Chapter 1

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Union, Next Day

The sun rose over Union Academy, casting a warm glow on the buildings that housed some of the most promising heroes in training. But today, the usual routine of morning training and classes would be replaced by something far more chaotic. As the students began to wake up and head to their lockers and classrooms, the pranks left by the villains the night before began to take effect, one by one.

Issei Hyoudou, always the early riser, was the first to reach his locker. With a yawn, he opened the door, only to have a cascade of embarrassing magazines fall out and scatter across the floor. His eyes widened in horror as he quickly tried to gather them up, his face turning beet red.

"What the-!? How did these get here!?" he stammered, stuffing the magazines back into his locker as fast as he could, but not before a few passing students caught a glimpse and started whispering and giggling.

Rias Gremory, having just arrived with her peerage, sighed heavily, crossing her arms.

"Issei, you idiot...," she said and walked off

"Are you not gonna help him," Asia asked

"No, let him handle something for himself for once...bastard is coddled too much."

Not far away, Bakugo Katsuki was stomping down the hallway, grumbling about how he'd been woken up by some stupid voice over the PA system. The voice that had taunted him and his classmates with insults all night had driven him to the edge.

"Whoever did this is dead meat," Bakugo roared, his hands sparking with tiny explosions.

He was on a warpath, and everyone in the hallway knew to steer clear. But the final straw was when he opened his own locker, only to find it rigged with a simple but effective trap that sent a bucket of glitter cascading down over his head.

"WHAT THE HELL!?," he bellowed, his entire head and upper body now shimmering with golden glitter,"I'LL KILL THEM!"

Meanwhile, in a corner of the hallway, Kirishima, Mina, Sero, and Kaminari were watching the scene unfold, trying-and failing-to stifle their laughter.

"Man, whoever did this has guts! Look at Bakugo," Kirishima yelled as he wiped a tear from his eye

"He looks like a sparkly explosion waiting to happen! This is too good," Mina giggled, her pink hair bouncing as she leaned against the wall.

Elsewhere, Mineta was cautiously approaching his own locker, eyeing it suspiciously.

"Something's not right... I can feel my loins," he whispered and 'stealthy' tip toed to his locker

But his caution didn't save him. As soon as he opened the locker, he was hit with a barrage of sticky traps, leaving him completely immobilized, covered in a mess of glue and his own sticky balls.

"Help! Somebody help me," he squeaked, but the students around him just laughed and shook their heads.

In the same hallway, Team CFVY (Coco, Fox, Velvet, and Yatsuhashi) were leaning against a nearby wall, laughing at Mineta's misfortune.

"That little perv finally got what was coming to him," Coco adjusted her shades, smirking,"I've got to meet whoever pulled this off."

"It's... it's so bad, but I can't stop laughing," Velvet  said covering her mouth, trying to be polite but unable to hide her amusement.

The members of Team RWBY and Team JNPR had just entered their shared dormitory area, groggy from sleep, when the first of Deidara's powder bombs went off.

"Wha-!?," Ruby yelped as the entire room was suddenly filled with a cloud of brightly colored powder,"who did this!?"

Weiss, her white hair now a vibrant shade of pink, was absolutely livid.

"This is outrageous! Who would dare-," she yelled

Before she could finish, another powder bomb went off, covering the rest of the room in more colors. Yang, still half-asleep, was now awake and spluttering, trying to make sense of the chaos.

"Not cool, man," Yang coughed, wiping the powder from her eyes,"whoever did this is gonna pay, my hair is more important than any of you maggots!!"

Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora were in a similar situation next door, with Jaune covered in a particularly bright shade of green. Nora, however, seemed to be enjoying it.

"Look at us! We're like walking rainbows! This is awesome," she cheered, even as Ren tried to clean the mess from his hair with a resigned sigh.

Outside their rooms, Naruto and his friends from Teams 10 and 8 had gathered, already in on the joke, laughing so hard they could barely stand. Naruto, grinning ear to ear, slapped his knee as he held his stomach with his arm. 

"Oh man, look at their faces," he yelled,"I don't know who did this, but they've got a great sense of humor!"

"Troublesome," Shikamaru spoke as he shrugged, a small smirk on his face,"but yeah...I have to admit, it's pretty funny."

"This is the best prank ever," Kiba yelled, laughing the loudest, practically howling,d"id you see how colorful they all got? Oh, I wish I had a camera!"

Even Hinata, usually so reserved, was covering her mouth to hide her smile.

"It''s so funny...I can't believe someone did this," she laughed

Sasuke, ever stoic, was about to open his own locker when he noticed something off. A note inside his locker, signed "Madara," was staring back at him. His eyes narrowed as he crumpled the note, his Sharingan flaring in annoyance.

"Someone's messing with us," he said...emo style

Sakura, meanwhile, found her own locker filled with glitter bombs, and when they went off, she was left covered in sparkling dust, her frustration boiling over.

"Whoever did this better be ready for a beatdown," she yelled

Outside, Kirishima and the rest of Tyler's friends were now in hysterics, unable to contain themselves. Sero was clutching his sides, while Kaminari was practically rolling on the floor

"Did you see their faces? Sasuke looked like he was ready to blow a fuse," Sero yelled

"And Sakura with the glitter! This is the best morning ever," Kaminari cried with tears on his face

"Man, I don't know who pulled this off, but they deserve an award," Naruto yelled, joining them, giving them a thumbs-up.

As the chaos continued to unfold, Tyler's friends couldn't help but enjoy the unexpected turn of events. For once, it wasn't about powers or battles, it was just pure, unadulterated fun at the expense of some of Union's most prideful students. And as the morning went on, the pranks would be the talk of the academy, leaving everyone wondering just who had the guts (and the sense of humor) to pull off such a legendary series of pranks.

Juniors Bar, Next Day

Tyler stood in the dimly lit corridor of the League of Villains hideout, casually leaning against a wall with his arms crossed, his eyes scanning the room with a mix of curiosity and boredom. After last night and becoming a villain, he spent all night working on some gear and some clothes, thanks to the help of the others. Plus his been called in for a meeting, one that supposedly involved someone important.

As the door at the far end creaked open, a figure stepped into the room, Wyatt. Wyatt, tall and exuding an air of self-assuredness, approached Tyler with a confident stride. His eyes flicked over Tyler, assessing him quickly before speaking, clearly seeing a brat who thinks he deserves something for the world being harsh and cruel.

"So, you're the tech genius everyone's been talking about," he asked,"I'm Wyatt."

"Yeah, I've heard about you too, Wyatt," Tyler asked,"you're the guy who thinks he's the second coming of Einstein, right? Nice to meet you, I guess."

"Well, I wouldn't say second coming, more like...the first. But I'm sure you're doing your best down there."

"Oh, I do alright. You know, just the usual, building things that actually work, saving the day with my superior intellect, that sort of thing. But hey, it's cute that you're aiming high."

"You must be the kind of guy who likes to hear himself talk," Wyatt chuckled, a glint of amusement in his eyes,"no wonder you're a hit around here."

"Pot meet kettle," Tyler said,"speaking of which, are we going somewhere, or are we just going to stand around comparing brain sizes?"

Wyatt smirked as he soon gestured towards the door, both walking to it with the few others.

"Glad you asked, I've got something you might find interesting," Wyatts said,"an old Atlas base, decommissioned but still full of...potential. Figured you'd appreciate a chance to tinker with some real tech instead of whatever you've been messing with here."

"Well, well, aren't you the generous one," Tyler spoke, his interest piqued,"lead the way, Einstein."

Wyatt smirked but said nothing, turning on his heel and leading the way out of the hideout. As they walked through the hallways, a few other members of the League of Villains fell in step behind them, including Twice, Toga, and Dabi. Tyler exchanged a quick nod with them, noting the mix of curiosity and amusement in their expressions.

Soon the group arrived at the Atlas base a few hours later, a massive structure that had clearly seen better days. The once-imposing walls were now covered in rust and overgrowth, with a few sections crumbling away due to the amount of snow and frost. However, despite the exterior, Tyler's sharp eyes could already pick out signs of hidden potential, old security systems, abandoned robotics, and what looked like piles of discarded tech.

Wyatt pushed open the creaky gates, leading them inside, which was colder the outside. Tyler looked around as he hummed, seeing a lot of scrap and junk around, seeing a bunch of possible inventions due to the ruined robots and mechs laying around.

"Welcome to the Atlas base," Wyatts said,"it has seen better days, but there's plenty of raw material here for someone"

Tyler's eyes lit up as he took in the scene, but he couldn't resist a jab.

"Wow, Wyatt, you shouldn't have," he said with a chuckle,"really. I mean, I've always dreamed of working in a junkyard."

"Well, you know what they say-one man's junk is another man's treasure. If you can turn this into something worthwhile, maybe I'll start believing the hype."

Tyler walked over to a pile of what looked like broken-down drones and disassembled weapons, picking up a piece of equipment and turning it over in his hands. He hummed as it just seemed like standard Dust rifle, which hardly he considered a good gun, he huffed as he tossed it. He hummed as he looked around, seeing more to work with

"Give me a few hours with this," Tyler said, his voice sounding born,"but know this, I don't give a shit about your respect or want recognition from a wannabe, I'm here for my own means."

"This place is a dump! No, it's a goldmine!" Twice piped up, his dual personalities already in full swing,"we'll be building killer robots in no time! Or tripping over rusty bolts!"

"Ooh, I can't wait to see what you do with all this, Tyler," Toga said, skipping over to a pile of rusted weapons, her eyes gleaming with excitement, "make something that slices and dices, please!"

"Just don't blow us up while you're at it," Dabi spoke, leaning against a wall, as he surveyed the scene with his usual calm demeanor,"I'd like to make it through the day in one piece."

"No promises, Dabi," Tyler said, shotting him a playful grin,"but if I do blow something up, I'll make sure it's worth watching."

Wyatt watched the exchange with a hint of amusement before addressing Tyler again.

"Well, you've got your work cut out for you," Wyatts said ,"let's see if you can turn this scrap into something that'll make a difference."

"Oh, I'll do more than that," Tyler said as he turned to Wyatt, his expression a mix of confidence and mischief,"by the time I'm done here, you'll be wishing you'd brought me to this place sooner."

With that, Tyler rolled up his sleeves and got to work, quickly moving through the piles of junk and discarded tech, his mind already racing with ideas. The others watched with varying degrees of interest, knowing that when Tyler was involved, something impressive was bound to happen.

As the hours passed, Tyler's sarcasm and confidence continued to flow, but it was clear to everyone that his skills were no joke. What had once been a decommissioned base filled with junk was slowly being transformed into something far more dangerous, all thanks to Tyler's unique blend of genius, sarcasm, and a healthy dose of competitive spirit.

And as Wyatt observed from the sidelines, he couldn't help but acknowledge that, despite the banter, Tyler was living up to the hype. He chuckled as he soon felt a portal opened and soon Cinder, Shigaraki and Kurogiri walked in, all wearing winter gear. Cinder looked and around, smiling as she saw Tyler working already, pulling apart the decommissioned robots

"Seems someone didn't waste time to start working huh," she asked him

"Want to get ahead of Union," he said as he looked at her,"whats up anyway? Last I saw you left to inform your bosses of this development."

"Yes, she is a bit skeptical of you as of now, but she and the rest are willing to see what you can do for now, but if you try anything she will order me to kill you."

"Don't threaten me with a good time, anyway what else?"

"My master wants to see what you can do," Shigaraki said as he walked up and handed him a hard-drive,"he is willing to share sensitive data with you to improve the NOMU Project."

Tyler took it, looking it over as he looked at Shigaraki.

"Copy that," he said,"also Cinder, I'm gonna need help with setting my new home up, do you have anyone that can spare man power?"

"Hmm sure, I know a few people that can spare some muscle," she said,"anyway, mind sharing ideas for what you have planned?"

Tyler nodded as he jumped down from his position and guided them to his makeshift command center, which use to the main office overlooking the factory operations. He had a small bed there, a small kitchen and a makeshift work bench for his gear. He walked to the main terminal, where he taps on a few keys and soon a bunch of screens

They saw guns, mechs and so much gear for them it shocked them with the amount of ideas he had. Shigaraki was a little on the bored side, but he did like how they almost like the guns from some video games. Kurogiri hummed as he admired the weapons, and for Cinder she liked the weapons he was making, thinking this will help them win

"Atlas and Union may have strong Power users, but they are stagnated in technology and weaponry," Tyler said,"the Council hasn't funded any new recent developments in weapons, tech or even military. They're practically making people weak so they rely on Heros, thus making money on Heroic merchandise."

"So basically we would have the edge with your gear," Cinder asked

"Maybe not exactly, they are tricky bastards that will use untested and experimental tech to fight back against us. So I suggest you don't be cocky, or you end up deader then Grundys heart beats."

"Oof," some said

"Well what do you suggest," Shigaraki asked, scratching his neck

"Nullification tech," he said as he chewed on beef jerky,"they are over reliant on Powers, they don't use any tech to fight or use any fight styles to fight, besides the Shinobis taijutsu."

"So why show us this if it isn't made already," Kurogiri asked

"What I'm showing you is the key to dismantling everything the heroes, the ninjas, the magicians, and every so-called chosen one rely on. I call it Nullification Tech.This beauty can negate powers. All of them, Sacred Gears, Magic, Jutsus, Semblances, and Quirks."

He held up one of the small discs, watching as it caught the light, making Cinder's eyebrow raised slightly. She was wondering how this small device would help them fight against the Heros

"All of them, with that thing," she asked

Tyler gave a satisfied nod, then he stepped closer to the table, placing the device down gently before continuing.

"All of them," he stated, then continued

"You see, powers like Quirks, Sacred Gears, and the rest, they all share a common foundation. They're biological, magical, or spiritual anomalies, tied to energy sources that exist within or around a person. Quirks, for example, are bioelectric, relying on genetic anomalies to function. Jutsus? They pull on chakra, energy that circulates through the body. Magic, Semblances, Sacred Gears? Different energy sources, but still energy-based."

"So this...disrupts those energy sources," Shigaraki asked as he tilted his head, already beginning to see the potential.

"Exactly," Tyler confirmed,

He then flipped a switch on the table. A small holographic display appeared, showing diagrams of people using various powers. He pointed to the images, showing off the multiple examples of his tech nullifying the multiple examples of Powers.

"My Nullification Tech emits a carefully modulated energy field, one that scrambles the signals, breaks down the energy pathways, and effectively shuts off the power. It works like a jamming signal for energy. No more fireballs, no more super strength, no more teleportation. Just...nothing."

"And how far does this nullification field extend," Kurogiri asked, his mist-like form shifting slightly.

"Right now, these bad boys have a range of about 100 meters, give or take. But I'm working on versions that can either focus on individual targets or blanket an entire area. The best part? The range can be adjusted in real time depending on what you need."

"And how do you ensure that we aren't affected," she asked

Cinder's gaze was calculating, always thinking of how to use such a tool to her advantage. Tyler's grin widened, clearly enjoying the opportunity to that he thought ahead. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bracelet with sleek black bands and glowing blue lines running across its surface.

"These," he said, holding the bracelet up,"are personalized counter-frequency emitters. When synced with the Nullification Tech, they create a micro-field around the wearer that cancels out the jamming effect. It's like being in your own little bubble where your powers still work, while everyone else around you is basically powerless."

He tossed one of the bracelets to Cinder, who caught it effortlessly and inspected it.

"So, we stay immune while our enemies are left defenseless," she asked

"Exactly," Tyler confirmed,"it's all about control. Heroes, villains, ninjas, whoever, it doesn't matter. They all think they're untouchable because of their powers. But with this? We take their trump card off the table."

"Show me," Shigaraki said, his eyes gleaming with interest.


He walked over to a small testing area he'd set up, where a mannequin had been rigged with simulation tech that mimicked various powers. Currently, the mannequin was surrounded by swirling energy, meant to represent a Sacred Gear aura. With a flick of his wrist, Tyler activated the Nullification device and soon a faint blue pulse emanated from the disc, and within seconds, the aura around the mannequin flickered and vanished.

"See," Tyler said, pointing at the now-powerless mannequin,"Sacred Gear aura gone. This would work the same way on anyone with a Quirk, Magic, Jutsu, or Semblance. They walk into the field, their powers switch off."

"And there are no side effects for those who aren't wearing the immunity bands," Kurogiri asked, his ethereal voice floated across the room.

"Nope, it doesn't cause physical harm. It just neutralizes powers. If you're wearing the band, your powers are fully functional, like nothing's changed. If you're not...well, you're back to being an average person. And trust me, once heroes realize they're powerless, they'll panic. That's where we come in."

Cinder slipped the bracelet onto her wrist, feeling the light pulse of energy sync with her body.

"This...changes things," she mused, her voice quiet but tinged with excitement,"in the right situation, we could take down any hero, any force, without them even knowing what happened."

"What about...specific targets," Shigaraki asked,"could we focus the nullification on one person?"

"That's the next stage. I'm working on sniper-style devices that can target a single person's energy signature," Tyler said,"you aim, fire, and their powers are gone while everyone else around them stays unaffected. Imagine going up against a team of heroes, nullifying their heavy hitter first, and watching the rest scramble without their biggest asset."

"It would turn the tide of any battle," Cinder said, her eyes glowed with satisfaction,"heroes rely on their powers. Strip that away, and they're nothing."

"Exactly. The world is built around power, people who think they're invincible because they were born with something special. But with this tech? We control the battlefield, we decide who gets to play with their toys and who doesn't."

"This could prove invaluable in our next move," Kurogiri, ever the strategist, spoke up,"if we disable key heroes, mages, and fighters before they even realize what's happening, victory will be assured."

"Yep, but it's also about breaking their entire system and kicking the shit out of them. Powers: Sacred Gears, Quirks, Jutsus, Magic, Semblances, they define everything. When we take that away, we show the world that we don't need gifts to win. We just need the right tools."

Cinder looked at Tyler, then at Shigaraki and Kurogiri, a smile forming on her lips.

"When do we begin," she asked

"Soon, I just need to finalize a few more things," Tyler said as he pulled a schematic,"plus I want to overlook the NOMU Project and see what upgrades I can add in, plus gear for you all."

"Gear," Kurogiri asked

"Well why stop at weapons for the grunts when I get help ya get stronger? Besides, the more stronger ya get, the more damage ya can dish out, sound fun?"

"Sounds perfect," Shigaraki said grin widened, his voice a low whisper filled with malice

Tyler smiled as he looked at the hologram he pulled put of the Nomu program, seeing the designs and biological makeup of the Nomu and lists of powers each had, so he quickly did some fine tuning himself, he was thankful he took some courses in medical and bio engineering.

"Okay then, lets see what I can do with you," he said with a smirk

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