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0.0 prologue

"Jessica?" i questioned

"Taeyeon" she stated back

"Ice princess" i retorted

"Clown" she spat back

"What are you doing in my house, sitting at my kitchen and eating all of my food" i curiously asked

'What does it look like" she bluntly replied

"I don't know and i don't care. All i know is that i want you to get out...NOW!" i smiled nicely

"She can't" a familiar voice interrupted. I turned to look to see who it was

"Boa" i gasped in shock "What are you doing here?" surprised to see my oldest sister standing in the family kitchen after being gone for months travelling in europe.

"What are you doing here? when did you get back? why didn't you call me? i was freaking out

"Two weeks ago" she stated smiling at me

"What?!" Why didn't you call or why didn't anyone let me know" i stated in shock and sadden that i was left out

"Ha ha i am sorry TaeTae, i thought you knew. Umma and Appa knew and so does Yeon Hee. I am living over at my shop" she stated giving me a hug

"Oh okay, well...i am happy you're back." i felt a little sadden to be think i was the last to know.

"Anyways I need to head back to the shop" Boa is a mechanic and owns a shop with her Oppa. "It is nice to meet you Jessica, i hope to meet again" Boa stated as she picked up her helmet and waved towards both Jessica and I goodbye.

"Really?! I would love that, ah hah. It was nice to meet you to Boa-sshi" I turned to look over at Jessica who was blushing

"Unnie, call me unnie" Boa smiled and walked out of the kitchen. I kept looking at Jessica who had the biggest grin on her face, a smile that I've only seen two other times while growing up with the ice princess.

"Why are you blushing" i questioned suspiciously, she quickly shyed away and looked down at her hands embarrassed.

"Hey Taeyeon, i am going to be practising upstairs so can you keep down the noise" Out of nowhere my other sister Yeon Hee, who is the same age and goes to the same school both Jessica and I attend suddenly appeared looking coldly at me...as usual.

"Of course" i sarcastically stated looking at my oh so loveable sister (note: my sarcasm when i say that)

'Good...hello Jessica" she smiled lightly and headed upstairs

And once again it was the ice princess and i alone in the room. She had her books out and was all set to go. I begrudgingly walked over to the table and slammed my bag on to it. I then walked over to the fridge to get something to drink. As i opened the door i saw the note that Joo-Eun's note stuck to it


Take care of Jessica, provide her with some good food and make sure Yeon Hee takes a break.

And tell Jessica thanks for tutoring you


I huffed at what she wrote and looked over at Jessica Jung, my enemy sitting peacefully studying. Was she serious about tutoring me?! she hated me, ever since i had moved to this town when we were kids she hated me and I her.

"Fany-ah i wish i could call you right now" i looked up at the cieling.


I had that same dream again, the same nightmare over and over for the past 10 years of my life, that same cruel dream would always occur. I sat up in my bed turning to face the window to look up at the stars. I would usually call Boa whenever I would have a bad dream but that is when she lived with us and her bedroom was located right beside mine, now that she has moved out and has created her own life, I am left here alone with no one here to care for me.

Hmmm maybe I should call Fany? That would be to evil of a trick to play. I giggled evilly just thinking about it. She probably wouldn't pick up anyway. I decided since it was 5 in the morning that I might as well take a early bike ride around. I've always enjoyed feeling the wind flow through my hair as I rode on my bike. It was the closet I would get to flying and that feeling of being free was priceless. It could easily calm me down the most whenever I was feeling down about family, school, love...best friends, enemies...and life in general.

I snuck down to the garage and open the side of the door to take out my bike. It really didn't matter if my parents heard me, they knew I always had done this since middle school and so far I had been okay, I was still alive right.

I buckled on my helmet and rode off into the dark sky to clear my head of bad excruciating memories.

One of my favourite areas was biking all the way down to Seogang bridge and gaze at the Han river. Whenever I went biking I made sure to take this bridge in order to look out at the scene.

"Taeyeon" I heard a voice behind me. I turned to see my sister

"Boa?" I questioned "what are you doing here" I asked curious to know

"Well I was home sleeping peacefully but I called a call from oppa saying that I swore he saw you at Seogang bridge on his way home" she breathed "So I decided to check it out for myself and low and behold my baby Tae is here...alone." She sighed "Are you having those nightmares again" she asked bringing her jacket around me

Listening to her words made my heart smile, always the good protective and loving older sister she was, it sucked that she really wasn't mine.

"I'm okay unnie, just wanted to clear my head and riding my bicycle always helps. No need to worry" I tried reassuring her.

"It's unsafe Taeyeon. Seriously like I told you before I left for Europe, whenever you have one of those dreams don't hesitate to call. Taeyeon you no I won't refuse you." she smiled at me as she rubbed her hands onto my arms and I began to press my head into her chest.

I was sitting alone in class as I had obviously arrived earlier then everyone else including some of the teachers. Boa had made sure I had gotten home safely and was off back to her apartment in downtown Seoul. I yawned as I suddenly saw the ice princess appear before my eyes not even bothering to make eye contact with me. As usual for last 3 years of high school together she had always sat behind me.

I could hear the sound of her unzipping her knapsack and taking out her texts books, it was always and I literally mean always the first thing she did upon entering into class, she did this even before saying hi to her two best friends.

"Taeyeon have you been keeping up with the homework" out of nowhere asked. At first I was shock that she was the one initiating nonviolent talk between us. Usually a typical conversation in class with us ended up with something like this,

"I am going to have to suspend you two if you both don't put down the chairs" Mr. Oh stepped in between us.

That was during one of our class debates, somehow I had become the key speaker for one side and Jessica was the others sides key speaker and well lets just say war broke loose between us.

"I tried; I got most of the questions done. But I still had some trouble on some of them" I said

"Oh why didn't you come and ask me for help if you were having trouble" she said. I looked up at her for a second arching my eyebrow, I pictured Jessica suddenly turning into an alien because that was the only way she would be nice to me.

"Ah no offense but we don't really get along, let alone like each other" I stated

"Taeyeon, I disliking you has nothing to do with me being you're tutor. The point of me being you're tutor is to help you not want to hit you in the head with a chair which is usually how I feel about you" she turned to look at me

She was right, I had to give it to the ice princess that she did have a point but I was still unsure of you're motives for helping me, let alone doing it for free.

"Oh so you're tutoring me has absolutely nothing to do with you liking my sister." I tried to keep in my laughter as I suddenly saw her face turn beat red. She turned and huffed at me

"......" silence was I got I from her till "is it that obvious" she looked completely embarrassed by my statement.

"It wouldn't be if you didn't blush whenever I said her name or you looked at her, thats when it wouldn't be to obvious" I continued to laugh

'BAM' Jessica slammed her text book on her desk glaring at me about to murder me

"Taeyeon face the front now" I couldn't stop laughing "It's cute you have a crush on her, everyone usually does" I winked as I turned to face the front

"Taeyeon if you say anything...I will hunt you down and skin you alive" she had threatened me. I stifled my laughter for a second to look at her

"Don't worry princess your secret is safe with me..." I smiled

"But honestly Jessica I won't say anything" I nodded my head looking straight at her getting serious all of a sudden. And for a second there an odd chill had taken over me.

It was still 40 minutes before class and Jessica had been kind or just being a tutor and had helped me solve a couple of my math questions

"Jessica, um" not sure how to say this "do you want to walk to my house together" I was freaked out at what I just said did I really just ask her that?!

"No" she bluntly stated putting her eyes back onto her book. "Taeyeon I am you're tutor not you're friend" she said. I looked back at the front imitating what she had said and remembering all the reasons why I disliked her.

'BAAAAAAAAAM' the sound of the sliding door filled the room

"Fany Fany Tiffany is here" A energetic and somewhat tall girl stood in front of the entrance was as always, since the day i had met her, smiling happily. "Unnie" she then quickly ran toward me" I leapt up and hugged her tightly.

Hwang Tiffany my best friend and who I had given my heart to though was immediately rejected by Tiffany on valentines day. But nevertheless I still loved her unrequitedly.

She was I would say was the counterpart to Jessica, total polar opposites. While Jessica was quiet, icy, mean and every other negative thing I could point out but shouldn't really say do to censoring purposes and not wanting to get into trouble because that would mean another detention and that was bad.

Tiffany she was kind and loving. She often no matter what or how much she disliked a person she would refuse to say anything mean about them. She was always the peace maker between Jessica and I.

I would like to say it was because Tiffany didn't want to see me get hurt by Jessica's fan club aka the Student Body due to Jessica being Student Counsel President. I think deep down it was Tiffany's long loyalty to Jessica and the deep friendship they had while growing up as kids together, despite the two separating into different groups.

"Hey Taeyeon, Hello Jessica" she smiled at both of us. she then latched herself onto me and dragged me back to my desk. She leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"Did I just witness you two being nice to each other?" she questioned. I nodded trying to play it off as Fany being her delusion self. She then turned to look at Jessica with her cute puppy eyes

"Jessica thanks for tutoring Taeyeon. I appreciate it a lot and even though Taeyeon doesn't want to admit it she does to" she peeked at me smirking. I was ignoring it and debating whether why I was friends with her in the first place. "I hope Taeyeon is showing progress. She has trouble with writing and English class" Tiffany was going on and on, I was thinking does she ever shut up.

"What do you mean trouble?" Jessica interjected. I stopped flipping through my papers for a second

"Well Taeyeon has trouble when it comes to writing and sometimes reading" she looked at me. I continued pretending that I was busy with something. Getting upset by the second with Tiffany and how she was revealing my learning issues with the least likely person I thought would care.

I could feel Jessica gaze at me for a while; I knew what she was thinking. I already knew the answer to it. I had discovered that there was a 80% chance I had it, no more like 90% but frankly I didn't want to be labelled as one and therefore refused to confront anybody with it, not even Tiffany and especially Boa.

As students began to now make way into the classroom, the second Mr. Oh had appeared Jessica went straight to him and asked to speak to him privately. I was mentally smacking myself, angered by Tiffany and felt my hatred toward Jessica grow even more. I looked at Fany for a second as she was doodling I HEART HELLO KITTY all over her notebook and then got up and begin to run out of the classroom and out of the school...



I was 8 years old and my parents were in a midst of a divorce most of the kids must have heard it from their parents gossiping because now I was being picked on by them.

"Is it true" a boy said

"Is what true" I stared him

"That you're parents don't want you" a girl joined "And that's why they are breaking up"

"NOOOOOOOO" I yelled out, I could feel all of their gazes on me.

"Sure" one kid started to laugh as I had now begun to cry.

"Hey leave her alone" I looked up to see who had said it

End of flashback

As Mr. Oh and I went out to talk we both suddenly saw the classroom door slide open and out ran Taeyeon. Mr. Oh questioned what he just witnessed when Tiffany appeared yelling out for her friend.

"Aren't you going to go after her" I stated but Tiffany looked at me blankly so I did what I never thought I would do I started to run.

"Taeyeon wait up, you can stop running" I screamed at her. I was hoping she would listen to me because running in heels is never a good thing.

"I wasn't going to talk to him about you." I yelled and she had stopped "So stop running like we are in some pathetic drama" I stated

Her head was looking to the ground and for the first time I saw tear s run down her face. Taeyeon was always smiling, never crying or frowning. So this was something new.

"Stop crying, I won't say anything unless you want me to" I sighed crossing my arms debating whether to go closer to her and comfort her or stay where I am. "It's you're choice to." I stated walking over; I can't believe I am doing this being nice to the girl who had ruined my life growing up.

"But I'll suggest to you to get help or at least find out the truth. It will help you in the long run. Until then I'll try my best to be you're tutor" puke, ugh was what I really wanted to say. She looked up at me and flashed her annoyingly dorky smile at me.

"Yah Taeyeon there you are" Tiffany screamed.

Wow! Aren't we a little late I thought to myself. I turned away and began to head back to class. Not even bothering to acknowledge either one of the two.


"Hey leave her alone I said" the tiny girl with a red cape on pointed at the small group of kids.

"Oh yea what are you going to do about it" said one boy

"I'll use my powers to beat you up" she yelled

Suddenly all of the kids began to laugh, except I who was happy to have whoever this girl help me. I was about to run towards her but the bell had rung and it was back to the classroom.

As I sat in my desk the teacher then brought in the same little girl out in the playground. She had this cute dorky grin and that ridiculous red cape on.

"Hello class before we start up again, I want to introduce to you a new student. Kim Taeyeon. She has just moved here and she will now be joining us." the teacher lightly pushed the girl who then fell onto the ground but quickly got up as if it didn't happen.

"Ah Kim Taeyeon...8 years-old and reporting for duty" she then saluted and bowed all the kids were laughing. I slightly was but kept it to myself.

I could see the adorable girl fast approaching me, she then placed her lunch box onto the desk beside me and she stumbled onto the chair.

"Sorry" she whispered "Did anyone see" she looked at me discreetly. I looked around and saw all eyes were on us.

"No, no one is looking" I didn't know what to say.

She happily sat beside me and started to chat on and on about how she is excited to be coming to this school. I however, was trying not to get into trouble and ignored her

"Hey are you listening...hello" she kept going on and on. I turned to her and looked at her blankly

"Why are you being such an ice princess to me" she stated loudly. My eyes grew wide and were about to flood out with tears at what she had called me. The second she had said it I suddenly heard kids begin to chant it.

"Ice princess ice princess" over and over again.

I got up from my seat, she staring at me still clueless at how much her words hurt me and gathered my things and took the seat behind her kicking the little boy out of his.

End of flashback

"Here you go" Taeyeon had set a bowl in front of my face

"What is it" I asked as I continued on checking her homework

"Wow is stir fried rice cakes to low class for you" she nonchantly stated. I glared at her.

"No, but why did you make it. Is there poison in it" I looked at it questioningly though I admit it looked good and definitely smelt delicious. I was soon finding it hard to resist the temptation

"Yes of course Jessica I made sure to put an extra pinch of rat poison in it just to show you how much I love you" Taeyeon laughed and walked back to the stove.

I licked my lips as I stared at the steam sweating off of the bowl. I found it hard to concentrate on working and I was now beginning to salivate just by looking at the food.

"Oh Taeyeon cooking" I heard a voice enter the kitchen. It was none other then Boa. My heart fluttered at the sight of her, my idol the girl who I looked up to the most and wanted to be like was standing right in front of me. I began to blush and out of the corner of my eye I could see Taeyeon trying to hold in her giggle.

"Jessica did you try it, Taeyeon is a good cook. When I decided to move out I had to debate hard whether I wanted to leave Taeyeon's good cooking for my own cooking." She smiled "Seriously she is the best, her rice cakes...are too yummy to pass up" I suddenly saw Boa pick up my spoon and was about to take a sip of the soup when Taeyeon yelled out

"No, unnie that one is made special for Jessica" she stopped Boa from trying to eat from it

"Here I'll make you one" she smiled directly at me winking.

NO?! could she have tried to NOOOOOOOOOO?! I was thinking

Taeyeon then brought over a bowl for her sister and then took my spoon out of her hand and the next thing I know Taeyeon had shoved it into my mouth forcing me to swallow it.

"Swallow" she said "I didn't do anything to it, so don't worry." She was walking away again.

Boa was right it was good and really delicious. I haven't had this kind of good homemade cooking since my mother....

"Hey how come she gets more rice cakes then me" Boa whined

"Because...it happen to turn out that way" she stated as she began to wipe the counter.

"Taeyeon why did you feed Boa now I am going to be late for my recital" Yeon Hee sighed as she looked upon Boa who was stuffing herself with Taeyeon's food.

"No nooo no" Boa mumbled "I'll get you there on time" she said as I watched her devour a large bowl in less then 5 minutes. Boa then started to rub her stomach as she then suddenly let out a burp.

"Sorry" she giggled.

"Gross" Yeon Hee stated as she gathered her violin and the two were off.

I was left speechless at the sight of Boa burping like that, that was something Taeyeon would do not Boa. But yet again the last time i saw Boa she had changed alot from the one i knew back in school. I wouldn't have ever thought of her in that way and frankly I was unsure what to say or think.

I had taken my last spoonful of Taeyeon's delicious homemade rice cake soup. I watched slowly as Taeyeon had placed her own bowl down and was about to dig in to it. I had found myself licking my lips again at the smell. She looked up at me as she blew onto the soup but she then began to slowly push the bowl and the spoon toward me

"Go ahead. I'm not that hungry anyway" she lightly smiled at me. I wasn't sure if I should take it but it was hard not to. It was so good and it brought back memories that I thought I had long forgotten.

"Seriously take it. Tiffany once randomly told me you were a shikshin." She stared at me watching me as I looked longingly at the food.

'Tiffany talks about me" I asked surprised

"Yes she does a lot actually" she looked upward pondering

Tiffany are you still not over me? I thought in my head.

"So about learning if I am you know...or not. How do I go about it" she reluctantly asked me

"I will show you tomorrow what to do" I stated as i took a mouthful of her food.

"But tomorrow is the weekend" Taeyeon stated "the WEEKEND!"

A week later...

I was walking down the hall trying to make it to the second half of gym class after ending the counsel meeting today. Most of the students were probably running laps outside as when I entered the gym no one was to be found.

"Hey" I heard and suddenly felt myself being pulled into the equipment room better yet known as MAKEOUT CENTRAL!!!!

"Yah! What the heck" I said pulling my arm away from a smiling Taeyeon. She stared at me in glee as she was jumping up and down. Inside I had begun to lightly smile as I watched her, not only because it reminded me of someone but I admit it was cute to see her so happy after seeing her cry from before.

"Guess what I am not dyslexic" she started to jump around in circles. "WHOOOHOOO!" she cheered

"Oh so it means you are just dumb in general" I brutally stated which caused her to stop and look at me

"Why do you have to be so mean, I thought we were friends now" she pouted. I turned away wanting to leave before anyone saw us inside the room together.

"Taeyeon I am not you're friend, I am you're tutor" I reminded her

"Fine then I am not cooking for you any...ne...more" Taeyeon slowly stated as we both looked at our whole gym class staring at us as we opened the equipment room's door.

My eyes scanned to see people in shock and in surprised to see the two of us alone together in the storage locker and then my eyes locked onto to her. Tiffany eyes glossed over, I knew what she was thinking. She had quietly looked away and began to walk toward the change rooms

"Gosh Jessica I know you want me but trying to corner me while in the storage room. geez!" Taeyeon blurted out to our entire gym class.

"YAH!!!" I screamed grabbing onto a baseball bat.


"Here" I stood holding up to her

"What is that" she asked staring at it like it was going to attack her

"A band aid" I said as I ripped the package open.

"Wae o wae" she shouted while stepping back. I looked at her trying hard not to laugh

"Was that aegyo I just saw from the princess" I said, laughing even harder

"No. It's just...I can put it on myself. I am no baby" she said

"Fine then, do it" I then stuck it on her forehead" and walked away

"Yah! Taeyeon" she yelled

"What Jessica, I'm letting you put it on" I giggled

"You're not funny Taeyeon and what is with the frog?"

"It just not any frog, it is Keroro Jessica" I looked at her hoping it would mean something to her

"Kerr a who?" she had a confused look "oh you mean keroppi? I like him. But this doesn't look like him"

"No not Keroppi, Keroro. I'll show you him some other time" I told her "I should go, but I hope you're okay Jessica" and walked out of the storage room

As I left Jessica alone I saw Tiffany run towards me.

"Hey Tae where did you go" she looked curious

"Uh no where just needed to get the birdie" I said holding it up to her. "I made sure I got one that was pink" she immediately hugged me

"Taetae always thinking of me" she smiled as I lightly held onto her I could see Jessica leaving the equipment room; I started to hold in a giggle as I saw Jessica staring at the frog with this peculiar expression as if she never seen a frog in her life.

"Tae what's so funny"

"Oh nothing" I said "lets go play" I yelled out and ran toward the court


"Here" I stood there holding up a band aid toward the girl who was crying under a tree. She peeked up, trying to hold back her sniffles

"Thanks" she grabbed the tissue from me and began to wipe away her tears

"I have more if you need them" I set the small package right beside her. She looked down at them and laughed

"Hello Kitty, my favourite" she laughed. I laughed

"Yea they're my sisters, I stole them from her" she started to laugh

"I am happy you're laughing" I said and she looked up and lightly smiled at me

"Are you okay?" I question but the smile disappeared immediately the moment I asked. So I decided to sit down beside her

"Do you want to talk about it" I asked as I gently placed her hand on my shoulder

"Um not really, I don't think I can right now. Besides I don't want to bother you with my issues" she blew her nose.

"Okay then, I will leave you be. You can keep them if you would like" I pointed to the Kleenex "I think they cramp my style, they definitely suit you more" I said as I picked up my bike

"Ah thanks...umm"

"Taeyeon, Kim Taeyeon" I said bowing

"I am Hwang Tiffany" she said "Thank you" she sniffled

"No problem" I told her and began to lightly peddle away"

"Taeyeon wait!" she yelled towards me, I stopped and turned as I saw her running over

I didn't expect it and sort of took me by surprised as I felt this petite girl wrap her arms around me and hugged me tightly. I felt her body press against me and the smell of roses emit from her body I knew that she was someone special. That her holding onto me and pressing her head into my shoulder was not a one time thing, it was something that would last and I was happy to feel this way because after that day tiffany and I had been the best of friends, she was my first and only real friend that I had made living in this town

End of flashback

I slightly opened my door to peak to see if anyone was in the hall. I knew Yeon Hee was as always practising on her violin and I knew that umma was out running some errands while appa was in his office working. I knew that everyone would be to busy in their own world to even notice I was gone. Considering that Jessica had just left from our session, so everyone would probably just assume I was working on finishing my homework.

I closed the door and peered at my clock it was 7:05 and I had exactly less then 50 minutes to meet up with Tiffany. We both had planned on seeing a movie since we both haven't been spending as much time together for the past few weeks since since getting a tutor.

I opened the window of my bedroom and started to climb across reaching out to the tree next to our house. I loved that I had gotten Boa's room once she decided to go on long trip overseas travelling around, not only gave me privacy but it helped deal with the tension between Yeon Hee and I.

Yeon Hee and I had shared a room together since the day umma and appa had decided to become my legal guardians and it was hard especially when Yeon Hee had gotten her memory back and she remembered what happened during that horrific night. I knew how she felt towards me once she gained back her memories.

When we were younger we were close as can be, best friends and even true sisters but that had all change after that night. Yeon Hee now had turned into a cold and distant person. She had resented that I was the one who lived and she hated me because I was the constant reminder of what happen, in a way she blamed me for everything that night and I agreed with her.

I had finally made it down the large tree onto the ground I looked around, hoping no one I had seen me. I quickly scurried my way to the front. I kept looking around to see if umma was on her way back when I heard a familiar voice

"What are you doing" I turned and instantly my cheeks puffed out in surprise

"Jessica what are you still doing here, I thought you left already" I said trying to act smooth

"Standing here" she said looking at me "And you what are you doing" she smirked knowing full well I was up to something

"Ah getting some fresh air" I said stretching and breathing it in

"You're such a liar." She said and stepped down from my porch

"Well how come you're still here. I would think you would have been picked up by now" I looked at her

"Well to be honest I am not in a hurry to go home" she shifted her eyes to the setting sky

"Oh, is something wrong" I stepped forward. We stood there silently as she contemplated her thoughts

"Nope" she then began to walk away from me

"Hey, Jessica wait up!!!" I jogged lightly toward her "Don't ignore me, I know something is wrong"

We both started to walk together, I was curious to know what was bothering her, she did seem a little different then her usually quiet self. During our session she had seemed to be distracted, it was hard trying to learn anything from her. Half of the time she was zoned out.

"Are you not going to say anything to me" I said trying to keep up with my small legs

"Taeyeon go out and have you're fun" she said and began to walk faster

"Darn it, Jessica why don't you just put down you're walls for a 5 minutes and let me talk to you. I am really worried about you, I truly do wish that nothing bad is happening to you" I yelled out to her. But she kept on walking faster and ignoring my existence

"Stop being such an ice princess" I yelled out. She

She suddenly turned to me and made her way toward me, making sure I knew she was taller then I and then she did something that I never thought she would do. Despite all of our past fights with each other

She slapped me; she slapped me straight across the face. I stared at her wide eyed and in shock at the slight pain.

"Don't call me that ever" she yelled "Don't ever call me that Taeyeon" her face was red and her eyes were wet "You don't know me" she screamed.

I stared at her and immediately regretted my words

"I am sorry Jessica, I never meant anything cruel by it" I said as I placed my hand beside me and I bowed to her "I never meant to hurt you in that way, sorry" I then stood up and slowly walked away from her.

It had been two days since that encounter between Jessica and I, it was a blessing that I didn't have any tutor sessions because that mean less time to see or face each other and when it came to seeing each other in class we both just ignored one another like we used to. But I was beginning to get to a point where I wanted to confront her and apologize again. I spent the last two days trying to remember back on my past with Jessica and I had realized my big mistake from long ago and I had deeply regretted it.

We were in gym class once again; tiffany and I had were having trouble on debating whether to play volleyball which i wanted or badminton what tiffany wanted and of course tiffany always got what she wanted...

"Tae do you mind getting me my lucky pink birdie" she innocently asked fluttering her eyes at me. I gave her a glare

"No you have two legs get it yourself" I laughed.

"But I want you to" she pouted "Pahwease" she gave me her puppy dog eyes. "Hey you still owe me for ditching me on movie night."

"Ugh fine" I sighed staring upwards and began marching into the storage room

I open the door and tried to search in the large bin for the pink birdie.

"Finally I was wondering if you were ever going to show up" a voice mysteriously appeared

"WAHHHHHHHHHHH" I jumped "Jessica what are you doing in here sneaking up on me like that"

She looked at me with her arms crossed and had an annoyed look

"Hey did you just say what I think you just said" I questioned her, she seemed uncomfortable with something as she stared at me coldly. So I decided to take this chance and state what had been on my mind since she slapped me

"Jessica I am sorry, I didn't think that calling you that hurt you so much." I looked down at my feet. "I regret ever calling you an ice princess, it was just how I perceived you. You've always put up walls with everyone. I seriously have never meant it in a cruel way but yet it again I shouldn't have said it in the first place. I was wrong and underestimated how much it hurt you and for that I am deeply sorry. I will never call you that again. I promise" I told her. She looked at me silently not given me a hint of emotion or sign that revealed anything about her.

"I should go and I understand if you want to quit on being my tutor." I turned away but Jessica's voice quickly caused me to turn back.

"Taeyeon" she was contemplating something, i could tell she was hesistating on something

"It's okay Jessica. I get what you're trying to do. No need to" I smiled lightly at her "I don't deserve it, I earned that slap especially how much I put you through. Sorry for being so dumb" I started to head towards the door but felt Jessica's hand spin me around. I saw her fiddle with something in her hands and suddenly felt her thrust something onto my cheek.

"Here" she said and pressed down on it gently

"What is it, what are you doing" I went to grab onto what she was thrusting upon me but accidently had grabbed onto to Jessica's hand. We both quickly pulled back and we both started to laugh at each others shocked expressions

"Seriously what did you put on me" I said, Jessica laughed

"It's a band aid" she exclaimed

"Why? I'm not bleeding anywhere. My cheek is fine" I was confused, touching my face to make sure that I wasn't bleeding. She nodded at me with disappointment and started to head towards the door

"Owhhhhhhhh. I get it, hehe" I started to smile "That was sweet of you" this was obviously Jessica's way of apologizing to me, though she didn't have to. "What's on it" I asked curiously try to catch up to her. But almost tumbled over when Jessica quickly turned back to me

"This doesn't mean we're friends or anything" she stated "Remember I am just you-"

"Tutor, I know I know, we will go back to the way we were before." Nodding indicating I understood her and then quickly passed her leaving her alone. Though I could have sworn she had said something but I barely heard what she said.

"You're back!! Oh my, what happen are you okay" Tiffany then lightly touched my cheek rubbing against it. I felt myself go immediately red as I could feel her breath on my skin and how closer our faces were

"Yea I'm okay" I looked downward shyly. I got to stop feeling this way whenever she is around me

"Are you sure, what's with the keroppi band aid" she looked up at me concerned. I could help but laugh inside, Keroppi? Jessica was surprising a cute person behind her hard exterior.

"Ah it's nothing, you know how much I love anything with that stuff...you know frogs" I laughed lightly at my words. Tiffany gave me this look that I was unsure about like she knew something was up. But started to laugh to along with me

"Whatever Hello Kitty is better" Tiffany unexpectedly ripped off the band aid and ran away with it

"Yah!!!!!! Fany-ah. Give it back it's special" I yelled out chasing after her.

"I still don't get it?"

"What do you mean you still don't get it, how can you not"

"I just don't understand you're point"

"How can you not? It is so obvious"

"Nope not really. I don't see the appeal"

"What Keroro is totally better then the Keroppi"

I looked at Jessica still nodding her head refusing to believe that."Look Keroro is funny and just awesome show with all the action and all Keroppi is, is cute. Therefore Sgt. Frog is a better show" I stared at her she still refusing to accept it

"Keroppi isn't just cute, he teaches you about being a good and responsible person and is funny to." She stated

"Fine you like what you want to like and I'll stick to what I like" I said finally opening my books to actually start our homework

"Good to see you take initiative with you're studies, finally." She smirked

Over the past weeks Jessica since the apology had been getting along a lot better and had soon formed a bond with each other. Despite having yet to define what this bond, I think we both felt it was better just to keep it between us. I think we are both scared to acknowledge it. Considering that we had spent disliking each other for most of our lives and to then suddenly out of the blue one day, discover you have many things in common with them and have grown this bond together, it was just weird. Therefore was better left undefined and not be known publicly of Jessica's and I's growing liking to each other

"Jessica" I looked up from my math sheet.

"Hmmm" she said as she was continuing to calculate in her head.

"Can I ask you something" I stared at her, lately I had been worrying about her. She did seem different then her usual self like something was always on her mind bothering her, you could see it while you looked into her eyes.

"Nothing is the matter Taeyeon" she stated not even bothering to look up at me "Now it is my turn, have you been reading Cyrano' she asked.

Oh crap, our book assignment in Mr. Oh's class for some reason I decided to do it on this French novel Cyrano De Bergerac and our assignment is to write a book review and also about the history of the author and the times of when it was written in, It was due in two weeks and I had yet to start the first chapter

"Of course" I smiled politely

"Have you started yours" I asked

"I am done it" she quickly replied

"WHAT?! Already" I looked at her shock 'What book did you choose, it must have been an easy one"

"Oscar wilde's the picture of Dorian Gray" she stated

"Oscar who? And what about Dorian?" I was lost, I've never heard of these people. She smiled and looked at me

"Less Sgt Frog and more books Taeyeon" and went back to work "Let me know if you're stuck on anything" she smirked knowling full well that i had yet to even touch a page on Cyrano.

the next day

"Where are we going Taeyeon" tiffany pulled away

"Shhh somewhere special" I said

"Like what, why can you not tell me" she was whining

"It's a surprise you like surprises" I said as I pulled her towards my discovery

We both walk for barely 10 minutes more and had arrived at the site, late last night when I had decided to go on my usual bike ride I had cut through the park and ended up stumbling onto this beautiful site. Tiffany loved weddings, she loved anything to do with them, I think she already had her gown design in her head and where it would be, literally tiffany had her own wedding planned out to the last detail.

"Look" I pointed as I watched her face light up

"Oh my gosh Taeyeon I love it, where did you find it" as she started to grab onto my hand, I could feel my face begin to blush

"Last night while out riding when I almost crashed into one of the pillars" I giggled

We both were staring at a group of people beginning to set up a big wedding that was happening this weekend. It was easy to see that the wedding was definitely not going to be a traditional Korean wedding, it seemed more american.

"I wonder who is getting married" I asked

"Oh my gosh Taeyeon it it's him"

"Who? the old dude" i definitely didn't see the big deal

"Yes! he is a famous wedding planner all the way from Italy" she squealed happily "I got to go meet him, I have to start planning my own wedding" out of nowhere tiffany then burst down the hill towards the poor wedding planner.

"Tiffany! we shouldn't do that we can get in trouble, and what do you mean about planning for you're wedding?! you're not even engaged!!!!!!"

But it was top late Tiffany had made her way towards the man who went back into a tent that was off to the side of all the construction. I sat back down on the ground anticipating what was going to happen to her.

Suddenly I could see a group of people make there way to the area, they didn't seem like workers, you could tell by looking at the way they dressed, they had brought a bouquet with them, and I thought I saw a photographer snapping pictures.

"Wedding rehersal" I am guessing as I sighed watching them.

After I long while my mind was about to doze away, surprisingly the planner or anyone else for that matter had not kicked her out of the area for disturbing the peace. As my eyes shifted I could suddenly see the group of people gathering around the altar area, the cameraman directing them where to go, then out of the corner of my eyes I saw Jessica Jung walking down the aisle holding onto that same bouquet of flowers.

"Jessica" I stood up in disbelief "No, it can't be" I was in utter shock. I had no idea what to do but I ran down as fast as I could "Jessica!!!!" I screamed, I could see people questioning what was going on.

"Who the heck is this girl" the balding cameraman stated looking very upset that I had ruined his shot

"No one special" Jessica stated and everyone started to disband as Jessica motioned to take a break

"Jessica what is going on, what are you doing" I said trying to catch my breath. Jessica continued to just stare at me not even bothering to reply to my question

"I should have known this whole set up had something to do with you" I turned to look at Tiffany grinning widely. I quickly turned back to Jessica who had narrowed her eyes on her and looked a bit upset

"Are you getting married" I asked shocked looking at Jessica who turned her eyes towards me and stared at me blankly.


"Are you getting married" I stood there looking at Taeyeon, I forget sometimes how clueless she is but it wasn't her fault she didn't know that my mother was dead and my father had finally purposed to his girlfriend who was only 10 years older then me. Oh and it turns out that i will also be welcoming a new mother but also a new brother or sister in less then 9 months.

I needed to get out of here, forced here because of the bride and groom to busy to make it and now look at what it brought me

"Jessica wait up" I could hear Taeyeon's voice call out for me. I turned suddenly to her

"Jessica is this what's been bothering you lately? Is this why you dislike going home?" she kept asking as I continued my silence not wanting to reveal anything. Taeyeon had Tiffany for that, she could let her know.

"Are you being forced into this wedding, is it arrange one for you?" she seriously thinks I am getting married, to who?! My driver?

"Jessica let me go talk to you're parents, I won't let this happen to you." and there it was, Taeyeon had caught me off guard with her words, I know she was being kind and...a friend to me but...still. I started to laugh out loud at her, for the first time in a long time I never wanted to laugh so hard.

"What's so funny, why are you laughing. I am serious Jessica who is the groom, he looks...greasey. If you want I will go up there and take care of it." She kept pointing at herself "Maybe convince you're parents that you're too young" she was definitely serious about the whole arrange marriage idea.

"Taeyeon I doubt you could you're like 3 feet tall" I started to laugh harder

"Hey Jessica I am trying to defend you're right to marry whomever you want, whenever you want" she had the most serious expression on her face it was hard to resist laughing at it

"Jessica fine be that way!"

Taeyeon then began to stomp away from me as I held onto my stomach struggling hard not to laugh.

"Yah Taeyeon" I yelled out to her, she turned her face was a mixture of mad and hurt. "I am not getting married" I stated as I had now somewhat calmed down but still fought hard to not let out another chuckle cause I knew Taeyeon would hate me if I did.

"You're not" she then looked like a huge weight had been lifted off of her, she came running back to me "Well what was that all about"

"My father is the one getting married, and I am here in both he and his future wife's place" I stated looking downward, having to say those things was hard. I had yet to get over my parents abrupt divorce when I was a kid and then my mother's immediate death after they're divorced had been finalized, it had been hard for me to get over it and to forgive my own father. And so having my father walking up to me a few weeks ago and then have me sit down and revealing all of this on me, just added to a whole bunch of resentment and feelings i had long shut away only to be push right back out in those 20 minutes i listened to him apologize to me and ask for my premission to marry his young play toy.

"Owh....I don't know what to say now...I think I have said enough" she looked so embarrassed by her assumption

"Taeyeon it's okay" I smiled lightly at her. Then out of the corner had spotted tiffany run up to us

"Ah I found you two" she said as she then grabbed onto Taeyeon's arm holding it tightly "Did everything get cleared up" she smiled looking at me. I knew what she was trying to do but it wasn't going to work, it never had worked. I just felt sorry for Taeyeon who had somehow got herself caught in the middle of this. If she realized and knew the truth about Tiffany then it would break her heart.

"Jessica's dad is getting married" Taeyeon looked to Tiffany.

"Oh I know, I didn't know it was going to be at the park but I knew about the engagement, I am actually going to it. Hey Tae you want to be my date" she looked sweetly at her. I could see Taeyeon being taken by surprised but judging at her now slight redness in her cheeks I could tell she was happy.

"Okay, but only if it is okay with Jessica" she turned to look at me

"You being there does not really matter to me" I cruelly stated and began to walk away from them

"Jessica what are you going to be wearing" Taeyeon sat her head looking up me at her kitchen table.

"Taeyeon read you're book, the assignment is almost due in less then two weeks. Seriously I wish Tiffany didn't invite you to the wedding it gives you less time to read and do the assignment." I looked at her with a scolding expression "So do it" I pointed to her book. She looked sad

"Sorry I just don't know what to wear" she then lifted the novel up and begun to read or at least pretended to

"Well talk to tiffany she is you're date" I said

"I know but I don't want to wear pink, she wants to match together" she looked scared

"And so you want to match with me?" I questioned

"Well you probably would wear a better colour then pink" she pouted

"Taeyeon it won't matter what you wear as long as it covers you. It doesn't matter if you match either. But just so you know I won't be sitting or acknowledging you while you are there" I stated and went back to reading my novel.

"Fine" she then silently went back to reading; I could tell she was actually reading this time

5 minutes later of Taeyeon moping

"Fine I am wearing champagne colour dress" I stated

"Champagne what kind of colour is that? What happen to you're basic rainbow scheme" she looked dumbfounded. I seriously question what goes on in her mind

Taeyeon's Pov

"I can't believe you talked me into wearing PINK! PINK!!" I looked at Tiffany who had a wide smile on her face

"It's cause you love me so much" she then lightly pecked me on the cheek and grabbed onto my hand. I stared at her for moment as we gathered into the area, my face blushing and my cheek felt hot as I placed a hand on it.

Did she really just do that?! I could believe it. But it was obvious it meant nothing to her except for close friendship.

"Taeyeon look, there is Jessica, she looks gorgeous" Tiffany slightly jumped as she pointed to her. I looked over to take a look and Tiffany was right she was beautiful. Did I really just say that to?! Oh gosh what is wrong with me? But today my heart and eyes told me that girl standing next to me was the most gorgeous girl tonight

"She is, but I think you are more" I shyly stated turing away from looking at her

"Oh Tae, I know you're lying" she then wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed me on the cheek again.

"Umm" I wasn't sure how to react but out of the corner of my eye I saw Jessica staring at us at the moment, her face looking sadden.

I wanted to walk over there and tell her everything was going to be alright.

"Hey let's go get our seats" I suggest as I made my way out of Tiffany's arms and towards the seats.

As I struggled to listen to Jessica's future step mom state her vows I looked towards the front to see if Jessica was still holding up, but I could spot her at all. I knew she had told me she refused to be a part of the wedding despite both her father and his fiance's wishes but I wouldn't think she would just leave like that. As I continued to look around all that was hearing was Tiffany's insistent blubbering, the second the Priest had said a word she burst into tears.

"Tiffany I am going to go get you more tissues" I lied but she didn't have to know. I quietly got up and made sure as I made my way from the wedding not to disturb anyone.

I lightly began to jog, I knew it was hard considering the wedding was in a park and Jessica could have gone anywhere.

"If I was Jessica where would I want to go" I repeatedly stated to myself. Hoping it would cause for an idea to pop into my head to help me find where she went.

I got further and further away I saw a group of people and vans parked by. I quickly noticed the multiple tents and the dance floor in the center of them all. I am guessing this is where the wedding reception will be held tonight. The large group of workers were now trying to set up the food and tables before the wedding was over. I rushed down hoping maybe one of them might have seen Jessica run off somewhere.

"Ah excuse me did you see a young girl"

"You are looking for Miss Jung" he immediately knew. I quickly nodded relieved that he might know, he then pointed to one of the catering vans. I looked at him confused but frankly wasn't that surprised Jessica was near food.

I walked over there and knocked on it despite it being open

"Hello" I peeked in to see Jessica crouched in the back with a couple of platefuls of appetizers

"Hungry" I giggled as she looked toward me with sombre eyes. I climbed in to join her.

"Jessica are you okay" I said drawing near to her.

"appetizer" she raised it up hoping that I would be distracted by it

"Jessica don't do that" i told her placing the plate away from her. Her mouth was still half full

"Please let me in, I care. I can tell it is hard for you to watch it" I stated, she kept on chewing, she seemed to be not listening to a word I was saying. So I looked at her and began to make my way out again.

"Taeyeon, don't go. Don't leave me" she said, her words shocked me. I turned slowly as I saw her eyes becoming red. I immediately rushed back to her side and used my hands to wipe her tears.

"Don't cry Jessica, I know it's hard. But everything will be okay." I tried to comfort her

"It hurts Taeyeon, it hurts so much" she kept on repeating as tears began to streak her face

Meanwhile at the wedding

"Tae did you see that, the kiss. So beautiful" I turned to my side to see nothing, no one.

"Tae where did you go" I looked around to see if Jessica was there but she was gone to.

And in that second I realized the both of them were gone my heart began to ache, it hadn't felt like this in so long. Not since that day that Jessica had broken my heart and rejected me.


"Jessica, I have something to say to you and ask you"

"Tiffany, I think you should know something before you talk any further"

"Huh, no please just let me go first Jess, it's taking me a lot inside of me to admit this"

"Tiffany please stop"

Jessica had turned away.

"Jessica please let me say this, let me tell you how I feel. How you make me feel" I looked longingly to her

"Tiffany I can't return them, I know what you're going to say. I've always known how you felt but I am sorry I can't return you're feelings. I am already in love with someone else" she looked at me with sympathy in her eyes.

My heart had shattered into a million pieces when I looked into her eyes and saw how she pitied me.

"In love with someone else, who" I asked trying to hold in my tears but failing badly.

"Yuri, Yuri and I are in love with each other" she stated

End of flashback

I quickly got up as everyone was doing so and started to make my way, hoping to find Taeyeon and Jessica before anything could happen between them. I refuse to let my heart get broken again.

Back at the van

"Stop it Taeyeon" I yelled at her as she kept on trying to put whip cream on me

"Why should I, you're the one who started it. Seriously how am I going to get this chocolate out. It looks as if i took a dump" I stared down at Taeyeon's dress that I had accidentally dirtied with chocolate

"I'm sorry" I looked at her innocently "Not like I meant to do that" holding in laughter

"Fine, I'll let you go. As long as you keep smiling" she said and got off of me and began to head out of the van

"Taeyeon" she turned to look at me "Thanks, thank you for being a friend. I never expected to say that but thank you." I smiled at her. But that changed when I felt whip cream hit me square in the face


I saw where the wedding reception was going to take place but had yet to spot neither Jessica nor Taeyeon.

"Where could they have gone" I questioned looking around, just then I out of nowhere both Taeyeon and Jessica had run out from the van. Jessica was chasing after Taeyeon with a piece of cake and the two seemed to be enjoying it, laughing and smiling like they were the only two people in the world.

Seriously is this happening to me again. Why Jessica I thought you hated Taeyeon, now why are you running towards her, why not me. I've always been here waiting for you, and the moment you let Taeyeon into you're life you fall for her.

"Tiffany is that you" I heard a voice behind me. I quickly turned around and felt my body freeze

"Yuri, what are you doing here." I looked at her in shock "When did you get back" she smiled at me as she stepped closer

"Been back for two weeks,no one really knows yet. I wanted to see Jessica first but I haven't been able to get a hold of her. Have you seen her? I couldn't see her during the wedding" she looked at me, she had become more beautiful then I remembered, she had definitely matured into a woman. Instead of that old tomboy I had remembered from when we were growing up together.

"Is that Jessica there" she pointed to Jessica who was screaming at Taeyeon who had just stuffed cold ice on the back of her dress "Is that Jessica's girlfriend"

My eyes darted to her and then back down to Jessica and Taeyeon

"I refuse to let my heart be broken again, this time I will let you know how it feels Jessica to get you're heart crushed" I silently vowed as Yuri and I watched the two together.


I woke up that morning sweating heavily. The dream happened again tonight, the dream of when I see him slowly stepping towards me, holding up a long sharp knife and him looking at me with desperation and pure evil in his eyes.

I got up from my bed and quickly lifted my shirt I looked into the mirror and turned so my back was reflecting off of it. I slowly look down to see the scar on my lower back.

Always there, always a reminder, that was one of his gifts to me before he killed himself.

I looked over to the clock to see it was 6 in the morning, I decided it was best to take a shower and wash away all of the sin away before going to school that day.

I made my way quickly to the classroom and into my seat Yeon Hee had gotten angry at me for taking too long in the shower this morning, which resulted in the both of us not being on the best of terms with each other. As I had took my shower I felt my mind race back to the days before where Yeon Hee, Seohyun and I were together happily walking home from school together and acting how we would be together forever, had we known that on that day it would all end.

"Taeyeon...earth to Taeyeon" Tiffany was staring at me as I was in a daze. As I fell back into reality I saw that perfect Tiffany smile emitting from her face that she always gave to me.

"Oh Fany-ah" I smiled weakly hoping she wouldn't be perceptive enough to see through it.

"Taeyeon are you okay, you seem sick" she looked worriedly as she gently placed her hand on my forehead, just then I saw Jessica enter into the classroom looking at us both for only a second but went back to avoiding us once again.

"Taeyeon are you are burning up" Tiffany then got up and went straight to Mr. Oh who had just enterted the classroom. The two were talking to each other and he turned and looked at me and then nodded to Tiffany. A smile once again appeared on her face as she then happily hopped over to me again.

"Come on Tae, I am taking you to the nurses office" she then grabbed onto my arm and began to drag me out of class. I was taken by surprised and turned to see everyone stare up at me, everyone expect for Jessica who looked like she was reviewing her class notes, she seemed as if she didn't care at all where I was going or if I was okay and i felt my heart ache at that moment as i watched her.

"Seriously Tiffany I am okay" I told her as I lay on the nurses bed

"Uh I don't think so the nurse said you had a fever" she stated behind the curtains "So sit still" she ordered as I watched her fiddle with something

"Tiffany what are you doing, come out now" I demanded as I was agitated. Suddenly Tiffany had popped out behind the curtain wearing a full on nurses outfit. My eyes immediately widen

"WAE" I yelled out as I lept backward in shock. She giggled as she watched my reaction

"You like?" she turned and then approached my bed and leaned in "Nurse Kim is taking her break so I will be taking care of you" she winked at me and I felt my heart beating erratically

"Don't you have to go back" I stuttered

"No, besides I am not leaving you alone when you're like this, you have a fever Tae so sleep...NOW!" she then pulled the curtains back and went back to playing with the nurses tools.

2 hours later...

"I am so bored, can't you get better faster" Tiffany sighed as she was swinging back and forth in the chair

"You can leave, I hope you know. I am here, so I'll make sure she is okay" the nurse looked at Tiffany. Unexpectedly the sound of Tiffany's stomach filled the room causing the two to giggling as Taeyeon slept soundly. "So go on, I'll make sure she is safe until you comeback"

Tiffany immediately got up but then looked over to her friend sleeping soundly; she then smiled reluctantly as she walked out of the nurse's room to go eat lunch.

20 minutes later...

Time had passed and Tiffany had yet to come back, the nurse looked at the clock and saw that she was in need of another smoke break. But she knew she couldn't leave until Miss. Hwang got back, so she went back to filing papers, she then turned to around as she heard the door of her office open and was surprised to see Miss Jung standing there with her lunchbox in tow.

"Miss Jung are you okay are you feeling ill too?" she asked as she got up, Jessica quickly brushed her off and looked toward Taeyeon who had been moving around in the bed.

"Ah I see now. She is okay, she just has a fever. Poor girl should go home but refused to, stating that someone would be mad and scold her if she wasn't in class." The nurse staring happily at Jessica who barely showed a grin when she heard that Taeyeon refused to go home because she didn't want Jessica to get angry at her for missing school.

"You can sit with her if you like" the nurse then nudged her over but quickly stopped when she saw Jessica icily stare at her for touching her.

Jessica slowly walked toward Taeyeon who seemed to be sweating hard. Jessica then turned back to let the nurse know but noticed she had left all of a sudden.

'Stupid nurse, do you're job" Jessica set her lunchbox down and walked over to the sink to put water in a bowel and a cloth. She then walked back to Taeyeon's bedside and began to lightly dab her with it, trying to cool her off.

"Stupid you should have gone home, why would I get mad at you for being sick" Jessica looked at the tiny girl. She could sense Taeyeon was having a bad dream as she saw how Taeyeon had been tossing and turning over and over. Taeyeon was also mumbling something that Jessica couldn't quite catch or make out at what was being said.

Jessica had set the bowl and cloth to the side as she noticed that Taeyeon had calmed down considerably and it had seemed as though the nightmare the girl was having was over.

Jessica then began to lightly brush the hair out of Taeyeon's face, she stared at it hard and noticed how soft and white her skin was, her eyes then began to run down the shape of her nose and Jessica soon found herself staring at the girl's rose coloured full lips.

Just then Jessica turned as she heard rattling from the door but was then taken by surprised as she felt two arms wrapped around her tightly. She turned to see Taeyeon who was now sitting up with her eyes still closed repeating the same sentence over and over again

"Don't go out there Seohyun, don't go out there"

"Taeyeon, it's me Jessica...your friend" she whispered softly into Taeyeon's ear

Jessical then placed her own arms and hands around the girl, hoping that her touch would sooth her. Her hands rubbing up and down Taeyeon's back hoping to comfort her and calm her down from the bad dream.

As Jessica continued to shush she noticed the large scar on Taeyeon's back and felt her heart jump, frighten by the sight of it due to the grotesque appearance and the large size of it. Jessica was now curious as to where and how she had gotten this scar from.

Jessica for a while had sat there letting Taeyeon hold onto her as she stared mesmerized by the scar. She was now lightly placing her finger on it. Jessica began to gently move her finger following the line of the scar, it was as if she under a spell wanting to know the mystery behind it.

"Jessica what are you doing" Taeyeon finally waking up from her fever stated causing for Jessica to stiffen and jump slightly.

"Uh eeehhhhh" Jessica didn't know what to say, considering Taeyeon had caught Jessica in the midst of almost sexual harassment "Nothing" Jessica then went cold and pushed Taeyeon off of her. The girl quickly stood up and walked away leaving Taeyeon in pure silence.

Taeyeon sat there alone confused at what had just happen; she looked around to see no one else, not even Tiffany there. In a way she was a bit relieved to see that she had wakened up to Jessica and not Tiffany. For some reason she felt more comfortable with letting Jessica discover her scar and listen to her bad dream then Tiffany, deep down Taeyeon maybe didn't want to scare off Tiffany cause Taeyeon knew that Jessica could handle the truth about Taeyeon and she somehow pictured Tiffany freaking out if she were to learn what happen to her best friend when she was a child.

"Taeyeon your up!" Taeyeon was caught off guard by a smiling Tiffany who was holding up food.

"Man I guess I am too late, who brought you that" Taeyeon then turned to see a box sitting on the table that Tiffany had pointed to. Taeyeon then looked back at Tiffany who gave her an I don't know look because she really didn't know, until she remembered having an image of her and Jessica holding onto each other flash into her mind again

"Where is the nurse?!" Tiffany asked

It was Saturday morning and the starting of the weekend. After Taeyeon got home that day, news around her house got around quick as she had walked in and saw Boa and her umma and appa waiting for her and Yeon Hee to arrive back from school. Of course Taeyeon had been scolded by all of them except Yeon Hee who disappeared back into her room not caring at all about Taeyeon's health or the fact she spent the whole day in the nurses office with a high fever. So as punishment she was grounded but Boa had somehow talked both of her parents to let Taeyeon off with a warning. But Taeyeon knew she wasn't scot free, she knew that Boa would probably make her do manual labour at the shop as a favour to return hers.

Taeyeon had slowly stepped in front of the large iron gate to the Jung residence. She saw the large driveway leading up to a house a very large estate. Rumour had it was one of the imperial families homes back during the Joseon Dynasty.

"The princess really is a princess, who knew" Taeyeon stated to herself as she looked in peering through the gate.

Taeyeon quickly jumped as she heard the sound of two horns honk behind her, she turned to see two vehicles right behind her. Immediately she saw Jessica run out and stare at her questioningly as to why she had shown up to her house.

"Taeyeon, so why are you here" Jessica handing Taeyeon some tea as she sat down in one of the large, and she is guessing out of many living areas

the room looked as if it belonged into a museum, everything in it seemed like it was worth millions of dollars and looked as if it could be on display for thousands of eyes to see in a historical museum

"Ah oh yea, here" Taeyeon then had set her tea cup down and then took out the large box that was wrapped in a pretty cloth.

"Thanks for bringing me lunch the other day when I was sick" the girl showing off a dorky grin.

Jessica looked surprised by the act and was shocked at what to do or say to her to the other girl

"I didn't bring it for you, I brought it with me to eat it infront of you" she lied but Taeyeon didn't have to know that. Jessica then watched the girl smile again seeming as if Jessica's words did not hurt her one bit.

"Well whatever, it was good. I ate it all up" Taeyeon happily stated as she rubbed her tummy and licked her lips.

"Our families chef made it, I will let him know how much you enjoyed it" she told her

The room then became silent, the two didn't know what else to say to each other. Those tutoring sessions for Taeyeon had helped them tremendously as they could use that as a spring board to have a conversation with. Of course it was quite evident that Jessica didn't want to talk about what happen at the nurses office and Taeyeon did but neither knew how to approach it.

"So...are you feeling better" Jessica uttered out of nowhere, only to end the awkward silence between the two

'Ah yes, thanks to you" Taeyeon stated, the two looking around trying to avoid contact

"Umm Jessica can I ask you something"

Suddenly One of Jessica's servants barged into the room and stood tall

"Miss. Jung a Kwon Yuri is here to see you" he stated and then moved to the side as Jessica immediately rose up


She stated in shock as both Taeyeon and her watched a tall girl with dark flowing hair with a gorgeous smile walk into the room

"Sica baby!" she squealed happily "And this must be you're girlfriend?!" she stated leaving both Jessica and especially Taeyeon in shock with both jaws dropping to the floor.


"Girlfriend?" Taeyeon stuttered in disbelief at her the beautiful girls words,

Yuri stood there eyeing the both of them, she was waiting on one of them to say something to her

"We're not-"

"We are, how did you know" Jessica quickly grabbing a hold of Taeyeon's hand and smiling happily staring at her ex. girlfriend.

"So I was correct when I saw you two at the wedding together" the tall girl stated as she walked towards the seats and sat down comfortable leaving Jessica and Taeyeon standing alone holding hands with each other

Taeyeon's mouth was still open in shock at the lie Jessica had just told.

"What are you doing here, when did you get back" Jessica asked coldly as she finally let go of Taeyeon's hand and walked toward the bubbly girl who was picking at Taeyeon's lunchbox she had made for only Jessica to taste and eat.

"Mmm this is good, did Sung Chan make this" she said biting into the seaweed

"No I did" Taeyeon finally speaking since the arrival of this mysterious girl

Jessica looked over at Taeyeon who seemed bothered

"What are you doing here" Jessica turned back to look at Yuri whose feet were on the coffee table. Yuri kept digging her hands and face into the lunchbox

"MMMMM so good TaeTae this is amazing, you should get a job here as the chef" Yuri remarked "No wonder Jessica loves you, she loves a girl who can cook, right?" Yuri added staring at Jessica

"Stop it Yuri, take you're feet off that table now and stop eating my lunchbox. You don't belong here or anywhere near this house anymore" Jessica demanded

"Uhmm yea, I am going to go leave you guys alone...bye Jessica" Taeyeon quickly gathering her things and wanting to leave as fast as she could with those two short legs of hers

Jessica wasn't sure what to do she looked toward Taeyeon who flew right out the door and then back at Yuri who had a evil smirk on her face

"I can't believe you, why did you have to go and do that" Jessica sighed in anger.

"Please Jessica, you should be grateful. I did you a favour. Do you honestly believe you could be happy with a girl like her even though I know you aren't actually together, can you honestly tell me you and her are good together?" Yuri smiled confidently as she then got up to stand in front of Jessica. Jessica scoffed and was about to walk away when she felt Yuri grab her arm and spin her so that they were both looking into each others eyes

"You will always be mine" Yuri then leaned in and immediately pressing her lips against Jessica's lips. The two could feel the heat between them build but that was soon stopped when Jessica pushed Yuri off of her

"You lost that right the moment you left me" Jessica spat out wiping her lips and ran out hoping to catch Taeyeon but stopped for a second "And Taeyeon and I are friends but she is a 100x better for me then you will ever be"

Taeyeon was speed walking herself out of that place, she was so confused as to why Jessica said that, the last thing she needed was this?! What was she saying Jessica and her are just friends! FRIENDS!

"Taeyeon stop" she heard a voice and spun around to see Jessica look at her with concern

"Jessica, it's okay. Whoever this Yuri is, something must have big happened between you too. So I understand, actually not really but-" Taeyeon seemed flustered as she raised her hands in protest for Jessica to not come closer to her

"Taeyeon let me talk, let me tell you why I said that" Jessica pleading

"No need, all I ask is for you to not let Tiffany hear about this, it would mean a lot to me if Tiffany not find out." Then off Taeyeon went leaving Jessica confused and though not looking as if she was...hurt.

Tiffany?! All Taeyeon was thinking of and about was Tiffany? Why did listening to those words come from Taeyeon make me feel like I had been stung in the heart? I watched her as she made her way down the long pathway to the main gate.

The Next Day...

"I seriously hate her, I will never forgive her" I mumbled to myself as I walked into the hallway

"Who do you hate so much? ME?" I turned to the right of me to see Taeyeon walk beside me

"No...Yuri" I stated harshly and began to walk faster leaving Taeyeon alone

"come on Jessica you don't mean that" Taeyeon then quickly grabbed onto Jessica's arm and pulled her into the nearest classroom

"What are you doing' Jessica pulled away "It's none of you're concern to how I feel about my ex" she coldly stated looking at Taeyeon

"Wow you still love her a lot" Taeyeon said calmly and unfazed by Jessica's temper

"What?! NO! Taeyeon I am not, I let her go a long time ago, trust me" Jessica denied

"Aw it's cute, Jessica still has feelings for her ex." Taeyeon began to tease her annoyed friend

"Stop it! I don't, you don't know a thing. I have let her go, the end. I could never feel that way about Yuri again" Jessica then turned away from looking at the petite girl whose eyes began to frown

"Did she break you're heart?" was the last thing Taeyeon said before Jessica walked off

"She didn't just break it, she took it from chest and ripped it into pieces and now I don't think I could ever fall in love again" Jessica then walked out of the room.

Taeyeon was sadden to hear that coming from Jessica, never fall in love again?! Did Jessica mean that? And all because of that Yuri?! Taeyeon was upset.

Later that Day...

"Taeyeon I am so proud of you, the improvements you have made are astounding. Now that Jessica has become you're tutor you seem so much more focused. It makes me happy to see you improving" Mr Oh was telling Taeyeon as the class was busy packing up for the end of the day. "You earned all of these marks, be proud Taeyeon you did this on your own" he handed her an envelope that contained her report card for this term, leaving Taeyeon stunned in her spot.

She didn't know what to think or feel but out of the corner of her eye she saw Yeon Hee get up from her seat and stare at her for barely a minute with a slight smile on her face that disappeared so quickly it would have seemed as if it never happened. But Taeyeon could, it was the first smile that Yeon Hee had given her in years.

"Taeyeon so happy for you, let's see" Tiffany then grabbed a hold of the report but it was quickly snatched away by Taeyeon.

"Uh I think umma and appa would want to be the ones to open it first" she stated still in shock

"Oh, ok. But at least you know they will be happy considering what Mr Oh said" Tiffany was hurt by Taeyeon's sudden action but she didn't let it bother her to much, understanding how important grades were to her friend's parents.

The two of them watched Jessica as she sped off to go home, Taeyeon wanted to run up to Jessica and thank her for the help she had given her during this term. Even though she just told Tiffany she wanted to wait for her parents the truth of the matter was it was Jessica she wanted to be the first to see the marks with.

"Tiffany let's go and celebrate, I have no session today so that means...arcade"

"No Everysing noreabang!" tiffany screeched in happiness. And the two ran hand in hand out the door together.

"SM ENTERTAINMENT HERE WE COME" the two girls yelled out as they existed out of the gate

The two once they got out of the gate of the school saw Yuri and Jessica talking; Yuri was leaning against a red cherry sports car. Yuri seemed to be her usually self, confidently teasing her Sica baby while Jessica seemed annoyed and upset that Yuri had shown up at her school wanting to give her a ride home.

"Oh Tiffany" Yuri looked up nodding happily at Tiffany who seemed reluctant to acknowledge her old friend but did anyway smiled lightly toward Yuri

"Kwon Yuri, nice to see you again" Tiffany stated "Come on Taeyeon let's go" she urged her friend to move. But Taeyeon's eyes were top busy observing Jessica who looked visibly upset. She watched as Jessica's head turn to stare at her with an empty expression that upset Taeyeon to see that look on her face.

Tiffany instantly spotted that the city bus was approaching and nudged Taeyeon it was time to go. Taeyeon looked up and saw the large crowd gathering waiting for the bus. Inside Taeyeon's mind at the moment was a strong debate, to hang out with her best friend and celebrate her hardwork or help the girl who had become someone she now cared for deeply, respected and admire for her help in tutoring her.

"Taeyeon let's go" Tiffany motion as she was already near the bus.

Taeyeon's feet slowly moved toward Tiffany but her mind and heart was looking over at Jessica who seemed to be arguing now with Yuri.

"Ah Tiffany, can you please forgive me if I cancel. I promise I will make it up to you? It's just I forgot I had unfinished business and I need to go and deal with it now or it will never get done" Taeyeon looked at Tiffany pleading for her to understand. Tiffany stared at her and sighed, she was upset by Taeyeon, she knew that something was up and Taeyeon was not exactly telling her the truth but she wasn't going to push it.

"I will make you lunch for the next month and I will clean you're room and buy you that big giant Hello Kitty plush toy you wanted" Taeyeon added with a sweet smile and her hands clasped together

"Ugh, okay. But you better cook me some good food and I want the doll to be wearing pink" Tiffany smiled widely. "Just call me when you get home okay?" Tiffany asked

"I promise, thanks Fany for understanding" Taeyeon waved good bye to her friend who was now on her way home.

Taeyeon then turned back and walked over to Jessica and Yuri who were still in front of the school

"Hey Yuri nice to see you here" Taeyeon stated as she wrapped her arm around Jessica who looked over in shock

"What are you doing?" Jessica leaning into whisper in Taeyeon's ear

"Pretending to be you're girlfriend so shut up" Taeyeon whispered back

"But-" Jessica was interrupted by Taeyeon

"Yuri you can go now, I am taking her home" Taeyeon smiled as she then pulled Jessica closer to her body which caused Yuri to look over at Jessica who was blushing in embarrassment at the moment

"Are you now, what may I ask are you going to take her home with" Yuri chided

"Well..." Taeyeon looked around, she had nothing, she didn't bring her bike and it was not like she was rich enough to have her own car like Yuri "Ummm...one second" Taeyeon had spotted one of her classmates holding a skateboard

"Henry" she yelled over and ran towards the boy. Jessica and Yuri looked on, Jessica inside knew what Taeyeon was doing, she was nodding her head.

"You didn't tell her that I know you two aren't together" Yuri chuckled

"Stop it, leave her alone" Jessica looked down. It was sweet what Taeyeon was doing for her she said to herself

She could hear Taeyeon approaching again and this time as she looked up with a skateboard...great! She thought inside her head. Taeyeon is going to take me home on a skateboard, she was smacking herself in her head

"Wow some nice wheels you have there" Yuri joked, and Jessica gave her a murderous glare

"It may not be as nice and expensive as yours but it good enough for us right...princess" Taeyeon winced slightly as she said that looking at Jessica who was becoming more redder then she was before

"Well you win, I should go. You two have fun and Jessica maybe some other time" Yuri winked as she hopped into her sports car and drove off leaving Taeyeon and Jessica alone

the two watched on for a bit, Jessica wasn't sure what to say as she now turned to face Taeyeon

"Okay get on" Taeyeon set the board on the ground and nudged Jessica toward the board but instead fell on her butt

"Oh sorry" Taeyeon then grabbed onto Jessica's hands and pulled her up

"Taeyeon" she dusted the dirt off "You can give the board back, Yuri is gone"

"No I can't" Taeyeon stated as she was holding onto Jessica's hand still the two not even noticing

"Why not" Jessica asked

"Cause I bought it" those words cause Jessica to get angry at her

"You what? why? Taeyeon" she began to hit her "for how much" she continued to hit her

"Um none of you're concern" she trying to block her hands "So get on, so at least me buying it was worth it" Taeyeon began to hit back

"FINE!" Jessica yelled giving Taeyeon one last big slap on the arm

"OWHHHHH" Jessica then screamed as she fell down again.

"Seriously" Taeyeon looked down at a teary eyed Jessica

"I can't believe I am letting you take me home like this. Let me call my driver and then he can take you home. We can at least make it home a lot faster and on time to watch Keroro" Jessica said as she was holding on to taeyeon tightly as she stood on the skateboard.

"You watch Keroro?" Taeyeon looked up with a sweet innocent smile when she heard that as she was walking on the ground leading Jessica the way home on the board

"No! Taking you're time is good, it makes life better" Taeyeon said as she looked around staring at the trees "Just look at how beautiful our home is" Taeyeon raised her arms but ended up causing Jessica to wobble and stumble backward on the board, so Taeyeon immediately reacting to Jessica wrapped her arms around her tightly.

"Sorry" she sweetly stated the two staring at each other eyes as they're heads were close to each other

"Uh I am going to walk, I don't like skateboarding" Jessica stated as she got off of the board

"Oh but you look so cute" Taeyeon giggled as Jessica glared causing Taeyeon to immediately silence herself

"Taeyeon just so you know Yuri already knows that we aren't going out" Jessica smirked and began to run away

"What?!" Taeyeon yelled "So I did all of that when I didn't have to at all" Taeyeon then ran after the girl

The two kept running until they both were out of breath, the two had run to a point they were literally both bent over huffing to catch their breathes. As they were on all fours the two looked over at each other and started to laugh uncontrollably at how badly Taeyeon embarrassed herself

"Sorry Taeyeon I tried to tell you but you stopped me. But thanks for doing that, thanks for being a friend" Jessica smiled softly and got up and started to walk again

Taeyeon's face felt hot she wasn't sure if it was from the running or from the look Jessica had given her just now. She wasn't used to seeing Jessica's face soften, it was usually hard and cold. She like seeing Jessica like this a lot.

"Hey wait up" Taeyeon yelped jogging to catch up with Jessica "Man it's taking forever to get to you're house"

"I told you, just say the word I can have my driver here in less then 10 minutes" Jessica pointed to her phone. Taeyeon stared at her and then at her phone for a couple of minutes

"Nahhh I like walking" she then continued on the path to Jessica's house

"Yea me too" Jessica added and unexpectedly and unobserved Jessica had slipped her hand into Taeyeon's and the two were walking side by side and hand in hand

"Do you want to stay and eat supper at my house" Jessica asked Taeyeon who was sitting on the ground exhausted by the long walk

"Are you sure it is okay" Taeyeon looked upward

"Of course, don't worry" Jessica then saw the doors open for her as two servants appeared

"I hope you know don't ever expect me to walk to you're house again" Taeyeon struggling to get up and enter the large estate.

"Just sit there. I am going to go and change" Jessica went into drawer to take out some new clothes and into her bathroom "You can rest if you want, food should be ready in 20 minutes"

Taeyeon looked around the large room,

"seriously how can you live like this" Taeyeon stated lowly as she looked at the furniture in the room and the spotted the bed, she looked around hoping Jessica was still changing as she slowly stepped toward it.

"Even the fabric looks like its worth a million dollars" Taeyeon then lightly placed her hand onto it "And feels like it too" Taeyeon then slowly placed her body on Jessica's bed "So comfy" the girl began to bounce up and down on it "So fun" Taeyeon giggled, she then stopped and laid her back onto it and in a matter of seconds Taeyeon felt her eyelids get heavy and begin to shut.

"Taeyeon if you want you..." Jessica went quiet as she saw Taeyeon sleeping soundly in her bed, she wasn't sure how to feel. Whether to be mad cause Taeyeon was on her bed wearing dirty clothes or delighted to see Taeyeon sleeping peacefully.

Jessica who hair was left undone and not in her usually ponytail was now wearing a white long sleeved v neck shirt and black shorts had walked out of her room leaving Taeyeon to sleep. She was hungry so she was going to enjoy the nice meal that was waiting for her downstairs.

"Stop it, why are you doing this..." I was yelling out inside my living room "Appa...appa...apppa" I yelled out repeatedly till my lungs were going to give out. I looked down and saw the blood on my hands "Umma wake up, why aren't waking up" I cried out

Just then I could hear giggling enter the living room

"Unnie what is taking you so long to find us" SeoHyun said while Yeon Hee standing behind her, it took the two a second to register what was in front of them.

"Unnie" Seohyun grabbed onto Yeon Hee scared, Yeon Hee immediately placed her arms around the girl to cover up what she had just seen

"Get out now, go" I pleaded staring at Yeon Hee who seemed to be in shock.

Suddenly I could hear the footsteps come up, the lights of the house were cut and every room had become dark.

Yeon Hee and Seohyun screamed, I knew that he was coming up again so I quickly lift my body up off the ground where my mother laid and ran toward my cousin's and grabbed a hold onto them. Pushing my way through the thick darkness that filled the room I had to find a place for them to hide. So I led them into the kitchen and I opened one of the cupboards and told them to hide and stay quiet in there. I closed it shut and tried to quickly hurry push the table near it so easily couldn't get to them but it was too late I could hear him already in the living room, I could see the gleam coming off the sharp knife he held, so Iopened one of the drawers to grab my own knife and waited for him to enter in

"Seohyun no, stay in, don't go Seohyun, stay in there"

Jessica was laying on her bed beside Taeyeon trying to read but was having trouble as she was distracted by Taeyeon's words, Jessica sighed she assumed Taeyeon was having another nightmare

"Don't go out there Seohyun, don't go out there"

She was repeating those same words again...Seohyun. Jessica got up and open her drawer to take out a pad of paper and quickly scribbled the name. She then turned over to see Taeyeon sweating heavily and moving side to side, she was becoming more erratic, her arms beginning to punch up as if she was defending herself.

Jessica leaned in again placing her hands on Taeyeon's forehead. She was happy she called Taeyeon's home to let them know she was going to sleep over tonight, but she was debating whether to call them considering Taeyeon was having a nightmare again. Jessica wondered if she got them all the time, this was the second time she had caught Taeyeon having an nightmare. Even then Jessica assumed it was due to the fever the first time but this time it was no coincidence that Taeyeon was having the same nightmare again.

Taeyeon started to get louder, her body moving as if she was stuggling against something or rather someone. Jessica then saw Taeyeon lean on her front and saw the large scar on Taeyeon's back again. Jessica looked at it again mesmerized by it's mystique

"How did you get this" Jessica lowly whispered to herself, she then unexpectedly begin to lift Taeyeon shirt higher to get a better view of it.

"What are you doing?" Taeyeon interrupted Jessica who felt her body freeze as she held onto Taeyeon's shirt

"Ah, where did you get this...."


â??Ah, where did you get thisâ?¦â?Â

â??Thisâ?¦ah nice shirtâ? Jessica started to play with it, hoping Taeyeon couldnâ??t tell how red she was

â??Jessica just ask me about itâ? Taeyeon sat up leaning against Jessicaâ??s head board, she then allowed her head to lean to the side staring at Jessica who was still in that same position.

â??Jessica you donâ??t have to play dumb with meâ? Taeyeon stared at her knowing Jessica was curious as to why and how she got her scar

â??You donâ??t have to tell me if you donâ??t want me toâ? Jessica shyly stated as she sat up against her headboard pulling her comforter on top of her and slipping herself in

â??I know. But if it will get you to stop being such a pervert then might as well? And seriously do scars turn you on or something...twice now!â? Taeyeon gave Jessica a evil look and started to laugh

â??Shut up, I do not get turned on by scarsâ? Jessica tried to deny the accusation â??I just...canâ??t imagine how you got such aâ?¦â? she went quiet

â??Ugly, morbid, disgusting, grotesque, gross scar?! itâ??s okay Jessica most people whoâ??ve seen it say those words. I know my scar isnâ??t beautiful but the story of how I got it is even worseâ? Taeyeon stared in to Jessicaâ??s eyes trying to reassure that whatever she was thinking or what she said was okay because sheâ??s heard it all

"So go ahead and ask" Taeyeon nudged her head at Jessica

â??Um so how did you get itâ? Jessica asked cautiously

â??My father gave it to meâ? Taeyeon stated sternly

â??Heâ?¦.you mean Mr. Kim?!â?¦what?â? Jessica was confused and unsure what to say or think

â??No my biological father gave it to me; he tried to kill me when I was younger.â? Taeyeon firmly stated. Jessica stared at the girl thinking why wasnâ??t she breaking down, why no tears, no anger or rage coming from her, the girl she was looking at was calm and at ease like it didnâ??t bother her that her father tried to kill her. Jessica felt upset and uncomfortable she didn't want to do this to Taeyeon as well she wasn't sure if she was curious anymore

â??You know what you still havenâ??t eaten, you should. Iâ??ll get youâ??re foodâ? Jessica started to move away but immediately felt Taeyeonâ??s hand hold onto her, she looked down staring at their hands tightly holding onto each other, and then up, surprised by Taeyeonâ??s action.

â??No donâ??t go, I want you to knowâ?¦But if you donâ??t want to. itâ??s okay I understandâ? Taeyeon said quietly

The two were now side by side, Taeyeon not letting go of Jessicaâ??s hand and Jessica not removing her hand from Taeyeonâ??s grasp. Jessica sat there and listened to what Taeyeon was saying and inside she couldnâ??t believe what she was hearing.

â??He held on to me and was laying me across the table after all that struggling and fight I was ready to give up, so I was prepared to let him get it over and down with. Butâ?¦I didnâ??t expect the next thing to happen, I didnâ??t expect itâ? Taeyeon stuttered, she was now beginning to show signs of weakness. Jessica squeezed her hand tighter

â??We can stop; I donâ??t want you to tell me if it is getting too hard for youâ? Jessica gentle stated as she tenderly looked into Taeyeonâ??s eyes.

â??No itâ??s okay, Boa, Umma and Appa tell me itâ??s good to talk about, everyone tells me itâ??s good toâ? Taeyeon lightly smiled â??I am really okay just hard when I tell people this partâ? She breathed in slowly

â??Does Tiffany knowâ? Jessica asked, Taeyeon immediately nodded a big no

â??I feel if I told her she wouldnâ??t be able to hang out with me.â? She confessed

â??Why? Tiffany is an understanding girl, she wouldnâ??t be freaked out by thisâ? Jessica revealed

â??I know but her parentsâ?¦are very traditional as in very traditional and very religious. The reason why I moved here was to get away from the stigma and rumours and so on. My fatherâ??s reason for killing my mother andâ?¦my baby cousin was all because he couldnâ??t pay for our families debts. My fatherâ??s business went broke and my father owed a lot of moneyâ?¦â?? Taeyeonâ??s eyes were watering â??And so his solution was kill everyone and then himself. My father committed suicide and suicide is something that isnâ??t well accepted in our society, acutally not well accepted in many socieites. So with the debts and suicide and murder my father committed it was hard to deal with all the talk. For the first year after their deaths I heard a lot of negative things, very cruel things said about me and my family. I was young and so I didnâ??t understand the impact of there words at the timeâ?¦sort of how I did with you.â? Taeyeon paused â??So my uncle and aunt who you know as my parentâ??s decided to move in order to restart there lives because they couldn't live in that type of enviornment anymore, and didn't want their children too either. It was hard and continues to be hard for all of us, Yeon Hee blames me, and though they never say anything about it I know my parentâ??s do to and you know what I blame myself too...Seohyun should be still alive and I the one buried 6 feet under the groundâ?Â

Jessica immediately pushed Taeyeon forward and hugged her â??Itâ??s not your fault, donâ??t blame yourself you had no control over something like thatâ? Jessica rubbed Taeyeonâ??s back hoping she would help Taeyeon believe it wasnâ??t her fault

â??Jessica thanks you have become someone special to meâ? Taeyeon whispered into her ears.

Immediately Jessica felt her face turn red, she was blushing at the fact Taeyeon had called her someone special. Inside she could feel butterflies, something that hasnâ??t happen to her since her relationship with Yuri. She quickly pulled away turning her face away from Taeyeon because she was still blushing at how uncomfortable Taeyeon was making her feel

â??Excuse the interruptionâ? Jessicaâ??s father was standing just outside her door â??I would like to speak with my daughterâ? His voice sounding upset and walked away

Jessica peeked at Taeyeon whose eyes became wide â??Did I get you in troubleâ? Taeyeon asked scared by the large man

â??No, he always is mad at me, he sleep, eats and drinks off of itâ? Jessica joked as she got up.

Meanwhile outside Tiffanyâ??s house

â??What do you want Yuriâ? Tiffany said as she wrapped her robe around herself walking towards Yuri and her car

â??I come hereâ?¦to askâ?¦the great Tiffany somethingâ? Yuri slurred

â??Oh gross are you drunkâ? Tiffany backed away from Yuri who wreaked of alcohol

â??Maybe, just a littleâ? she started to laugh

â??Seriously why are you here and drunk? Didn't you runaway to get help? Honestly Yuri you brought everything all on yourself. If you hadnâ??t made that bet in the first place maybe Jessica would still want you in her lifeâ? Tiffany said turning back towards her house

â??Oh and what about you? it must pain you to see Jessica alone like that and you canâ??t doing anything about it. Oh waitâ?¦Jessica isnâ??t alone Jessica has your cute little friend to be her hero nowâ? Yuri confessed â??But it must suck to see that Jessica is running to youâ??re friend and not to you whose been waiting for her, in the wings. Hoping one day that the princess will finally recognize the childhood best friend and thinkâ?¦wowâ?¦I love you! Lets live happily ever after.â? Yuri was moving forward to Tiffany who was standing in the middle of the road.

Tiffanyâ??s face began to frown, her eyes watering listening to Yuri talk â??SHUT UP!â? she screamed

Yuri laughing drunk in the background â??Did you know that Taeyeon gave my Sica baby a ride home on a skateboard today, isnâ??t that so romanticâ? Yuri laughed more. Tiffanyâ??s heart was shattering again at the news â??Taeyeon, why Taeyeonâ? she whispered lowly

â??Hmm I wonder what they are doing nowâ? Yuri said. Tiffany immediately turned in rage

â??No youâ??re lying Taeyeon would never do anything like that, she and Jessica are enemies. She hateâ??s Jessica and Jessica hates herâ? Tiffany was trying to convince herself even though she knew that the two weren't enemies anymore and had become friends over the months.

â??Taeyeon is in love with me, she wouldnâ??t dare go near Jessicaâ? Tiffany screamed out into the night

â??She is, really? Then I donâ??t know. But the way the two looked at each otherâ?¦you can seeâ?¦Lo-â?Â

â??SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!â? Tiffany screamed at Yuri.

Tiffany then ran back inside her house. She went into her purse and brought out her cell phone she quickly dialled Taeyeonâ??s number the operator kept coming on stating over and over again that it was turned off.

She slammed the phone on the ground and began to cry out loud.

The next day

Taeyeon who was rushing to class with a big giant hello kitty doll and carrying a big lunch box was struggling to make it through the doors. She woke up early this morning and left from Jessicaâ??s house just so she can make Tiffany her lunch box and then rush over into the city to buy the doll for her. She knew she had made a big mistake when she forgot to call Tiffany last night. She knew her friend would be upset for first for ditching and secondly for not keeping her promise.

It was already close to lunch time, meaning gym class will be done soon and she knew she was already in big trouble for missing class, so heck why not miss some more. Tiffany peeked inside the gymnasium door and looked to see if she could spot the lively girl.

â??Why do you have a Hello Kitty doll tied around youâ??re backâ? the icy voice appearing behind Taeyeon.

She turned around to see Jessica holding her books and bag close to her chest, she was looking very extra nerdy today Taeyeon thought, when she saw Jessica wearing her glasses instead of her usually eye contacts

â??Why are you skipping out on gymâ? Taeyeon asked

â??I m not, I had a counsel meeting today. I can ask you the same thingâ? Jessica staring straight at Taeyeon

â??Well I needed to apologize to Tiffany for not calling her last night, you see since I was at youâ??re house and I fell asleep remember so I totally forgot about calling her. As for the toy and lunch it was part of the deal I made her for ditching her last night tooâ? Taeyeon looked down

â??Oh, I didnâ??t think you did all that for meâ? Jessica was little surprised to learn what Taeyeon did but for some reason felt jealous at the time listening to Taeyeon talk about Tiffany

â??So have seen Tiffanyâ? Taeyeon asked with hope in her eyes

â??No, I did for a little but we didnâ??t get to really talkâ?Â

Jessica was fiddling with something in her head, she was debating whether to give it to Taeyeon or not

â??Ah Taeyeonâ? she got quiet

â??Yeaâ? Taeyeon replied

â??Do you remember last night how I asked you if youâ??re scar ever hurts you or something..â? Jessica was nervous and felt anxious. Taeyeon nodded as she listened â??well hereâ? Jessica blurted and struggled to take something out of her bag.

â??Uh hereâ? she pushed it into Taeyeonâ??s one free hand

â??What is itâ? Taeyeon staring at it â??Scarâ?¦cream?â? Taeyeon looked confused

â??Itâ??s suppose to help scarsâ? Jessica looked embarrassed

â??Oh, cool. Thank youâ? Taeyeon didnâ??t know what to say

Unexpectedly Tiffany had made her way out of the gymnasium doors, for a slight second she looked at Jessica and Taeyeon who were standing alone together. She stared at them for a long minute hurt by those two, she shook her head and began to run away.

â??Fany-ahâ? Taeyeon yelled, she turned back for a second â??Ah thanks Jessicaâ? she waved the cream in her hand around then slipped it into her back pocket like it was something secondary to her and unimportant. Jessica hung her head low as she watched Taeyeon run after...

â??Tiffanyâ? she whispered lowly as she walked into the gym

â??Fany-ah stop, why are you runningâ? Taeyeon yelled

â??Leave me aloneâ? Tiffany weakly stated as she looked out onto the field

â??Fany-ah donâ??t be mad, I am sorry for everythingâ? Taeyeon sincerely stated

â??I hate you, you liar and promise breakerâ? Tiffany scolded

â??I know, I am sorryâ? Taeyeon bowed her head in shame

â??Were you at Jessicaâ??s house last nightâ? Tiffany asked hurt. Taeyeon looked up at her little surprised at the fact she knew but continued to remain calm

â??Yes I wasâ? she said confidently

â??Whatâ??s with you twoâ?¦are you in love or something?! Are you two dating?!â? Tiffany asked

â??What, NO! Jessica is my friend. F.R.I.E.N.Dâ? Taeyeon shocked by her question â??Look, I am sorry for ditching you but when I saw Jessica who appeared upset talking to that Yuri girl I felt sorry for her. Tiffany you know me, I had to do something, I didnâ??t want to leave her alone. Jessica is my friend too; she has become a friend to me and has helped me a lot in this term with all the tutoring.â? Taeyeon revealed â??So I am sorry for ditching you and lying and breaking the promise. I didnâ??t mean to. just I had to be there for my other friendâ?Â

Tiffany watched Taeyeon talk and apologize over and over; she could tell Taeyeon was being truthful and sincere. She knew that Taeyeon found it hard to make friends with anyone, and so whenever she did Taeyeon would sarcrifice body and soul just to protect what was important to her. Besides it wasnâ??t like Taeyeon knew about Tiffanyâ??s past, that when the two met that day, the person that broke her heart was a girl and not just any girl but Jessica Jung. Taeyeon didnâ??t know a thing except that she and Jessica were best friendâ??s when they were younger. Taeyeon didnâ??t know that Tiffany was in love with Jessica and was still in love with her today, despite everything. So it wasnâ??t Taeyeonâ??s fault, she was being there for a friend, that was what Tiffany kept telling herself a friend and nothing more.

â??You will always love me first rightâ? Tiffany turned peeking her eyes upward at Taeyeon whose eyes widen at the fact that Tiffany was possibly forgiving her

â??Of course Fany-ahâ?¦Sarangheyoâ? Taeyeon made a big heart with her hands. The two girls giggled at Taeyeonâ??s heart.

"I guess I will forgive you..this time" Tiffany then wrapping her arms around Taeyeon

In less then 10 minutes the two girls went back to their normal selves and were back to being the best friends they were to each other

â??Is that for meâ? Tiffany pointed happily, Taeyeon nodding as she then began to lift up the item in her hand

â??And so is thisâ? Taeyeon flashed a lunch box in front of her face

â??Oh Taeyeon-ah I heart youâ? Tiffany then gave her friend a hug â??I forgive you, I understand you were being a friendâ? she smiled but inside Tiffany felt her heart ache again, knowing she was just blinding herself from the fact Taeyeon and Jessica were falling for each other even though the two couldnâ??t see it.

Jessica spent the whole day in silence, well not exactly but she didnâ??t talk much to anyone, her mind kept flashing back to Taeyeon putting the cream into her pocket. Jessica didnâ??t understand why it was bothering so much, so what if Taeyeon didnâ??t care for the cream, it was a stupid gift anyway why would anyone what that.

â??Here is some cream for youâ??re scar. I am so stupid.â? Jessica sighed heavily. She could feel her cell phone vibrate but kept on ignoring it knowing full well it was Yuri.

â??Why wonâ??t you just leave me alone? Youâ??ve done enough to me.â? Jessica was getting frustrated as she picked up her phone wanting to let out her rage on Yuri as she heard it vibrate again.

â??Yah! Stop calling me, I donâ??t want you in my lifeâ? Jessica yelled at the phone

â??OUCH! My earâ? Taeyeon replied

â??Taeyeon, is that youâ? Jessica immediately feeling embarrassed and taken aback

â??Yeah who else would it beâ? Taeyeon still reovering from Jessicaâ??s scream

â??What do you want Taeyeonâ? Jessica annoyed stated

â??I need you to come to the storage room in the gym.â? Taeyeon said on the other end

Jessica stopped in her tracks â??What, no, why? I am not going in make out central for you. I am still recovering from the last time we got caught togetherâ?Â

â??Oh come on Jessica please. You wearing your ultra nerdy glasses were a total turn on today. Please come see meâ? Taeyeon giggled on the other end

â??No, is that suppose to entice me to go join you in the storage roomâ? Jessica stopped in the hall

â??YES! Who wouldnâ??t be enticed by my offer? Seriously though, I need you to come in here nowâ? Taeyeon then hung up

Jessica looked around the halls, last period still had hadnâ??t ended yet and so if she were going to go see Taeyeon in the storage room it might as well be now.

Jessica cautiously made her way to the gym, she peeked around the corners and such to make sure no one was watching her, it was like she was in a James Bond film, and Jessica was making sure no one saw her.

She turned the knob on the door and opened it and as soon as she did, she felt her body being pulled in

â??Finally, I thought I said NOWâ? Taeyeon lightly scolded Jessica.

â??Geez, sorry for not wanting to get detention for being caught in this roomâ? Jessica fired back

â??Okay, alright I forgive youâ? Taeyeon looked like she was in pain, she kept on moving up and down

â??Whatâ??s wrongâ? Jessica giving Taeyeon a peculiar look

â??Itâ??s my scar, itâ??s bothering me. Here, help meâ? Taeyeon then shoved the cream into Jessicaâ??s hands and unpredictably started to lift up her shirt to reveal her scar.

â??Can you rub some of it on itâ? Taeyeon pleaded

Jessica stood there not sure what to do, her face was red, similar to Yuriâ??s car now. She stared at Taeyeon who had leaned forward against the wall and was sticking out her lower back

â??Hurry Jessicaâ? Taeyeon begging

â??Okayâ? Jessica gulped nervously

She trembled as she slowly moved her hand towards Taeyeonâ??s back. She took her other shaking hand to help hold the shirt higher so she didnâ??t get it dirty

â??Here I goâ? Jessica let out as she then gently placed her fingers onto Taeyeonâ??s scar and then slowly slid them on and around the large scar, making sure to get every spot covered. All the while in the background you could hear Taeyeon giving out a sigh of relief.

â??Thank you Jessica. I was so happy to see you give me that, I ran out of that stuff two weeks ago and have been dying to get a new one but forgot. Thank you for caring about meâ? Taeyeon thoughtfully stating to Jessica

â??Ah really, I didnâ??t think it meant that much to youâ? Jessica revealed

â??What, no. I am sorry if it seemed that way just I had something on my mind, sorry. But the cream means a lot to meâ?¦you mean a lot to meâ?Â

Jessica froze when she heard that, she felt those butterflies in the pit of her stomach again, her face was getting flush and she felt her heart for the first time in a long time beat a little faster.

â??Doneâ? Jessica said as she got up

â??I would hope soâ?Â

Both Taeyeon and Jessica turned to see Coach Hwan staring at them with his arms on his hips

About 5 minutes later Taeyeon and Jessica slowly walked out of the storage room to face the whole junior boyâ??s soccer team

â??Jessica next time wear a nurseâ??s outfitâ? Taeyeon blurted as she headed straight to the detention room. Jessicaâ??s jaw dropped open as she watched the girl calmly walk away from her, she could hear some of the soccer team laughing at the comment Taeyeon made.

She looked into the room again and quickly grabbed onto a tennis racket chasing Taeyeon done the hall as Coach Hwan followed

â??Jessica put done the racket!!!â? he screamed


Jessica woke up the sun shining brightly on her, she squinted her eyes to block it out and turned to see the time 1:00 pm. It was a Saturday so it didnâ??t matter much how late she woke up today. Two things kept playing in her mind her fatherâ??s warning

â??I heard Yuri was here, why was she hereâ?Â

â??I didnâ??t invite her over is that what youâ??re asking, she just cameâ?Â

â??Jessica you know I donâ??t want her here. Not after what she did and what she made you doâ?Â

â??I know, I understand but she came here without my knowledgeâ?Â

â??Okay, just make sure she doesnâ??t come here again. I donâ??t want her anywhere near here again.â?Â

I just nodded silently knowing that Yuri would be back again, she could always find a way inside the house

â??And one last thing what does this girl Taeyeon mean to you. I thought you had gotten over that after Yuri but I see another girl? She better not-â??

â??No father, she isnâ??t she is my friend and is a very caring personâ?Â

â??Thatâ??s what you said the last time with Yuriâ?¦just a friendâ?Â

Her father walked away leaving his daughter stunned

â??What was he talking or thinkingâ?¦friend, she is a friendâ?¦who I also think I am falling forâ? Jessica then began to scream in her pillow. Over the past months Jessica soon was feeling the butterflies in her stomach every time she saw Taeyeon or Taeyeon looked at her. At first she had tired to ignore the feeling thinking she was getting the flu but it didnâ??t take long to understand why she felt that way around Taeyeon.

Taeyeon was sweet, kind, caring, and protective. Whenever Jessica felt insecure or reluctant Taeyeon had understood and made sure that it was okay and she was safe.

â??Come on, I hear you singâ?Â

â??Who told you that? Sing?â?Â

â??Tiffany, she said you sung all the time when you were kidsâ?Â

â??Did Tiffany tell you every detail of my lifeâ?Â

â??Hmmm, possibly. Come on Jessica I know you want to try out. Come letâ??s do it together, it will be fun. Who cares if you embarrass yourself at least it will be an entertaining moment in your life. A moment that you can share with youâ??re kids and get a good laugh atâ?Â

â??Yes cause I want my kids to laugh at meâ?Â

â??Sure why not, itâ??s good to let loose and have fun. So come on and do it. And itâ??s not like you will be aloneâ?¦I am going to go up and try out. I am pretty sure that I will screw up bigger then you if you do. So you have me to fall on. I got youâ??re back when it comes to making yourself look like a foolâ?Â

Jessica stared at her and looked at the stage to see a girl still auditioning. She couldnâ??t believe tiffany had revealed something so private to her. The only time Jessica would sing was with her mother and that was so long ago, it had been so long since she sung a note in her life.

â??Ugh fineâ?Â

Jessica slowly got up as she heard her name being called, she looked out seeing only three people sitting and listening while theyâ??re were small groups of people here and there chatting in the back.

Jessica took a deep breath and exhaled. The next thing Jessica knew a week later after her ridiculous tryout where she and Taeyeon were left alone on the stage fighting with each other was now once again chasing Taeyeon around the lunch room.

â??We have parts, with linesâ? she screamed

â??What?! Really. Cool I never thought I would get lines. Last time I was one of the set piecesâ?Â

â??Taeyeon this is not funny, I didnâ??t want to be in the playâ?¦and as the Bakerâ??s wife no less, youâ??re wife since youâ??re the Baker!â?Â

â??What you should be happy youâ??re my wife, I am pretty good catch and if you must know very good inâ?¦B..e.d.â?Â

â??Yah! You think I care about thatâ?Â

Jessica took a piece of food out of someoneâ??s hand and started to throw other peoples lunches at her, which in the end resulted in the start of a huge food fight and a weeks full of detention with that girl who often enraged her.

But Jessica even though Taeyeon loved to tease her and get her into trouble, she was also still a friend, Taeyeon cared deeply for her and even for the people that Jessica cared about.

â??Why are you so angry at Yuri?â?Â

â??Taeyeon drop itâ?Â

â??No I will not, youâ??re very gigantic father yesterday went after me when I left youâ??re house and threaten to kill me if I hurt you, so what did Yuri do. I think I deserve to know why my life is suddenly in dangerâ?Â

â??My father did what? Oh gawd is this suppose to make me notâ?¦â?Â

â??Not what? Jessica please tell me, you need to let me in.â?Â

Jessica stared at Taeyeon who was crouched beside her on the sidewalk, she had an internal battle within her right now. She hasnâ??t spoken about the incident since she had tried to kill herself, refused to talk about it with anyone. Jessica just wanted to protect herself, she didnâ??t want to be hurt like that again. But staring at Taeyeon realized for the first time she didnâ??t have anything to fear with her and that it was okay to trust her

â??My father doesnâ??t or is afraid that I will try to kill myselfâ?¦again. My father has this fear because he not only blames Yuri but also himself for the reason whyâ?Â

â??You tried to kill yourself?â?Â

â??After I discovered the reasonâ?¦the bet, I cut Yuri out of my life. I still loved her though and I was confused, hurt, disgusted, I felt a lot of things. I hated life, I hated Yuri, I hated my father and most of all I hated myselfâ?¦for being stupid and foolish for falling in love with a girl who made a bet that she could make me fall in love with her and bed me. I hated the fact that I still loved her and would take her back in a second if she asked me.â? Jessica paused as Taeyeon placed her arm around her waist â??Yuri left, the last time I saw her was her telling me how sorry she was and that she did fall in love with me and regretted everythingâ?¦so on and so forth. Months after Yuri disappeared I found myself at my lowest point and had no oneâ?¦my father hated me, he said you're as weak as you're mother" Jessica lightly laughed "So I took a razor blade...I tried to end my life. I thought it was best if I wasnâ??t alive anymore. So I wasn't burdening my father or anyone else around me.â?Â

â??Jessica, no, never think that wayâ? Taeyeon then wrapped her arms around Jessicaâ??s waist and did something unexpected; Taeyeon kissed her on the cheek gently and tenderly. â??I am glad I have you in my lifeâ? was all Taeyeon said as she held Jessica in her arms. â??Donâ??t think that youâ??re a burden to anyone againâ? Taeyeon softly said against Jessicaâ??s chest.

Jessica was now touching her cheek remembering how caring Taeyeon was with her, she understood and didnâ??t judge her after Jessica told her that her mother had committed suicide a year after her parentâ??s divorce. Taeyeon sat down beside her and held her hand and listened to Jessica talk about everything.

â??Damn you Taeyeon, why did I have to fall for youâ? Jessica turned to her pillow to scream again. Taeyeon was great and everything but in a second could make Jessica angry

â??Why does it matter to you how I feel about Yuriâ?Â

â??Cause youâ??re my friend. I donâ??t see why youâ??re getting mad at me for wondering about Yuriâ?Â

â??I am not mad, annoyed that youâ??re prying into my lifeâ?Â

â??Jessica I thought we got over this issue, I thought you were letting me inâ?Â

â??Taeyeon letâ??s just drop it okay, Yuri is out of my life. I donâ??t want her back. I donâ??t love herâ?Â

â??Thatâ??s a lie Jessica and you know itâ?Â

Jessica stopped in the middle of road on the way to her house

â??What did you just say? What did you say Taeyeonâ? Jessicaâ??s voice rising

â??I said you youâ??re lying, youâ??re lying about Yuri being in youâ??re life. You want her to beâ?Â

â??You donâ??t know what youâ??re talking about. Forget about the tutoring tonight.â? Jessica walking away

â??Jessica donâ??t run away from it. I know you have still care about Yuri. I know youâ??ve forgive her and have moved on from the pastâ?Â

Jessica turned around and marched her way back to Taeyeon

â??Oh you think you can read me nowâ?Â

â??No not read but observe. I see how you look longingly at Yuri whenever you refuse her apologises and offers. I see how you donâ??t kick and scream when she wants to come and talk to you. I know that you send out youâ??re driver to watch over her when she is off somewhere drinking just to make sure she doesnâ??t get in her car and kill herself. I know you still love her.â?Â


Taeyeon sighed heavily as she looked at her friend who was getting upset

â??Fine not in love but you do love her and want to be there for her. But youâ??re afraid toâ?Â

Taeyeon then walked away from Jessica leaving her alone on the road to her house.

It had been a while since Taeyeon and she had talked, the two had been trying their best to ignore each other. Of course since Jessica was still Taeyeonâ??s tutor, the two did see each other there but that was something that couldnâ??t be helped. Along with Taeyeon sudden disappearance from her life she also noticed Yuri. Yuri seemed to have disappeared from her to, she wasnâ??t being bombarded with calls or surprise visits and she hadnâ??t heard any news of Yuri around town drinking again. Jessica felt alone once again, â??Damn you Taeyeon for being rightâ? she sighed as she got out of her bed.

Jessica looked over seeing her phone vibrating again,

â??Yuri?â? she thought, she looked at the display name and saw it was Taeyeon instead. In less then a second Jessica felt flush again. She contemplated whether to take the call or not take it, but of course Taeyeon somehow had become her weakness

â??Helloâ? Jessica coldly stated

â??Hiâ?¦â? Taeyeon got quiet on the other end â??Ah Jessica can I ask you to come see meâ?Â

â??Taeyeon are you trying to get me in the storage room againâ? Jessica stifled a giggle but could tell Taeyeon enjoyed her little quip as she listened to the sound of her laugh, she was happy to hear Taeyeon smile again

â??I miss thoseâ? Jessica still knowing Taeyeon was smiling, she too felt smiling knowing that

â??Me tooâ? She softly said into the phone

â??Jessica is it possible that you meet me. Actually no wait, I will pick you up at 3?â? Taeyeon asked

â??Alright I guess, but it better not be on a skateboardâ? Jessica lightly giggled

â??I really miss youâ? Taeyeon then hung up, leaving Jessica feeling heat run through her body as those butterflies began to appear.

It was 3:05 and Jessica was still waiting on Taeyeon, out of nowhere she heard a bang at the door. Immediately Jessica watched her servants go for it but stopped them as she knew who it was that was causing the loud bang

â??Taeyeonâ? she stared at the girl, seeing that she was wearing a large helmet, a leather jacket and gloves along with holding a helmet in her arms

â??Whatâ??s with the get upâ? Jessica looked in oddly at Taeyeon

â??Itâ??s my new thing, sorry for being late but I had to do some work at Boaâ??s shop in order to lend me her scooterâ? Taeyeon breathed in heavily â??Like you wanted no skateboardâ? She smiled

One again Jessica felt the flutter in her stomach and her heart beat a little faster again.

â??Come on lets goâ? Taeyeon then placed the helmet on her head and buckled it for her and startlingly took her right and dragged her to the silver scooter.

â??Do you even know how to drive this thing? Do you even have youâ??re license for thisâ?Â

Taeyeon looked at her and chuckled a little â??Of course I do, you think I am stupidâ? Taeyeon then turned away in regret knowing she didnâ??t have the license part.

â??Hold on tight princessâ? she said and wrapped Jessicaâ??s arms around her waist tightly and started the scooter up and off they went.

Taeyeon was pulling Jessica inside a big building; she wasnâ??t sure what or where it was because she was given time to read the sign outside due to Taeyeon whisking her away.

â??where are we goingâ? Jessica asked as she tried to keep up

â??Shh, just watchâ? Taeyeon pointed, it was a large group of people sitting in a circle, Jessica watched as one by one people stood up to speak.

â??Are you serious, you took me here, why? I am okay now. I have doctors and I go to therapy. I donâ??t need thisâ? Jessica began to pull away and leave.

â??Stop it, itâ??s not for youâ? Taeyeon grabbing a hold onto Jessica again as she now was pointing to one of the girls in the seat. Jessica stepped forward not sure if she was actually seeing this

â??Yuriâ? she said

â??Yes itâ??s for Yuri. This is an AA meetingâ? Taeyeon spoke â??This is for Yuri, not youâ?Â

Jessica looked at Taeyeon in shock â??But, I donâ??t understandâ? her eyes were beginning to water

â??She is getting help, she is getting betterâ? Taeyeon stated

â??When, why, howâ? Jessica didnâ??t know what to say

â??Because Yuri loves you and wants you back in her life. She wants to make a mends for everything she did. And so getting sober and help is where it should startâ? Taeyeon said placing her hands in her pockets â??Thatâ??s why I havenâ??t been around so much over the months along with Yuri. We go here every week together. But I felt that it was time you knew and have you come and support Yuriâ?Â

â??Why do you think I would care about this, Yuri trying to get help is nothing new. It was a waste of youâ??re effortâ? Jessica eyes reddening

â??Because you DO care whether you like it or not as for my effort since you care for her therefore I do to and it wasnâ??t a waste. I believe in Yuriâ? Taeyeon breathed â??Yuri is a good person once you see past her drunken rage.â? Taeyeon smiled â??Yuriâ??s been through a lot and so dealt with it the wrong way.â? Taeyeon paused thinking of what to say â??That is why I think that you should go over there and sit with her; listen to what she has to say and finally tell her that you forgive herâ?Â

â??NO! Why do you think I would care about thisâ? Jessica than ran out of the building

â??Jessicaâ? Taeyeon quickly ran after her friend â??Donâ??t run away, donâ??t run away from youâ??re problems and someone you care aboutâ? Taeyeon stated

â??Itâ??s none of youâ??re businessâ? Jessica yelled

â??Youâ??re right it isnâ??t but seeing you sad and upset isâ? Taeyeon stared straight into her eyes â??Stop being afraid of admitting you forgive her and that you love her. It is hurting you so much seeing someone you care about destroy her life like that.â?Â

Jessica walked toward Taeyeon and then started to hit her â??What do you know, why do youâ?¦whyâ?¦whyâ?¦â? Jessica tears streaking her cheeks â??why canâ??t you be wrong for secondâ? Jessica screamed as she let herself fall against Taeyeonâ??s body.

Minutes later as Jessica was somewhat beginning to calm down they heard a voice


Jessica looked up from Taeyeonâ??s arms and saw the tall girl standing there looking very plain, and demure, it wasnâ??t someone she recognized at all. But tears began to flood her eyes some more

â??Yuri-ahâ? she cried out as she ran toward her. Yuri looked shocked to see the girl she had broken cry out for her.

â??Jessicaâ? she held her close â??I am sorryâ? She lowly whispered

â??I forgive you Yuri-ahâ? Jessica cried out against Yuriâ??s body â??I forgive youâ?Â


Taeyeon looked to the side wondering how she got here; she looked at the girl laying peacefully beside her.

"Was this real? Was this a dream? Was Jessica Jung really lying right beside her, half naked and sleeping soundly as Taeyeon lay down on her back wide awake?

As she silently listened to her thoughts she suddenly felt a hand creep its way onto her exposed stomach. Taeyeon froze as she felt the girls fingers begin to make circles onto her skin, from small to big Jessica's hands were climbing upward near her chest.

It was taking a lot of focus for Taeyeon not to give out a loud moan; she could sense Jessica body come closer. Not only was her hands exploring her body but they're legs seemed to be entangled now as Jessica lightly planted kisses up Taeyeon's neck.

Jessica inched closer, nibbled closer, sucked closer and breathed hard into Taeyeon's ear as she softly spoke

"Thank you for this night, this one night" and in one second Taeyeon felt what ecstasy was like


Taeyeon quickly climbed out of bed screaming as she threw her blanket onto the ground and kicked it away.

Taeyeon feeling flush as she was sweating heavily at her dream, the girl began to freak at the realization that the dream involved Jessica and her having a one night stand together.

"No, Jessica is my friend, I can't think of her in that way" She repeated over and over again as she now was splashing cold water onto her flushed skin but it wasn't helping one bit.

Taeyeon kept mumbling as she tried to sort out her emotions "Damn you unnie!" she yelled out as she was now going to be paying a visit to her sister and let out her anger and frustration out on her for putting stupid thoughts into her mind.

"One night stand...with Jessica" Taeyeon shook her head absurd up the idea and idea of it.

I sat there sitting on one of the stools watching Boa and oppa play pool with each other at her apartment

"Taeyeon-ah I don't like how you are having these types of dreams" oppa teased "You're so young, you know that it is wrong thing to do, control you're hormones" Both Boa and him started to laugh at me

"Yah, I came over here to get help not be made fun of." I scolded both of them and turned my attention directly toward Boa "If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't be having these dreams and I would be perfectly fine. It is because of you that I've been dreaming of Jessica that way. Take this spell off me" I screamed

Boa sighed at me, she turned to me giving me a serious look, "Taeyeon I don't know what you want me to say, I warned you before but you kept wanting to hear my opinion about you're love life and it is not my fault you're mind is finally responding to what you're heart is telling you" She turned and looked toward her oppa. The two of them staring at each other all lovingly, it had made me sick as I now was cringing at the sight of the two lovebirds.

"I guess that is my cue to leave" I was gagging as I left her sister's apartment which was above her shop after watching the way they were together.

"What a useless visit" I swore under my breath as I stormed out the area as fast as I could, "I just need to relax, that dream was about stress. I am totally stressed out...I should go out to Noreabang with Tiffany"

I biked my way across town to Tiffany's house, but was shocked by the huge line up of vehicles all parked out in front. I mentally smacked myself remembering that Tiffany had told me couldn't do anything this weekend because of her family was holding a big gala.

As I started to peddle faster not even bothering to try to convince Tiff to sneak out with me, I knew how important this gala was to her and her family.

"Taeyeon-ah" I heard a voice call out for me. I turned to the side and spotted Yuri jumping happily at me, while Jessica who looked up and gave me an austere stare, as I was surprised to see them here but figured that all three girl's families were friend's so it was only logically for both Jessica and Yuri to be here.

I noticed right away the second when my eyes laid on the both of them how beautiful black cocktail dress Jessica was wearing looked on her. It was strapless and very short and I mean very short on her.

"Princess" I whispered and the next thing I knew I was flying in the air

"Taeyeon" I heard both of them yell as I had just collided into one of the many million dollar cars that were parked out in the front.

Right away I felt a searing pain in my shoulder as my body hit the cement ground. Luckily I was wearing my helmet or who knows what other damage could of happened to me.

The next thing I remembered was waking up to my family and friend all huddle around me, looking at me with a concerned glare

"She is awake" I heard umma cry out, immediately appa hugged her tightly, rubbing her arms trying to comfort her.

The only people who I noticed weren't crowding around me was of course Yeon Hee who sat there on the one of the other patient beds and was staring out the window. The other person was Jessica who still looked mesmerizing as when I first saw her in that dress. She stood away from everyone and watched from afar. I could feel the heat from her gaze see right through me.

"Do you need anything" Boa asked as she sat next to me. I just kept on nodding over and over again as I listened to everyone worry about me and asking me what was I thinking when it happened. All the while I continued on feeling Jessica stare at me, I started to feel uncomfortable and was hoping that the nurse would come in telling everyone to go home.

Luckily luck was on my side and a nurse did. I watched and nodded towards everyone a goodbye, I was so relieved that they were gone and I was alone. Not only could I sit and relax alone but also Jessica was now gone and I didn't have to feel that tension I had been feeling toward her. Every time I looked at her and thought of her the tension in my heard, the feeling that i felt throughout my body was beginning to scare me, she made me nervous and anxious all at the same time and i loved it.

I slowly felt my eyelids close as I now was drifting off into a dream world. At first I was fighting it off due to not wanting to...well you know what have another one of my special dreams abot Jessica. But was obviously loosing as i felt my body shut down.

I wasn't sure if my mind was playing tricks on me because I was now hearing the sound of footsteps in my room. I just pushed the sound of it aside assuming it was the nurse checking up on my stats. But then I suddenly was hearing the sound of a zipper and I knew that couldn't be right.

My eyes opened as my eyes froze in it's sockets at the sight of Jessica standing there in nothing but a lacy night gown.

Jessica store at me with a sexy devilish glare as she now slightly began to lick the slide of her lips, she giggled before she spoke

"Aren't you happy I made sure you got a single room, with no roommate" she then began to lift up her gown and


I was screaming out as I pushed my way upwards against the sheets of the bed. I looked around my settings and saw that Jessica was sitting there watching me as I kept on screaming. Instantly I felt her palm against my forehead

"Were you having another nightmare" she asked sympathetically. I looked at her closely and then leaned back, I wasn't sure if this was a dream anymore or not

"Jessica pinch me" I asked her, she glared at me strangely but I kept urging her to do so

"It's okay, do it" I told her and the second I did she quickly grabbed onto a pieced of skin and dug into it

"OWH" I yelped loudly, but took a deep sigh as I knew for sure I wasn't dreaming anymore. I was relieved to not see naked Jessica in front of me but a fully clothed one, well somewhat. Her dress was pretty short and...I shook my head trying to gain my composure back

"Are you okay" she asked as she slid her hand into mine beginning to rub her thump against my hand that I was clasping tightly onto.

I felt something for the first time as I smiled at Jessica who shyly smiled back. I felt those butterflies that people always tell you about once you see the person you are in love with.

"What are you thinking about" she asked coyly as I kept staring at her with a huge grin on my face. Our eyes were playfully flirting with each other, Jessica seemingly being very shy as I continued to gaze at her silently in the room

"Taeyeon I need to tell you something" I felt my body jump up for a second when I heard that. I was about to tell her to go on but saw Yuri and Tiffany enter into the room and as soon as they appeared I felt Jessica's hand pull away from me.

I looked down curiously wondering why Jessica pulled away but saw her mood change, she was avoiding me, she not wanting to reciprocate my gaze like she did before and I felt a sudden chill run down my spine.

"Hahaha" Boa was crouched on the floor laughing wildly at me "Are you horny or something?"

"Shut up, stop laughing" I yelled "This is all of you're fault!"

"Ha! What are you trying to insinuate, I am not the one having erotic dreams about the princess" Boa smirking as she was now trying to control her laugh

"If you hadn't said those things about her and us...than it wouldn't have happened" Taeyeon defended "I was perfectly okay until you brought up the issue of Jessica and I having feelings for each other"

Boa stood up straight and walked over to her sister, she placed her hands onto her shoulders and lightly shook her

"I didn't do anything, except for waking you up. Allowing you to see what is right in front of you" Boa then walked back to the SUV she had been working before she collapsed on the ground laughing her heart out at her sister's confession

"Honestly I am happy for you, I am happy you finally see that Jessica is the perfect girl for you" Boa still chuckling

I walked out of the garage slowly, pondering what I should do wilth my newly discovered feelings for Jessica. I honestly believed I couldn't anything about them. It hadn't been long since Yuri had entered back into Jessica's life and well I knew for a fact Yuri was still deeply in love with Jessica and it was only a matter of time before the two would get together.

I sighed deeply at the thought that my feelings toward Jessica could destroy someone else's happiness. But that is to say that Jessica feels the same way about me, which was obvious she didn't.

I decided to shake it off and continue on being just another friend to Jessica, I will not pursue this, I refuse to. There was no point in letting you're heart lay on the line for nothing, Yuri was in love with Jessica and Jessica was in love with Yuri. The two have been separated for years but still had strong feelings toward each other, they were meant to be.

"My feelings will pass, and when they do I will meet my soul mate" I told myself as I crossed the street to get onto the bus that was heading to Jessica's house.

I was standing at her door waiting on for one of her servants to open it, I tugged my hands into my jean jacket. I listened to the door open and watched as it swung open. Jessica was standing at the door in nothing but a rope

"Did you just wake up?" I asked, she yawned and nodded as she motioned for me to come inside. I followed her still wondering how this girl could be sleeping still

"It's 3 in the afternoon Jessica" I told her

"There is a reason why my father calls me sleeping beauty" Jessica continued to yawn as she walked upstairs

"Yah where you going" I said

"Upstairs, where else" She said

And I suddenly felt my legs beginning to follow the princess up the stairs towards her bedroom. Jessica open the door and motioned for me to sit on her bed as she went to go change. I did I was told and sat there nervously as she waited on Jessica who'd been taking a long time in the bathroom.

Taeyeon got up and walked toward Jessica's large shelf that was literally stuffed with books of all sorts; from mystery novels, fantasy, romance; autobiographies to even cook books which made Taeyeon laugh even more. considering how well she knew Jessica sucked at a cook as being a victim of one of Jessica's many attempts at cooking.

Taeyeon smiled widely remembering how she spent the rest of the day with taste of burnt in her mouth due to Jessica's culinary skill. She heard the door of Jessica's bathroom open and Taeyeon quickly turned to make a remark about the cook book she found. But Taeyeon's eyes were literally bulging out of it's sockets when she had laid her eyes on Jessica who dripping wet and if you had might of guessed it the only thing keeping her covered was a small towel which didn't cover everything and didn't hide anything to the imagination

"Okay I am dreaming" was all Taeyeon said. Taeyeon lied in her bed shuffling from side to side as she was now trying to wake herself up. It was the fourth dream she had of Jessica in the last two weeks. She sat up and rubbed her hands over her face. She was absolutely frustrated with her emotions right now.

Physically and mentally Taeyeon was confused and unsure what to think anymore. She got up and decided to get a drink of water, Taeyeon knew for a fact she wouldn't be able to get to bed again, not without having another one of her special dream's about Jessica.

As Taeyeon approached the kitchen she saw the light on, she was hoping it wasn't umma or appa, she wasn't in the mood to answer the question "why aren't you asleep?" to any of them.

Taeyeon peeked in and saw it was Yeon Hee, she sighed in relief at the site of her sister snuggled tightly in the chair and eating a bowl of red bean ice cream Taeyeon made from scratch.

"You like" Taeyeon asked as she yawned towards the fridge to get a drink. Yeon Hee just watched her silently, curious as to why Taeyeon was up. Though she knew why, she had learned it from Boa who told her about Taeyeon's erotic fantasies of Jessica.

"Another wet dream" Yeon Hee joked. Taeyeon quickly looked up in surprised from the refridgerator door and looked at Yeon Hee questioningly

"Who told you...Boa...oppa?" Taeyeon seemed upset at the fact Boa revealed something that she didn't want to many people to know about. Yeon Hee nodded as she stuck another spoonful into her mouth.

"So what are you going to do, are you going to tell her" Yeon Hee staring up at her sister curiously

"What do you mean" Taeyeon shut the door and sat across from her confused

"Are you going to tell Jessica about how you feel?" she stared at the girl with her usually imposing stare

"Tell her about what" Taeyeon still confused. Yeon Hee looked up in frustration

"Tell Jessica that you think you're in love with her that is what or at least that you want to get into her pants"

"Yeon Hee, be quiet, since when do you care" Taeyeon said in annoyance that her business was not for others to talk about

"Hey, Taeyeon stop giving me attitude for trying to help. If you hadn't noticed but I to am getting angry at the fact that I keep getting woken up by my sister screaming loudly after her erotic dreams" Yeon Hee then stood up and slammed the bowl into the sink and walked back to her bed leaving Taeyeon alone to her thoughts.

As Taeyeon slowly walked up Jessica's long driveway she debated whether Yeon Hee, Boa and Oppa were right about Jessica. She questioned whether or not what she was dreaming at night was how she felt. Did Jessica really make her heart stop, did Jessica make her feel...sigh

Taeyeon kicked the stone, smacking her self for feeling like this, she had no idea what to do anymore. All she did know was she was walking towards Jessica's door prepared to admit her newly discovered feelings toward Jessica and was willing to explore it, if Jessica was willing to.

Taeyeon tucked her hands into the pocket of her jean jacket, she was moving form side to side as the whether had begun to get cold and the cool breeze was making the tempature feel like it was already winter.

Suddenly Taeyeon heard the door open and she quickly turned to face a blushing Jessica who was laughing blissfully.

"Hello Taeyeon" was all she said, what it all took for me to finally realize something that had been plaguing me for the longest time

I felt those butterflies that people always tell you about once you see the person you are in love with. I thought to myself silently. "It's like what they say in the movie's you hold someone's else's happiness in you're hand, i think Jessica now held mine." I sighed in frustration.

As I was about to say hello I saw Yuri rush up to the door and watched as she wrapped her arms around Jessica's body. Jessica didn't pull away she naturally held onto Yuri's hands and the two stood there like a loving couple would when greeting a guest.

"Ah you two" I pointed toward them. Both Jessica and Yuri nodded happily answering my question without hesitation coming from them whatsoever. I to stood there nodding my head pretending to be happy and not like my heart had been spit on and then cut up.

"I am happy for you, just what I wanted" I smiled. It was awkward for me, I didn't know what to do, so I did the only I could do when I was feeling overwhelmed I lightly punched Yuri and Jessica in the arm wishing them good luck, i am such a dork i thought

"Anyways I should go" I said as I went to turn

"You don't want to join us, we're watching a movie" Yuri asked

"No I don't want to impose as well I don't really want to be the third wheel...I seriously don't want to be" I said the last part queitly to myself, I nodded and waved goodbye to them and punching then in the arm one last time because that is who i am.

As soon as my face was fully turned away my eyes began to show it's true manner. My heart wanting to burst as a image of Yuri and Jessica smiling together

I decided to shake it off and continue on being just another friend to Jessica, I will not pursue this, I refuse to. There was no point in letting you're heart lay out on the line for nothing, Yuri was in love with Jessica and Jessica was in love with Yuri. The two have been separated for years but still had strong feelings toward each other, they were meant to be.

"My feelings will pass, and when they do I will meet my soul mate" I told myself as I walked away from the estate.

Unknowingly Jessica stood there watching Taeyeon walk down slowly, she wished that she was given more time to tell Taeyeon but it was hard not to, her visit had caught her off guard.

"Sorry Taeyeon, I need to make sure my feelings for Yuri are all gone before I can...love you, sorry" she turned to look inside and shut the door holding it open for one last minute watching Taeyeon run down her driveway alone.


"When are you coming over?" I heard her voice through the phone, I held onto it tightly. Ever since discovering that Taeyeon had someone else I had been trying my best to avoid her. I know it was selfish of me, considering Taeyeon and I are not even going out and I am with Yuri which made everything 100000x worse. It was just, the feelings I felt toward her, it was hard not to feel possessive or jealous and breaken hearted towards her. she was the girl i was falling for.

"Jessica you there" she asked breaking me from my train of thought

"I'm here, I'm still feeling sick. So I hope it's okay if I cancel our session today" I lied. I could hear her sigh the second I said I couldn't make it; I wasn't sure if she was upset or not as I played with the cord of the phone.

"I understand, maybe you will feel better in a couple of days" she said "Take care of yourself" she quickly hung up the phone.

"Sorry" I looked down at my feet, my heart was breaking and my mind was going crazy over the problem of what I should do. I couldn't break Yuri's heart, not so soon after Yuri had started to recover. But yet again I am breaking her heart by not being truthful to her and about us.

Taeyeon Pov

I hung up the phone and stared at my books that were all spilled onto my bed.

"Why does she need to be sick when I need her the most right now" I pushed over some of my text books onto the floor not caring. It was getting frustrating, I had been studying and studying for the past week and a half and nothing seemed like it was registering into my tiny head. "Jessica I need you to help me" I plopped myself onto my back again staring up at the ceiling.

"Maybe if I look at the ceiling then maybe I will finally understand what pathetic fallacy was or the theory of Parry and Lord" I huffed

'knock' 'knock'

I turned my eyes over at my door, I was to lazy to get up so I yelled "Yes?" for a second all I heard was mumbling and movement outside my door "Who is it? Boa?" I asked again

"No" her voice hesitated, immediately my body shot up as I heard Yeon Hee's voice

"Yeon Hee?" I asked unsure if this was reality or I was dreaming

"Yes smart ass" she chided, I could help but smile.

"What is it?" I asked staring at the door, wondering if she was still there as i waited for her to answer

"Can I ask you a couple of questions" she stuttered again

"Sure...wait do you want me to clean you're room or do you're laundry" I asked

"No...it's about...it has nothing to do with laundry or cleaning" she breathed "it's about Yuri, you're friend"

"huh. Why would she want to know about Yuri" I asked myself

"Taeyeon" she stated

"Yeah, what about Yuri"

"What is she like..." she got quiet "I mean is she the way everyone describes her as"

I sat there looking at the door, to be honest it was quite awkward to have a heart to heart conversation with you're sister through a door. Especially since the door looked no where near like you're sister

"She is...Yuri is better then what you hear about her" I stated "She is a good friend, very kind and caring. Always has you're back and is loyal to you" I smiled

"no wonder Jessica fell in love with her" I whispered lowly

"Taeyeon just because there is a door between us doesn't mean I can't hear you"

"What?!" I yelped "You heard that" all I could hear was laughter coming from beyond the door

"No, I didn't but you're reaction told me everything I needed to know" she giggled "thank you" I then heard footsteps walking away from my door.

I stood up on my bed and screamed out "Yeon Hee" then burst out the door chasing after her. I didn't care anymore if I was going to hurt her

Jessica's Pov

I sat on my bed staring at the text books, my mind was constantly wandering to Taeyeon. "I hope she is ok" I asked myself. My heart was worrying because Taeyeon's worse subject was English and literature class and I knew that we would be having an exam soon in it. I knew how much Taeyeon was relying on me to help her through the material.

"Maybe I should just go and surprise her, no point in avoiding her" I said as I sat back onto my bed and looked up at the ceiling

As I was loosing myself into a day dream I heard my bedroom door burst open. I quickly sat up and watched as my girlfriend skipped happily toward my bed and towards me. She suddenly leaned in as I reluctantly pulled away causing her to miss my cheek and kiss air

"Sica don't be shy" she smiled. I reciprocated it with a light one

"What bring's you here so happy and bouncy" I asked

"Oh nothing, just missing you that's all, I feel it's been so long since I've seen my Sica baby" I looked at her suspiciously somehow I felt she wasn't telling me the whole truth

"Thanks" I stated and looked back at my text book's hoping Yuri would get the message and go.

'Okay, I guess I'll go than, seems like you never want me around anymore" Yuri just being honest "I don't get you anymore" she walked out in a hurry, we both didn't even bother to say goodbye. I store at her as I watched my door slam shut and I immediately threw my head back onto my pillow.

"I am sorry, I don't mean to. I am just too selfish...I am too scared to get hurt"

Yuri's Pov

I stormed out of her bedroom angered by her attitude lately. It's only been a month and a half and yet she still hasn't gotten comfortable with me. I was planning on taking her to a bed and breakfast for our two months but I don't think she could handle it.

It was getting frustration, I know my Sica wants to take it slow but holding hands and hugging only goes so far and for so long. Why was she holding back so much, it had to be something else or maybe someone else?

I looked at my watch as I continued to walk to my car, I looked up toward Sica's house one last time, I was somewhat late for my meeting all because of a wasted trip Taeyeon sent me on because she was worried that Jessica was too sick. Even though I knew she wasn't but I came because I was worried about her, she was so moody lately. I wanted things to go back to the way they were with her and me. I thought as soon as I got better and Sica and I were together again, things would but they still had to.

"I've been living in the past too long, it's time to move on" I slammed on the pedal and drove off screeching out Sica's driveway.

Yeon Hee's Pov

I sat there at the café waiting for the great prodigal Kwon Yuri to arrive. That is all I've been hearing as of late. From my teachers, my friends and even my parents, the second they heard that I was asked to study under Kwon Yuri everyone including my coach was jealous.

"I can't believe you get to, I am so jealous"

"Kwon Yuri, she is so hot. She has been the subject of many of my dreams"

I winced at the memory of the last statement by one of my male classmates made; I was making a gagging expression when I finally saw the famous red car pull up. The moment I saw it parked, my body jerked up in excitement.

"Why does it matter, Kwon Yuri is typical...typicull" I slurred as I felt my body temperature rise as I saw her walk in. At first my eyes made their way up her soft tan legs, and toward her curvy hips then I watched how part of her gorgeous long wavy hair bounced as her step approached me.

I stood up and thrust my hand out toward her

"Hello I am Kim Yeon Hee, nice to meet you please take care of me" the second I finished my face was turning into a tomato red; I held onto my breath.

I was now nervous, I had no idea why. I never acted like this with anyone, no matter how much I thought they were hot. But for some reason Yuri was changing all of that.

"Hello" nice to meet you to she shook my hand and bowed. "I've heard a lot about you, I am really excited to be working with you...finally" her voice just melted into me.

"Finally" I looked up at her questioningly and I saw a cute smirk sweeping onto her face as she quickly saw down.

Soo Young's Pov

"Kim Taeyeon, get out now" I banged onto her door. "Let's fight for Tiffany's honour I heard what you did" I screamed.

I was angry at the little kid for breaking my Tiffany's heart, as much as I liked the kid I had to hate her for rejecting Tiffany.

"Soo Young can we please go, I don't think anyone is home" Jessica stated as she had her hands to her face in embarrassed

"No not until the kid gets her butt out here"

"Stop calling me kid, I'm older than you, treat me with respect beanpole" Taeyeon's voice coming from behind us. I quickly turned and marched my way to the little child.

"How dare you" I pushed my index finger into her chest

"Oouch" she pouted "What is that for"

"You know why, Tiffany how could you embarrass her like that, after that sweet confession" Taeyeon made a scowling face

"Look it's none of you're business why I rejected Tiffany. Tiffany doesn't even like me in that way, so it wouldn't matter. She is fine Soo Young. If you're so worried about me breaking her heart than you go and comfort her. But I bet you she is at home watching her new favourite show gossip gul" Taeyeon stated as she began to move pass both Jessica and I

I quickly grabbed onto her arm and began to drag her along my side. I could feel Taeyeon struggling to get away but she hadn't counted on my strength.

"That's right Taengo, I may look like a beanpole but I'm strong like an ox" I quickly stopped did I really just say that?

"Hurry up Jessica or I will carry you over my shoulder" I yelled at Jessica who was falling too far behind us.

Tiffany's Pov

"Chuck you're so devilish" I smirked; I got up off my bed when I saw my mom appear at the doorway. I smiled at her as she looked in

"Friends are here" she then walked away

"Friends?!" I looked up questioningly "Oh Taeyeon, I thought she would be studying" I started to skip downstairs happy to see that my best friend was here to entertainment, gossip girl was over so I had nothing to do now.

"I opened the door and yelled out her name but saw Jessica instead, my legs wanted to give out at the sight of her, she stared at me with a bored look. I was about to ask her something but saw her move aside which allowed me to finally take my eyes off her and onto the scene into my front lawn

Taeyeon had Soo Young in a head lock while Soo Young was carrying Taeyeon in her arms, the sight of those two was too funny not to laugh. I couldn't believe Jessica looked like she wasn't amused one bit. I started to giggle and immediately caught the attention of the two girls

"Oh Tiffany, hello" Soo Young immediately dropped Taeyeon on the hard grass causing Taeyeon to wince in pain

"My butt" Taeyeon was rubbing it, I saw Jessica begin to hastily make her way toward Taeyeon. She quickly bent down to one knee trying to help Taeyeon. But Taeyeon quickly pulled away glaring at Jessica. It sort of shocked me, Taeyeon never looked at anyone like that before. Maybe because it's so rare to see Taeyeon angry, she usually kept it in.

"I can get up myself" she said staring at Jessica who looked down at her hands as Taeyeon's hands pulled from her grip.

"What brings you all here, I thought you had studying to do" staring at Taeyeon and Jessica

"Nope, they're taking a break and we're going to the movies" Soo Young interjected

"What? Really" I started to jump happily at Soo Young

"NO" both Soo Young and I looked at Jessica and Taeyeon who yelled out at the same time. The two began to walk away in opposite directions but soon found them being dragged back by Soo Young who now had them in a huddling position.

I stood there watching silently as all three kept mumbling with each other, until finally Taeyeon and Jessica walked away and stood there with their arms crossed not wanting to look at each other. Their faces facing the opposite way form each other. But you could tell the two were obviously peeking at each other through the corner of their own eyes.

We were on our way to the movies; I walked beside Taeyeon who was holding hands with Soo Young who was holding Jessica's hands. I guess she didn't want to take any chances of them running away, hence why she was forcing them to hold her hand.

"Why did you have to agree to go" Taeyeon mumbled at me

"What why is this my fault" I looked at her. She nodded her head at me and I copied her "Don't give me attitude"

Yuri's Pov

I sat there watching Yeon Hee play, she I admit was very beautiful and I was feeling nervous every second of our whole practise together. I knew that people said she was a gifted player but no one said she was...so gorgeous. I've only heard how good of a player she was but a tough and cold one person. That was the only reason why I agreed to help her because she reminded me of Sica so much but just the description alone. I'd never thought she would be so...hot.

"Ahh" she let out, my eyes looked up at her causing me to divert them toward her.

"Everything okay" I asked gulping as I saw her stare at me with her dark brown eyes. She smiled toward me and looked down shyly at her finger, which was bleeding.

"Oh here" I quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her body against mine as I took her to the bathroom to wash it out. I could smell the nice scent of vanilla on her, I wasn't sure if I was liking this anymore.

Jessica's Pov

Soo Young and I had just gotten back from the concession stand handful of food. I always knew why I hated going to the movies, especially with Soo Young, she would always persuade me to eat so much junk.

As we arrived I spotted Tiffany sitting behind Taeyeon. The two seemed to be in argument as well. Soo Young immediately looked at me with her big eyes and her puppy dog pout. I knew what she wanted and so I made my way to the seat beside Taeyeon. I didn't care if she liked it or not, she was going to have to deal with it. But the second I sat down Taeyeon got up and moved one seat over away from me. I looked at her glaring

"Are you really going to act this way" I said as I stared at her in disbelief

"Yes I am, be quiet the movie is starting" Taeyeon than turned her head to the large movie screen. I sat there for a while watching her, angered by her.

"Fine be immature" I said as I started to chomp down on the popcorn and sipping on my drink.

1 hour later...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I started to wail into the theatre, all you could hear was voices coming from the audience, particularly tiffany and I. ever since we were young we hated horror films, we both were so scared because we often got nightmares. I turned to look at Soo Young prepared to glare at her for choosing such a film but when I saw Soo Young's expression I understood why.

Tiffany was gripping tightly onto her hands and her face leaned into her shoulder. Soo Young sat there like she was the happiest person in the world. I decided to turn my attention to taeyeon whose legs were sprawled out and her head leaning onto her right hand. She seemed bored out of her mind and was obviously still quite upset of not studying at the moment and me, for lying to her about being sick.

"Ahhhhhhhhh" I slightly jumped out of my seat as I saw a creature jump out from behind. My heart was beating so fast. I don't know how long I can take this. I breathed heavily inside the dark theatre.

Yeon Hee's Pov

I watched her as she took out a first aid kit and began to peel off the wrapper around the band aid. Now I understand why everyone fawned over this girl, she was how would you say...perfect.

Sexy, sweet, kind, funny, wild, and gentle all in a nice fit package. I looked down at her. Too bad she belonged to another girl, I would've had her naked by the end of the night if she were single and i had my way.

"So how is Jessica" I asked and her head turned to look at me in shock. I just smirked watching how tense she got.

Jessica's Pov

I wish I had my blanket with me, it would always comfort me when I was scared or sad. I can't watch anymore. I was now falling out of my seat and hiding behind the bucket of popcorn not wanting to look at the screen. My heart racing as I listened to the noises, I want to go home I told myself

"Get up' I heard a voice whisper toward me. I opened my eyes and saw Taeyeon sitting beside me with her hand out toward me. "Take it" she nodded "I'm here, so stop being so scared. It's just a movie"

I looked at it for a moment, ignoring the blood curdling screams coming from the speakers and the audience. Her hand was so close to me yet it felt so far, it was so tiny yet her hand every time she held onto me with her hands or touched me they seemed so big...immense every time she held onto my I get this immense feeling that I can't describe.

"Here" I watched as she slowly placed her hand onto mine, she avoided my eyes but I could still feel her watching me.

"Ahhhhhhh" I heard Tiffany scream out and I joined to but instead of hiding behind the bucket. I was now tightly wrapping my arms around Taeyeon and leaning placing my head onto Taeyeon's shoulder. My face was in the crook of her neck, I could smell the scent of apples coming off of her skin. I breathed in it deeply; it was calming me down from the image of a man getting his limb cut off on the screen.

Tiffany's Pov

I was trying to keep my eyes onto the scream but it was hard not to when both Jessica and Taeyeon were sitting right in front of me practically making out. Well, not really but close enough. Jessica holding tightly onto Taeyeon as Taeyeon was holding onto her, trying not to laugh but protect her by allowing the embrace to occur.

I couldn't stand it anymore, for the past months I've been trying so hard to move on and get over my eternal crush over Jessica but something was holding me back, refusing to allow this to happen and I didn't know why.

Spending days and nights beating myself up, I know Jessica would never feel this way about me but why can't I let myself move on.

"Tiffany you okay" I heard Soo Young smile at me concerned. I stared into her eyes, she had gorgeous round eyes and I looked downward taking one last glance as Jessica and Taeyeon.

"Tiffany where are you going" Soo Young said as I got up and ran off.

Soo Young's pov

"Tiffany" I called out to Tiffany who was running out of the theatre "Where are you going" I got up and followed her out.

Everything seemed to be going okay up until the point of Tiffany suddenly running out. Where is that girl running off to now, every time I feel I am getting somewhere with her she always runs off.


I walked down holding a large bouquet of flower all set and prepared to confess my feelings for Tiffany. We've known each other for years now and ever since the day I met her I've always felt that giddiness inside whenever I saw her adorable smile.

"Tiffany" I yelled out as she bumped past me in tears. I looked straight ahead and saw Jessica's back standing from the spot I watched Tiffany run away from.

I was about to run after her but heard Jessica's voice telling me to stay. I turned around and looked at Jessica and stormed right up to her

"What did you do, what did you do to her Jessica" I demanded

"I broke her heart" she stated and looked down at the ground. I could see she never meant to hurt her all Jessica was faulted for was being honest. But I couldn't help but feel inside, wishing for Jessica to have lied, so it wouldn't have hurt Tiffany. I didn't care if Tiffany was in love with Jessica, I've always known. Heck, I was the first person she admitted to being in love with Jessica.

I remembered the day she did and it broke my heart every time I looked back onto it.


"Tiffany wait" I was determined to not let her go this time and confront her about what was wrong "Tiffany I am here, talk to me" I marched quickly and tugged onto her arm letting her body crash into mine.

We stood there hugging in the lobby of the theatre and held onto her tightly as she cried into my arms.

"You're still in love with Jessica aren't you" I said as tears were surfacing in my eyes.

Taeyeon's Pov

"Jessica" I nudged her arm that was still gripping tightly around me. I tried not to laugh at how childlike she looked as she was still snuggled against me. "Was the movie that scary" I slightly giggled. Suddenly seeing Jessica's head begin to rise from behind she looked at me peeking at the corner

"Is it over" Jessica asked unsure. I looked around to see most of the crowd gone and turned down to smile and nodded signalling that everyone was gone and we were the only one here

"Oh, sorry...um thank you" she looked down shyly she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and sat up straight now. She turned around to see if Tiffany and Soo Young were there but they had disappeared

"Where did they go?" she knocked her feet over and over against the back of the seat in front of her

"I don't know, by the time the movie was over I looked behind and did not see them. They must've left before it was over, which was totally rude" I stated

"Oh, did you try calling them" she looked at me sideways

"I did but Tiffany didn't pick up" I stood up and readied myself to go waiting for Jessica to get up and lead the way except I hadn't counted on Jessica taking my hand and holding onto it as we both existed out of the movie theatre.

"Taeyeon, I am sorry for being dishonest" Jessica said as I continued to walk down the street watching the cars pass by.

"Its okay, i understand" I suddenly stopped and began to fish something out of my back pocket. I remembered the reason why I stepped out of the house in the first place "here for you" I watched her stare at the small bag unsure if she should accept it or let it continued to stare at her

"Its medicine, it is supposed to help not hurt you" I chuckled as I saw her face turn into one of her many cute glares. "I like it when you look at me like that I hope you know, so go ahead because it is a big turn on" I joked as her jaw fell open after telling her that last bit.

I decided to skip ahead, letting go of Jessica's hand and breathing the fresh air, it was cold and I felt my body shudder, winter was arriving and it was soon time for the first term to end and our winter break to begin.

Unexpectedly as I took in another deep breath and looked up at the sky I felt two arms wrap around me from behind.

"Jessica" I stated taken by surprise and unsure of what to think about her embrace

"Taeyeon" I heard her voice become higher as she seemed scared and uneasy

"I like you"

Immediately my body tensed up and I slightly pulled away but was held back by Jessica's embrace, she held onto my waist and nuzzled her head into my shoulder

"I like you...more than just a tutor...and more than just a..."

"Jessica I like you to" I smiled as I began to pry her arms away and face her. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable with her touch

"Taeyeon, you don't know...I mean...ah, understand, I like you. As in I really like you, more than just a tutor, and more than just a friend." Her chest was rising up and down, she seemed like she was out of breath

"I think I am falling for you" a smiled appear but eyes and aura was telling me something different

I stood there speechless and shocked and unsure if was breathing anymore. I saw Jessica smile at me, her cheeks rosy and her body was shaking from the cold. The night air blew between us and some of Jessica's hair was blocking part of her face, i stepped forward and made my way to touch one of the strands of hair. I played with it as I felt another shiver down my back but this time Jessica's arms were hugging me and I to was now hugging her.

"Yuri-ah" was the last word heard as the night sky and cold set in as we both stood there in our own world wanting to get lost in it with each other.


â??Yuri-ahâ? was the last word that came out of my mouth as I repeated again as I felt Jessicaâ??s lips graze onto mine, she held back from making anymore contact with our lips.

â??I knowâ? she looked downward at our hands as she played with my index finger

â??I am sorry for doing this, just forget everything, okay. What I said to you just now never happened.â? She was started to turn her body away but I stopped her and held onto her urging her to stay.

â??Donâ??t go, I have something to sayâ? I whispered into her ear

â??I already know what it is Taeyeon. I know what kind of person you are and what you will doâ? she voice cracking

â??I will do it because itâ??s the right thing to do, not because I actually want to.â? I stated, I could feel Jessica become less sadden.

â??Youâ??re always the good person, the heroineâ? she said and began to walk away

A Month Laterâ?¦

â??Get up, get up!â? Yuri screamed as she banged onto a pot with a wooden spoon over and over again in my ear.

â??Ahhh Yuri seriously stop itâ? I whined â??Let me sleep for godssakeâ? I yelled

â??Nope to bad, get up nowâ? she then started to spank me with the spoon

â??OWh. I get it, I get it okay. You winâ? I said as I grabbed onto the spoon â??Geez, when did you become so violentâ? I rubbed my butt as I got up â??does youâ??re girlfriend like that sort of stuff or whatâ? I grabbed onto my towel and headed straight to the shower

â??How did you know Sica babyâ? Yuri joked as she watched me walk off and I gagged seeing an image of Yuri and her girlfriend. I allowed a few minutes pass before asking her why she woke me up

â??Where are we going anyway, so earlyâ? I was rinsing my face

â??Airportâ? she stated. I looked my eyes frozen as I looked into the mirror and I quickly continued on finishing washing my face and walked straight back out towards my bed

â??Good day Yuriâ? I said and slipped back in between my silk sheets

â??What Sicaâ?¦baby, youâ??re going back to bedâ? she demanded stomping her feet on the floor â??Why notâ?Â

â??The last person I want to see is going to be thereâ? I stated and hid my head under my pillow

â??Jessica, seriously itâ??s time to deal with youâ??re issuesâ? she stopped

â??My issues? Issues? The only issue is my best friend/ex. Girlfriend wonâ??t let me sleepâ? I scowled

â??Jessica, come on. Youâ??ve been cooped up in youâ??re room and house for a whole month. You do nothing all day but eat and sleep and sulk because of Taeyeonâ? I sat up and glared hard at her

â??How else do you want me to react, after I confessed, it was barely one week after fall term ended and Winter break set in when I was told by Boa that Taeyeon was gone?! Out of the country, touring Europe with Tiffanyâ? I stared at her refusing to let my emotions get the best of me â??She didnâ??t even tell me, she didnâ??t even say goodbye. The last thing she said was I think you should stop tutoring me. So I have a right to act the way I doâ? I fell back into my sheets staring up at the ceiling

â??Jessica we all got our heats broken, we all still hurtâ? she stated and began to leave

I walked into my room to see a sleeping Yuri lying on my bed, her hands tucked underneath her head.

I sat there watching her â??What have I done, how can I break youâ??re heartâ? I said as I started to brush her soft black hair.

â??Hmmmâ? I heard her walking up, her eyes opened as soon as I touched her â??Sica youâ??re finally homeâ? she didnâ??t smile at me

â??Iâ??m hereâ? I said, lightly grinning

â??Where were you, Iâ??ve been waiting so long for youâ? she looked at me worried as she saw my guilty expression

â??Yuri-ah, I have something to tell youâ? tears were beginning to fall â??Itâ??s time I told you the truthâ?Â

At the Airport

â??Boaâ? I screamed as I saw her standing there with her Oppa. Tiffany followed behind as she dragged her six cases of luggage with her

â??Taeyeon youâ??re suppose to help me not ditch meâ? she said

â??Iâ??ll helpâ? a voice stated, I looked up to see Soo Young there rushing over to help Tiffany. Nothing seems to have change on her part. She is still tall, and is in love with Tiffany. Oh but she did get some nice bangs which looked cute on her. I smiled as I saw Soo Young show off her strength in front of Tiffany who watched her adoringly.

â??So where is everyone elseâ? I stated

I had hoped Yeon Hee would come, along with Yuri to. Even though before I left, I had told to her what happen and promised her I wouldnâ??t do anything about it, as in my feelings for Jessica.

It was only fair and just for me to push my feelings aside, our feelings aside for friendship. Yuri meant a lot to Jessica, in the end would be a waste for how much damage it would cause Yuri

Yuri also meant a lot to me, our bond together was getting stronger as the day past since the day I had approached her about getting help. She was someone I could confide in, she is one of the few true friends I had. It was too complicated and wasnâ??t right to pursue a relationship with Jessica.

â??Yeon Hee is busy and Yuri wanted to come but she is busyâ?¦alsoâ? Boaâ??s eyes shifted like she wasnâ??t telling me everything she knew

Despite that, I somehow wished Jessica would be standing there waiting outside the gates. I donâ??t know why but I had dreamed about her waiting there for me outside when I returned.

During my whole trip I had wished to see her face again, taking a picture wasnâ??t enough for me.

I had stared at it every night as I slept in a different hostel or church a churchâ??s bed. I would even sometimes talk to it, apologizing for never saying goodbye. I would actually look at her photo and say goodbye, wishing I could go back into the past and instead of letting her go on that night, I kissed her instead. I would kiss her so passionately and tell her how much she meant to me. But it was too late for all of that and it was obvious that hell would have to freeze over before that would happen. Jessica had every right to hate me.

â??Taeyeon where are we goingâ? Tiffany looked at me

â??Letâ??s go to Europeâ? I yelled

â??What? are you seriousâ? she looked at me suspiciously

â??Of course I am.â?Â

I booked tickets and took out all of my money out from my savings and left, ready to experience something that wasnâ??t in Seoul

Much to my parentâ??s dismay, they were upset and angered; they kicked me out of the house. It was also no surprise they werenâ??t there either. I knew how much I hurt them, going to Europe out of the blue and with no warning was hard on them.

â??Why did you runawayâ? Umma yelled â??I canâ??t believe you did this, you almost gave Appa a heartattackâ? she was crying

I was now going to live with Boa and Oppa in one of their walk in closet at their new loft they had just bought together. They had it turned into a small bedroom for me. I was to continue on going to school and get a part time job to help pay rent for my new life.

As much as I wanted to go back to my normal life, I had ruined it the second I decided to runaway for a month from my problems, I ran away from Jessica who was the only person I wanted to be with.

â??Umma and Appa wanted to come but they werenâ??t sure if you wanted to see them.â? Boa stated as she held onto my hand â??I think if you asked to move back in they would say yes in a second. They missed you so much, especially Yeon Heeâ? Boa stated.

I looked up at her and smiled. I knew I could, Umma had told me so over the phone every time I phoned home. But for some reason I thought why not try to be on my own, it was something that I couldnâ??t pass up. Though I know I am going to be such a burden now on Boa and Oppa, I hope they would understand I needed to do this. It was something that I had to do.

â??You should go visit them over the next days before school starts back up, also some of youâ??re things are still there. We werenâ??t sure what you wanted to bring so we decide to let you choose. But we warn you the walk in closet isnâ??t too bigâ?Â

Couple of Days laterâ?¦

â??Jessica donâ??t get angryâ? my fatherâ??s voiced boomed

â??How can I not be angry, youâ??re angry at me for dropping down from no.1 to no.2 overall in GPA.â? I stared at him â??You are saying I need a tutor because of it. I donâ??t need a tutor, I am a tutorâ? I scolded

â??Jessica I just want you to refocus, I donâ??t want to see youâ??re future being jeopardized because of youâ??re falling grades.â?Â

I backed away mumbling at him in anger, I couldnâ??t believe just because I was now no.2 and not no.1 in overall grade standing he thinks I need a tutor.

â??A TUTOR!â? I yelled out before slamming his office door.

Taeyeonâ??s Pov

It was in the final week of schoolâ??s winter break and I was now getting myself comfortable. Everything seemed to fall into place the moment I had arrived. I moved in quick and easy and was actually offered a job immediately instead of having to go hunt for one.

Now all I needed was to get the rest of my things and one day become brave enough to confront Jessica again, and beg for forgiveness and our friendship back.

I walked up the stairs to the house; everything was the same here. From the colours and to the smell of the homr, I realized how much I missed home and wanted to move back in immediately.

I passed Yeon Heeâ??s room and I could have sworn I heard voices. I didnâ??t think anyone would be home because Umma had said no one would be, and told me to use my old key to get in. I leaned in closer to the door and listened in.

I pulled my head back away from it, did I just hear what I think I was just hearing? No I leaned my ear against it again and pulled back again

â??No?! Not Yeon Heeâ? I said as I burst my way into the door. I looked inside to see a naked body on top of my sister who was moaning loudly as the girl suckled onto her breast.

In a split second I had just gone blind

â??Get off, get offâ?¦no I donâ??t mean that. Get away, get away from my Sisterâ? I screamed. I made my way covering my closing my eyes as I quickly pulled Yeon Hee away from the girl.

â??Stay awayâ? I yelled. Yeon Hee was yelling at me in the background to get out, the other girl was shocked in surprise for they both had been screaming by intrusion

â??Taeyeonâ? I finally recognized the voice

â??Yuri what are you doing, what are you doing to my sisterâ? I said â??My innocent sisterâ? I was holding Yeon Hee back refusing to allow the two contact.

â??Taeyeon open youâ??re eyes now I am covered upâ? Yuri stated. I slowly peeked them open and saw Yuri wearing an oversized sweater which covered her tan body.

â??Taeyeon why do you have to do that, so embarrassing. I am an adult and can do whatever and whomever I wantâ? Yeon Hee gathered more of her comforter over her body â??I am going to the bathroom, sorry babyâ? and walked out

â??BABYâ? I stared at Yuri whose face was red â??What have you done, how could youâ?¦my sister, MY SISTER!â? I yelled

â??What?â? she looked embarrassed

â??What about Jessica, what happened thereâ? I questioned. Yuriâ??s face brighten up and she stepped forward but I quickly moved back

â??Donâ??t! please YOU SISTER SEDUCER!â? Yuri sighed "SNATCHER!"

â??Jessica and I have been over for a while now. I am with Yeon Hee...I think for about two weeks nowâ?Â

â??Two weeks and you two areâ?¦No stop it now, I am forbidding you two to ever.â? I stated looking toward Yeon Hee â??Donâ??t go near her. How could you do that...my sisterâ? I hissed

â??Taeyeon donâ??t act as if I am the one who took her-â??

â??Zip it, I donâ??t want to hear it, I am blind now because of you! Do you want me to go deaf as well?â?Â

â??Taeyeon, Yeon Hee and I are dating now. It wonâ??t stop usâ? she smiled

â??I am going to beat you up right nowâ?Â

I started to chase after Yuri around the bedroom. Yeon Hee was yelling at me to stop and to get out. After about 10 minutes of running around the house, I decided to give up but I left with Yuri a warning

â??Be careful nowâ? I pointed at her and walked out staring at them as they both stood there trying to catch their breathes

I nodded my head, how could this happen. I didnâ??t think things changed this much, I knew things would have but not this much?! everything is so different and seriously when did Yuri meet Yeon Hee.

I walked out of her room and into mine quickly grabbing my things, I could now hear giggling emitting from her room. My mind rushing back to an image of Jessica

â??I am sorry Jessica for totally abandoning youâ? I scolded myself as I walked out of the house.

Jessica's Pov

First day of school and it sucked! I threw my bags onto my bed as I began to undress into more comfortable clothes. In an hour my tutor would be arriving and I was not happy one bit about it. And now that Taeyeon was back, not only did I have two enemies to deal with.

Taeyeon was going to be hard to avoid. It wasnâ??t like I could stay in my room. Now that winter break is over I had to go back to school and learn.

The whole day I spent on avoiding any form of contact or run-ins with her. It wasnâ??t like I could transfer out of our classes together because believe me I tried but I was turned down every time.

It was hard to though, I swear Taeyeon seemed like she had gotten prettier since coming back. She was definitely more feminine and had an elegant aura to her.

â??Stop it, move on Jessica. Taeyeon is the past. She broke youâ??re heart by leaving you without a care in the world and now itâ??s time to focus back to what is important. School, so I can get out of this place and live far away from Kim Taeyeonâ?Â

â??Jessica, youâ??re tutor has arrivedâ? one of the servants stated

â??Already, but I thought I had an hourâ? I questioned

â??She apologized but she said that she had nothing to do and so decided to arrive early. But if you donâ??t want to start she said she said she would just wait outside till thanâ?Â

â??Outside, tell her to wait and Iâ??ll be down in five minutesâ? I sighed not excited at the fact I had a tutor, a tutor having a tutoring. Does it make sense?

I walked down in a pair of shorts and a white tank top not caring how I looked in front of the girl. I finally landed onto the main floor and made my way to the library which was one of my favourite places in the house. Not only was it large to a point you could get lost in it but it was full of books, from encyclopediaâ??s to poetry, plays, novel and even Bibles. Everything was inside that room, everything that I loved and held dear to my heart.

I pushed through the door as I now saw my tutor smile at me with a dorky grin

â??Surpriseâ? she had an uneasy expression

â??Taeyeonâ? my expression turned stone cold

Taeyeonâ??s Pov

It was now one week since I had took on the task of tutoring Jessica, I knew she was upsetâ?¦really upset

â??get outâ? she screamed as she chucked her textbooks at m â??did you plan thisâ?Â

â??No, itâ??s just happened I was offered a job and the next thing I know I am hereâ? I looked at her sympathetically

â??Well you can go I donâ??t need you, so quit and get out of my lifeâ?Â

â??Jessica she is staying!!!â? a voiced boomed into the room. Both Jessica and I looked over to see her father standing there with a harsh look.â??she is a perfect tutor. I heard she is the new no.1 in youâ??re schoolâ?Â

â??She is only no.1 now because I failed one of my final examsâ?Âshe exclaimed and looked away â??And also because I am her tutorâ? she added, hoping her father wouldnâ??t do this to her

â??True but now she is going to teach you, so now youâ??ve guys have come full circleâ? he laughed and began to walk out of the library.

â??Tutor Kim are you not going to eat youâ??re sandwichâ? one of the servants asked me. I looked from across the room at Jessica who was biting into hers as she looked down at her text book.

â??I wish I could but as you look over thereâ? I pointed to the chalkboard that hung off one of the support beams â??It forbids me to pass the taped area that Jessica resides inâ? I sighed heavily as I watched Jessica stuff her face full of that delicious sandwich that was made for her. I watched mine as it sat there in front of Jessica taunting me with all its juiciness.

I licked my lips and looked away concentrating back to my studies. So far I wasnâ??t making any progress. I wasnâ??t even tutoring Jessica, we were just together alone, studying; one on one side while the other was onâ?¦the other.

â??Taeyeonâ? Yuri said my name as we both sat down eating our big American lunch.

â??Whatâ? I asked as I took a French fry into my hand and bit down onto it â??If its about Yeon Hee and you I donâ??t want to be talking about it. Catching you both together was enoughâ?Â

â??No, itâ??s about another girl important to usâ?¦Jessicaâ? I turned my head staring at her

â??Yuri, I am keeping my promise I made to youâ? I stared, I saw her eyes look toward me

â??I want you to break it, itâ??s a stupid promise and I regret ever making you make it. I was hurt at the time and upset. But when you left, everything had fallen apart. Jessica and I broke up that night; it was hard to let her go. Iâ??ve been holding onto her for years.â? she paused â??At the moment I didnâ??t realize how selfish I was, it was both stupid both Jessica and I to think we could gain back what we had. Too much happened in the past and it was obvious we hadnâ??t counted on the fact that we had started to move onâ?Â

â??Jessica will stay my friendâ? I restated â??Donâ??t worryâ?Â

â??Taeyeon donâ??t be stubborn, please. Do it for yourself and for Jessica. It was hard enough to get my heart broken but its still breaking every moment I see Jessica sad because she is thinking of you. When you left she was devastated and it about ruined her for most of the break. She was so depressed, wondering if you were okay and safe. The next moment she would hate you wondering why you left her without any word or notice.â?Â

I stared at Yuri silently; it was difficult to listen to it. Was she really telling me to break a promise? Was she allowing me to go ahead and be with Jessica...but even so Jessica is the person who has the power, she was the person I needed permission from the most

In order to change the subject I decided to catch Yuri off guard

â??What are you doing with Yeon Hee than, if you still care about Jessica so much?â? I heard her choke back on her drink as I asked her that question

â??Umâ?¦ummâ? she suddenly was eating again stuffing her mouth with food. I got up with my face turning red. I began to scrunch up the napkin and charge after her

â??Kwon Yuriâ? I screamed

I sat there waiting for Jessica to arrive for a tutor session but it was hitting an hour and frankly it was obvious that Jessica wouldnâ??t be making an appearance tonight. So I got up and gathered my things I was about to leave when I saw Mr. Jung enter the room looking scary and large as usually.

â??Hello Mr. Jungâ? I bowed as I stood facing him

â??Hello Taeyeonâ? bowing back â??Are you going to leaveâ? he asked

â??Yes, I think maybe you should find a new tutor for her. Itâ??s not really working outâ? I confessed â??I donâ??t want to get paid for something that isnâ??t really workingâ? I side stepped my way and kept my head down in apology as I was heading straight to the door

â??Taeyeon I didnâ??t really hire you to be her tutor, Jessica is perfectly capable of remaining a top student on her own hard work and skill.â? He was not talking with a calmer voice â??I hired you toâ?¦make Jessica happyâ? he stated. I looked at him a minute, was he saying what I think he was saying.

â??What do you mean, so you didnâ??t hire me for my newly found brain, but for my looks?â? I was lost, as I saw him burst out laughing. It was odd to see Mr. Jung laughing to save his life. He never seemed like he could laugh, he was like Jessica giving out glares or content facial expressions.

â??See that is the reason why Jessica adores you so much. You make her laugh and you even make me laughâ? he said â??So please stay and make her happy again, Jessica is stubborn but she will move past it and will begin to get used to you being around. All I need you to do is be there, donâ??t go. Just stay where you are and she will come back to youâ? he than walked away leaving me alone in the library to think

I sat there for a while thinking of what I should do but soon after found myself taking out my books and beginning to read. And in about 30 minutes Jessica had finally arrived, she was in a pair of jeans and a grey t-shirt wearing a baseball cap. She bit into her apple as she stood beside the table and me

â??Go over to youâ??re sideâ? she stated as she slammed down her books on the long table

â??No can do, itâ??s not in the rulesâ? I pointed to the chalkboard

She looked over and her mouth dropped open wide as she saw what was written on it now.

Taeyeon can sit anywhere she wants

Was what the sign said; I smirked as I saw her face begin to rage

â??Who said you could touch my board, my chalkâ?¦my chalk boardâ? she was angry

â??What do you mean; I thought you put it on there because I didnâ??t. How can I when itâ??s all the way up there and I am like 4 ft tall and down here. I am just a little kid Jessicaâ? I was trying to hold in my laughter and joy at seeing her glare at me.

â??Fine, whatever youâ??re doing wonâ??t work on meâ? she said and began to pick up her books. But what Jessica didnâ??t count on was me; I was finally going to go after what I wanted.

â??Nope itâ??s time to studyâ? I stated as I grabbed onto her arm and yanked her down into her seat. â??Youâ??re sitting beside me from now on. Itâ??s best for us to study like this so I can better help you. Though I know that you prefer to look at me and sneak peeks at me from across the room, I figure why not allow you to get a close up of me, you can even see my poresâ? I turned and smiled at her.

I tried not to laugh at seeing her face turning black and blue as I pushed her chair closer to me.

â??Itâ??s going to be a great winter termâ? I smiled cheekily to her

â??Jessica who wears a baseball hat inside, itâ??s like wearing sunglasses inside and in the dark, where is sense. Youâ??ve really let yourself goâ?Â

Next Dayâ?¦

â??What is thatâ? she asked as it was now 1 hour and 40 minutes into our studying together

â??Itâ??s a box full of crap. Itâ??s for you if you must knowâ? I smiled

â??Why would I want a box full of crapâ? she stated turning to me with her razor like stare

â??Who doesnâ??t want a box of crapâ? I pushed my chair back â??Especially from me?â? I gathered my things and was getting ready to end our session

â??Where are you goingâ? she asked

â??Going back to the loft, I promised Boa and Oppa I would be home to help make some fresh pasta.â?Â

â??The loft?! You donâ??t live at home anymore?â? she looked at me

â??Yes, a lot of things have changed Jessicaâ? I stated hoping she would realize that Iâ??ve changed and I am a different person than I was before.

I continued to leave but turned around just before pushing out the door â??Donâ??t forget about my box of crapâ? I waved goodbye


â??Jessica we have another session together after school but itâ??s at the loft, Iâ??ll wait for you by youâ??re locker okay and we can go togetherâ?Â

I stated as the whole class was preparing to go for next period. She continued to ignore me. She was still mad and I understood, just because I was continuing on acting as if nothing happened and I was being friendly again didnâ??t change what I did

I never meant to leave, but I had to, not being able to be with her was becoming too much, it was too overwhelming the second she told me she liked me and felt the way I feltâ?¦I did what any coward would do I ran away instead of actually confronting the issue. I brought my best friend along for the ride, using Tiffany to hide my pain. I spent a whole month touring all over Europe, seeing new people and new cultures outside of South Korea and Asia and it was perfect and great in idea. But the truth is the whole time I was thinking of Jessicaâ?¦I often times when I dialed her number but would quickly hang up the second I heard her voice.

I wanted to tell her I was in as much pain as she was and apologize for not saying goodbye.

I sat there staring at my watch, it was coming up at almost 5 oâ??clock and Jessica had yet to show up. I knew I should have given up a long time ago, but I figured if she wants me to wait, I will wait.

Jessicaâ??s Pov

I stared at the mirror and wiped the steam from it, I looked at my face and saw the large bags underneath it. I thought I would be over it by now, over her. But it was hard; now that she had come back from her winter break I loved her even more the second I saw her smile at me.

Now that she was my tutor it was getting harder day by day to not feel the way I do, everytime I was next to her I peeked through the corner of my eye and prayed she didnâ??t catch me stare at her. I prayed that she couldnâ??t listen to how hard my heart beat for her when I felt her body brush up against mine.

All I wanted to do was kiss her, touch her lips against mine and press hard so we could still taste each other long after our lips parted. I never want to be apart from her again, Taeyeon leaving made me realize it was more then just likeâ?¦it was love.

My face felt flushed as I pressed my hands against my cheeks, I wrapped the towel around my body and walked out. Once I was back in my room and fully dried I immediately disrobed and stared at the clock again

â??Taeyeon she would be back at the loft, she wouldnâ??t wait for meâ? I stated.

I turned toward my closet and began to pick out clothes when I noticed the box that Taeyeon gave me. It made me chuckle because she really did write the words a box of crap on it. I pulled out a long black sweater and a pair of shorts to wear. As I turned my eyes once again got the clock it was hitting upon 6:30 now and for some reason I knew something was wrong. I went back toward my closet and took out a pair of jeans and grabbed the box out of my closet.

â??Taeyeon youâ??re stupid for waitingâ? I sighed and ran down to the garage to fetch the driver.

Taeyeonâ??s Pov

I walked out dragging my back it was 7 oâ??clock and Jessica never showed, maybe she really didnâ??t care anymore. But that couldnâ??t be right, I know deep down she still felt something for me.

I swear I caught her stare at me as we worked on our calculus together. I swear I heard her heart beat loudly when I our arms grazed against each other.

I wrapped the scarf around my neck tighter; the cool night air was beginning to get to me. My limps were beginning to ache due to the ice chill of winter. I sat my butt down onto the freezing bench waiting for the next bus to arrive, Boa and Oppa were going to be mad. They had expected to come home to see Jessica and me together studying.

Boa had been calling my cell over and over but I didnâ??t want to pick up, my mind was only on Jessica, everyone would have to wait.

â??Taeyeonâ? I heard a voice call out to me, I lifted my head and stared straight at Jessica, my heart stopped and felt my body slowly rise up to stand up straight.

â??You can sit down, this wonâ??t be longâ? she said, her eyes shifted then looked upward at me â??I want you to quit as my tutor and leave me aloneâ? she paused; I could tell she was struggling to get the words out.

My eyes began to water as I heard her speak. Why was she doing this, why could I be strong enough to just run up and grab her in my arms and kiss her.

â??Leave me alone, we are nothing to each otherâ? she turned around and stood there. I stepped toward her. But I saw her leaning into the limo. She had turned and was holding up the box I had given her.

It was obvious that she hadnâ??t looked inside the box or maybe she had and maybe it wasnâ??t enough to win her back. I knew it was a stupid idea. I bowed my head and walked slowly toward her. Every second I came closer to her my heart beat faster and every minute that went by my eyes never looked away from her.

We stood there face to face staring at each other; I raised my hands toward her, grabbing a hold of the box. I glanced down at it, finally breaking my gaze at Jessica; pulling it out of her hand and walking back to the bench carrying the large box.

I felt her stare long at me as I looked down at I let a tear fall on it, I quickly lifted it up over my head ready to throw it into the trash can but was stopped

â??What are you doingâ? I heard her voice. I looked up and stared at the box and closed my eyes.

â??You want me out of youâ??re life, so there is no use for the box anymoreâ? I said

â??Whatâ??s it inâ? she asked me. I looked at her eyes, my eyes were beginning to redden and water

â??Itâ??s not important anymore. Just go home, it is cold and getting late. I donâ??t want you to catch a coldâ? I said lowly as I struggled to even hold up the box, I was weak and tired. I was upset that Jessica didnâ??t even look inside the box.

â??I donâ??t think you want to do thatâ? I heard her say. I quickly looked toward her. My eyes widen as I saw a smirk appearing on her face.

My hands loss a hold of the box and I felt it slammed down onto my head.

â??Ouchâ? I screamed as I collapsed onto the cold wet ground holding my head.

â??Taeyeonâ? she yelped and ran toward me

I felt the warmth of her arms around me as she pushed my head onto her chest; she began to rub my head where the box fell onto me. I looked over to see a bowling ball roll out from it. I lifted my head and stared up at her she still was smiling but looked at me with a red face seeming a little guilty.

â??Yah! You hit me with a bowling ballâ? I stated pointing to it

â??What?! No! You dropped a bowling ball onto youâ??re headâ? she spat back

â??A bowling ball you put into my box of crapâ? I fired back

She laughed as I gave her a look; she leaned in and pecked me on the cheek. â??Taeyeon thank you for that letters and notes, thank you for youâ??re box full of crapâ? she laughed lightly.

I wasnâ??t sure what to do at the moment so I leaned in closer taking one last deep breath before pushing my lips forward; I was trying to catch a hold of her soft pink lips but was stopped by her finger.

â??Just because I forgive you doesnâ??t mean a thingâ? she started to get up, letting me fall to the ground as I had been leaning onto her for support.

She thrust her hand out and began to help me up till I was standing straight up. I felt her hot breath hit my face. I was trying everything in my power to not grab onto her and just kiss her instead I continued on listening to her

"3 months Boaâ? I was walking up and down the kitchen of the loft. She stood there leaning onto the counter trying not to laugh at me. â??Not funny Boaâ? I looked at her with a sad face

â??Sorry but hard not to laugh when youâ??re love life is a roller coasterâ? she began to slam her hand against the counter â??I should place bets, I bet I can make a lot of moneyâ? she winked

â??No! Donâ??t you even try it! Besides Jessica and I agree, while I am going through my probation period" I frowned "We both think its best if thisâ?¦whatever we have is kept between usâ?¦and now you, so you canâ??t tell anyone or elseâ? I warned her shooting up a two fingers and threatening her I was watching her.

â??Probation is that what Jessica is calling itâ?¦you both arenâ??t going to last. I donâ??t see why you just don't get together alreadyâ? Boa stared

â??I said that as well but Jessica was said I had to prove myself again to her, as well she said it was my punishmentâ? I pouted, Boa burst out even more and stated to walk to the couch

â??She has you whipped and youâ??re not even official yet. Taeyeonâ?¦youâ??re whippedâ? Boa nodding her head as she turned on the t.v.

â??Iâ??m not whippedâ? I urged Boa to believe

â??Believe what you want but Jessica has you whipped andâ?¦you like it?â? Boa laughed hard on the couch.

â??I AM NOT WHIPPEDâ? I walked into my bed and slid shut the door. â??Damn it why canâ??t I slam the door anymore. Damn you walk-in closet.â? I screamed only hearing Boaâ??s laughter


3 and half months later...

There was a sudden scandal going around in school

The headline: Senior Student Council Members Romance?

Tag: Is President Jung dating Vice President Choi

I cringed as I stared down at the school newspaper's front page.

"She better not be..." I sighed and crumbled up the paper and threw it in the trash.

"Hey I wanted to read that" Soo Young came up from behind. I turned to look at her with a sour glare "Whoa not dealing well with all of these Jessica and Siwon rumours" she backed off with her hands up

"Whatever" I turned away ready to head to my next period

"Come on Taengo you honestly believe what you're reading?" she asked

"I don't know...not anymore" I stated and started to walk away but was suddenly stopped in my tracks as I watched both Jessica and Siwon walking together laughing comfortablely like a couple would do.

I looked away and began walking the opposite way, hoping to avoid a run in but that was too late.

"Taeyeon" Jessica was calling out for me. I was seriously debating whether to do the proper thing and acknowledge the two of them or be a coward and pretend as if I didn't hear anything at all.

"Chicken it is" I whispered to myself and continued on walking.

For a second there I thought I was free but I unexpectedly felt a hand grab onto mine. I turned to see who it was, I was all prepared to scowl and yell at them but when I saw it was Jessica who was standing there looking at me with concern. I found my expression softening up as I stood there looking at her as she held my hand tightly.

"Didn't you hear me?" she looked sadden but was hiding it well under her void stare.

"You did? Oh sorry I guess I didn't" I lied moving my eyes so it now stared to the scenery outside the clear glass windows

"Oh good, Jessica got a hold of you" I heard as Siwon was lightly jogging up towards us. Jessica immediately let go of my hand and tucked her arms behind her back. Was she being shy? Was it because Siwon was standing in front of us

"I have to go" I stated

"Oh I am sorry for interrupting you but this will only take a few minutes. I have a huge favour to ask, well we both do" Siwon looked over at Jessica, the two smiled so lovingly at each other.

At that moment I pictured myself smacking the both of them. I hate it when I am jealous.

"What is it" I urged wanting to just go. Definitely not in the mood to watch the supposed couple together stare into each others eyes

"Um yes...I was...I mean we" the two giggled

"We? What!" I barked out as I stared at the two who went quiet

"I am sorry...I was wondering if you don't mind helping us out for the teacher awards day. We need a good cook to head our student cooking team and Jessica told the council that you were amazing. So..." He looked at me with a sweet and charming expression

"Yea sure, I'll help" I stated and walked away "Email me or send one of you're student council henchman when you want to meet" I waved not looking back

"Jessica how could you...is that the reason why you ended our deal...

1 month and a half ago...

"Taeyeon I am ending the whole punishment or probation idea"

"What are you serious" I jumped in happiness. Finally Jessica and I could be together, I was so relieved after months of waiting. I didn't know if I was going to make it, I know it was so close to ending but day by day being not to kiss Jessica or hold her was hard. I was truly happy for that mere second of having the thought that Jessica and I would finally pursue a relationship together

"But..." she interrupted me "There is more" she looked sad

"School is getting busier and tougher for me right now. And I decided I need to focus on it more so...I've decided that being in a relationship is something that will cause me to stray so in order to avoid that~."

"Oh so you want to forget about everything...you want to forget about us?" I looked at her, tears were beginning to fall

"No, I want us...just not right now." Jessica staring at me

"Because you need to focus on more important things" I callously stated as my expression became a harden one

"I get it, and I understand. No need to explain" I watched as she moved toward me reaching out to comfort me.

"No, don't! I don't know why I am crying right now, it's not like we were even together. We just had feelings right? It was not like we were dating or even girlfriends. I'll get over it" I smiled and walked away

"Taeyeon-ah you're taking it the wrong way. Allow me to explain!" she yelled at me. I turned one last time

"Jessica talk to me when you have time for less important things" I was being unsympathetic to her when I should have been the most sympathetic to her.

I knew it was hard for her to, I knew she loved me deeply the way I loved her to. Just I was angered and upset at the fact that she made me wait a month and so weeks and in the end only to be...broken up with, if I could even call it that?

It was karma I guess, I hurt her and now she hurt me.

"Give me more' I slammed my cup on the counter

"NO" Soo Young and Boa both stated

"Why not" I yelled

"Because you've already drank 1 litre and a half already" Soo Young scolded.

"And as you drink more you're getting worse it is not helping you like it used to" Boa said

"Taeyeon don't be upset over the rumours, I am going to help you like you're helping me with Tiffany. I am going to help you steal Jessica back from Siwon" Soo Young stated

I stared at her with eyes wide open "So the rumour is true they are dating" I quickly grabbed the bottle and started to drink out of it

"No I don't know just going by the rumours" Soo Young backtracked "I doubt it Taeyeon, I know Sica still loves you. She tells me all the time when Yuri and I hang out with her"

"If she is so in love with me how come she ended us like that? How come doesn't talk to me anymore or look at me" I yelled out

"Because what you said to her hurt her a lot, she cried for a whole week" Soo Young revealed

"Really?" I began to guzzle the drink

"I swear someone has to lock you two up in a room for a whole night in order for you two to stop being stubborn when it comes to each other. It's clear she still wants to be with you, just going by what Soo Young said alone" Boa lectured, I stared at her and my heart was breaking more.

"Taeyeon give me back the bottle" Boa and Soo Young reached out to grab it but I was too quick and pulled away which caused them to both fall.

"I am never going to buy iced tea again" Boa grumbled as she sat on the floor looking straight at Soo Young who nodded in agreement

The next day...

The bell had rung and it meant another day was done and over with. I was told by a letter that I had found in my locker. I held onto it tightly as I knew that Jessica must of slipped it in during the changing of periods. I knew it was her because it not only had her handwriting but also the piece of paper smelt like her.

I pushed through the lunch room's kitchen door and right away spotted the group who had all volunteered to help with this year's teacher's award ceremony. I didn't recognize anyone. But suddenly out of no where I saw Tiffany and Soo Young waving me over to go stand with them.

As I approached in their direction once again I was being pulled in another. I looked to see Jessica had looped her arm into mine as was now pulling my body to stand in the center with her along with Siwon.

"Welcome everyone. Both V.P. Siwon and I would like to thank everyone for coming out and helping us in honouring our schools great teaching staff"

Everyone clapped there hands, but I was still staring at the arm that was still looped in with mine. As Siwon decided to take over and explain to us what was going to happen and how it was going to work, I once and a while would catch Jessica glance over at me. I would then usually look away.

I still very much was in love with her, and I knew helping out with this ceremony was only going to make it much harder for me. Considering I would end up working closely with her again.

"Kim Taeyeon is going to be in charge of cooking the dinner for the event" I just clued back into the meeting. I looked up and saw everyone clapping their hands smiling at me. in the back I saw Soo Young and Tiffany cheering, they were trying real hard to embarrass me and it was working. My face was turning bright red, I could feel the heat.

"So I want everyone to get to know each other, next meeting we will appoint tasks and get everything started to prepare for what is happening in less then two weeks time" Jessica stated as everyone began to disperse.

I looked around and saw my two friends waiting for me to come walk with them but I was still connected to Jessica

"You can let go" I said turning to her

"Not yet I just want to tell you thanks for helping. I hope it's okay" She looked shyly at me

"Yea sure." I wanted to keep our interaction short


"No, not yet....um I also need to meet up with you because we need to go over the menu and supplies" she bit down on the corner of her lip nervously

"Okay, I got it. Just slip me a note in the locker when you want to do all of this" I said as I released myself from the hold.

"Taeyeon" she said

"Jessica, look lets not do this. Not here and not right now" I said and walked away.

"OW" I said as I felt Boa hitting me

"What are you doing, why are you acting this way. Jessica still loves you"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh stop playing dumb, you're acting like such a jerk to her. Jessica is obviously trying to reach out to you again by asking you to help her with this" I stared blankly at her

I arrived at school late once again; it was all due to Boa keeping later than usually at home. She was giving me one of her long lectures about how stupid and stubborn I am being about Jessica.

As I headed straight to my locker I watched as I saw Jessica placing another note in.

"Jessica" I call out her name, she stopped and turned, her face was red.

"Ah Taeyeon" she looked at me with a faint smile

"I can take the note" I said as I approached her, she handed the letter to me and quickly walked away.

The bell had rung to mark the end of another school day. I made my way toward my locker quickly to place my knapsack inside. I was only bringing a notebook and a pen to jot down ideas.

Arriving at the Library however was busier then expected. It had seemed as small crowd which was building by the second was building. Not interested at all I looked around the libraru to see where Jessica might be.

Fighting my way through the crowd of fanboys and fangirls it was evident they were talking about both none other then Jessica and Siwon who were sitting beside each other laughing.

Inside a ball full of anger rose inside as I stared at the two. I quickly went back out of the crowd and began to jot down on a piece of recycled paper.

I sternly walked over to where Jessica and Siwon were sitting and slammed the piece of paper down in front of them causing the two to jump back. Jessica looked at me worried about my mood

"Here is the menu and the budget I need to go and buy the food." I stated trying to keep my anger and jealously down. "I will make sure everything arrives on time so all you need to worry about is the staff other then that I can handle the rest, okay?" I stormed off

"Taeyeon" I heard her yell out but I kept on walking not caring at all.

"Taeyeon why are you so angry" she said as I heard her catching up. I quickly turned and looked at her with red eyes

"Go back to you're boyfriend and just leave me alone" I yelled out


The day of the Teacher Awards Ceremony

Taeyeon why do you have to be so stubborn? why won't you let me explain to you my reasoning? why must you make fast assumptions about everything? Why won't you let me love you.

I watched Taeyeon as she hurriedly continued on making the hundreds of meals for tonights events. We've been preparing for almost two weeks for this event. Everything seemed so far to go off without a hitch, thank goodness for that. But in reality for me everything was falling apart.

I had an alterior motive to ask Taeyeon which also cause Siwon to agree to this to allow her to be the head cook for this event. I wanted for her to realize I never wanted to end our relationship, just put it on pause for a bit.

I had gotten a letter stating that the University of Harvard was interested in me and were willing to grant me an interview which meant an early acceptance in their Law program. I couldn't let myself pass that up. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to be a lawyer and work internationally helping the less fortunate.

"Can you move" I heard a voice interrupt my thoughts. I looked to see Taeyeon looking at me, she was still mad. But she honestly had no reason to be, she should know I have no interest in Siwon.

Sure the rumour about us was true, he did ask me out and I did tell him no. not only was I not interested but I didn't want to hurt the person I was in love with, the only person I see, Taeyeon. Except the girl was being stubborn and not giving me a chance.

"Why do you act like such a guy" I mumbled as I walked away from Taeyeon.

"You look nice today by the way" I heard her say, I stopped and turned in shock. She blushed at me and then turned away

"Taeyeon" I wanted to just tell her sorry

"Let's not do this right now, let's just make sure the event goes without a hitch" she said and gave me a quick grin.

I was confused now, so many mixed messages with you. Up and down, I don't get you Taeyeon and I am not sure if I'm going to ever.

I walked away; I remember needing to make sure all the name cards were all set out.

"Soo Young" I called out for as I entered the main dining hall. She was sitting at one of the tables beside Tiffany. The two were giggling and laughing. I was sure happy to see Soo Young happy again.

"Yes Jessica" she looked up and smiled.

"Hey you two, how is it going" the two were making up the place settings for each dinner table.

"Good, and you" Tiffany asked

"I'm okay, just nervous"

"Well sit and talk with us" Soo Young yanked me down beside her

"Umm, I can't stay long" I replied

"I know but we feel we barely see you anymore. You're always with you're student council friends" Soo Young stated

"I must say it's weird not seeing you and Taeyeon bicker at each other or get in detention anymore" Tiffany laughed

"Thanks guys" I glared "I do miss those times." I smiled inside as I remembered all the fights Taeyeon and I have. "

But I am sorry, I'll try to hang out with you both more" I stated. The two just smiled.

"I should go, lots of things to do" I said getting up from the seat

"Ok, see you around" Tiffany said as she struggled to get the flower to sit how she wanted to properly

"Let's hope nothing goes off without a hitch" Soo Young said as she winked at me.

I stared at her as she was now teasing Tiffany who was pouting at her. Was she warning me about something? I was so confused now.

2 hours to the event...

Taeyeon's Pov

"Soo Young are you sure this is where the napkins and utensils are?" I called out to her, Soo Young said she needed my help bringing out extra items for the award ceremony.

"Yes, umm Taeyeon you go ahead. I remember I forgot something. I promise I'll be right back" Soo Young said

I walked down the steps where it led to the basement of the school.

"Why would they put them there and not into one of the supply closets" I said as I opened the door.

"I don't see anything" I said as I looked around to a very vacant basement

"Taeyeon is that you" I heard out of nowhere, suddenly Jessica quickly stepped forward and was running toward me screaming

"Jessica" I questioned as I stepped to her

"Noooooo!" she yelled

"What is wrong" I asked concerned

"I was going to say don't let the door shut because it locks automatically from both sides and the only time you can open it is if you have the key, which only the janitor has"

All you could hear was the door shut


"Oh...what?!" I screamed running at the door trying to open it

"That won't work Taeyeon, believe me...I've tried. I've been trying for almost half an hour now" she said as she walked away

"What you been stuck down here for that long? Why didn you tell me?"

"Okay good idea let me go run out the door and tell you I am stuck in the basement...wait...I forgot I am stuck in the basement" she glared at me

"I know that but you have you're cell phone right?" I took out mine

"Taeyeon it doesn't work you can't get a signal down here" she crossed her arm and sat on top of some boxes

I looked over at her and then stared at the door and back at Jessica who looked absolutely mesmerizing in black dress.

"Hah" I clapped my hands together "We won't have to wait Soo Young knows I am down here"

"Soo Young knows I am down here to, she is the reason I am down here and is the reason why you are down here"

"And why we are stuck" I looked down at Jessica

Tiffany's Pov

"Here all done" I smiled at Soo Young, she looked up and smiled back. Every day now I realized how much Soo Young was always there for, she was and truly has become one of the best friends

"What's in here" I asked looking at her

"Ah napkins and utensils" she started to laugh for some reason

"Anyways lets keep working" Soo Young grabbing my arm

Back at the basement...

"Why do you think she did this" I asked Jessica who sat there staring at the wall

"Why else Taeyeon" she looked over at me

"Did she think that we were going...make up" I laughed but stopped as soon as I saw Jessica's eyes look down to the floor

"It's not funny" she stated as she stood up on her feet

"I know I am sorry. I didn't mean to be insensitive" I looked away stretching my arms out and deciding to sit against the wall

"Do you know what time it is?" I looked down at my watch and saw that the we had an hour and half left till the ceremony started

"I can't believe this, what am I going to do. This is going to be a disaster" she placed her hands to her face in frustration. "All of the hard gone, this was so important to me"

"It will be okay, Siwon can handle it. The only think I am worried about is the food. I am not sure if any of the staff still know what they are doing. Luckily I made sure I got most of the main dishes all prepared for and made a layout on how to make them." I looked at her trying to comfort her


Back at the hall...

"Where the heck is Jessica" Siwon yelled in anger "She is the host for the event and she still has yet to arrive" the charming boy yelled

"She knows how important tonight is and she is no where to be seen. Come on everyone time to start a search party to find her." He ordered.

He unexpectedly heard his cell phone go off, the boy had hoped it was bringing him good news instead it was far worse if not just as bad

"Taeyeon is M.I.A" he yelled out "What the heck is going on" he threw his phone onto the ground

Overhearing what Siwon was saying Soo Young smirked mischievously

"Soo Young am I the one who is doing all the work, stop standing there" Tiffany barked orders to Soo Young who obeyed immediately as she giggled

1 hour to go...

"I am sorry for everything. I haven't been the best person to you. I just want you to know I regret every single minute of it" Taeyeon said as she sat up against the wall

"It's okay Taeyeon nothing we can change now" I smiled at her, of course I would.

"Taeyeon" I said but was interrupted

"You look good" she looked at me from across the room. I looked into her eyes and felt my face blush again

"Thanks, but doesn't really matter anymore" I said as I took out a pin that held my hair up

"I like you're hair when it's down" she shyly turned away from me

I felt a shiver go down my body as I could feel the damp air. I quickly imagined Taeyeon wrapping her arms around me and holding me right now in order to keep me warm.

"Are you cold" Taeyeon stared at me with her wide eyes

"No" I lied. I suddenly felt something being placed around me. I looked to see it was Taeyeon's cardigan. I stared down at it and immediately took it off

"I don't want it" I coldly stated and walked away

Back at the hall...

"She is not picking up" Siwon yelled at his phone

"Who isn't" Tiffany asking

"Jessica, she isn't here...we are hosting the event and she has yet to show her face. The guests are already here" I loudly stated

"What are you serious? Jessica knows better"

"I know she knows better that's why I've sent people to go look for her. I was told the last time anyone saw her was almost three hours ago" he stared at Tiffany

"3 hours? And she had yet to show up again. Something bad must of happen"

"I know. I don't know what we are going to do, we have barely 30 minutes to show and we don't have our main host with us"

Instantly Tiffany got an idea she looked at Soo Young who was straightening out her hair

"Why don't you let Soo Young help you? She is great at hosting, she is good at thinking on her feet. She is very out going and funny. She even has past experience working as an M.C. I will go look for Jessica, but for now why don't you let Soo Young help" she suggested

Siwon looked reluctant but surprisingly shook his head in agreement.

"She better be a quick learner"

20 minutes to go...

"What do you mean you don't want it? Take it you're cold" the tiny girl in only a white tshirt and a pair of jeans said

"I don't want it" Jessica replied upset

"Why not you're cold you keep rubbing her arms" Taeyeon getting annoyed at Jessica's stubbornness

"Because I just don't want it" Jessica walking away from Taeyeon, "If you don't see what I really want then there was no point for us to begin with"

Taeyeon backed away then turned to Jessica opening her mouth and closing her mouth again.

"Ugh!!!!" she stomped her feet against the floor "I don't get you anymore"

Back at the hall...

Tiffany entered the kitchen hoping to talk to Taeyeon, if anyone at least knew something it would be her. Despite Tiffany knowing full well that the two were not on speaking terms again she knew that both girls still paid enough attention to each other to know each other's business.

Tiffany though would never admit to being happy about the two being on the outs again, still felt guilty she didn't like seeing her best friend so sad along with the girl she has had her heart set on. But it made her more at ease knowing that the two weren't friends for now at least, tiffany looked around the kitchen and saw most of the staff scrambling to get everything together

"What's going on, where is Taeyeon?" Tiffany asked

"We don't know. She went missing almost two hours ago" one of the boy's said as he held up a knife

What Taeyeon is gone to? No this isn't just a coincidence something else must be going on, there is no way those two...those two would just suddenly skip out. Especially around the same time.

"I have to find both of them quick or else I may live to regret it" Tiffany sighed and ran out

10 minutes...

"The floor is dirty and cold. Why are you laying on it" Jessica stared down at Taeyeon who laid flat onto the cement floor

"Cause I figure since I might be here for a while, I might as well get some sleep" Taeyeon glaring at Jessica

Jessica continued to rub her arms, she was beginning to freeze, maybe she should have said yes to Taeyeon's cardigan.

"Just admit you were wrong in refusing my sweater" Taeyeon suddenly appearing behind Jessica. She unexpectedly wrapped her arms around Jessica. Jessica turned to face Taeyeon who gazed at the princess

"Is this what you wanted me to do" Jessica then felt Taeyeon's arms tighten her arms around Jessica. The two stood together alone in the basement holding onto each other.

"What took you so long" Jessica whined

Tiffany's Pov

"Where are they, I can't get a hold of either of them" Tiffany was getting a bad feeling. She saw that the show was going to begin in about 5 minutes and though she knew she was going to regret what she was about to do next, she just had to. She had to stop them...she would do anything to stop them.

Hey I found the two Jessica and Taeyeon. You should tell Siwon to relax now

It was barely a minute later when Tiffany got a reply

What?! How did you find them, they were in the basement.

"Gotcha" Tiffany let out and started to toward the basement to stop anything from happening.

"Taeyeon you should have let me explain, I never wanted to break off anything with you. It's just..."

"It's okay. I am sorry for being a jerk and letting my emotions get the better of me. it's just I've never experience or felt this way before. Everything is sort of new to me. So I've become a lot more sensitive to things"

The two stared at each other, Jessica finally feeling relief hit her heart as she knew she finally had Taeyeon and there was nothing that could stand in there way.

"Taeyeon" Jessica narrowing her gaze at Taeyeon's soft lips, she began to lean in as was Taeyeon. The two girls felt the heat shared between them as they were now finally waving their white flags and admitting to each other how much they were in love

"Taeyeon-ah" A voice shook the two girls from the trance and they both were staring at Tiffany who had appeared holding the door open with the janitor at hand

The two immediately broke away. Shyly avoiding eye contact with each other

"Thanks for the cardigan...um thanks Tiffany for finding us" Jessica stated as she put on Taeyeon's sweater. She quickly walked up the steps making her way to the hall.

"No problem Jessica" Taeyeon waved goodbye and quickly followed suit. But instead of the hall she headed to the kitchen. She had food to cook and Taeyeon knew that the kitchen staff must be freaking out by now.

The night went without a hitch, the ceremony ended at 10 pm at night. Most of the teachers were filing out to leave while the student volunteers and other staff members were now cleaning up the mess that was being left behind.

When Jessica got back to the hall she allowed Soo Young to continue on hosting, she didn't mind at all because Soo Young seemed so comfortable and relaxed and judging by the audience, she was taking them by storm with her lively and comedic nature.

The night surprisingly went off without a hitch despite all of the drama happening before. Taeyeon was in charge of the kitchen staff and that meant in charge of the maintenance of it to. It was hitting upon midnight and most of her staff seemed to be tired. So she told them to go home and she would take care of the rest.

It took a lot of convincing but she finally got them to go. Taeyeon didn't mind at all staying later by herself to clean up the mess. Most of it was already done, she only be there for an extra 15 minutes.

As Taeyeon carried the bags of trash to the dumpster, she couldn't help stop and thinking of the moment where her and Jessica were about to finally kiss each other. She turned red as she touched her lips.

Jessica was saying goodbye to everyone as they had left in their cars or had been picked up by their parents. Jessica saw her driver standing under an umbrella waving to her. She looked around and saw that Taeyeon had no where to be seen. The two had avoided each other during the whole ceremony; Jessica was too embarrassed by the incident that almost occurred in the basement.

Jessica soon found herself blush as she pictured Taeyeon leaning inward to kiss her on her lips.

"Ehhhh. Where are you Taeyeon-ah" she sighed. She decided she would wait.

Taeyeon was obvious the last to leave the building, judging by the vacant lot Taeyeon cursed once she got outside seeing that it was pouring out. Taeyeon was left with the option of driving her scooter that Boa gave her home. In the rain with nothing to cover her at all, she was drenched to a point that she would most likely catch cold.

As Taeyeon was about to unlock her bike she heard a faint voice calling out her name

"Taeyeon-ah" a high pitched voice yelled. Taeyeon stood up shivering in the rain she saw a faint figure appear

"Jessica?" Taeyeon then ran toward her worried for Jessica's health.

She saw right away that Jessica was in her dress and holding up her cardigan to cover herself from the rain

"Jessica what are you doing you're all wet, you're going to get sick" Taeyeon grabbing Jessica into her arms and making sure she was covering her from the rain

"What about you" Jessica looked at Taeyeon who was drenched "Where is you're jacket" Jessica scolded Taeyeon.

Taeyeon looked at her ashamed "I didn't exactly bring one" she giggled

"Yah don't scold me about my health when you don't care about yours" Jessica pulled away

"Yah stop being stubborn go back to the limo and go home"

"No now without you" Jessica fired back

"I can't just leave my bike here" Taeyeon pointed

"It's locked? Right? Don't worry it will be here tomorrow" Jessica than took Taeyeon's hand and began to walk to her car.

"Stop, at least let me try to cover you from the rain" Taeyeon pulling Jessica closer to her body

"What about you." Jessica backing away and trying to cover Taeyeon from the rain

"Yah stop being so stubborn and let me protect you" Taeyeon scolding Jessica

"Me stubborn? You're more stubborn-er then me!" Jessica barked back

"Are we fighting already" Taeyeon question as she started to laugh, Jessica quickly joining in

"Jessica let me protect you. I want to protect the person I love the most in this world" Taeyeon pulling Jessica into her arms, she was now shielding her from the strong beating of the rain. The two walked quickly to the car knowing that the two will regret for staying out in this type of weather for to long in the morning. But Taeyeon had cause Jessica to stop in her tracks

"What did you say?" Jessica pulling away from Taeyeon and staring straight into her eyes

"Jessica sarang hae yo" Taeyeon spoke softly but fully felt in control with her words. Jessica stunned but not surprised by her words felt herself melt as she finally heard the words that she had longed for. Tears burst out from her eyes, though it was hard to see due to the rain.

"Taeyeon-ah I love you to" Jessica confessed to the girl she loved in English. She smiled and cried out in utter happiness as the two girls stood there staring at each other.

"You lurve me?" Taeyeon repeating Jessica's words in her broken English, all Jessica could do was run up to her and finally kiss her on the lips.

The two once again had threw up their white flags and let their guard down. The two having finally decided to love each other.

Taeyeon lifted her hands toward Jessica's soft cheeks, she could feel the urgency of their kisses. The desperation and yearning of them, every kissed filled with lust and love, want and need.

Taeyeon pulled back as Jessica moaned "Be mine forever" was all Jessica let Taeyeon say as the two continued on kissing

What the two girls didn't see was the figure standing a not to far distance, she was hidden under a big raincoat holding onto a flashlight that was now laid on the ground as she had let go of it.

Tiffany couldn't believe at was she was seeing, was she seeing right? Hearing right? Was this all a dream? She began to question.

"Tiffany, come on we should go" Soo Young running up from behind carrying a flashlight, quickly Tiffany spun around in anger and slapped hard onto Soo Young's cheek

"How could you?! look at what you did!! How could you do this to me? You're best friend?!" Tiffany screamed out with all of her might in spite toward Soo Young

Tiffany instantly gasped in shock at her anger. She bowed in apology slightly regretting what she had did and ran off in tears, leaving Soo Young alone and in pain as she was now lightly touching her cheek that stung from the slap.

All Soo Young could see were two figures hugging each other while she stood there with her heart shattered.


"I love you Jessica and that is what is important"

"I can't change you or you're mind nor do I want to, so whatever happens will happen and we will deal with the rest when it is time"

"So Taeyeon said that" Yuri stated as she sat at her desk in her bedroom

"Yes" i nodded

"And why may I ask why you're upset about this" Yuri questioned

"Because it seems like she isn't even slightly scared. She isn't mad, definitely not sad. She didn't even cry when I told her. She looked at me and kissed me when I told her about Harvard"

"Sica" Yuri chimed in

"It's like she doesn't care" i sighed and began to play with Yuri's Mickey and Minnie mouse dolls

"Of course Taeyeon cares, she is just dealing with it really well. I mean really...really well" Yuri tried cheering me up

"Well I don't want her to" I pouted, Yuri walked up and sat down beside me

"Aww Sica I will miss you and I know Taeyeon will" she hugged me tightly

"Thanks so much Yuri-ah" I hugged her back but quickly pulled away when I saw Yeon Hee stare hard at us

"Hi Yeon Hee" I looked down

"Hey what brings you here?" Yuri asked surprised

"I am here to see my girlfriend what else" Yeon Hee seeming upset and creating an awkward tension in the room

"Well I have to go....bye guys" I quickly rushed out and began to make my way home

I took out my keys and opened the door to my car and started to dial Taeyeon's cell. But I kept getting "cell phone is switched off" signal

As I threw my bag into the car I surprising got a text, I smiled instantly seeing it was from Taeyeon.

Hey Jessica, meet me at the park in 20 minutes?

Luv, Tae

"I love you to"

I sighed in happiness as I drove away

Taeyeon's Pov

"Soo Young you alive?"

"Leave me alone" she whispered

"Soo Young you don't mean that" I said laying down beside her as we both now stared up at the clear blue sky on Jessica's lawn

"Yes I do, you're the reason why I am in pain" she sat up and began to gather her bag

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind forget what I said" she spat out angrily and walked off

"I don't get what you're saying? Is this about Tiffany?!" I yelled out but found myself being ignored, i turned to look at the little tree

"I am so happy because I only have you but also because I am taller then you right now" i joked and sighed as i was confused what was going on with my friends

Jessica's Pov

I sat there waiting on the bench for Taeyeon to arrive, I kept looking at my watch and around hoping to spot her but she still had yet too arrive

I opened my phone to message her back

You're late, where are you?

"Hi Jessica" I heard a voice standing behind me

"Ah hi" I said as I stood up to see Tiffany

"What brings you here...meeting someone special" she looked sad and tired, like she hasn't slept for days

"Yeah" I nodded nervously

I felt bad, only a select few knew about Taeyeon and me. I had yet to tell my dad but i think he suspected something or my other friends from school. Only Yuri knew but I knew Soo Young and Boa knew also because of Taeyeon confiding to them.

So the people who were important to us basically knew all, except Tiffany who was the only one left out. Taeyeon wanted to tell her but I had stopped her because it would hurt Tiffany badly hearing about us as well I did it because I didn't want Taeyeon and even Yuri to discover what happened between Tiffany and I so long ago.

I blame myself for being the cause of Tiffany's pain because I had played with her heart and used her to hide my pain.

During my relationship with Yuri, I thought everything was picture perfect but that was until I found out that Yuri had made a bet with a girl she thought she was in love with. The girl was angry that I had said no to her advances and so told Yuri if she loved her she would break my heart and Yuri ended up doing.

Right after I had discovered this I didn't have anyone, I had no friends even family. There was no one to confide into because I basically abandoned all of them for my relationship with Yuri. But I knew there was someone who was always waiting and that was Tiffany. Despite our relationship and friendship being broken I knew she still loved me and so I decided to deal with my pain by sleeping with her. I forever regret what I did and will continue to. I have always wanted to apologize for the pain i had caused and the damaged I had done but I knew it was no use because I had hurt her so badly when I stopped any contact with her after the 3rd time we slept together.

I knew her old feelings appeared again after I met up with her months after; during one of her family's party and we talked our emotions and issues out, I had apologized and told her what I had done and i would always hate myself for that. Tiffany being the sweet person she was forgave me and so we both found ourselves in a renewed friendship. We both often meeting and talking to each other outside of school and during parities our parents would attend and or hold.

At first I thought everything between us would be okay and was going great but I knew she was disappointed again when she had admitted to still being in love with me and I had told her I couldn't feel that way about her. I loved her but not the love she wanted. Ever since then I kept my distance with her but that was until Taeyeon and I ended up establishing a relationship with each other and Tiffany and I saw more and more of each other again.

"Tiffany..." I said

"Don't try to apologize, I know what you want to say and are going to say. It is useless, the damage is done"

"So you know..." I looked up in shame

"Of course, hard not to see what is right in front of you"

"Tiffany I...I..."

"You what...feel guilty? Sorry? Tell me!" she blurted

"No, wait I want to ask you if Taeyeon knows about us?" she had tears in her eyes

"I wonder how Taeyeon will react to know that her best friend and her girlfriend have slept together more then just once" she laughed

"I wonder if she would want to stay with a amajing like you" Tiffany spat out. I quickly raised my hand but stopped knowing what she said was true. That I was disgusting person and I deserved everything that Tiffany was saying right now.

"When I saw you and Taeyeon kissing in the rain it made me rethink why I was in love with you for so long and what I ever saw in you in the first place. When I saw you and Taeyeon together I realized that I didn't love you anymore instead I hate you" she screamed out

"You were never someone who cared about me, never a true friend! only Taeyeon has been one, you used me and discarded me when you were done with me. So now I am going to tell you to break up with Taeyeon because Taeyeon is such a good person to be tainted by you. I want you to break up with Taeyeon before you break her heart and destroy her life" she cruelly stated

"And if you don't I will make Taeyeon break up with you." she yelled

"If you don't do what I ask, then I will make sure the world knows what kind of person you are, an ice princess who plays with people hearts." she screeched

"Taeyeon will see the cold amajing you are." She hatefully wanred.

Tiffany wiped her tears and began to walk away as I stood in silence. I had tried holding in my tears but was finding it hard to keep it in until I heard Taeyeon call out for me

"Jessica" she happily skipped to me as I rubbed my eyes and straighten myself out before turning to face her.

Taeyeon's hands were behind her back; she had told me to close my eyes and now told ne hold out my hands

"Jessica I love you so much" she said. Don't I thought inside

"This represents how much I love you" she placed something in my hand; I opened my eyes and saw a pile of cherry blossoms in my hand. I smiled as I stared at it

"Just one pile? and not a hundred or even a thousand? or a whole tree?" I teased

"What my Jessica wants more? I am sorry I am to poor to afford that many" she pouted

"It okay I just want you, all I need is you" I said

"Liar! Anyway let's go home, I want to sleep with you tonight" she stated, I looked up at her wide eyed

"Noooo not that!" she giggled

"Perverted princess! I want to hold you tonight I missed you" she smiled

"But we cuddled last night" I stated

"Oh, so you don't want to sleep with me tonight? Okay I get when I am not wanted" she let go of my hand and walked a head.

"No don't leave me" I quickly took her by the hand and hugged her from the side

"I will never" she rubbed my back. Yes you will but that is okay, you deserve better I thought

"I think Soo Young hates me but I have no idea why, I think it more or less has something to do with Tiffany and she is just blaming me for it. Do you know anything?" she looked at me as we climbed up the stairs toward my room. I think I do but I am not ready to tell you not tonight and not tomorrow, just give me more time Tiffany to spend with Taeyeon.

"Nope I don't" I said, she smiled and pecked me on the cheek

"You smell nice" she was definitely happy despite her little situation with Soo Young.

"Oh my! shoe lace is untied, let me tie it" she randomly blurted out as she bent down to untie it. I stared at her wondering what she was doing, something was odd. "Open the door" she said, i raised my eyebrow at her

"What?! I'm really in a hurry to cuddle okay" she was trying not to laugh.

"You never want to cuddle, i have to beg you and bribe you to cuddle with me" I frowned but quickly laughed as I saw her cute "i don't know what you're talking about" face form.

I opened the door but soon found myself gasping as I saw my bedroom filled with cherry blossoms scattered all over, from my desk to my book shelf everything was covered in cherry blossoms and smelt like them to. I stepped inside and saw a pile of blossoms scattered into a heart shape on the bed. I looked back at Taeyeon who held her head down, she was being shy and embarrassed by her gesture.

"Taeyeon-ah" I began to cry as I stepped toward her and kissed her on the lips. She touched her cheeks and began to blush

"I like that" she giggled

"But I have one more surprise for you" she took my arm and pulled me to the window. She opened the curtain and she pointed to the ground

"Do you see that tiny tree there" she said, I leaned in closer barely catching it because it was so small

"That is you're cherry blossom tree. That was the reason why I was late; I came over here and wanted to give you something special. I noticed you were sad lately; it's probably because I am not scared or worried about you going to Harvard? You want to know why? Because I know you are the one for me and always will be, even if we are not together and even if you find someone else and move on. I know that I will always love you. The cherry blossom tells me that because it represents not only love, my love, affection, my affection but also the nature of life and how it is fleeting." Taeyeon held onto both of my hands and stared into my eyes

"Life is fleeting you can't change that. But Jessica my love and affection for you will never change and will always be there for you whenever you need it. So it is okay that you might go to Harvard but I know I inside you will always be mine because I know that you love me. because You're love for me is like a cherry blossom."

I kissed her the moment her face turned bright red again, she kissed me back.

"I love you Jessica" she kissed me. I love you to but I don't deserve you.

"I love you to Taeyeon" I held her head in my hands "Go away with me for a weekend, be mine for a whole weekend" I asked her as she nodded happily

"Whatever you want I want" she told me

I laid on my bed as Taeyeon finished cleaning up the blossoms; she had placed them in these round glass vases and set them on my desk

"I can help you know" I said

"No I made the mess so I should clean it. Besides I don't want my princess to lift her finger" I frowned at her

"When did you become so corny and romantic Taeyeon?" I giggled

"Hey when we grow older you are going to complain to me and ask me why I don't do these type of things anymore, so enjoy it while you can" she climbed onto my bed and quickly got under the sheets and began to snuggle herself closely to me

I turned my body so my head was laying on her chest and our legs were entangled together.

"Hmmm, I like being like this with you" I smiled as we both stared up at the ceiling

"Me to" she replied

Silence filled the room as we both just cuddled and held onto each other trying to fall asleep

"Taeyeon?" I asked hoping she didn't fall asleep yet

"Hmmm" she lightly moaned

"How did you afford all of that, cherry blossoms are pretty expensive and you barely make anything" I looked up as she began to laugh

"Ummmm, lets just say you're not only dating you're tutor but also the girl that mows you're lawn for a whole year"

"What?!" I sat up quickly turning on my light

"Jessica you're dating the girl that mows you're lawn now" she started to laugh

"APPA!!!" I yelled

Tiffany and Jessica vying for Taeyeon's attention...

Taeyeon calling Boa to get her she isn't feeling well...

Soo Young, will she finally confront Tiffany....


"You should tell Jessica that you're having issues again...with the dreams" Boa sat there lecturing me

"Like you said these dreams are now entering into you're normal life. You barely sleep and you're said you're seeing you're dead mother and father and even hearing Seohyun's voice now. And what about these headaches and nose bleeds you are getting all the time?"

"I am taking you to a doctor" Boa glared

"No I will be okay, I think the nightmares are becoming more intense because of the upcoming anniversary, you know my nightmares get worse every year around this time" I stated

"Please just let me spend this weekend with Jessica, and if I come back and I find it's getting worse I will go see Dr. Bin" I pleaded for my sister to stay silent for now

I watched Jessica as she peacefully slept on the plane ride to Jeju Island. I watched as her chest rose up and down with every soft breath she took. Staring at her while she slept made my body shiver because of how beautiful she looked, I could feel my face turn red as I stared her lips and thought about kissing her.

"Kiss me already" I heard her say as her eyes began to open slowly and her beautiful dark brown eyes looked at me

"What makes you think I am thinking of kissing you" I giggled

"Because you can't resist me" she stuck out her tongue

"Want to bet?" I demanded

"No I don't because I want to be with you" she smiled as she slowly placed her lips on mine.

I felt my body and heart freeze, was she saying what I think she was saying?

"Ahhahahah" I covered my nervousness behind laughter. Immediately Jessica expression turned from sweet to cold.

"Why do you do that" she looked at her hands

"Why do I do what?"

"Never mind Taeyeon" she turned her face to the window and looked out into the window

Jessica was mad for most of the plane ride and when we got to the hotel.

"Jessica I am not going to make let you pay for me" I stated

"Taeyeon it's my trip, I invited you so it's my responsibility" she turned angered by me. I quickly backed off and went to go sit down in one of the lobby's chairs

I looked around and started to read a magazine that was on one of the tables and the next thing I know when I look up. Two boys, very tall boys were flirting with my girlfriend. I crumbled the magazine but quickly stopped as I saw one of the workers look at me. I put it down and marched my way over there

"Jessica" I said quickly grabbing a hold of her hand. She looked down at our hands and began to turn red.

"I should go my girlfriend finally showed up" she smirked and began to lead the way to our hotel room

"So you only did that to make me jealous?" I said

"Of course, that should remind you of how much you can't be without me" she smiled and opened the door to our room.

I looked in and quickly ran back out

"Taeyeon" she said as she followed me back out "What's wrong?" she asked concerned

"Nothing just it's so expensive and big, like a mini house...huh?" I lied

"Don't worry, it's on me" she reassured me

I covered my face and nodded. I mumbled through my hand as I felt the blood drip from my nose

"Um I need to use the bathroom, excuse me" I ran back in and made sure to lock it before Jessica could follow

"Taeyeon-ah are you okay" she asked tapping on the door

"Yes, just needed to go to the bathroom, that's all"

I heard her walk away and I guess begin to unpack, she kept going on and on about the sights she wanted to see and the food she wanted to eat and the things she wanted to buy.

I stared at the mirror trying to bring the colour back into my skin.

"Wake up Taeyeon, hold on till I get back to Seoul" I mumbled quietly

"Taeyeon-ah can you hurry up, I need to go and use it." Jessica knocked on the door again.

I opened the door shocking her and causing her to stumble onto me. I took the chance to quickly smell her scent from her hair

"You always smell good" I stated, she blushed and hit me on my chest.

"Just because you're being sweet with words doesn't get you out of cuddling tonight" she told me

"I don't want to, I feel cuddly tonight" I joked as I watched her walk away

"Taeyeon-ah wake up"


"Taeyeon-ah wake up, you're having another nightmare"

"Huh, I am"

"Yes, let me go get you some ice and water" Jessica turned on the light and walked into the kitchen area to get me a drink. I sat up and wiped the sweat off my head.

"I am sorry" I said as I tried catching my breath

"Don't apologize" Jessica sat down beside me and handed me the ice cold water. I quickly gulped it up. She then began to wipe my sweat off of my face

"No I must have waked you up" I said turning to her

"No I was up, I couldn't sleep so I was reading when I heard you calling out for Seohyun again" she gave me a sympathetic look

"Don't ever apologize about that, I am here and I will make sure those dreams don't hurt you" she leant in and kissed me on my forehead

"I am sorry, I am ashamed, embarrassed, annoyed, frustrated, sadden and angry that I have these dreams and they affecting the people around me" I looked at her with soft eyes. Her thump began to rub my cheek

"Don't be, I am not. I am happy you feel comfortable with me to let me in on something so private and personal like this" she smiled "It shows how much I mean to you..." she got quiet and looked like she was going to cry

"Jessica" I hugged her in my arms

"I will try not to let my nightmares ruin our trip" I kissed her on the cheek.

Back at Seoul

"You should go Tiffany"

"Why, I came here to apologize"

"I know and Soo Young doesn't want it, right now"

"Just let me in so I can talk to her. Make her understand"

"Understand what? Understand you choose Jessica....Taeyeon over her, that you abuse her and her friendship with you"

"I never meant to slap her or take out my anger on her"

"Of course you didn't but you did and it's too late"

"Please just let me talk to her"

"No so please leave"

"Yuri its okay, I want to hear what she has to say"

Tiffany and Yuri looked up in surprise to see Soo Young standing at the door with her coat

"let's go get something to eat and talk" she pushed through the door

"Thanks Soo Young for trying to hear me out"

"I am coming to" Yuri followed

Jeju Island

I leaned against a post hoping to take a quick rest before Jessica drags me back into the clothing store, its been only a day and I am already exhausted from the trip. All we have done so far is shop, eat, shop, eat and lastly shop. I don't know how long I can take shopping or even eating.

As I waited I looked around observing the hundreds of tourist move along, it was a gorgeous site to see the different faces from all over the world, the happy couples and families who all seemed to be enjoying themselves. As I kept waiting I continued to watch faces go bye. I even smiling at some and telling them hi. I looked down at my watch and saw that Jessica has been in there for almost 40 minutes I sighed as I looked up and it froze the second I thought I spotted a familiar face...his

"Appa" my heart beat faster, scared at seeing his desperate vile face again. My body was frozen, not moving, I saw him approach closer and closer to me. Pushing people out of the way trying to get closer to me, I needed to get out of here.

I needed to protect Jessica from him. I tried to move but my body wouldn't allow me. Something was holding me back as I struggled to move an arm, a leg...I couldn't even call out for Jessica.

I was frozen in my place and he was pulling out a knife again....I closed my eyes and I pictured Jessica's smiling face wishing her goodbye when I suddenly heard

"Taengo" I opened my eyes, he was gone...

I turned to see Jessica smiling happy, I had hoped the colour in my face was returning. I walked to meet her half way and put on a smile trying to forget what happened

"Yay you're back" I tried to put on a fake smile hiding my exhaustion

"Let's go eat" she suggest


She nodded


Back at Seoul

"Soo Young I was just getting out my angry. At the time I didn't know what I was doing. It wasn't me and I am sorry that you were the one who I took out all my on."

Tiffany paused as she took Soo Young by the hand

"You are the last person I want to hurt and I never meant to...please forgive me, I am begging you to."

Her eyes watered. Yuri could tell that her sister would easily forgive even though she was still hurting. For some reason Yuri didn't like the sound of Tiffany's apology, it didn't sound sincere enough, it was more like a desperation that something was going to happen and Tiffany wanted to have someone on her side in the end.

What did she mean you're the last person I want to hurt? Just then Yuri's phone rang it was from Sica. She excused herself as she went to go talk in private with her friend.

Tiffany was curious to know who it was, she knew the instant when Yuri smiled widely only one person could do that do to her and that was Jessica. She told Soo Young she needed to go to the washroom, she was curious to know what the call was about.

"Hopefully Jessica listened to me" she said

5 minutes later...

"I hope you enjoy Jeju Island" Yuri giggled "Make sure you sleep lots"

"Jeju Island? What about the break up" Tiffany thought to her self "I have to go there now before anything bad happens to Taeyeon. I will protect her from Jessica" she vowed

Soo Young wondering what was taking so long got up and walked over to the bathroom but saw Tiffany hiding against the wall listening on to her sister's conversation. She felt anger wanting to erupt inside but she kept it bottled in, she was curious as to why Tiffany felt she needed to eavesdrop on Yuri's phone call. She quietly sat back down and pretended as if she didn't see anything.

Back at Jeju Island

"Ahh" Jessica screamed out as she grabbed onto my hand while we both ran for cover from the rain.

"Why does it always rain on us" I joked. I could feel Jessica's grip tighten as she heard thunder rumble

I looked at her and saw fear in her eyes and face. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her gently.

I looked around to see where we could take shelter, luckily we were on our way back from a hike that I knew we were close to an old abandoned building that we could take refugee in.

"There let's go there" I pointed and we both made a dash as we heard a loud crack

Jessica immediately pushed through the doors and quickly hid under a table. I've never seen her scared like this before? I didn't think she feared the rain because well she waited for me out in the rain.

I took my place beside her and tried to sooth her with my touch.

"Are you scared" I asked

"No, just I don't like thunder" she stated

"It's okay, thunder isn't my favourite either" I tried to calm her down

"I hate thunderstorms" she jerked as she heard another crack

"Jessica" I said. I wrapped my jacket around her and I watched her close her eyes.

"I'll protect you" I told her

I suddenly got an idea and quickly placed my earplugs from my Ipod into her ears. She looked up at me in surprised. I smiled and turned up the music to let her listen to her favourite love song

"Eww what a cheesy song" I teased as Jessica and I sat at my kitchen table while she was trying to teach me

"What?! No way that song is amazing"

"It's too lovey and dovey for my taste"

"As one's version of Loving you is perfect" Jessica glared "Besides not like you're song is any better, all it is...is cute. A cute song" she stuck her tongue out at me

I just laughed as I watched her face turn red because of her anger at me

As I smiled at remembering the past I suddenly felt Jessica's lips against the bottom of my mouth. I backed away and turned to her in surprise. Jessica placed my Ipod at the side and began to unbutton her shirt. I immediately tried to stop her, not one to want to rush things with her. I figured I had forever now with her.

"No Jessica listen" I pointed to the mp3 player.

She took my hands and gentle placed them against her chest. She leaned down to me and pecked the side of my neck, she leaned out and looked at me and pecked me on my nose, she did this all again except she lightly kissed me on the side of my left eye and then on my collar bone.

She sat on her knees and toes waiting for me to kiss her back. I could feel my heart beat faster and my body begin to tremble with how nervous and scared I was.

I sat on my knees and toes and began to copy her, first by kissing her on the bottom of her lip, side of her neck, on the point of her nose, on her left eye, and lastly her collar bone. But instead of letting me pull back Jessica moved her mouth closely to my ear and whispered...."I love you" in my ear


"I know, you don't have to tell me, I see it in your eyes." I said as I brushed her hair back behind her ear.

"I love you, please know that I love you so much" Jessica cried

"What's wrong" I asked her as I allowed her body to fall against me

"Thunder reminds me of the night...when I was young..." she wiped her tears

"What happened" I said petting her

"Did I tell you I was the one who found my mother dead in the bathtub?" she began to cry in my arms

"It was after little league soccer and usually after practise I would always get picked up by my mother, except one day, she never came. Instead one of my father's many drivers did. When I asked him why it was him and not my mother he said that my mother wasn't feeling well so she asked for him to go" she paused snuggling in closer to me

"When I got home it was raining harder, and it was beginning to get worse. I remember the lightening across the sky and the sound of the thunder roaring through the air" she tighten her grip on my arms

"I ran upstairs wanting to go see my mother; to tell her that we lost another game...as I approached closer to her room a stench hit me. The smell of it was disgusting and I wanted to vomit the moment it became stronger. I yelled out for my mother one last time before pushing through. I was wondering where the smell was coming from, but I quickly discovered it was coming from the bathroom..."

"Shhhhh Jessica" I pulled her body closely against me and rocked her back and forth to sooth her

"Taeyeon, she was...." She cried harder

"Jessica it's okay"

"No it's not Taeyeon, it's not" Jessica pushing me away

"I am a terrible person"

"Why? what have you done that was so bad?" I looked at Jessica

"I use people and hurt them, that is why you should leave me...I am like you said, an ice princess"

"Stop it!" I yelled at her

"Why are you starting to push me away, you're not an ice princess. I will forever regret calling you that. I learned the hard way how truly of a beautiful person you are. Don't you see I love you because behind you're void expressions there lays one of the most amazing people I've ever met."

"Don't say that to me, you won't be saying that after I tell you the truth"

"What are you going on about Jessica, is this about you're mother? Or is this about us?" I asked her scared that she was pushing me away

"It's about...No, you just won't love me anymore and you won't see me as this beautiful person...I am weak and you will hate that" she stated her eyes bulging

"You will leave me like my father left my mother for being weak" she said as she gasped for air

Rated R: 20+

I felt my body shiver with her words. I now was gently finishing unbuttoning her shirt and made sure to tenderly pulling it down allowing for her body to be exposed to me. I looked at her and she didn't seemed scared or nervous at all, her face had an angelic expression on it as I began to kiss down her chest and started to undo her bra.

While she began to pull my shirt up off of me, I felt her lightly gasp at the fact I began to move my tongue around her nibble.

I was getting more comfortable and so I pushed her on her back and placed myself on top of her. Beginning to finish taking off of my shirt and throwing it onto the floor and leaned forward as soon as I was free back to her soft tender lips

Her hands began to take my bra off and she was now almost totally exposed to me. We were only in our jeans as we both continued to make out. My legs rubbing against the inside of her thighs, I could feel pleasure coming from the friction as our bodies began to move against each other.

Her hands were pushing against the top of my jeans; I looked down and saw Jessica trying to push them down. I quickly stopped kissing her and nervously began to unbutton them, sliding them off of me. I stared at her shyly as I was now only in my underwear. She smiled and quickly unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off, we were half naked staring at each other in the dark cold abandoned building.

I took her by the arm and pulled her body back against me and resumed kissing her. Letting our hands roam and explore our bodies, I wanted to study her and discover her for the rest of my life I said to myself as she let my tongue slip inside her mouth once again.

"I want to be with you Taeyeon, I want to be a part of you" she whispered out loud as I was beginning to leave a trail of kissing down the center of her body. As I neared in between her breasts I looked up as I saw her eyes repeatedly open and close shut at the pleasure I was giving her.

"Are you sure you want this" I asked wanting to make sure this was the right thing to do and the right time for us to be together finally.

Instead of giving me an answer with words she took her hands and placed them on the side of my cheeks and nodded.

She then relaxed her body, letting her legs part and allowing me access

I began to kiss down her stomach; I felt it tremble as she took my left hand into hers and squeezed tightly. Kissing lower and lower I was now licking near her entrance and tasting how sweet she truly was.

I listened intently to her moaning getting louder as I played in between her legs. She moaned as she thrust her pelvic upward causing me to taste more of her sweetness.

I slipped my tongue onto her opening again one last time tasting her and began to move my mouth away back to her stomach. I took this moment and started using my fingers to massage her. I knew she was enjoying it as I watched her gasping for air and her eyes tightly shut.

Her mouth was agape as she tried to hold in her sounds. I leaned over her body again, still letting my hands play down there as I lightly kissed her mouth and whispered against her neck to not hold it in.

"I like it when you moan for me" I started to push into her.

Her arms wrapping around, holding onto me tightly as I repeatedly pushed myself in and out of her. Jessica couldn't help muffle her moaning anymore and was beginning to scream loudly at the pleasure she was feeling. I continued to talk to her in her ear, whispering how much I loved her, needed her and that I never wanted to be a part from her again.

"I love you"


"I need you Jessica"


"I want you to be a part of me forever"


I felt her pelvic mouth against my fingers, her body beginning to shake and I knew she was close so I started to kiss her mouth causing her to moan into it. I slipped my tongue in and swirled it into her mouth as I started to push harder into her.

She continued on shaking and I felt her head pull away at the pleasure, her eyes opened for a second and closed again as she was screaming louder for me

I started to kiss lower and lower, sucking onto her smooth sweaty skin, I loved every part of her body. From the look, the feel, the smell, I even loved the taste of her sweat as I licked it up into my mouth.

My left hand was still holding Jessica's hand, it never parted once during. I made my way to her stomach and once again I continued to lick up the beads of sweat forming off the heat coming from her body.

"Taeyeon" she moaned, her hand squeezing me again. I could tell she wanted to release herself and so I began to push in deeper. As I kissed around her belly button I made sure to urge her on

"Do it Jessica, its okay" I said

"Taeyeon-ahhhh" she moaned, I was peeking my eyes upward to see her head moving from side to side.

"I want you to let go and release yourself Jessica...release yourself" I said and the second I felt her stomach begin to tremble and chest begin to convulse as she begun to release herself letting herself enjoy me continually pushing my fingers inside of her.

I finally let go of her hand and placed it onto her stomach, I wanted to feel her body shiver and shake from the pleasure I was giving her.

I pulled out of her and immediately lay down beside her, her eyes still shut from her release. I tenderly wrapped my arms around her held onto her from the side.

"I love you" I brushed her hair as I saw her eyes open and smile at me for what seemed like forever. But suddenly the next thing I knew she began to cry.

Seoul Airport

"Why are we following Tiffany" Yuri asked as she grasped onto Soo Young's arm

"Shhh, she will hear us" Soo Young glared

"I just want to know why she is going to Jeju Island"

"Jeju...is where Jessica and Taeyeon are" Yuri replied, Soo Young turned shocked at Yuri's answer. She started to form fists and was trying hard not to rush up the sad heartbroken girl and finally to yell at her to wake up.

Back at Jeju Hotel

"Are you disgusted by me" Jessica looked sadly at me

"No, I could never be"

"But you hate me" she hung her head low. I stood in the middle of the room and watched her.

I again saw how weak and fragile she can be, I stepped closer but felt my head begin to ache. I leaned onto the bed for support

"No I don't. I won't lie and say I am not hurt and shocked or mad by it but you told me the truth and I respect that" I looked at her softly

"I don't deserve you, I am using you like I use everyone" she spat out

"No you're not, and I don't deserve you" I moved my body closer to her on the bed

"I love you Jessica...like I said I love you forever"

"I want to break up..."

17-snippet or spoiler

"I want to break up" the words I said to her were all lies, how could I pretend and hurt her like that? Why was I letting myself suddenly become all insecure when I know for a fact that Taeyeon loves me despite everything I just told her.

I shut the water off in the shower and grabbed onto a large towel and began to dry myself off. I needed to get away from everything, clear my thoughts but the shower didn't help at all.

"No...no...tell me...TELL ME JESSICA!" Taeyeon held me up against the wall

"Taeyeon..."I beckoned

"Don't do this, I am begging you not to break you're heart like this...my heart"

I wrapped the towel around my body and quietly stepped back into the main room. I hurriedly made my way across to enter into the bedroom; I quickly scanned the room and spotted Taeyeon asleep on her side of the bed. I laughed as I watched lovingly as my girlfriend slept soundly and her body was positioned on her side but half of her stomach lay flatly against the bed as she snuggled tightly against her pillow. Also her shirt was sort of lifted causing her stomach and I am guessing back to be exposed.

I quietly crept over to the opposite side still clad in a towel to lay on the bed beside her. I brushed a piece of her hair back behind her ear and softly planted a kiss against the side of her cheek.

"Taeyeon" I whispered softly as I pressed my soft lips against her ear. No sound or reply came from her

"Taeyeon I love you" I whispered as I pressed my lips against her ear harder and moved my hand down her side.

My fingers gently drawing circles on her back until they now were gently caressing Taeyeon's scar. Whenever looking at it, the scar has always made my heart weep. I wish I could have been there to protect you Taeyeon, I wish you didn't have to deal with the pain.

"Let me take care of you now, I promise I won't leave you" I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist to allow myself to fall asleep


"I want to break up" the words I said to her were all lies, how could I pretend and hurt her like that? Why was I letting myself suddenly become all insecure when I know for a fact that Taeyeon loves me despite everything I just told her.

I shut the water off in the shower and grabbed onto a large towel and began to dry myself off. I needed to get away from everything, clear my thoughts but the shower didn't help at all.

"No...no...tell me...TELL ME JESSICA!" Taeyeon held me up against the wall

"Taeyeon..."I beckoned

"Don't do this, I am begging you not to break you're heart like this...my heart"

I wrapped the towel around my body and quietly stepped back into the main room. I hurriedly made my way across to enter into the bedroom; I quickly scanned the room and spotted Taeyeon asleep on her side of the bed. I laughed as I watched lovingly as my girlfriend slept soundly and her body was positioned on her side but half of her stomach lay flatly against the bed as she snuggled tightly against her pillow. Also her shirt was sort of lifted causing her stomach and I am guessing back to be exposed.

I quietly crept over to the opposite side still clad in a towel to lay on the bed beside her. I brushed a piece of her hair back behind her ear and softly planted a kiss against the side of her cheek.

"Taeyeon" I whispered softly as I pressed my soft lips against her ear. No sound or reply came from her

"Taeyeon I love you" I whispered as I pressed my lips against her ear harder and moved my hand down her side.

My fingers gently drawing circles on her back until they now were gently caressing Taeyeon's scar. Whenever looking at it, the scar has always made my heart weep. I wish I could have been there to protect you Taeyeon, I wish you didn't have to deal with the pain.

"Let me take care of you now, I promise I won't leave you" I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist to allow myself to fall asleep

"Hold my hand and don't let go"

"No just leave me alone taeyeon"

"No I won't let you go"

"Yes you will, you're going to have to. Maybe you don't want to right now but you will want to soon. That's what happens to everyone in my life and frankly I am not going to let you suffer because of me" I said

"Jessica do you honestly believe that? Do you honestly believe I would want to leave you? I love you Jessica...let me"


"Look Jessica you told me the truth about tiffany and you. What you did wasn't something that I expected from you or was right to begin with. But I still love you and I am still here. I am willing and waiting for you to finally just let you insecurities and the past go. I love you jess...see that I am still here."

"Taeyeon" squinted my eyes giving it time to adjust to the light that was now shinning through the balcony doors

"hmm you awake, I'm sorry" she said as her back sat against the headboard

"What's wrong why aren't you asleep?" I asked concerned

"I was just...ahhh" she was frustrated

"It's the morning and it is time to wake up" she smiled at me

"No, let's sleep" I snuggled myself tighter into her. She quickly placed her arm and hand on my back and began to rub her hands up and down

"What is wrong?" I asked as I looked up getting more worried

"Hmm" she smiled at me "Jessica I am okay, no need to worry." I knew she was lying

"Tae we promised each other that we would be honest with each other and how we feel" I sat up looking straight into her eyes. I wanted her to see that I was serious about us and about our commitments to each other.

She looked away but quickly looked back at me; she smiled lightly and began to play with my hair.

"You're so cute" she teased but I just glared at her

"Tae!" I whined loudly and she sighed "Tell me the truth" I leaned in and kissed her lightly on her soft lips "I care"

"Tiffany is who I am thinking about..." she became silently and my heart immediately filled with guilt.

"I've been thinking about Tiffany all night and I've been wondering~" she spoke gently. I turned and pulled away and was beginning to prepare myself for the worst.

"I am going to talk to Tiffany...after we get back tomorrow. I've been up all night thinking about her and realizing what a bad friend I've been..." she stated. I pulled my body away from her more making the gap between each other bigger.

"I need to make things right between her and I, I need her to know how much she means to me and how sorry I am." Taeyeon continued. My heart was aching as I was soon expecting Taeyeon to blurt out she wanted to break up with me or the very least take a break.

Tiffany meant the world to Taeyeon, she was the very first person she let herself trust who wasn't her sister. All I kept thinking was if Taeyeon had to sacrifice her own happiness in order to set things right and make others happy she would. It was just who Taeyeon was.

"I want to let her know how much you regret hurting her and I want to explain to her properly about us" she said softly. I quickly asked myself if I heard right? Did she say the thing I think she just said? Did she actually not say I want to take a break or break up like I thought she would? I started to feel tears roll down my cheeks as I was still looking away from Taeyeon

"What's wrong Jessica" I felt her hands on my waist as she whispered against my ear. I raised my head and pressed it against her lips

"I thought...for a second...that maybe you were thinking about breaking up. That you were going to leave me" I selfishly stated. She laughed against my ear and kissed me

"Jessica...never" she laughed as she now was wrapping her arms around my body; I let myself lay against her.

"The last thing I want is to break up with you, but also I don't want my relationship with Tiffany to end as well. I need to talk to her and so when we get back to Seoul the first thing I will do...actually no the SECOND thing I will do is take you home and kiss you goodnight then go and talk to Tiffany." She hugged me.

"So you aren't going to break up with me?" I said as I felt relief run through me.

"No, I promise to take care of you like you promise to take care of me. I want to be with you Jess and I want and need you" she began to blush. She was about to continue but I stopped her as I pushed her body down onto the bed and began to kiss her.

I opened my eyes as I listened to Taeyeon making noise around the room; she had allowed me to continue on sleeping while she started to pack. Another day and it seemed as if nothing changed. But the thing is it had changed drastically. I watched as the bathroom door swung open and taeyeon was fully dressed, she went to her bag and started to place her toothbrush, soaps, and other items in it. She didn't make any eye contact with me, though she knew full well I was sitting on the bed watching her pack up

Silence continued to fill the room and it was killing me...

"Taeyeon" I finally spoke up. She paused for a second but resumed on what she was doing

"Taeyeon please" I stated the regret and pain of last night was still hitting me, despite what Taeyeon was trying to due. I remember I was numb for most of the conversation as I felt taeyeon push me against the wall and plead for me not to break up with her. She demanded me to give her a hundred reasons why we don't belong together and she spoke other sweet words to me but I was numb and couldn't feel it. But now I could, the truth and reality was setting in, finally. The shock of hurting taeyeon because of my fear was killing me and tearing me into pieces.

"I am all packed, I am going to start on you after I get back. I need to go out for a little and do something..." she was being secretive and reached out to pick up her bag to set it against the wall.

My body was frozen as I sat watching her. I knew she wanted to run up and kiss me and hold me, I wanted her to do that as well. I wanted and needed her to hold me right now and tell me everything was okay and nothing happened last night. Nothing like me asking her to forget about me and to stop loving me ever happened. As well that she was not about to leave me here alone but she was staying right beside me forever.

"Everything will be okay" I heard her say. It caught me off guard as I narrowed my eyes at her in shock at what she stated. It was as if she had just read my mind.

"Jessica I want to stay with you and be with you. Don't worry I will be back and please don't feel bad about last night, I will be okay Jessica, it's you I am worried about. But just know I am here waiting; ask me to come back to you and I will run back. Ask me to stay and I will attach myself onto you. Tell me you love me and know I already do love you" she stated as she reached for the door knob and twisted it


"Taeyeon-ah stop" I yelled out

Taeyeon looked down and reached into her pocket she looked at me waiting...

"Ah...don't forget this" I lifted her necklace up but she was gone by the time I had taken it out.

I sighed as I held her locket in my hands. I placed it against my chest

"Why are you so sweet to me when all I do is bring pain" I gripped harder onto her locket. But looked down after I realized why was it even with me in the first place?

I smiled as I realized Taeyeon must have placed it on me as I was catching up on sleep while she was supposedly taking a shower. I smiled more as I opened to see an unseen picture of Taeyeon and I together. It was a picture of us sitting side by side sitting on a bench. I was looking one way while she looking the other. We were both smiling but what made it amazing was that she had her arm wrapped around me so lovingly; the picture was taken when Taeyeon and I were not paying attention and it was taken long before I realized my true feelings for her. It was natural, she and I were natural

I immediately got up and walked straight into the bathroom as I wanted to do something extra special for Taeyeon before she got back.

I walked down placing my large bag onto my shoulder I suddenly stopped as I watched Taeyeon and Tiffany down at the lobby talking. It seemed as if everything wasn't going well. I stood there watching silently, but soon found myself in the company of familiar strangers. I looked to my side and saw Soo Young and Yuri standing there beside me watching

"What are you two doing here?" I asked

"We followed Tiffany here" Yuri replied, Soo Young stood there gripping her fist tightly as she watched the scene play out

Inside I could only imagine Soo Young wanting to just slap her and tell her to get a life. I could only imagine Soo Young thinking what the heck was wrong with Tiffany? Why was she holding on to me so much...why was she holding onto taeyeon so much. Those two aren't the only people in her life. Tiffany was being so blind towards Soo Young, yet again it was my fault...everything is my fault. I looked at Soo Young and silently apologized for hurting her so much and causing her so much pain.

"Why are you acting this way? I know it's not to spite Jessica, you're mad at me, so be mad at me. Take out your hate and anger at me because I know you don't hate Jessica. I know it's me you're angry with because you feel I stole her away from you. I never meant to but I will tell you I won't leave Jessica." Tiffany scoffed in disbelief

"You would give up our friendship; you're best friend? for her?. You think this is love?"

"It is love and I am not giving our friendship up for it, I am giving it up because you are turning into someone I don't recognize. Tiffany you will always be my best friend and my first friend but stop acting this way. This is not the person I know"

"You never truly knew me, you didn't even know I was in love with Jessica and that she was the person that broke my heart. What kind of friend were you if you couldn't see that and realize that"

"I know, I've been a bad friend a blind one. I am sorry...I am sorry Tiffany for hurting you."

Yuri stood right beside me now and I clutched to her. The guilt inside was rising in me, I was caught in the middle and now was I was officially the reason why Tiffany and Taeyeon's friendship about to end in the next 5-10 minutes.

"Jessica" Yuri said

"Tiffany listen to me!" Taeyeon yelled

"Why do I bother anymore" Soo Young finally spoke. Yuri wrapped her arm around her sister and placed her head against her shoulder

"I am sorry Soo Young it is my fault. Everything that is happening and that had happen is my fault" I looked at her

Just then as I turned to look over at the scene again I saw Taeyeon's eyes focus on me and only me, she looked frustrated and confused. I didn't like that look that she was giving me so I decided to do something. I walked over but Taeyeon backed away

"Taeyeon don't do this" I begged

"Jessica I thought you were going to break up with Taeyeon. The reason why you are both on this trip is to break up" Tiffany stated. Taeyeon let out a groan and backed away further from the both of us

"Tiffany that is enough" Soo Young's voice boomed causing everyone to stare

"I need to get out of here, I need air" Taeyeon held onto her head she seemed like she was in pain.

"Stay out of this Soo Young, I can't believe you followed me" Tiffany spat out angrily at the tall girl

Taeyeon then walked out not even bothering to say anything, I soon followed after her along with Tiffany, Yuri and Soo Young. I was pleading for her to say something to me.

"Jessica you should have stayed up in our room. This is the reason why I didn't want you here, I didn't want you to see this" Taeyeon sternly stated as she continued on rubbing her head. She was beginning to look pale and sick.

"Taeyeon what is wrong" I said pushing out of the door but suddenly screamed out her name as I saw blood drip down from her nose as she turned to look at me. the next thing I know is Taeyeon is on the ground and barely moving.

"Taeyeon" I heard Tiffany's voice call out. She ran down beside her

"Get away" I screamed "Tiffany please..."I urged as I held Taeyeon up against me. Yuri took out her phone to call for help

"She fainted, Taeyeon why didn't you tell me you were sick" I stated as tears rolled down my eyes. I ripped a piece of my shirt to press up against her nose. I watched as her eyes slowly look at me

"I am sorry, I didn't want to burden anyone...you" she said as I watched her completely black out

"Taeyeon" Tiffany cried out, Soo Young quickly walked toward Tiffany and held onto her, trying to calm her down and also comfort her.

"She will be okay Tiffany..." I went silent as I knew that the blood was a bad sign.

"Taeyeon I am sorry" Tiffany cried


My eyes slowly fluttered open as I saw a picture of Chiaki-senpai? Wait what? I asked myself. I lift my head up slightly

"Huh?" I suddenly feel a body move and a groan emit against me. I stare down to see long arms wrapped around me tightly

"Yeon hee?" I question out loud "Yeon Hee? am i dreaming?" Suddenly I hear the door burst open and Boa walks in carrying a blanket along with a exhausted expression.

"Where am i?" I ask confused. Boa looks up in shock as she finally notices I am awake

"Tae?" her eyes begin to water

"What happened?" I asked trying to pull away but found myself struggling within Yeon Hee's embrace

"You don't remember?" Boa asked as she sat down in the chair beside the bed

"Remember what" I stared at her blankly.

"Ah what do you remember..." Boa asked intently. I stared at her a bit annoyed at her, what was she trying to get at?

"Um I remember...ah, I am not sure. My head hurts" I said

"Next time don't be stupid" a voice filled the room; I looked down to see Yeon Hee stare up at me.


"Your health" she spat and quickly sat up

"What about my health? I just have a headache" I asked. Boa and Yeon Hee quickly eyed each other

"Taeyeon what was the last thing you remember" Yeon Hee spoke softly

"Ah I am not sure just I remember getting into a fight with Tiffany." I quickly heard a sigh fill the air from both of them

"Yeah a fight over the remote control...stupid Tiffany and her mellow dramatic western dramas that I barely understand" I added and as soon as I said that both Yeon Hee and Boa went


"What is wrong?" I asked becoming a bit scared

Dr. Cho's office

"Okay I don't know how to say this but your daughter and sister seems to have a cause of amnesia. Dissociative amnesia which I am surprised about considering it is really rare."

"Excuse me did you just say the words amnesia? I thought you said the reason why had these bad hallucinations and bloody noses was due to her bacterial infection she had. You told us that she was cured and would be fine in a couple of weeks. No actually you said days and now you are telling me she has amnesia?!"

"Umma..." Boa touched her mother's hand

"I am sorry but it seems to me that Taeyeon experienced something that has caused her a lot of stress and I am assuming has triggered this amnesia. I know you are mad and upset but it isn't permanent, with time she will gain back the memories she has blocked out. In which this case seems to be like the whole past two years"

"Taeyeon are you sure you want to stay here. Umma and Appa would prefer it if you moved back in with them" Boa asked me

"I know, but man it is so cool I live with you now" I smiled widely

Boa watched me as I sat down on my bed in my small closet of a room. The doctors had told my family that I had seemed to be just fine, everyone seemed to be surprised that my personality hadn't change. They told us that most patients who had this case of amnesia would end up adopting a whole new identity but for me I seemed to be the same Taeyeon, except a taeyeon who can't remember the last two years.

"hey can I ask why a picture of the ice princess is doing by my bedside?" I pointed at the heart shaped picture frame.

Tiffany's pov

I watched as Jessica run straight into the bathroom bursting in tears after she found out Taeyeon didn't remember the past two years. I watched as Yuri quickly run after her while Soo Young and I looked upon Yeon Hee who seemed to be exhausted from the past three weeks since Taeyeon collapsed.

In the beginning I was so happy to hear that Taeyeon didn't have a tumour that Jessica had predicted. I was relieved to have found out it was just a bacterial infection that had caused these intense symptoms. Luckily the doctor was able to treat it with antibiotics. When Taeyeon got back it was hard to figure out if she was okay or not. she was in JeJu Island General Hospital for about a week until finally they decided to move her back to Seoul. We were unsure of why it was taking longer then usually for Taeyeon to respond but soon after she arrived back in Seoul. It was only a couple of days that had past when Taeyeon finally was released to go back home.

There wasn't a minute that Jessica had left Taeyeon's side; she was there from the beginning. She was taking care of Taeyeon every step of the way. always being by her side, making sure she was okay. Not only did she read to Taeyeon and talk to her everyday, she also would wash her to. It was during the time of Taeyeon collapsing where I had finally witness and saw how much Jessica and Taeyeon were in love with each other. For the longest time I had been denying what was actually true, I had forced myself to pretend and blind myself from seeing that my best friend and my ex. Best friend were in love with each other. It was also during the time while Taeyeon was still recovering where I had finally let go.

I had walked over to Jessica's house one day and bowed lowly to my old friend and apologized for what I had done. I remember my heart racing. I was thinking that Jessica would forgive me, but yet again Jessica wasn't the person I remembered knowing. She was different, she had changed and it was all due to Taeyeon. Jessica quickly forgave me even though there was still that awkward tension between us. though we were slowly getting passed it. That was until we found out about Taeyeon, now I was unsure of what was going to happen between us.

"Hey guys" a voice coming from behind us. I looked up and saw the infamous wacky Taeyeon-ah smile. I stared at her awkwardly as I stood up to welcome her.

"Fany-ah don't just stare at me like that" Taeyeon teased. Soo Young looked away

"Are you Soo Young?" Taeyeon asked surprising both Soo Young and my self.

"Taeyeon knows about everything. The doctor said it would be better if we told her about everything. Besides Taeyeon was bugging us to" Boa quietly muttered.

If Taeyeon knows about everything that happened in the past two years that means she knows that Jessica is her girlfriend. The girl who Taeyeon despised the most became the girl she loved the most. As I was thinking I suddenly spotted Jessica patting pieces of toilet paper against her cheeks trying to dry her eyes. Yuri soon followed carrying a roll. I watched as Jessica look up and watched as she tried to hold back the tears as she walked toward the table and Taeyeon.

"I should go" Taeyeon blurted and quickly rushed out leaving everyone confused. Boa quickly went after her to make sure nothing bad was wrong.

"I have to go to" Jessica stated as she quickly gathered her things. Yuri helped her and I watched Soo Young follow

"Soo Young wait" I blurted out, she stopped and paused. She smiled lightly but quickly turned away. my heart was breaking when I saw Soo Young's sad expression. It was something I had never noticed before. It was hard to finally realize the person whom you thought was just a friend didn't think of you as a friend. I should know, I felt that way about Jessica, I knew how Soo Young felt. It was hard realizing that your heart wanted something that was now out of your grasp and sight.

"Soo Young" I lowly whispered.

"You will be okay" Yeon Hee stated as she walked out leaving me alone in the café.

At school...

I sat down at the lunch table staring at Jessica who had been eating with the Student Council kids for the past month and a half. She was avoiding me and I didn't like it or at least that's what I think. It was hard trying to cope with what happened. I was confused and well confused. So many things happened in the span of two years. The big one being that I had supposedly fallen in love...with JESSICA?! Jessica Jung the girl who I who i least expected to fall for.

Seriously how did I fall for her??? What was so cute about her? Sure she has nice chestnut hair and dark brown eyes. But so do a million other girls. What was so special about Jessica? I always thought I would be with Tiffany but right now Tiffany had her eyes on someone else and it came in the form of a lamp post.

I kept watching Jessica as I drank from my juice box. She suddenly burst out laughing. I watched as she tried to cover her smile than out of nowhere she began to pout as the rest of the student council started to tease her. I guess she is sort of cute? I thought. But I still didn't see the big deal with her was...I mean she is pretty, smart and a caring person after I found out she took care of me when I was sick. But remember this is the same girl who at ever chance would make fun of me or embarrass me or try to prove that I was wrong on every subject. She was the ICE PRINCESS!!! How could I fall for the ice princess? I continued to watch Jessica talk and eat her lunch happily, I guess she is cute when eating rice I silent told myself...hold up?! Did I just find myself becoming slightly attracted to Jessica...Jessica Jung?!

"What is Jessica's locker number" I asked Tiffany who was busily staring at Soo Young. She was always eating beside some of the theatre/drama kids.

"Huh?" she said as I nudged her

"Stop staring stalker" I teased. Tiffany gave me a scolding stare, in a instant I felt my heart skip a beat when I looked into her eyes just now. That is weird i thought to myself. How come i felt my heart race as Tiffany glared at me?

"I'll show you when we are done eating" she said as she took another bite of her kimchi. I could wait so I quickly began to munch on my food. A couple of seconds later...

"I'm done eating" I said and stood up ready to go.

"Boh" Tiffany's jaw dropped

Jessica's Pov

I walked over to my locker; it was two hours that went by that before I was ready to leave the school. I had to stay back and do some work for the committee. But I was more or less trying to avoid bumping into to Taeyeon. My eyes stared down at the tiled floor as it now lingered upward. I saw a tiny figure leaning against the lockers. The figure was cuddled up against the locker.

"Taeyeon" I questioned moving faster to the figure. It was Taeyeon and she was sleeping soundly as her head lay on her right arm.

"What are you doing here" I asked loudly causing her to wake up. She was rubbing her eyes as she looked up at me innocently

"Jessica?" she questioned

"What are you doing here?" I repeated

"Waiting for my girlfriend what else" she pouted.

Her last statement caught me off guard as I stood there staring at her. I felt out of breath as she looked at me with her soft loving eyes.

"Taeyeon...do you remem~" I quickly remembered Taeyeon was told about us. I looked behind her trying to stop the pain from showing

"What are you doing here" I asked again.

"Well I don't want to walk home all by yourself it is dangerous" she stated.

"Taeyeon I thought we already talked about this. I thought we both agreed to just pretend like nothing happened." My mind flashed to Taeyeon and I talking.

"I know but...for some reason it is hard for me. Ah I mean it is hard. For some reason I get this feeling that tells me...I mean. Ugh" she seemed frustrated

"Taeyeon just go home, its okay" I said as I pushed her aside and opened my locker

"You changed your combination to my birthday?" she asked. I felt myself become embarrassed. Taeyeon was never meant to see that.

"No I didn't" I said stuffing the books I didn't need in my locker and slamming the door.

I turned to see a smirk on her face, my heart instantly ached as I was missing her more then ever, she was right in front of you yet she wasn't here.

"Let's walk home now" she said grabbing my hand. I quickly pulled away glaring at her. I saw her breath heavily as she stared at me

"Taeyeon we aren't togeth...anymore" I couldn't even say it.

"I think I regret agreeing to breaking up because of my amnesia." She stated

"Why? It's something that can't be helped. You don't need to be" I said trying reassuring her that breaking up was best at least for now that she didn't remember anything.

"Because I wonder what will happen...what if I get all of my memories back and its years later? What about if you move on without me? What about if you disappear out of my life and you aren't there? I know it's selfish but...for some reason I am scared of the possibility of losing you. even though I don't remember all what happened between us and that I only know the facts that you have told me...I am just scared when the Taeyeon that you love comes back that you will be gone and she will be alone." She stared at me

"You have nothing to worry about Taeyeon...I will be here waiting" I said and walked away from her. Soon my walking turned into running, I couldn't handle keeping it all in anymore. I rushed outside the school and screamed

"Taeyeon I miss you!!!" I cried out...

"I am sorry Jessica" a voiced appeared behind me. I suddenly turned to see Taeyeon look at me with guilt. I could hold it in anymore, I couldn't just pretend anymore. I quickly ran toward her and hugged her. Crying loudly as she slowly wrapped her arms around me.

"I am sorry I can't remember. I am sorry for hurting you so much" She whispered against my ear.

The next day I was sitting in homeroom waiting for more students to arrive back from lunch. Suddenly the door slid open and in walked Taeyeon. I watched as she slowly walked over to her seat. Instead of sitting she stood there standing right in front of me.

I pulled away from Taeyeon. But still felt Taeyeon's arms holding onto my shoulders. I suddenly feel my head tilt to the side. I could feel the warmth of her breath as we both were breathing heavily. I just wanted to kiss her again, I missed her so much. I missed everything about her, I missed loving her the most.

"Taeyeon" I softly moaned as I felt myself lean inward closer to catch her lips.

"Jessica, I am not that Taeyeon" she sadly stated and let go of me. I backed away and bowed

"Sorry..." I said "I know you aren't..." I burst into tears and I felt the warm arms of Taeyeon wrap around me again.

"Hey..." Tiffany unexpectedly entered but quieted down as she looked at the both of us. "I should go...they just got some more pudding" Tiffany said excuses herself

"Pudding?" Taeyeon asked "I'll go with you" Taeyeon quickly followed Tiffany out the door.

After school I walked toward my locker. I looked up and saw no one waiting for me. I was relieved to find Taeyeon wasn't waiting for me again but also sadden. It was hard to ignore the attraction I had to Taeyeon, I know the girl who now sits in front of me isn't the Taeyeon I know and love but she is awfully close to it.

I put in Taeyeon's birthday and opened up my locker only to find a letter drop out from it. I bend over to pick it up, I check it once over to see if anyone left a name or anything on the envelope but nothing except for my name in writing that I knew was Taeyeon's own. I quickly open it and opened the folded letter.

I need a tutor?

- Taeyeon


Months later...

"I think I want to be a cook?" I looked up to see Tiffany pretending to work so diligently on her book report but more or less was continuing on staring at Soo Young.

"Yah Fany stop fooling around and pay attention" I was getting fed up. I admit I was jealous, I had feelings for Tiffany. I have always had them since the beginning. Even though I was told about what happened within the past two years all I truly know and remember is that my heart was yearning for Tiffany.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" Tiffany playing coy.

I started to mumble some not so nice things when I suddenly spotted Jessica walk in holding her books pressed against her chest. I rose slightly and began to wave her down. She looked up and nodded okay and started to walk over.

Jessica and I still found it awkward between us but we were getting somewhere

"2.0" she called out teasingly

"Aish" I whine, everyone calls me that now. It has been in total about three months since my diagnoses and people are now picking up my different habits and personality traits I guess the real Taeyeon didn't have. Hence why, I am called 2.0.

"2.0 what is wrong?" Jessica sticking out her tongue knowing full well how I hate that name, just because I am not "the same Taeyeon" everyone knows and loves does not mean I am not Taeyeon. But I only really allow Jessica to call me 2.0 because to me I wasn't her Taeyeon, her Taeyeon was madly in love with her and I am not.

Everyday it hurts me to see her watch me or steal glances at me when she thinks I am not looking. I know how much I hurt her everyday when all I can give her is my friendship.

"Jessica" I said "What do you think about me being a cook?" I smiled happily

"I think that is perfect...Tae...I mean it will be good for you, you are a good cook...2.0" she lightly smiled and brought her text books out.

For some reason I didn't feel so energized by the idea of it anymore. At times it was getting frustrating, always being compared to Taeyeon. All I ever hear is how perfect she was and how lively she was.

"Taeyeon-ah is this and Taeyeon-ah is that" I mumbled inaudible

"Hmm" Jessica looked at me concern. I quickly put on a fake smile and tell her to teach me. She glares at me telling me to be quiet. My heart is racing as I looked at her. Whenever she glares at me I always find myself out of breath and my heartbeat become irregular, maybe it is do to the fact they are literally murderous. Seriously, that is how scary they can be.

"Hey Jessica can I ask you a question" Soo Young appeared from out of nowhere

"Sure, what is it" she looked up

"I need help with this" Soo Young showed her English notebook

"I can help you" Tiffany chimed in. Soo Young looked a her

"No, I learn better from Jessica" she said. Both Jessica and I looked at each other.

"You want to what?" Jessica shocked at what I had just asked her to do

"I want to go on a date" I repeated and more slowly just to make sure she understood

"2.0 are you serious?"

"Yes. Geez how many times do I have to repeat myself?" I was getting a little annoyed

"A hundred times actually" she quickly answered while giving me a smirk

"Funny...har...har. But anyway are we going out or what?" I tap onto my watch

"Umm what are we going to be doing?" she asked still hesistant

"Mini golfing, the greatest sport in the world! Well one of them" I smiled

"Ah I guess as long as you pay this time, no tricking me" she scorned

"Good just make sure you bring Soo Young with you and I'll being Tiffany, it will be like a double date" I waved goodbye and left her alone.

Jessica's Pov

"A double...a double date?!" I angrily muttered

I wanted to kill that girl. What makes her think that I want to go on a little double date with her and watch her prance around with Tiffany? I thought to myself. Does she not see that even though she is Taeyeon-ah 2.0 to many to me she will always be Taeyeon? Taeyeon the girl I love and want to be with...

""Are you sure it is you and Soo Young together..." Yuri asked as she laid down on her back on my bed

"Of course I do, I know this Taeyeon still has feelings for Tiffany and not for me." I grabbed onto my pillow and began to squeeze it tightly

"Yuri it hurts so much...I miss her Yuri-ah"

"It will be okay Jessica. I understand. I know what it is like to watch the girl you love care for someone else..." she looked at me sympathetically

Once again Sica you were being selfish, I forgot not so long ago Yuri and Yeon Hee had broken up. Yuri wouldn't tell me why, but judging by the evil stares coming from Yeon Hee. It was obvious I was the reason.

"Yuri I am sorry for ruining your life to."

"Don't say that Jessica. It is not your fault. Yeon Hee just wanted something more and well I...didn't want what she wanted. I'm not ready and I know it would be unfair to her if I pretended to be." She stared at me "But I am moving on Jessica"

"Yuri-ah" I hugged her tightly

"I'll stop being so sexy" I joked which cause her to push my off the bed.

"Taeyeon's personality has really rubbed off on you" I laughed at her but soon after thought of Taeyeon

At the Golf course...

"What are we doing here?" Soo Young said as she lazily dragged her feet

"To play golf" I replied

"Why?" she whined

"To have fun...I guess. Look I promised 2.0 I would go golfing" I answered

"Why do you need me?" she asked me

"Because...I just do." I said as I shoved a bag of chips to occupy her while we walk

Soon enough I could see Taeyeon waving erratically at me, she motioned for the two of us to walk over. Suddenly with the appearance of Tiffany leaning against 2.0's ear I instantly got a upset feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Why doesn't it hurt you to be around her?" Soo Young asked

"It does, every moment I stare at her"

"Well wouldn't be better if you two stayed away from each other" I watched as Soo Young look at Tiffany

"No, I think you know the answer to, it feels exactly the same way. It doesn't matter if she is with me or not, it still hurts. But at least when she is with me I get to be around her and still love her the way I want to." I watched Soo Young continue on to stare at the two girls

"I promised Taeyeon forever, and I will wait for her forever." I stated

"Love is overrated and forever is overrated." Soo Young stated bitterly

"Soo Young I know you truly don't feel that way. I know it hurts but you know you can't help it either" I lastly stated as we finally arrived at the meeting place.

"Hey about time, you two are so slow" Taeyeon tapped on her watch. "Moving on lets go play some golf. Tiffany and I got the clubs and balls" 2.0 suddenly grabbed onto me and began to whisk me away from the other girls.

"Taeyeon, yah! Where are you taking me?" I a yelled

"Jessica and I are on one team and you two on the other. Okay?" Taeyeon continued to push me ahead of her "Let's go slow poke" she urged

"2.0 you want to die" I stopped and stare her in the eye.


"What are you trying to do, why we heading this way the course is that way" I pointed scolding

"You don't see what I was trying to do? Aish let's go eat, I know how much you like to eat. I'll tell you want I am trying to do"


"Did they just set us up?" Tiffany and Soo Young stated in unison, than awkwardly both began to blush

"Uhh...I think so" Tiffany became shy "I am sorry...I'll leave"

Tiffany began to place her left foot forward but found herself stepping back as she felt Soo Young hand grab onto her wrist

"Ahhh" Tiffany let out as she collapsed against Soo Young. Immediately both girls faces were red

Back at the food BBQ Meat stall...

"MMMMM" You are so lucky you know how to bribe me with food" I said to 2.0. I continued to chew in bliss.

"Cute" I thought I heard Taeyeon say, I looked down at her but she had taken a small bite out of her food and was busy inspecting it

"Cute" I lowly whispered

"I can't believe you thought I was going to make you go out with Soo Young" Taeyeon stated

"What?! I don't know...how was I to know? Beside I know you like Tiffany" I confessed

"You are just too cute sometimes" she teased. I glared at her

"What?! why do you keep making a fool out of me" I stated getting a bit fed up

"I am sorry Jessica. I am not trying to but it is hard not to sometimes. I am sorry." 2.0 looked at me. I suddenly felt those same butterflies I would feel with Taeyeon.

"But seriously do you not remember what I promised you?" she stared at me questioningly, I loved that clueless expression she was making

"I made you a promise to stay loyal to you."

"Huh" I let out

"I promised that I would make sure I would stay loyal to my heart...I don't know why Jessica but like I've told you before not so long ago. There is something inside, in my heart that tells me Taeyeon still loves you. Even though she isn't here I can feel that she still...loves you" she looked down at her hands. She was playing with a napkin.

I suddenly felt my self place my hand onto her hand. She looked up at me and down again, she was being shy. But when she looked at me for that one second I swear I saw Taeyeon.


"You really suck at this" Tiffany teased Soo Young

"SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I am trying to concentrate" the girl eyed her happy smiley friend.

"Don't you miss it Soo Young, don't you dare" Tiffany began to taunt

"Shhhh, seriously. I am not going to loose to you" Soo Young glared but Tiffany kept on.

It was like old times between the two girls. Inside the two girls were happier than they have ever been in so long. The two forgot how good it was to have each other around and realized they missed each other.

As Soo Young began to move her arms back to swing Tiffany suddenly blurted out an apology which caused Soo Young to fling the club in the air. It landed on her and Soo Young was now lying on the faux grass in pain.

"I am so sorry" Tiffany felt so bad as she lent down beside her friend.

While walking...

"Hold still" 2.0 asked me


"Hold still, don't you listen" 2.0 cutely scolded me

"What" I whined as I obeyed

"You have an eyelash" she reached out and suddenly held one of my eyelashes "Make a wish" she asked


"Seriously get your ear's check Jessica" she teased. But I closed my eyes and began to make my wish as I blew.

"Aww, I would ask you what you wish for but if I do and you tell me it won't come true." 2.0 stated. Both of our faces were close together, similar to what it was like during that night where I had almost kissed her. Yet again I wanted to, she was so close, her lips, her touch...Taeyeon was so close.

"Why do you have that?" 2.0 asked pointing at my chest. I looked and looked at the locket Taeyeon had gave me. I forget she wouldn't remember

"Ah this" I lifted up the locket holding it tightly in between my fingers. From the moment she gave it to me I had refused to take it off, it was with me every second.

"Yes, why do you have my mother's locket" she asked, she seemed a bit angered

"Ah, Taeyeon...gave it to me..." I looked downward suddenly feeling guilty. The second I told her that I saw her expression soften

"Taeyeon...wow, man I really must have truly been in love with you than...wow" I heard her quietly state.

"Is what you said true?" I asked her

"Yes...that locket is the most precious thing to me. It was my mother's locket. It was the locket she wore everyday, even on that...."

"Night" I finished her sentence. She looked up immediately at me in shock

"Wow...you know?" she hesitantly asked and I nodded

"I was really in love with you...I am sorry" she suddenly began to walk away from me

Meanwhile at Tiffany's car...

"Oh Soo Young" tiffany moaned

"Shhhh" Soo Young urged

"Soo Young, I am so sorry for hurting you and ruining our friendship" Tiffany trying to talk as Soo Young began to trail kisses up her stomach

"Shhhh I told you I forgive you, now be quiet" Soo young stated as she placed both of Tiffany's arms up over her head as she straddled the older girl.

"You are so hot" Soo Young smirked as she crushed her lips onto her Tiffany's lips and the two began to take of pieces of there clothing.

Near the bridge...

"What am I doing?" I scolded myself

"what is wrong with me?? why can't I be in love with Jessica...she loves you so much, Taeyeon loved her so much. But why can't I?? why can't I fall in love with her?" I mentally smacked myself

"Damn it what is wrong with you, why can't you remember. What is wrong with you!!!" I yelled out

1 month later...

Love week was at our school. It is where all bodies of students got to confess to there loved ones or long time crushes. it was basically like valentine's day and white day except longer. As well it was something that involved the whole school, as in we had plays and booths put on which were all dedicated to love.

Life seemed to continue on. I still had yet to remember anything but I was beginning to make my own memories. It seemed that people now were accepting me as the Taeyeon; I was now being called by my name rather than 2.0.

"Jessica...Jessica" two girls began to run up to the princess as she was taking notebooks out from her locker. It was obvious that the girls were confessing to Jessica considering they were holding a bag of chocolates to give to her. She turned and bowed to the girls.

"Why does she have to be so polite to every person that confesses to her? Can't she say know." I mumbled "If Taeyeon were here, she wouldn't allow any of those almost 68 students now since this morning to have confessed to her"

I looked around wondering if I could find Tiffany, which I instantly did. She was leaning against the locker as Soo Young stood in front of her. Those two have seriously become the mushiest couple ever on this entire planet. But at least my best friend was happy. I must admit in the beginning I was sure if it was right for me to try to get them together but it was hard seeing the person you love care for someone else and I know this is was for the best. Tiffany had finally realized she had feelings for Soo Young and though inside I felt my heart being broken I was truly happy. As well I realized there were other fish in the sea that were out there for me...well one...but frankly I wasn't sure if it was right.

If it would be right of me to act on this newly discovered feeling I had for her. For some reason I felt guilty, as if I was betraying someone...that being Taeyeon, myself in liking Jessica.

"What am I going to do?" I whined

Suddenly my eyes spotted Yuri I guess picking up Yeon Hee from class. Those two just recently got back together. Yuri finally decided to let go and commit herself to Yeon Hee, but she still made no promises to her which my sister was fine with. I knew how sad Yeon Hee was during the break up, I was the victim of her rage, tears and pain. But of course I didn't mind. I was finally happy Yeon Hee was fine with coming to me and letting me know all of her problems.

After I woke up from the accident and not so long after my amnesia diagnosis, she finally admitted to never hating me

"I don't hate you...I hate myself. I hate myself for letting you get hurt like that and letting Seohyun die. I love you so much...but everyday when I see you I am reminded of me being a coward and letting you get hurt."

I turned to head toward my locker, I suddenly saw another group of both males and females go up to Jessica and one by one begin to confess. And once again, Jessica would accept them.

"seriously just buy a wagon and carry it around. How many people like you...I never knew she was so popular like this. Yet again she did have a fanclub." I talked to myself as I put in the combination to my lock which was Jessica's birthday.

As I raised my eyes to peer inside, I found a nicely wrapped box placed inside the middle of my locker. I looked on both sides to see if anyone was watching. Of course no one was.

I took out the box and held onto it. I wasn't sure if I should open it. There was nothing to indicate anything, where it came from, by who and why.

"BOO!" I heard a voice come from behind me, I knew it was Jessica I could tell my her high pitched giggling. I turned and look toward her.

"Yah!! Don't do that" I scold her

"Oh Taeyeon...are you ready to go?" she asked me

"Ummm of course" I said.

I quickly gather what I needed and was off. As we were walking together, I remembered I still held onto the black box with the white ribbon around it in my hand.

"What's that" Jessica asked

"Um not sure" I said

"Ohhh someone has a crush??" Jessica teased. I could tell Jessica was beginning to move on. Despite her telling me and everyone that she will continue to wait I could see she was letting herself let go.

"Open it" Jessica smirked as she started to walk faster which allowed me time alone.

I stared at the box and still hesistant on opening it. Who would give this to me? Hmm maybe it was Im Yoona? From student council, she had admitted to me not so long ago that she had liked me. I had no idea why? I barely knew the girl.

I finally just decided just to forget and began to eagerly open the box. What I saw inside caused me to stop in my tracks. I began to cry as I saw what was inside...."I can't believe you..."


The night of the dance...

"I like you!!!" she pointed at herself

"Huh" I sighed

"I like you Taeyeon, you know I do...I love you...I miss you" Jessica began to cry out as she hugged me

I backed away; she only missed her...Taeyeon. Not me, I mean nothing to her. I am just Taeyeon not her Taeyeon.

"Just leave me alone, move on...Taeyeon is not coming back!" I stated as I pushed her away

"Taeyeon don't please...Taeyeon, don't you see I love you, the old, the new...I love you" she held onto me again as she began to kiss my neck.

"What are you doing?" I asked her finding it hard to pull back

"I miss you...I miss you...Taeyeon" she stopped and looked at me

rated r.

I found myself staring at her as we both could feel each others hot breath hit each others skin. I watched as Jessica tried to catch her breath and suddenly felt myself reach out to her hand and as soon as I grabbed onto her it. We both immediately pressed our lips against each other. I began to push her back up against the wall, I wanted her.

"Taeyeon" I heard her murmur as I pressed my body harder against her as I began to lift her shirt up

"Jessica" I moaned in-between breaks from our insistent kissing. I pulled her shirt off fully and threw it onto the floor. I then slowly began to move my fingers down the sides of her body and began to nip down her neck. I kissed softly as I was now reaching her stomach, she was still against the wall and she was gasping as I slowly began to pull down her underwear underneath her skirt

"Taeyeonahh" she moaned as she knew what I was about to do.

I began to move my hands underneath her skirt as I stood up again. I leaned in to kiss her and allowed myself to play with her. She kept gasping as I watched here enjoy my touch. She kept on breathing heavily and moaning, I was too caught up in kissing underneath her ear to listen to her moan.

Suddenly images of started to flash in my mind....

"Oh so you want to forget about everything...you want to forget about us?" I looked at her, tears were beginning to fall

"No, I want us...just not right now."

I paused from kissing her as my head started to hurt.

"Jessica?" i questioned

"Taeyeon" she stated back

"Ice princess" i retorted

"Clown" she spat back

"What are you doing in my house, sitting at my kitchen and eating all of my food" i curiously asked

'What does it look like" she bluntly replied

"I don't know and i don't care. All i know is that i want you to get out...NOW!" i smiled nicely

"Aaaaah my head" I mumbled as I backed away from her and a new image popped up

"Are you getting married"

An image of Jessica in a nice dress flashed. "marriage...huh" I stated quietly

"Jessica I love you so much" she said.

"This represents how much I love you

"Blossom tree?" the pain in the head was getting worse along with the images, I was so confused

I knew I had to stop this from going further.

"I can't" I said and removed myself away from her. She had the expression of hurt as she stared at me surprised. I bent down picked up the items we had lost and handed her items to her and I began to dress.

"Why, why not...Taeyeon" she stood there staring at me

"Just put on your clothes and let's pretend nothing happen." I coldly stated and walked toward the door to leave her to put her clothing back on.

Weeks prior...

"What is this Jessica, why are you giving this back. It's yours" I yelled at her

"It's yours I feel guilty for keeping it...especially since I know that it means a lot to you"

"Taeyeon gave it to you...it's yours" I pushed it back into her hands

"No, I'm serious" she pushed it back into mine

"Taeyeon gave it to you, and I am now also giving it to you. Stop being stub~"

"Jessica!" a voice called out

"Born..." I looked behind to see Siwon waved happily. My angering rising even more now, I knew the two were getting closer and rumours were circulating about them again.

"Did you forget" he pointed to his watch

"Ah sorry" Jessica pushed the locket into my hand and started to run over to Siwon. The instant I saw his arm warp around her shoulder my blood began to boil and I was clenching my fist.

"Jessica" I yelled out toward her. They both stopped and turned, giving me a clueless stare

"Never mind...forget it" I stated and turned and walked away clenching my locket in my hand...forget you Jessica, why are you suddenly breaking my heart...Taeyeon's heart. You promised...

I sat down munching on my salad at our usually table. I could see Tiffany trying to pull Soo Young away from the desert table

"Come hurry, I don't want Taeyeon to wait forever trying to save our spots" Tiffany tugged

"No wait...rice pudding Fany" Soo Young tried to push forward toward the table again.

"Owh fine" Tiffany let go, Soo Young instead of heading straight to the table suddenly pecked Tiffany on the cheek and gave her a hug

"Thanks for being so sweet" she said

"Oh gawd" I winced as I watched another episode of the mushy couple.

"Are you okay" I peeked open my eyes as I saw Jessica walk toward the table with her lunch

Is she really going to sit here, with us? of all days I thought to myself as I pretended to smile. I barely talked to Jessica now, I spent most of my time avoiding her and the whole student council grew. It was all because of the rumours, stupid rumours...

"How have you been lately, I haven't seen much of you and you are never there on movie nights" Jessica stated.

Oh yes now that everyone was all back to being nice and friendly with each other, we had created movie night where yuri, yeon hee, soo young, fany, sometimes boa and oppa along with Jessica and I would get together and go see a movie. Lately I've been avoiding that because everyone was coupled up except for Jessica and me.

I was purposely missing them just to avoid that situation, not like it matter...I heard from Tiffany that Jessica had brought Siwon to the movie night last week and now that to was also a reason.

I ignored her and kept on eating, pretending as if I just plain didn't hear her. Her sitting across from me was making me fume; everything about her was frustrating me and causing my temper to surface more easily now. I don't even think I can handle listening to her voice. I was so angry it was turning into a point I had no idea why...oh wait I know...I like Jessica but she didn't like me.

"Taeyeon I see you are wearing the locket, it suits you more" Jessica smiled lightly. I glanced up and took another bite at my salad, chewing loudly as I stared at her.

"Hey guys" Soo Young and Tiffany now approached and I knew it was my cue to leave. I gather up my lunch and bag and started to walk away. I said bye and walked away not bothering to give an explanation.

"Taeyeon where are you going" I heard Jessica say

"Hey Jessica can I sit beside you" I heard his voice; I walked toward the garbage and slammed my trash into it and pushed hard against the door knocking myself into people.

"Stupid..babo" I mumbled

"Taeyeon" I heard a voice from behind me, it was Yoona who had a angelic smile as she approached me

"Oh hey Yoona" I bowed slightly

"Did you eat already?" she asked with a cute pout

"Yes" I kept it short

"Oh, okay. Forget it then" she turned to walk away. I sighed as I watched the kid turn away

"What is it do you want to ask"

Quickly Yoona turned with a wide smile and held her hand together.

"All of my friends ate already, so I was hoping that you hadn't so I was hoping you would join me. But I guess it's too late because you did" she blushed.

"I can watch you eat" I said nonchalantly. Her body perked up and I saw a glow emit from her

"Really" she asked. I nodded and started to walk back into the cafeteria.

Yoona following behind, I could feel her, Jessica's eyes on me the instant she saw me enter the lunch room again. I didn't bother to look over all I did was walk straight to a table and sat down and laid my head on the table waiting on Yoona.

"Taeyeon, you are so cute" I looked up to see Yoona hold out her lunch box and lay it all out on a table. I raised my head up and saw Yoona with rice cakes. My eyes begin to salivate as I saw her mix it in

"You are hungry again" she smirked

"No...maybe...little" I said trying not to look to eager

"Good I made some for you" she said as she placed out some food into a plate for me

"Eat, I am so happy you agreed to eat with me...it's like a small date" she blushed.

"Yoona...its best we stay friends" I said

"I know...can't help but wish for more" she smiled. My mind instantly went back to the moment I met her

"Ow" I yelped as I collided into someone. I watched as our books flew in the air "Oh I am sorry" I said quickly trying to pick up the girls own books than gathering up my own.

"It's okay" the voice was pure I turned to look to the girl but once again found my head having to rise upward because the girl who I knocked into was tall, almost as tall as Soo Young.

"You're a giant" I said "Oops sorry" I looked away in embarrassment

"You're just short" she laughed. I teasingly glared but found myself laughing along.

"Sorry, I tend to knock and fall over things. I never learn" I bowed and began to continue on to my class

"Uh...um...My name is Im Yoona...if you're wondering" she shyly stated as I saw her pale white skin become a bit rosier.

I looked at her and smiled again "I'm Kim Taeyeon. Nice meeting you" I waved goodbye and continuing on to class

"Can I ask you why do you like me?" I caught her off guard as she slurped her soup up loudly

"Hmmm...cause..." she was trying to chew "You are very sweet and kind...I like that you are short...I don't know." She was blushing

"You are crazy...so many better people out there than me" I said as I continued to talk to her

"No...why are you so critical of yourself? The Taeyeon I heard about was never like that" she stared at me firmly. I felt a sharp pang hit my heart again. Again with the Taeyeon, are people so in love with the "old" Taeyeon that they are just so blind to see me. I didn't know what to say. I was speechless as I stood up

"Boh? Where you going" she asked innocently

"I have to go, sorry couldn't stay longer" I said and bowed to her apologetically.

"It's not like she would miss me, not like anyone would." I didn't feel good any more and knew it was best to just leave school early. I headed straight to my locker and began to gather all my things.

"Taeyeon...I want to talk to you" I heard a voice interrupt. I looked over to see Jessica standing there with her arms crossed. I rolled my eyes and kept packing up

"Go back and eat your pudding" I coldly stated

"Yah! Why are you acting like this" she grabbed a hold of my hand and spun me around

"Leave me alone, go away" I stated as I tried to yank my hand away from her. But she would let go and she continued to hold on

"Let go" I urged her

"Taeyeon we need to talk" she pulled me gripping on my hands tighter

"Jessica stop it, I'm tired of this" I repeated lowly.

"Taeyeon, why are you so mad at me? what did I do?" she asked

"You did nothing, you are perfect as always" I said and shut my locker to stare at her in the eyes. "Have a good day" I slammed it shut and bid her adieu

I continued to walk and was shocked at the fact Jessica was still following behind me. Was she seriously going to follow me? I finally turned around to look at her and glared at her

"What, stop following me, go back. You don't want to miss school" I harshly stated

"Taeyeon, I would rather talk to you. I want to know what you are so upset with" she stated

"Look Jessica, it's me. I am angry at myself" I told her "So go back inside. I prefer to be alone" I turned and walked away. At first she ignored my order and continued to follow but soon after she had realized it was pointless to continue on following me and she went back toward the school. I wasn't sure how long I was walking now. I just walked, I walked all the way to the point I stopped at the convience store bought a drink and headed toward the park that I knew was nearby.

I noticed the bench was empty and so I plopped my big bag onto it to use as a pillow and laid my whole body onto it. I stared up at the warm sky. Summer was nearing and soon the end of another term. Everyone for weeks has been going on about the year end dance. I was least excited to go, despite Tiffany's offers of setting me up or trying to push me to ask Jessica.

I shut my eyes once and felt my mind drifting off.

"Yah stop being stubborn go back to the limo and go home"

"No not without you" Jessica fired back

"I can't just leave my bike here" Taeyeon pointed

"It's locked? Right? Don't worry it will be here tomorrow" Jessica than took Taeyeon's hand and began to walk to her car.

"Stop, at least let me try to cover you from the rain" Taeyeon pulling Jessica closer to her body

"What about you." Jessica backing away and trying to cover Taeyeon from the rain

"Yah stop being so stubborn and let me protect you" Taeyeon scolding Jessica

"Me stubborn? You're more stubborn-er then me!" Jessica barked back

"Are we fighting already" Taeyeon questioned as she started to laugh, Jessica quickly joining in

"Jessica let me protect you. I want to protect the person I love the most in this world" Taeyeon pulling Jessica into her arms

My body jerked up as my mind dreamt about something that felt oddly familiar but unfamiliar as I don't ever remember ever that happening. I laid back down again, freaked out by the dream. Was it a memory or a dream? Was Taeyeon coming back?

I suddenly felt wetness and something licking my fingers, I quickly opened my eyes to stare at a little chocolate lab. I quickly sat up and bent forward to pick it up. I looked around to see if anyone was looking for a dog when suddenly I heard a voice.

"Taeyeon" it was Jessica. I wanted to just run but I couldn't leave the dog alone, without finding its owner.

"what are you doing" she said as she walked straight up to me

"Why did you follow me? I thought you went to class" I spat annoyed

"No I didn't I just went back to let the gang know where we were going. As well I borrowed Siwon's car" she stated.

Uh that name...again, now my blood was curdling though it all disappeared once if i felt the dog beginning to kiss my nose. my temper going down.

"You made a new friend" Jessica giggled. I could help but smile at her as I watched her reach out to pet the dog. Our faces were closely near and I could feel her hot breath hit against my skin and her beautiful scent enter my nose.

I stepped away and the dog began to whine as I removed Jessica's tender hands away from the chocolate coloured dog.

"Whose is it?" Jessica asked, not letting my distant attitude toward her get to her

"I don't know...I just found it" I stated. Immediately Jessica's mouth formed a smile and she took the cute tiny dog out of my hands

"Yah" I whined

"Let's go look for its owner. I see no collar, so let's go walk around" she cutely lifted the dog up to her face and snuggled against it.

"Yah!!! Give choco pie back" I stated. She turned to me and started to laugh

"Choco Pie? Is that what you named our dog?"

"What you mean our dog? Yah give choco pie back" she started to walk away from me

It had been almost an hour and we were both still looking around the park, we literally were running up to total strangers and asking if they had lost a dog

"Excuse me sir" I said as Jessica watched from afar. Making me do all the work while she and choco pie just play around, I glared at her while she gave me her signature smirk

"I give up" I declared after the man nodded no. "I know it hasn't been that long but it's quite obvious no one here is looking for a dog. The dog has no collar or anything" I turned to look at Jessica.

"Still we should just give up" Jessica smiled.

"Fine your turn" I ran over and snatched choco pie out of her hands

"Wae" she glared at me

"Its my turn to have fun, go look" I nodded her to go over to the couple there.

I just laughed as she huffed in anger. "see how you like it" I stuck out my tongue and let choco pie out of my arms after I chased after him.

I stared at Taeyeon as she was enjoying herself. What am I going to do? Pretend to actually be looking for this owner? When I know for a fact there isn't any because before I came to the park, the place where she always goes I bought her a dog as an I love you gift.

I knew she was hurt by me returning her locket. But she needed to realize I didn't need it, she had me forever. I also felt guilty since I saw how she looked at it longingly; it broke my heart to know that she gave me something so precious to her.

"Stop staring and go look" Taeyeon ordered. I turned and decided to take a walk.

It's weird to know that I may not get Taeyeon back again, but I still have her. She is with me and though she isn't the same, I still love her.

I suddenly began to hear a faint holler, a voice I recognize

"Jessica" I turned to see a figure run toward me....Siwon? how did he know I am here?

"Siwon" I walked out toward him. He smiled and took a hold of my hand which caused me to flinch. I immediately pulled away from him and stared at him confused

"How did you know I was here?" I asked

"Um, I have tracking device for security reasons..." I looked at him oddly but handed him his keys.

"Sorry for taking longer with the car, here you go. Thanks and have a nice day" I told him as I attempted to take a step to go and look for Taeyeon.

"Jessica...wait" I felt his hand hold onto mine and suddenly in seconds I felt his lips on mine. I pushed him away and spat out the spit that had been inserted into my mouth and then I stepped forward and slapped him.

"I told you no, you are my friend. Don't you dare do that again" I glared. I started to run away from him. I had to find Taeyeon she was the only one who could make me feel better.

Two day's prior...

"Taeyeon go to the dance, I don't see why you won't?" tiffany said on the other line

"I don't want to, there is no point. I have no date...and Jessica is going to be there and she is frankly the last person I want to see" I sighed

"Why? What did she do...?"

"She broke up with Taeyeon" I angrily stated

"What do you mean" Tiffany pushed on

"I mean what I just said, Jessica broke up with me...she gave me back my locket...what else does it mean" I held up the locket that Jessica put in the box for me. "I saw her make out with Siwon..." I stated

"Taeyeon, listen to me. Jessica has her reasons, and you really should go talk to her...that kiss with Siwon was nothing to her" Tiffany stated in the phone.

"Just have a good time at the dance Tiffany; I really hope you all have a good time" I said and hung up on her. I leaned against the wall of my bedroom and stared at the picture I had of Jessica and I together.

I heard whimpering and I looked down to see choco wanting some attention. I lifted him up and cuddled with him in bed. We both laid they staring at the photo

"Miss mommy? I miss her to" I threw the picture on the floor and burst out in tears.

I arrived at school late, Boa had dropped me off and I said goodbye to her, she knew I had been depressed these past days. What was wrong with me? why do I feel this way...I don't even remember being in love with her yet I can't help but not to

Lately my head was beginning to hurt again, and I was getting frequent nosebleeds now, the doctors had told me to contact them if my health was abnormal. No one knew, not even my sisters. I just couldn't tell anyone, I didn't want to trouble them.

"Did you hear? Jessica and Siwon going to the dance together?" a female student gossiped as I followed closely behind them listening in

"What are you serious? Isn't Jessica...you know gay?" her friend asked

"I heard she is bi...man I am so jealous" the two girls sighed as they walked

"Don't believe in what they are saying" I heard a voice out of nowhere, I looked around and saw no one in the hall

"Hello" I called out

"You know she loves you, stop pushing her away"

The pain in my head was back and I felt a throbbing sting repeatedly into me.


"Taeyeon, you okay" i looked up to see Jessica drop her books as she held my body against her now

"Taeyeon let's go to the nurses office, you are not okay" she held onto me tightly

"No I am fine, just light headed" I pulled from her grasp.


"Jessica I am okay. Besides go be with Siwon."

"Taeyeon, let me tell you the truth" she stared at me

"Hope you have a good time with him at the dance" I said and quickly walked away.

I sped up my pace, I could feel another nose bleed coming on.

The night of the dance...

I pushed out of the school doors as I ran a head only to fall and trip onto my hands and knees. The pain in my head surging, all I can hear our voices, memories that I had no idea I had.

"Ahhhhhh" I screamed out as I blacked out.


21. (thanks Min for telling me this is my 21 chapter update)

The night of the dance...

I pushed out of the school doors as I ran a head only to fall and trip onto my hands and knees. The pain in my head surging, all I can hear our voices, memories that I had no idea I had.

"Ahhhhhh" I screamed out, there was only darkness


"Jessica?" I could hear faint movement as my eyes began to flutter open.

"Taeyeon" a voice stated, it was unrecognizable to me

"Jessica?" I repeated, I began to look around but couldn't recognize a thing "Where am I?" I stated as my hear began to pace faster. Suddenly I heard beeping filling the room

"What's going on" I panted my body began to feel hot "Tell me, where am I"

"Taeyeon" I heard a voice "Taeyeon its me"

The moment after the kiss...

Is this what love is? Is this what love makes you feel, is this what love does. I held onto my chest tightly as I saw Siwon pull Jessica into a kiss. There lips still touching, I knew I had to go, I quickly picked up Choco and began to run far from the scene.

"I shouldn't feel this way; this is Taeyeon's feelings not mine. I don't love her" I mumbled wiping my tears away. I was hoping that people would not notice my tears though I caught people stopping and staring as I sat underneath a tree holding Choco.

"Taeyeon, I finally found you" I heard her voice, my heart wanted to explode right now. Stupid Taeyeon why did you have to fall for such a girl I thought again silently to myself. I quickly wiped my tears and hoped she wouldn't notice my pain.

"You were looking for me? What for?" I smiled. As soon as my face turned to her I felt her fingers run down my cheek. She had a concerned expression on her face as I stared into her eyes

"You saw the kiss didn't you?" she asked bluntly. I flinched slightly at her honesty

"Look, it meant nothing, he kissed me that was it. I don't love him" she stated, she looked so sincere, now I see why Taeyeon had fallen for her.

"Oh" was all I let out.

"I love you" she surprised me


"You know I do, Taeyeon I love you"

I didn't know what to do, I don't know how I feel, is this real feelings or old feelings that Taeyeon had. How do I know? I am so confused and lost

"If you love me then why break up with me" I held the locket in my hands

"Taeyeon...no" she grabbed onto my hands and placed them at sides

"Why did you break my...ah her heart" I backed away and began to run. I could hear Choco bark for me as I ran away though I wanted to listen to Jessica I just couldn't stay there, I was too scared, too confused I didn't know what the truth was to me.

"Taeyeon it's me" I heard the voice, I immediately knew who it was, i was awake from my sleep

"Jessica" I sat up and smiled at her

"I'm here" she sat down beside me and leaned in to hug me in her arms

"I missed you" I stated as I held her tightly in my arms

1 week later...

"Taeyeon I can't believe you are back"


"I am so happy that you have your memories back"

"Guys!" everyone turned to look at me, and in that moment I turned my eyes toward Jessica who walked into the room with a look I've never seen before, a look that had a mixture of pure bliss, sadness, tiredness but most of all relief. "Yeah guys, I am happy to have my memory back" I put on a fake smile. "I am happy that the old Taeyeon is back here for you guys"

It was hard to think, all of my memories were back but something inside of me was different. I was here but I also wasn't, like a part of me died and now I was lost. Nothing was making sense despite everyone including the doctors, all I know is something was not right and I was unsure how I should deal with this mysterious feeling inside of me.

"Taeyeon what are you thinking about?" Jessica placed her hands on mine as we were now the only two people in my hospital room.

"Hmm?" I was caught off guard

"What's wrong, I've been watching you the whole time and you seem to still be a bit lost in all of this, what is wrong? You know you can tell me?" She softly stated

"Ah...it's like what you said; it hasn't been that long since I've woken up and I am still trying to make sense of things...I am just still exhausted" I leaned back onto my pillow, Jessica raised her hands and began to brush my bangs out of my eyes

"Well I guess I should go, let you rest" Jessica began to move away but my body jerked causing her to stop. My hand was clutching onto her arm and was trying to stop her from leaving

"Um, stay...please" was all I needed to say when in a matter of seconds Jessica head was suddenly resting on my chest and her arms wrapped around my body. Tears falling from Jessica's face and cries of pain filled the room as we both held onto each other.

"Taeyeon-ah I love you"

2 days later

It wasn't that long since I had been released two days had passed and my doctors said I was fine to go, but I was told I would need to come back later in the week to go for more testing. For you see, the doctors were unsure what was wrong with me, they didn't understand why was I getting bloody noses and migraines still. The doctors had ruled out the chance of it being a tumour from before but once again were considering it and now were running more tests to see if they had missed something from previously. But for now I was told to go on with my life and get some rest, as much as I knew I wanted that along with my family and friends I couldn't go home fully relaxed wondering when they will find what is wrong with me.

"We are here?" Jessica smiled happily as she quickly got out of her limo. Jessica had offered me a ride home because everyone was busy with school or work to help me home.

"Finally! I was wondering how long it was seriously taking, the hospital is only twenty minutes and" I looked at my watch "It took us an hour to get home" I said, I slowly pushed my body out of the car but quickly realized we weren't at my house, we were at...well I don't know where we exactly were. I stood at the front gate staring at a fairly large house that seemed similar to Jessica's home but smaller and less traditional.

"Um Jess...what is this?" I looked at her confused

"Ah, um" she was smiling and becoming embarrassed

"Jess..." I stared at her

"I kidnapped you"

"You WHAT?!" my eyes bulged at her

"She WHAT?!" was all I could hear Boa scream as I told my sister what Jessica decided to do without anyone knowing, including me.

"Yea everything will be okay, we will be back by Sunday night, tell umma, appa and Yeon Hee I am ok" I looked over at Jessica who was sitting on a bed and staring down at her feet in shame at what she did. At first listening to her rant away about what she did made me angry but soon after I was now finding it so cute, she was cute. I smiled at her as I knew she felt bad for causing my family to have a heart attack though I know if she had a choice to do it again she would.

"Jessica it's okay, my parents are fine though they were freaked out about us not showing up, but after the initial screams they are okay with us spending the weekend...alone" I walked over to he and sitting my small body against her

"Sorry, just...I wanted to let you have a peaceful rest"

"No you didn't" I grinned slyly

"What you mean?" Jessica looked at me confused

"Just admit it Jessica" I stood up as I began to walk away "You wanted me all to yourself" I winked at her, her jaw dropped as she slightly rose "And I am pretty sure you hadn't planned on letting me rest" I smirked as I ran out of the room, I was laughing so hard as I listened to Jessica's yell out in anger for me.

"Taeyeon get your butt back here...you Pervert!" she spat angrily

I ran out into the back garden and into the wooded area, Jessica told me this was her family's cottage and it was her family's home away from home. She had told me this is where she would go every summer to try to reconnect with her mother.

I decided to stop as I now needed to catch my breath; I was still tired from the hospital and still recovering from what happened. I walked slower as I found myself getting lost further inside the forested area of the estate.

"Maybe I should stop before I make this situation worse" I looked back hoping if I just head straight it would lead me back.

10 min later...

"Well that plan didn't go so well" as I now was confused even more, all that was around me was green and tall. As I stopped and leaned against a tree for a little rest I suddenly could feel something crawl up my back. I started to scream and wail out loud as I was unsure what it was, all I knew was it was cold and wet

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I cried out running away and soon enough found my self stumbling over and hitting my front hard onto the hard ground. I listened to the little wet thing move away in between the grass. I quickly pushed myself up and rubbed my forehead, it was in pain

"Ugh" I looked around me but instead of seeing just trees I found what seemed to be a grave

I felt my heart beat faster as I found myself curious as to whose grave this was and why was it doing all the way out here on its own. Step by step I slowly walked over to the large grave maker and sat down beside it as I read the inscription

"Jung Young-In" I read out the name, the date of birth of when the person died was obvious she was young, I knew that name but I couldn't remember from where and suddenly it hit me...

"Jessica" I felt my body drop even closer to the ground, I pain flowed inside as I realized it was Jessica's mother's grave. Now I understood what she meant about this place bringing her closer to her mother and looking at the date, I soon saw why Jessica brought me here.

"So you found it" a voice from behind the large arch angel appeared

"Jessica" I called out as I found her holding a blanket and some flowers in her hand. She didn't look sadden but happy as the sun shone on her, I was unsure what to do. It had been years since I last been to my mother's grave, for some reason I dare not go, I was to scared or too ashamed at my past. I just knew I hated the sight of burying a loved one.

"Hey mom" Jessica stated as she sat down beside me and placed the flowers onto the ground "Um you are probably wondering who this is" she looked over at me as I looked at her confused

"Well...this is my girlfriend umma" she smiled and wrapped the blanket around me "I love her very much"

"Jess..." I felt uncomfortable "I am Kim Taeyeon, nice to finally meet you" I said

"She means a lot to me, however, in the beginning this was the girl whose guts I hated"

"Jessica" I eyed her

"What I am just telling my mother about what her daughter's girlfriend is like" Jessica playful stuck out her tongue at me. I just smiled, I had found myself restraining that uncomfortable feeling inside as I watched Jessica talk to her mother happily about me and us and soon enough the sun was beginning to set.

"Taeyeon i am sorry for kidnapping you, sorry for everything..." I stopped the both of us from walking back to the house any further and let go of her hand, she called out for me. she was surprised by my action but she was misunderstanding me

"Jess...don't, I am just honoured that you wanted me here, with you on the day your mother died" I said and did something that I had been longing for the longest time.

"Taeyeon I~" I stopped her from talking as I grabbed onto her shoulders and planted a deep kiss onto her soft lips.

In that moment I felt all of my emotions release, from the sad to the blissful. I just wanted to be with her again, I had missed her so much and needed to be with her once more.

"Taeyeon" Jessica gasped as I pulled her body in closer

"Jessica" I said in between breathes.

"We should go back before it gets any" she paused as she let out a moan for me "Its getting dark, danger...ous" she gasped as I pushed her against the tree and began to unbutton her shirt. I planted kisses down her neck as I fully unbutton her top and was taking it off of her

"Taeyeon-ah" she kissed me back and soon I felt her hands pull up my shirt off of me

"Okay let's go inside" I pulled away

"What?" she stared at me

"What? you think I am going to let you...us...here...too dirty and cold" I smiled throwing her shirt back to her and began to walk away

"Taeyeon...you serious? Ugh!!!" was all I heard. I could help but smile, I missed this.

"TAEYON at least wait for me, you know I don't like the dark" she whined. I stopped and held my arms open for her, I tightly wrapped myself around her as soon as I felt her soft skin

"I love you Jessica Jung"

Weeks later...

"Taeyeon you okay?" I heard the kind voice ask me as I sat in the coffee shop reading one of Jessica's many books that she has been forcing me to read

"I am okay Yoona" I smiled at her. I was peering through my glasses; just keep doing your homework. I stated pointing at her take home test she had to finish. The other girls had popped out to visit some of the boutiques as Yoona and I decided to stay here and drink our coffees and get some work done.

As I went back to reading I felt my cell phone vibrate I checked to see it was my doctor reminding me of our appointment for my test results together, I could not help but feel scared as to what news he had awaiting me. After going to the hospital a second time the doctors who had previously diagnosed me with a bacterial infection were now unsure as to why I was still getting the bloody noses and headaches. The only logical explanation was neurological, something dealing with the brain process, something like...a brain tumour.

"Hello" I answered and got up to find some privacy

"Good to see you see you with more energy" he said

"Thanks..." I replied

"Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine, I haven't had a headache or a nosebleed in a while" I stated

"That's good. So I guess you know why I am calling" I nodded silently "Well I was wondering when you come in if your parents could accompany you or one of your sisters' or Jessica at least"

"You want someone to accompany me?" I asked nervously

"Yes Miss Kim...Taeyeon we think it is best if you did not come to the hospital alone" he paused "We will talk more when you arrive later, please take care" he hung up.

I looked toward the door wondering if I ran away would anyone miss me but somehow fate would have it, I was now watching Tiffany, Soo Young, Yuri and Jessica walking into the coffee shop. I slipped my hands into my pockets and slowly approached the crowded table.

"Hi guys" I interrupted, everyone looked up with a smile. My eyes immediately went to Jessica who was absolutely glowing now.

"I have to go guys, I need to go in for a check up" I said as I took my coat and held it against my body. "Here, it's on me" I stated placing a couple of large bills onto the table and trying to quickly walk out without having anyone question me or say something.

"Oh, Taeyeon let me accompany you then" I winced the moment I heard Jessica say that. I mouthed, just tell her no but instead I said, "Sure why not" stupid Taeyeon. I felt Jessica's arm encircle my own as we both walked out of the coffee shop. We were talking about various subjects from the weather to the news.

"Are you excited about going to the US?" I asked

"No" she bitterly stated as we walked, I could feel her grip tighten

"You should be, NYU is an amazing school with an amazing English program. Did you not say how much you always wanted to live in New York?" I knew she was upset about both her father and I trying to push her to go to the US. but this was for the best, she was so intelligent and I personally couldn't let that go to waste.

"Taeyeon, what is going on? You are acting different?" Jessica stopped both of us from walking

"Umm nothing, I'm fine" I grabbed her hand into mine and began to pull her "Let's go, I have an appointment to make" I stated. Jessica did always know how to read me, if I got bad news today I am unsure of how I am going to hide it from her.

At the hospital

It took a lot of convincing but somehow I convinced Jessica that It was best if she sit outside while I talk to the my doctor about my results

"It's a tumour" I stated not even allowing him time to sit down and relax in his chair

"Yes it is...I can see you already figured it out" he stated sympathetically

"My symptoms tell me it is clearly a tumour I have, it has been pretty obvious for a while now. the only question I have is am I going to die and when?"

Outside of the hospital

"Taeyeon...don't think that way" my mind flashed back to what the doctor was telling me

"There is a chance that the tumour is not even cancerous" I started to laugh uncontrollably for some reason, I could feel Jessica's hand press softly and her eyes peeking over curiously at me

"What is so funny, was it good news from the doctor?" Jessica asked. I quickly stopped and smiled

"No I am not laughing about my check up..." I lied "Ah I am laughing about all the times we've gotten in trouble"

"Oh, okay." Jessica looked at me unsure whether to believe me or not, she was pretty perceptive and I knew that she would easily figure things out soon enough and what I had to do now is figure out what to do next.

"Taeyeon we need you back in here again for further blood work and scans, if we do find out that the tumour is cancerous than I am going to have to speak with your parents and get you admitted to the hospital for treatment right away"



Jessi: what time is it there? It must be so late, go to bed taengoo-ah

Taebear: Noo, I am fine. I want to talk to you. its not that late

Jessi: you keep forgetting that you are in Korea while I am in Seoul, that's practically almost a days difference, its night time for you. go to bed

Taebear: No I am fine, I miss you. let's talk.

Jessi: Taeyeon I can't I have to get ready for class, you should go to sleep.

Taebear: But I thought you had all of your classes today?

Jessi: I have a tutorial...I meant

Taebear: Oh ok, sorry...bye.

Taebear logged off

"Aish...Taeyeon don't be mad at me. I knew this would be hard on us, I tried to get out of this but you and appa wouldn't stop it. Now you both got your wish. I am here in New York studying English and you along with everyone else I love are in Seoul" I sighed as I slammed down my laptop. I walked toward the window and watched New York's falling leaves hit the dying grass in the middle of autumn.

"Going to be a long school year" I said pressing my head against the window

It was a quick summer for us, one second we were together laughing happily at the beach the next I was on a plane to nowhere. The first week of school I would say the hardest, but I'm beginning to think it isn't anymore, everyday actually is the hardest. Everyday that I am away from her is causing me pain.

"Hey Jessica a whole bunch of the guys and girls want to go out ditch tutorial and shop want to come?" I turned my head around to stare at my roommate Elizabeth.

"Ah, no not today" I replied tiredly

"Oh, are you okay?" Elizabeth stepped closer to me

"Um just not feeling up to it that's all" I gently smiled

"Does this have to do with your girlfriend?"

"Um no..." I didn't know what to say I thought as I stared at her

"Well you have my number if you change your mind" Elizabeth stated and walked back out of the room

"Look Jessica, feel better. Long distance relationships are always tough but you got to keep on fighting" was the last thing she said to me.

I went to bed immediately after she left, I wasn't sure how long I slept. But when I woke up, took a shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed I finally noticed on my laptop an e-mail message from Taeyeon.


Just that if i go to sleep earlier, by the time i wake up i have to wait such a long time because by that time it is your turn to sleep, so if i just sleep late, i can talk to you more and i wont have to wait too long.



I smiled happily as I read her message. I did not know what to think but all I felt was happiness knowing how much Taeyeon loved me. I shouldn't doubt it, I know we are just going to be fine.

Meanwhile back in Seoul...

I woke up again with my head stuck neck deep in the toilet. I was coughing up blood again.

"Taeyeon are you okay in there?" Yeon Hee asked. I had moved back in to my parents house. It was best that I was home now since the doctors had diagnosed me with lupus. It had happen shortly after Jessica had left. The doctors thought they had found a tumour but once again, including me were mistaken, so for a little while before Jessica left I was in heaven. I felt like I had nothing to worry about, even my headaches and my nose bleeds stopped. It was just Jessica and I, I felt finally that we were back to what we are and I could finally see the future. But that was cut off shortly after during the first week of school and once again the blood came back. But this time I was coughing it up.

I had kept it hidden for about a week and a half until Boa caught me. we quickly went to the hospital and that is when they diagnosed me with lupus disease.

"I'll be fine" I said as I stared at the door. My eyes were red and watery. I was so tired, my body felt heavy and I felt as if I couldn't hold myself up anymore. Suddenly feeling my body collapse onto the cold tiled floor I laid there staring up at my bathroom ceiling wondering what Jessica was doing, if she met new friends and if she was happy without me.

A month Later...

"Everyone out of my way" I yelled out to the girls in the hall of my dormitory. Everyone had just stopped and stared at me confused. I had just gotten a call from my roommate that a package just arrived from Korea. I knew who exactly it was from, it could not be from someone else, it had to be from Taeyeon. My heart was beating fast as I raced and burst into my dorm room. My roommate Elizabeth just nodded her head at me and pointed to the package on my bed. She knew who exactly it was from, she just laughed as she always found it funny to see the cold icy roommate that she had met a week before school started exterior would turn to mush the instant I found out Taeyeon had called.

I quickly tore off the packaging and felt my smile widen as I looked upon Taeyeon's gift to me. Every week since our last fight which was a month ago since school started Taeyeon had been sending me gifts and packages from home. It was her way of telling me that she missed me and I was a big part of her life still though I was away. It was filled with everyday items I would have if I was living back home in Seoul, like the newspaper from a couple of days ago or Taeyeon would record my favourite tv show and send it to me.

I had begun to worry because Taeyeon hadn't been keeping up with her promise with me. for a while it had seemed as if Taeyeon was distancing herself from me and was forgetting about me.

"What it is going on?!" I screamed into the phone

"Nothing is wrong, I am sorry. It just been hectic lately for me" She replied softly

"Why are you not calling or online, it is hard enough that we both have an ocean separating us now." I continued to scream

"Jessica, I am sorry" Was the only thing she kept on saying

"I know that already...you know what I don't have time for this." And then I hung up

The next day I got a call from Taeyeon and the next day after that but I refused to take it. Until finally they stopped and one day I found a package left on my bed.

I looked at the new package Taeyeon sent me and this time it didn't have a long letter it usually had, it had a simple message telling me she couldn't wait to see me.

I scrunched the piece of paper against my chest and sighed happily.

"Good news I assume?" Elizabeth asked. I turned to look her way and nodded

"So does that mean I should bunk with Chelsea and Katie when she comes?" she smirked devilishly, I couldn't help but blush.

Meanwhile back at Seoul...

"Taeyeon here let me help" Tiffany said as she held onto me. Yuri, Yeon Hee, Tiffany and Soo Young all wanted to go out and hang since it had been a while since the girls had. It was hard for me to be with them, lupus pretty much has taken over my life. I now had to take medication to reduce the pain and other affects whenever I had an episode. I also needed to pay attention to what I ate and even have to make sure I don't stay out in the sun for too long, the doctors said that the only cure for lupus is to change my life but instead of changing it, it was destroying it.

"Thanks" I stated, my friends and family were supportive but at times I would get quite annoyed about it because I would often be babied by them.

"So how is college life?" I asked to ease the tension.

Everything had changed with the new school term, I was still stuck in high school while my friends were off at college being grown ups.

"It is good, lots of reading" Tiffany replied

"I know I am not so excited about all the essays I have to write" Yeon Hee added

I just lightly smiled as they all began to talk about college life; my mind began to drift off to Jessica. Most of days were now being spent thinking of and missing Jessica.

"I think I need to go to the washroom" I interrupted and silently got up under the watchful eyes of everyone. "Don't worry I just need to go to the bathroom" I joked.

I felt dizzy as Jessica's face popped up in my head, I pushed through the door and headed straight to the sink to splash cold water onto my face. I head was aching, I was tired most of the time now. I barely had energy anymore it felt like.

"Tae...yeon? Are you okay" I heard as a voice appeared from one of the bathroom stalls. I looked up at the mirror and saw...

"Nurse Go?" I questioned

"Taeyeon call me Younha I am your age, I volunteer at the hospital, dork" She stepped out of her stall and stood beside me washing her hands then suddenly faced me. She gently placed her hands on my forehead.

"Hmmm, I think you are getting a rhinovirus" she stared into my eyes. My face was getting flush I felt.

"You're getting a cold" She lightly giggled and placed her hands at her side "Go see Dr. Lee about getting you some meds for it"

Younha was great, she would make the hospital trips and checkups bareable. I loved it when she was on duty because while waiting for doctors she would go on her break and we would just end up sitting at the hospital cafeteria and talk. Even after my appointments she would wait and we would end up going out somewhere.

Younha was someone I felt understood me, I would confide in her and she would confide in me. for example the reason why Younha volunteered at the hospital was due to the fact she had spent a lot of time in them. Her mother was unfortunately diagnosed with Huntington's disease, which had caused Younha to take a huge interest in studying medicine and wanting to become a researcher in order to find a cure for it.

"You look good, I miss you now that you don't really have to come to the hospital anymore" Younha stated as we both headed out of the bathroom.

"Me too, I miss talking...umm maybe we could get together...you know outside of the hospital" for some reason I felt nervous, maybe it was the fact I didn't want to be rejected by her. But what did it matter to me if I were?

"Sure, ah...here" she quickly took out a pen from I have no idea where she got and took the palm of my hand and scribbled down her number. "Call me...I hope to hear from you. But I got to go my girl is waving for me to come over" She hugged as if it was so natural and I felt a chill down my spine.

"Ah uh" I nodded nervously. I watched as Younha ran over to a very tanned and gorgeous girl. The two hugged and they both began to talk enjoying each others company.

"Are you excited about going to see Jessica soon?" Yuri popped beside me catching me off guard. I looked at her shocked by her remark but knowing full well what she meant by it.

Back in New York...

"Come on Jess all you ever do is sit in your room and read, or sit in your room and talk to Taeyeon...lets go out. There is a dance hip hop dance class. Did you not tell me that you love to dance?" Elizabeth tugged at my arm

"But I don't want to, I am waiting for Tae to come online" I whined

"I think Taeyeon can live a day without having to talk to you." she was trying hard to convince me to go

"She maybe can but I can't" I replied. Elizabeth gave me a look and let go.

"I give up!" she groaned and walked away. I tried to hold in my laugh as I watched my roommate walk into are bathroom.

I looked at the clock and was beginning to wonder when Taeyeon was going to come on, she was already late. It was Saturday so it was not like I had class to get to. I would usually spend my Saturdays talking to Taeyeon.

As I peaked at the clock again a message alert popped up and I quickly clicked on it. It was from Taeyeon, she was apologizing to me that she couldn't come online because she had made plans. Probably with Yuri or Tiffany I thought.

I sat up on my bed and looked at the bathroom door. I sighed to myself and pushed my body up and yelled out at Elizabeth.

"We can go if you want" she burst out the bathroom door and tackled me onto my bed hugging me

We had arrived at the dance studio and I quickly found myself being ditched for none other then Elizabeth and my classmate who is in one of our classes, Eric, now I understood why she wanted me to go. I looked around and it was easily to see I knew no one other then the two people. I suddenly regretted in wanting to join this dance class. I looked around looking for a spot so I quietly keep to myself.

For some odd reason an image of Taeyeon dancing popped in my head, it had caused me to laugh because of the dorky expressions she would make.

"Excuse me is something funny?" I heard a voice interrupt me, I looked up and quickly began to turn red as I saw everyone in the class stare at me.

"Ahhh no, sorry" I looked down in embarrassment.

"Are you sure? Maybe you can share with the class?" this girl whoever she is was not going to let up. I was getting a little irritated by her

"No, I am sorry" I eyed her strongly

"Well you can come up and stand beside me then" she pointed to the spot right in front of everyone. My jaw dropped and I did not know what to do. Who was this girl and what right did she have to act this way with me?

Meanwhile in Seoul...

"Taeyeon watch out" Younha screamed.

"Huh" I had now watched as a the Frisbee hit me in the eye. "OUCH!!!" I screamed clutching my face. The pain hurt so bad, all I wanted was Jessica to make it better, she was the only who could.

"Are you okay?" Younha stood beside me as she tried to pry my hands away from where the disc shape plastic hit me.

"It hurts" I whined.

"Here let me see" as she said that I heard silence and then "OHHH! Ahhh!" Younha just kept on making odd noises

"What?! what is wrong, is it bleeding"

"Ummm it's not but it's ummmm...I think you are going to be looking like a pirate for a couple of weeks" she softly smiled at me

"What do you mean?" I asked confused

Back in New York...

"You are very good, I am sort of surprised, I thought you would suck" the girl stated. I turned around and glared at her, I was debating whether or not to just put her in her place but refrained last minute as I realized she wasn't worth my time.

I turned away and began to walk toward Elizabeth who was still at Eric's side. But stopped as I listened the girl was speaking Korean to me. I turned and eyed her, I assumed she was Chinese because she was speaking Mandarin before.

"You're Korean?" I asked

"Yes, Kim Hyoyeon is the name" she walked over and took my hand into hers and shook it.


"How do I look?" I looked over at the gang as they sat at the dinner table as we all gathered at my house

"Do you want the honest truth?" Yuri replied

"Of course" I stated

"Ummm, it looks cool" Yuri looked away as she commented

"Yes, black is your colour" Tiffany giving me her signature eye smile

As I both looked at them, knowing they were trying their best to lie. I could hear Soo Young barge through the house and straight toward my fridge. She opened it and quickly took out a can of pop and walked over to us. The girl's had basically become residents at my house, they ate, played and sometimes slept here and even though they like to give me a whole bunch of reasons that are believable I knew my friends just wanted to be there. The girl's knew how hard it has been for me, especially the fact not having Jessica around was making life harder for me.

"Oh gawd what the heck kind of fashion statement is that?" Soo Young spit out her pop. I glared at her and everyone started to laugh

"It's not a fashion statement; I got hit by a Frisbee when I was playing at the park with Younha" I revealed to her

"Oh the girl you are cheating on Sica with" Soo Young said

"What?! I am not cheating on my girlfriend!" I yelled out

"Sure..." Soo Young winked at me

"I'm not, why is everyone saying that when I'm not. Younha and I are just friends"

"Taeyeon, I am sorry but from what I've seen, well from what we've all have seen...it's seems to be more between you two" Yuri sadly looked at me.

"We are friends, Younha has a girlfriend, her name is Yoobin. I hang out with her too." I continued to spat back angrily

"Well that's good to know, now I can give Jessica an answer to her question"

"What do you mean?" I stared at Yuri

"I got an email today from Jessica asking me WHAT IS A YOUNHA?" Yuri replied and so my mind quickly flashed back to my conversation with Jessica a few nights ago

"I love you" Jessica sweetly stated, even though I was not standing in front of her I could feel her face turn red as she shyly stated those words to me.

"You are mine and I lov~huh"

"Boo!" a voice in the background appeared

"Younha what are you doing here?" I said surprised

"Ah, Tae who is that?" I heard Jessica ask as I was balancing out talking to Younha and my girlfriend.

"Ah Jessica it's just Younha, ahh"


"Yeah Jess...Younha" I was distracted as i spoke to her Jessica

"What's a Younha?"

"Younha, uh look baby I got to go, I love you and miss you. I will call you later" I had quickly said into the phone.

"Tae, wait! What's a Younha?" by that time I had hung up.

"What's a Younha?" only Jessica would say something like that and make it sound so cute I sadly thought. I immediately remembered and regretted how I treated Jessica.

"Ah it's my fault, I will talk to Jessica about it. Don't worry Yuri. No need to reply to her email about that" I looked at the girls with my only one good eye.

I walked away and quickly pulled out my cell phone, I knew Jessica would be sleeping right now but for some reason I needed to let her know that I will only love her and that I missed her so much.

I listened to the sound of her phone; I could hear the song by as one play over and over.

Over in New York...

"Jessica if you seriously don't pick that up I am going to drown you to death with my pillow" Elizabeth yelled out. I could hear the words loving you repeat over and over again. I moved my hand as I still had my eyes shut trying to search for my cell. Finally I had grabbed it and slid it open to answer.

"Hello" I tiredly mumbled

"Ah Jessica, sorry for waking you" I heard my girlfriend's gentle voice speak with a solemn tone

"It's okay" my body immediately jerked up and I was suddenly awake.

"What is it? Is something wrong, are you okay? Is my dad okay? Yuri, the rest of the girls?" I suddenly felt a panic set in as I realized the time Taeyeon was calling me at, the only reason she would call me at this time was if something bad had happened.

"Ah Jessica everything is okay, I am fine and everyone else is...It's just I...ah...miss you" she seemed as if she was upset about something.

"Taeyeon-ah, don't get sappy on me here. Why did you call? Tell me the reason." I replied and there was a silence on the other end.

"Please don't worry about me, there is only you. They're will always and forever be only you" she said, I felt my face become flush and my heart beat a little faster. I took my blanket and my keys with me as I decided to give Taeyeon and I more privacy.

"What's going on Taeyeon? Are you sure you're alright"

"I'm fine Jessica, but I don't want you to wonder what is a Younha" once I heard her speak I realize now, Yuri.

"I love you and Younha is just a friend to me, I am sorry for abruptly leaving you like that. Sorry Jessica, I love you"

"Taeyeon-ah..." I could feel my heart thump and hear my heart beat loudly. She always has a way with me, I've never felt this way before.

As I listened to her words I unexpectedly heard Taeyeon sing...I've never heard her sing like that before. I knew she could sing but I never knew how amazing her voice was. I was now just sitting there outside my dormitory hallway, my head was against my shoulder and I was listening intently to Taeyeon's sweet lullaby.

Next day...

"What is up with your smile?" Katie asked as we were speed walking our way to class. I looked at her, lost in my thoughts and in reality

"Huh?" was all I could think of

"Oh Jessica's uber perfect girlfriend called in the middle of the night told her that she was the only person for her and sung her a sweet lullaby in Korean." Elizabeth answered for me

"Awwww, so cute" Katie and Chelsea replied

"Maybe I should turn gay just so I can have sweet stuff happen to me...does she have a twin or maybe Taeyeon is looking." I quickly turned to glare at Chelsea who quickly zipped up.

Back in Korea...

I kept nodding my head as my doctor suddenly handed me a refill. I told him goodbye and I will see him next month.

"Taeyeon wait up" I heard her voice, it was Younha. I smiled as I looked upon her racing toward me.

"Didn't know you were working?" I asked happily to see her

"No I am not, I came in because I just had some personal errands to do" Younha seemed a little uneasy and upset

I could easily figure out that it must have something to do with her mother. For you see Huntington's was a genetic disease and therefore there was a great chance that Younha had it. I had been trying hard for her to get tested to see if she did have Huntington's or not but she would often try to avoid the topic. I even tried convincing Yoobin her girlfriend to but she to would give me a look that meant just leave it alone.

Younha had fears like I had fears. My fear, that lupus would be the cause that would lead to my early death and that I would never get to see Jessica's face ever again.

"Let's go and grab a coffee" I suggested. Younha quickly nodded and took my hand leading me to the elevator.

Meanwhile in New York...

"You almost got it, but you keep forgetting the twist" Hyoyeon said as she wiped her towel against her sweating body. I was watching her through the mirror as she effortlessly did the dance routine from start to finish. I found myself unconsciously licking my lips as I watched her. A sudden smirk came upon her face as she now was walking over to me

"Jessica my offer still stands" Hyoyeon looked at me intently as she now was using her fingers to make circles on my arm. I pulled away as I didn't like her attention.

"I am sure" I stated and walked away.

Back in Korea...

"I went in for testing, I finally decided to listen to you and let myself get tested" Younha said as she played with the coffee mug in her hands. I watched her intently as I could tell she was still scared about the possibility of it being positive and if it is all Younha had to look forward to was basically losing all function, her life slowly.

"I'm here" I said and gently placed my hand on hers. "Just have faith" I stated

"thanks" Younha looked at me, trying to reassure me that I had no reason to be worried but it was hard not to.

"Taeyeon you are always there for me, encouraging me and supporting me. Jessica is lucky to have you" Younha looked down at the dark liquid in the cup. I immediately pulled my hand away, for some reason I got this bad feeling as I sat there with Younha.

"Hey" a voice suddenly appeared, it was Yoobin. Younha's girlfriend of almost 3 years, they were a cute couple but to be honest when I first saw them I thought they were so missed matched but as I got to know the two of them I realized they just made sense. That is sort of how I feel with Jessica, and once again my mind was back to her. I missed her.

"Ah, so when do you find your results" I tried to relief the awkwardness and tension I had just felt right now

"A couple of weeks..." We both sat there staring at each other, the uneasiness was beginning to be to hard to ignore as Yoobin sat there rubbing her girlfriends back trying to comfort her. I sat there feeling this pang of guilt crawl at the back of my neck.

2 weeks later...

"So what did the doctor say?" Boa asked as we both walked out of the hospital

"Uh...nothing new really except continue our routine and hopefully the flare up will subside. As well he told me that I am not allowed to go to New York to see Jessica if it hasn't disappeared..." I looked down to the ground as both my sister and I walked to her car

"Well then you know what you have to do then..." Boa smiled at me

"Huh" I looked up taken back by Boa's behaviour

"Rest, take your medicine and more rest. We all want you to see Jessica, we know she is only thing that truly makes you happy and can actually put a smile to your sad and lonely face."

"What are you talking about, I am doing just fine..." I tried to hide the fact that life honestly sucked with out Jessica being around to tease and to touch.

"We know you miss her and we miss her to, so it's important you take care of yourself so you can go see her. Lately you have been neglecting yourself, Taeyeon is there something going on?" Boa was pretty perceptive and could tell right away that something was off with me and she was right.

"No I'm fine" I lied, I straightforwardly lied

"I am here if you need me" Boa stated.

There had been a lot going on with me that no one except two people knew about. It had happen not to long ago between Younha and I...

"So happy you could go with me" Younha grabbed at me, locking our arms together. I looked down at both of our arms and wanted to pull away knowing full well this was wrong. Lately every time I am with Younha I felt so guilty like I was betraying Jessica even though I had not done anything wrong or at least I thought I hadn't.

"I heard this movie was good" Younha smiled. Some how I was able to distance myself from her without being to subtle and her noticing the fact I had.

"Well it's great to know I am not wasting my money I hope." I awkwardly giggled

"Oh Taeyeon you always know how to make me happy" I heard her lowly whisper


"Nothing, neverrmind come on lets go" she took my hand and pulled me toward theatre number 7

The movie went great and it had seem the rest of the night was to, that was until it got to the end.

"Taeyeon..." Younha softly stated as I walked her to her apartment

"Hmmm" I had been in and out throughout the night.

"...you know what, neverrmind. You obviously can't be bothered" Younha sighed and sped up her pace

"What do you mean? I am listening to you." I rebutted

"Ugh you haven't been listening to me at all...you're not even here"

"What are you talking about?! I've been listening and I've been here"

"No you haven't your off...somewhere probably with Jessica in your mind."

"Why are we bringing Jessica into this!" I felt a heat of anger rise in me.

"Because...don't you see...tonight, ugh I was going to admit that I have feelings for you. Tonight I was going to tell you that I dumped Yoobin for you. Tonight I was going to tell you that I think I am falling in love with you."

My body froze, words and pictures of memories that I had long forgotten were racing through my head. I stood still as I watched Younha breakdown, my initial and only reaction was to reach out to her. I had placed my hand onto her shoulder hoping it would sooth her. But Younha must have taken this differently as she had lifted her head upward and I found her body and face move closer to mine. I watched as her lips inched closer but I quickly backed away refusing to accept her kiss...her love.

"I'm sorry. Jessica is the love of my life" I coldly stated. I didn't want to be cold but I thought it was best if I were, Younha needed to realize my heart already belonged to someone else. That it was a part of someone else.

Time had been passing by fast and soon enough I was on my way to see Jessica for a week in New York.

"Taeyeon I would hurry Boa is getting impatient you're taking so long" Yuri laughed as she waited in my room for me to come out of the bathroom

"Just a couple more minutes, tell her to wait" I sighed.

Younha and I had been avoiding each other like the plague. The last time I had talked to her, well more like saw her was at the hospital to talk to my doctor and of course we both basically ran in the opposite directions. It was awkward, it was sad to see someone I cared deeply about disappear from me. But I couldn't give her something that was already taken, I do hope one day that Younha and I could be friends but I am not sure that wish would come true.

Yuri's Pov

"Aish Taeyeon I thought you were the boy in the relationship. Since when did you spend almost an hour in the bathroom to get on a plane?" I sighed as I waited.

I plopped my body onto her bed and lay there staring at the ceiling, I felt something vibrate. I sat up and turned to see Taeyeon's cell on the bed. I looked at it and saw a number I didn't recognized. I called out for Taeyeon but she didn't respond. I threw the phone on the bed hoping it would stop but it didn't and it was getting on my nerves listening to it. So I picked it up and decided to do something that I knew wasn't right.

"Hello" I softly spoke but found myself being cut off by none other then Younha. The girl who along with Tiff and Soo Young were growing to despise due to the fact she had been basically been throwing herself at Taeyeon who was to blind to see that. Though it was good to see Taeyeon had been spending more time with us then Younha, maybe Taeyeon had finally woke up and saw what Younha was more danger then good.

"Taeyeon, thank god you picked up. I've been fighting with myself whether or not I should call you. Anyways I know that your suppose to be leaving to New York to see your girlfriend but I just have to tell you...I am sorry for everything and I hope that you and I can somehow be friends again. Umm just call me when you get back...erm Taeyeon...I will always have a special place for you in my heart.

"Yuri" I looked toward the door and saw Taeyeon standing there. "What are you doing?"


"Jessica" I spoke softly as I brushed my hand against the side of her face. Her body was snuggled against me with her head just fitting perfectly under my chin and in the crook of my neck. I smelt her hair as I stared up at the ceiling of her dorm room's bedroom. I felt her shift as she gripped onto me tighter, I knew all she wanted was to sleep but in the next two weeks I had planned out a lot of things for us to do. "Jessica" I spoke again, this time Jessica let out a moan. I smiled listening to her breath, it was calming, she was calming being with her was amazing. I decided to give her one more try before I did anything drastic to wake her up. "Jessica" I stated and surprisingly it worked as Jessica moved her head and questioned me

"What is it? Are you okay?" she said as I felt her breath hit directly onto my neck causing for my skin to warm up

"Don't you think it is time for us to finally get out of the bed and actually do something" I suggested which I quickly regretted as I felt Jessica slide her body further onto me causing for her to finally sit on top of me. She began to kiss the side of my neck

"We have been doing stuff" she said as she began to move on top of me,

"I meant stuff as in good wholesome activities that don't just involve you us being in you're dorm and in you're bed" I smirked, she paused as she locked her eyes with mine

"You saying you don't want me? She eyed me waiting for my response

"Ah...Jessica not about that, of course I do. I just think it be great to actually explore New York while I'm here, to get fresh air, and maybe let Elizabeth sleep in her bed again" I stared at her. I barely had been in New York for 10 hours and for at least 6 of the hours I had literally spent in bed with Jessica. Jessica gave a loud sigh and got off of me

"Fine let's go and get fresh air" she said mockingly, she didn't seem thrilled at the idea but she knew I was right. I smiled at her, I truly missed her "It's been far too long" I said as I stepped out of the bed with Jessica's bed sheets wrapped around me following her into the bathroom.

Day 01

"Taeyeon this is Elizabeth, Katie, Chelsea, Edward, Effy and last but not least Hyoyeon" I stared at the nice looking group of friends Jessica had made while going to school in New York. We all greeted each other, and I bowed slightly toward them. I was still not use to the American customs so handshaking was a formality I often forgot to do when greeting someone as well the fact I didn't really speak great English was also a huge barrier for me to deal with to. I had always needed to be near or around Jessica because I found it hard to even understand anyone.

Jessica after getting out of the shower with me in the first morning I had been in New York had gotten a text from her roommate Elizabeth which lead us to where we were now at, a night club. One of Jessica's friends new the owner and so was able to let us easily get in. in the beginning I admit it was awkward but thank goodness Elizabeth happened to be Jessica's roommate, the girl was so kind but also funny. She was easy to get along with, so were Katie and Chelsea. The only ones who I were unsure of was Edward and Effy who were twins from Britain, they were also international students like Jessica and lastly Hyoyeon who I was happy to learn was Korean but so far it I found it hard to speak to. it was obvious she didn't like me since I had arrived. Though she was sweet to me whenever Jessica was not around it was apparent she had a disdain for me.

I watched as Hyoyeon slipped her arm around Jessica, I stared at it for a second wondering why Jessica didn't remove it but learnt to let it go. I distracted myself by talking and getting to know the two twins who turned out to be very laid back and fun loving. I was making sure I didn't focus on the fact my girlfriend was strongly flirting with Hyoyeon, it was sweet Elizabeth could sense my jealously and was also trying to distract me from it.

"Jessica! I love this song Boys!!" Hyoyeon interrupted the group conversation, in an instant I watched Jessica being whisked away onto the dance floor. I admit I was sort of stunned but got over it quickly, I felt Effy sit by me closer and she leant in closer to me

"Don't mind it much" she smiled at me. I stared longer watching Jessica and Hyoyeon dance so closely together. I glimpsed down to my hands and let my fingers play with the charm bracelet Jessica had given to me upon arriving.

"Um close you're eyes" Jessica smiled mischievously at me. I was standing in front of her while we waited for my luggage to arrive at the airport

"Ah okay" I said quickly obeyed the princess

"now open you're palm and keep you're eyes closed until I say not to"

"I promise"

"Oh I love this song Taeyeon, let's dance" Effy said as she grabbed onto my arm and pulled me onto the dance floor. I was speechless from the moment I was on the dance floor. I didn't know what to do, I stood there stunned as Effy swayed her body in front of me. I turned to look at Elizabeth who gave me a sympathetic pout.

"You're so adorable, Jessica didn't say how cute you truly were" Effy whispered into my ear, and immediately my body was being pulled away from the beautiful dark haired Brit.

"Yah! Kim Taeyeon what do you think you're doing" it was Jessica; I gulped as I turned to face her.

Jessica and I had decided, well more like she decided to leave the club earlier compare to everyone else. After she pulled me away from Effy, she ended up staying by my side the whole night even though she didn't talk to me much. I looked at her as I walked into the dorm room after her, it was quite obvious that she was still upset about Effy and I. I sat on her bed and watched as she silently went about the room until finally she slammed the bathroom door. It wasn't until about 20 minutes after when Jessica decided to finally talk to me, she was in a tank and some booty shorts putting lotion on to her legs. I turned away not wanting to stare at her while she did that.

"I'm going to go take a shower now" I said uneasily getting up from the bed.

Feeling the nice hot water hit my skin was good; I could feel the exhaustion in my body dissipate as I stood washing in the tiny dorm bathroom. It had been sometime now and I knew Jessica would be less mad so it would be a good time to get out and talk to her about tonight. "Apologize to her and tell her how you feel" I stated to myself as I rubbed the steam off the mirror.

I placed my plain white t-shirt on my half naked body and looked at the mirror; I was checking my face to see if I had and rashes forming. Luckily none to report, I still had planned on telling Jessica about my health problems during the trip and also talk to her about what happened between Younha and I. I was somehow able to get Yuri to calm down and convinced her to listen to me. She went off on a tangent and ranted about me cheating initially but when I explained to her she hugged me and apologized. Yuri was very overprotective of Jessica, I think it was due to the fact she had badly hurt Jessica and so out of love and remorse she always has this innate need to be quite protective of her best friend.

I walked out with my head hung low, I was preparing myself to apologize to her but when I gazed upward I saw Jessica and Hyoyeon sitting on one of the couches in the main living area. The two girls giggled like they were in middle school and the space between them was barely there as Jessica leaned in closely slapping Hyoyeon's leg. I rolled my eyes and nodded slight with an upset smile walking pass the girls as they continued to enjoy each other's company. For a quick second Jessica and my eye's made contact, she knew what she was doing hurt me but it was easy to assume she didn't care right now.

About an hour later Jessica finally said goodbye to Hyoyeon and was now stepping into the bedroom, once again it was just Jessica and I alone. Elizabeth was bunking with Katie and Chelsea at their apartment. "I'm giving you two room to play" Elizabeth teasingly winked at me as she said goodbye to me on our first ever meeting. My thoughts were interrupted with Jessica slipping onto the bed, she pulled herself deeper beneath the covers. I had my back facing her as I lied on the bed staring at the far wall toward the door. Jessica moved closer as I could sense her arms and head about to position itself against me so her body could mould to my bodies current form but I immediately shifted over causing Jessica to let out a sigh. She turned her back to making sure I knew she was upset. I closed my eyes and the last thing that was said between us was me telling her..."You're not the only one who get's jealous"

Day 02

Last night I didn't sleep well, I reluctantly let open my eyes as I couldn't sleep no longer due to the incessant noise being made in the other room. "How can Jessica sleep with all that noise" I was getting angrier. I pushed the comforter from my body and sat up finally. I looked to the side and finally realized Jessica was not there beside me. I gave a quizzical look as I stood away from the bed and began to tip toe to peek into the other room. Low and behold there was Jessica Jung standing there rubbing her head hard as she pouted cutely.

"What are you doing" I asked scared to even know the truth. Jessica was definitely shocked by my sudden appearance because when she turned she ended up knocking plates, forks and cups onto the floor. Liquid spewed onto the floor and what looked like to be burnt scrambled eggs and surprisingly nicely browned toast on the floor.

"Aigoo" she said as she knelt down to quickly clean it up. I stepped toward the spill and took her hands into mine

"I'll clean it up, I don't want you to get hurt" I said "I'll take care of you" she stared at me with apologetic eyes.

I finished cleaning the mess that was made in the morning it was hitting almost noon. After I cleaned the floor and glass I decided to do the dishes as well. All the while Jessica sat on the couch reading one of her text books; I watched her for a minute and smiled happily. I woke up this morning still a little upset but after seeing Jessica attempt to setting things right between us through cooking meant so much to me then anyone could imagine. I turned around back to the counters and began to wipe them up one last time

Two arms unexpectedly snuck up from behind me, I relaxed my body onto her embrace. She had held onto me just breathing calming. "I'm sorry Taeyeon-ah, it wasn't my intention to hurt you" she sadly stated "I am sorry for being blind and ignorant." I turned letting go of the rag onto the counter and whipped my hands on my shorts before wrapping my arms around her back.

"I am sorry to" I placed my lips onto hers and kissed her deeply. I felt her hands reach underneath my shirt and could feel intensely the heat being created between us. Her tongue entered my mouth as we both teased each other with kisses

"I'm happy that you don't sleep with a bra on" she hotly remarked against my ear.

Day 03

I could hear Jessica move around, I was wondering did it take university to get Jessica to actually get up early and break her sleeping habit. I lied in bed staring up at the ceiling once more, my body was definitely not going to make it today.

"Taeyeon come on get up" Jessica stated spanking my thigh trying to get me to move

"Jessica I'm not feeling well, is it okay if I just stay in today" Jessica stopped and stared long at me

"Taeyeon come on, not the time to play" she stated "I want to take you somewhere special" She added. I knew I wasn't going to win the battle so I despairingly got up slowly from the bed. I sighed as I stood up fully and weakly walked toward the bathroom to get ready.

I placed my head onto Jessica's lap as she lay against a Sakura tree. "Everyone knows that in 1912 in honour of Japan and the US growing relations, Japan had donated over 3000 cherry blossom trees to various cities with in the US. New York was one of them, the cherry blossoms that grow here mean friendship for the Us and Japan here. But for me whenever I come here they take on a different meaning, they remind me of my person waiting for me back home, and how each day my love for her grows." We stared at the setting sun as she brushed and played with my hair silently, nothing else was needed to be said. Just cherishing the moment was what was important.

Day 04

"Taeyeon-ah it's nice out, the sun and weather. I am happy you're here with me. I missed you" Jessica smiled widely as she clutched to her girlfriends arms. Taeyeon whose face was hidden under a hat, nodded with a slight smile on her face. Jessica observed Taeyeon's distance and weary behaviour over the last days since she arrived in New York. Jessica quickly remembering the email she got from Yuri who had told her to keep an eye on Taeyeon. She didn't give a reason why but Jessica was beginning to worry more and more as Taeyeon was not her usual self. She was always so tired and seemed so sad...it was getting to Jessica. She had been trying her hardest to make the visit worthwhile but it had seemed her effort was meaningless because she knew that Taeyeon was hiding something, holding something back, Jessica couldn't help but wonder what Taeyeon was protecting her from.

The girls walked more, touring the whole city, they had visited museums and ate at Jessica's favourite restaurant they even mad a trip down to Korea town. "Look ice cream" Jessica jumped slightly, Taeyeon silently laughed as she watched her girlfriend skip toward the ice cream cart. She could never resist ice cream could she? Taeyeon thought. Taeyeon suddenly felt winded as she turned to look onto the street jammed packed with cars. The continues honking and shouting from angry drivers, it seems so similar to home Taeyeon thought as she went to go sit at the empty bench.

"Ta-daa!" Jessica cutely cheered as she held a large ice cream cone with 3 large scoops of round ice cream. "We can share" Jessica stated as she licked some of the dripping cream off the side of the cone. Taeyeon knew Jessica wasn't trying to tease her but couldn't help but think how sexy Jessica looked as she tasted the ice cream. "Are you blushing?" Jessica stared at Taeyeon who avoided her eyes.

"No...ah...look a Korean grocery store just want I need." Taeyeon made something up just so she could avoid Jessica's teasing but as Taeyeon got up grabbing Jessica's hand and leading her across the other side of the street to look inside.

Jessica was busy eating the ice cream and from time to time would hold the cone up to Taeyeon who would reluctantly lean inward to take a lick of the cone. Taeyeon knew the drill, whenever Jessica would get ice cream and stated she wanted to share it really meant just for her. 'Where are the rice cakes, I want to make you some good Korean food for you" Taeyeon sweetly stated. Jessica let go of her girlfriends hand and took time to stop and stare at her girl in order to admire how caring she was of her.

"You don't have to cook, it's you're vacation. Besides we can order in or maybe I can cook something" Taeyeon turned around and eyed Jessica

"Um, so where are the rice cakes..." she smirked as she turned

"YAH! Yeonie what are you saying I can't cook?!" Jessica eyes slightly bulging, Taeyeon turned around again

"Of course...you can, toast and butter is a meal" She smiled and turned around "...just I want you to eat....I want to eat" Taeyeon made sure to say the last part quietly

"Yah! Taeyeon-ah watch yourself or you will regret insulting you're girlfriends cooking abilities" Taeyeon just laughed and began to move away from her girlfriend still trying to hunt down those rice cakes. The store was crowded to a point it had seem this place was too small for the large crowds. Taeyeon finally spotted the cooler that held a sign in front of it rice cakes! She rushed over quickly, and glimpsed back to see if Jessica was close enough which she was. Luckily Jessica had found some amusement from the large sea creatures in the water tanks. She was staring at them, Taeyeon was trying to decipher if Jessica was scared by them or fascinated. All in all Taeyeon loved watching her girlfriend act so innocent and childlike as she ate her ice cream and stared at the fishes, crabs, lobster and so on. Taeyeon turned around to closer inspect the rice cakes, she was counting on this night to be the night where she would finally tell Jessica about her condition as well tell her about what happen with Younha. Taeyeon was someone who placed loyalty and honesty highly in a relationship and she expected the same from her partner to. so it was best that Taeyeon finally admit the truth to the person she was already planning the rest of her life with.

As Taeyeon looked more, she glanced up and noticed something odd, a man who seemed to be looking around suspiciously as he was holding or hiding something underneath his coat. Taeyeon didn't think much about it but she than noticed another man and than another man who was eyeing the first man who Taeyeon watched. A feeling crept up and down Taeyeon's spine, her instincts were telling her something was going wrong and than suddenly..."BAM!" the crowd began to scream and scramble around as multiple gunshots were fired.

Taeyeon's Pov

I turned to find Jessica but due to the screaming and the hords of people it was hard to locate her.

"Jessica...Jessica...Jess" I yelled out as I lowered my buddy almost crouching down so I could explore more. "Jessica!"

"Tae....Taeyeon!" I barely heard amidst the screams

"Get down, everyone get down" the men repeated, they flashed their weapons around. The two new men who I hadn't seen were going up to the cashiers who were threatening the workers to empty out the registers. "if everyone co-operates then no one will get hurt"

Ignoring the men I crawled on the floor still searching for my girlfriend. "Jessica!" I screamed out. As I looked around, I heard a scream from one of the men. It had seemed not everyone was willing to co-operate as I watched some of the males and females try to tackle down one of the gunmen.

"AHHH" I heard a recognizable scream, I looked toward it and it had seemed the leader of the gunmen had took a hold of one of the customers. My eyes widen as I watched in horror, the man had took Jessica hostage. He held her tightly against his body as she tried to fight him, the people who had tried to fight backed down as the leader held a gun to Jessica's head.

"I warned you guys to co-operate and see and look what have you done" He angrily stated "Do I have to kill this pretty girl to prove my point" he screamed louder. My heart rate was rising as I looked on, I didn't know what to do. I wanted to burst in tears but knew I had to stay strong for Jessica. As the man turned toward me, I looked straight into her beautiful brown eyes and was trying to calm her down.

"Please let go of her" I coolly demanded staring at the masked man. I was begging, I stared at him hoping I could somehow will him to let go of her. I needed her safe I couldn't let her get hurt. Even if it meant me dying in order to achieve it.

"Taeyeon don't!" Jessica screamed

"Please let her go" I asked my voice ready to break, I slowly stepped closer in a crouching potion, I held my hands together begging him to let her go. Somehow underneath the mask I could sense the cruel smirk and could see the satisfaction through his eyes that he was getting off from this.

"No don't listen to her" Jessica begged. The man let go of Jessica and threw her on the flor and quickly grabbed a hold of me. he held me tightly against, I could feel his breath hit my hear and he whispered "You're girlfriend is safe...for now" he laughed as he than began to urged for the mangers to get more money.

Jessica eyed me angrily, but I stared at her blankly as my mind raced on what to do next. I kept chanting protect Jessica over and over in my head.

"We are done here boss" one of the gunmen stated, and as soon as I knew it I felt my body tumble to the floor, I could feel something snap as I hit the ground hard. Jessica rapidly crawled towards me and swiftly placed her arms around me tightly as she cried into my shoulder.

"Why are you so stupid?! Who told you to do that" she yelled. I placed my hands onto both sides of her cheeks and tried to sooth her with my stare and eyes.

"I did it for you, I love you and would die for you Jessica" I said.

"How sweet" the same man crept behind and swiftly snatched Jessica out of my hands and into his arms "But I am sorry this has to end" he began to laugh as he walked away with Jessica in his arms once again. My blood began to boil as I watched the gunman take Jessica away. I decided I couldn't sit back and let this happen. So I feebly tried to stand up. I felt the ache in my ankle as I limbed my way after her. I looked around to see if there was anything I could use against him.

But I looked up again to see Jessica screeching as the guy was hitting at her to behave, the scuffle between the two caused me to rush faster towards Jessica. I hobbled speedily trying to get Jessica out of harms way. one of the men noticed me as he went towards me pushing me down to the ground, he held the gun straight at me. I heard the click he was ready to shoot. Unexpectedly I watched as some of the customers tackle him down and restrain him, the crowd suddenly went wild as everyone tried to escape. I looked up to find Jessica but couldn't see her anywhere; she was no longer with the men.

"Taeyeon" I heard as the crowd still scrambled, gunshots were everywhere. Just then the police burst into the doors as to take the gunmen by surprise.

"FREEZE" could be heard but that did not cause the people to stop, the gunmen tried to run but were easily being chased down by the cops.

Jessica's arms were around my neck as I held her body close, she was safe and for a second my body calmed. But it was too earlier as I didn't realize that Jessica was not running toward me but was trying to shield me from the bullet that was heading at me. I felt her body limb as her eyes fell back. In seconds her body became so warm to suddenly cool, then colder as I held her injured body in my arms. I felt the blood gushing out as I tried to apply pressure onto the wound but it wasn't stopping.

"Jessica" I wept in horror "Why baby?!" my voice cracking as my tears hit her face. I was hunched over her as I slowly watched her torso move slowly up and down. The bullet went through her body as I could see blood flow out from the front of her chest "Why?" I asked again

"Because I love you and would die for you to" she said as her eyes fell backwards again. I held her body against me rocking her back and forth. Ignoring the surrounds of the cries for help, it all went silent when I suddenly I heard a click, I looked up and saw the leader of the men and everything went blank...

2011 January

"What is all of this planning for?" Jessica asked as she looked toward her three best friends. Instantly all three girls attitude shifted into unease as they looked at each other. Jessica was confused by their action but chose to ignore it.

"It's a welcome home party for an old long lost friend" Tiffany smiled weakly.

"Oh do I know this person?" Jessica looked up curious, again she was met with shifty eyes and that uneasy tension

"Sort of" they all said and went back to work.

The girl's kept working while Jessica sat down in a chair reading a book; the girls were definitely keeping something from her. She just didn't know what? it was not like she could remember, she had trouble barely remembering who they were when she first woke up at the hospital. Despite it all Jessica was getting used to it and has learned to let things go more and more.

"We should hurry I just got a call that she will be here in less then two hours" Tiffany said staring toward us all

"We are almost here?" Boa smiled at Taeyeon who irritably glared toward the window as she watched the cars pass by. "It's been a year since you are truly coming home" Boa stated nervously. Taeyeon continued to ignore her older sister and stare off into outer space. "Ah, I am sure Tiffany will be happy to see you as well as the rest of the gang"

"Boa stop, she just wants to be left alone" Yeon hee stated as she sat beside Taeyeon "She just woke up months ago, she tired from the long trip and so it's just best that we leave her be." Boa smiled sadly as she glanced at Taeyeon one more time before fully paying attention to the long road ahead.

Taeyeon stood in the corner of the room of alone, she spent most of the time observing everyone quietly. She recognized everyone who was attending her welcoming home party, it had been long time. Taeyeon had been in a coma for the almost two years, her body was moved to multiple hospitals as specialists and other doctors were sought after to help care for her. Taeyeon stared at her drink; she didn't care for anything all she really came back for was just one glimpse. Just to have one look at the girl she had lost.

"Where is Jessica?" Taeyeon repeatedly asked

"She is fine and perfectly healthy" Jessica's father paused "but she doesn't remember you, she does and she doesn't. She remembers losing someone special to her but more or less thinks that person has died"

"What do you mean? I don't get it? This is a joke" Taeyeon breathed heavily she was having trouble breathing.

"She doesn't remember Kim Taeyeon, I am sorry" he said sadly bowing

"You're lying, tell me you're lying, she wouldn't forget me" Taeyeon voice rose "Liar, why are you lying" she tearfully screamed

"Taeyeon he is telling the truth" Taeyeon's mother spoke up as the rest of the family looked on. All of their heads shamefully lowered. Everyone had tried to get Jessica to remember but with each passing day found it harder with Jessica resisting the people around her

"Hi my name is Jung Jessica" an outstretched hand was placed elegantly in front of Taeyeon's chest. Taeyeon's eyes focused hard onto the girl who looked more beautifully then she last remembered. She was definitely not the girl she rememebered, it was odd in less then two years Jessica became a woman. Her looks reminded Taeyeon of a picture Jessica showed her of her mother when she was younger. Taeyeon wanted to tell her right then and there who she was but knew it was best to keep quiet. Jessica will remember one day, she had always told herself. "It's nice to meet you" Jessica smiled widely at her flashing her gorgeous smile. Taeyeon took a big swig of her drink and bitterly gulped it in one swallow. She placed the cup into Jessica's hand and walked away leaving the welcome home party. Taeyeon had got what she wanted, all that was left now was what was Taeyeon going to do, she had nothing to live for?

Jessica watched as the mysterious girl coldly ignore her "Why so cold?" she asked herself inside.


â??Are you mentalâ? Jessica stared down at the little girl who was accompanied by her small group of friends.

â??Yang Jin!â? Yuri scolded her student

â??Itâ??s fine, Yuriâ? Jessica stared straight not giving eye contact to the people around her. Yuri grabbed Jessicaâ??s hands as she noticed how shaky they were

â??Jin I will talk to you during our next lessonâ? Yuri gave a warning look at her young student who regretted her actions.

â??You know itâ??s okay Yuri, I have to get used to the questions, stares, rumours and assumptions about meâ? Jessica stated as Yuri and her continued theyâ??re walk

â??It is still not rightâ? Yuri sighed

â??it is fine, I am slowly getting used to thingsâ?¦life. I am still healing, Iâ??m not Jessica just yet.â?Â

Jessica halted and turned to Yuri, the atmosphere immediately changed to a much serious tone. â??The doctors say I can leave by the end of next weekâ? she paused when Yuri smiled and hugged her â??Yuri I need you to help me with somethingâ? Yuri pulled back wanting to look at Jessica. â??I need you to help me rememberâ?Â


â??After waking up it took me a while, like almost a month to remember everyoneâ??s faces. What was going on in my head was that I had everyoneâ??s image and names but they were all jumbled up. Once I began recognizing people and associating them with names I thought everything was going to be okay. I was beginning to remember, or at least remember some things. Except there was always something plaguing me, something inside that makes me feelâ?¦like something is missing. Like I am forgetting something and I canâ??t remember what and this feeling is getting stronger.â?Â

â??How so?â?Â

â??Itâ??s as ifâ?¦if I donâ??t remember or figure it out what is missing I feel like I will never be me. if I donâ??t figure this out that I just think that a part of me will be lost forever.. this feeling is getting stronger and confusing as time passes, I sense it everywhere now. So I need youâ??re help, pleaseâ?Â

â??I didnâ??t know we were friendsâ? Jessica stated as she sat down beside Taeyeon â??I found a picture of usâ? she pulled out the frame nervously, since the arrival of Taeyeon Jessica became anxious to impress the girl which also made her anxious because she was very much intimidated by her. Whenever Yuri would say Taeyeon would be joining them, Jessica tended to be reluctant.

â??See, right here, a photo with you and me, Yuri, Tiffany and Soo Youngâ? Jessica pointed the whole gang out to Taeyeon with a cheerful smile. Taeyeon looked up taking her attention away from her drink for first time since they got to the café. â??I didnâ??t think we met before. I am sorry that I donâ??t really remember youâ? Jessica smiled became ashamed and a frowned formed on her face â??Mianheâ?Â

Taeyeon stared at her silently then went back to playing with the side of the cup which had a warring imprint of the caféâ??s name on it. Taeyeon picked at it as she tried to rub some of it off. Yuri and Tiffany had yet to show up; the girls had all planned to see a movie together. â??So I am guessing we were like best friends? All five of us?â? Jessica questioned, Taeyeon peered upward again

â??Taeyeon, we didnâ??t know when you were going to wake up. If you were going to wake upâ? Jessicaâ??s father spoke remorsefully

â??So you decided to erase any memory of me to Jessica?â?Â

â??Itâ??s been really difficult for her andâ?¦sheâ??sâ?Â

â??I get it, donâ??t talk anymore, pleaseâ?¦â?Â

â??Yuri, Tiffany and Soo Young are my best friendsâ? She spoke softly and went back to what she was doing. Taeyeon irritatingly tapped her foot on to the floor as she tried to ignore Jessicaâ??s hurtful gaze. She knew her insensitivity was tactless because it wasnâ??t like Jessica was the one to blame for this, actually for anything. It is the fact Taeyeon couldnâ??t stand watching Jessica not remember her, she truly understood how bad it was for Jessica when Taeyeon couldnâ??t remember. â??Two yearsâ? Taeyeon mouthed to herself.

â??Ah guys sorry we were lateâ? Yuri and Tiffany rushed in looking all flustered and red faced. Taeyeon knew something was going on between them, but refused to say anything out of fear of getting people hurt.

â??Did you guys have a good talkâ? Tiffany asked. Jessica abruptly stood up ignoring Tiffanyâ??s question. She quickly took a hold of Tiffanyâ??s arm and dragged the confused girl away, allowing them to lead the way to Yuriâ??s car.

Taeyeon was being eyed by Yuri who was glaring at her. â??I thought you were going to try to be kinder to herâ?Â

â??Sorry, itâ??s harder than I thought.â?Â

â??What do you mean? She is the love of your life, shouldnâ??t it be easy?â? Yuri and Taeyeon now walking toward the car

â??That makes it even worse, itâ??s just I canâ??t help but be angry. Itâ??s all I feel, it is just the way I feelâ?Â

â??Why are you pulling on me so hardâ? Tiffany whined

â??How could you leave me alone with herâ? Jessica pouted

â??What do you mean?â? she stopped and stared at Jessica â??Did something happenâ?Â

â??She doesnâ??t like me, she is so mean to me and itâ??s obvious that she doesnâ??t want to be around me. She doesnâ??t talk and tries to ignore me. She acts as if I am her enemy and that I did something to her, which I have no idea what. But also I feel anxious and nervous and I sweat whenever I am with her. She intimidates me and it scares me. â??Jessica pointed to her armpit. Tiffany gave out a grossed out look.

â??Shut upâ? Jessica glared causing for Tiffany to laugh.



â??This movie better be goodâ? tiffany stated while looking at Yuri

â??Why are you even complaining? I paid for youâ??re ticketâ? Yuri spat back

â??Now you can pay for my snacksâ? she smiled innocently, Yuri began to snicker while Taeyeon and Jessica looked on. The layout of the seats was Jessica and Taeyeon were on the outside seats on either side and Tiffany and Yuri in the middle seats. It was a relief for Taeyeon and Jessica because they were not really eager to sit beside each other considering the tension between them that confused Jessica greatly.

â??Iâ??ll come with youâ? Taeyeon stared at Jessica who was mindlessly fiddling with the fabric of her shirt. They got up and walked out of the theatre to grab food to enjoy while watching the latest comic book film to be turned into a movie.

â??Phewâ? sighed Jessica, she was watching the two girls leaving out of the corner of her eye â??I am happy that I am not sitting beside herâ? she whispered lowly in relief. It would suck if I wasâ?¦

â??Heyâ? said a boy

â??Errâ?¦.ahh helloâ? Jessica turned to Tiffany who was also unsure what to say.

â??The name is Jae Sukâ? Jessica and Tiffany uneasily smiled and went back to ignoring the boy. But it was apparent that the boy wasnâ??t about to give up considering he uninvitingly sat down in the seat beside Jessica. Jessica flinched as she felt him crowding her space. He tried hard to gain Jessicaâ??s attention by contstantly barraging her with senseless questions; she was trying her best to ignore him and his rude questions. â??Do you have a boyfriend?â? he asked. Jessica couldnâ??t wait till Yuri was back, Yuri would definitely get rid of him for her. Jessica didnâ??t answer as he kept repeating the question and Tiffany was telling him to leave her alone but he wouldnâ??t listen.

â??Just answerâ?¦â? he asked again

â??No she doesnâ??t.â? all three looked up to see who answered and saw Taeyeon deathly glaring at the boy who had his arm resting on Jessicaâ??s chair â??And if you wouldnâ??t mind, can you please get out of my seat. I and along with everyone sitting here would like to enjoy the movie in peaceâ? the boyâ??s eyes bulged as he realized what was up as he looked to Jessica who was embarrassingly turning red and Taeyeon. Taeyeon inched closer intimidating the boy with her cold stare. He quickly got out but stumbled on his way which caused some of the audience members to laugh as they had watched on as the scene progressed.

â??Thank youâ? Jessica nervously stated as she fumbled with the piece of loose thread from her shirt. Taeyeon sat down beside Jessica and leaned back into the chair as the whole theatre darkened and the previews appeared on the screen. Jessica couldnâ??t help but continued to stare at Taeyeon, she was in total shock. It had never crossed her mind that Taeyeon would be so quick to defend her like that. She seriously thought the last person who would protect her would be Taeyeon; Jessica began to blush as the image of Taeyeonâ??s hardening glare at the boy. She thought Taeyeon was not who she like Jessica to think. An image of the portrait she found of the gang together flashed in her mind, Taeyeon had her arm around Jessicaâ??s waistâ?¦â?ÂWhat were we to each other?â? she questioned in her mind

â??Here I got you youâ??re favouriteâ? Taeyeon reached in to her pocket and pulled out a box of sour patches which was Jessicaâ??s favourite candies. Jessica was dumbfounded, not many knew that her favourite snacking item was chewy colourful candy covered in sour sugar. This day was turning for the better Jessica dorkishly grinned while thinking to herself, and once again she began to blush as she stared down at the box in her hand. â??I thought I wasnâ??t her friendâ? she grinned wider, â??but only someone who was close to me would know thisâ? her smiling continued as she finally decided to pay attention to the film.



â??She not so badâ? Jessica continued to think as the movie went on, she was trying hard to focus on what was appearing on the screen but couldnâ??t help but peek through the corner of her eye as Taeyeon stared up at the ceiling in boredom. Jessica instantly giggled however quickly stifled the laughter as she felt the nudge from Tiffany who was sitting beside her. Jessica return with a glare which was useless seeing as Tiffany and Yuri were busy in their own world. Jessica turned her head to stare at Taeyeon but this time was caught as Taeyeon had turned to stare at her at the same time. Taeyeon quickly turned away and luckily it was too dark for Taeyeon to see how red Jessica was becoming as she looked into watched Taeyeon pretend as if Jessica didnâ??t catch Taeyeon stare at her.

Jessica finally realized how pretty Taeyeon was, her white cream skin seemed as if it was soft like silk. Taeyeonâ??s expression harden as she watched the movie, it was easy to read how bored she was. The movie was probably great but Jessica and Taeyeon couldnâ??t seem to concentrate on it and Tiffany and Yuri were too busy concentrating on each other that they seemingly forgot that they were with other people. Jessica wondered when they were going to tell Soo Young.

Time passed and the movie was in the middle of yet another action scene, Taeyeon was now picking at her high top sneakers and Jessica was beginning to fall asleep. It was a minute later when an idea suddenly popped into Jessica head, she was bored and so was Taeyeon. The best way to cure boredom was to go find something fun to do, but Jessica had one problem which was that Taeyeon wouldnâ??t just say yes if Jessica asked her to leave. So only thing to do was to trick her, a sly smirk appeared on Jessicaâ??s face as she thought up a plan. She waited 10 minutes longer before she did anything and then she abruptly got up causing for some of the audience to grumble as they were so into the movie. She made her way out of the theatre, she knew Yuri and Tiffany wouldnâ??t notice but Taeyeon would.



â??1â?¦2â?¦and 3â? she counted while slowly making her way through the cinema lobby

â??Where are you goingâ? a voiced appeared as soon as Jessica counted to three, the sly girl smirked and paused before turning around looking all innocent.

â??I got bored so I decided to leave and you? Why arenâ??t you watching the movie?â? Jessica asked

â??I got boredâ?¦as wellâ?¦â? she avoided making direct eye contact with Jessica.

â??So where are you going to take me then?â? Jessica walked closer; she had no idea why she was acting this way. She felt so confident but it was more of a sense of comfort rather then the latter. It was like she was used to being so playful with the girl who showed no signs of any emotion toward her. Jessica felt relaxed at the moment due to her plan working and though she was staring at her nervously she wasnâ??t letting it get to her like she had been allowing. It had seemed as if the tables were turning and Jessica had an upper hand.



â??Well that ended quicklyâ? stated Jessica as she watched Taeyeon totally ignoring her as they decided to go to a bar. The short girl was playing a round of pool gambling for money against some of the regulars. She sighed loudly as she turned away and brought her eyes down to her drink that sat down in front of her â??Youâ??re suppose to be having fun with me.â? she continued to pout with a sour look on her face.



â??Whooooâ? Jessica spun around as she walked toward Taeyeon; she giggled as she clumsily stepped toward the girl that held her attention all night. The shorter girl stared at her silently, no expression held or shown at all as Jessica inched closer toward her. â??Letâ??s danceâ? Jessica laughed drunkenly

â??Youâ??re drunkâ? she spoke seemingly sounding detested by Jessica whose face turned from a smile to a hurt frown. â??Sorry I didnâ??t mean to be rudeâ? Taeyeon looking away from her gaze, Jessica blushed at Taeyeonâ??s attempt at an apology. For some reason whenever Jessica heard Taeyeonâ??s voice no matter how harsh her words were had caused the pit of her stomach to flutter

â??No Iâ??m notâ? she smiled as she wrapped her arms around Taeyeonâ??s neck and beginning to lean closer to her lips, the heat rising from both girls



â??Just a minuteâ? Boa yelled out as she approached the door while trying to dry her hair. She opened the door to see Taeyeon with a girlâ??s body hanging off of her, the body moved and her face that was previously hidden by her short brown locks of hair had now revealed the sleeping princess herself

â??Jessicaâ? Boa stunned to see Taeyeon with Jessica once again and alone this time. Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she walked in dragging a half conscious Jessica Jung in with her. Taeyeon pushed Jessica into Boaâ??s arms as she walked straight into her old bedroom she had once shared with her older sister.

â??Sorryâ? Jessica laid her head against the large puffy white pillow; she turned to face the girl who lay down beside her. It was hitting almost 3 a.m. when finally Jessica was beginning to sober up

â??its okayâ? She spoke. Jessica sighed inside; she hated how Taeyeon would give short simple answers to her. It was so frustrating for her since she was so curious by the girl and wondered why Taeyeon wasâ?¦well Taeyeon.

Taeyeon was reading a book as Jessica was trying to not stare too hard at her. There was this unspeakable connection that Jessica felt. That same strange feeling she felt shortly after she woke up. She was unsure how to explain it and she most definitely kept this to herself knowing that neither her father nor her friends would understand it.

It all started when she arrived at the welcome party, in the beginning she wasnâ??t going to stay long. She originally planned to stay until she met the person all the fuss her friends were making as well she was curious to know if she knew this person. Though it been a while since the accident, Jessica always seemed to discover something new about herself on a daily basis. But on the day she first saw the girl, nothing came to her. No recollection of memories from the past came across her mind, despite the fact she remember her two sisters Boa and Yeon Hee; Boa whom she had always admired growing up and had become close with especially in the time of her rehabilitation. Despite this, Jessica just couldnâ??t remember who this person was at first sight, which had triggered her curiosity and when Jessica decided to introduce herself; the moment when Taeyeon rudely walked away an eerie familiarity surged in the back of her spine. Jessica was unsure if she liked the feeling, she was scared but intrigued by Taeyeon at the same time; she knew Taeyeon was something to herâ?¦maybe something or rather someone special? So Jessica has been spending the past few months figuring this mystery out but was failing miserably because Taeyeon was always keeping her distance. Jessica turned to face the ceiling fan and let out her frustration which she regretted as her head began to hurt again.

â??You ok?â? Taeyeon asked as her eyes stayed strongly attached to the page. Jessica looked over and noticed Taeyeonâ??s black framed glasses; she looked so cute wearing them. She smiled inside as she was mesmerized by the girl. But quickly caught herself as she realized what was happening. â??I think youâ??re tired, maybe you should sleepâ? Taeyeon said as she turned the page

â??Can I ask you a question first?â? Jessica blurted unconsciously out which caused Taeyeon to stir in surprise

â??Why donâ??t you like me?â? Taeyeon turned to stare at her for a tenth time tonight.

â??Iâ?¦ahâ?¦doâ?¦donâ??t hate youâ? Taeyeon carefully spoke

â??Then why donâ??t you look at me and talk to me. Whenever I am around you avoid me in every single way. I know you purposely donâ??t hang out with us sometimes because you find out I will be thereâ? Jessica was hurt as a hurt expression appeared on her face and looked down at the bed sheets. Taeyeon instantly set her book aside as she tucked her body deeper within the sheets. Before comfortably settling on the tiny bed that Jessica who was also sleeping on it, she sat up and took a deep breath to speak

â??I donâ??t hate youâ?¦itâ??s just you remind me of the person I lost years ago. I donâ??t hate you. I could never hate you.â? She reached for the light to turn it off but allowed the fan to continue to spin. She made sure to cover her face so Jessica couldnâ??t see the sadness in her eyes, the tears she was trying hard not to spill onto the clean bed sheets. it was hard for her to not tell her, she had dreams of telling her that Jessica was the love of her life but knew she would be selfish in doing so. â??Goodnight Jessicaâ? she gently spoke as she turned her back to the girl who lay there silently beside her.

â??Good nightâ? Jessica replied



â??Noâ?¦let her goâ? Taeyeon spoke. Her eyes were closed shut as she gripped onto the bed sheets tightly. Sweat was dripping down to her neck as her whole body was hot due to her night mare â??No, pleaseâ?¦noâ? Taeyeon has always had the tendency to sleep talk on most nights, it was rare for her to not. As well Taeyeon frequently had night mares; it was rare for her to have a peaceful dream. â??Stop it!â? she began to move more erratically. Jessica sat up and watched her; she was sleeping perfectly until four hours later her body felt a nudge. She opened her eyes and for almost thirty minutes had been watching Taeyeon scream out, she wondered if Boa knew about this. â??Donâ??t leave meâ?¦donâ??tâ? Taeyeon begged as tears streamed out falling onto her cheeks. Jessica got out of bed and went out into the living room to see Boa burst out of her door with a concern look.

Boa was inside the room as Jessica stood outside and watched, she was rocking her sister back and forth as she was used to Taeyeonâ??s nightmares. Jessica had wished she was the one inside that room. Jessica walked away as she saw Taeyeon peacefully go back to sleep. Boa walked out and remained silent. It was obvious that Boa was trying to find the words to explain but Jessica stopped her by wishing her goodnight and walked back into the bedroom to sleep with Taeyeon by her side. Jessica crept quickly and tried strongly not to disrupt any form of peace that Taeyeon got from tonight. She turned her body so it allowed herself to watch Taeyeon sleep; she watched every inch of the girlâ??s body silently, the light from the lamp was left on. Jessica had been worried that Taeyeon would dream about whatever made her scream out like that again. She had finally noticed a scar above Taeyeonâ??s one eyebrow; it was hard to notice since Taeyeon usually had her hair down and often cover her one side of her face. Jessica was beginning to think she will never figure out who Taeyeon was, what happen to her and why was knowingly all of this so important to her.



Taeyeon groggily woke up, she felt as if she were the one who got drunk last night and not Jessica. Her head hurt as she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. She moved her body out in order to stretched and let out a loud yawn. Taeyeon looked to the side to see Jessica not there; it took her a minute to realize Jessica was currently hugging the side of her body. She was curled up against her as her head lay just underneath her chest and more onto her stomach. Taeyeonâ??s heart weakened along with her expression as she saw Jessica like that. She wanted to pinch herself thinking this was a dream, though she knew there was a perfectly good reason as to why Jessica and her being in this position in the first place. She closed her eyes and she wanted to cry, her hands inched closer wanting to touch her head but she stopped as she felt Jessica stir awake.

Jessica sat slight up leaning on one hand, and using the other to rub her eyes. She looked so cute Taeyeon thought as she watched her. Jessica finally noticed Taeyeon was watching, she gave out a awkward embarrassed smile

â??What were you dreaming about? Are you okay?â? Jessica asked and Taeyeonâ??s expression immediately hardened again. She sat up startling Jessica who appeared to be confused.

â??Just a nightmareâ? she spoke cautiously reminding herself of the promise she had made Yuri to be kinder to Jessica.

â??Did she dieâ?¦â? Jessica asked carefully but knew she shouldnâ??t have as she saw Taeyeon begin to move

â??Iâ??m going to go make breakfastâ? she stated and left Jessica alone in the room.

Jessica followed Taeyeon as the two were going to meet up with Soo Young, Yuri and Tiffany for morning coffee. Taeyeon didnâ??t speak to Jessica nor looked at her for most of the morning. Jessica knew the instant they reached the shop Taeyeon would probably ditch the group and be happy she had finally gotten rid of her. She regretted so deeply for being insensitive, she knew she should have kept quiet but Jessica was a curious girl and always wanted to know the answers to her questions.

â??Iâ??m sorryâ? Jessica stopped covering her eyes underneath her frontal banks. She looked to the cement ground to hide her regret. Taeyeon startled by the apology turned and annoying looked toward Jessica but her bitter angry eyes and tension in her body melted as soon as she saw Jessica sincerely apologize to her. Taeyeon rolled her eyes in sadness due to the feeling of regret, she was trying hard to be kinder to Jessica but it just wasnâ??t happening.

â??Look, itâ??s fine. You didnâ??t know and so itâ??s not youâ??re faultâ? Taeyeon stepped toward Jessica wanting so badly to hug her and tell her that she loves her. Instead Taeyeon pulled her hands that were struggling with her heart and mind to hug or hold back. Taeyeonâ??s mind won as she pulled away â??Letâ??s go inside okayâ? she tried softening her voice more hoping it would reassure her a little.

â??Okâ? Jessica smiled in an instant and the two once again continued to walk but this time both side by side

â??Come on itâ??s a great ideaâ? Soo Young stood up moving up and down excited. All four girls watched the tall slim girl pitch her idea about opening a business together. Jessica who would usually be the most sceptical was actually intrigued, while Yuri and Tiffany looked at each other apprehensively seeing as Soo Young was once again offering up another new idea of hers and Taeyeon being predictably standoffish. â??Seriously Iâ??ve already sorted this all out. I even looked into gaining investors and finding ourselves a lot to buildâ? Soo Young went on.

â??You what?â? Yuri coughed out her coffee

â??Soo Young-ahâ? Tiffany stared at her in disbelief. â??You know how many clothing stores open up in a year, what makes you think five girls who barely have any experience inâ?¦anything can run a businessâ?Â

â??I agree we donâ??t have the mindset or means to run our own businessâ? Yuri stated â??Why are you even thinking about something so ridiculousâ? Soo Young stood up straight and then she stared at Tiffany. Taeyeon was reading the tension and if she read right she needed to prepare for impending drama. She smirked as she continued to look on; Jessica caught her eye as she noticed for the first time that she kept sneaking peaks at her.

â??Because Tiffany I believe youâ? Soo Young stated

â??What? What are you talking about?â? Tiffany eyeing Yuri guiltily

â??Remember how we were younger and youâ??ve always dreamed of opening up your own boutique which carried your own designsâ? Tiffany was currently attending fashion school and taking business classes in order to due what Soo Young was suggesting. Tiffany had it all planned except she didnâ??t expect it to be so soon.

â??How sweet, I will cheer you guys on the sidelinesâ? Taeyeon stood up and walked out of the café hoping to get far from the drama. Jessica stood up and abruptly stated her goodbye also wanting to leave the drama but also wanting to spend more time with Taeyeon despite the girlâ??s rejection repeatedly.

â??Taeyeon wait upâ? she said now walking beside her. Taeyeon neither acknowledging her presence or her call continued to walk. â??Where are you going? She seems to be serious about this starting up a business ideaâ? Jessica trying to make small chat while speeding her pace to match Taeyeonâ??s own.

â??Well Soo Young more or less just trying to win Tiffany backâ? Taeyeon stated

â??You can tell toâ? Jessica replied, the two continued to walking as Taeyeon stop to allow Jessica to catch up. Despite the beginning of what many may see as friendship Taeyeon still continued to ignore her which was beginning to irritate Jessica once again. Just then Jessica felt a pang of pain hit her head, it made Jessica stop and hold her head

â??Uhhhâ? she winced. Taeyeon noticed and immediately held her hands

â??You okay?â? Taeyeon asked concerned, Jessica felt how worried she was as the pain pain surged and then abruptly pass. She nodded and looked at Taeyeon who still held onto her hands and was staring up at her. For the first time Jessica felt Taeyeon look at her like she was human, that she actually deep down actually liked herâ?¦even love her?

â??Iâ??m okay, just a headache or maybe all the shots I had last nightâ? Jessicaâ??s attempt at a joke to lighten the mood. Taeyeon pulled away not happy with her joke, Jessica took a hold of her hand and held onto it for a second but let go as she was beginning to get scared by Taeyeonâ??s strong gaze.

â??Come on Iâ??ll take you homeâ?Â

â??What? no!â? Jessica refuted. Taeyeon for the first time wanted to laugh; she slightly smirked but quickly hid it from Jessica from seeing.

â??Um where do you want to go then?â? Taeyeon said with a kinder tone. Jessica jawed dropped at Taeyeonâ??s shift in personality and again Taeyeon wanted to smile.



â??Come on Taeyeonâ? Jessica urged as she grabbed onto the reluctant girl

â??No Jessicaâ? Taeyeon pulling away

â??Why not, itâ??s just a Ferris wheel. It is harmless not like one of the roller coasters you forced me to go onâ? Jessica pulled harder causing them both to push the line forward, everyone turned to glare at them. They both stared in apology and then they turned to look at each other and started to laugh.

â??They are just not my thingâ? Taeyeon stated

â??And those 8 different roller coasters were my thing, come on letâ??s take a break and go for a calming amusement ride oneâ?¦pleaseâ? Jessica pouted cutely at Taeyeon. Taeyeon being reminded of how she could never turn down Jessica the moment she would use her aegyo on her. Most of the time Taeyeon hated when people resorted to doing it but with Jessica it was different, she loved it. Taeyeon thought more as they continued to stand in line of how opposite this Jessica was to the previous Jessica, the one she fell in love with. Her Jessica was shy, though cold it was due to her being just a quiet person. But this one, the Jessica now was so happy, showing more emotions, being more open and livelier. Taeyeon always thought if Jessicaâ??s mother hadnâ??t commit suicide then maybe Jessica would be different; a Jessica she was now.

â??You okay?â? Jessica asked, the two were now seated in one of the compartments waiting for the wheel to move. Taeyeon looked at her then back down as it began to rise.

â??Iâ??m fineâ? was all she said

â??Are you thinking of her?â? Jessica asked cautiously. Taeyeon felt pain for a second but pushed it back

â??Yea I was actuallyâ? Taeyeon replied

â??Iâ??m sorryâ?Â

â??Itâ??s okay, not youâ??re fault remember that.â? an awkward silence entered and the two sat there silently as the wheel continued on moving.

â??I donâ??t much like this rideâ? Taeyeon breaking the silence Jessica looking up in curious. â??It reminds me of herâ?Â

â??Youâ??re girlfriendâ? Taeyeon nodded

â??It reminds me of when I took her to the carnival, it was basically our third official date together as an official coupleâ? Taeyeon smiled at the memory of Jessica who tiredly dragged behind Taeyeon. â??Canâ??t we go back to bedâ? she whined as Taeyeon hurriedly headed to the Ferris wheel. â??No come on Jessica, you will love this oneâ? she sighed at the memory â??I kissed her on this very ride when we got to the top, and Iâ?¦we made a lot of promises to each other while we stared up at the stars togetherâ? Taeyeon quieted down as Jessica imagined how beautiful that must have been

â??Did she die?â? Jessica asked again, Taeyeon stared at her and mouth something incoherently which Jessica barely caught. â??I donâ??t remember what?â? Jessica asked.

â??Ah its nothing, um letâ??s eat after and I will take you homeâ? Taeyeon turned away hoping to talk about something else or Jessica would see the guarded girl she had made herself to look in front of Jessica breakdown. Jessica could sense the distance between her and Taeyeon again. For a minute Jessica felt like Taeyeon was reaching out to her but was now back to pulling away.

â??She loves you even if she is gone, she still loves you no matter where she isâ? Jessica rested her hand onto Taeyeonâ??s back hoping to ease her pain.



â??I want this one and that one, oh I need thatâ? Jessica and Soo Young both stared at the menu. â??Itâ??s on you rightâ? Jessica smiled at Taeyeon who gave her an objecting look but then she nodded. She looked into her wallet wondering how she would pay for this.

â??Are you sure this is not you trying to win Tiffany backâ? Jessica asked looking at Soo Young who was about to bite into her cob salad.

â??I have no idea what youâ??re talking aboutâ? Soo Young playing dumb

â??You know what I am talking aboutâ?Â

â??Just let her do what she wantsâ? Taeyeon interjected and undermining Jessica who looked at her â??Whatever will be will beâ? Taeyeon stated eyeing Jessica letting her know it is best to stay out of it

â??I agree so letâ??s eatâ? Soo Young munched on

3 weeks later

â??So you guys have gotten closerâ? Tiffany walking with Taeyeon who was watching Soo Young and Yuri who were walking ahead.

â??I guess, not as mad. I think anymoreâ?¦â?Â

â??I can see that which is good but I think you should know that nothing is going to happen between you and Jessica again. A lot of things have changed.â? Taeyeon stopped and stared at Tiffany for a minute

â??I wasnâ??t expecting for anything to happenâ? Taeyeon was lying

â??Are you sureâ? Tiffany questioned. Taeyeon was getting fed up lately with Tiffany who was acting more of an ahjumma lately toward her.

â??Can we stop the lecture hereâ? Taeyeon looked away not in the mood to listen to another lecture about â??Change and thingâ??s arenâ??t the same anymoreâ? Taeyeon got it the moment she met Jessica.

â??I am just trying to look out for youâ? Tiffany stated and Taeyeon rolled her eyes â??I am seriousâ?¦I am trying to prepare you, I know I may be seeming protective lately but it is me trying to warn youâ?Â

â??About whatâ? Tiffanyâ??s eyes darted upward

â??Thatâ?¦â? then her eyes moved to the ground sympathetically. Taeyeon turned around and her eyes quickly widen



Taeyeon looked up surprised by the text she had received from Jessica who was only sitting a few tables away and gave the girl a questioning look. Jessica urged Taeyeon to use her cell to text her back, in which Taeyeon rolled her eyes and sighed as she didn't understand why Jessica would not walk over to talk to her. But was quickly reminded by the feud that was going on, ever since Soo Young discovered Yuri, her step sister and Tiffany, her ex-girlfriend were basically seeing each other all the while keeping it a secret from Soo Young. The whole groups dynamic had shifted causing for Jessica and Taeyeon to be stuck in the middle of the mess which didn't help things that were going on between Taeyeon and Jessica, who had they're own set of issues. Jessica had soon realized that her curiosity toward Taeyeon was more then platonic but was a strong attraction that quickly became romantic feelings toward the cold and guarded girl.

Jessica was finding it hard to hide feelings but found it was easy due to the fact Taeyeon continued to keep her distance therefore left no opportunity for Jessica to foolishly dote on the girl. Taeyeon had learned to accept change and had slowly gotten over her frustration, but couldn't help but allow that guilt inside of her to linger on. Taeyeon was blaming herself as the cause of all of Jessica's problems; she had realized that since becoming a part of Jessica's life Taeyeon had brought her nothing but pain and heartache. So this guilt that has been bubbling within was deterring Taeyeon to get any closer in fear of bringing her more pain. However this was made much easier for her because Jessica had someone else in her life to keep her occupied.

Meeting Jessica's father on that day had caught her off guard, as Tiffany was trying to warn her she had assumed that Jessica was in a relationship with someone else or at the very least engaged but instead what she saw was the last thing she thought. It was Jessica's father, in a wheel chair with an oxygen tank with him which was allowing him to breath. Taeyeon didn't think the rumour's of her father being deathly ill were true but it had turned out she was wrong. It broke her heart to see him like that and it broke her heart even more to see Jessica spend everyday worrying about her father and hiding it behind a smile. Taeyeon wanted to stop being selfish, she felt bitterness toward Jessica's father but quickly forgot it and forgave him as she saw he was just looking out for his daughter's best interest. The two had gotten closer once again as Taeyeon would come over to help care for him like he was her own father. Taeyeon though remembering the past has made it a point not to fall for Jessica and made a pact to herself to keep her distances, as all she ever wanted was Jessica to be happy which meant her not being in the way of it.

Taeyeon looked up staring at Jessica telling her to looking at her text as she pretended she was listening to what Soo Young was saying. Jessica looked down and read her message; she immediately got upset but held her anger in as she didn't want Yuri and Tiffany to know she was secretly texting Taeyeon. What does she mean she is not mad? She thought, why is she avoiding me a lot lately. Jessica was startled to see Taeyeon become a great source of support as her father was diagnosed with lung cancer due to his incessant need to smoke. This had set off a chain of events which brought the two closer and during this time feelings and the bond between the two had been formed similar to what happened in the past. Of course Jessica knew that her attachment was more then just mutual respect and friendship as Taeyeon's bond with her was, she wasn't about to let her feelings known because she was afraid to be rejected by a girl that meant a lot to her but also because she didn't want to continually always be in competition with a ghost. A ghost that even though Taeyeon had pushed in the back of her mind was still and forever be there and Jessica wanted, no she needed to be able to say Taeyeon is hers and she is Taeyeon's one and only.

As Jessica continued to ponder and ignore her two best friends who were discussing about Soo Young and how they should just corner the girl and get her to listen to them, she was woken up by another text from Taeyeon which put an immediate smile on her face. She texted her back ignoring Tiffany and Yuri, she giggled as the two were talking about work with each other forgetting about being discreet about her texting with the enemy.

"Jess what is so funny?" Tiffany asking as she gave her puppy dog eyes. Tiffany looked over and tried hard to not let out a laugh.

"It's nothing Fany-ah" she giggled more.

"Are you talking to Taeyeon?" Tiffany asked

"No, of course not" she turned her attention back to the phone. She quickly got a text from Taeyeon asking her if Tiffany was picking on her, she replied that it was nothing she couldn't handle and Taeyeon quickly replied "I will beat her up for you" she tried really hard not to fall out of her seat as she covered her mouth from disrupting everyone in the coffee shop. Taeyeon watched from the few tables away with a smile on her face as she liked making Jessica laugh.



"Do you know who will be accompanying you to the ball?" one of Jessica's maids asked as the girl entered into her father's office.

"I don't have a date, I prefer just to go alone" She stated though in the back of her mind she was dreaming of having Taeyeon be her date for the charity ball her father's company held every year.

"That's a shame you deserve to be escorted by you're knight" the maid babbled which caused Jessica to laugh. Her imagination continuing on with Taeyeon dancing under the moonlight where eventually their dance would stop and the two would share they're first kiss with each other.

"Jessica...Jessica...are you listening?"

"Jessica...JUNG SO YEON! Listen to me!" her father's voiced boomed into her head. Jessica's smile turned into a cold glare as she looked at her father angrily for ruining her day dream.

"Jessica I need you to go to the ball with Vice President Kim" immediately Jessica's face turned to a look of horror

"WAE?! No he is old...and a guy and very old"

"I know hence why you're date will be his son Kim Jaejoong."

"NO!" Jessica replied to her father's request and then began to stomp out the door.

"Jessica it's not a set up it's just for show. We need to show our shareholders our company that it is good, trustworthy and in good terms" Her father said before she could slam the door shut on him. She knew there was no way she could get out of this, Jessica would have to suck it up and spend a night with the egotistical Kim Jaejoong.

"Ugh guy's you are both not going to believe what just happen" Jessica stepped right into the coffee shop and plopped her body down right beside Taeyeon and Soo Young. It was her day to hang with the Soo Young while it was Taeyeon's day to hang out with Tiffany and Yuri. "Wait why are you here with Soo Young?" she looked over at Taeyeon who was reading her newspaper not interested in the princesses whining. Jessica giggled inside as she looked on how cute Taeyeon's persona was.

"What's wrong" Soo Young asked

"Well nothing too bad but that's if being paired up with Kim Jaejoong as you're date for the charity ball counts then it has been a bad day."

"What?!" Soo Young and Jessica began to chatter as Taeyeon continued to play it cool trying to not let out a hint of jealousy or anger over the thought of Jessica and Jaejoong together.

"Forget it I can't go" Soo Young began to decidedly stated. She had just revealed the long history between her and Jaejoong. Back in elementary school Jaejoong spent most of her time tormenting Soo Young only for her to one day find the boy on his hands and knees bagging for her to go out with him

"No you have to come" Jessica bluntly stated "Besides its been years since you both have seen each other maybe he has moved on and just to make sure we can find a date for you, a guy or girl i don't care! I will find you a date just as long as you will come." Jessica than turned to Taeyeon whose head still hid behind the paper "And so are you? both of you are going, actually all of you" Jessica looked up to see Yuri and Tiffany standing behind Soo Young.

"You guys talking about the ball?" Tiffany asked, Soo Young rolled her eyes and quickly walked away not wanting to take part in any form of conversation with those two. Jessica and Tiffany soon quickly absorbed into a depth conversation of shoes and clothes which quickly caused Taeyeon to chase after Soo Young leaving Yuri to endure the "OMG" or the loud giggles bursting out of Tiffany's mouth.

"Soo Young wait" Taeyeon spoke with a harden tone "You okay?" she asked

"I'll be fine" Soo Young huffed in displeasure, she took a step back and leaned against the wall looking at Taeyeon

"I'm trying...I don't know what to do..." she spoke, Taeyeon had been over the weeks trying to get Soo Young to at least repair her falling out with both Yuri and Tiffany. However it looks as though her first attempt at making amends failed.

"It's sucks...seeing them together. It's not even about the fact Yuri and Tiffany dating but the fact them being together reminds me that I am alone and have no one"

"Have me, and Jessica"

"Come on Taeyeon, you two...though not official will forever be together whether you two are actually together or apart. There is nothing stopping you two from being together you both are linked to each other" Soo Young stated. Taeyeon was about to speak up but Soo Young continued on "I don't even want to go to that ball, stupid Jaejoong. Before I was okay but the more I think of it the more I just know its best I stay home" things got quiet between them

"Hey wait a minute" a light sparkled in Soo Young's eyes as Taeyeon stared in wonderment

"You can be my date...hehe" She began forming an evil expression "I just figured out a way to kill two birds with one stone" Soo Young grabbing Taeyeon by her arms and dragging her beside her



"How do you know?" Jessica watched Taeyeon place a jar of strawberry jelly into the cart

"How do I know what?" Taeyeon grabbed a another jar and began reading the label

"How do you know that I hate cucumbers and melons" Jessica stated, Taeyeon turned her head toward Jessica

"Doesn't...everyone know that"

"No everyone thinks I'm allergic but not afraid...how do you know, not even Yuri knows"

"Ah, um...uh...I know cause you told me" Taeyeon not making eye contact, she was hoping Jessica believed her, even though she wasn't really lying Jessica did tell her but Jessica obviously forget that since it was before the accident

"I did? I don't remember..."

"Well it was before the accident..."She got quiet again. Jessica seemed like she wanted to investigate further but decided to let it go seeing as it was just going to put the conversation in circles. She begun to examine their relationship more closely. In the beginning she had assumed that her and Taeyeon's relationship was nothing more then just friendship but as time past it had seemed Taeyeon knew practically everything about her. From likes to dislikes to stories from her childhood that she kept to herself and refuse to tell anyone, "What are you to me?" she asked herself

"You ready to go home?" Taeyeon staring at Jessica holding the bags of groceries she purchased "I will cook you dinner" She smiled as she led the way.

As the two were heading to the car the two continued to chat deeply, it wasn't until Taeyeon was about to get into the drivers seat where things started to go wrong for Jessica as she watched inside sitting in the passenger seat.

Taeyeon was stopped at a red light; Jessica was unsure how to approach her at first. They were spending less time with each other and it was beginning to get to Jessica because she was also suspecting the possibility that Taeyeon might have someone else her life. Every time Jessica has tried to poke around deeper into Taeyeon's personal life Taeyeon would always give her the same answer..."I'm was with Soo Young"

That excuse was beginning to ware on her as she was wondering what was occupying most of Taeyeon's time now. "By the way I don't think I can make it to the ball" Taeyeon stated as she began to press on the gas and continue to drive. Jessica's eyes quickly shot over to her in shock.

"What do you mean you can't go"

"Well unexpected event came up and it calls for me to be out of town for the day" Taeyeon looked at her and placed a hand on her shoulder

"I would go if I could but I made a promise to someone else" As soon as Jessica heard those words her heart wanted to explode...someone else...who?

"Yeah sure..." Jessica looked away disappointed in Taeyeon's none appearance at the ball, Jessica's hope for a confession to Taeyeon flew right out the door seeing as she now has more reason to suspect that Taeyeon has someone else in her life.

"I'll make it up to you Jessica" Taeyeon stated



"I can't believe I agreed to this" Taeyeon struggled with the tape

"What?!" Soo Young continuing to dress Taeyeon by pulling up her pants.

"I swear there must be another way"

"Trust me if there was I would do it but there isn't."

"I can't believe he doesn't think that you're..." Taeyeon trailed off as she sighed finally finished with the tape

"Look please just do this for me." Soo Young pouted with her hands clasped together Taeyeon looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't believe what Soo Young had talked her into.


"So you said Soo Young was going to be here" Jeajoong stated

"Yes for the last time yes!" Jessica getting fed up

"Well that's good it's been awhile since I've seen her and frankly I have a lot to say to her" Jessica just rolled her eyes at her date as she looked around wondering where everyone was. It was bad enough one of her friends was going to miss the ball but the charity ball would suck even worse if none of the people she cared about showed up.


Tiffany...Yuri-ah!" Jessica ran over to her friends happy to see them ignoring Kim Jaejoong who stood there wondering how to get Soo Young alone.

27. PART 1

"So how do I look?" Taeyeon looking up at Soo Young who stood there stunned

"Ah...Umm" Her jaw was wide open as she fumbled and mumbled with her words

"Well...do I look like I could be one of those flower idol boys" Taeyeon adamantly stated

"...Honestly, you could" Soo Young said triumphantly as she patted herself mentally in a job well done. "...the only problem is that you're too short but frankly I will just have to deal with it" Soo Young joked as Taeyeon ran after the statuesque girl.

Back at the party...

"So where is Soo Young and Taeyeon?" Asked Yuri who stood right beside Jessica while she continued to greet the guests to thank them for supporting their charity ball

"Soo Young running late and Taeyeon is not coming she had other plans" Jessica frustratingly said

"Oh, that's a bummer, I know how much you wanted Taeyeon to come"

"Well I couldn't force her to come she made a promise to someone"

"Someone...who?" Yuri asked

"I don't know...doesn't matter" Jessica trying to block off thoughts of Taeyeon with another girl. Maybe she should give up seeing as Taeyeon right from the beginning has never taken a true interest in her. Maybe its time to see reality and stop living in a day dream, she sighed more

"Okay so we are here" Taeyeon breathed deeply preparing herself

"Man you're short" Soo Young turned to Taeyeon forgetting that she is taller then the latter, Soo Young could only see the top of her head.

"This wig itches" Taeyeon began to scratch semi revealing the black in her hair underneath the platinum blonde wig. Honestly if one were to see Taeyeon at that moment one would assumed she came straight out of a Japanese anime. Taeyeon wore a white suit and of course like in the movies this charity ball also was a masked event. So all the guests were wearing masks dressed in some of the most elegant and extravagant gowns and tuxedos one has ever seen.

"Taeyeon make sure you don't scratch" Soo Young adjusting the wig and placing it back into position

"that's going to be impossible, this thing is so itchy" Taeyeon getting more annoyed

"Please...we can't mess this thing up"

"Is that my sister over there..." Yuri pointing to Soo Young, Jessica stared in wonderment spotting the very noticeable male who seems to be Soo Young's date. Soo Young clasped onto the latter's arms as they both striding across the ball room.

"Where is some food I'm hungry" Soo Young stated dragged Taeyeon who glared at her because she was losing blood circulation in her arms due to the fact Soo Young's grip kept tightening at the mention of food.

"Are you not going to talk to Jessica, she keeps looking at you" Taeyeon asked. Soo Young looked over as she stuff a mini quiche pie into her mouth all the while double fisting more of the mini pies into both of her hands.

"Oh man I forgot, we can't let them see you...especially Yuri she will definitely know its you" Soo Young realizing her plan didn't account for Yuri, Tiffany and Jessica but only Jaejoong. "Oh my god Jaejoong is walking over right now...quick...let's dance" Soo Young grabbing Taeyeon by the wrists and quickly shoving her onto the dance floor.

"I don't know how to dance...like this" Taeyeon reminding Soo Young.

"Ugh" Soo Young immediately took control "I'll lead but make it seem you are" and instantly the two moved gracefully onto the ball room floor.

Yuri stared stunned wondering what the heck went through Soo Young's mind and whatever caused Taeyeon to agree to dressing up like a Japanese anime character. "Who is the boy Soo Young is with?" Jessica asking. Yuri turned to her best friend dumbfounded how she couldn't recognize that it was Taeyeon.

"Jess...it's not a..."

"Wow that boy is cute, but short" Tiffany taking her spot right beside Yuri, "If I was straight or bi like Soo Young I would totally be all over him" Yuri's mouth dropped open "It just sucks he is so short compared to Soo Young" Yuri's temper was rising how could her two close friends and girlfriend not see what was really going on.

"Oh you two...geez" Yuri stomped away.

"Did you think it worked" Tiffany smiling at Jessica who was laughing "Did I make her jealous"

"Tiffany you're bad" Jessica nodded objectly

"But seriously who is this guy with Soo Young, I thought she didn't like short guys"

"Hmm not sure Soo Young didn't mention bringing anyone" Jessica stated as she turned her back onto the dance floor. Seeing all those couples was causing Jessica to be reminded of how much she wish Taeyeon was there. Even though she would never be able to get Taeyeon to dance she would atleast have someone at her side for the whole night, someone who kept her company and made her laugh. A person who she was comfortable with and didn't need to pretend she was like the rest of the snobs inside the room.

"We can't keep dancing, I thought you said you wanted to confront Jaejoong not avoid him" Taeyeon stated

"Look I didn't really think this through"

"Why am I not surprised" Taeyeon sternly stared into the girls eyes

Jessica watched for one last minute before walking out onto the balcony. It was cold and the stars were out she stared up while reaching into her purse for her cell phone. "Nothing wrong with checking up on Taeyeon? i could say was just worried if she made it safely or if she was okay...how her friend was...if this friend is someone special...ugh" Jessica began to smack self in the face.

"Excuse may I just talk to my sister Taeyeon" Yuri walked over grabbing Soo Young and tugging her away from her date. As soon as she left the dance floor Taeyeon was soon faced with at least 8 new girls who stood up wanting to at least have a dance with the girl...I mean guy. Taeyeon stared and spotted a girl who was sitting alone in a chair, she walked over to the young woman who wasn't the most drop dead gorgeous women. But Taeyeon could see her cute charm and placed her hand out asking the girl to dance with her.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to wreck Jessica and her father's charity ball" Yuri scolding her step sister.

"No of course not"

"then why is Taeyeon dressed like a anime flower boy"

"Look Kim Jaejoong is here I needed a way to avoid him"

"Soo Young why don't you just go up to him and tell him straight up that you don't like him and is in no way interested or ever will be like a civilized person would

"Oh like you did with me..." Soo Young quickly spat back. Yuri stood there stunned the fourth time tonight, the first being when she watch Tiffany walked down the staircase in her dress.

"Soo Young" she quickly regretted her words

"Like how you and Tiffany were straight up for me...no actually both of you were laying down naked in you're bedroom when I was told the truth about what was going on between the both of you! How in order for you two to be straight up with me was to find the girl I was still pining after was sleeping with my sister, my best friend!! Who knew how I still felt about Tiffany to be honest with me." Soo Young faced was red "Excuse me if none of you're words mean anything to me" Soo Young struggled to push away and past Yuri who was holding onto her begging for her to let her speak.

Taeyeon noticed Soo Young walking with tears in her eyes. She excused her self from the current girl she was dancing with and apologized. She stepped quickly toward Soo Young who she was worried about. But before she could reach her friend Jaejoong had gotten to her and Taeyeon soon found herself watching Soo Young being guided away from Jaejoong. Taeyeon not sure what to do ran faster pushing Jaejoong's hand away

"Leave her alone" Taeyeon spoke strongly,

"I was just wondering if she was okay, going to get her something to drink so she can calm herself down. No need for the manly antics" Jaejoong pushed Taeyeon aside and grabbed tightly onto Soo Young's hands

"Come on we need to talk"

Now it was Taeyeon's turned to have her jaw dropped and left stunned

"What just happened?" She was so confused. She held her hands to her head "I'm getting a headache, I need fresh air" she began to walk outside slowly

"I'm so stupid..." Yuri was crying in Tiffany's arms who was holding on tightly to her girlfriend

"I've been so selfish, I forgot I should've been looking at what it must have been like to be in Soo Young's shoes. I betrayed her I lied to her for months." Yuri began to let her regret and remorse out while Tiffany was beginning not to like the sound of where this conversation was heading.

"Are you okay" Taeyeon's eyes began to flutter open as her vision was still blurred. She was unsure what had just happen

"Where am i?" she asked as she struggled to sit up. she looked around and noticed it was the garden of the hotel. "How did I get out here?" she asked

"Not sure, I found you five minutes ago on the ground. You must've blacked out" the familiar voice spoke. Taeyeon turned to see Jessica who sat closely to her, Jessica had wrapped Taeyeon's jacket on her body allowing her to rest "At first I thought you were resting because you looked so peaceful" Jessica grabbed onto Taeyeon's shoulders holding her up. immediately Taeyeon began to blush at the closeness. She took in that familiar beautiful scent she longed to have left on her body after spending a night with Jessica.

"Thank you" Taeyeon quietly spoke as soon as she finished talking Jessica began to giggle

"Wow you really are like the perfect prince from one of those dramas" As soon as Jessica finished her sentence the boy whom she found laying in the grass had caught her mid sentence. She felt the perfect soft full lips press onto her own causing for Jessica's eyes to widen.

"Yuri you seriously can't think like that?!" Tiffany yelled across the hotel lobby following close behind Yuri who was gathering her coat and preparing to leave.

"I'm going...tell Jessica I'm sorry for not staying...and I am sorry...I am sorry Tiffany" Yuri firmly stated as she stormed off. Suddenly it was Tiffany's turned to be left stunned as it had yet to register that her and Yuri were official over.

"Soo Young where are you" Tiffany began to gaze beginning a hunt for her ex-girlfriend

"mmm" Jessica moaned as she felt herself let go and relax into the kiss with this stranger/ Soo Young's date. Her mind felt a wave of emotions that were new but also strangely familiar to her. "Those lips..." she asked herself.

It took a minute for Jessica to finally realize that Soo Young's mysterious date was actually not kissing her but had actually...sleeping?

Jessica cautiously pulled away staring at the pretty boy, he had gorgeous eyelashes and the pure snow white skin. For some reason an image of Taeyeon crossed her mind, Jessica shrugged thinking the two look similar. Jessica shook the image of her crush and brought her attention back to the person in front of her. She could tell that he must've been exhausted due to the fact the boy was breathing and so he most likely might have just collapsed from being tired. Jessica placed the petite boy's body back onto the grass and sat silently beside him.

A couple of minutes later...

"Wait...did I just kiss him?"

"Soo Young I just want to apologize to you" The very attractive tall male said while staring down toward Soo Young.

"I'm not interested in you so save your weak apology" Soo Young remembering all the times where jaejoong would torment her.

"Soo Young I know I don't deserve it. I was pretty cruel to you when we were younger but it was because....because I was going through a lot. But now, I've figured it out and I know who I am."

"Just save the lecture...I am tired and just want to go ho~"

"SOO YOUNG!" The two individuals heard a loud booming voice. They both turned to see the petite and sweet looking Tiffany stomp across the room. The second tiffany reached them she parked herself right in front of Soo Young and moved her arm back leaving her palm open. Without hesitating for a second Tiffany quickly brought it back in front of her landing smack down against the right of Soo Young cheek.

"What did you say to Yuri" tiffany's eyes were red with anger.

Jessica was staring up at the stars as the sleeping boy began to stir himself to wake.

"Where am i?" he asked. Jessica slightly laughed but soon spotted something quite odd. She squinted her eyes wondering if she was seeing right.

"...is that a wig?" as soon as Jessica saw the dark patch of hair, she instantly reached as the boy sat up and before the boy could oppose her she had yanked it off.

"Taeyeon?!" the boy or should I say girl turned bright red.

"...ah...heeh...ah..um.." Taeyeon was speechless all she kept thinking was she was going to be murdered brutally by Soo Young. "...uh hello" Taeyeon said in English. Jessica's expression changed to a deadly glare.

"Look I am sorry but Soo Young begged me to do this" taeyeon was hoping to use what charm she had on Jessica.

"Do you think that means anything to me?!" Jessica voice rose

"...I'm so sorry" Taeyeon using English. "I kept saying no but Soo Young needed me, okay? I am sorry Jessica." Seemingly for some strange reason Jessica became less tense and relaxed. Her expression changed as soon as Taeyeon finished her sentence. I guess she realized there was no use in being upset considering Taeyeon was just trying to help a friend even though the whole idea was for a better lack of a word stupid to begin with.

"It's okay" Jessica stated and turned facing forward out onto the garden grounds. The two became silent and sat there for a little longer listening to the wind howl and watched the stars shine.

"Can I ask what are we doing out here? What happened?" Taeyeon catching Jessica off guard as she was reminded by the events of finding her blacked out in the garden tonight and of course the kiss they shared...well sort of. "Jessica why are you turning red? What happened?" Taeyeon wanted an explanation it bothered her that she literally couldn't remember what happened. "Jessica answer me"

"Lets go in I am cold" Jessica playfully ignoring Taeyeon.

"What Jessica aren't you going to answer me...what happened?" Taeyeon got up lightly jogging to catch up to Jessica.

The two then started to run as Taeyeon was trying to catch Jessica. As soon as they got closer the two settled down and unexpectedly Jessica felt a warmth as Taeyeon had placed her white jacket onto her shoulders covering her from the cold. Jessica smiled back at Taeyeon, she again began to remember touching Taeyeon's soft full lips tonight. She had that urge to once again press her own onto her friend.

"You're turning red again" Taeyeon acknowledged the blushing Jessica. The sweet moment was soon interrupted by two individuals yelling

"Look Jaejoong just leave me alone"

"Soo Young..."

Jessica immediately noticed Taeyeon body tense as she became more concerned.

"Jaejoong I told you to just leave me alone. I am not interested in you nor will I ever be"

"Soo Young this is not about that...this is about you...and"

"STOP! I can take care of myself" Soo Young walking further and further away

Taeyeon began to fiddle with her wig "Sorry Jessica I'll be right back" Jessica wanted to say something but instead stood there silently watching

"Soo Young let me take you home" Jaejoong stepping closer

"What do you think you're doing" a voice from behind came. Both soo young and jaejoong turned to see the tiny taeyeon dressed in her pretty boy outfit and ready to act in character just like soo young planned.

"Ah good, no need to be concerned anymore. My boyfriend is here" Soo Young stepped toward Taeyeon passing Jaejoong and within less then a minute reached down to pull Taeyeon up and swiftly move in for a kiss, which caught everyone off guard. Jaejoong watched hardenly while Jessica turned away. she knew this was most likely part of their plan or at least a misunderstanding but she couldn't help but feel a pit of jealous form.

Taeyeon backed off from Soo Young and stared at the girl wide eyed. She was screaming inside her head wondering what the heck was going on. This was definitely not going according to plan. Soo Young turned and clutched onto Taeyeon's hand "Goodbye" and the two began to walk.

Taeyeon tried following soo young's lead by not looking back but she couldn't help, she hated the fact Jessica just watched her kiss soo young. She turned her head in the direction of where Jessica was only to see her not standing there anymore. Taeyeon became sick in her stomach she felt so bad for doing that just now.



Weeks went by and the group dynamic had changed and not for the better. Yuri was off around the world, while Tiffany was staying away from everyone else that didn't come in the form of chocolate or a tall ice cappuccino. Tiffany was isolating herself ever since Yuri had broken up with her and the night of the charity ball where she slapped and blamed Soo Young for being the cause.

So now adays the meetings at the local café just consister of Soo Young, Taeyeon and Jessica. Though Jessica was beginning to separate herself from the two, ever since the charity ball Jessica couldn't let those feelings of jealously go. Her thoughts sometimes led her to think that there was something more going on between Soo Young and Taeyeon, the two were definitely closer. Especially when comparing it to her relationship with Taeyeon. Soo young seemed to know more things about taeyeon then any other. the two girls seemed to easily be able to share their secrets and had their own inside jokes with each other, this often led to Jessica feeling like an outsider.

"Jessica you want to go out with me?" Taeyeon said as she sipped onto her large mug filled with white hot chocolate. This brought just back to reality she turned to the girl with her mouth agape.

"Huh?" she was stunned was this real "Wae?" but she soon figured out that Taeyeon was just playing as she saw the girl begin to giggle

"Wake up dork" Taeyeon smiled brightly. Jessica just glared and turned away from looking eye to eye with Taeyeon, she was telling herself not to get mad.

the two talked for a while, Taeyeon was wondering whether Jessica was okay. she was acting differently she thought. usually it was Taeyeon being the distant one but lately it was Jessica who was.

"Sorry about the kiss" Taeyeon blurted out catching Jessica midway through sipping her drink causing her to choke and cough

"huh..." Jessica looked innocently and Taeyeon couldnt help but smile.

"Oh nevermind" she stated deciding to change topics. "But seriously do you want to hang out?" Taeyeon asked again.

"We are hanging out" Jessica replied

"No I mean just us two together I can cook for you" Just about when Jessica was going to enter Soo Young barged in, what perfect timing Jessica thought.

"Hey guys" Soo Young smiled happily and as usually Taeyeon and Soo Young started to talk as if they were in their own world.

Dear Yuri,

How are you? Hope you're doing okay. Where are you now? are you still in Brazil?

Jessica stared at her computer screen wondering what else to write, she was tired of writing she had always preferred to talk face to face with someone. Besides all Jessica wanted was to just write that she missed her and tiffany misses her and to please come back. But Yuri would most likely cut off communication with her for good. Yuri was never good with dealing with conflict, Yuri had two ways to deal with it. Those being aggressive and in you're face or being a coward and run away which she decided to do. Jessica continued to stare until finally she gave up and slumped her body onto the keyboard causing the screen to freeze up.

"Whats wrong?" Her father's voice filled the room. Jessica didn't acknowledge his presence all she did was just sighed frustratingly louder. "So Yeon..." He said softly, still silence from Jessica

"go away" Jessica mumbled a loud sound of from her father could be heard

"...I wish you would allow me to be a father to you" He lowly whispered and wheeled away in his chair.

After three minutes had passed since her father left Jessica sat up opened up a new document and began to type. she suddenly felt herself pouring out all of her thoughts that came to mind spilling it onto this email. After she was done she hit the dropped down menu that gave her a list of her email contacts and stopped as soon as she saw the name Taeyeon. she clicked and slid her mouse over the send button, for a second she was close to pressing onto it but with in that second a thought popped in and caused her to change her mind. she stared for a little longer, but quickly got up when she her one of her maids call her down for dinner. She turned looking at the screen one last time, she highlighted all of the words and deleted. instead she simply typed a few words and began to slightly chuckle before walking out the door.

While Jessica was eating dinner one of her maids who usually tided Jessica's room while she ate was dusting around Jessica's desk. Though straight out of a scene from a hollywood movie the maid somehow accidently pressed hit some buttons while dusting around Jessica's computer which incidently caused the document to send. the maid stared at the computer and froze knowing what she had done was definitely not good at all. "Oh no..." she began to panic

Across the town Taeyeon who was visibly dragging her best friend Tiffany up the stairs to her friends home stumbled up the stairs and hit her friends door causing tiffany to hit the floor.

"Tiffany get up...i'm sorry but you're getting heavier" Taeyeon plopped herself right beside her. Tiffany stared up at her ceiling not even acknowledging a word of what Taeyeon had just said.

"You know you should just be with her"

"Hm" Taeyeon turned her head to stare at tiffany

"You should just be with her, forget the past and just be."

"Tiffany what are you talking about?" Taeyeon didn't like where this was going

"You love her so you should take care of her and just be with her" Tiffany suddenly closed her eyes hiding her tears. Taeyeon leaned toward her and began holding her.

Taeyeon had finally calmed her down and somehow got tiffany to fall asleep in her bed. she pulled her covers over the sweet girl and kissed her forehead wishing her a good sleep. Taeyeon was walking out of the room when she heard her cell vibrate, she looked at it and saw an incoming email.

"Jessica?" she stared, she felt odd and a bit worried wondering what the email was about so she clicked on and Jessica's message appeared on the screen. the message left Taeyeon a bit stunned as she read the three words..."I Like You" cover the screen of her phone.

27. PART 1

"So how do I look?" Taeyeon looking up at Soo Young who stood there stunned

"Ah...Umm" Her jaw was wide open as she fumbled and mumbled with her words

"Well...do I look like I could be one of those flower idol boys" Taeyeon adamantly stated

"...Honestly, you could" Soo Young said triumphantly as she patted herself mentally in a job well done. "...the only problem is that you're too short but frankly I will just have to deal with it" Soo Young joked as Taeyeon ran after the statuesque girl.

Back at the party...

"So where is Soo Young and Taeyeon?" Asked Yuri who stood right beside Jessica while she continued to greet the guests to thank them for supporting their charity ball

"Soo Young running late and Taeyeon is not coming she had other plans" Jessica frustratingly said

"Oh, that's a bummer, I know how much you wanted Taeyeon to come"

"Well I couldn't force her to come she made a promise to someone"

"Someone...who?" Yuri asked

"I don't know...doesn't matter" Jessica trying to block off thoughts of Taeyeon with another girl. Maybe she should give up seeing as Taeyeon right from the beginning has never taken a true interest in her. Maybe its time to see reality and stop living in a day dream, she sighed more

"Okay so we are here" Taeyeon breathed deeply preparing herself

"Man you're short" Soo Young turned to Taeyeon forgetting that she is taller then the latter, Soo Young could only see the top of her head.

"This wig itches" Taeyeon began to scratch semi revealing the black in her hair underneath the platinum blonde wig. Honestly if one were to see Taeyeon at that moment one would assumed she came straight out of a Japanese anime. Taeyeon wore a white suit and of course like in the movies this charity ball also was a masked event. So all the guests were wearing masks dressed in some of the most elegant and extravagant gowns and tuxedos one has ever seen.

"Taeyeon make sure you don't scratch" Soo Young adjusting the wig and placing it back into position

"that's going to be impossible, this thing is so itchy" Taeyeon getting more annoyed

"Please...we can't mess this thing up"

"Is that my sister over there..." Yuri pointing to Soo Young, Jessica stared in wonderment spotting the very noticeable male who seems to be Soo Young's date. Soo Young clasped onto the latter's arms as they both striding across the ball room.

"Where is some food I'm hungry" Soo Young stated dragged Taeyeon who glared at her because she was losing blood circulation in her arms due to the fact Soo Young's grip kept tightening at the mention of food.

"Are you not going to talk to Jessica, she keeps looking at you" Taeyeon asked. Soo Young looked over as she stuff a mini quiche pie into her mouth all the while double fisting more of the mini pies into both of her hands.

"Oh man I forgot, we can't let them see you...especially Yuri she will definitely know its you" Soo Young realizing her plan didn't account for Yuri, Tiffany and Jessica but only Jaejoong. "Oh my god Jaejoong is walking over right now...quick...let's dance" Soo Young grabbing Taeyeon by the wrists and quickly shoving her onto the dance floor.

"I don't know how to dance...like this" Taeyeon reminding Soo Young.

"Ugh" Soo Young immediately took control "I'll lead but make it seem you are" and instantly the two moved gracefully onto the ball room floor.

Yuri stared stunned wondering what the heck went through Soo Young's mind and whatever caused Taeyeon to agree to dressing up like a Japanese anime character. "Who is the boy Soo Young is with?" Jessica asking. Yuri turned to her best friend dumbfounded how she couldn't recognize that it was Taeyeon.

"Jess...it's not a..."

"Wow that boy is cute, but short" Tiffany taking her spot right beside Yuri, "If I was straight or bi like Soo Young I would totally be all over him" Yuri's mouth dropped open "It just sucks he is so short compared to Soo Young" Yuri's temper was rising how could her two close friends and girlfriend not see what was really going on.

"Oh you two...geez" Yuri stomped away.

"Did you think it worked" Tiffany smiling at Jessica who was laughing "Did I make her jealous"

"Tiffany you're bad" Jessica nodded objectly

"But seriously who is this guy with Soo Young, I thought she didn't like short guys"

"Hmm not sure Soo Young didn't mention bringing anyone" Jessica stated as she turned her back onto the dance floor. Seeing all those couples was causing Jessica to be reminded of how much she wish Taeyeon was there. Even though she would never be able to get Taeyeon to dance she would atleast have someone at her side for the whole night, someone who kept her company and made her laugh. A person who she was comfortable with and didn't need to pretend she was like the rest of the snobs inside the room.

"We can't keep dancing, I thought you said you wanted to confront Jaejoong not avoid him" Taeyeon stated

"Look I didn't really think this through"

"Why am I not surprised" Taeyeon sternly stared into the girls eyes

Jessica watched for one last minute before walking out onto the balcony. It was cold and the stars were out she stared up while reaching into her purse for her cell phone. "Nothing wrong with checking up on Taeyeon? i could say was just worried if she made it safely or if she was okay...how her friend was...if this friend is someone special...ugh" Jessica began to smack self in the face.

"Excuse may I just talk to my sister Taeyeon" Yuri walked over grabbing Soo Young and tugging her away from her date. As soon as she left the dance floor Taeyeon was soon faced with at least 8 new girls who stood up wanting to at least have a dance with the girl...I mean guy. Taeyeon stared and spotted a girl who was sitting alone in a chair, she walked over to the young woman who wasn't the most drop dead gorgeous women. But Taeyeon could see her cute charm and placed her hand out asking the girl to dance with her.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to wreck Jessica and her father's charity ball" Yuri scolding her step sister.

"No of course not"

"then why is Taeyeon dressed like a anime flower boy"

"Look Kim Jaejoong is here I needed a way to avoid him"

"Soo Young why don't you just go up to him and tell him straight up that you don't like him and is in no way interested or ever will be like a civilized person would

"Oh like you did with me..." Soo Young quickly spat back. Yuri stood there stunned the fourth time tonight, the first being when she watch Tiffany walked down the staircase in her dress.

"Soo Young" she quickly regretted her words

"Like how you and Tiffany were straight up for me...no actually both of you were laying down naked in you're bedroom when I was told the truth about what was going on between the both of you! How in order for you two to be straight up with me was to find the girl I was still pining after was sleeping with my sister, my best friend!! Who knew how I still felt about Tiffany to be honest with me." Soo Young faced was red "Excuse me if none of you're words mean anything to me" Soo Young struggled to push away and past Yuri who was holding onto her begging for her to let her speak.

Taeyeon noticed Soo Young walking with tears in her eyes. She excused her self from the current girl she was dancing with and apologized. She stepped quickly toward Soo Young who she was worried about. But before she could reach her friend Jaejoong had gotten to her and Taeyeon soon found herself watching Soo Young being guided away from Jaejoong. Taeyeon not sure what to do ran faster pushing Jaejoong's hand away

"Leave her alone" Taeyeon spoke strongly,

"I was just wondering if she was okay, going to get her something to drink so she can calm herself down. No need for the manly antics" Jaejoong pushed Taeyeon aside and grabbed tightly onto Soo Young's hands

"Come on we need to talk"

Now it was Taeyeon's turned to have her jaw dropped and left stunned

"What just happened?" She was so confused. She held her hands to her head "I'm getting a headache, I need fresh air" she began to walk outside slowly

"I'm so stupid..." Yuri was crying in Tiffany's arms who was holding on tightly to her girlfriend

"I've been so selfish, I forgot I should've been looking at what it must have been like to be in Soo Young's shoes. I betrayed her I lied to her for months." Yuri began to let her regret and remorse out while Tiffany was beginning not to like the sound of where this conversation was heading.

"Are you okay" Taeyeon's eyes began to flutter open as her vision was still blurred. She was unsure what had just happen

"Where am i?" she asked as she struggled to sit up. she looked around and noticed it was the garden of the hotel. "How did I get out here?" she asked

"Not sure, I found you five minutes ago on the ground. You must've blacked out" the familiar voice spoke. Taeyeon turned to see Jessica who sat closely to her, Jessica had wrapped Taeyeon's jacket on her body allowing her to rest "At first I thought you were resting because you looked so peaceful" Jessica grabbed onto Taeyeon's shoulders holding her up. immediately Taeyeon began to blush at the closeness. She took in that familiar beautiful scent she longed to have left on her body after spending a night with Jessica.

"Thank you" Taeyeon quietly spoke as soon as she finished talking Jessica began to giggle

"Wow you really are like the perfect prince from one of those dramas" As soon as Jessica finished her sentence the boy whom she found laying in the grass had caught her mid sentence. She felt the perfect soft full lips press onto her own causing for Jessica's eyes to widen.

"Yuri you seriously can't think like that?!" Tiffany yelled across the hotel lobby following close behind Yuri who was gathering her coat and preparing to leave.

"I'm going...tell Jessica I'm sorry for not staying...and I am sorry...I am sorry Tiffany" Yuri firmly stated as she stormed off. Suddenly it was Tiffany's turned to be left stunned as it had yet to register that her and Yuri were official over.

"Soo Young where are you" Tiffany began to gaze beginning a hunt for her ex-girlfriend

"mmm" Jessica moaned as she felt herself let go and relax into the kiss with this stranger/ Soo Young's date. Her mind felt a wave of emotions that were new but also strangely familiar to her. "Those lips..." she asked herself.

It took a minute for Jessica to finally realize that Soo Young's mysterious date was actually not kissing her but had actually...sleeping?

Jessica cautiously pulled away staring at the pretty boy, he had gorgeous eyelashes and the pure snow white skin. For some reason an image of Taeyeon crossed her mind, Jessica shrugged thinking the two look similar. Jessica shook the image of her crush and brought her attention back to the person in front of her. She could tell that he must've been exhausted due to the fact the boy was breathing and so he most likely might have just collapsed from being tired. Jessica placed the petite boy's body back onto the grass and sat silently beside him.

A couple of minutes later...

"Wait...did I just kiss him?"

"Soo Young I just want to apologize to you" The very attractive tall male said while staring down toward Soo Young.

"I'm not interested in you so save your weak apology" Soo Young remembering all the times where jaejoong would torment her.

"Soo Young I know I don't deserve it. I was pretty cruel to you when we were younger but it was because....because I was going through a lot. But now, I've figured it out and I know who I am."

"Just save the lecture...I am tired and just want to go ho~"

"SOO YOUNG!" The two individuals heard a loud booming voice. They both turned to see the petite and sweet looking Tiffany stomp across the room. The second tiffany reached them she parked herself right in front of Soo Young and moved her arm back leaving her palm open. Without hesitating for a second Tiffany quickly brought it back in front of her landing smack down against the right of Soo Young cheek.

"What did you say to Yuri" tiffany's eyes were red with anger.

Jessica was staring up at the stars as the sleeping boy began to stir himself to wake.

"Where am i?" he asked. Jessica slightly laughed but soon spotted something quite odd. She squinted her eyes wondering if she was seeing right.

"...is that a wig?" as soon as Jessica saw the dark patch of hair, she instantly reached as the boy sat up and before the boy could oppose her she had yanked it off.

"Taeyeon?!" the boy or should I say girl turned bright red.

"...ah...heeh...ah..um.." Taeyeon was speechless all she kept thinking was she was going to be murdered brutally by Soo Young. "...uh hello" Taeyeon said in English. Jessica's expression changed to a deadly glare.

"Look I am sorry but Soo Young begged me to do this" taeyeon was hoping to use what charm she had on Jessica.

"Do you think that means anything to me?!" Jessica voice rose

"...I'm so sorry" Taeyeon using English. "I kept saying no but Soo Young needed me, okay? I am sorry Jessica." Seemingly for some strange reason Jessica became less tense and relaxed. Her expression changed as soon as Taeyeon finished her sentence. I guess she realized there was no use in being upset considering Taeyeon was just trying to help a friend even though the whole idea was for a better lack of a word stupid to begin with.

"It's okay" Jessica stated and turned facing forward out onto the garden grounds. The two became silent and sat there for a little longer listening to the wind howl and watched the stars shine.

"Can I ask what are we doing out here? What happened?" Taeyeon catching Jessica off guard as she was reminded by the events of finding her blacked out in the garden tonight and of course the kiss they shared...well sort of. "Jessica why are you turning red? What happened?" Taeyeon wanted an explanation it bothered her that she literally couldn't remember what happened. "Jessica answer me"

"Lets go in I am cold" Jessica playfully ignoring Taeyeon.

"What Jessica aren't you going to answer me...what happened?" Taeyeon got up lightly jogging to catch up to Jessica.

The two then started to run as Taeyeon was trying to catch Jessica. As soon as they got closer the two settled down and unexpectedly Jessica felt a warmth as Taeyeon had placed her white jacket onto her shoulders covering her from the cold. Jessica smiled back at Taeyeon, she again began to remember touching Taeyeon's soft full lips tonight. She had that urge to once again press her own onto her friend.

"You're turning red again" Taeyeon acknowledged the blushing Jessica. The sweet moment was soon interrupted by two individuals yelling

"Look Jaejoong just leave me alone"

"Soo Young..."

Jessica immediately noticed Taeyeon body tense as she became more concerned.

"Jaejoong I told you to just leave me alone. I am not interested in you nor will I ever be"

"Soo Young this is not about that...this is about you...and"

"STOP! I can take care of myself" Soo Young walking further and further away

Taeyeon began to fiddle with her wig "Sorry Jessica I'll be right back" Jessica wanted to say something but instead stood there silently watching

"Soo Young let me take you home" Jaejoong stepping closer

"What do you think you're doing" a voice from behind came. Both soo young and jaejoong turned to see the tiny taeyeon dressed in her pretty boy outfit and ready to act in character just like soo young planned.

"Ah good, no need to be concerned anymore. My boyfriend is here" Soo Young stepped toward Taeyeon passing Jaejoong and within less then a minute reached down to pull Taeyeon up and swiftly move in for a kiss, which caught everyone off guard. Jaejoong watched hardenly while Jessica turned away. she knew this was most likely part of their plan or at least a misunderstanding but she couldn't help but feel a pit of jealous form.

Taeyeon backed off from Soo Young and stared at the girl wide eyed. She was screaming inside her head wondering what the heck was going on. This was definitely not going according to plan. Soo Young turned and clutched onto Taeyeon's hand "Goodbye" and the two began to walk.

Taeyeon tried following soo young's lead by not looking back but she couldn't help, she hated the fact Jessica just watched her kiss soo young. She turned her head in the direction of where Jessica was only to see her not standing there anymore. Taeyeon became sick in her stomach she felt so bad for doing that just now.



Weeks went by and the group dynamic had changed and not for the better. Yuri was off around the world, while Tiffany was staying away from everyone else that didn't come in the form of chocolate or a tall ice cappuccino. Tiffany was isolating herself ever since Yuri had broken up with her and the night of the charity ball where she slapped and blamed Soo Young for being the cause.

So now adays the meetings at the local café just consister of Soo Young, Taeyeon and Jessica. Though Jessica was beginning to separate herself from the two, ever since the charity ball Jessica couldn't let those feelings of jealously go. Her thoughts sometimes led her to think that there was something more going on between Soo Young and Taeyeon, the two were definitely closer. Especially when comparing it to her relationship with Taeyeon. Soo young seemed to know more things about taeyeon then any other. the two girls seemed to easily be able to share their secrets and had their own inside jokes with each other, this often led to Jessica feeling like an outsider.

"Jessica you want to go out with me?" Taeyeon said as she sipped onto her large mug filled with white hot chocolate. This brought just back to reality she turned to the girl with her mouth agape.

"Huh?" she was stunned was this real "Wae?" but she soon figured out that Taeyeon was just playing as she saw the girl begin to giggle

"Wake up dork" Taeyeon smiled brightly. Jessica just glared and turned away from looking eye to eye with Taeyeon, she was telling herself not to get mad.

the two talked for a while, Taeyeon was wondering whether Jessica was okay. she was acting differently she thought. usually it was Taeyeon being the distant one but lately it was Jessica who was.

"Sorry about the kiss" Taeyeon blurted out catching Jessica midway through sipping her drink causing her to choke and cough

"huh..." Jessica looked innocently and Taeyeon couldnt help but smile.

"Oh nevermind" she stated deciding to change topics. "But seriously do you want to hang out?" Taeyeon asked again.

"We are hanging out" Jessica replied

"No I mean just us two together I can cook for you" Just about when Jessica was going to enter Soo Young barged in, what perfect timing Jessica thought.

"Hey guys" Soo Young smiled happily and as usually Taeyeon and Soo Young started to talk as if they were in their own world.

Dear Yuri,

How are you? Hope you're doing okay. Where are you now? are you still in Brazil?

Jessica stared at her computer screen wondering what else to write, she was tired of writing she had always preferred to talk face to face with someone. Besides all Jessica wanted was to just write that she missed her and tiffany misses her and to please come back. But Yuri would most likely cut off communication with her for good. Yuri was never good with dealing with conflict, Yuri had two ways to deal with it. Those being aggressive and in you're face or being a coward and run away which she decided to do. Jessica continued to stare until finally she gave up and slumped her body onto the keyboard causing the screen to freeze up.

"Whats wrong?" Her father's voice filled the room. Jessica didn't acknowledge his presence all she did was just sighed frustratingly louder. "So Yeon..." He said softly, still silence from Jessica

"go away" Jessica mumbled a loud sound of from her father could be heard

"...I wish you would allow me to be a father to you" He lowly whispered and wheeled away in his chair.

After three minutes had passed since her father left Jessica sat up opened up a new document and began to type. she suddenly felt herself pouring out all of her thoughts that came to mind spilling it onto this email. After she was done she hit the dropped down menu that gave her a list of her email contacts and stopped as soon as she saw the name Taeyeon. she clicked and slid her mouse over the send button, for a second she was close to pressing onto it but with in that second a thought popped in and caused her to change her mind. she stared for a little longer, but quickly got up when she her one of her maids call her down for dinner. She turned looking at the screen one last time, she highlighted all of the words and deleted. instead she simply typed a few words and began to slightly chuckle before walking out the door.

While Jessica was eating dinner one of her maids who usually tided Jessica's room while she ate was dusting around Jessica's desk. Though straight out of a scene from a hollywood movie the maid somehow accidently pressed hit some buttons while dusting around Jessica's computer which incidently caused the document to send. the maid stared at the computer and froze knowing what she had done was definitely not good at all. "Oh no..." she began to panic

Across the town Taeyeon who was visibly dragging her best friend Tiffany up the stairs to her friends home stumbled up the stairs and hit her friends door causing tiffany to hit the floor.

"Tiffany get up...i'm sorry but you're getting heavier" Taeyeon plopped herself right beside her. Tiffany stared up at her ceiling not even acknowledging a word of what Taeyeon had just said.

"You know you should just be with her"

"Hm" Taeyeon turned her head to stare at tiffany

"You should just be with her, forget the past and just be."

"Tiffany what are you talking about?" Taeyeon didn't like where this was going

"You love her so you should take care of her and just be with her" Tiffany suddenly closed her eyes hiding her tears. Taeyeon leaned toward her and began holding her.

Taeyeon had finally calmed her down and somehow got tiffany to fall asleep in her bed. she pulled her covers over the sweet girl and kissed her forehead wishing her a good sleep. Taeyeon was walking out of the room when she heard her cell vibrate, she looked at it and saw an incoming email.

"Jessica?" she stared, she felt odd and a bit worried wondering what the email was about so she clicked on and Jessica's message appeared on the screen. the message left Taeyeon a bit stunned as she read the three words..."I Like You" cover the screen of her phone.


"Um married? You're joking right?" a few seconds of silence past "Right?" Both Tiffany and Jaejoong looked at each other wondering if they should tell Jessica what they found.

Tiffany was most reluctant to believe Jaejoong when he first barged into her home but when he flashed the piece of paper she felt doubt creep into her mind.



"Soo Young stop snoring..." Taeyeon growled angrily as she looked straight up at the ceiling. It had hit night time where the two girls were while in Korea the light was still shining from the sky. "Soo Young stop hogging the bed sheets." Taeyeon tugged to gain back her share of the sheets.

"Today was the longest day of my life, tomorrow will be another big day" Taeyeon looked over to Soo Young as she brushed a piece of hair that lay in front of her sleeping eyes. A picture of Jessica flashed into her mind and quickly Taeyeon pulled away from Soo Young and her mood became sombre.



"We need to somehow find out where they are and stop them from making the biggest mistake of their lives" Jaejoong held his hands under his chin. The group was trying to figure out what was going on.

The initial shock for Jessica was beginning to ware off, she was full of mixed emotions, anger, disbelief, doubt and most of all hurt. Jessica was thinking about all the times Taeyeon and her spent together. Her feelings didn't just develop overnight for the cold girl but it occurred over time.

"Jessica shut up! stop being stubborn and lean on to me!" the shorter girl yelled as Jessica kneeled in pain.

"But..bu~" Jessica tried to fight off tears, a loud sigh could be heard from Taeyeon as she crouched down beside Jessica. Her arms surprising wrapped around Jessica trying to reassure her that everything will be okay and that she could handle carrying the injured girl.

"Look I may be tiny but I am stronger then I look" Taeyeon said flashing a rare smile towards Jessica.

Taeyeon was trying to stand up while supporting Jessica's weight but it was obvious the girl wouldn't be able to. the next moment the two girls bodies were piled on top of each other. As Taeyeon had collapsed and they both hit the ground hard and Jessica fell into her arms.

Jessica looked upward toward Taeyeon but found her lips her almost touching Taeyeon's own lips. The two quickly looked away as they were both blushing red.



"Is it good?" Jessica nervously asked. Taeyeon sat in the Jung kitchen placing a small spoonful of the latest concoction Jessica had cooked up.

"hmph mmm...its chewy and...ah" Taeyeon didn't know how to describe it, all she kept thinking was sandpaper it taste like sandpaper!

"What?" Jessica giving her puppy dog eyes. Taeyeon stared trying to not fall for Jessica's innocent expression

"It's hard to describe, ive never had anything that tasted like this before. It's truly unique." Taeyeon fakely smiled as she prayed for Jessica to believe in her.

"You're lying." Jessica face turned to stone and Taeyeon suddenly burst out laughing. Jessica was unsure whether to join in or continue to be a bit peeved at the girl. But one thing she realized was Taeyeon had begun to slightly open herself up toward her.



"Did you like the movie Taeyeon?" Jessica looked over to see the other girl pulling back her foot to kick a tiny rock as if it were a soccer ball. It was almost close to midnight and the rain had finally stopped. The two girls had no idea what to do so they both agreed upon going to a late movie after eating dinner. Taeyeon was at first reluctant to watch the movie Jessica had chosen but finally relented in order to satisfy the princesses needs.

"It was alright" Taeyeon simply stated. The film was eerily familiar for Taeyeon as it was about a boy and a girl who were enemies who suddenly fall for each other.

"What was you're favourite part in the movie?" Jessica excitedly asked as her body turned toward Taeyeon causing them both to stop. Taeyeon stared and was unsure what to say. She didn't think the film was bad but the movie was definitely something she wouldn't want to watch again.

"Um...the food" Immediately Jessica smacked Taeyeon.

"I get it...you didn't like the movie." Jessica smiled after "But didn't you think their first kiss was so romantic" Jessica's expression went from happy to sad "I wish I remembered my first kiss" Jessica stated and Taeyeon looked over wondering what her friend was thinking.

It hadn't been too long since her and Jessica started to get close but she was still trying to keep her at a distance. Taeyeon's feelings were strong and forever will remain strong because she knew Jessica was the love of her life. But in order to stop causing Jessica pain she couldn't reveal the truth nor acknowledge what she felt inside, she was just happy Jessica was healthy and that she could watch even though it was from far away.

"You haven't been kissed yet? Haven't you been going out with like 8 different people" Taeyeon chided as she kept her true feelings from surfacing.

"What's that suppose to mean? I'm just dating but nothing serious. I don't kiss someone if it is not serious." Jessica was feeling hurt by Taeyeon's assumption.

"Oh" was all Taeyeon said and the two continued to walk.

It was way past midnight and the two girls had arrived at Taeyeon's home. Jessica had planned on sleeping over considering her father was away on business and didn't like being in the home all by herself despite having servants who lived inside the house with her and her family.

"Thanks for letting me stay, I would have gone to Yuri's but she is occupied and didn't want to bother her. But anyway since it's your house you can take the bed" Taeyeon said as she took one of her pillows and plopped it onto the floor

"You don't have to sleep on the floor" Jessica said "It's your bed, we are both girls we can share it. It's not like we haven't"

Taeyeon was now lying in bed and the girl next to her was the one person she loved the most. The room was dark as Jessica suggested on closing the curtains.

"Taeyeon?" Jessica called out, she was busy thinking about the movie particularly the kiss

"Yeah..." Taeyeon sounding a little annoyed her friend had not fallen asleep yet

"Do you remember you're first kiss?" Taeyeon's body stiffened

"Ah...yeah I do" She replied

"What was it like?" Jessica continued to drill her

"It was nice...I liked it a lot"

"That's it?! That is all you have to say?" Jessica sat up and stared down at Taeyeon "Wasn't it passionate?" Jessica asked

"I liked it very much..." Taeyeon not giving in to Jessica who let out a loud huff and went back under the covers

"I feel sorry for the person who gave you you're first kiss, especially~" Jessica was caught off when unexpected lips caused her to stop from talking.

Her lips moved against and with the latter's own lips. She never felt something like this...or at least didn't remember feeling a sensation like this. It was indescribable to her, all Jessica knew was it felt good and that she liked it...a lot.

The latter's lips pulled away and stared at the body beneath her for a long minute and than silently went back to her side of the bed.

"Now will you let me sleep" Taeyeon said as she turned to her side facing a wall

Jessica was left looking like a deer caught in headlights, her eyes were wide and her mouth still slightly agape.

"Goodnight Jessica" was the last words shared between them


Jessica began reminiscing about all the times she had shared with Taeyeon, the two over the past months created a special bond that Jessica knew was something more...deeper, and at one point she thought Taeyeon felt the same way to...

"I guess I was just dreaming." Jessica she thought "No I was being a fool." She continued to think



"I love you" Soo Young stated. Taeyeon looked at her and rolled her eyes.

"We're not eating now, so quit it." Taeyeon pulling Soo Young beside her

"It's been hours, what are we even looking for?" Soo Young replied

"the question is who?" Taeyeon said as she continued to pull Soo Young. The taller girl stopped and held her posture up straight.

"It's Yuri...we're here for Yuri" Soo Young spoke softly.

"Yes we are" Taeyeon said as she continued to walk ahead "Now lets go"

Soo Young somehow knew this whole trip was about Yuri. She couldn't believe she went along with it but somehow she wasn't upset as she thought she would be when Taeyeon finally told her the truth. It had been almost months since she heard anything about her sister and she was happy to know that there was a chance to finally see her once again so she could apologize for her angry words. Soo Young had realized she was wrong and was ready to make amends for her past mistakes.



"Guys you need to stop, ive told you what I already know which is nothing. Taeyeon left without saying a word to me" Boa looked up from the hood of the car staring at the three who were listening intently. "Sorry, did you talk to Yeon Hee. Maybe she knows something?"

"I already called" Tiffany nodded letting on there was no information she could give that would be helpful.

"hmm I don't know whats going through that girl's head. One thing day she has her mind set on doing one thing and does another." Boa whispered to herself. Out of nowhere the phone in the shop started to ring and Boa quickly ran to grab it.

"I can't believe Taeyeon and Soo Young left without telling no one, not even family" Jessica cursed to herself pissed at the girls.

"Ah Taeyeon..." Boa said loudly looking toward her friends who ran toward her to listen in

"Ah...yes...okay...ah, I gotcha" Boa was nodding her head listening to what Taeyeon was telling her. Jessica was giving her a strong glare indicating she should get Taeyeon to reveal the location of where the girls were.

"That's good! Okay can't wait...I can do that" Boa responded. Jessica then nudged her hard mouthing to her to ask along with Jaejoong who was nodding his head.

"Oh by the way Tae where are you calling me from" Boa asked, the group anticipatedly waited for a response but watch as Boa placed the phone down and walked passed the group and straight back to work.

"SO?!" Jessica blurted out

"Taeyeon said somewhere beautiful" Boa stated

"That's it?!" Jessica loudly screeched.

"Look Taeyeon said that she would probably be back soon, guys don't worry just sit back and wait. Let's be happy they are safe" Boa smiled



It was late at night and Taeyeon was out and about on her own trying to track down the elusive Yuri. Soo Young had retreated back as she was tired out from the long day of searching. Even though Taeyeon was exhausted she knew she couldn't give up, "We're close I can sense it"

Currently Taeyeon was in the center of the entertainment district of New Zealand's capital known as Wellington. She wasn't good with maps but was managing to find her way through the city.

Taeyeon learned from one of her sources that there was news of a famous violinist who was now playing in various seedy establishments here. Taeyeon looked up from the map and around she sighed heavily and steadily began to approach various strangers whom seemed to work within these locations.

"Excuse me have you seen this gul?" Taeyeon asked in her best English. Many of the people either said no, ignored her or didn't speak English either. After what seemed like over an hour Taeyeon went up to a man with a large cigar in his mouth. He was standing outside a bar hoping to catch a break from the noise inside. Taeyeon was at first hesistant in asking but surrendered and thought there was nothing left to lose in asking one last person before retiring back to the hotel.

"Excuse..." she asked the older rough looking gentleman looked up raising his eyebrow. "Have you seen this gul?" Taeyeon pointed to the picture.



"AHHHHHHHHH" jaejoong screamed as he hid behind Tiffany. The group had decided to listen to Boa's advice and sit and wait even though Jessica didn't want to, she decided to let time deal with it. "Why did you choose this movie" Jaejoong looked accusingly at Tiffany

"Me? my fault you're the one who handed it to me" Tiffany and Jaejoong began to fight with each other.

Jessica looked outside staring hard at the Blossom tree which somehow always calmed her down. She always wondered about it, wondering where it came from? when it was planted? Jessica suspected it hadn't been so long considering the tree still had a long ways to go before being fully grown.

"Let's just watch cartoons" Jaejoong suggested

Jessica looked at the two and silently began to walk out, she wanted to be alone and away from the noise but more so something inside of her placed the idea that the tree was vastly important to her. She just didn't know why?



"Taeyeon where are you its late?" Soo Young looked at her watch, she had went down to the hotel lobby where a banquet was being held. Despite not being invited Soo Young somehow got herself an invite.

"Free food" she mouthed "appetizers" Soo Young's favourite as she licked her lips

She hastily made her way over to the table but accidently tumbled over something or rather someone.



"Yah!!!!!!" Taeyeon's feet were digging hard into the ground trying to pick more momentum in order to catch her friend. "Yuri you better stop" Taeyeon yelled out. Yuri was too fast and definitely out running the shorter girl who was struggling to keep up.

Yuri was looking behind her and knew that after she turned this corner there would be no chance in hell Taeyeon would be able to continue following her.

"Tiffany!" Yuri heard and abruptly stopped causing for her to collide with her friend who didn't expect her to stop. The two girls flew back as Taeyeon landed on top of Yuri who was on her back. Both of the girls were a bit shaken but were even more shaken by the fact Taeyeon's lips and Yuri's lips were both touching. The two locked eyes and began to scream as they lept up and away from each other. Taeyeon held her hands to her lips while Yuri did the same. The two stared at each other grossed out by the contact.

"Why did you do that?" Yuri said

"Me? you kept running" Taeyeon replied

"Well If you weren't looking for me in the first place we both wouldn't end up looking like fools?!"

Taeyeon stared shocked by Yuri's behaviour



Jessica traced her fingers against the lines of the young tree trunk. She swung her body around it over and over again till it caused her to be dizzy and she fell to the grown. She was laying on her back as she stared up at the sky, her chest moved up and down as she allowed the sun to hit her. She was tired, it felt like ages since Jessica last slept at least as deeply as she used to.

"I wonder what I was like before..." she asked herself.

A sudden memory flashed in her mind

It was raining hard as Jessica held on tightly to a hand, all that could be heard was Jessica's high pitched dolphin squeal. "Ahh" she quickly followed as she was being pulled toward a set of buildings that would at least give the two girls a moment of shelter.

"Finally, this will cover us both for while we wait for the rain to stop" The other girl turned to look toward her. Jessica stared down shyly as she felt herself begin to shiver slightl. Surprisingly out of nowhere she felt a pair of arms wrap around her and pull her closer.

"You are beautiful Jessica Jung" the girl spoke as Jessica's eyes began to look toward the latter. Jessica smiled widely as she continued to stare long and hard at the girl "I love you" the girl said

"I love you to" Jessica said as she stared at Taeyeon who leaned in to kiss her.

Jessica eyes popped open waking from the images...

"huh..." was all that she could let out. Jessica brought her fingers to her mouth tracing where Taeyeon's lips had touched "that never happened...why does it seem so real"



Yuri sat down at the table taking a large swig of her light beer she was trying to pretend as if Taeyeon's words hadn't hit her hard but was failing as tears began to pour down her soft puffy cheeks.

"It's time to go home Yuri, there are people who need you, people who forgive you and people who are ready to say sorry and let go. Stop running away, you've had you're space but now its time to come home to heal...

Soo Young will be waiting at this café tomorrow, if you're the person I think you are you will meet us. we will be waiting for you the whole day, everyday till you come."

Yuri pushed her beer bottle away and placed both hands to her face as she began to cry harder.

3 Weeks later

The two girls sat on the plane looking defeated. They both were at a lost unsure what to do or think, everything seemed so hazy as they thought about how they were going to do now.

"I can't believe this" Soo Young trying to hold back tears "Is this real" she whispered to herself. Soo Young felt a hand reach out to her in order to reassure her that everything will be okay.

It was about three hours later till finally they had reached the airport and landed. The two girls gradually got out of their seats and made their way off the plane. The two still continued to hold onto each others hands as they continued to follow the crowd of other passengers. If you could look at their faces you could see it had been three rough weeks for them. Soo Young grasped harder as she manuvored to hold onto the girls arm, her body felt weak as they got nearer to the gate. Her head was bent down and her step become sluggish, however the other girl she continued to give off the appearance of strength and support but looking in her eyes you could see guilt and ache. As they finally reached past the gate doors they could see their friends who were also wearing black waiting in front of the gate to greet them.

"Soo Young...Yuri, welcome back" Tiffany gravely stated as clutched onto her tissues that were being used to wipe away her tears. You could see that Tiffany had been crying everyday as her eyes were puffy and red. Both girls were surprised to see Jaejoong there considering he didn't really know Taeyeon as the other people did, but nonetheless it was kind of him to be there. The only person who didn't show was Jessica who was locked away in her room refusing to let anyone neither see her nor eat.



"They are staying down there till they find the body" Yuri stated as the friends had gathered around Jessica's living room. Jessica's father had hoped that by inviting his daughter's friends that maybe Jessica would finally come down and start to talk about what happened.

"I don't get it, what exactly happened down there? I can't believe something like this happened...why?" Tiffany began to cry harder. Yuri watched from across the room wanting to run over to Tiffany's side and hug her in her arms. But she felt ashamed because everything that happened was all her fault, she was the cause, the reason, the person to blame for Taeyeon's...d..de...death.

"I'm sorry" Yuri spoke softly at first but then her voice became louder as she continued to apologize "I'm sorry it's all my fault. I'm sorry I let Taeyeon...sorry" Everyone looked up as they stared hard at Yuri whose posture and speech was beginning to wane. all of a sudden light footsteps could be heard making its way into the room. The long awaited appearance had caused everyone to silence. Yuri looked up as she looked straight upon her best friend Jessica. Jessica had obviously been crying moments ago but decided to clean her face before making an appearance. Her hair was up in a bun and she was wearing clothes that her maids had struggled to change her into just days after learning about Taeyeon. Jessica took the vacant spot left open by Tiffany, she refused to look up as Yuri continued to watch her.

The room was silent for a long time until finally one of them had the courage to finally speak... "So how did she die?"

"She isn't dead!" Soo Young abruptly yelled out into the room

"Tae lets just give up, it's obvious that Yuri doesn't care that we are here waiting. It's been almost a week and she has yet to show up."

"No, I think something is wrong. I don't believe Yuri would let an opportunity go" the short girl crossed her arms "something must have happened"

Soo Young's mind flashed back to reality again. "We don't know anything yet" she broke down

"What is continuing following Yuri going to accomplish, she doesn't want to comeback home."

"She does but she just is scared to" Taeyeon urged soo young to follow. "Now come on this is her place"

"What happened up there may I ask?" Yuri looked up and her mind flashed

"Yuri-ah" a voice called out, the barely lucid girl was not sure if it was real or she was dreaming. She continued to hold on to the rocks as tight as her body would let her.

"Yuri-ah" she heard the same voice again, the voice was familiar somewhere she knew that voice but was too tired to remember it

"Miss Kim it's been almost two days, I've been asked to direct you back."

"I can't, I'm not leaving till I find her"

"I'm sorry but you're going to have to go, we can't let you jeprodize yourself, think about your friend Soo Young right now she doesn't know where her sister is I think where you're needed the most is with her."

"Soo Young" Yuri tired slurred, her body was beginning to shut down, she was starting to fall asleep. "Soo Young..." She kept repeating

"Miss Kim" the voice repeated

"Soo Young...Soo Young...Kim...Kim...Kim Tae...Kim Taeyeon?" Yuri thought, she could feel the hard current batter her body. She moaned loudly in pain.

"Yuri what happened?" Yuri touched her faced and grazed her fingers along the bandage on her head

"YUIRI!" Taeyeon and the officer yelled down toward the rocks where Yuri was situated on.

"I'm going to call for back up stay here don't move" The Officer ordered out loud. Taeyeon stared at the young man who was scrambling to blurt out orders. She looked down at Yuri who was being crushed by not only the water but also two large rocks. Taeyeon saw the blood and assumed she most likely had landed onto the rock platform.

Yuri had went on a rafting trip with friends that she had made here. But the trip had gone bad when her boat had flipped over causing the five people to swept within the strong current. Luckily everyone had been able to hold onto something but Yuri was the only one that had yet to come back for air.

"Oh gosh she bleeding to death" Taeyeon thought as she saw the stream of blood run down her face. She couldn't just stand there and do nothing so she decided to go on and help Yuri alone.

Yuri felt her head start to pound; she closed her eyes as the bad memories loomed over her

"ARGHHHHHHHHH" Yuri screamed out, her body was hanging from the platform, the last wave of water had caused her body to slip away.

"Yuri I'm here" Taeyeon said

"I thought I told you to stay where you were" the officer behind her

"Yuri I'm coming to get you" Taeyeon said as she stepped back gearing up to run onto the platform.

Yuri was wide awake, as she watched Taeyeon appear in front of her. "I'm here"

Yuri opened her eyes looking around the room till she stopped and locked eyes with Jessica; she stood up and walked out of the room. Jessica watched silently as her best friend continued to blame herself for what happened.

"So her family is still down in New Zealand, still have yet to find her body"



"Hello" A soft delicate voice rung through the girls ears.

"Hm..ah...hello" the voice answer back

"Good you're awake again" the young voice replied

"Um where am i?"

"At my father's clinic" the patient opened her eyes to see a rather young female stare sweetly at her.



5 weeks later...

"I'm sorry" Yuri kept repeating as she lay in her bed, she was sweating hard as Tiffany and Soo Young watched on from the other room.

"She's been having nightmares almost every night" Soo Young looked at Tiffany who held sad eyes.

"Hoping you could do something to help her"

Tiffany stared into the room, she like everyone else had no idea how to help Yuri. She knew what happen but she didn't really understand it because she had never been in a situation like that before, being the cause of someone's death

"Taeyeon we should wait, don't you dare play hero."

"I can't just let my best friend lay there, she bleeding to death!"

Tiffany was sitting across the table from Yuri as she tried to recall what happen

"Yuri I am here, you're safe."

"Taeyeon..." Yuri tried to smile

Yuri trying to hold back tears as she remembered the final moments...help had arrived and they were preparing for the transport, one of the transport medical team had been lowered down to help Taeyeon break free from being wedge in the rock. After some time they had finally was able to move Yuri onto the stretcher that had descended down after the man. They carefully placed Yuri's body on the stretcher and she was carefully being lifted.

"Taeyeon don't leave me, I'm so sorry" she began to cry as she became more lucid.

"It's okay, all that matter's is that you're safe."

"Where's Soo Young? I need to tell her I am sorry, I need her to forgive me"

"Shh it's okay, everything will be okay." Taeyeon hugging her and gently placing a kiss on her head.

"Don't leave me, where you going" Yuri felt herself moving higher.

"Don't worry, I will be with you soon." Those were the last words spoken to her by Taeyeon.

Everything had seemed like it was going perfectly but all of that changed as soon as Taeyeon was being lifted. No one could have predicted for the rope to snap causing for Taeyeon to fall straight into the water and down the strong current.

"It's my fault..." Yuri stared straight into the eyes of Tiffany

Tiffany looked up noticing the sudden appearance of the Jessica who walked im with Soo Young by her side. Her eyes glazed over as it was obvious she had overheard Yuri



"Um do you mind?" the girl looked toward the figure who was folding the bed sheets.

"Oh no, here let me help" the other girl stated awkwardly. She walked up speedily as she slightly bent down so she could help her father's latest patient put on her clothes.

"You're not a native are you?" The girl struggled to find the right English to use

"No, I'm from South Korea, my father and I moved down here" The girl looked up making direct eye contact with the latter

"So you're fluent in Korean?" The girl asked

"Yes of course."

"Phew" the girl sighed as she began to speak in her native tongue.

"The name is Park Sandra or everyone just calls me Dara."

"My name is Kim Taeyeon"

"Miss Kim you have a beautiful name"

"Please call me Taeyeon" the two girls smiled toward each other.

"Dara" Taeyeon called out as she lay back in her bed, her body was still aching and quite stiff

"Hmm?" the petite girl said as she continued to clean around the room

"I was hoping you could help me get home...back to Seoul, it's vital that I do."

Dara stood up as she stared at her, "I'll see what I can do." She smiled



"Jessica, please. You're the only one." Soo Young pleaded

"to what?" Jessica looked up with a blistering gaze

"Yuri needs you, she is falling apart."

"Sigh...look I tried, she refused and I gave up." Jessica stated

"That's because she's blaming herself"

"Well..." Jessica sighed

"Oh god, do not tell me you blame her to?" Soo Young voice began to rise

Jessica looked away as she moved toward her bed. "I'm feeling tired, do you mind...?" Jessica indicating to Soo Young that it was best that she leave

"Fine by me, You know Taeyeon would be so disappointed. She would never act or place blame on someone in this way." Soo Young nodded her head as she angrily stormed out slamming the bedroom door.

Soo Young decided to spend some time at a bar before going home, she was so upset not understanding what was going on. In a way Soo Young blamed herself, she was the reason for everything...Yuri running away and to think if she went maybe it would be her instead of Taeyeon...

"I'm sorry, it's my fault." Soo Young could hear her sisters sobs, oh no she thought as she quickened her pace to her apartment door holding her bag of junk food.

"I wish I were dead..." Soo Young scrambled to get her keys out worried that Yuri was going to do something drastic

"And what good would that do?" a voice appeared "FOOL! Stop being so stupid." The voice continued "It does nothing, doesn't change a thing no matter how much you want it to, you can't. all we can do is deal with what we have and try to heal..." Soo Young opened the door to see Jessica

"She's dead, nothing can change that...so please appreciate what Taeyeon lost." Jessica pulled Yuri into her arms and hugged her tightly "I'm happy you're safe and alive." Yuri burst into tears falling to the ground



"You sure you're ready?"

"I'm sure." Taeyeon smiled


"You okay? You seem sadden."

"No, of course I'm okay." Sandra looked away "Will just miss having you around. The clinic is small and we don't get too many patients, so I guess I'm just going to be bored without you."

"Cute. I'll miss you to. remember if you're ever back in Seoul to call me, okay?" Taeyeon hugged her new friend one last time before getting in line to board.

"I refuse to let you go anymore." Taeyeon muttered as she began to walk.

The Last Chapter.

Rated R

Circles, circles, circles, daily, yearly, daily

I look at your face profoundly

A face with the tenderness of anger, the tenderness of complaint

We didn't understand the torment of love and hate, worry and suffering

We thought being in love was like the gentle wind and rain

Believing that love, one day, could hold up against eternity

Freezing this moment in time

We didn't understand how to show tenderness

We thought that dying for love was an archaic rumor

How painful is it to part from worries? How thick are those pains?

When dreams are buried in the smoky rain of the river south

Only then will the heartbroken understand


"Seven days, seven days, just seven more days...Yuri..." Jessica kept repeating over and over all the while staring mindlessly at her fidgeting fingers.

"Wow, you know how many days there are in a week." Yuri jokingly stated hoping to get a laugh from her best friend who had lately been in a depressing mindset. Instead Jessica looked up with a sharp hard glare and caused Yuri to react in fear with a small yelp.

"Sorry." Yuri who softened her tone and posture, she knew and understood why her best friend was acting like this. Deep inside she felt pity for the girl because in seven more days, she would be married and not to the person she truly loved. Instead she was going to marry Kim Jaejoong, whom is the vice-chairman's son, a man who she did not love during a time where Jessica was still mourning the death of a friend, no the girl who she was in love with.

"Here Sica, cake." Yuri pushed the plate of a large slice of double chocolate cake. Jessica looked up but quickly noticed a familiar figure outside. Her mood became worse as she looked on. Yuri turned to look over and noticed who it was, she turned her attention back to her best friend and petted her hand.

Since the unbelievable return of Kim Taeyeon life was becoming more complicated especially for Jessica who still was in love with the girl, even though she was a week away from her wedding.

The crowd had gathered for the special occasion. Everyone who had arrived that day had seemed to be sincerely happy for the couple as they celebrated their engagement. Even though in the beginning many were quite reluctant especially those who were close to the two individuals involved. Yuri, Soo Young and Tiffany a stood in a small circling talking while they waited for the appearance of the happy couple along with other members of their families. At the time no one could ever think that something like that was possible but for some reason fate had thrown Jessica, Tiffany, Yuri, Soo Young and every other person deeply affected a huge curve ball.

The crowd became silent as light strong steps could be heard; gasps and whispers soon filled the room. The three beautiful girls continued to talk for a bit before noticing the change of the atmosphere in the room. It was Tiffany who first noticed the petite girl, who looked frailer then months ago. Secondly, it was Soo Young who took noticed and shouted out her name, calling out for her. Lastly, it was Yuri who cried out for her and ran toward the girl to grab a hold of her.

"What's going on?" Jessica asked curiously as she walked beside Jaejoong who turned to her questioningly. The two had just walked out from the room where they had been both introduced to each other's families in a formal manner.

"Let me take a look." Jaejoong nodded but was pushed back by Jessica who heard a familiar voice.

Jessica shook her head trying to wake up from her sad state. Soo Young and Tiffany were outside talking to the girl who was occupying all of Jessica's thoughts.

"Here, eat." Yuri reminding her of the food she ordered. Jessica gave a small smile and gave a thankful nod to her best friend. Yuri watched on as her best friend ate innocently, she to was secretly stressing over about the next seven days because she knew that this situation was at its boiling point and someone was going to get hurt. Who knew life in the Korean dramas existed in the real world thought Yuri, sigh.

Soo Young burst through the door happily as she speedily walked over to Yuri and Jessica with Tiffany following further behind. Jessica looked past them to notice Taeyeon peek inside, the two girl's eyes meet and make contact for a second and both instantly look away. As soon as Jessica looked back toward the door Taeyeon is no where to be seen and she finds herself back in her miserable mood.


Taeyeon lay on her front screaming in her pillow for the last hour and half. This act was fast becoming a ritual for her as she was finding herself doing this almost every day since coming back. Inside taeyeon was hurt, even though she technically wasn't betrayed by Jessica she was acting as if she was because inside she felt as if she was.

"Not like it was on purpose." Taeyeon thought. She was trying her best to be understanding about the situation with Jessica and Jaejoong but deep down she was raving mad by them, no just her. Taeyeon stuffed her head back in the pillow gearing up to scream but before she could, she felt a warm hand touch her back, it instantly soothed her.

"You alright?" the voice spoke kindly.

"I'm alive aren't I" taeyeon replied nonchalantly. "Sorry" she immediately apologized.

"It's quite okay, you are upset, right?" the voice asked. Taeyeon turned over to stare at her mother.

"would it be bad if I told you yes?" She asked, and her mother smiled softly, something that was rare for Taeyeon to see.

"It's perfectly healthy to react like that, the girl you love is getting married in less than a week." Her mother simply stated. Taeyeon's eyes fell to the ground; she pulled her legs so her chin could rest on her knees.

"I have no right though...Jessica doesn't remember me, our love. I have no right to feel this way."

"Of course you do..." Taeyeon looked up a bit taken back by the response. "You love her, so of course you feel a sense of betrayal and possessiveness for her."


"Still...you think it's wrong and that is okay to." Taeyeon was becoming confused as a bothered expression formed on her face, especially since her mother was now laughing uncontrollably. She watched for a while until finally her mom had calmed down slightly. She was still gasping when she began to speak.

"Sorry I am just happy" was all she said.

"Why?" Taeyeon was becoming curious.

"Because you're probably the most luckiest person I know." She smiled.

"How so?" Taeyeon questioned all the while thinking about back into her past.

"For one, you've were able to find the love of you're life." Her mother stood up.

"Huh?" Her mother's words weren't clicking. Her mother paused before speaking again. "How does that make me lucky? The love of my life is getting married to someone else?!" Taeyeon's mother stood up and leaned in to kiss her, an action that was also rare towards Taeyeon.

"Well then maybe you should go fight for her." She walked away, closing the door softly leaving her daughter in her room to think.


The bus is crowded as usual but Taeyeon still somehow manages to find a seat at close to the back. It was raining that day like it had been the other day. "Raining season...represent exactly how I feel." She spoke quietly to herself. Before the bus had left, she noticed the bus becoming more crowded; she decided it was to move closer to the window to make more room which she didn't mind much as she often preferred watching the people out on the streets. Just as the bus was about to move, her eyes caught a hold of something or rather someone. She stood up to quickly get off the bus and made her way towards the scene. Walking up closer she watched through a window the stunning image of Jessica wearing her wedding dress and in a matter of seconds Taeyeon felt her insides crush. Secret tears fell down as she continued to silently painfully watch Jessica twirl around smiling in the mirror and her she finally realized what she had to do.


"Try it tell me how it tastes?" Tiffany happily smiled at Yuri who carefully placed a spoonful of fried rice in her mouth.

"It taste~"

"GROSS." Soo Young interrupted, it was close to dinner time and it was Tiffany's turn to make dinner though it had seemed like they would be ordering out once again instead. Tiffany glared at Soo Young who stuck her tongue out. Inside tiffany was thinking that maybe tonight she would propose the idea that had been running through her head for a while now. Yuri patted Tiffany's back giving her a look of a nice attempt at cooking and tiffany thought that if her proposal was going to sound more appealing she would need it to seem more appealing, like for example learning how to be a better cook. Tiffany was reading for the next step, she was ready to stay completedly devoted to Yuri.


Taeyeon stood outside the large door debating whether to ring the door bell or to just walk away. She had debated whether it was a mistake or not to show up unexpectedly at this hour.

"Taeyeon?" Jessica stood staring blankly at the girl surprised.

"Hi." She spoke. "Do you want to go for a walk?" she asked.

The two silently and slowly walked side by side each other, for some reason the two girls since Taeyeon shockingly came back were cautious with each other. They often avoided one another and if that couldn't be helped avoided being alone with one another.

"So what would you like to talk about?"

"Nothing." Jessica stopped and looked over at the girl confusingly. "I couldn't sleep...I haven't been for the past couple of days and I sort of missed you. Wanted to spend time with you, hope its ok?" Taeyeon not making eye contact with Jessica who stood there a bit taken back by her words, she questioned whether Taeyeon might have some sort of feelings toward her. Jessica nodded and they both continued to walk around Jessica's estate. It wasn't before long until they were head toward the blossom tree. Taeyeon stared at it, old memories surfacing. Jessica turned and started to speak about the tree. "At first I thought the gardener had just planted it, but I found this which completely threw me off." Jessica stopping in front of the tree and kneeled down brushing dirt off of something that Taeyeon walked forward to take a closer peek at. Of course, Taeyeon remembered.

"I thought you wanted to go to the movies?" Taeyeon whined as Jessica continued to drag her outside.

"I changed my mind, I have something better." She smiled.

"What?" Taeyeon who was still tired, she hadn't been feeling so good lately.

"You'll see."


They sat down underneath the blossom tree; it was a warm but breezy day. Jessica was busily taking out items from the bag she brought. While Taeyeon looked down in her arms wondering why she was lugging around this big flat rock, then moved her attention to her girlfriend who looked cutely absorbed at the things in front of her.

"What are we doing?"

"Well...it's more like what you're doing?"


"Well I want everyone to know that this is our tree...so we are going to mark it."

"How? The tree is too young to carve into." Taeyeon slightly protesting what her girlfriend was suddenly asking of her.

"I know, hence the reason why the rock." Jessica smiled sweetly as she placed two items resembling a chisel and hammer into her hand. Taeyeon felt the urge to scold her but kept quiet as she knew she wouldn't win, she could never win especially when it came to all things Jessica.

"I wonder what the T and J represent. Seeing this reminds me of one of those fairy tale like love stories." She pondered hard with a innocent smile. "It's a reason why I like coming here; at first I didn't really notice it. But during the time you were gone to search for Yuri I sort of made this a special please. Somehow it calms me and finding the little marker makes this tree all the more special." She lightly smiled.

"Reallly...that's amazing to hear..." Taeyeon got quiet as she plopped her body down underneath the tree. Jessica followed suit and the two suddenly became silent only listening to the night time breeze and gazing at the bright white stars.

Sometime had passed although the girls hadn't quite notice as they were so mesmerized in watching the stars together.

"Jessica..." Taeyeon sat laying her body against the tree, she held a tense expression but also a nervous one due to the closeness with Jessica's body.

"Hmm..." Jessica had her eyes closed as her body leaned against the tree and close to Taeyeon's shoulder.

"May I ask you something..."

"Hmm..." Jessica was slightly half asleep. "Of course you can." Taeyeon shifted forward pushing her knees up close to her face.

"Why did you say yes...I mean why did you say yes to getting married, to him?" she carefully asked. Jessica's eyes bolted open. "I thought...I thought...ah." Taeyeon was speechless. Jessica was also unsure of what to say, all she could think of at the time was how unhappy she was.

"Cause I was unhappy...I mean, I was lonely, no I mean I was both." Jessica said. Taeyeon looked over and stood up. "At the time when my father and Jaejoong both approached me I kept thinking about how lost I felt. I was surprised to think how many terrible things have had happened to me. Like my accident and amnesia which forces me to forget about my past, and most of you the thought of losing you. So when my father came to me asking me if I was sure about marrying Jaejoong I said yes, because I wanted to make my own happiness. I thought if I said yes it gave me power to control it the chance for me to make my own happiness because other times where I had let fate control it I had found myself losing things most important to me." Jessica wasn't sure if Taeyeon fully understood what she meant, heck she wasn't sure. "At the time when I thought you were dead I saw this as my only solution." Jessica's voice was beginning to crack, she could feel tears rise. "I was upset and alone, I wanted to feel some happiness. I wanted to gain back some control."

"But what...about me, I thought...." Taeyeon silenced herself. Jessica eyes widen. "Forget it, I understand what you mean."

"Huh...Taeyeon are you trying to tell me something...do you like me?" Jessica began to step closer and wanting to look straight into Taeyeon's eyes when she answered the question.

"I understand it now. I have to go." Taeyeon did not turn back and quickly walking away. "Sorry."

Jessica felt guilty and regret suddenly. "Taeyeon." she yelled out, her heart was breaking more.


The next morning was a terrible one for Jessica, she groggily woke up with a major headache that she suspected was going to last the whole day. It was Friday and tonight was going to be her bachelorette party, something she was not excited about at all. She stared at her cell phone screen to view a whole bunch of texts from various people. She wanted to throw her phone to the wall and scream but knew if she did it would only draw attention which she did not want. Jessica realized that she had gotten herself into a huge mess that she had no idea how to get herself out of. In the beginning it was simple, at the time she truly did think she was making the best decision for her. However, all of that changed the second she laid eyes on Taeyeon. She honestly still loved her even during the time that she believed the girl was truly gone forever; she never gave up on her feelings because she was in absolutely in love with the girl.

"Miss Jessica breakfast is ready." A maid spoke from outside her bedroom door.

On the other side of town Taeyeon and Soo Young wordlessly walked down the street together. The two girls were headed to a breakfast pancake buffet, a ritual the two girls did often.

"This is an eventful morning." Soo Young joked at the silence between her and Taeyeon, the girls usually had no issues with talking, they often were hyper around each other. Though somehow, Soo Young could read this morning was different, it was two days away from Jessica's wedding.

"I have a question..." Soo Young darted her eyes toward Taeyeon who looked miserable and tired. She was waiting for Taeyeon to continue and ask her question but she seemed so immerse in thoughts, she felt pity for her because she seemed so confused and frustrated, she honestly didn't know how Taeyeon could deal with everything that has happened so far.

"Actually I need to go, sorry I can't eat with you I just remembered I have something to do. Sorry, I'll make it up to you next time." Taeyeon started to run off.

"It's okay, I'll see you tonight."

Soo Young watched sadden to see her friend like this, both of them like this. She wanted them to be happy instead they were miserable. Soo Young turned to stare longingly at the restaurant called the pancake hut even though she wanted to enjoy the warm taste of a freshly cooked pancake she knew better, it was time to place herself in the middle of this, it was time for her to meddle.


"Jessica...oh Jessica." The visual of Tiffany's smiling face took center as Jessica stared forward.

"Oh sorry..." Jessica softly spoke. Tiffany sighed as she wanted to bring a smile to her friend's face, she had been down for the past couple of days and so she had hoped that the party would be able to pick up Jessica's spirits. Despite fully knowing it wouldn't.

They were at Ennio's Italian restaurant, they all decided to gather and have a nice dinner before heading out to the club where Jessica's bachelorette party was located at. Everyone had seemed to have made, well almost everyone Taeyeon had yet to arrive and as time passed with no answer back from her phone it would seem as though she would be skipping out on the fun.

Do you know where Taeyeon is? - Yuri

Tiffany looked down to feel her phone vibrate in her hand, she looked up to gaze at her girlfriend and began to quickly text back.

No. Soo Young? - Tiffany

A couple of seconds later...

She doesn't know either. She said that Taeyeon ditched her for breakfast. She said she had something to do and left her. - Yuri

Tiffany frustratingly sighed as she responded.

Shouldn't one of us go and look for her. I'm worried, she isn't responding to me. - Tiffany

Jessica quietly observed everyone, she quickly took notice of Tiffany and Yuri texting each other continually in 30 second intervals all the while looking up at each other. Maybe they are worried about taeyeon like I am...she thought as she fiddle with her cell phone in her hand. She had badly wanted to call her, she had yet to speak or message her since last night. It took about five minutes till she got fed up and decided to message the girl.

Where are you? I miss you. - Jessica. Jessica quickly erased the last part and added We're friends, why aren't you here to her message and immediately pressed send.

Taeyeon was dragging her feet as she tiredly walk; she had been on her feet the whole day wondering like a lost puppy ever since leaving the Kim residence to speak with Jaejoong.

"How do you feel about Jessica?"

"Taeyeon I'm truly sorry."

"Do you like her?"

"Take care of her."

Random flashbacks of their conversation filled her head, it was becoming all too much for her and now seeing the latest text she had just received from Jessica was making it worse. I'll just make a short appearance and leave quickly. I'll pretend as if nothing is wrong...she thought. Taeyeon was Jessica's friend after all.

In a matter of hours everyone who had gone to that party was either flirting or drunk, very few who had accompanied the party were actually sober. Jessica was a bit irritated by the behaviour of some of the women.

"Jessica drink." One of her friend's giggled drunkenly, she frowned.

"She looks so sad." Tiffany stated as she and Yuri danced together watching her closely sitting alone and away from the crowd.

"Of course, one Taeyeon didn't show up and two, she's in love with someone else but getting married to another person, wouldn't you be if I were?" Yuri immediately got shy as her face slightly turned red due to her remark. But before Tiffany could say anything they spotted Jessica rolling her eyes and annoying walked out.

"I'll go see if she is ok." Tiffany suggested following suit.

"Jessica wait." She called out. Taeyeon turned and stopped, her eyes were red. "Are you okay?" she rushed to hold her in her arms but she quickly stepped away.

"I'm just going to go home, I'm not feeling well. Sorry. Have fun, ok? Everything is on me." she stated before rushing off to god knows where.

"Jessica!" Tiffany somewhat followed but stopped knowing it was best if she sort things out on her own.


It was around 2 a.m. and taeyeon had yet to gain a wink of sleep, she lay in moving from side to side. She felt regret for not showing up and for not responding back. They're probably worried...she thought.

A loud noise filled the room; Taeyeon looked to her side to see her phone loudly vibrate against the wood of her night stand.

Taeyeon sat up, who was it? She wondered. It was so late for anyone to call at this hour. She quickly got up from her bed and to take the call.

"Hello?" she asked exhaustedly.

"Taeyeon." was all she could hear, the voice was soft and low but she knew who it was. "Can you let me in." she asked.

"Are you outside my door?" She asked as she scurried down to open it. As soon she opened it Jessica's stunning figure appeared right in front of her eyes under the moonlight. Jessica lunged forward to capture her lips then suddenly pulled away as she backed away moving back first onto the street. A bright light began to shine as the girl's figure slowly began to disappear and unexpectedly a noise of a car roared in Taeyeon's ears.

Taeyeon screamed out "Jessica." She was sweating heavily and breathing hard. Her body and mind were truly exhausted but most of all her heart. Out of nowhere she heard a loud bang coming from outside. She stumbled to the window to look out.

Jessica continued to ignore phone calls from her everyone, there was only one person's name she wanted to see pop up and that was Taeyeon. She was stumbling from side to side out of the cab that the soju bar owner had placed her in. when asked where needed to go she told the taxi driver a different address from her own. She stared up at the nice fair sized house. During the time before confessing her feelings to Taeyeon Jessica often would silly dream about living in a home quite like this one with her, she began to giggle at her thoughts as she accidently tripped over something causing a loud noise.

Taeyeon ran down the stairs and quickly out the door. "Jessica." Scared as she watched the girl barely coherently understand what she was saying.

"Taeyeonie." She smiled.

"You're drunk. Let me help." she pulled an arm around her neck and lifting Jessica up in order to shift some of her weight onto her.

"Why didn't you show up today, I was waiting for you too. I had so much to say to you. I need you to know I still love you."

"Taeyeonie I love you." Jessica kept on murmuring.

"You're drunk and tired. You need to rest."

"Taeyeonie I want you." she was now repeating.

Taeyeon was relieved as soon as she saw her bedroom door, she had tried her best not to wake her parents up though she was questioning if they had considering there was so much noise. She struggled to open the door but heard the click finally and as soon as she knew it while trying her best to hold on to Jessica who kept moving about, Taeyeon had made it to the bed while also being able to close the her door. Although she was now lying underneath Jessica, they're bodies tangled with one another somehow. She had wanted to move in order to give Jessica her bed but decided not to at the sound of Jessica light snoring. Taeyeon lay there staring up at her ceiling while gently holding onto Jessica's body, she wanted to be selfish just one time, and she wanted to hold Jessica one last time.


Taeyeon felt an arm move away from the top of her stomach and so she began to stir, her eyes slowly opening as a blurring figure sat staring straight at her. "Jessica." She said tiredly and suddenly she began to feel a pair of lips on her own. They tenderly pressed down onto her and soon enough started to become more aggressive. Taeyeon was now finding herself beginning to kiss Jessica back with the same amount of ferocity.

"Taeyeon, are you awake? Breakfast is ready." Her mother spoke on the other side of her door. Jessica and Taeyeon reluctantly stopped at the sound of her voice, however they refused to part their lips instead they sat on her bed staring at one another longingly and wantonly. The two somehow spoke to each other through this contact and came to some sort of agreement silently as Taeyeon's mother waited for a reply.

"Umma, I'm going out today, so I won't be eating breakfast this morning or supper."


"What kind of friend am I?" Soo Young sat staring off to space.

"From what I'm learning a good one." A long raven hair girl with a bright smile spoke. Soo Young looked toward her and a smiled appeared on her face the first time this morning. "If it trouble's you so much why don't we think of an idea together. It is quite obvious they are truly in love with each other and this wedding is the only obstacle left in their way." Soo Young nervously placed her hand onto the latter's and pressed warmly onto it. The two looked into each other's eyes when suddenly a male came bursting through the doors, he seemed upset as he lifted his helmet from his head. His expression was a mix of harden and aggravation. He walked across and sat down near them all the while cursing a familiar name. Soo Young took noticed and so did her date.


The minute Jessica had walked out from the elevator she grabbed onto Taeyeon and began to pull down the hall. They were looking for the room 703, their hotel number. Both knew this could be their biggest mistake and regret but they didn't care all they knew is that they wanted each other and needed each other. She her that click as the door opened automatically for them. As soon as the Jessica walked in there she realized the state that she was in, she had no time to freshen up at Taeyeon's they both felt if this thing was kept between only them. It was something for them to cherish forever secretly. "I should go shower." She turned away shyly from Taeyeon, but soon felt herself retracting that thought as a pair of hands began to roam up and down her body. It was as if she was intoxicated by the smell of alcohol and cigarettes as Taeyeon pushed her nose into the crook of Jessica's neck.

Gentle lips began to travel down Jessica's neck as she held onto her Taeyeon's arm that was wrapped around her waist, while the girl's other arm continued to explore the rest of her body. And soon enough, a black cocktail dress was being pulled off of her body and her underwear slowly being pulled down to the ankles. She felt her body being pushed toward the large white bed. She gently and loving felt her body being laid down onto her back as Taeyeon's lips continue to remain touching every inch of skin of her exposed body.

Her back was arching up and her fingers entwining themselves with the fluffy white comforter of the bed. Her eyes rolling to the backwards as she relished joyfully in Taeyeon's erotic touched in between her legs and thighs. In the beginning she was moaning softly and quietly but she was now starting to become loud and more urgent with her moans. It was like Taeyeon knew every inch and every spot that made Jessica want more. "Taeyeonie." She gasped as she felt the girl's mouth make contact onto her left breast. Jessica was trying her best to catch her breath but was finding it hard to control herself as she was beginning to get lost in the bliss of her touches and warmth of her mouth, her lips...her tongue.


Soo Young had messaged her sister and Tiffany to meet her at the café. "Do you want me to go?" the other girl asked. Soo Young looked a little hurt that she would think that.

"No, why?"

"Well I don't want to get in the way and make things awkward. It's only been a couple of weeks since we made it official between us." the girl sincerely stated. Soo Young sympathetically and guiltily looked up, she had been hiding her relationship from her friends for sometime now, even though she wanted to tell everyone she found it was never a right time, something was always happening.

"Soo Young we got your message, what's going on?" Yuri ran up holding on tightly to Tiffany's hand, she followed behind closely. They were taking a walk around the park when they suddenly got an urgent text from Soo Young who suddenly found a breakthrough into stopping this wedding from happening. But first it was time for Soo Young to make announcement above anything else, the breakthrough could wait.

"Yes it's a solution to stopping the wedding. But I need to introduce you first to my girlfriend, Lee Sun Kyu." The latter instantly smacked her.

"It's Sunny, call me Sunny please."

Tiffany and Yuri looked at them and at each other. "That's it?" Yuri asked.

"Huh?" Soo Young was mad.

"Well we knew that already."

"WHAT?!" her jaw dropped.

"Yeah, Yuri and I totally spotted you together watching The Proposal at the movie theatre making out throughout most it; we decided to spy on you two for a little afterwards. Anyway we looked you up to make sure you were normal...and strong enough to handle our shikshin. At first we were a little worried about you since you know, you're size and all but we soon figured you were a perfect match." The two girls shockingly looked at the other two.

"What the heck, you two were spying on me? US?" Soo Young face got red with rage.


The two girls were in their own world; they wouldn't be able to tell you if it was day or night, they had totally and fully shut themselves away from the world wanting to only be in each others. Jessica could still feel Taeyeon's lips continually pressing onto her shoulders and collarbone. She sat on the girls lap with her legs tightly wrapped around her comfortably as they were sitting face to face with each other. They're eyes were closed shut as the two were finally exhausted from embracing and exploring each others bodies. Taeyeon had stopped her kisses and laid her head against Jessica's chest wanting to listen to her heartbeat. It was here where she thought that she couldn't let Jessica go, she wanted to selfishly keep her forever but remembering Jessica's words the other night had stopped her from revealing the truth and being honest about their love for one another. She secretly sighed; her heart was heavy as she knew this would soon end...forever. But for know Jessica's was hers, she felt the latter's hand move her hands onto her face and began to shift her head to face her. Taeyeon opened her eyes; they continued to stare intently at each other as Jessica formed a wide smile on her face. Taeyeon could see how truly happy she was. Jessica's hand brushed away her bangs exposing her forehead she made sure to flatten the front of her hair and then softly placed her lips onto her milky white skin.

"This is my favourite part of you're body..." she shyly giggled at Taeyeon's shocked expression.

"Huh...really?" she could read that Taeyeon was confused as to why she picked her forehead of all things.

"Want to know why?" she stifled in a laugh.

"Sure...I'm curious."

"Because no one has a forehead as big as you'." Jessica suddenly burst wildly in laughter, as she moved her hands to cover her mouth. Taeyeon was not amused as she somewhat tried to frown while watching Jessica laugh uncontrollably, but she couldn't as she found the girl amusing like this. It was like she was free; they were free from constraint and restrictions. Taeyeon moved her hands and started to tickle Jessica causing her to break out in more laughter and soon enough they were once kissing but this time it was Jessica who was leading the way. Her lips kissing her jaw line and her hands touching her inner legs then roughly pushing her legs around her so Taeyeon was straddling. Jessica wanted no space to be left between them as her mouth passionately kissed in between Taeyeon's breasts.


"Look I get what you guys are trying to do, but it's not going to work. Believe I've tried." The male with spiky hair spoke taking a swig of his beer. Sitting across from his was the four girls, who had tracked him down since the café. "I've tried to talk to him but he won't have it. If anyone of you knows Jaejoong it's how stubborn he can be and other thing is how scared of his father he is." The guy stared attentively at them.


Jessica woke up early that Sunday morning, she was now sitting in her chair as one of her maid's was placing make up on her. She contently stared at herself in the mirror. For some reason though, she wasn't scared at all, she was neither nervous somehow nor regretful. Jessica had become content and prepared for her new life.

"Jessica we should go." Taeyeon sat up from the bed naked.

"I know." Jessica hugging her from behind and resting her chin on her shoulder.

"I can't go to you're wedding either. Sorry." Taeyeon looked down at her feet.

"I know." Jessica kissed tenderly pressed her lips on her shoulder.

"Jessica may I come in." Soo Young interrupted.


"What are we going to do?" Tiffany frustrating rested her head on Yuri's chest as they stood downstairs in Jessica's living awaiting on the girl. Just then Soo Young came down from talking to Jessica with a smile on her face.

"Have you gone up and taken a peek at Jessica, she totally had sex last night." Soo Young joked as the two older girls glared at her. "This is no time for jokes, you and Sunny need to go and somehow convince Jung Yunho and taeyeon to show up at the church, while we try to delay the wedding from starting."


Taeyeon waved goodbye at her family who were heading to the church, they were invited to Jessica and Jaejoong's wedding. They would be arriving later then expected as all of her family members tried hard to persuade Taeyeon in going and maybe try and stop Jessica from making a big mistake. But she wasn't having any of it; she and Jessica decided to accept their fate. All they could hope for was being able to find true happiness even if it meant being with someone else.

'knock, knock'

Taeyeon stared at her door, she wondered who it was. She thought maybe her family, maybe they forgot something. She walked over to open the door only to see Soo Young and a girl breathing hard. "What's wrong." She felt something bad had happened, she immediately thought of Jessica. "Jessica? Is she okay."


"You look utterly amazing." Tiffany cooed. Jessica smiled widely; she was now beginning to feel a bit of nerves. Yuri paced back and forth as she held tightly onto her cell she was secretly waiting on word from Soo Young and Sunny. She also was pondering how the heck she was going to delay this wedding.


"Taeyeon we don't have time, we have to go now." Soo Young demanded, she had tricked Taeyeon that Jessica had fainted due to being overwhelmed and were going to head to the hospital where everyone was waiting.

"Ok." Taeyeon quickly grabbed a jacket, she had woken up not too long and was just plain t-shirt and jeans and it looked like it was going to rain. All three of them had gotten into the car, Sunny was driving while Soo Young got into the back with Taeyeon riding shot gun. As soon as Taeyeon sat inside, she quickly noticed a tall handsome male in the backseat unconscious, she got scared.

"Soo Young who is that? And why is he not awake?" Taeyeon pointed her finger. Both Soo Young and Sunny looked at each other unsure of what to do. It was definitely obvious she had figured it all out, that everything was a scheme.

"Ahh..." Soo Young suddenly grabbed a hold of a heavy object and tried her best not to hit Taeyeon to hard, just enough so the girl would be knocked out.

"Soo Yo~" Taeyeon was now completely knocked out.

Sunny looked at Soo Young in the rear view mirror, "Do you think we are going to go to jail for this?" she asked

"Maybe, but if we do at least we will be going together." Soo Young replied and so the two girls continued on.


Yuri finally felt her phone vibrate; she quickly looked down at it to read that they would be on their way. She looked over at Tiffany who seemed anxious. Just then they heard a knock on the door an usher had let them know that they would be ready in 10 minutes. "Wow..." Jessica breathed hard as she was beginning to shake. She tried to think of thinks that relaxed her like the tree but she was now finding that it wasn't enough, only she could...only Taeyeon. "Where's Soo Young?" she asked concerned, it had been a while since she saw the girl.

"Not sure, let me go look for her." Yuri had suggested and quickly rushed out of the room.


Soo Young and Sunny were now parked in front of the church and unexpectedly the two bodies began to wake up. Sunny had no idea what to do; they couldn't risk hitting them again. "What are we going to do?" she was scared.


Yuri had comeback to the room she was wearing a frown as she attempted to convince Jaejoong of stopping this sham wedding. For some reason she was feeling like this was all a mistake.

"Did you find her?" Jessica asked as she stood there looking like an angel in her halter wedding gown. As soon as she gazed upon Jessica she knew that she was doing the right thing, she was not going to doubt her attempt at stopping this wedding.

"No. sorry." Tiffany looked at her concerned.

"Where is she, did you text her?" Jessica asked.

"She's not answering." Jessica's faced sadden as she felt things weren't going right.

"Maybe she's in the bath-room..." Tiffany scrunching her eyes as she couldn't believe she just said that.

"No, she's not.Jess..." Yuri carefully spoke. She was ready to admit everything, she wanted to be straight up and tell it like it is. She wanted Jessica to be the one to decide her fate, not her, not Tiffany, not Soo Young or anyone else. Right now the only people who should be the ones directly involved which were Jessica, Taeyeon, Jaejoong and Yunho.

"Jessica we...I, everyone actually thinks you should not go out there and marry Jaejoong. He's not the one you love. He's not the one you want."

All three girls stood silently in the room, a dark tension had filled inside as Jessica's felt herself weaken from hearing Yuri's words.

"Excuse but the groom is ready he is waiting for you." A man spoke and all three of them froze.


"Taeyeon you can't leave."

"Yunho wait."

Both sunny and soo young cried out, the two individual's had woke up and stormed out of the car. Taeyeon couldn't believe what her friends had plan on doing. "Soo Young." She harshly stated. "Leave me alone." She continued to walk away.

"I can't believe you two." Sunny yelled out. "You say you you're in love with them and act all heartbroken but yet you refuse to do something about it. You guys are nothing but cowards." Sunny spat out. "You don't deserve them or to be happy if you guys are just going to go around and act like this." Yunho stopped and turned around. "You have no right to talk about me and my life." He defended as he charged toward Sunny. Soo Young leapt to her girlfriend's side ready to protect her in case he was going to do something. "No I'm going to speak, why are you suddenly giving up now? I thought you loved Jaejoong? How can you just let him marry someone else? You lectured us yesterday about Jaejoong and how he can be, but for someone who claims to know him so well, you would know that it takes more then just a couple of visits to convince the man you love to not go through with this marriage. " Sunny honestly spoke.

Taeyeon looked back a bit worried by the man's tone and maybe also due to the fact that the girl was right. If she truly loved Jessica she wouldn't just let her go so easily she thought. She moved forward but stepped back as Sunny turned her attention on her now. "And you, for the past weeks all I hear from Soo Young is Taeyeon this and taeyeon that. From what I heard you seemed like such an amazing strong person but now that I've met you all I've seen so far is a loser. You've been through so much with her and of all times you decide to finally to give up and let go? Too bad none of us could see in the future, it would've saved so much time for everyone involved. Soo Young, Yuri, Tiffany and everyone else wouldn't have invested so much of themselves because of you, especially since you become such a huge loser." Soo Young was surprised to hear those words come from the tiny girl's mouth. Taeyeon was looking down and Soo Young could see that the girl's words were getting to her.

"I can't believe that you would just give up so easily. I always respected you for how you devoted you're whole life for making others happy and also how loyal you are in loving Jessica. Watching you over the years I found myself envying you both. Jessica even loving you, despite the fact you have an illness. You loving her despite the fact she was on the other side of the world where you went months not seeing her. The fact you easily risked you're life to protect her when you both came close to death; you so willingly surrendered you're life for hers. Lastly, Jessica's amnesia causing her to not remember you or you're love for each other yet you selflessly live everyday without her, even though it hurts you so much as each day goes by. So that is why it's hard for me to see that you are so openly accepting this and cause of that I've lost my respect for you and I don't envy her because the person who loves her the most is giving up on her and on herself."

"Taeyeon." Soo Young felt the presence behind her, Taeyeon's eyes were now fixated on that person. "Is it true, is Soo Young telling the truth?" Taeyeon's eyes soften as she looked away shamefully. Jessica stormed passed Soo Young and toward Taeyeon, she took a hold of both arms and shook the girl. "Tell me, say something." She demanded from the girl as tears rushed down her face. Taeyeon somehow couldn't manage to utter any words until finally Jessica gave up and started to run. All eyes watched painfully as Jessica dragged her gorgeous white wedding dress onto the streets of downtown Seoul, she had no idea where she was going all she wanted was to get away.

"Jessica." Taeyeon yelled out as she started to run after her.

"Yunho." Jaejoong spoke. The two males longingly stared at one another.

Sunny, Soo Young, Tiffany and Yuri all found themselves just silently standing and watching as Taeyeon ran after what she wanted the most in the world.

"Jessica stop." Taeyeon continued to yell, many of the people walking on the streets were stopping and staring at the two girls but the girls took no notice of it. Jessica couldn't believe it, was Soo Young actually telling the truth? Has she really been in love with Taeyeon for so long? Was she the girl that Taeyeon dreamed about and loved so dearly? So many questions running in her head it was beginning to hurt, so she abruptly stopped because she too weak to go any further which allowed Taeyeon to catch up to her. They were now passed the busy main street and somehow made their way to the park.

"I'm sorry Jessica." Taeyeon's emotions were finally getting to her as she felt herself breaking down. "I didn't mean to hurt you; I thought this was for the best. I thought..." she stopped; falling to the ground exhausted from the running, screaming, from everything. It wasn't just her illness slowing her down, not the fact that Jessica had lost her memory and so on because she knew she loved and wanted to love Jessica despite of it all, it was just Taeyeon all along. It was something in her that kept her away, like a fear deep inside of her that she tried to not acknowledge.

"I'm sorry Jessica. I'm so sorry." she stood up and slowly walked closer to the girl who was leaning against a rather large blossom tree, one out of many that was planted all over the park for support. Jessica was still partially resisting as she tiredly fought Taeyeon away. At the moment she did not one to hear a word from anyone, she felt so much rage ignite inside of her but as soon as she felt that touch and stare on her, it had all disappeared.

"Why didn't you tell me, didn't you notice how much I care about you?" Jessica carefully spoke. "How much I love you?" She shifted away slightly.

Taeyeon leaned her head inwards moving her lips closer calmly and all she could think of saying was the one thing she felt.

"Jessica I love you too." And barely a ten seconds later she heard the words..."I know." As they both moved to grasp a hold of each other lips.

Meanwhile back at the church Soo Young, Sunny, Tiffany and Yuri were the last to leave the church, they were the ones lucky enough to inform the guests that the wedding was off and that they should all go home because for one thing Jaejoong had left with his lover Yunho, despite the fact his father still strongly disapproved of his sexual preference; even going as far as disowning him much to the dismay of many. But Jaejoong happily accepted as he realized that he didn't want to live a lie anymore and so he left with no regrets although he asked the girls to apologize to Jessica for making her to help him. While Jessica's father and Taeyeon's family decided to go out and grab a bite to eat, they predicted that they would be seeing each other more often.

"I wonder if they're still running, you know those two could totally run forever." Everyone turned to glare at Soo Young who quickly sealed her mouth.


A week later...

"Oh that one's pretty; I think it will look nice on you." Tiffany lifted up to show Jessica the dress. Sunny also agreed nodding her head, the three girls were all excitedly chatting about the upcoming wedding for their two friends.

"Oh this will look so sleek on you." Soo Young jokingly held up a picture of a male model in a tuxedo. Taeyeon frustratingly glared as she was not that eager to plan for a wedding.

"I don't see why we can't just keep everything from your last wedding." The second Taeyeon uttered those words she knew she was dead as she instantly felt the strong wrathful glares from all three girls who were once fawning over the dresses.

"Yah! You want Jessica to marry you in the same dress she was going to marry Jaejoong in?" Tiffany spouted angrily at her best friend. Taeeyon immediately looked away embarrassed, she was right that was the last thing she wanted. She looked to Yuri for support but sadly got none.

It wasn't too long after when Taeyeon began to think more about Jessica and Jaejoong...

"So you agreed to help him? Is that why you said yes?" Jessica looked up and nodded a yes. "So you lied to me when we spoke under the blossom tree?" And as soon as she said that she knew she was dead, Jessica's eyes sharpened like a tigress that was focussing in on her prey. She turned away looking toward both Soo Young and Yuri. But sadly they had offered no support just some advice.

"Taeyeon you'll once again remember to just keep you're mouth shut and act as though you're happy and in control."

"Sunny gives me food in order to get me to stop talking."

Taeyeon continued to quietly sit beside Jessica, who was busily flipping through bridal magazines. "So am I ever going to win again?" she asked looking toward Yuri and Soo Young. They both quickly responded with a big no and Taeyeon gave out a heavy sigh as if she was disappointed by it but deep down she didn't mind it one bit.


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