12 - Jungkook POV - The ER

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'What a night....shit.'

3rd Person POV

Jungkook was physically and emotionally exhausted with everything that had happened in the last 24 hours.

He was thankful that he rode in Jimin's car as they rushed to the ER because he didn't think he could safely operate a motorcycle right now.  He rode back to Moon Ridge compound on the back of Namjoon's bike as he thought it would be safer to not be anywhere near Kai right now.  He knew he was just being protective but still,  he thought it best to keep his distance from the large Alpha.

He was grateful for the downtime as it gave him a little time to process everything. Or at least try to.  There was no longer any doubt left in his mind that Taehyung was indeed his Mate.  The Rogue incident and closeness between the two of them in the hospital had made it even clearer.  He had finally found his mate and yet he had to leave him, and it hurt like hell. 

At least now he knew why Taehyung's Mate instinct  wasn't being triggered.  After hearing what Taehyung had been thru he just wanted to punch something, hard and repeatedly.  He knew that Taehyung would be hard to get close to, whatever it took for his newfound mate to heal and be comfortable with him, he would do.   

He would have to end things with Deeya soon.  In a way, he was grateful but also reluctant cause he knew how she could be when she didn't get her way.   Deep down he knew that she was only with him because he was a Pack Alpha's son, if his brother had been unmated, she probably would be with him instead.  He hoped she would be understanding and not get violent like she had a tendency to.  But the current situation was different. Taehyung was his mate and he was not about to reject him. 

'Deeya, get violent.'

That thought pulled Jungkook back to the dance again.  He didn't think he'd ever be able to forget it.  Taehyung's faint scent, the way felt in his hands, his warmth, those eyes...

'Ugh God he's so frickin' hot'

He just wanted time to talk to Taehyung before he did anything else.  Not only that, but he wasn't sure he could tell anyone just yet.  Not now, not with Tae still in the hospital and the danger still posed by the Rogues.  Unfortunately, he had responsibilities that needed him to put himself second.  The one thing that really bothered him was the fact that he felt Taehyung's pain. He wasn't supposed to because they hadn't been mated yet.  Being able to feel your mate, was something that only happened once you were mated as mating heightened each other's abilities as Wolfen.

He really really just wanted to take some time for himself and wrap his mind around everything.

He also knew that when he got home he would have to deal with his dad and brother for leaving the Pack in time of danger.  Even though his dad seemed fine with it at the time, he knew otherwise.  He was the Pack Alpha's son, and he was expected to stay there.  If only they knew, they would understand that it couldn't be helped.

Things were getting more and more overwhelming.  He had convinced himself that things would have been so much easier if Taehyung was aware that they were mates.  It's not like he could force himself on to him, it had to be completely mutual.   The breakup with Deeya would have been quick and she would have no room to say anything, not that she does now anyway.  With Tae being on suppressants and the hellacious night at the hospital, things needed to settle first.  

For now, he just wanted to sleep.

If you have been reading/following this story till now..THANK YOU!!! 

All of the comments and reads mean a lot as I'm loving writing this story as much as others are enjoying reading it. 

I update whenever,  I'm not gonna set a day that updates will happen cause I have no idea.  Once  a chapter feels complete and the flow is good I'll publish it.

There will be fluff but the characters have a lot of issues to work through.

I have no idea how many chapters this story will have LOL!


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