Should I Go?

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"Psst. Draco!" I whisper shouted as I watch him about to pass by me. Currently, I was hiding in a small crevasse in the hallway, trying to keep myself hidden from the eyes surrounding the corridor... I was going to be sneaking out in the matter of a few moments, but I had a problem. I was planning on walking right out the front doors while everyone was preoccupied with their dinner. But, Severus looked as though he was standing guard at the entrance. Does he know? Is there even a chance he could know? I've never seen him do this before. I don't see another reason why he would be standing watch by the main entrance if he didn't know I was trying to leave. Why wouldn't he just talk to me? He's had plenty of opportunities. Wait, (Y/n) you're forgetting that he wants nothing to do with you now. All you are is a distraction to him. Oh, Merlin, I'm literally one of those people who thinks everything's about them! Gross... I'm sure he's only doing this because of a precaution that Dumbledore had set.

I saw Draco's face retort as he caught my eyes, not wanting him to look too conspicuous I grabbed his sleeve and dragged him into my hiding place. This probably wasn't my best idea... It was a tight squeeze between these two walls and now my entire body was pressed against his. I could feel his chest moving with each breath he took. I let my hands press into him, trying to hold myself as far away as possible while trying to keep my balance.

Draco had his hands placed on the wall behind me on either side of my head. Good thing it was dim where we were because my face had decided to light up like wildfire. Why? I have no clue, I've never felt odd about being close to Draco before. Why all of a sudden did this feel differently? Was it because I wasn't seeing Severus anymore? No! (Y/n) you are being ridiculous! I was most likely acting so weird because we have never been THIS close to one another before... and now I have information that he likes me... of course, he would never act on those feelings though, right? Would I want him to? Stop it! You are not in the right state of mind at this moment apparently. I mentally shook the thought away, another problem for a different time. Right now, I have to find a way to sneak out of the castle.

"What is this all about?" He smirked as he looked around at my small hiding spot, then his gaze caught my frame. He let out a low chuckle. I probably looked like an idiot... but I have never snuck out of the school before, I had no idea what I was doing.

"I'm leaving and I need you to cause a distraction..." I peaked my head out barely passed the wall. I saw his black robes glide across the floor as he paced back and forth in front of the iron school doors. He looked as though he was arguing with himself. I had to fight every ounce of my being to keep myself from running over to him. I wish I could hug him... I wish I could comfort him and tell him everything was okay... but nothing was okay. Not between us anyway. Even though that feeling erupted through my mind for a second, it was easily squashed by the memory of his words. I was still mad at him and I'm moving on. It's what's best for me.

"Harry and I already have it covered." My eyes shot to Draco's as he spoke. Him and Harry? Are...they both helping me? Together?

"What do you mean?"

"I spoke with Harry a few hours ago. We figured we could stage a fight between us, it always seems to draw attention." How clever of the two... Though, I honestly couldn't see them talking without ripping each other to pieces. I smirked as I studied his grey eyes. As we spoke to each other it was hard for me to ignore the fact that our noses were practically touching.

"You befriended Harry for me?" I joked as I let my small smirk turn into a grin that showed my teeth.

"I would do anything for you." Draco didn't smile. Instead, his eyes locked with mine. My stomach dropped as I realized something. I thought back on what I said to him earlier...


"Because I've noticed-... when I care for someone, I always put them first. They will always be my number one and I guess... I want someone who will always choose me, over anything...."


I was holding my breath as I stared at his pale skin. My grin faltered as I studied his features. His eyes almost looked, sad. Or disappointed... Was he upset that I was going tonight? In the middle of my thought, Draco's lips broke into a big smile as he winked at me.

"Calm down... It's not that big of a deal." He laughed as he poked my cheek, attempting to gain my full attention back. What was I doing? He's my best friend... of course, he has my best interest in mind! I'm sure I'm just feeling all boggled because I'm nervous about the date and seeing Fred again. Plus, Severus standing around the corner most likely isn't helping my case.

"You okay (N/n)?" Finally, I came out of my thoughts to see Draco smiling down at me.

"Y-yeah. I'm good."

"Okay, now get ready to run." He whispered as he patted my shoulders. Then he swiftly left the small space, making his way towards the dining hall. I watched him fix his collar as I saw him strut into the room as if he owned the place. I felt cold now that he was gone... What is going on with me right now? Is it possible I'm developing feelings for Draco? No... I can't be... that's just silly. He's just too sweet for his own good. I definitely don't ever want to take the slightest chance of ruining our friendship together. The boy means too much to me... Besides... That was nothing like how I felt when I was around Severus... I think I'm just upset and want someone to hold me... I need some comfort is all... Maybe Fred is the best option for that. Draco- I don't think ever really understood that I was in love... but I think Fred did. Maybe he can help me get over this whole thing... Anyway, it's not like Fred and I have a relationship that could be ruined if anything were to... happen... Merlin's beard (Y/n)! What is going on with you!? Knock it off! Just have a nice FRIENDLY date tonight and for once, take your mind off the idea of love. I used to never care about men or relationships. Whatever happened to that? Me just being my own person? It's almost like once I had the taste of it, I didn't want to let it go... I'm addicted... and if I can't have Severus-... Ugh... I shouldn't even go tonight... this was a horrible idea.

"Potter!?" I heard Draco yell loud enough to wake the dead and I couldn't help but laugh. I was beginning to love the way he sounded when he put on his snobbish ploy. Mainly because I know he's not really that way. I then began to hear shouting and I could see, what looked like light reflecting off the walls as a few spells were cast. That's when I saw Severus's dark features pass by me, quickly making his way to the disruption. My path was clear. It's now or never... Do I even want to go? I raked my hands through my hair, scratching my scalp as I did. If I go, who knows what will happen tonight, especially with the way my mind seems to be reacting to everything. But if I stay, Ronald would surely suspect something and then Harry and Draco would have gotten into trouble for no reason at all... Plus, if I don't go... I'll always be curious about what could have happened.

I made my decision. I sprinted down the corridor, it was a longer run then I had anticipated. I pushed through the doors, hearing them slam themselves shut behind me. I was louder than I had hoped to be but thanks to Harry and Draco, I'm sure no one had noticed.

"Accio Cleansweep" I summoned my broom and not a moment later I heard it pushing through the air as it made its way to me. It sounded like a faint, continuous whip as it soared through the wind. Without letting it stop and hover I jumped on, flying away towards Diagon Alley.


Setting up the story for the alternate ending if you havn't noticed lol! Though if you arn't planning on reading the other ending don't worry! At least this is causing a little drama for both Snape and (Y/n) to over come! How strong is their love truly?

Let me know out of the three guys in this book, what one do you have the hots for? Tell me in the comments! I'm honestly intrested to know! :) <3

Comment, Vote and Follow me, please! I appreciate your reads! <3<3<3

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