41 - The last of the ex

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Morning came as Jungkook began waking up, looking over Taehyung was still sleeping.  Jungkook needed to eat and he thought Taehyung did to.  Leaning over he tried to wake him up.

"Tae, babe can you get up?"

Taehyung woke up surprisingly easy for a change. His hair was out of control as he looked over at Jungkook and smiled, the Alpha couldn't help but laugh at him.  Taehyung hit him on the shoulder.

"Morning beautiful."

"Morning, Alpha." 

Jungkook growled at him.

"Watch it with that Taehyung, you'll be screaming my name again if you're not careful."

"Promise?"  Taehyung was feeling just fine as a smirk crossed his face.  But he needed to be a little serious for the moment. "Come here Junie."

"You and Jimin and your pet names, I tell you!"

"It's only because I love you dork, come here and let me check your bite mark."  Taehyung gently moved the fabric out of the way, the bite was almost healed.  Jungkook nuzzled him pushing him back down onto the bed, their lips locked in an early morning kiss, their tongues quickly finding each other.   Tae gently pushed Jungkook away, his blue eyes sparkling.

"I love you Kookie."

"I love you to baby.  Hungry?"


"You ok with being around others or do you want to stay in the room?"

"Can we eat with everyone, as long as you stay with me? "

"Yeah, are you sure?" 

"Yeah... Just, can you keep them away from me, my senses are really sensitive right now."

"Sure thing, here, switch me hoodies.  I slept in this one, it's more heavily scented."

"Ok, Thanks."

After Tae had put on Jungkook's hoody.  The two made their way to the kitchen, Taehyung had the hood pulled down covering most of his face as he held Jungkook's hand, staying close by him.  Jungkook had his hoody zipped up,  hiding the bite mark like Chin had asked him to do.  Once to the kitchen, it was just Chin and Jimin.   Chin noticed the two out the corner of his eye.

"Hey? Why are you two out of the room?"

"Taehyung wanted to eat with everyone."  Taehyung wasn't saying much as he stood behind Jungkook.  Chin was a little worried.

"Tae bear, you know you can stay in the room, being around everyone so soon might not be such a good idea.  Especially with other Alphas around" 

Even Jimin was concerned. "Yeah TaeTae, you should probably rest more, I can bring you guys plates." 

Taehyung really wanted some time out of the room.  Since they were the only 4 in the kitchen Taehyung was all right.

"Can we just have some tea and coffee before everyone else get's here?" 

"Sure Tae, you two sit at the island and I'll get it ready for you.  If others start showing up, you should go back to the room ok?"

"Thanks ChinChin."  Taking a seat, Taehyung rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder while Jimin made coffee and put water on for tea.  Chin went to the island but kept his distance.

"Taehyung, will you show my your eyes real quick, please?"   Taehyung looked up and quickly glanced at Chin, his blue eyes present from being so close to his Mate.  Jungkook wondered what was going on.

"What is it Chin?"

"Nothing, I was just curious.  You two want anything special for breakfast?"  Chin tried to change the subject.

"No, whatever you cook is fine."  Jungkook caught wind of what he was doing and let the question go. 

Jimin set the hot drinks in front of the two, careful not to get too close to Taehyung.  "How you feeling TaeTae?"

"Fine, just a little tired and sore."  the two Omega's giggled.  

Just then Luna Jeon came into the kitchen,  Jungkook looking to see who it was as he pulled Taehyung closer to him.  His mom kept her distance but was surprised that the two were out and around others.

"Taehyung, honey? Why are you out of the room so soon?"

"That's what we asked him!" Jimin agreeing with the Luna.

"It's just for a bit until others start showing up."

"Ok, but you stay next to Jungkook, understand?"  Taehyung shook his head. 

Everyone enjoyed the early morning in the kitchen, Taehyung watched as Jimin and Chin floated around the kitchen.  Taehyung would occasionally nuzzle into Jungkook's neck.  Namjoon wandered in.  Taehyung instinctively moved closer to Jungkook.  Namjoon simply smiled and found a spot at the table away from the new couple.

"Tae bear how are you feeling Pup?"


Namjoon could see his bright smile even with the hood pulled down.  Chin walked over to take him a fresh cup of coffee, the two sharing a quick kiss.  Taehyung and Jimin took notice.

"Well, you two are moving along nicely I see."  Jimin couldn't help but tease the two.  Namjoon just smiled as Chin blushed ever so slightly.  Everyone laughing at them out of love.   Just then the laughter stopped as Deeya and Dongjun entered the kitchen.

To the surprise of everyone Taehyung grabbed her arm gently, his focus going to her lower abdomen.

"What the fuck are you doing Omega!  Let go!"

"Tae!" Chin yelled as Jungkook went to grab him also.  Jungkook saw the color drain from Taehyung's face as his hand went to his mouth and he ran out the front door. 

Jungkook went after him to find him vomiting next to a tree.  "Tae, what the hell is wrong?"  Taehyung spit to clear the vomit from his mouth and held onto him, his hands were shaking as he gripped his waist. Taehyung rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder. 

"Call your mom out here now!"  Jungkook didn't question him as he turned to yell for his mom.

"Mom!"  Luna Jeon ran out to see what was wrong.

"What's wrong you two?"  Jungkook looked at her confused and worried, she knew not to get to close.  Taehyung cleared his throat.


"What is it hon, are you all right.   You should have stayed in the room."

"No, No it's not me. It-it's Deeya.  It's the baby."  Taehyung let go of Jungkook and walked towards her, Jungkook grabbed him out of instinct causing Tae to look at him and smile that it was ok.

Taehyung walked over to her and pulled her to the side. "Luna, her baby it's.  Oh God, tell her I'm so sorry. The baby has died."  Tears filled Taehyung's eyes at the loss of the child.  Even though he didn't care for her this was different, this was the loss of an innocent.

"How do you know Tae?"

"I can smell her." Taehyung had to steady himself, Jungkook noticed and rushed to him.

"Jungkook, take Taehyung back to the room and let him rest."  Jungkook carried Tae into the house and straight to his room, causing everyone to worry.  Luna Jeon came in after calming herself for a bit. 

"Luna Jeon, what's wrong?"  Namjoon was worried about his brother.

"He's fine, he just needs more rest."  She smiled to set everyone at ease.  The Luna approached Deeya.  "Deeya will you follow me for a minute, please?"


"Please hon,"  Deeya reluctantly followed as Dongjun looked at everyone.  Chin asked Jimin to get more rice from the pantry.

"Chin, Coffee."  Dongjun barked his request.  He was not respectful as far as Omegas were concerned not even to his mom.  Even after his run-in with Namjoon and Kai.  Chin noticed Namjoon make a move and called him over before things in the kitchen became even tenser.  

"Namjoon can you help with this for a minute."  Namjoon stood and paused, then headed over to Chin who was standing by the fridge.  Chin leaned in and whispered to Namjoon.  "Please, don't hon."  Chin smiled and took the coffee over to Dongjun and returned to Namjoon, rubbing his arm to calm him down.

Luna walked out with Deeya a few minutes later and approached Dongjun.   "Hon, I need you to take Deeya into the city for a check-up, please." 

Dongjun looked like it was an inconvenience.  "Let's go, guess we should've only done it once last night." 

Namjoon bit his tongue.  After the two left, the tension in the kitchen was gone.  Namjoon rubbed Chin's back and told him he'd see him later on, the two smiling at each other as he left.

"Luna Jeon I need to check on Taehyung real quick."  Chin made his way to the room, knocking, Jungkook opened the door.

"How he is Kookie?"

"Sleeping, I should have kept him in bed, sorry."

"Oh, don't worry about it hon.  Just stay with him and rest.  I'll have Jimin bring breakfast to you when it's ready."

"Thanks Chin."

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