, followed by the winners of that round choosing one member to advance once again! The remaining combatants will then fight there way through the finales bracket, in hopes of achieving victory for their kingdom!" He said excitedly.

Oobleck: "And yes Peter these certainly are some spectacular spectacles on which to spectate on, and I don't think anyone around the world is going to disagree on that!" He added.

Port: "Ah and why would they? Now let's get back to the match between Team RWBY of Beacon and team ABRN of Haven!" He announced.


(Y/n): "How are my girls doing!?" (Y/n) shouted fighting off White Fang members.
(Guess who's back!!)
Tracy!! 😉


Tracy: "Their doing great! By the way how are they your girls again? Are they your Harem or something?"
Tracy asked as she was on top of a crate in a warehouse watching the tournament on her scroll, while (Y/n) was fighting White Fang members.

(Y/n): "I don't know really, the one in red is my actual girlfriend! The other ones just flirt or kiss me out of nowhere, truth be told I've also flirted back sometimes, but Ruby for some reason says it's okay with her so long as she is my favorite, which she is!" He shouted as hit two White Fang members away and blasted the last one away.

Tracy: "Wow! They actually won!!" She announced excitedly.

(Y/n): "That's my girls." He said as he put Point Break down and walked up to a White Fang member crawling away.

(Y/n): "Alright, unless you want me to break every bone in your body, I suggest you tell me what you know about anything that's going to happen or is happening in Beacon Academy here in Vale!" He said picking up the White Fang member from the collar of his shirt.

WF Member: "I don't know nothing I swear, all I know is that our current high leader, Sienna Khan ordered Adam Taurus to be in charge here, for a time being." He said nervously.

(Y/n): "Adam? I keep hearing that name, who is he!?" (Y/n) asked him sternly.

WF Member: "Are you kidding!? he's our inspiration! He represents the best of the White Fang, He teaches us not to fear damned human scum like you!" He shouted at (Y/n) smiling.

(Y/n): "Is that right? Good to know, but  get this straight into that head of yours, I'm not like those humans who push you all around and wish you all dead or slaves, I want equality and peace in the world too, but you White Fang make it hard with your aggressive approach and unnecessary violence, much like you, I just want to protect lives and make a difference, I don't know who Adam is but I've heard his so called vision of "peace" isn't exactly one where humans and Faunus trive together." (Y/n) explained as he released the White Fang member who slid down the wall and just sat there.

WF Member: "Can you blame us honestly? Humanity made a world where standing together is impossible now.." He said looking down.

(Y/n): "Your not wrong..." (Y/n) said walking away to pick up Point Break.

(Y/n): "...But just like there's good Faunus who keep that hope, that someday humanity and the Faunus kind can still unite, there is also some good humans out there too who wish for the same thing...Faunus and humans aren't different at all, we fight, we kill, and we betray one another, but over time we can do better, become better, and we will do it, we'll have to." (Y/n) said as he put Point Break away.

(Y/n): "Your friends here are alive, consider this mercy, because your not wrong about some humans being scum, but your also wrong to think we're all bad just Keep that in mind, come on Trace." He told the White Fang member as he and Tracy walked out of the warehouse.

Tracy: "So what's our next move?" She asked as she stretched.

(Y/n): *Sighs Heavliy* "Nothing else we're going home." He said sounding disappointed and crossing a line over a something on his small notebook.

Tracy: "Alright grumpy what's wrong?" She said grabbing his arm to stop him from walking.

(Y/n): "We've hit every White Fang camp and hideout near Vale and the closest thing I got to anything being connected to Beacon, is that Adam or whoever he is in charge and that's it and we haven't been able to find him at all!" He said now frustrated.

Tracy: "Chill out (Y/n), I know your looking for answers but sometimes their not always going to just show up or be where you think, sometimes you just have to be patient." She said patting his back.

(Y/n): "I know your trying to cheer me up and I appreciate it, but I can't afford to sit around and wait for answers for something that I can probably stop before it starts." He said as they walked into an airship.

Pilot: "Where to?" He asked.

(Y/n): "Beacon Academy please." (Y/n) told him taking a seat with his arms crossed.

Tracy: "Why don't we go to the colosseum?" She asked taking a seat next to him.

(Y/n): "We have to report to Ozpin first, wake me up when we get there please " He said closing his eyes and leaning back.

Tracy: "Cool beans!" She said using her scroll.


Ozpin: "Very well then, (Y/n) Valkyrie At this moment I have an assignment for you, would you care to listen?" He asked.

(Y/n): "I'm listening.." I said standing in front of him with a glare.

Ozpin: "Assignments actually, as of this moment since your team is training and preparing for the tournament, you will be taking on missions, though many of the White Fang members didn't make it out of the incident earlier, there is still some in and around Vale and I want you to put an end to them." He said sipping his mug.

(Y/n): "You must have some serious confidence in my strength and skill to be asking me to take out White Fang camps and hideouts, aren't you worried I might die?" I asked him.

Ozpin: "You threatened to quit being a Huntsmen and a student for my school, just so you can go find a way to protect your friends and family from whatever you think is coming, quite frankly normal people would say that's the worst decision you can make, however in my opinion that is what also makes you the best Huntsmen in training in my school, you've shown strength, skill, means of being a leader, and you've fought for what's right, but today you've shown me you officially are worthy of being a Huntsmen." He said.

(Y/n): "I have?" I asked him.

Ozpin: "You see, what I've always wanted from at least one Huntsmen or Huntress coming out of my school is for for them to understand two things: One: What makes a Huntsmen or Huntress isn't the clothes or weapons they carry or even the semblance they are born with, but rather the willingness to sacrifice for the greater good. And the ths second thing? You may ask is probably the most important in my opinion." He said as he got up from his chair and motioned me to come to look out the window with him, I got up and stood next to him just looking out at Vale.

Ozpin: "The second thing is...being a  Huntsmen or Huntress is nothing more than a title, it has to be earned much like a police officer or a soldier, but you know, it's the man or women that makes that title mean something, you know, you remind me of Summer Rose." He said as I looked at him very curiously.

(Y/n): "Ruby's mom?" I asked.

Ozpin: "Yes, much like you she was steadfast but unpredictable, merciless but kind, and most importantly she trained, fought, and used her skills for the single purpose of protecting the innocent and fighting for the greater good like a Huntress should, but over everything she she faced and had gone through she stayed who she was, not a perfect Huntress, but a good person, that is what you are too, a good person willing to sacrifice your dream as a Huntsmen to protect your loved ones and I just want you to promise me you'll stay a good person no matter what you go through not just for your own sake but for everyone that loves you." He said looking into my eyes and giving me a smile.

(Y/n): "Yes sir, I promise." I said.

Ozpin: "Good thank you." He said.

(Y/n): "I'll take those assignments sir and might I bring a friend with me, she's really strong." I said as he as he gave me a smile and nodded at me.


Tracy: "Wake up (Y/n) we're here!" An said as I opened my eyes and got up.

(Y/n): "Come on." I said as we walked to Ozpin's office.

(Ozpin's office)

Ozpin: "So how did it go?" He asked as I put the notebook down on his desk.

(Y/n): "I got nothing Oz." I said not looking at him.

Ozpin: "I see, im sorry to hear that but you two have been at this for a whole week, maybe it's time you rest, after all you should go see the tournament your sister's round is coming up plus I'm sure you want to congratulate your team." He said smiling as I got up and walked to the elevator but stopped.

(Y/n): "I'll go do that but I'm still going at this until I find answers." I said to him as I left Tracy, to find my team and maybe watch my sister's round.

As I walked around I noticed I was passing by the fairgrounds so I decided to go get something to eat, but just as I was walking I bumped into..Cinder.

Cinder: "Well well (Y/n) Valkyrie." She said coming up to me in an outfit I haven't seen her in before.

Cinder: "Been a while, I didn't see you at the tournament." She said.

(Y/n): "I'm not allowed to be in the tournament cuz I'm the fifth member of team RWBY so yeah.." I said sounding disappointed.

Cinder: "I see, that's too bad I wish I could have seen you in action." She said giving me a sympathetic look.

(Y/n): "Its alright it gives me time to focus on something more important." I said.

Cinder: "If it's not a bother may I ask what it is?" She asked.

(Y/n): "Well I trust you, okay when Torchwick got locked up he told me something big and terrible is going to happen in Beacon and I'm trying to stop it, don't worry I'm sure it's a long way to come but I'll figure it out." I told her giving a weak smile, she gave me a strange look one of worry with a bit of anger?

(Y/n): "You okay?" I asked her as she snapped out of her trance.

Cinder: "Yes I'm totally fine, just thought of something is all." She said giving me a smile.

(Y/n): "Well okay if you say so." I said.

RWBY: (Y/N)?!?" I heard as I turned around and was tackled into a hug by my Rose petal.

Ruby: "(Y/N)!! Hi, ah it's so good to see you! Did you miss me! Did you miss me!?" She shouted with joy.

(Y/n): "Obviously." I said ruffling her hair.

Yang: "You broke your promise!" Yang shouted punching my arm.

(Y/n): "Ow! Yang jeez I told you I was on a mission!" I said rubbing my arm.

Yang: "Are you ever going to tell us about these so-called "Missions"?" She asked as I looked at her serious.

(Y/n): "I told you already I ain't telling you." I said sternly as I could feel their everyone else's stares, I looked around and realized Cinder was gone.

Weiss: "What's your problem? Why won't you tell us!?" Weiss shouted at me.

(Y/n): "Look! I came here to celebrate y'alls first win so can we drop it and just go eat or something." I said sternly as I walked away with Ruby at my side.

Yang: *Sigh* "Okay fine! We won't talk about, but come I know a good place to eat." She said pulling my arm.

We were at a noodle stand.

Yang: "Give me the regular!" Yang said as a huge bowl of noodles was thrown in front of her.

Ruby: "Oooh I'll take the same!" She said as it was thrown at her too.

(Y/n): "A bowl of the regular with extra noodles please." I said as a bowl was thrown at me.

Weiss: "Hmm..Do you have anything with a low salt-" a bowl was thrown at her fast.

Weiss: "Umm okay."

Blake just nodded and a huge bowl of fish was thrown at her as she had sparkles eyes and drool.

Weiss whipped out her own lien card.

Yang: "Aww Weiss what's the occasion?" Yang asked her.

Weiss: "Consider it thanks for sending me to the doubles round." She said as suddenly her card was sent like a ninja star in front of her as the owner pointed to the cash register which said that Weiss' card was declined.

Weiss: "What how can my card be declined!? I was barely into my monthly allowance" She asked herself as Blake tried to sneak her food away only for the shopkeep to take it away fast, as she fake cried.

Blake: "Nooo.."

Pyrrah: "Maybe I can help?" Pyrrah said coming out of nowhere with her team.

Ruby: "Pppyyyyrrrrrahhh!!" Ruby said excited.

Yang: "Aw you don't have to." Yang said.

Blake: "But she could!" Blake said anxious.

Pyrrah: "Well I think you all earned it after that battle." She said happily.

(Y/n): "No!" I shouted as they all looked at me in surprised.

(Y/n): "I'll pay!" I said as I quickly throw my card at the Shopkeep who cashed it in fast.

(Y/n): "And while I'm at it join us team JNPR!" I said as they all looked at me happy and shocked.

Nora: "Ooohhh that's my little bro so nice and caring!" She said hugging me  tightly.

(Y/n): "Okay okay sis chill out." I said smiling as she looked at me surprised.

Nora: "Wow usually my hugs hurt you and you tell me to get off. Are your okay?" She asked as it was my turn to look at her surprise, wow my sis sure is observant, I just smiled and ruffled her hair.

Jaune: "What's the occasion (Y/n)?" He asked as their noodles were given to them.

(Y/n): "One for my girls winning and for you guys to promise you'll won your fight." I said giving them confident smile.

Nora: "I'll break one of their legs for you bro!" At she said excited.

(Y/n): "As cool as that would be sis, that will get you disqulifed just winning is good...maybe send a hammer home-run would be cool." I said smiling as she devoured her noodles and gave me a wink.

After we all finished everyone but Jaune was satisfied.

Ren: "I'm not too sure it was wise to eat before a fight." Ren said.

Pyrrah: "It's fine well have lots of energy." She said happily, as the shopkeep quickly collected tge bowls and Nora and I burped really really loud and then fist pumped.

Jaune: "Ugh! If I barf I'm blaming you." Jaune said putting his head down.

Nora: "Oh! Aim it at the enemy!" She said smirking evily.

Ren/(Y/n): "Nora! That's disgusting!" We both said.

(Y/n): "But it's not a bad idea.."

Ren: "but If you feel the urge."

Jaune: "Got it." He said.

Pyrrah: "Well, we should be off." Pyrrah said standing.

Ruby: "Do you guys think your ready?" Ruby asked.

Nora: "Of course! We got a world- renowned fighter on our team, what's basically a ninja, I can bench five of me! ((Y/n): "Barely!")..Jaune! We've trained all year, our weapons are Awesome! Glynda barely yells at us anymore! And uh..Jaune!" She said.

Ren: "Are you going to take that?" Ren asked Jaune who still had his head down.

Jaune: "She's not wrong..." He said as I pat his back.

Nora: "I'm kidding! He knows I'm kidding! Don't be so nervous! The worst that can happen is we lose! Then it's just a few more years of walking around school with everyone knowing we're failures, our friends will slowly abandon us to preserve their social status, we won't be able to show our faces in class, no one will sit with us in the cafeteria, (Y/n), Ren and I have no parents, we have no homes left to go to, we'll be officially renamed team Lose-iper! Ah hahaha *Sobbing*!" She said turning gray as I got behind her and rubbed her temples.

(Y/n): "Easy there sis, think of pancakes, Whoosaw! Can you see them?" I said as she lifted her head up with eyes closed and smiling.

Nora: "I see them (y/n), I see them!" She said reaching out to nothing.

(Y/n): "Good. Say it with me Whoosaw." I said.

Nora: "Whoosaw..." She repeated smiling happily as she opened her eyes smiling.

Nora: "What we're talking about again?" She said happily.

Ren: "Yeah we're feeling great." He said sounding monotone as always.

Pyrrah: "Don't fret, if anything we should be glad were fighting with actual guidelines and not...well,murderers." She said.

Yang: "Yeah don't sweat it we've faced way worse before." She said.

Blake: "Lets see: Grimm invasions, violent extremists, a destructive sociopath." She listed them as I put my head down for this.

Ruby: "And that's all while we were still in training! Oh! Just imagine what it'll be like when we graduate!" She said excitedly as she shook me.

Weiss: "Maybe then I'll be able to pay for a meal..." She said as I rubbed her back for comfort.

Port (on intercom): "Would team JNPR please report to the battle grounds immediately."

Oobleck (On intercom): "Yes! Like they were scheduled to several minutes ago!"

Pyrrah: "Looks like this is it!" She said excited as I grabbed SugarBear to the side and Nora.

(Y/n): "Listen up Jauney boy! This is your time to shine as a leader so go out there and swig that sword like a knight should damn it!" I said as I pushes him to the side.

(Y/n): "Alright Nora my dearest sister! Today it's time to make the family of two shine! Time to stand tall and say: yes my hair is Orange, and yes my eyes are green, and yes we carry hammers and are inhumanly strong but that's who the Valkyries are!" I said proudly as she also got pumped up with excitement.

(Y/n): "Remember: I'm the Lightning!"

Nora: "I'm the Thunder!"

Ren: "And I'm the rain..."

(Y/n)/Nora: And together we are THUNDERSTORM!!!!"

Nora and I shouted and posed as Ren held our logo in the back!

(I did not make this logo but who ever did shout out to You!)

Nora: "Now I'm pumped! Thanks alot lil Bro! Love ya!" She said giving me a kiss on the cheek much to my dislike.

(Y/n): "Ugh Nora!" I shouted but she had already run off.

(Y/n): "Alright team! Let's go watch this fight, y'all already seen me in action but y'all still got to see the older Valkyrie do her thing." I said excited and proud.

3rd POV:

The whole Colosseum was filled once again as everyone was excited for the upcoming match especially our protagonist who was more excited to see his energetic and loveable sister fight at her best.

On the other side of the area sat Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury talking about the upcoming match too, we'll at least Em and Merc were.

Mercury: "I wonder who's going to win?" He said stuffing his face with popcorn.

Emerald: "tch, as if we didn't already know." She said annoyed.

Cinder: "Come now Emerald, just because you know how a story ends doesn't make it any less fun to watch." She said taking a popcorn from Mercury, suddenly she looked across and saw (Y/n) smiling widely obviously excited.

Cinder(Thoughts): "Smile while you can (Y/n)...because soon you'll know what it's like to lose." She thought as she smiled wider as the Arena chose it's setting and the fight began now!

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