50 - Epilogue

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It's been 3 months now and Taehyung finally had their new apartment where he wanted it. The windows and kitchen were filled with lush healthy plants and the livingroom had plenty of comfy seating. Comfortable seating was something that Jungkook insisted on as they had family over practically every weekend. Saturdays it was their parents, Kai, Seong and Jimin. But Jimin was a frequent visitor as Jungkook had been working late trying to get things back to normal from being away. Taehyung was grateful for Min's company.  Sundays however, were a special day. They were reserved for just Namjoon and Chin.  

Speaking of Jimin, the adorable stinker dinker had been right about the Wolfen psychic's prediction. Two months after re-opening the coffee shop, in walked a delicious smelling and older Alpha. His name was Lee Bo-Seon. When he initially walked into the shop, Jimin stopped dead in his tracks, the tray of drinks he was holding hit the floor, startling everyone, including Taehyung. That is until Taehyung picked up their mutual scents and then he knew. He quietly leaned against the drink counter, fingers in his ears as he waited for the fireworks and high pitched screaming to start. Jimin did not disappoint as he lunged at the handsome Alpha. Not knowing what was going on or what to do, Bo-Seon decided it was best to catch the flying Omega as Jimin slammed into him.


"Your here!! Your finally here!"

"Uhh..." The Alpha suddenly pulled Jimin in close and buried his face in the Omega's neck. He couldn't help it since since Min was practically curled around him. Pulling back Bo only had one word to say to him.


Taehyung couldn't help but get a little emotional. He was happy that his bestie had finally found his Mate.

Five months in and things were starting to come together and fall into place for not only Jungkook and Taehyung but for everyone else. Namjoon and Chin had finally mated. They had to delay their mating as Alpha Jeon had been keeping Namjoon busy with learning the ropes of being an effective pack Alpha. There were Pack Elders to be introduced to and various meetings to attend. Things within the surrounding packs needed assistance from others. Such as building new cabins, allocating resources and responsibilities. Chin was also kept busy by Luna Jeon teaching him what it meant to be a Luna.

After the supposed Rogue issue had been taken care of and the newcomers settled into their respective Packs, word got around to other Rogues in the area of how welcoming the established Packs had been. Needing some much sought after stability, the smaller packs were bursting at the seams with new members. All wanted to contribute what they could out of gratitude. But not everything was going as planned for some.

Kai and his Mate, no matter how hard he tried and how much he was willing to sacrifice, could not make their bond work. Plus the time he spent learning to be a Pack Alpha also strained their already fragile relationship. The only saving grace was that they weren't true mates, which Luna Lee said could be partly why Kai's Mate wasn't working as hard as he was to preserve their bond. They were both young and impatient when they established their Mate bond because neither wanted to wait to find their natural Mates. In a way Kai was relieved that his Mate wanted to end things because now he could focus on being a good Pack leader. To him, that was tops on his list. Kai was also thankful that Seong had decided to stay with him for a period of time at Steel Ridge after they had sold their shared apartment in the city. Seong proved to be a much needed voice of reason during his initial time back on the pack grounds. Alpha and Luna Lee decided to take a step back and let the young Alpha work things out and experience what he had to experience. It would give him awareness and help him develop a sense of compassion towards others.

After Kai and his Mate had ended things and she left to return to her Pack, Seong stayed for a few more weeks to make sure his brother had his head on straight. During that time Seong used it to decide on the path he wanted to take. While he loved being a college professor, the opportunity to learn more about and to also preserve the stories and ancient knowledge of his own kind was too good to pass up. He was well off financially so money would not be an issue.

Before he headed back to the University, Seong wanted to stop by the Moon Ridge compound to talk to Alpha Jeon one on one. He quietly made his way onto the compound as he hoped to bypass Namjoon. He wanted his decision to be a surprise to everyone. Luckily the first person he encountered was Luna Jeon. He greeted her respectively and asked if Alpha Jeon was free. She smiled and told him to head on in. Moon Ridge was his second home so there was no need for his level of formality with them.

Entering, the house was quiet and fairly empty. Luna Jeon had linked her Mate to let him know that Seong was on his way to see him. Seong reached the Alpha's office to find the door open.

"Come on in Seong!"

The two greeted each other and got straight to the matter at hand. Seong let Alpha Jeon know that he wanted nothing more than to be the Pack's historian and record keeper and that he wanted to devote himself to it full time. Alpha Jeon was thrilled and welcomed Seong with open arms. He offered Seong one of the member cabins close to the main house, which Seong gladly accepted. He would move onto the compound within 2 weeks. Now he was off to give his notice at the University.

6 Months have now passed and the young Great Pair were very much in love. Every free moment they had, they spent together. The problem was getting the free time. Jungkook was super busy with his restaurant as he had opened a second one which was highly successful. Taehyung on the other hand was kept busy at the coffee shop. By a weird twist of fate, the little shop grew to become wildly popular. Tae and Jimin had to hire extra help just to keep up, and Jimin had taken time off to mate with his Alpha. Now that Jimin had returned and there were extra hands available, Taehyung wanted to go back to Moon Ridge with Jungkook to spend a quiet weekend together.

After many weeks of pleading and puppy dog eyes, Jungkook managed to tear himself away from his restaurants for 4 days. Taehyung was thrilled and couldn't wait for the time alone. They both could desperately use the break, plus Tae had something important to talk to his Mate about. During their weekly Sunday visits, Chin and Taehyung were often off alone sitting upstairs in the loft, snuggled on the bed talking. Chin would fill him on what his parents and their Pack were like, more about his abilities and just making up for lost time.

Jungkook and grown to see Namjoon as the older brother he always wanted but never had. The two Males were now close and Jungkook learned a lot from Namjoon concerning business, real-estate and other things.   So neither Alpha minded much when their Omegas went off by themselves. 

With more information about himself and Jungkook, Taehyung was able to further tap into his abilities as was Jungkook. During the little free time they had, they worked on strengthening their bond even further. Even to a point that Taehyung, along with Jungkook's help, had been able to heal himself. But Jungkook was unaware of this as Taehyung's healing usually took place as he slept, wrapped in his Mates arms.

But now they were off to spend some much needed downtime at Moon Ridge. Chin was kind enough to freshen up their room with clean bedding and linens. Their first day there, they slept the entire day and into the late evening. Taehyung was the first to awaken. Looking around he quickly noticed the light of the full moon shining into the windows. Turning, he gently began to shake his Mate. He wanted him awake, the night was too beautiful to not get out and enjoy it.

"Kookie? Kookie? Wake up!" Taehyung kept his voice soft and low as he didn't want to wake the entire house.

"Mnnnnn, what is it baby?" Jungkook was still half asleep.

"Please, I want you to get up." After a few seconds, Jungkook finally sat up, running his hands through his dark hair.

"What is it baby?"

"Run with me?"


Taehyung clapped excitedly and went to the bathroom to grab them each a robe for when they returned. Undressing, they put on the robes and exited the room. The last time they ran together was after the attack. The two walked hand in hand through the house and out to the front deck. Both inhaled the night air deeply, looking to each other, the both shifted.

{Will you take me to our special spot Kookie?}

{Sure baby, let's go!}

Off the Mated pair went, romping through the moonlit forest. Reaching the small clearing, Taehyung was the first to shift back to his human form. He stood and gazed up at the moon. His grey hair shimmered in the cool moonlight. Junkgook shifted back and embraced him from behind, gently nuzzling his Omega. He noticed that most of Taehyung's old scars had disappeared months ago, but had never said anything. Taehyung held onto his arms as his calming scent wrapped around them both. Taehyung turned to look into his Mate's eyes.

"I love you Jungkook."

"I love you more Taehyung."

They two simply stared at each other loving as Jungkook repeated his favorite saying.

"I am Yours and You Are Mine, Till my last breath..."

"Or the end of time." Taehyung loved to finish it and always sealed it with a tender kiss.

"Jeong Jungkook?"

"Lee Taehyung..."

"Give me your hand."


"I said give me your hand!"

Jungkook slowly raised his hand as Taehyung grabbed hold of it, holding it against his heart. His golden eyes sparkling as they filled with tears.

"You have no idea how much you mean to me Jungkook. I thanked the Goddess that day you saved me from the rogue and I've thanked her ever since."

"And you have no idea how much you mean to me Taehyung. That night that Dongjun attacked our Pack and I lay there bleeding...I thought I'd never get to hold you, never get another chance to kiss you, never get another chance to tell you that I love you."

Taehyung smiled as a tear escaped and slid down his soft cheek. Jungkook could sense all the emotions that were swirling inside his Omega.


Taehyung's smiled widened and he placed Jungkook hand on his abdomen, taking a deep breath, Taehyung moved closer to him.  It had taken months for Taehyung to heal himself completely from the attack by the Alpha that had initially left him unable to bear pups.  He was a week away from starting to show and it took great care on his part to hide his morning sickness from not only Jungkook but the rest of his family.  He knew 3 days after his last heat that he was with pup, he didn't need any doctor to confirm it.   Taehyung had grown so close to his wolf and was perfectly intuned with his own body that he knew.  The tiny little heartbeat he could already hear due to his heightened senses.  Now, he wanted to share the wonderful news with his beloved Alpha.  

"You, Jeon Jungkook. Are going to be a father."

"What...." All color left Jungkook's face in that moment. He stood frozen, not sure that he had really heard what Taehyung had just said. "What did you say..."

"I'm pregnant Kookie." 

I'm not sure how I feel about this, my very first story has now ended!  I sooooo appreciate everyone that has stuck around to read, comment and vote on it.   I honestly didn't think very many would read and enjoy it as much as I did creating it. 


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