Knock It Off

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I could feel his heart thundering in his chest, I could tell he was nervous, or maybe even scared. No matter how he looked my bracelet still didn't shy away from the prominent pink. His eyes searched my face and for a moment I thought he may subside his ego and admit his feelings for me. We stood in silence for maybe just a minute or two but it felt like I was stuck in his trance for hours. When he finally pulled away from me, I felt my heart yearn towards him, I would have been fine standing just like that for actual hours if it meant I could be close to him.

"You're bracelet is broken." His voice was soft, barely above a whisper. It was hard for me to catch his words because he had turned away from me. The view of his squared shoulders and his night like hair trailing down the back of his neck was all that I could see before me.

"It has worked on everyone else, just admit it, Severus."

"Get out, Ms. (L/n)." His voice was almost a low growl. Did he just tell me to get out, just because he can't admit how he feels! I rolled my eyes, knowing he couldn't see me but hoping he felt my glare digging into the back of his spine.

"No." I simply stated. That caught his attention, he turned towards me. His face was dripping with irritation. Doubt began to come into mind and I shrunk away from him.

"That's... detention." He said. I just scoffed at him, anger replaced the doubt that was just previously there.

"With you? I wouldn't mind that." Though what I said should have sounded flirty, it came off cold. I sounded like I was scolding my own Professor.

"McGonagall... Tomorrow." I felt my teeth grind against each other as my jaw was set stern. The nerve of this man! So what? He was just going to lead me on for no apparent reason. People are right, he is a rotten Professor. On the inside at least.

"You know what? I take back everything I just previously stated. I could never be attracted to someone who is as foul and as empty as you." I began to turn but I stopped myself, meeting his gaze again. He hurt me and I wasn't quite finished letting him know it.

"Professor? I think you should know that I always try to see the bright side of things. I am not usually the kind of person to let things get under my skin. I like to be happy. And you. You are the first person I think that has been able to crush that aspect about me so quickly.......... So what does that say about you?" I turned on my heel, strutting towards the door. Why did this hurt me so much? HE'S MY TEACHER. Like he said. I shouldn't have these feeling for him... he's right. Though in my heart of hearts, it felt as though he did this on purpose.

"(Y/n)...-" His voice, still soft but rung out louder than usual. I turned, seeing that he was close to me. It appeared as if he was going to follow me out the door.

"Get rid of that bracelet." A small smirk returned to my lips.

"I can't, it was a gift."

"From?" He asked, I quickly grabbed his hand before he yanked himself away from my touch. My bracelet flashed purple.

"Oh, jealous again now, are we?" I let a small chuckle escape when he backed away from me. I just stepped in his place, not letting him gain any distance between us.

"Knock it off." A smile busted through his stern exposure. I could tell that made him uncomfortable, but I enjoyed every minute of it. He could really light up a room if he wanted too. I wonder why he acts so dreary all the time? We were now stuck in each other's gaze once again. His smile hadn't left his lips and neither had mine. I reached up, resting the palm of my hand against his jawline, the stubble poking into my skin. His eyes closed momentarily as he rested his face against my touch. I noticed his eyes darted to my bracelet that had flickered to a shining yellow in the corner of my eye. He smiled, letting his teeth peak to the surface.

" make me....happy." He rolled his eyes. With a smirk playing on his face he took my hand that was resting on his chin and held in his own. As I looked down at my hand that was now being cradled in his, I saw the yellow chain twist to a pale pink shade. He didn't care. His eyes were searching mine, an expression of awe covered him. I felt his hand press into my lower back as he pulled me close to him. He was going to kiss me...

Before he could bend down to my height, he had pushed me away, harshly. I turned towards the door to see Neville Longbottom.

"S-sorry, professor... I left my book." He stuttered, obviously nervous that he had to come back into this room.

"Very well. Why don't you head to the dining hall with Mr. LongBottom, Ms. (L/n). You're potion looks....surprisingly... better.." I nodded and looked over to Neville to see a faint blush dusting his cheeks and ears. Did he see something? I don't think it would have been possible. Severus had pushed me away before the door even opened. How he knew someone was about to walk in was beyond me. Before Neville and I made our way out the door, I peeked over my shoulder to see his dark eyes twinkling. I bit my lip, trying to hold back the grin that was quivering over my mouth.


I was sitting next to Hermione, Ron, and Harry. It's been quite awkward for me to be near Harry recently. Knowing how he wanted to take me out on a date and all. Which is very sweet, but he's my friend and I don't seem to be have feelings like that from him. Luckily for me, he hasn't brought it up since potions, when he had asked me. I noticed he hasn't been acting differently at all. So that's a good thing, hopefully, we'll just forget the whole ordeal and we can just stay friends the way we are now. Halfway through eating there was a soft ringing of a wine glass moving its way around the room. It was Professor Dumbledore. Another announcement.

"In honor of our 7th-year students, Hogwarts will be hosting a formal ball. In one weeks time. It will only allow 5th year and older students to attend..." You could hear annoyed mumbles rumbling around the room.

"That being said! For those students, you will be attending a dancing lesson with your House Professor's this Friday. The night before the Dance. I suggest you take this advent seriously... and have fun!" As soon as his announcement finished, the room bustled with noise. Some students excited, other's freaking out. Ron and Harry looked as white as a ghost like the life had just drained out of them. I felt Hermione push her shoulder into mine.

"Hey, (N/n). Do you wanna go dress shopping tomorrow?" I nodded, it's been a while since we have been able to go do something just the two of us. Plus, thinking about what happened earlier, it would be really nice to have some girl time. I know I shouldn't tell her... But some part of me feels wrong keeping a secret as big as this all to myself. Yet again, she never did tell me about Ron. I probably still wouldn't have known if it wasn't for this bracelet. I'll decide tomorrow whether or not I'm gonna tell her. I just have to give myself some time to think.


Hey guys!! I know the ball thing isn't the Yule Ball, but I didn't want to host the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Plus I don't think it's Christmas time yet in my story! Haha! But either way! I thought this would be a great way to get this romance kicked off! I hope you guys enjoy where the story is headed so far!!!

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