39 - Chin Freaks Out

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"Open this door now Jungkook or I'm breaking it down!"

They both looked at each other.  Jungkook covered Taehyung with the bedsheet as he put on one of the robes and stomped towards the door. Jungkook had one thought going through his mind in that moment. 'Whoever is knocking better have a damn good reason!' He wouldn't let anyone in as they mated only moments ago. Once he unlocked the door, he opened it wide enough to see out. The robe he had on exposed Taehyung's mating bite mark. 

"Chin?" The irritation in Jungkook's voice undeniable as he growled his response. The young Alpha glared at the older Omega with red, angry eyes. He knew Chin smelled their newly mated scent and he should have stayed away. As he looked past Jungkook, he ignored the anger and irritation directed towards him.

"Tae, are you ok lovey?"

"I'm fine, ChinChin!" Taehyung's voice was muffled from hiding under the sheets. Chin turned his attention back to Jungkook, his eyes darted to the bite mark on the young Alpha's shoulder.

"Oh my God..." The color drained from his face and he looked like he was about to pass out. Chin quickly grabbed the door frame for support, his hand coming up to his mouth in shock.

"Chin? are you ok? ChinChin!" Jungkook's yell snapped him out of it.

"Uh, yeah, um... turn on your bathroom fan, you guys drove everyone out of the house. I-I- I'll be back later." Chin turned and began hurrying out of the house, hitting the whole house exhaust system along the way. Once he got to the front door, he bolted outside and ran straight to the pavilion. Everyone that had been standing outside waiting, wondered what was wrong with him.

"Chin?" Jimin yelled for him and started to run after him, but Namjoon stopped him.

"I'll go, stay here Jimin." Namjoon jogged after Chin who had already taken a seat at one of the tables.  Everyone turned and looked at one another, completely confused with the current situation. The Lunas decided to see what was wrong, since going inside was out of the question. They calmed everyone down and started towards the pavilion. Leaving they could hear grumbling, but the Pack Alphas quickly hushed everyone.

As Namjoon approached, Chin was sitting with his head in his hands. He was visibly shaking and distraught.

"Chin? Are you ok?" He didn't respond, so Namjoon moved closer to him and touched his shoulder. Chin jumped out of his seat, startled. He was crying. "Oh my God, what's wrong? Is something wrong with Tae?"

"No No, I - I just..." Chin couldn't finish his sentence as he jumped up and threw his arms around Namjoon's neck, hugging him, his body shaking against the Alpha. Chin's reaction and emotional state shocked Namjoon. He slowly returned the hug, rubbing the Omega's back to help him calm down. He was too upset to nuzzle Namjoon, inhaling the Alpha's scent would have instantly calmed him down among other things.

"Chin? What's wrong, please. Talk to me." Chin remained silent, relaxing into the hug trying to clear his mind from the chaos that was going on inside of it. He knew he couldn't say anything just yet for Taehyung's safety, plus he wanted to be sure himself what he'd just seen. After a minute, Chin had settled down. He pulled away from Namjoon slightly, realizing that his sudden reaction to him probably freaked the Alpha out. 

"I'm so sorry Namjoon. I'm, I'm fine. I didn't mean to hug you like that." Chin had lowered his head to finish composing himself, his grip softening.

"Hey, it's okay. You want to tell me what's wrong?" Namjoon was looking down at him intently.

"I, I'm fine honestly. I'm not sure why I reacted like that. Thank you for checking on me." The two locked eyes for a few seconds, Chin quickly diverting his gaze as the Lunas approached.

"Chin hon, are you ok? Was everything all right with Jungkook and Taehyung?" Luna Lee was obviously worried about her son.

"Yes! I'm sorry Lunas. Taehyung is fine Luna Lee. My reaction wasn't about their mating. Their fine." Chin needed to lie as he turned to Namjoon and smiled, rubbing his shoulder to let him know he was ok.

"Um, Namjoon, you can let me go now. I'm fine, hon, really."

Namjoon forgot he was still holding the Omega. "Oh, I'm sorry."

Chin took a deep breath and turned back to the Lunas. "I'll go back and check to see if everyone can go back inside, give me a few minutes." He walked back towards the pack house, averting his eyes from everyone present. Walking past the group assembled in front of the house, he gave them a soft smile and walked inside. The Alphas signaled everyone to wait.

With another long, deep breath, Chin regained his composure as he knocked at Jungkook's door again. This time, softly.

"Jungkook, it's Chin." Jungkook opened the door only a crack. The Mated couples scent now contained to his room only.

"You ok ChinChin?" 

"I'm fine hon, you two... you two ok?"

"Yeah, we're fine hold on, I'll be right back."

Jungkook gently shut the door. After Chin had left the first time, the two of them had taken a quick shower together and changed the bed linens. Taehyung was now resting as mating had exhausted him. Chin could hear them talking as he waited patiently. Jungkook came back to the door.

"Are you alone Chin?"

"Yeah, it's me, Jungkook. I need to check that both of you are okay." Chin knew how protective Alphas were after having mated, but he needed inside to talk to them.  He glanced over Jungkook's shoulder at the lump laying in the bed.

"Jungkook, is he asleep?" Chin tried to keep his voice down in case Taehyung had fallen asleep.

"I'm awake ChinChin." Taehyung answered, his voice shy as ever. Jungkook continued to block Chin's view as he guarded the door.

"Taehyung, I thought your heat was over?"

"It was, but...but I caused Jungkook to throw me into heat again."

"I see, you're doing ok?"

"Yeah, I'm just exhausted."

"Ok. Let Jungkook hold you close for the next couple of days and rest. He needs to lick your mating mark, it will help it heal faster ok?"

"Okay, my mark is almost healed, Chinie."

Chin looked at Jungkook, who nodded to confirm what Taehyung had told him. "Jungkook, I need you to let me in. This is very important. I'll stay by the door."

Jungkook hesitated but if Chin was asking this, he already had a good reason. Jungkook let him in after making sure Taehyung was covered and sat next to him on the bed, shielding his Mate from Omega's view.

"Listen, what I'm about to tell you, I need you to do without asking me any questions ok? I promise I'll tell you why when the time is right. I really need you two to trust me and do what I tell you, do you understand?"

Jungkook, squeezed Tae's shoulder. "Okay." They both agreed.

"Do not tell anyone and I mean anyone that Jungkook was marked, do you understand?"

"But Chin-" Chin cut Jungkook off before he could finish.

"I'm not playing around! Do you understand!" Chin was literally yelling at them.

"Yes! I understand. Shit, what's wrong hyung?"

"Please, you two...Just... do what I tell you, please."

"All right, all right, we won't tell anyone." Chin was worrying Jungkook.

"Did we do something wrong Chin?"

"No hon, it's not that it's... Look, please you two, I'm begging you, don't tell anyone that Jungkook was marked and Jungkook, keep it covered. Please?"

"Okay Chin." Jungkook smiled letting him know they wouldn't say anything.

"Taehyung, did you hear me?"

"Yes, hyung. I won't say anything."

"Okay, I'll be back with food for you two later. Jungkook, make sure Taehyung gets plenty of sleep. I'll talk to you two when you're not so protective ok? I promise I'll explain everything later."

"Okay Chin."

Chin smiled and quietly left. Jungkook took off his robe and grabbed the sweatpants from the floor. He got in bed and brought his Mate up for a hug.

"Kookie, I'm scared."

"It's okay baby, he'll explain everything later like he said. Okay? Right now I really need for you to rest."


Jungkook laid down next to him, licking Taehyung's mate mark one more time. Snuggling into his Alpha further, Tae fell into a deep sleep.


Chin stood outside the door for a few seconds to take a deep breath. His mind was now free from doubt on what he'd seen and the thought he had earlier. He was certain of who Taehyung was. He so wanted to talk to the young Omega, but he had other pressing concerns at the moment. Walking back to the front deck, he let everyone know it was ok to enter and that dinner would be ready in a couple of hours. After everyone relaxed and went about their business, he turned and started towards the kitchen. He felt a firm but gentle hand grip his arm, turning he saw Namjoon.

Namjoon moved closer to him and waited for others to pass before speaking. "Chin, I know you're worried about something and it has to do with Taehyung, please talk to me." Namjoon could see the stress and worry on his face.

"Namjoon hon, please, I just need you to be patient with me. They're fine, please believe me when I tell you that." Namjoon sighed and didn't press the issue.

"Ok Chin, I trust you." Namjoon went to his room to shower before dinner.

Jimin asked Chin if he was okay and got a reassuring hug. He offered to help him get dinner ready. After the food was prepared, Jimin informed everyone that it was time to eat. The dinning area quickly filled with hungry Alphas. Dongjun and Deeya entered, but fixed their plates and returned to one of the member cabins they were staying in. Everyone, especially Jimin and Chin, were glad they were keeping to themselves. While the household enjoyed the evening meal, Chin went to check on Jungkook and Taehyung. He quietly knocked on the door. After a few seconds, Jungkook opened it.

"How are you two doing Jungkook?"

"He's still sleeping, his bite is almost healed."

"Good, and how's yours?"

"It's healed already."

"I see. Are you hungry?"

"No, not really."

"Ok, I will leave some bottles of water outside your door, try to get him to drink some of it. You also, mating dehydrates you ok?"

"Ok, are you sure everything will be okay? You're kinda freaking me out hyung."

"Yeah hon, It's just, you two are very special to me. Just me being a mother hen, okay?"


"If you need anything, text me, don't leave the room or he'll start whimpering for you and it will stress him out."

"I understand, Thanks for everything Chin."

"Anytime hon."

Returning to the kitchen, Chin felt eyes following him and turned to see Namjoon smiling at him. He returned the smile and busied himself with more house chores.

Once the dinning area was empty, Chin started on the clean up. Earlier he sent Jimin off to go and enjoy the evening.  He needed to distract himself for a while and cleaning was the perfect way to do that. It was almost 10 pm by the time he finished. He figured everyone had retired to their rooms. The only outside pack remaining on the compound was Taehyung's family and a few of their Alphas so there was plenty of space for them to sleep in the extra pack cabins.

Finally winding down, Chin decided to grab a beer and light the fire pit on the back deck to enjoy the quiet night. There he hoped to process the events from earlier. Before he opened the front door, he noticed Namjoon already had a fire going as he sat alone. The forecast for that evening was a little chilly.  He went to his room to grab a blanket and put on his favorite hoody. Heading outside, Chin stopped by the fridge and reached for two of the beers that were left from the cookout.

Namjoon must have been in deep thought because he didn't even notice Chin walking up behind him. The thoughtful Omega gently placed the blanket around Namjoon's shoulders.  Even though he was sitting in front of a fire, it was still too chilly to be out without a jacket.

"Oh, hey." Namjoon glanced up, unaware that he had furrowed his brows at being disturbed. That quickly went away once he saw who it was.

"Hey Namjoon, want some company?"

"I would love some company."

Chin was glad that Namjoon chose to sit on one of the cushioned benches. It had just enough room for two, but only if you cuddled close together.  He sat next to Namjoon as the Alpha wrapped an arm around him, pulling him under the blanket that draped his broad shoulders. Chin handed the quiet Alpha one of the beers then put some extra logs on the fire.

"Hmmmn, Thanks."

The two sat quietly for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth from the fire and each other. Chin finished his beer and sat the empty bottle next to the bench and returned to rest against the Alpha. He snuggled in closer. Namjoon also set his bottle down then started to wrap his arms around Chin's waist, stopping himself, not sure if it was something the Omega wanted.

Chin snuggled closer to him, resting in the crook of his arm, pulling Namjoon's arms around him, letting him know it was ok.

"This is nice." Chin's voice was tired but still held it's usual softness.

"What?" Namjoon was trying hard not to nuzzle into Chin's neck. He'd never noticed it before, but the older Omega's scent was just barely noticeable. Like he intentionally kept it dampened.

"Sitting here like this with you."

"Hmn. It's been a long time since I held someone in my arms like this."

"How'd your Mate die Namjoon, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I don't mind, it was a hit-and-run accident. She was out riding one day when a truck hit her, the driver took off, it killed her instantly."

"Oh my God hon, I'm so sorry!"

Namjoon remained silent, enjoying the feeling of the warm body in his arms.

"Namjoon, can I ask you something personal?"

Chin felt the vibrations of a silent chuckle coming from the Alpha. "You already have Chin."

"Then can I ask you something else personal?"


"Your mom and dad aren't Taehyung's real parents, are they?"

"No, they're not. Taehyung's real mom was our dad's sister. They raised him since he was a baby so we just consider him our brother and he considers them mom and dad. Why would you think they aren't his real parents?"

"Oh, uh, he doesn't look like either of them."

"I see. Chin?"


"Are you ready to talk about what happened earlier?"

"No, I'm sorry Namjoon. I- I just can't, please understand." Namjoon pulled him in as close as he could and without thinking nuzzled into the Omega's neck, his wolf letting out a low but content growl. Chin turned and looked at him, not knowing what to say.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Chin smiled, he wasn't uncomfortable; it was just unexpected. He settled back against the Alpha.

"It's ok. Can we just sit here and enjoy the fire?"

"Sure." The two remained silent, enjoying the crackling fire until it died down. The Omega had fallen asleep in Namjoon's arms. The Alpha looked down at him and smiled, nuzzling into his hair to wake him up.

"Let's go Chin, it's late and we should get some sleep." Chin slowly stood up and grabbed the empty beer bottles, making his way into the house. Namjoon followed after making sure what remained of the fire was at a safe level to leave unattended.

Making it into the house the two bid each other good night. He stopped Namjoon and gave him a hug.

"Thank you Namjoon." Chin surprised him with a tender kiss and walked off to bed.

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