The calm before the storm

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3rd POV: Peter likes to think that he's always prepared for the unpredictable, that no matter what happens, he can deal with anything life throws at him.

He was wrong.

So fucking wrong.

Because standing directly in front of him was none other than....

Silver sable.

Silver, seeing the shell-shocked look of Peter. Smiled serenely and walked towards the arachnid hero and wrapped her arms around Peter and pulled him into a tight embrace, one that Peter didn't exactly recuperate due to him not knocking himself out of his shock. Sable pulled back, her hands resting on his shoulders, her smile still in place before her eyes saw a towering red figure slightly behind Peter. Her smile slightly dipped. Who was this woman?

Silver sable: hello there, who are you?

Red she hulk: (strained smile) Betty Ross. Peter's girl.

Silver sable: (eyebrow raised) really?

Red she hulk: (eyes narrow) yeah, really.

The 2 have a quick stare off that is broken by a now shell-shocked free Peter.

Peter: ladies, ladies, let's not do anything hasty now.

Red she hulk/silver sable:............fine.

Peter gave a little sigh of relief before the trio begin walking towards Peter's office.

(Mini timeskip)

Peter sat behind his desk staring at silver who has sitting on the opposite end with red she hulk standing next to Peter, staring at silver.

Peter: silver, I....I don't know what to say right now. Just.......just how are you-

Silver sable: alive? (Peter nods) my wild pack found me hanging on the very edge of death. (Peter hand Clenthes slightly, silver notices) it wasn't your fault Peter.

Peter doesn't say anything but mentally disagrees with her, no matter how many times someone would reassure him it wasn't his fault, he would always feel guilty.

Just like how he feels guilty for his past failures.

Peter snaps out of it and continues to listen to silver sable.

Silver sable: after they found me, they placed me in a pod where I would slowly regain my strength and heal from my injuries, though I couldn't exactly have my people worried about what happened to their queen. So I had an android built to look exactly like me and took control of it to keep up appearances. (Looks solemnly at peter) I then heard about what happened to you Peter.

Peter said nothing but slightly looked down at his desk. Betty placed a comforting hand on her lovers shoulder. Peter took a breath and smiled at Betty, before looking at silver sable again.

Peter: it's fine silver, I've.... I've come to terms with everything that happened.

Silver sable: have you?

Peter says nothing for a moment before nodding his head. Sable didn't believe him but let the matter drop for the moment.

Silver sable: anyway, timeskip to now when I finally healed, I then found out that you returned as spiderman and I came straight to see you. (Smiles) and I'm very glad to see you Peter.

Peter smiles back, glad to see her looking alive and well.

Silver sable: but I also came here for another reason.

Peter arched an eyebrow. Betty was the one to ask.

Red she hulk: and what's that?

Silver sable looked at Betty for a moment before looking back at Peter.

Silver sable: I need your help Peter.

Betty's left eye twitched a little.

Red she hulk (in head): this mother-

Peter: help with what?

Silver sable: (sigh) there's been unrest in symkaria. A few days ago an ambassador from atlantis came to symkaria with a list of demands from namor.

Peter's interest was suddenly peaked. What the heck could the king of atlantis want with symkaria?

Peter: what were the demands?

Silver sable narrowed her eyes.

Silver sable: (growls) that symkaria is to be demilitarised, any and all technology to be handed over to them and that I become that bastards wife, if I don't meet them, he attacks symkaria.

Peter's breath hitched at hearing what silver said. That bastard demanded silver to be his wife?! And planned to attack symkaria if she didn't?!?! This was suddenly reminding Peter when namor had the pheonix force and attacked wakanda.

Peter: what do you need silver? Weapons? An army? I can supply you anything, just name it.

Silver smiled, charmed by the spiders determination to help her.

Silver sable: while that does seem like a tempting offer I actually need the help of your other half.

Peter: (eyebrow raised) with what?

Silver sable pulls out her phone and a hologram of a green hydra symbol shows up.

Peter: hydra? What do they have to do with this?

Silver sable: you probably don't know Peter, but when you came back and beat red skull and a portion of his soldiers. There was high tensions in Hydra. Some started becoming skeptical if schmidt was fit to lead them. This lead to viper taking advantage of the situation and now hydra has split into 2, with viper leading the original hydra and skull leading the opposition that he has dubbed "neo-hydra".

Red she hulk: (deadpan) amazing name.

Silver sable: indeed.

Red she hulk (in head): oh now you talk to me? You cheeky b-

Peter: so the green symbol stands for skulls version of hydra? But again, what do they have to do with this?

Silver sable: my spies found out that namor has been making deals with skull, an uneasy alliance if you will. Namor attacks symkaria for him and in return, he gets to keep the country, (frowns) and me by extension.

Peter's jaw tightens.

Silver sable: but the situation is a bit more worse.

Peter: (sighs) I'm almost afraid to ask, but what is more worst?

Silver sable: skull has been supplying weapons and cyborgs.

Peter (in head): I'm not seeing the bad-

Silver sable: and vibranium.

Peter:....... (mutters) for fucks sake.

Silver sable: my thoughts exactly. This is why I came to you Peter. As much as I want to take care of this myself, I must keep my focus on making sure my people are prepared for possible war. (Grabs peters hands) please, help me Peter.

Peter knew when someone was desperate and this was one of the rarest times he's seen sable plead to someone, and he HATED to see her like that. The spider themed hero tightened his hands around sables.

Peter: I will do my best sable. (She smiles) do you have any possible leads?

Silver sable: in fact I do, (gives a USB) in there contains a location to an abandoned warehouse near an old Dock that was sold to an anonymous buyer.

Peter: (nods) ok, (gets up), I- (sees Betty and sable eyeballing eachother) ummm...... y-you-

Silver sable: you can go on ahead Peter, I'm rather curious about the daughter of a deranged army General.

Red she hulk: (smiles through gritted teeth) yeah go Peter, I'm also curious about the burnt corpse.

Normally Peter would berate the 2 but he could physically see the sparks flying between them, so with a quick nod, he grabbed the USB and sped out of his office and prayed to every God out there that there wasn't a bloodbath when he came back.

Peter: (talks to his wrist communicator) ultron, please evacuate the building if the 2 ladies fight and contain the situation as soon as possible.

Ultron: [of course father].

Peter sighed and rubbed his forehead. Since when did his life started getting more complicated when it came to women? Oh wait, since always.

Peter (in head): and speaking of women....

Veranke in her sabrina Galloway form sauntering towards him before standing inches from him.

Sabrina: so~ an old lover and new one meet. That's gotta be a hell of a shocker.

Peter: jealous?

Sabrina: I'll admit, it stings a little... (smiles coyly and presses a hand to peters chest), but that's not gonna stop me from claiming you as mine, my king~~

Sabrina places a quick peck on peters lips before he could protest.

Peter: could you please stop that?

Sabrina: (smiles) no. Oh and by the way, (gives a red spider symbol).

Peter: what's this?

Sabrina: your new suit, just place it on your chest and it will stick to ya. It keeps the same look as the original but with a few new upgrades. The suit is made up of nano technology, tap the symbol twice and it will cover you up from head to toe. It has a couple of different visions you can use and can liquefy like a symbiote and enter electronics and collect any Intel you need.

Peter: perfect, anything else?

Sabrina: there's a few other things but I'll let you figure them out.

Peter nods and places a peck on the head of sabrina in appreciation before walking past the shocked sabrina.

Peter looks outside the window. The sun was beginning to set. Looking at the spider symbol, Peter places it on his chest and felt how it magnetised to his clothes. He then tapped his hand on the symbol and saw the nano tech begin to envelop his form. He then opened a window and jumped and began freefalling.

Peter (in head): I should call Andy, this will be a perfect opportunity for her.

(Mini timeskip)

Scream was standing above the roof of the abandoned warehouse that Peter told them to meet up at. She was currently staring down, seeing multiple neo-hydra soldiers moving crates and tech inside the warehouse, her white eyes slightly narrow as her elongated tongue comes out and licks her lips in hunger.

Andy: scream for the love of God! Control yourself!

Scream: what do you want from us Andy? You didn't exactly fill our stomach.

Andy: not my fault you took your time scaring bad guys before you ate them, next time, just get it done and over with.

Scream huffs in fake annoyance. She always enjoyed getting a reaction out of Andy when she thought that she was still hungry.

Scream: whatever, anyway where is spiderman? If he doesn't show up we'll deal with this ourselves.

???: right behind you.

Scream turned around and her eyes took in the new appearance of spiderman.

(Shout out to ReCode097 for showing me this).

Scream/andy: New suit?

Spiderman: yep, what do you think?

Scream opens her mouth and Andy's face appears.

Andy: not bad. When did you get here anyway?

Spiderman: I've actually been standing here for a while, whilst scream was, I'm assuming talking to you.

Scream then closed her mouth.

Scream: how did we not hear you?

Spiderman: the person who made this suit incorporated some of the stealth tech I used in a previous suit I had. Made my steps completely silent. But enough about that.

Spiderman walks next to scream and looks down at the neo-hydra soldiers still moving what looked like the last piece of technology into the warehouse before the doors closed, leaving a few to stand guard and observe.

Spiderman uses his the enhanced vision of the masks eyes to zoom in and highlight targets.

Spiderman: hmm.....ok, (Turns to scream) Andy, scream how do you wanna play it?

Scream recoiled slightly.

Scream: you're asking us? Why?

Spiderman: because I want to know how you work in this type of environment but don't worry, I'll walk the both of you through this and provide advice every now and then.

Scream was silent and she could feel Andy was as well. From the memories she gathered from andi, she never got the chance to take initiative and when she did, she pretty much got reprimanded for it and scream worked in a dysfunctional team once upon a time, so for someone to let them take a dive and would catch them if they fail was strange... but a good kind.

Scream/andy:.......thank you.

Spiderman nods his head, his mask not giving away any facial expression. Scream turns and stared down at hydra soldiers. Using her enhanced sense of smell, she picked up the scent of every hydra soldier guarding the entrance and watched how her vision changed slightly to show a smoke envelop them and follow whenever they moved. Looking where they were and their surroundings and with Andy having some input. They both came to a conclusion.

Scream: if we rush them all at once, the ensuing chaos would alert anyone inside and cause them to run or sound possible alarms.

The spider themed hero nodded his head.

Spiderman: what else?

Scream: the guards are always moving in a certain pattern when patrolling certain areas, always keeping their fellow insane asshole in their sight, we take one out quickly, chances are they will see it happen and again, alert the people inside.

Spiderman: (nods) you're doing good you 2. Best course of action?

Scream: a distraction. Humans always love to walk towards something unknown even though their entire being tells them not to. Do that to one of them, he leaves his pattern for a moment, take him out, then another will become curious and break theirs followed closely by the rest (licks lips) then the rest are easy prey, though leave one alive, we want to know what their objective afterall.

Spiderman's mask recedes to reveal a proud smile on his face, he pats scream's (and by extension, Andy's) shoulder.

Peter: good job you two, (looks down at a certain hydra soldier) guy at our 2 o'clock, walking past a crate. I'll distract and you take him out.

Scream: (nods) got it.

With that, scream leaps onto a lamppost and waits patiently. Spidey fires a Web at the edge of the crate that's covered in darkness. The neo-hydra soldier stiffens and turns and aims at the area and sees nothing. He looks around, gulps and proceeds to slowly move towards where he heard the noise and pauses once he's a few metres away from where the noise originated. Taking a deed breath he quickly walks to the area and raised his rifle and sees nothing. He sighs slightly in relief.

Neo-hydra soldier: guess my mind is just playing tricks on me.

He laughs a little to himself, unaware that a certain yellow and red symbiote's hair began to descend slowly to the man before it was too late. The hair wrapped his mouth and neck, followed by the arms and legs. The hair around the arms squeeze making the man release a muffled scream and drop his gun. He's then lifted up and the last thing that he sees is the awaiting jaws of scream that clamp down around the soldiers neck and then chomp down on it with a strong crunch, chewing it for a bit and then swallowing it.

Scream: (licks lips) delicious.

Andy: still disgusting.

Scream just mentally shrugs. Can't win em all.

Hearing footsteps, scream quickly hops back to her position and sees another neo-hydra soldier moving to see what happened to his buddy only to see a lonely weapon and a headless body, before he could alert the others, a Web is attached to his leg and suddenly pulls him into the shadows as he screams are quickly silenced by a loud crack.

The remaining soldiers (which were 5) raised their weapons at where their ally disappeared and slowly went to where he was last seen however, they weren't prepared for what happened next as scream landed on top of one of the hydra soldiers, her hair wrapping around the next of 2 others and slamming them together before dropping them and wrapping her hands around the 4th agent and twisting his neck painfully to the side. She was so busy with killing, that she didn't have to time to dodge an energy shot that impacted against her back and sent her bareling into a few boxes. The last hydra soldier took the opportunity to Try and run and alert everyone in the warehouse but a figure suddenly dropped in front of him, the spider symbol clearly seen. Before he could react, he has grabbed by the throat and lifted up in the air. Scream got up, muttering a few curses as her wound healed up quickly and stood next to spiderman.

Spiderman: we saw you put technology into that warehouse behind me. Where is it being delivered to?

Neo-hydra soldier: I ain't telling you shit!

Spiderman: really?

Spiderman nods to scream who bites the soldiers arm and tears it off and quickly wrapped one of her hairs around his mouth to avoid anyone hearing him scream. After a while his screaming ceased and scream withdrew her hair away from his mouth.

Spiderman: wanna talk now?

Neo-hydra soldier: o-ok! I'll talk, I swear! I-its being delivered to the outskirts of symkaria! That's where namor and his army are!! This was the last shipment that was gonna be delivered to him!! That's all I know!

Spiderman stared at him for a moment, before dropping him and walking towards the door to the warehouse.

Before anything could happen, screams hands were around his head and snapped it and walked off to follow her mentor.

Spiderman: you 2 did good, the one issue is that you were too caught up and taking down those guys that you failed to realise everything else around you. Make sure to always be aware of your surroundings ok?

Scream said nothing but both her and Andy nod their heads. It wasn't the first time they didn't pay attention to what happened around them and they never really thought about the little issue since she was never really called out on her little failures, but now she knows to be a little more careful. Afterall, they weren't immortal.

Gunfire suddenly erupted within the warehouse power went out inside as screams echoed from within the abandoned area before suddenly ceasing. Without thinking, spider ran and kicked the door open and went inside followed by scream.

What greeted them was bodies of hydra agents and mechs laid across the ground, some even dented in the walls.

Scream/andy: what the shit?

Spidey, activated the scanner in his mask to see if the person who did it was still in the room with them but found nothing, he then looked around the room and saw slash wounds on all the bodies as well as signs of broken bones on some of the other victims, he then paused when he saw a familiar object sticking out of a hydra bot. He walks up to it and plucks out of the metal carcass of the bot and stares at it. Scream's mouth retracts and Andy's face appears.

Andy: a broken disk?

Spiderman: a moon shuriken, and I know one person who uses this.

Andy: and who's that?

Something suddenly drops behind them and Andy quickly turns around while spiderman continues staring at the shuriken.

???: me.

Andy was about to let scream take over and fight the white Knight but a hand on her shoulder stopped her from doing anything.

Spiderman: it's ok Andy, he's a very old friend, (Turns around) hey moon knight.

Moon knight: (nods) spiderman.

Spiderman causally tosses the shuriken to moon knight who catches it with ease and puts it away.

Andy: you two know eachother?

Moon knight/spiderman: we're acquainted.

Spiderman and moon knight stare at eachother for a moment before spidey breaks the silence between the 2.

Spiderman: what ate you doing here mar-

Moon knight: actually it's Steven.

Spiderman: ok stev-

Moon knight: oh, now it's jake.

Spiderman: ja-

Moon knight: oh, Mark again.

Spiderman sighs in annoyance and a little fondness while Andy stares at moon knight in confusion.

Andy: what was that about?

Spiderman: moon knight hear suffers from a little bit of SPD.

Moon knight: we'd like to think it's part of our charm.

Andy: doesn't that get annoying? Cause I've got an annoying voice in my head that-

A yellow tentacle smacked andy in the face and scream takes over again.

Scream: you're on time out Andy.

Andy: oh screw off!

Spiderman: getting back on topic, what are you doing here knight?

Moon knight: found some hydra goons in a truck with tech, took it out and found out that they were sending it here. Found you 2 taking out the guards at the front and decided to deal with the guys inside and whatever these are planning to do with the tech.

Spiderman: they're planning to send it to namor who's near symkaria, bastard's gonna start a war and kill millions.

Moon knight: (folds arms) can't have that happen can we mate?

Spiderman: yeah.

Scream: so, where do we go?

Moon knight says nothing but opens an empty container, walks into it and sees a little gap in the floor and a opens it to reveal a cave.

Moon knight: down there.

With that the trio jump down the hatch.

(Mini timeskip)

The trio had been running through the cave, with no hydra troops in sight. By the time they reached the end of the cave, they found themselves greeted by an even bigger cave, filled with hydra troops, mechs with water filling the bottom, there also appeared to be somethinf resembling the top half of a sub rising above the water, the gates opened and allowing troops to go in and out with technology and vibranium ore.

Spiderman: so this is where it all ends up before being shipped off.

Moon knight: alot of guys around here, stealth is not an option.

Scream taps spiderman on the shoulder and then points to the bottom of the cave where the supposed sub was.

Scream: looks like we weren't the only ones who came here.

The knight and spider both look down go the sub and sees a someone in cuffs being escorted to the sub, spidey enhances his vision to get a good look and sees a very familiar person.

Spiderman: (eyes widen and whispers in disbelief) shuri?

Moon knight: are you that surprised?

Spiderman: (sigh) no I really shouldn't be, but how did she even get captured?

Andy: (through scream) what makes you think she was intentionally captured?

Spiderman: good point but that doesn't matter right now, we've gotta get her outta here.

Moon knight: how do we-

Scream: anyone hear that sound?

They pause and listen slightly and could hear the faint sound of an engine roar getting louder and louder. The 3 turn around and see a bright light coming towards them. As it got closer and closer, it became more clearer who it was.

Spiderman grabbed scream and pushed her and himself out of the way as moon knight rolled to the other side, allowing ghost rider to go past them and soar in the air. Every neo-hydra soldier look up and immediately open fire at the spirit of vengeance who whips her chained scythe out and spins it as hellfire envelopes the weapon and slices anyone in it's vicinity before landing and driving around the cave, slaughtering anyone in her path.

Scream: going loud then?

Spiderman: yep, take everyone and everything out. I'm heading down to black panther.

Not waiting for a response, spidey fires a Web ams begins to swing down to where the wakandan princess is. Scream shrugs and jumps at a group neo-hydra troops. Whilst moon knight jumps at another, his Cape shaping into the signature crescent moon behind him.

Spidey dodges gunfire and tossing soldiers in different directions before grabbing one and plunges his stinger into the soldiers neck as they both drop to the ground. Once they land, spiderman looks up to see the 2 neo-hydra soldiers aiming their weapons at him.

They made the mistake of turning away from the panther.

The sister of tachalla quickly jumps and moves her arms so that they were now in front of her and kicks the one to her left in the back of his head before turning to the one to her right and using the chain on her cuffs to wrap them around the soldiers neck and strangles him before snapping his neck and dropping him. She then slowly gets up and faces spiderman who is calmly walking towards her in the midst of all the chaos with shuri doing the same. Spidey stops but black panther makes it a point to be close as possible to him.

Spiderman: shuri.

Black panther: Peter (lifts her cuffed hands) would you be so kind?

Peter says nothing but rips the cuffs off.

Spiderman: you could've freed yourself you know.

Black panther: I know, but I like it when you use that amazing strength of yours.

Spiderman's spidey sense went off and he quickly turned around blocked a a stun baton and then used his gauntlets to break it in half and kick the neo-hydra soldier away from him. Black panther cathes a fist aiming for her and slashes his throat, making the soldier gurgle his own blood, she then draws 3 vibranium kunai and throws them at some exploding barrels that burnt and incinerated any neo-hydra soldier in the vicinity. Spiderman was currently stabbing a soldier in the chest before backhanding another guy behind him. He then webs another into a cocoon and spins him around before smashing him into the wall. His spidey sense went off again and before he could turn around and take care of the neo-hydra troops, four red metallic spider legs materialised on pegers back and stabbed through them. Lifted them up and tossed them aside before opening up to reveal repulsors that began aiming and opening fire without a thought from the spider themed hero.

Spiderman: how the-

Looking in front of him, Peter saw a mech charging at him, Peter was about to fire his webs when 2 repulsors appeared on the palm of his hands and fire a blast of energy. That went through the mech.

Spiderman: repulsors? Ok, I can work with this.

With scream, she was using her agility to dodge incoming gun fire before sinking her claws through a neo-hydra soldiers face tearing the skin off and then wrapping her hair around a few other soldiers and throwing them up in the air where the flaming chain of a ghost rider slices through them. Moon Knight uses his moon shurikens and fighting style to evade and impale neo-hydra troops who thought they could take him, he then used a grapple hook to swing to the other side before tossing a moon shuriken at a couple of exploding barrels, blowing anyone up in the vicinity. He then lands and does a roll before performing a sweep kick and then an uppercut to a person next to him, sending them flying where scream grabbed them impaled them with a sharp piece of rock, then kicking someone of the edge of cliff she was standing on, where spidey fires a repulsor blast that goes through the hydra soldier's chest and then releases his stingers and slices the hands of a mech, lifts it up and throws it at shuri. The princess of wakanda just finished roundhouse kicking 3 people before turning to see the mech coming her way and jumped onto it and slashed through it multiple times before landing and throwing 4 vibranium kunai in the heads of neo-hydra soldiers and punching another in chest five times before elbowing his nose and backfliping and kicking him in the process. Shuri turns to see spiderman stomping a neo-hydra's soldier skull in. The panther saw a wounded soldier getting up and aiming his weapon at the spider totem, shuri ran towards spiderman who saw the panther and felt his spidey sense tingle. Getting the point, spidey put his hands together, allowing black panther to use it as a stepping stool, and jumped of em, once she was close to fhe soldier, she wrapped her legs around the soldiers head and leant backwards and slamming the backside of the soldier to the ground and impaling him with her claws.

The room became quiet as everyone met at the bottom of the cave where spiderman and black panther was. Ghost rider got off her motorcycle and began walking towards the spider themed hero. Moon knight and black panther stood next to spiderman, their body tensed and ready to fight ghost rider with scream standing behind the spirit of vengeance. Ghost rider stopped and stared at both avatars of the konshu and bast, the flaming skull's lower jaw appearing to turn upwards in amusement before staring at spiderman, the eyes of the skull glowing slightly.

Ghost rider: your soul remains pure even though it has been changed.

Spiderman: you can see it?

Ghost rider: a Ghost rider can see all souls spiderman, (tilts head) even one such as yours.

Black panther, moon knight and scream shared glances, wondering what the spirit of vengeance meant.

Spiderman: look let's ignore my soul for a moment and get to the point. I know why moon knight is here, but what are you (points at ghost rider) and you (points at black panther) doing here?

Ghost rider: the souls of innocent people are being slain by namor. They call to me, they demand vengeance for what he's doing, and I planned to attack the people supplying him.

Black panther: the border tribe spotted atlanteans preparing to attack wakanda, I knew namor planned to finish what he started when he had the pheonix force. I will not let my home be drowned by that man ever again. I found out that klaw was supplying hydra with vibranium that he stole who was in turn giving it to namor.

Before spiderman could say anything, his spidey sense flares and he moves his head out of the way as a bullet whizzes past his head and connects to the ground. The group turns to see a hatch on the supposed sub open up to reveal.


Sin: well, well, well, what do we have here? A bunch of dirty misfits attempting to destroy this little operation of ours?

Ghost rider: (growls) sin.

Sin: (smirks) hmm, so many interesting people here, a princess of wakanda, a spirit of vengeance, a knight of konshu, a symbiote and her companion with the hellmark (looks at spiderman) and you.

Spiderman: I suggest you give up sin or you die here with every other neo-hydra soldier here.

Scream: why are we giving her a choice? Let's just gut her already.

Ghost rider: agreed.

Sin: you all may have stopped this small operation, but you're all too late. As we speak namor and his people are attacking the shores of symkaria and wakanda will soon follow.

Black panther: (clenthes her fists) my kingdom will not fall to the likes of namor and you!

Moon knight: they will be stopped sin.

Sin: I'd love to see you try.

Spiderman: why do this sin huh? For power? Money? Respect? No..... you don't really care about any of that, no you want recognition from your dear old daddy (sin frowns), that's what all this is about ain't it? You want to prove to skull that you could be better than the boy he always wanted, sorry to say this but when skull finds out about this little operation that you were no doubt in charge of (sin's hands clenches) is taken care of, he won't be happy, afterall he expects everything to work without any failures-

Sin: shut up!! I have not failed!!! This is merely a set back, once the symkaria and wakanda falls, my father will see that I am better than any bastard son he wanted!!! No one will stop me!!! Especially not you!!

Sin pulls out a detonator and clicks the button as explosions erupted all around the heroes. Sin retreats back into the sub as it sinks into the water. Rubble begins collapsing as the cave's support crumbled and broke. The group of heroes were gonna make their way out the way they came in only for it be blocked by rock. Acting quickly, black panther activated her kimoyo beads and a blue light breaks through the top of the cave and a wakandan ship descends and opens it's doors, the group except ghost rider get in. The female spirit of vengeance gets on her motorcycle and rides along the walls of the collapsing cave just as the wakandan ship escapes through the entrance it made with ghost rider making it through just as the cave fully collapses.

(Mini timeskip)

The group regrouped at a random rooftop to discuss the next steps.

Black panther: if what sin said is true, then war really had come to symkaria, I must return to my home and increase the defences.

Moon knight: I don't think it'll do you much good, namor with vibranium and the backing of hydra is not a good combination.

Ghost rider: defending your home won't stop them from attacking, it'll only make them keep coming back.

Black panther: then what do you suggest I do?! I will not let the blood of my people be taken by those-

Spiderman: we cut of the head.

The trio looked at spiderman who was standing next to a silent scream.

Spiderman: the only way to stop this, is if we kill namor. We do that, his kingdom falls into disarray, they'll have no choice but to call all troops to retreat back to their kingdom. The only way we can do that is if we work together.

There's silence within the group.

Spiderman: (sighs) look, I know that we all just started together for a brief moment, but we all have the same goal, to stop hydra and namor, the avengers won't bother since let's be honest, they're probably having an orgy, the xmen are mostly racist and look after themselves and the fantastic four are doing god knows what. So right now, it's just us. I ask each of you, please help me kill namor.

Silence reigns upon the group again before moon knight walks up and places his hand on spidermans shoulder.

Moon knight: you have been a good friend to us spiderman and a great ally as well. I don't see a reason why we can't fight together.

The duo turn to the last 2 women who wer3 silent before black panther sighs.

Black panther: as much as I wish to return home, you are right, cut of the head of the snake, and the body dies. (Looks at spiderman) I will gladly fight with you once again spiderman.

The trio then looks at the spirit of vengeance who stares back.

Ghost rider: aw, what the hell, I've got nothing better to do, besides namor has lived long enough.

With that, moon knight, black panther and ghost rider hop on board the wakandan ship with the spirit of vengeance taking her motorcycle into the ship. Scream was about to follow but spiderman stopped her.

Spiderman: you 2 aren't coming.

Scream/andy: what?!

Spiderman: look before you both get angry, let me explain, where we are going is a war zone, one that is going to be a fucking bloodbath, I don't want you to end getting hurt in the midst of it, I'll never forgive myself if both of you were injured. So please, stay here.

Scream and Andy say nothing but eventually nod grudgingly.

Spiderman: thank you.

Spiderman turns and hops onto the wakandan ship as it's hatch closes and they shoot of to symkaria. Scream stays standing for a moment before speaking.

Scream: we're not staying are we?

Andy: hell no, let's go tell his girlfriend, and maybe his other sidekicks, chances are they'd like to help too.

Scream nods and shoots off to Parker industries.

(With spiderman)

Spiderman was currently sitting, his thoughts going through different scenarios on how to take down namor. He then stares at black panther, moon knight and ghost rider. He then tenses as random memory flashes before his eyes.


Peter was looking through the eyes of someone that wasn't him but at the same time it was. He currently looking at a woman wearing tribal gear with an amulet that looked like a panther head, a being with a flaming skull, most likely a ghost rider, and a bird shaped skull holding a staff and was dressed in what looked like Egyptian clothes. A voice came out of peters mouth but he was very certain that wasn't his.

???: may we meet again my friends, in this life or a better one.

Flaming skull: come hell or high water, I will answer either of your calls.

Egyptian bird: I will bring the night to our enemies when it is needed, do not hesitate to call upon me.

Panther woman: the same can be said to you 3, call upon me and the panther will arrive and slay any foe in our path.

A flash light envelopes everyone and the memory ends.

(Flashback end)

Spidey takes a sharp inhale, wondering what the memory was.

Spiderman (in head): the fuck was that? Why do I remember that when I never lived it? And whose voice was that?

Before he could dwell on it further, black panther called out.

Black panther: we're approaching symakria, it won't be long now.

Spiderman (in head): that was fast? Was I dazed for the entirety of our flight?

Pete decided to ignore it for now and get his head in the game.

It was time to save a nation from another.

A/N: I'm sorry this took so long but I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and as always....PEACE✌️✌️

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