6 - The Dance

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**This is a pretty long chapter, it has a POV towards the end of it and I didn't want to make it a separate chapter.**

{I don't own the above image...it just went so well with this chapter}

did I mention I've gotten lazy with typing out Jungkook's and Taehyung's names?
sometimes they are shortened to Jung and Tae.

Everyone had finished eating.  Kai and Namjoon made their way to the bar and returned with beers and shots as Seong, Tae and Jimin cleared the table.  As they sat down Namjoon was approached by the Pack Alpha to discuss something and left towards the main Packhouse.

"Tae, did you want a beer or anything to drink?" asked Kai.

"No, I'm good."  Out of nowhere Jimin grabs Taehyung's hand and squeezes it.  "Come on hooker!   Let's dance.  Your brothers are here, you'll be fine. Pleeease."  Jimin gave Tae his big puppy dog eyes and cute pout. No one could say no to Jimin when he did that. Not even Taehyung.

Before Tae agreed, he grabbed Seong's shot and slammed it back.  Seong just looked at him.

"Jimin wants to dance....don't ask."

Seong just burst out laughing. "You want another one?"

With that, Tae gave his brother the finger and followed Jimin to the dance floor.  He was glad there were other couples on the floor and not just the two of them. Jimin was already dancing away as he motioned for the DJ to turn up the music.

The shot hit Tae quickly, helping him to loosen up a little and get rid of some of his shyness. After a few songs, he finally forgot about the others and the dance floor. {You have to understand something. When Jimin got Tae to loosen up and relax, he was an excellent dancer.}  Soon the pair were moving together like they had planned out every move.

There was a group of already tipsy female Alphas trying to get attention on the dance floor and did not appreciate the 2 male Omegas showing them up.  They seemed to forget that even though they were women, they were not Omegas.  Omegas had a certain smoothness and sexiness that Alphas just didn't have, male or female.  Out of spite, they purposely began bumping into the two males. This started to piss Jimin off, as Taehyung just ignored them.

Jimin then had a very naughty idea. He quickly grabbed Tae, pulled him close and whispered. "Hey let's show these Alpha bitches how it's done." even though Taehyung was shy and hated attention, he couldn't resist.  All it took was a devilish smirk from Taehyung and Jimin ran to the DJ to request a song.

"'Sick Thoughts-Lewis Blissett ' and turn it up, Old Man!"

Jimin skipped back to where his partner in the future crime was standing.  He giggled, grabbed Tae around his waist and took him to the middle of the dance floor.  As the song started, the two began. Each twist, step and move was in sync. Their hands moving slowly and deliberately over their bodies.  Matching steps.  Rotating hips and grinding.  No female Alpha could come close to the amount of sexiness these 2 Omegas had when they got together to dance. The ladies that had been bothering them eventually had to stop dancing as the guys owned the floor.

Every unmated Alpha had their eyes on the 2 Omegas.  Especially one Alpha in particular.  All he could focus on was the grey-haired beauty's sexy moves as he occasionally ran his hand through his hair to get it out of his face. "Fuck..." was the only thing his mind could form as he watched Taehyung.

After the song ended, Jimin looked at the group of female Alphas that had been bothering them. He gave them the biggest shit eatin' grin he could, turned and whacked himself on the butt, telling them they could all kiss his cute ass.   {Jimin, how can you not love him...like seriously!}

Jimin and Tae stood there giggling and chatting while a new song started, using it to take a break.  Jimin had his arm around Tae's shoulder to kinda keep him from getting in others' way as they were just standing off to the side.  Tae felt the heat of someone behind him but didn't pay it any attention as he thought it was just someone dancing.

"Hey, Taehyung" Jungkook was standing right behind him like before, uncomfortably close.

Tae turned around startled.  "Hey, Jungkook."  He gave Jimin a quick 'WTF'  look.

"Mind if we dance?" Jungkook took a step closer which caused Taehyung to back up a step.

"Uhhh, I don't think your girlfriend would like me dancing with her mate"

"She's not my mate, so what do you say?"

"Uhhhh...Sure." Tae awkwardly glanced at Jimin again.  Jimin smiled at Tae and gave him a wink.

"Have fun you two!"  Jimin happily left the two alone and moved to the side to rest some more.

Tae was wrapped in strong arms as the requested song started.  He placed his hands on Jung's shoulders to keep some space between them.  It was a slow song that Jungkook had talked the DJ into playing -  'SUHO X Jane Jang's - Dinner'

"So you're with the Steel River Pack?"  Jungkook was trying to make small talk to get the guy in his arms to relax a bit.


"Why haven't I seen you here before"

"I'm not much for parties."  Taehyung had a hard time looking the Alpha in the eyes and his shyness was only making him more interested.  Jungkook leaned in a bit more to see if he could pick up the Omega's scent.

"What are you doing?" Tae asked with an irritated look.

"I can't pick up your scent, I thought you were hu-"

"Good cause I don't really want you to!"  Tae coldly cut him off.

{The two are not dancing at this point.  They, well Jungkook, is just standing there holding Taehyung}

Jungkook chuckled.  "Fair enough.  Fair enough.  I noticed you at the coffee shop, how long have you known Jimin?"

"Since we were little, our moms are good friends"

"Cool.  Hey, can I ask you something?"

"You already are..."

Jung shook his head.' God he's so sexy playing hard to get.'   

"Why won't you look at me?" With that Tae gave him a quick glance and looked off again.



"Your eyes, they're beautiful"

"Um, thanks"

"You don't talk much do you?"

"No sorry, can we just dance?"  Irritation present in Taehyung's voice.


Seong notices the interaction between the two and his brother's uneasiness and walks out towards him on the dance floor.  "Hey pup, you good?"

"I'm fine Seong.  Thanks."  Seong smiled and walked back to his chair but not before giving a warning glance to Jungkook.  

Jungkook tried to gently bring Tae closer but felt resistance.  "Hey I was just kidding about the biting thing"

"I know"

"Good!  Then will you please relax? I promise to be good"

Taehyung relaxes slightly as the song is one of his favorites and he really does want to dance to it. He figured Jimin had something to do with the song choice and Jungkook asking him to dance.  Tae began to feel very comfortable with the alpha and allowed himself to relax more with a sigh. He moved his arms up and around Jung's neck, clasping his hands behind his head, but still avoiding eye contact.  Jung smiled and pulled him in a little closer with a soft grip. Taehyung closed his eyes and moved his waist so it was lightly pressing against the alpha's and placed one of his legs between his. Jung smiled at the action and forgot about all the other people on the dance floor.   As the song continued Tae began to sway his hips gently.

Tae looked up into Jungkook's eyes.  "Are you going to dance or just stand there?"

With a smile, the Alpha took one hand and placed it on Tae's lowers back and pulled the smaller male firmly against him, Tae never breaking eye contact.  Jung grabbed one of Tae's hands from behind his neck and led him in a very close and intimate slow dance.  Others on the floor soon took notice of the pair and gave them room.

The warmth of Taehyungs body against his felt wonderful as they both moved smoothly to the music.   Jung bent down and gently nuzzled the crook of Tae's neck with his nose without any resistance from the omega.  For a very brief moment, Jungkook smelled it.   Ever so faint, but it was there. The scent of sandalwood and vanilla.   He inhaled it deeply and when the scent hit his brain he immediately knew. 


'I was surprised he agreed to dance with me.  I am going to enjoy every minute of this. Good thing Jimin texted earlier, I made sure to ask what his favorite song was. 

I figured I would try to make some small talk to get him to relax since he tensed up as soon as I touched him.  His shyness is so damn cute and those eyes! The most beautiful steel grey eyes I've ever seen.  I need to have a better look into those beautiful orbs.  I also want to know if I'm right about the feeling I had earlier today.  

Ha!  Deeya should be worried, especially if what I think is true.  I don't care if he is a guy.   There are plenty of same-sex mates within the pack so it wouldn't be unusual.  He's beautiful and I can tell he has a kind heart.'

Jun shook his head to get out of his thoughts once again. 

Why won't you look at me?"  With that Taehyung gave him a glance and looked off again.

Beautiful. Now if he would just relax, geez. Just then Jungkook sensed another alpha getting near and wanted to hug the smaller male closer but was afraid he would scare him.

"Hey pup, you good?"
"I'm fine Seong, thanks"

The warning glance he got didn't phase him at all.  He was used to getting those looks.

'Finally, he seems to be relaxing as the song plays, good.  Now if he wasn't standing a foot from me and I could probably try to see if I can pick up his scent. Strange I should be smelling him by now, unless.  Hmm, I think he might be masking his scent but I should still be able to smell something.'

Jungkook's mind suddenly stops when he notices the smaller male gently move closer, bringing their lower bodies together. He's caught off guard by the Omegas forwardness but smiles and brings him in a little more but not too much to freak him out. Suddenly Taehyung looks directly at Jungkook and he melts as the beautiful grey eyes have him trapped. His wolf is struggling and so is he not to pick the delicate omega up and carry him off the floor.

He pulls Taehyung in as close as possible and can't help but nuzzle into his smooth neck, slowly, staying aware of the slightest bit of tension from the male in his arms.  Not getting any resistance, he breathes deeply trying to pick up the slightest scent and he does.  As it hits his brain, all questions he had are gone as his wolf growls out a single word.



Jungkook tightened his hold into almost a hug and intertwined his fingers with the hand that was in his and began to move his hips in rhythm with the delicate Omegas,  grinding their lower halves together with a low growl. Taehyung turned around in Jung's arms so his back was against his chest.  Keeping one of his hands behind Jung's head, he slowly moved and pushed his ass against the growing bulge in the Alpha's pants to the beat of the song.  Jungkook continued to softly nuzzle the Omega, running his nose gently up and down Tae's neck.  Tae reached back to grab his hair, forcing him to nuzzle his neck even more.  Jungkook's breathing quickened.  His lips had now replaced his nose on Taehyungs's neck.  His hot breath sending a small shiver through Tae's body.  Jungkook took both of his hands and grabbed Tae's hips, pushing into him even harder which caused Tae to gasp slightly,  all the while keeping his eyes closed and being lost in the dance.

The entire dance floor fell silent and just stared at the pair in an intimate and heated dance that they didn't think they should be allowed to see but it was cut short by a very jealous and angry female Alpha name Deeya.

Taehyung was unexpectedly pulled forcibly by his wrist and snapped out of his haze by a sharp, stinging pain across his cheek as Deeya slapped him.  Without hesitation or thought his eyes flashed open as he backhanded the person responsible for ending his tender moment.

It all happened so fast no one, not even Jungkook had time to react.

Taehyung didn't say anything.   He just glared as the person in front of him fell backward onto the floor in shock.  He was so angry that he didn't even notice the burning pain in his wrist from where Deeya had grabbed him. 

Tae finally spoke or more like growled at the female on the floor.  "Don't you ever put your hands on me" as he moved to stand over her, both hands clenched into tight fists.

"Oh my God Tae!!" yelled Jimin as he rushed onto the dance floor, snapping everyone out of the silence.  "What the hell do you think you're doing Deeya?" Jungkook yelled and yanked the female off the floor by her arm.  Not only was he pissed that dance had come to an end, but he was pissed that she struck his mate. 

"Y y you fucking h-hit me...You hit me!!" Deeya screamed in shock which brought Taehyung out of whatever state he was in.  Jungkook pulled her further away from Tae and glared at her.

"..." Tae couldn't speak.   Any words he had were trapped in his throat.  Jungkook was trying hard to keep from ripping Deeya's arm off for what she had done.

Buy the time Jimin was near Tae, Seong had already made it to him.  "Tae?"

Taehyung turned around, his face had gone pale when he realized what he had done and that everyone was staring at him.  Kai, who had heard Jimin yell, was forcing his way towards Seong. But by the time he could see Taehyungs frightened look, it was too late.

Shit had already hit the fan as loud growls and yelling was heard from outside the pavilion.

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