Galra Or Not

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Meeting the Blade of Marmora members was something Allura didn't want to do. They were Galra and the Galra couldn't be trusted. As she stood by the control panel with Coran standing stiffly beside her they listened to what the two large Galra men had to say. The Voltron Paladins were intently listening from afar, caution on all their faces.

"If it wasn't for your Galra comrade I doubt we would be meeting," Kolivan confessed.

"Galra comrade?" Allura furrowed her brow confusion present on her features. "What are you on about?"

"The boy, Keith, was it? If he had not pursued with the trials and unlock the power of the blade I would never have agreed to meet you."

"Keith?" Lance popped a brow. "A Galra? Yeah right and I'm a Quiznak."

"Keith is this true?" Allura was watching the Red Paladin in fear as the boy stiffened before his eyes slowly made contact with hers and she knew from that defiant stare that the boy carried the Empire's blood through his veins. She quickly turned to Shiro for an explanation.

"Keith has Galra heritage, yes."

"Out. Get out!" Allura suddenly snapped at Shiro but he knew those words were not aimed at him. The black paladin watched as Allura turned to Keith whose arms had fallen down to his side.


"Get off of my ship." The princess announced. "You don't belong among the Paladins."

Keith flinched at the woman's harsh words but stood his ground.

"I am a Paladin, Galra or not."

"I think you should leave." Coran came up behind the princess, the man didn't want to agree with Allura but it was his job to defend the woman in every aspect of the word.

"I've been Galra this whole time, you really think it changes anything? I'm still me." Keith growled. "I'm not like them. Come on guys."

Lance and Hunk shared a glance and weighed up their options to intervene but stayed quiet as Shiro stepped in, standing by the princess and addressed her.

"Princess, Keith's heritage changes nothing."

"It changes everything. I've been harbouring an enemy behind our lines."

"Perhaps it is time to leave," Kolivan announced. "It seems we will not be able to negotiate."

The group watched as the two Galra men walked towards the door but not before Kolivan placed a hand on Keith's shoulder.

"You are welcome to come if you wish."

Keith shook his head but gave thanks to the man's offer. The group watched the two disappear before Allura went to yell at Keith only to be interrupted by the red paladin.

"I am a paladin, the Red Lion chose me. I know what the Galra have done to you and I'm sorry but it's not my fault. I can't apologise for what runs in my veins and if you wish I will stay in my quarters away from you if you permit me to stay."

Allura glanced at the Galra spawn angrily before turning to the rest of the Paladins who were looking at her hopefully. They could see Keith for not who he was, A Galra. But as a friend.

"Very well. You may stay." Allura nodded once, relucent but wanted to avoid the wrath of the fellow paladins. "But you will have an escort wherever you go."

"Princess I don't-" Shiro began, shocked by the complete lack of trust the woman had. This was Keith, their friend, the man who fought beside them in every battle. The very thought of him was turned on its head for the princess when she found out the boy was part Galra.

"-Fine." Keith agreed, turning around and walking out the room.

"Hunk, follow him," Allura ordered which caused the big man to jump a little before nodding and hurried to catch up with the red paladin. "Now let's come up with a plan to defeat Zarkon."

"Are we seriously just gonna ignore what just happened?" Lance whispered to Pidge who was just as stunned. The girl quickly shook her head and took a step forward.

"How can you treat Keith like that? He gave up everything for you."

"I am not having this conversation." Allura ignored the girl, bringing up a screen in front of her. "I suggest you go tinker with your lion, I believe I heard you telling Hunk it was having trouble."

Pidge huffed before storming away leaving Lance staring after her. He quickly turned back ready to announce his piece when he felt a hand on his shoulder that pulled him back. He glanced to see Shiro gazing sadly at the princess.

"Leave it. Let her calm down, we'll try then."

Lance only nodded and followed his fellow paladin out of the room.


"Hunk? Hey, Hunk?"

Hunk snorted himself awake finding himself lying on the floor with Keith hovering over him. The darker male scrambled to his feet attempting to determine his surroundings.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"You fell asleep."

"Oh." Hunk deflated, sheepishly smiling at the stoic Keith. "Sorry."

"Oh no, that's okay, that gave me time to speak to Zarkon and reveal all Allura's plans."

"What?!" Hunk gasped eyes widening in utter horror.

"I'm joking." Keith rolled his eyes before he began to walk away, "I'm heading to my lion, you coming?"

"Yeah yeah." Hunk ran after him. "Just so you know, that wasn't a very funny joke."

"It wasn't supposed to be."

The journey to the Red Lion was silent, Hunk was muddling words in his head attempting to mould a sentence to tell Keith that he didn't care he was Galra, he was still Keith. But every time Hunk opened his mouth nothing would come out. As they reached the big cat Keith turned and rose a brow at the bigger man.

"Are you trying to catch flies?"

"What? No." Hunk huffed startled, "I was just breathing through my mouth?"

"If you have something to say, just say it." Keith folded his arms waiting for whatever insult the yellow paladin had. Hunk twiddled his thumbs braving himself before he spoke very quickly.

"I don't care that you're Galra, you're still the red paladin. You're still the same Keith that I know and it doesn't matter what the princess says. You're still my friend."

"Thanks, Hunk." Keith let a small smile grace his features before he frowned again. "It's just a shame that Allura doesn't see it that way."

"I'm sure she'll come around." Hunk grinned before heading over to Keith's lion. "Now let's see how this baby flies."


"Do you not think you were a bit harsh on Keith, Princess?" Coran fiddled with his moustache nervously, wondering whether he should have spoken. The sigh that left the woman's lips gave Coran enough courage to continue. "I know what the Galra have done to our planet but Keith does not deserve the same treatment."

"I know."

It came out as a chilling whisper but Coran could hear the guilt in the princess's voice. Allura glanced up to her advisor and clenched her fists. Why had she been so cruel? Of course, Keith couldn't control where he came from. Yet she had snapped. Galra. The word just spiked anger in her, chilling her to the bone.

"Perhaps we should apologise." Coran pointed up, twisting his furred lip in confidence.

"Yes. I just need a bit more time." Allura smiled sadly, turning back to the plans after Coran nodded.


"So do you know much about your Galra heritage?" Hunk asked as he tinkered away with Pidge who had found them on her search for Keith.


"So there's so many possibilities of who you are?!" Hunk shined in excitement. "You could be a Commander's son."

"Or a scientist's son." Pidge's eyes sparkled.

"A merchant's son."

"You could be a Prince." Pidge gasped, gleaming with enthusiasm as Hunk joined her.

"I doubt it." Keith shook his head. "My knife is from the Blade of Marmora, they're against the Empire."

"The plot thickens." Hunk grinned in amusement.

"What are you guys talking about?"

The three turned to see Lance strolling towards them hands stuffed into his pockets a rather bored expression on his face.

"Whether Keith is a prince or not," Pidge announced clapping her hands together.

"A prince?" Lance snorted in derision, pointing at the unimpressed red paladin. "Does that look like prince material to you?"

"I suppose not." Hunk smirked as Keith shot him an angered glare.

"So how does it feel knowing you have enemy blood flowing through ya?" Lance swung an arm across Keith's shoulders.

"Lance." Pidge scolded.

"What?" Lance shrugged. "We all have to come to terms with it. None more so than Mullet."

"Keith can you come to the helm please." Allura's voice flittered throughout the ship. The Paladins glanced at one another in worry before Keith shrugged Lance's arm away and left the others to hurry after him ready to defend their teammate and friend if need be.

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