William Potter

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Currently, I am sitting in the Hogwarts Express casually running my slender fingers through my (h/l), (h/c) hair. The red matted seats were beginning to make my back ache, indicating that we have been riding on the tracks for a while. Hopefully we'll be at Hogwarts soon. Hermione Granger was sitting across from me. A fellow Gryffindor and my best friend since we were first years. We were already dressed in our robes, we have been for a few hours now. Ron and Harry were just now getting dressed, that's why Hermione and I were sitting alone at the moment. Her light brown eyes were glazed over, staring out the window at the passing landscapes, the sun setting. A puzzled look was settled on her face and I couldn't help but stare towards her direction, curious of what may have been running through her mind. I didn't have to ask. Instead, she spoke up, not looking at me and answered the question that was filling my head as if she had read my thoughts. That was a natural occurrence between us.

"Everything is going to be different after we leave Hogwarts this year... We'll never come back." She glanced over, catching my eyes. I cleared the phlegm that was gathering in the back of my throat. The result of staying silent for such a long time. I didn't know what to say back to her. So I just stared helplessly. What was I supposed to say?

"We'll probably never see each other again after this year..." Her voice was soft, laced with a sadness I've never heard from her before.

"Of course we will Mione! Don't get down, It's our last year! We are gonna have fun and make the most out of everything!" My words brought a smile to her lips. Though, I knew that there was a chance of what she was saying might actually happen after we graduate. But I know we would both fight tooth and nail to make sure that never happens.

"You're right. Besides, maybe we can like, live across the street from each other or something." She smiled over at me and I began laughing.

"Yeah! Our kids will be like siblings!" We both started laughing with each other before our smiles faded away.

"But seriously, I'll make sure we at least see each other every summer. Okay?" I reassured, a content smile making its way back to her face.


"Promise," I stated, making the best out of the situation. That's what I do! I'm a glass half full kind of gal! I always try to brighten everyone's day, I hate it when other people are down, or complaining all the time. I like to think of myself as a life coach sometimes. I know that sounds lame, but some people really need the help to get back on the happy train if you know what I'm saying? The compartment door slid open drawing me away from my thoughts. I looked over at Harry and Ron. They were both now dressed in their robes, both looking quite out of breath."

"What took you two so long?" Hermione snapped at them before they even had a chance to take a seat.

"We had to make a break for it. That little pest was trying to follow us." Ron contorted, taking a seat next to me. I chuckled a bit looking at their faces, they both seemed quite frazzled.

"Pest?" Hermione asked.

"William." Harry sighed as Hermione rolled her eyes. Just then a boy who was only 3 years younger than us started knocking on the glass. His spiked brunette hair shot straight up while his green eyes searched until they settled on me. Both Ron and Harry held the door closed shut.

"Will, you don't need to pester her right now." Harry looked exhausted, I could tell he was annoyed with his little brother.

"Go on, get!" Ron yelled. I could see Will trying to protest their statements and I couldn't help but laugh a bit. Ever since I went to dinner at the Potter's, Will seemed to have developed a small crush on me. According to Harry, I guess he hadn't shut up about me all summer. I stood up and opened the door for him.

"Come on guys, don't be cruel," I said, sitting down. Will Wiggled his way between Ron and I. I could tell Ronald was annoyed. He pushed himself as far away as he could from the kid.

"I got you something (Y/n)" Will stated, looking up towards me. A cute smile tugged at his thin lips.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" I asked, decided to go along with it. I mean, it was just a crush, that didn't mean I had to be rude to him. He pulled a dainty bracelet out of the pocket of his robe. It was a simple, silver chain. He reached for my wrist and clasped it around my skin.

"It's enchanted, so if you touch someone its colour will change and tell you how they feel in that moment."

"Is that so?" I smirked as I poked his nose. The once silver chain flashed a quick shade of green before slowly returning to its original colour. William then sprinted out and down the hall as fast as he could.

"Did- did I do something wrong?" I asked. All three of them began to laugh as Harry handed me a piece of parchment paper.

"He was nervous." He said as I read the paper. It had emotions listed next to colours on it.

Green - Nervous

Black- Stressed

Yellow- Happy

Pink- Romantic

Red- Love

Purple- Jealous

Grey- Impatient

Orange- Calm

Hmm... I pondered to myself. This is actually a very thoughtful gift.

"Your brother is such a sweetheart."

"Yeah, and a creep" Ron retorted. Both Hermione and I gave a dirty look. Hermione held out her hand to me, suggesting I test out my new gift. So I did, the bracelet lit up a pale yellow and then faded to light pink. When I looked up, her gaze was hovering over Ronald. He looked at my Bracelet and shied away.

"W-what does pink mean?" Ron asked looking over at me.

"Oh- um, calm. She's content," He nodded leaning back in his seat. I looked over at Hermione, my eyes as big as saucers. Her cheeks were starting to turn red from embarrassment. She liked Ron!? And didn't tell me about it? 'Why didn't you tell me?' I mouthed. 'I didn't know it was this serious.' She mouthed back. 'How can that not be serious?' The train then came to a stop and before I knew it, we were all on our way to the castle.


AWEE Isn't my Will a little sweetie!! Haha! Hope you guys liked my opening chapter!!

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