1 - Beep Beep Beep

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

The high pitched alarm was sounding for the third time this morning waking the entire house up yet again. The person the alarm was for couldn't bring himself to get up no matter how irritating the alarm was. It was another restless night and he was just wanting to relax.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Goddammit Taehyung!! Get your ass up!!" Namjoon growled out the words as he pounded on Taehyung's door.

Slowly (very slowly) Tae drug himself out of bed and shut off the alarm, eyes still closed.  God he hurt.  Every muscle he had hurt. Even muscles he didn't have hurt and the pounding headache didn't help either. It was another nightmare; no, nightmare seemed far to tame of a word to use now. It was more of a Night Terror.  A sleepless hell filled with memories, pain and suffering from his past that he wanted desperately to forget.  It was all disguised as a dream. A dream that repeated itself almost every night.

Once Taehyung opened his eyes fully and glanced at his phone, he noticed the time. 7:30am.

"Shit, I'm gonna be late!"

Tae quickly jumped out the bed, undressing as he ran to his bathroom.  Turning on the hot water, he hopped in the shower, washed the stinky bits and dried himself and his hair.  towel around his head, he made his way to his closet to pick out clothes for the day.  A tight but comfortable pair of stonewashed jeans, his favorite pink and white long sleeve shirt and white Fila sneakers (and comfy briefs of course...going commando* was not his thing). Taehyung always wore long sleeve shirts to hide his scars.  He quickly flicked his soft grey hair out of his face.

While getting dressed, Tae noticed a smell.  He quickly sniffed inside his shirt.


"Not now..." he groaned.

His scent was coming through (or so he imagined).  In his rush to shower, he had forgotten to use the scent damping body wash and had just used regular soap. He made his way back to his bathroom to look for his damping spray and quickly sprayed himself down. Taehyung needed to hide his scent, not simply because he was an Omega but because he was an unmated Omega.  An unmated Omega's scent was stronger and the last thing he wanted or needed was some asshole Alpha getting a whiff of him.

Even though he was on pills daily to hide his scent and stop him from going into heat, he wanted the spray as extra protection (more like a security blanket).  His first experience of being in heat was chemically forced when he was much younger (far too young for any omega as their bodies are not ready for it that early) and it had been nothing but excruciating pain.  He was not ready to go through that again so afterward he was placed on scent/heat suppressants due to his young age at the time. 

All set to go, Taehyung headed towards the kitchen to grab something for breakfast to eat on the way to work.   Halfway to the kitchen, he could already hear the arguing coming from his brothers.  Well, mostly Kai and Namjoon, Seong was far too quite to argue about stupid things.

Taehyung lived with his 3 older brothers Kai, Namjoon and Seong.   All powerfully strong alphas and all handsome as hell. Even though Taehyung was an Omega with a smaller and more delicate build, his temper and mouth made you think that he was an Alpha also.  Taehyung was different from other Omegas in that he wasn't intimidated by Alphas.   Also, he was not affected by Alphas when they tried to use their 'Alpha voice' to dominate him or to get him to submit.  All that did was piss him off.

Growing up with 3 Alphas they had taught him well, but his brothers were very protective of him especially with all that he had been through... with Tae's temper and smart mouth he was prone to getting into trouble with other Alphas when they pushed him too far or wouldn't take no for an answer. 

He always had to let one of his brothers know where he was going and with who and if he was going anywhere at night, one of them had to be with him no matter what.   Taehyung actually didn't mind his brother's rules, in fact, it made him feel safer.

It's not that he hated other Alphas or was afraid of them, it's just his past experience with them had been horribly traumatic and neither he nor his brothers wanted to go through anything like that again.


(*commando - not wearing any underware)




Yay my very first chapter is done!  I know it's a short one.  I hope the story will have a nice
flow.   it's just taking a few chapters to get things going.

Votes and comments are welcomed.

Thanks for reading!!

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