The Perfect Dress

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Hermione pulled out a light blue dress, pressing it up against my chest. I looked down, it was beautiful, just my size too, but it just doesn't seem right.

"Harry would think you look beautiful in this." I pulled the dress out of her hands and pushed it back with the others.

"Why Harry?"

"Or William?" Her voice was a softer timbre than before.

"Will? Hermione, he's a child." I crossed my arms looking at her completely confused to where her mind was going with all of this talk about the Potter boys.

"Is he though?" She asked. I considered the thought for a moment. I guess he had sprouted into a fine young man over the past two years. I rolled my eyes at her as I picked up a red dress and pressed it against her chest.

"He's a 5th year (Y/n), He is only three years younger than you." She looked down at the gown shaking her 'no'. I guess she's right. Three years isn't that long of a time. I mean I am interested in a guy that is about three years older than I am now... Why do I look at Will like he's a child? Dear Lord.... Is that how Severus sees me!? A feeling of dread enveloped in my chest right before Hermione pushed another blue dress against me.

"What's with you and the blue dresses?" I laughed as I tucked it away again. I really didn't like the color. So many people wear blue to formal events. Usually, blue, white, red and purple seem to be everyone's go tos. I want to stand out.

"It's Harry's favorite color.."

"Hermione, Harry's my friend." I used a light scolding tone as I propelled the idea of friendship into her mind. What has gotten into her? She never had pushed Harry on me before? I wonder if he may have said something to her. It's was silent for a while as we both searched through the endless piles of fabric. I handed her another red dress. This one fluttering to the floor in sweeping motions. It reminded me of fire. It's blooming colors where stunning.

"That's beautiful..." She drew in a sharp breath at the sight of it.

"Go try it on!" I squealed excitedly for her. She bit her lips as she rushed to the fitting room. I waited for her, walking around the room gazing at all the dresses. One stood out to me. It was black. I picked it up as the silk material ran through my fingers and billowed to the floor. It reminded me of him... It made me think of his dark exterior, his eyes, his hair. Him.

"Well?" Hermione asked from behind me. Turning, I took in her appearance. It looked beautiful on her!

"You look amazing!" I exclaimed as she turned to look in the mirror.

"Why red?" She asked, referring to the fact I had only suggested her to wear that color.

"Ron's favorite." I shrugged as she pushed me playfully. We both began laughing again.

"You found a dress? Go try it on!!" She seemed more excited than I was, but I guess I was more excited for her than myself as well. That's what best friends are for right? We both made our way into separate changing rooms, her to put on her original attire and for me to hopefully fit into this dress. I stepped into the fabric, feeling the soft movement gliding over my skin. It fell over my frame flawlessly. It was simple, classy and elegant. I was in love with it. I walked out of the changing room to here a low whistle from Hermione.

"You are getting it." I smiled as I felt a bit of embarrassment rise to my ears. I looked into the mirror, doing a slow twirl. The black fabric rippled around me. In this dress, I felt like I was his...


We left the shop with our dresses in small bags, the magic, of course, allowing us to transport our things with ease. When we got on the trolly I noticed we were both quiet. It had been a long day but normally we never stopped talking. Something was off.

"Are you feeling alright Mione?" I asked. Her face lit up with a bit of a smile as she nodded.

"I just don't see why you won't give Harry a chance?" Woah. That was a bold voice there. That's what she is so worried about? Me dating Harry?

"I just- I don't know-" She cut me off as she jumped straight up, startling me in the process.

"Wait. A. Second! You like someone don't you!" She exclaimed. Great, now what do I do? It was silent for a while as I pondered my decisions. What am I supposed to tell her? I'm in love with our Potions Professor? Wait, I am not in love with him. It's just a crush! I can tell her that... right? As long as I don't say anything about him being interested in me to... Merlin, it's gonna be so hard lying to her. I've never had to do it before.

"Come on, just tell me (Y/n). I'm not gonna tell anyone." That alone was enough for me to tell her. She's never told any of my secret's before, so she wouldn't start now.

"Okay, but you have to promise you aren't gonna tell anyone! Not a living soul, you hear me?!."

"Is it that bad?" I cringed a bit as I nodded at her question. I paused, not sure if I was doing the right thing or not by telling her how I felt. She just stared at me, pleadingly.

"I um-... I kinda have a thing for... Professor Snape." My voice was just a whisper when I spoke his name.

"YOU WHAT!?" She yelled out louder than I expected, even though I did expect it. I covered her mouth quickly.

"Quiet down, it's just a crush anyways."

"It better be, that's illegal (Y/n)!"

"It's not illegal to like someone, Besides he's only like, what? Three years older than us. It's kinda like the same thing as... Will." I forced a smile, but Hermione's face had no intention of returning it.

"Yeah, except that he's out teacher!" Her voice was barely above a whisper.

"He hasn't made any like- move on you... has he?" She asked.

"No, no. Nothing like that..." I lied.

"Then what makes you like him so much? He's terrible!" She scowled but still looked interested in what I had to say.

"I don't know... he's just... Intriguing. I've never seen eyes like his before, there so enchanting. And his hair, don't you just want to run your fingers through it?" I asked as she shook her head with a strong 'no'.

"And his smile-" She spoke over top of me, yet again.

"You've seen him smile?" She asked as I bit my bottom lip trying to hide the excitement I was feeling now that I was finally getting to say how I felt out loud.

"Yeah, and it's beautiful." There was a long pause before either one of us decided to speak up again. I anxiously twirled my hair between my fingers.

"Am I the only person who finds him attractive?" I asked, shocked that she didn't at least agree with me somewhat.

"I'm afraid you're the only one (Y/n)." Her eye brows raised, scrunching up her forehead as she smiled.  I threw my head back, annoyed with myself and my own feelings. How could I be the only one to observe him in that way? He stood out so much from other people, how could no one take notice of those things?

"The first time you are actually into a guy, and he's the bloody teacher... You're a piece of work (N/n). You know that right?" I sighed happily at her words and rested my head on her shoulder.

"I know, but I can't help the way I feel." I exaggerated, bringing the back of my hand to my own forehead. She shrugged me off as she began to laugh at my current state,

"Are you sure you weren't fed a love potion?" I looked at her puzzled for a moment.

"I'm sure. You can't tell me you don't find him ruggedly handsome?-" I joked, attempting to pester her now. She just shook her head.

"Not even a little?"

"Not even a little" She stated as she rolled her eyes. I began twisting the ends of my hair again. Perhaps I was developing a nervous habit.

"Just consider Harry for the dance okay? I don't think it's smart if you go alone... You might do something stupid." She giggled a bit as she took my hand, untangling my hair from in between my fingers. Embarrassed I folded them together in my lap. I didn't realize I was this strung up on him. 'Merlin's beard,' I have some things to work out.

"I'll think about it.." I sighed, a bit annoyed as I leaned against the window. We were practically almost back to the castle now. Good thing too, I really needed a well-deserved shower and some sleep.

"Good." She smiled at me as she tucked her dress under her arm. I wonder if I will end up going to the dance alone? I'd be better off that way anyways... I guess I'll find out within the next few days, won't I...


Thank you so much for reading!

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