Changes Nothing

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Everyone was asleep when the cryo pod finally opened with a silvery mist releasing its patient. No one was there to catch the weakened paladin and Keith fell onto his all fours, head spinning slightly before his vision cleared. He sighed in relief not only because he was now almost injury free but he was back in the castle. Keith groaned as he lifted himself up leaning against his cryo pod his mind focused on the visions he had just relieved. Why hadn't Rarg recognised him? He couldn't imagine many humans turning into Galra and furrowed his brow. A burst of hot red anger shot through Keith, thinking of what Zarkon did to his mother and punched the pod behind him.

The doors to the room opened and Keith flicked his head up to find Coran entering. The red head and the well-groomed moustache were a sight for sore eyes and the red paladin attempted to stand.


"Keith you're awake." Coran rushed over helping the boy onto his feet, "How are you feeling?"

"I need to speak with Thace." Keith breathed a little heavily as Coran checked his side his brow creasing in concern at the raw wound that was still healing.

"The pod opened earlier than expected, you need to rest." The royal advisor ordered.

"Coran, how much do you know about Zarkon's family?"

"Ten thousand years is a long time." Coran replied, "What do you want to know?"

"How many kids does he have?" Keith helped Coran hold his weight as they left the room, his feet dragging a little as they went.

"From what I recall he had three." Coran nodded at his information. "There was his oldest son, Bortel, a strong able Galra, he died in battle before the war began. His youngest son, Lotor was but a baby when I last saw him and he had a daughter. Second in line and a beauty. Nara was her name, she was quite friendly with Allura if I recall."

"Allura?" Keith felt a little breathless as they rounded the corridors of the castle. The two Altean's never mentioned Zarkon's family and Keith was astonished to find that Allura had been good friends with their enemies daughter.

"Yes, they played together often when Zarkon would visit on business." Coran opened the red paladin's door helping the boy onto his bed before asking his question. "Why are you interested in Zarkon's family? I expect after so long they would no longer be among us."

"I met Lotor." Keith wiped the small bead of sweat from his brow not seeing Coran's horrified face.

"Get some rest, I'll update Allura in the morning."



"Yes, my Emperor?" The druid bowed as he entered the throne room.

"I need you to search the Paladin's belongings and bring me something of significance," Zarkon ordered before sighing a little. "Also find Lotor I need to speak with him."

"Of course Zarkon."

Rarg swept from the room heading straight for the paladin's things, perhaps something could enlighten the druid of how the boy knew of their princess.

The jacket had nothing in its pockets, his armour burned and broken. The paladin's helmet was in one piece but nonfunctional. The satchel only had a few bits and pieces, nothing of significance. A handle of some kind of weapon caught Rarg's eye and he gently pulled it from its sheath. Rarg unwound the dirty cloth that covered the hilt dropping the dagger letting it clatter onto the table the symbol etched into it the druid knew too well. No. This wasn't possible. Rarg would recognise that knife anywhere. He clearly remembered shipping it off with the bundle long ago satisfied he would never see it or the child again. Now here it was haunting him, bringing up old and new problems. Rarg swiftly pocketed the blade his mind ticking over ten fold, he should have known this wouldn't have gone away.


The first visitors Keith had after he awoke were Pidge and Hunk. The green paladin laid beside him smiling happily as Hunk slumped against the bed.

"Is Matt okay?" Keith spoke first hoping it would lighten the mood but also concerned for the Holt sibling.

"He's more than okay." Pidge grasped Keith's hand squeezing it before spontaneously kissing the red paladin on the cheek. "Thank you for bringing him back to me."

Keith gently cupped his cheek in surprise turning his head to see Pidge smirking a little. The green paladin didn't let go of Keith's hand and the red paladin couldn't say he minded.

"What happened Keith?" Hunk asked and Keith knew the yellow paladin didn't mean his injuries. Pidge also turned serious watching Keith as he twinged slightly as he moved a little causing a small amount of pain to shoot to his side.

"I think my mother is Zarkon's daughter." Keith bit his tongue before he continued. "If that's true then what am I going to do?"

"Keith?" Pidge waited for the dark haired male to twist his head to her, eyes locking not daring to look away. Pidge found the yellow pupils mesmerising, a strange contrast from his grey blue hues he had before. "Who you are changes nothing."

Keith sighed looking up at the ceiling after glancing at Hunk to see the yellow paladin who was nodding in agreement. He let his fingers slowly close over Pidge's. "You say that now."


"Keith, may I come in?" Allura's voice entered the room as a muffle. Pidge and Hunk had left a few hours ago wanting to inform her brother of Keith's consciousness. Lance and Shiro had checked on him letting Keith know of their currents plans and that Kolivan, Antok and Thace would be staying with them for a little while longer. The Red Paladin's mind wandered to the princess, his secret was out of the bag, she'd seen his Galra DNA on the surface and Keith was in torment on how'd she react.


Allura appeared as the door slid open and she cautiously stepped inside, freezing when yellow met her own blue. Allura had braced herself after Matt had exclaimed about Keith's sudden eye colour change with Pidge and Hunk enlightening those in the dark about the mix of druid lightning with Keith's body. But seeing it had the princess conflicted, he looked so different but it was clear that it was still the red paladin. Allura was a little overwhelmed at how quickly she accepted the unexpected transformation and she found herself sitting beside Keith trying not to be distracted by the small ribbons of Galra threatening to cover the Paladin's handsome face.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm sorry this is making you uncomfortable." Keith bowed his head noting the rigid posture and the conflicted eyes of the princess.

"Don't be silly Keith." Allura grasped the man's arm. "It is a little startling, but it's who you are."

Keith smiled a little his eyes softening making Allura unconsciously relax, finding his yellow Galra eyes a little alluring.

"Coran informed me of your interest in Zarkon's family," Allura spoke internally scolding herself. "I didn't know them very well expect for his daughter. Nara. She was a little younger than I, but she was brilliant."

"You don't have to do this-"

"-I know I've said we cannot trust the Galra and it was very pig headed of me." The princess sighed. "But Nara was a dear friend and was Zarkon's prize possession."

Watching the way Allura spoke to him, a little resist at first bringing up her past was clearly hard for her and Keith was extremely thankful to the woman. The red paladin found himself feeling privileged to know about this side of Allura and frowned, guilt rushed through him knowing all the secrets he hid from her.

"Coran said you met Lotor, did you meet Nara too?"

Keith gently lifted the princess's hands into his own, noting the smooth brown Altean skin sitting perfectly in his purple furred hands. His yellow pupils he was still yet to see for himself reflected in Allura's shining blue.

"Allura, there's something I need to tell you."

"What is it, Keith?"

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