Fiendish Reasons

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Keith was uncomfortable. He hadn't expected Lotor to request himself Keith's company as they flew to where the Altean's resided. The red paladin knew the Galra prince was staring at him since they had left. He knew Lotor's arms were folded tensely across his chest, fingers tapping against his arm waiting for Keith to take the bait and look at him. He tightened the grip on his lion's controls with resistance as he kept his eyes forward, battling the urge to glance over his shoulder. The silence was insufferable, suffocating almost, pleading with the red paladin to just cave and allow Lotor this victory. Keith took a deep breath to erase the temptation and lightened his shoulders, concerning himself on the path in front of him.

He managed to relax for barely a moment before he instantly tightened up once more. Lotor had noiselessly moved to his side, the tip of his clawed finger grazing his neck as the prince clutched the back of his chair. Keith finally peeked up to the side and widened his eyes as Lotor glowered at him in hatred.

"I detest your inability to show delicacy to situations that deem such courtesy," Lotor spoke lowly and Keith flexed his fingers before he turned his head back in front.

"I don't know what you're referring to." Keith played innocent and checked the map coordinates to distract himself from the dangerous tone the Galra prince threatened him with. Lotor scoffed indignantly and grasped Keith's chin roughly. "What ar-"

"Be quiet," Lotor snarled and jerked Keith's head toward him. "Your ignorance is astounding and tiresome."

"I don't kn-" Keith cut himself off as Lotor's grip squeezed his jaw threateningly. The red paladin gulped and held the prince's gaze.

"What you've done is juvenile and rash." Lotor sneered and quipped his lip up at Keith's strong resolve as he scratched his claw down the paladin's cheek for a trembling reaction. "Do you have any idea the risk you've taken? How exposed these Altean's are now to the universe?"

"You've been hiding them." Keith immediately replied and grabbed Lotor's wrist. "You have no right."

"As much as you are sure that I am keeping them all to myself for selfish, and undoubtedly fiendish reasons. I can assure you; I am not." Lotor let go of Keith's chin and rose a brow when the paladin didn't release his wrist. "My mother is still out there; did you not think what would happen should she hear of the Altean's existence?"

Keith froze at Lotor's suggestion. As much as Keith knew the Galra prince was averting his own intentions with the Altean's, he had not given much thought of Haggar. Sendak had mentioned that the witch was still somewhere out there, biding her time, waiting for her time to strike.

Their tense moment was interrupted when Coran's voice flittered over the radio announcing they were almost there. Keith swiftly let Lotor go and focused back onto where they were flying, pulling his lion to a stop before he rammed into Pidge.

"We're here." Lotor agreed and motioned to the planet in front of them. "We should land to the west, and trek the rest of the way."

As they began their descent and Keith and Lotor were alone once again the red paladin spoke up.

"We'll protect them."

"Then let's hope you do," Lotor replied and returned to leaning against the lion's wall and folded his arms. Keith clenched his jaw and followed his fellow paladins in landing.


They left the lions in anticipation and started their small hike. Lotor took the lead with Allura, and Coran and Nara just behind them. Keith kept his eye on the prince as he absentmindedly listened to Lance prattle on about the possible Altean ladies.

"The swooning is inevitable." Lance sighed happily and Keith snorted with derision in response. The red paladin smirked and pushed Lance in retaliation to his pretentious glare. Hunk caught Lance's arm and shook his head fondly at his friends. "Thanks, Hunk."

"Lay off the flirting a little buddy." Hunk insisted and patted Lance's shoulder. The blue paladin gazed at his best friend in betrayal. "It's a little-"

"Obnoxious." Keith finished and dodged as Lance went to push him back. The red paladin chuckled lightly as Lance huffed and stuck his nose in the air haughtily. Hunk smiled at them both and Shiro decided to weigh in, glancing over his shoulder to address Lance.

"It is unprofessional as the saviour of the universe." He smiled and winked at Keith who smiled back. Pidge prodded at Lance's side and swiftly agreed with the rest of the team.

"It is gross." She shrugged with indifference.

"Alright, alright," Lance waved them off and winced, rubbing his side where Pidge attacked. "Let's all pick on Lance, I get it."

"We're only saying it for your own good." Hunk claimed.

They walked for a few more minutes teasing Lance before Lotor brought them to a stop on the outskirts of the Altean civilisation. Keith had noticed Lotor's shoulders were slowly stiffing with every step they had taken. He had not been allowed to prepare the Altean's for an arrival that didn't consist of just Lotor. Which meant, whatever the Galra prince had been doing was far from protected from Keith and the paladins. Keith narrowed his eyes at the shared look Lotor and Nara gave one another and allowed that interaction to determine the red paladin's next action. He pushed his way through to the front of their group and continued walking passed them.

"Keith," Nara called out to him in panic and Lotor was swift to go after him. Keith managed to evade the prince until he laid eyes on the first Altean. He automatically came to a halt and soon found his whole body being turned to face Lotor. By then it was too late, the Altean had noticed them and Lotor quickly let go of Keith and switched his demeanour.

"Prince Lotor, you've returned." The Altean smiled and bowed in respect. As Lotor greeted the Altean with a pleasant smile foreign to Keith, the others caught up to them. "You've brought others with you."

"Yes, but do not be concerned," Lotor assured and turned to Allura and offered her his hand. "They do not mean you any harm."

Keith took a step back and watched the gentle way Lotor handled the situation Keith thrust upon him and was once again infuriated at how level and shrewd the prince was. It wasn't long before the Altean insisted on showing everyone- mostly Lotor- what had been progressing since his last visit. And soon enough, they were surrounded by Altean's young and old, excited to see Lotor and those he had brought with him.

Keith attempted his best at being friendly, his half-hearted smile soon causing his cheeks to ache. As he excused himself for a moment to avoid the uncomfortable touch of strangers, he watched Allura and Coran. They were filled with glee, radiating their happiness for all to share. Coran had been tangled with the horticultural Altean's, listening to their techniques and telling stories of his own. Allura was surrounded by children and parents, looking blessed to be among her people once more. It was an enchanting view and despite the lingering thought of Haggar, Keith would have ratted Lotor out in a heartbeat to see this every time.

A movement to his right caught his eye and he turned his head to see a young female Altean flee sneakily behind a house. Keith rose a brow in curiosity and glanced over at Lotor to make sure he was occupied before slipping away after the Altean. He spotted her approach another house, her eyes cautiously looking around for followers before she entered. Keith looked behind him for a moment before he snuck towards the house.

"Hello?" He called out as he passed the threshold and was quick to grab the girl's arm before she could attack him. Keith quickly let go of her and put his hand up in surrender. "I'm not here to hurt you."

"What do you want?" She asked defensively.

"Why aren't you with the others?" Keith asked inquisitively as he looked around the small room. The girl grabbed his hand and pulled him further inside.

"Please do not tell Prince Lotor." She begged lightly and Keith tilted his head in question.

"What's going on? Why are you afraid of him?"

"He is lying to you." The girl informed him with an adamant tone and Keith felt himself flare-up. "My brother, please, you must help us."

After Keith managed to get the Altean to actually explain herself, the red paladin learnt that the girl's name was Romelle. She had a younger brother who had been chosen by Lotor and taken from her in the promise of a better life; only to realise that it was all a lie. Romelle informed Keith of how her brother managed to escape and how Lotor had swiftly arrived to cover the wreckage before she could retrieve enough information from her dying brother. Keith had clenched his hands into fists knowing Romelle couldn't officially prove what Lotor was doing.

The shared looks between siblings, the arguments, the secrecy, Nara knew what Lotor was doing. Keith had a suspicion that Rarg also knew the extent of Lotor's actions. The red paladin knew his exaggerations were not as foolish as they claimed they were.

"I'll get to the bottom of this," Keith promised Romelle and stood. "We should head back before they notice we're gone."

Romelle quickly nodded and they headed back to the hustle and bustle. To Keith's luck, no one seemed to notice his absence and sidled up to Hunk. The yellow paladin was tasting the food the Altean's were offering and turned to Keith to offer him some.

"No thanks, Hunk. I need to talk to you." Keith declined and motioned with his head. Hunk pouted a little and sighed. He gave the plate back to the older Altean and thanked them before following Keith to a more secluded area.

"Is everything okay? We found the Alteans." Hunk said and frowned at the apprehensive look Keith gave him. "You found something, didn't you?"

Keith bit his lip and nodded. Hunk's shoulders sagged and Keith divulged everything that Romelle had told him. Hunk shook his head in disbelief and looked over at the happy Altean's surrounding Lotor, unaware of the danger the Galra prince resonated.

"From what Romelle has told me, her brother was close to death when he escaped, so he can't have flown far," Keith said and Hunk nodded in agreement.

"Oh!" Hunk clicked his fingers in sudden realisation and grabbed Keith by his shoulders with enthusiasm. "The moon where Lotor visits every time after he comes here. That's close by."

Keith's eyes widened. "Of course, nice job Hunk."

"How are we going to get there without the others knowing?" Hunk then asked and removed his hold on Keith.

"I don't think it really matters anymore if they know or not," Keith confessed and placed his hands on his hips. "But I suppose for safety reasons, we can go tonight when everyone's asleep."

"Can we trust Romelle?" Hunk asked, wanting to confirm that Keith was utterly sure.

"I think so. I knew something was amiss. I just needed something to confirm it." The red paladin hit his fist into his palm. "I feel like this is it. We just need to fit the puzzle together."

"Okay," Hunk settled with a content smile that caused Keith to smile back in determination.


Dinner was an elaborate affair. With not only their saviour attending but their princess and her advisor, the Altean's went out of their way to ensure everything was perfect. The food was extravagant, spirits were high, and stories were shared. Keith tried to keep his own spirits up to hide the disgust he felt as Lotor casually laughed and ate with those he was manipulating. His mother seemed more constricted. She remained polite and offered conversation, but tried not to extort her warm welcome. Keith caught her eye and he flared his nostrils before quickly looking away to witness Lance casually flirt with the huddling girls prying for his attention. Keith was forced to wait several hours before dinner came to an end, everyone slowly retreating to their own homes, inviting the newcomers to rest for the night. Romelle had approached Keith and offered her hospitality. The red paladin thanked her and grabbed Hunk by the arm. He hauled the yellow paladin away who wished everyone a good night.

"How long should we wait?" Hunk asked as he bounced his knee up and down watching Keith by the door. Romelle was just as apprehensive as the yellow paladin and Keith waved his hand to them to come over.

"I think we're in the clear." He said softly. They crept through the town and headed back to their lions. As they reached Red, Hunk yelped in shock and hid behind the red paladin at the familiar voice that pierced the air.

"Where are you going?" Shiro moved away from the red lion and walked towards them. Keith wrang his fingers out and pushed the small pool of guilt he felt at keeping this all from Shiro to the back of his mind.

"Shiro, something's going on. We're just trying to figure out what it is." Keith pleaded with him and frowned. "You have to let us go."

"I didn't say I was going to stop you." Shiro rose a brow and smiled at the paladins. He folded his arms and pursed his lips slightly. "I'm coming with you."

Hunk beamed. "Awesome! Let's go!"

They herded themselves into the black lion at Shiro's persistence and Hunk provided him with the directions to the nearby moon. After they landed smoothly on the moon's surface and spotted a rather large facility that held distinctive Galra features, Shiro led the way inside. Keith held his breath unsure what he was about to discover.

Romelle's gasp of horror echoed in the silence as the paladins took in their surroundings. Hundreds of pods lined the walls, large pipes connecting them together. Inside the pods were unconscious Altean's, some withered in near death, others still seemingly healthy. In the middle of the room stood a large glass container, with what looked like quintessence, filling up inside.

"He's harvesting quintessence from them," Shiro said in outrage. His statement caused Romelle to cover her mouth and allow her horrified tears to flow. Hunk wrapped his arm around her in comfort and Keith allowed the rage he had buried to overflow him.

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