34 - First Heat #2

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Now that all the Alphas were out and at a safe distance, the Lunas approached the bathroom door.

"Chin, open the door, the Alphas are gone!"  Chin opened the door as the scent almost knocked the Lunas over.

"Oh god, it's so strong!"   Chin shut the door and turned to the lunas. "We need more Burdock tincture, will you two get the rest of the burdock root from the pantry and make some on the stove?"

The Lunas didn't respond as they rushed to the kitchen to prepare it. Chin returned to the bathroom now that things had calmed down and the Alphas were away from the house. They could turn their focus to Taehyung. Jimin and Chin had to help Taehyung out of the bathroom as his heat had him doubled over in pain.   Chin rested Taehyung against him until he could move.

"Jimin grab 2 of the heavy-duty towels from the closet and put them on my bed. Tae baby look at me, I need you to get undressed but leave your boxers on okay?"

Taehyung tried to move again but his heat was wracking his body with pain as he was dripping with sweat. Chin was finally able to get him to move and directed Taehyung towards the bed.  Laying him on the towels; they would help with all the slick that he was producing.   Chin instructed Jimin to sit next to him and rub his neck which he did. 

Kneeling in front of Taehyung, Chin had to get the young Omega to relax.  "Tae baby, listen to me ok? I'm going to help you take control of your scent alright?" Tae could only shake his head, he was dripping with sweat from the heat building inside of him. "Tae, take some deep breaths for me ok, deep breaths."

Tae tried to take a deep breath but another wave of heat and pain hit him.

"Agghhh!! I-I-It hurts to bad C-Chin... I can't!"

"Yes you can Taehyung, look at me, focus on my voice and do what I tell you. Take a deep breath."  Taehyung was struggling to breathe normally but managed to get one deep breath in.

"Good, good, can you feel your scent Taehyung?"  He shook his head, his eyes had been closed since coming out the bathroom. "Good, now I need you to picture it closing in on you and wrapping around you, only you nothing else, ok."

After a long and tense 40 minutes of Chin helping Taehyung with the visualization, his scent started to dissipate inside the house until they contained it to Chin's room. They continued the breathing exercise for another 10 minutes until Taehyung had control of his scent. Luna Jeon entered telling Chin the tincture was ready. He instructed them to gather some towels and bring the stock pot of tincture to the room.

"Taehyung, are you feeling better?" he shook his head.    After the lunas returned with the pot, Chin immediately placed some towels in the liquid, wrung them out and placed them on Taehyung. Not only did this cool him down, but it helped dampen his scent further.

"Get some rest lovey, we'll be here if you need anything ok?" Taehyung nodded and fell into a deep sleep.  

"Jimin, will you sit with him for a bit?  We'll be right back." Jimin nodded.  Chin and the Lunas headed to the kitchen.  All of them relieved that Taehyung's scent was now under control and he was getting some much needed rest.

"Oh my God! Thank you Chin! I can't believe his scent was so strong."   Luna Lee was grateful he had been there and knew what to do.

"Don't thank me, Taehyung is the one that woke me up, luckily he caught it in time. He should sleep for a bit, the tincture will keep his scent down. Everyone can come back now."

The Lunas linked their husbands letting them know it was safe to return.  Luna Lee sent Jimin back to bed as she sat with Tae for a bit.  It was now 4 am as everyone came back towards the house to settle back in after all the commotion. The Pack Alphas, Jungkook and Taehyung's brothers came in and sat at the dining room table, they were exhausted but wanted to stay near in case their help was needed again. Chin had coffee going and they appreciated it.

"How is he Chin?" Jungkook concern for his Mate was clear.

"He's exhausted hon and in a lot of pain. Luna Jeon, why is his first heat so heavy?" Chin couldn't understand it. This being his first natural heat, things should not have progressed as fast and strong as they did. 

"I'm not sure Chin, it could be because of the suppressants.   We just need to stay with him, there's no telling how long this will last."

Alpha Lee could tell this was stressing Jungkook out. Not only for Taehyung's well -being but because he'd been exposed to his Mate during his heat. He gently rubbed Jungkook's shoulder.

"Don't worry son, the Lunas and Chin will take good care of him." Jungkook only had energy to smile.

Chin went to set with Taehyung.  Entering the room he nodded that his mom could go.  She smiled and gave him a hug before heading out the door and into the dinning room.  Chin gently changed the towels,  trying to be careful not to wake up the exhausted Omega but Taehyung awoke anyway.   

"Chin?"  Tae's voice was weak and raspy.

"Hey Tae bear, how do you feel?"

"Like I'm constantly being kicked in the balls while trapped in a sauna, things have settled down for now. Sorry I turned the house into a shit show."

"Oh, you're not the first lovey, it happens. This is your first heat Taehyung, there's no way to predict when it would happen."

"How's Kookie doing?"

"Better, he's out in the dining room with the rest of your family."

"Thanks for keeping him away."

"I didn't, your brothers did." Taehyung gave a weak chuckle.

"I was terrified Chin, someone almost got to me..." Taehyung was choking back tears.

"Jungkook stopped him before he got too far. He won't let anything happen to you baby."

"Is... is it safe for me to see him for a bit?"  Chin figured it would be okay and he would stay with him.  Taehyung's scent was barely noticeable as long as he stayed under the treated towels.

"Sure but just for a few minutes and I'm not leaving you alone with him understand?  You might trigger him." Tae shook his head. Chin opened the door and called for Jungkook who was there in seconds.  He slowly came into the room, Chin stood off to the side as the young Alpha made his way over to Taehyung.

"Hey baby, how are you doing?" Jungkook started to move Tae's hair out the way but Chin stopped him.

"No Jungkook, don't touch him."


"I just needed to see you Kookie, thank you for protecting me earlier." Taehyung's voice was barely audible.

"Of course, I won't let anyone get to.. -" The Omega's scent was starting to cloud Jungkook's mind again. Chin quickly took notice.

"Shit! You need to leave now Jungkook!"  With that Chin swiftly grabbed Jungkook's arm and led him out the door.  Jungkook went and sat back down at the table.   He wasn't about to go far from his mate unless he absolutely had too.

As the wave of heat started coming over Taehyung again, his muscles began to ache from all the tension. Chin saw him wincing in pain, making sure he had locked the bedroom door, he started a hot shower.

"Tae, a shot shower will help with the muscle tension ok?  You think you can stand well enough to shower on your own?" 

"Yeah Chin, actually a hot shower sounds awesome. I feel so disgusting right now." Chin removed the towels and helped him up.   Taehyung found it a little uncomfortable walking to the bathroom as Jungkook's scent caused him to have a raging hard-on.  Once inside the bathroom he stripped off his boxers and entered the shower. The hot water was just what he needed but the tension of his erection was becoming more painful.  He stood with an arm against the shower wall, the hot water pounding his back relaxed him further.  He leaned his head on his arm.  All he wanted was relief from the erection. Using his free hand, Taehyung focused on the sensations as his grip tightened.  Taehyung moaned as he the tension in his stomach increased as he felt himself getting close. 

The sensations were overwhelming him and Taehyung was quickly becoming undone and it was his own doing.  With his mind wandering to Jungkook, awave of pleasure went through him. 

Taehyung whimpered his Mate's name as his moans became louder, thankful for the roaring exhaust fan, that he prayed was drowning  him out.  As he reached his climax, Tae accidentally linked his Mate.

Jungkook choked on his coffee, not expecting his mates orgasm induced mind link.

Hearing the shower stop, Chin assumed he had finished and yelled to him that there was a warm bathrobe on the outside doorknob. The quick flash of a hand and it disappeared. Taehyung made it out and onto the bed, wrapped in the warm robe. There were fresh towels to lie on. Chin gave him a knowing look causing Tae's face to flush in embarrassment. 

"Oh hon, there's no need for embarrassment, trust me."

Taehyung laid back down but brushed off the tincture towels for now.  His jerk off session and tension from before had exhausted him.

"You should get some rest in case there is another round of heat Tae."

"Oh God, there's going to be more?"

"Maybe, it's hard to tell since it's your first one, that could be it or it could last another 2 days."


Chin shook his head so he wouldn't laugh.

{Oh God Kookie...this is getting hard!}

{That's not the only thing getting hard Tae...}


{I can't help it! You linked me while you were jerking off in the shower!}

{Oh My God!!}

{I know! I can't wait to Mate you...}

{Ugghhh! BYE!}

{You can't break the link Taehyung.}

Taehyung ignored Jungkook long enough to doze off for a bit.

Taehyung awoke in extreme pain 2 hours later . Still exhausted from earlier his heat was wearing him out and draining what little energy he had left. Chin and the Luna's were at a loss, Taehyung's heat was different, there was no longer the unyielding urge to Mate, it was just pain upon pain. While the burdock tincture kept his scent down, it was no longer working to cool him down. The erections stopped after the first one. It was becoming unbearable. While sitting with him, Chin had an idea. If the idea worked, it would at least allow Taehyung to rest and maybe lessen some of the pain. He opened the door to call for Luna Lee.

"What is it Chin?" 

"Come in. I think we might need Kai or Namjoon's help with this." Luna Lee started to panic.

"Chin! What are you saying?" Luna Lee was thinking he meant they might have to have sex with him. 

"Calm down, just hear me out.   Luna Lee, I'm sorry, but I recognized Kai and Namjoon as True Alphas. I need their help with this if Taehyung is going to get any rest. His heat is draining him to a point that isn't safe."

"OK? What do you need them do? Can't Jungkook do it instead?"

"No, Luna, it has to be a True Alpha. They are more dominate and both have mated. Even though the burdock tincture is dampening Taehyung's scent it's still too strong for a regular Alpha. Jungkook was only in here less than 2 minutes and it affected him."

"Ok, what do you need them to do?"

"I need them to use their Alpha voice on Taehyung to put him into a deep sleep."

"Oh, do you think it will work?"

"It can't hurt, Taehyung really needs to rest. He's pretty weak. If he can at least rest, he'll be able to tolerate his heat better."

"Ok! Let's do it." Chin smiled, glad that Tae's mom agreed.

"I'll talk to Namjoon first. Will you stay with Tae for a bit?   If he whimpers just gently rub the back of his neck, it will help."

"Sure thing hon. Chin? Thank you, seriously." Chin smiled and went to talk to Namjoon.

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