31 - Time alone

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The house was still empty when the two returned.  Hands together, fingers intertwined, they had fallen silent again.  Once inside his room he made sure the door was locked.  Taehyung removed the hoody and walked to his side of the bed, crawling onto it he and moved to the middle.  Jungkook followed, tossing his hoody at the foot of the bed and moving next to his mate.  Resting his back against the headboard, Jungkook pulled Taehyung over to him.  With Taehyung's back against his chest, Jungkook wrapped his arms around the Omega's waist.  Burying his face into his Mates neck from behind, he inhaled deeply.  

"I missed having you close." 

Taehyung turned his head and nuzzled his nose against Jungkook's ear.  "I know."



"Do you think I'm weird?"


"Hey! I'm serious."

"So am I.  I wasn't laughing when I answered you was I?" 

Taehyung rolled his eyes at him.  "I mean..." Taehyung's voice trailed off as he wasn't sure what to say.

"Hey, remember what Namjoon and Chin told us.  We need to talk, even if it was hard.  I have no clue what's going on in that pretty grey head of yours, so please, talk to me."  Jungkook was looking at his Mate lovingly.

"It's just, I've never been this close with someone before, It's...I'm scared.  Part of me wants to take things super slow while the other half wanted to screw you into oblivion hours ago.  I'm a mess Jungkook, one big confused mess."

Jungkook knew Taehyung was being serious, so he had to fight not to laugh.  "You're not a mess Taehyung, trust me."

"Yes, I am!  Don't say stuff just to make me feel better.  I already know I'm all kinds of fucked up.  It's been hard for me, to be with you, but I want to.  I don't know, ever since I recognized you as my Mate, all I want is to be with you.  It's weird to me because I don't really know you, but I feel like I do.  You make me feel safe." 

"Well thank you baby, but nothing I've said has been to make you feel better.  I've said it because I've meant it."

Taehyung blushed and hid his face into Jungkook's shoulder again.  "God, I'm babbling like a lovesick idiot again."  Taehyung took a couple of deep breaths.


"Yeah babe?"

"I think my heat is going to start soon."

"Ok?  You want me to keep my distance?" Taehyung was struggling with giving him an answer and Jungkook could tell. "Tae?"  Taehyung turned to look at him.

"I'm sorry, will you? It's just, I'm not sure what will happen with me once it starts.  If things come up from... If memories come up,  I don't want you connected to any of that." Taehyung turned his head, slightly embarrassed.

"Hey, look at me baby."  Jungkook brought Taehyung's head around gently to look into those beautiful blue eyes.  "I already decided that when your first heat came, I would try to keep my distance.  I know what you've been through Tae.  Whatever you need me to do I will.  I just need you to tell me."  Tae wrapped his arms around his neck in a hug. 

"Thank you Kookie. It means a lot to me."  Taehyung laid back against him.  "I don't want our first time together to be when I'm in heat.  I want it to be just us, not my raging wolf hormones forcing me to.  I'd like to know what's happening and have some kind of control if I'm going to be screaming your name."  

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh at how awkwardly open Taehyung was being.  He was also falling even harder for the weird Omega in his arms.

"I don't want you to do anything you'll regret.  I want you to be comfortable with whatever happens between us."

The two set and held each other in silence for a few minutes.

"Tell me about yourself Jungkook, I know nothing about you.  I don't even know how old you are."

"Wow, your right.  I'm so sorry." 

Taehyung couldn't help but laugh.  "It's not your fault, this is literally the first chance we've had where there's just the two of us alone to talk.  Tell me about your restaurant!  I hear you're quite the cook."

"Well, I'm 22.  I took the restaurant over from my uncle after I realized college wasn't for me.  I changed up the original menu and now it's successful.  My folks are my favorite customers! "

"Ah, the burger I had there was excellent."

"When did  you eat there?"

"Your mom took me there when we had our 'talk'" 

"Wait, why didn't I know about this?"

"Our talk had nothing to do with you!  It was about me going into heat since you want to know so badly.  Second, at the time you still had a girlfriend, so you were pretty much dead to me."  

"Oh geez, thanks."

"Don't start giving me shit Jeon Jungkook."  Taehyung playfully elbowed him in the side.  "Ok, I have a serious question."

"Ok, I have a serious answer."

"After we mate, will I have to live here at Moon Ridge?"

"I haven't thought about that Tae.  To be honest, I was too busy worrying about you just recognizing me as your mate and trying to have time to bond with you to even think about that." 

"I see.  Well, I want to talk about it because it's worrying me.  I've lived with my brothers for so long, it's kinda all I've been comfortable with."

"Why is that?  I know they're your brothers and everything, but why don't you live at your compound?  And why live with Alphas, isn't that dangerous?"

"I don't feel comfortable living at our compound. I get treated as an outsider there.  Plus, I feel safer staying with my brothers, they're never around when it's time for their ruts.  I've never gone into heat so it's never been a problem."

"Do you like it here?"

"I love it here.  I love all the trees, the openness, and I can see the stars at night.  But it's far from everything Jun.  I don't know, it would be a big adjustment, then there's the lack of privacy and..."  Taehyung's voice trailed off again.  

"And what baby?"  Jungkook knew he couldn't let Taehyung clam up.  He wanted to keep him talking.

"I really don't like or want to be around your brother.  He makes me so uneasy.   What do you want to do?  This isn't all about what I want."  Taehyung turned to look at his mate again.

"If I felt that Dongjun would start being an issue, there's no question about moving.  I wouldn't allow you to be around him.  Seeing how my folks are still young, me being a Pack Alpha won't happen for some time, if at all. To be honest, Pack Alpha isn't something that appeals to me.  I also love my restaurant and being in the city, but sometimes it's nice to get away, you know.  It's not like we can just shift and run free on the city streets."  

"I see your point.  All of this is just new to me and overwhelming."

"It's new to me too, we don't have to rush anything, now that you're with me and want to be with me.  I tell you what.  Since we both spend so much time in the city, we can look into getting our own place.  Something small that's between both our jobs.  We can always come back here when we want."

"Seriously? You'd do that?"  Taehyung didn't think Jungkook would be so open to the idea of not living at the compound.

"Why wouldn't I?  It's not like I'm obligated to stay at the compound Taehyung, I just have because I didn't have a reason to live in the city.  Now I do."  Jungkook nuzzled against his neck.

"Oh my god, Thank You Kookie!!"  Taehyung planted kisses all over Jungkook's face, stopping at his lips to kiss him properly. "Thank You."

"Sure thing baby." 

Taehyung moved so he was sitting facing Jungkook, his legs out to the side, he laid his head against his shoulder.

"You know Tae, you never told me why your eyes turn blue."  Taehyung leaned in and nuzzled into Jungkook's neck, causing him to let out a low growl.  Looking back up at him his eyes were now glowing blue.

"My eyes turn blue because of you Jungkook."

"Me? How is that possible."

"Because you're my mate.  The moment my wolf recognized you as its Mate is the moment they started turning blue.  Being in your scent does it."

"I've never heard that happening before."

"Me either, but me spending time with you like this, it's healing my wolf faster than what the doctor said it would."  Taehyung looked away again after remember how the Lunas didn't believe him.

"What is it Tae?"

"Our moms asked me about my eyes when you guys left, but they didn't believe me when I told them you were healing my wolf so quickly."

"Come here, my beautiful weirdo."  Jungkook pulled Tae into him and followed it with another kiss.  Before Taehyung could respond he was on his back with Jungkook hovering over him.  Their lips coming together, Taehyung immediately deepened the kiss.  Tongues playing against each other, one of his hands made it's way to Jungkook hair and weaved itself amongst the dark tangles, the other hand on his back.  Jungkook's mouth moved lower, his tongue licking up and down the Omega's neck. 


Taehyung allowed a moan to escape as he laid there enjoying the pleasure his mate was giving him.  Jungkook pulled Tae's shirt away from his shoulder, his licks turning into sucking.  Taehyung was trying hard to fight back his moans as Jungkook's mouth drove him crazy.  Grasping on to his biceps, Taehyung flipped him over, straddling him and pinning his arms to the bed.  Jungkook was surprised by the Omega's strength and tried flipping him back but couldn't. Taehyung giggled while looking down at him. 

"I'm no longer as weak as I look... Alpha." Tae whispered into his Mate's ear, his lips brushing against it, sending a shiver down the Alpha's spine. That caused Jungkook to growl, hearing his mate call him Alpha did nothing but excite him even more. 

"Don't...Don't call me that Taehyung."  Taehyung smirked at finding Jungkook's weak spot, he was going to have some fun with it.

"Hmn? Call you what?  Alpha?" 

"Damnit Taehyung, I'm serious." Jungkook's face darkened.

Taehyung lowered his head down to Jungkook's neck, his lips brushed against it as he ground his hips against him. 

"Alpha... "

"Tae!" Jungkook's breathing picked up as the Omega took long, slow licks up and down his neck.  Instead of the licks turning into sucking they became soft bites.  The first bite caused Jungkook to involuntarily thrust his hips against Taehyung.  Bringing their lips back together Taehyung raised his hips as his tongue dove into Jungkook's mouth, fighting his for dominance.  The Alpha was now at the mercy of his mate, every time he tried to move Taehyung would tighten the grip on his arms, but not enough to hurt him.  Suddenly Taehyung loosened his grip and slowly pulled away from the kiss, going back to nuzzle into his mate's neck.  Moving off of him, Tae snuggled up alongside him and looked at him.  Taehyung gave him a light kiss, his hand caressing the side of his Mate's face as he stared at him.   Jungkook noticed Taehyung's scent changed ever so slightly as it began to relax him, the growing hardness in his sweats softening, his breathing returning to normal.

"Tae baby, why did you stop? What are you doing?"  It upset Jungkook since he was enjoying every second of it. 

Taehyung face flushed a cute shade of pink "Someones coming."

"What?"  Jungkook was confused until there was a loud knocking at his door. 

"Jungkook, my office in 5 minutes!"  It was his dad, and he was pissed.

"Fuck!"  Jungkook just wanted a quiet evening with his mate, that's all.  That would take an act of the Moon Goddess it seemed.  He turned to look at Taehyung, taking his face in one of his hands.  "We're fucking moving to the city, understand?"  Jungkook was deadly serious and Taehyung knew it.  "Okay." 

With a long sigh, Jungkook sat up.  "Let's go."  Tossing his hoody over his shoulder he grabbed Taehyung's hand as the two walked to Alpha Jeon's office.  When they made it to the kitchen, Jungkook asked Tae to wait for him, wrapping the hoody around his Mate's shoulders and walked off to the office.  Entering he saw his parents, his brother and Deeya, with the largest smirk physically possible.

"Yes, Sir?"  Jungkook was past irritated, looking at his mom she had the same look as well.

"I'm pregnant."  Deeya wasted no time with her manipulative scheme.

"Not be me."  Jungkook was not about to get caught up in her drama as his face remained cold.

"Enough.  Jungkook, we know it's not yours."  Alpha Jeon tried to control his displeasure at the new events.  "Deeya will stay with Dongjun once he sorts things out with his current mate."  

Luna Jeon stood up and moved towards Deeya.  "She has been told once again, that if she bothers Taehyung, Jimin or any other Omega while she's here that I won't hesitate to kick her ass out.  Baby or no baby." 

Dongjun used his status as an Alpha to intimidate his own mother. "If I want her to stay, she stays."  Alpha Jeon was done with his eldest son and his glaring and ongoing lack of respect.

"No she doesn't and you can go with her Dongjun.  Your position as future Pack Alpha is not and has never been guaranteed.  It's at my discretion who proceeds me.  Understand?"  Alpha Jeon turned his focus to Deeya.  "You young lady are only here because you're carrying his child.  I've had it with you, you so even roll your eyes at an Omega and I will throw you out of this pack.  Do I make myself clear?"   

Deeya fell silent, she knew she would have to be careful now as they would be watching her. "Yes, Sir."

"What does any of this have to do with me?"  Jungkook saw no reason for him to be there.  

"Because she's staying at the compound."  His dad spoke to him, his gaze still set on the young pregnant alpha in front of him. 

"Yeah, little bro, you're about to be an uncle.  Told you Deeya was a keeper."  Dongjun was loving this, thinking the two of them were humiliating the hell out of him.

"That's nice.  Mom, Dad, Taehyung and I will be moving to the city soon.  You two Dongjun, are perfect for each other, trust me!"  Jungkook never once losing his composure. "Mom, dad?  Do you need me for anything else?"

"No hon, you can leave, we just wanted you to know."  

"Thank you. "  Jungkook turned and left making his way to Taehyung.  He walked up to him, grabbed his hand and led him back to his bedroom, not saying anything.

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