Selfish Desire

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After Lotor's unwanted but to Allura's luck extremely good suggestion, the Paladins of Voltron and the Blade of Marmora began the reclaiming process of the many Galra occupied planets that made up about a third of Zarkon's Empire. It was all going swimmingly until the night before a retake where Allura and Lotor had a fiery argument which brought trouble during the raid the next day. An enemy ship had gotten too close to the Castle, Lotor demanding the Princess to retreat only to be restrained by the Marmora at the Princess's request. Lotor slapped their hold away adjusting his armour and glanced up at the moment the Galra ship settled itself in front of the brig window. His eyes widened in horror to see the Galra commander staring straight at him a look of both confusion and shock etching his features.

"Allura, we need to leave immediately." Lotor didn't dare avert his gaze and the Princess sighed heavily about to retort when the ship shook under the sudden attack. "Now!"

"But what about-"

"-Voltron will be fine!" Lotor boomed heading towards the Altean, "Now Allura!"

Coran nodded at the Princess in hurried agreement and Allura against her better judgement did as Lotor demanded. They fled the battlefield apologising to the Paladins as they went. Lotor rushed from the bridge straight to the Green Lion bay where Pidge's computer sat. Quick to recall the paladin's actions Lotor managed to locate the Galra communication line just in time to hear his fate.

Prince Lotor is now officially an enemy of the Empire. If you find him, kill him by any means necessary.

Lotor growled angrily at the sound of his father's dark voice, slamming his fists against the desk before flinging the chair across the room. This foiled almost all of his plans, an enemy of his people, what was he supposed to do now? His eye caught a figure at the bay doors and he stood straight.

"What do you want?"

"The planet occupation was successful, the Paladin's are on their way back."

"Fantastic." Lotor spat venomously at the Altean advisor.


"Spanner in your plans huh?" Keith smirked a little in triumph as he sat watching the Galra Prince. He was hunched, eyes twitching every so often, his hands clasped together with a death-like grip and his brain was on overload.

"Of the sort," Lotor replied turning his gaze to the Red Paladin who was offhandedly cleaning his blade.

"You wouldn't happen to know where Zarkon put my armour?"

"What does it matter now?" Lotor rose a brow in annoyance, there were more pressing matters that needed attention not the location of some flimsy armour that can be easily replaced.

"Depends on your answer."

"I'm sure he sent it off with the druids remains."

"Druid?" Keith stopped his hands instantly, eyes drifting up towards the Galra Prince.

"Rarg, the one who cared for your wounds."

"He's dead?"

"By now I'm sure." Lotor sighed heavily. "I sent my generals after him, all for naught it seems."

Keith now had his hands on his knees, leaning forward, his attention one hundred percent on the Galra.

"What were you planning to do with him?"

"I had hoped he would know how to return my sister back to her body," Lotor spoke seriously before waving his hand in dismissal. "Use this knowledge to lure you away from your fellow paladins and take you back. But since I am no longer welcome, I do not see the point."

"You can get my mother back?" Keith's eyes had widened and he was now standing.

"I do not know, as I said, I believe Rarg has the answers."

"We have to find him."

"Why? My plan is kaput."

"You can get my mother back!" Keith exclaimed as if it was obvious. "If she lives then I won't be the heir anymore."

There was silence as Keith realised what he said so bluntly and Lotor smirked knowingly and eyed the red paladin in mischief.

"That is quite a selfish desire."

"You know what I meant."

"I'm not quite sure I do." Lotor crossed his arms, leaning back against the wall. "Sounds to me as if you don't wish to be the Galra's leader and only wish to bring your mother back for that reason alone."

Before Keith could defend himself they were interrupted by the Black Paladin.

"Keith, can I talk to you?"

"Sure Shiro."

Lotor watched the two disappear from the room and sighed heavily. Perhaps Rarg was not the dead end he had first expected.


"What's eating you?" Lance asked the Red Paladin as he slumped down beside him, stuffing the food into his mouth. "Want to talk about it?"

"Am I selfish?"

"Extremely." Lance chewed loudly, "But I guess in some cases that's a good thing."

Keith rose a sceptic brow at him and rolled his eyes as the brunette licked his fingers hungrily.

"What if it's to do with your mother?"

"Well in my case I'd do anything for her," Lance slouched, "But you never knew yours so you don't owe her anything."

"So it's okay if I want her alive so I won't be the heir to the Galra anymore?"

"I don't see a problem with that." Lance flung his arms behind him, laying his hand behind Keith's neck on the sofa. "It's not the only reason is it?"

"No, of course not, but it's the main one on my mind."

"Again, you don't know her. Name one thing you knew about her before all the dreams."

Keith stayed silent, he didn't know anything, just what his father told him but that was vague. He suddenly found himself desperate to see her, to finally be in the arms of the woman who loved him for so long. To melt and let all the worries that weighed him down constantly just float away like they were nothing. He wanted to hear the soft voice that he had dreamt of when he was younger, singing lullabies as he fell asleep. The emotion in her voice and actions as she read him a bedtime story her eyes shining with happiness.

"Thanks, Lance," Keith stood, finally understanding that he did want to see his mother beyond that of heir situation. "Shockingly that helped."

"What can I say? I'm full of surprises." Lance grinned, bringing the plate under his chin before stuffing more of his delicacies into his mouth as Keith left. The Red Paladin found himself heading to the Green Lion bay hoping Pidge would be tinkering away. Keith walked in and sat by the girl's side leaning his cheek on the palm of his hand and waited patiently for the Green Paladin to finish what she was doing.

"How can I help you, Keith?"

"My helmet. Can you remotely turn it on?"

"I don't see why I can't." Pidge placed the piece of metal down turning her attention to the nonchalant ravenette. "Why?"

"Lotor revealed his plan, I'm just checking out its authenticity," Keith explained, smiling a little as Pidge simply turned back and began typing away. Keith watched her work, eyes scanning the screen as the technology began to trace his belongings. It stopped and began beeping and the two Paladin's shared a glance.

"It's in the Ulippa system," Pidge spoke aloud zooming in to pinpoint the exact location of Keith's helmet. "Sounds thrilling."

"I wonder what's there." Keith scratched his chin, " Can you hear anything?"

Pidge pushed her helmet on her head and closed her eyes. When she pouted and removed the helmet Keith knew it had been a long shot. But it seemed some part of Lotor's words were true, his armour had indeed been shipped off and he hoped that the druid was with it.

"If I can convince Allura and Shiro, you want to come with me?"

"Yeah, you'll probably need me."

They shared a smile before Keith leant back and pushed up from the desk.

"Alright, I just have one last thing to do." Keith bid Pidge goodbye before searching for the Galra Prince who no doubt was no longer sulking in his chambers.

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