4 - Jungkook's POV - Coffee Shop

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'Jungkook's actual thoughts'  are between quotes

As Jungkook and Deeya walked out of the coffee shop, he didn't even hold the door for her.

"Oh geez. Thanks!" The sarcasm was heavy in her voice.

"Just get on the bike and let's go Deeya."

He was already over and done with the morning and her attitude was not helping. As he got on and adjusted his helmet he briefly glanced back to the inside of the coffee shop and the guy in the pink shirt. The thought entered his mind again that he had when they first locked eyes, but he quickly shook it off.  He felt Deeya hug him from behind, signaling that she was on and ready to go.

"Let's go! I can't wait to get trashed tonight at the Pack party!" she yelled in his ear.

'Great', Jungkook thought to himself as he started up his bike and slowly took off.  On their way back to the Moon Ridge Pack compound the thoughts that he had been trying to escape for the past few months suddenly started bothering him again.

'What the hell is up with this'? He questioned himself. 'The guy in the pink shirt you dumbass'

God he hated getting caught up in his thoughts.  Especially when his inner monologue responded to his questions.

His relationship with Deeya was a mess that he didn't want to admit to.  Not to her, not to his family and not to himself. They had been together for almost 2 years.  At first, he was happy to be with her.  She was kind and cheerful and always helped out with the Pack and helped the Omegas with watching their pups or cooking meals for them when they needed to rest.  But things had shifted after their first 6 months and had steadily gotten worse.  Jungkook thought that is was just because she was an Alpha but he knew deep down that that was a lie.

She often asked when he was going to mark her and make it official. But he always told her when it felt right. 'Felt right my ass.'   Hell, in the 2 years they had been together they only had sex when Deeya was in heat or he was in his rut and every time he refused to knot her even though she wanted it.  Plus he made sure to always wear a condom.

They were not meant to be mates and he knew it.

He didn't feel that pull or the need to be together as mates. There was no overwhelming intoxicating scent, no feeling of being on fire, no heart about to beat out of the chest. No desire for his inner wolf to be with her. Their relationship was more or less forced. Jungkook had given into his parents and older brother nagging him about finding his 'mate' so he picked the prettiest girl he found and that was that. He also knew the reason she was still with him is that he was the Pack Alpha's son and his brother already had a mate.

It was a relationship of convenience. Nothing more.

Deeya had become arrogant and disrespectful not to mention manipulative. She also developed the bad habit of trying to intimidate Omegas to make herself feel more important. All qualities that Jungkook couldn't stand. He was never raised to think he was better than anyone or to be disrespectful to Omegas or humans.

Jungkook questioned why he even kept the relationship going many times. He knew he cared for Deeya somewhat but other than that, he didn't even know if he actually loved her. He had been around many Alphas and Omegas but had never felt anything.

Until today at the coffee shop...

When he walked in and locked eyes with the guy in the pink shirt - everything around him stopped.  For some odd reason, he suddenly felt happy.  A feeling he hadn't had in a very long time.  He could barely see the guys' eyes and when he tried to sniff the air to see if he could pick up a scent all he got was coffee and strawberries.

The strawberry scent was Deeya's and he had grown to hate strawberries.

Just as soon as Jungkook started to sniff the air for scents, the guy in the pink shirt turned and smiled and went back to his work. 

'God he's beautiful...' - {Jungkook's mind - 0/Guy in pink shirt -100}

After approaching the counter and talking a bit to Jimin, he placed their order, but not without glancing at the grey-haired beauty.  Jimin noticed and simply gave Jungkook a sly wink and toothy grin.  Jungkook and Deeya took a seat by the window.  Jung gazed out the window to try to rationalize what had just happened.

'Why didn't the guy respond to me?'
'Maybe he's human'
'I can't even pick up a scent'

'God he's beautiful and those lips of his, those full lips'

He couldn't take his mind off those plump lips which resulted in a tightness starting to grow in the crotch of his pants. He was snapped out of it when he felt someone come close, set down the drinks they had ordered and quickly leave.

"Rude ass" Deeya mumbled

'Fuck, just for once can you not make everything about you' Jungkook thought.

"Shut up Deeya" he growled at her as she went back to being obsessed with her phone.

'Wow, no response at all...he didn't even look at me. Yeah, he's definitely human'

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