8 - ER [Waiting Room]

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**  The ER portion is broken up into 4 separate chapters with each chapter taking place in a different area of the emergency room/hospital.  **

The ER chapters may or may not trigger some as it will go further into the cause of Taehyung's trauma/PTSD.

Instead of using Werewolf, I prefer to call them Wolfen (yeah, like the movie)
I'm also getting lazy with typing out Jungkook's name so sometimes he's referred to as 'Jung'

(i don't own any of the images)

Jungkook immediately rushes to his mate. "Tae, Taehyung!  We need to get him to the hospital." as Jung goes to pick Tae up, Kai is there "I got him."  "NO!" Jungkook snaps at the larger Alpha next to him.  "I'll take him.  Jimin wheres your car?" Kai doesn't know what to think.  "You guys need to get your parents and meet us there.  Jimin snap out of it and let's go!"  

Jungkook was operating from the sole need to protect and care for his mate, but none of them knew that.

Seong speaks up as he sees Kai's eyes start to go red. "We'll follow on our bikes, let's go" Seong hits Kai on the arm to snap him out of going full-on Alpha against Jungkook. "Kai, he'll be fine.  Plus, you won't fit in Jimin's car.  Let's go" Seong softens his voice to help calm his brother.   "Let's go Kai!" Namjoon walked up and placed a firm hand on Kai's shoulder. Kai reluctantly let Jungkook take his little bro but not before growling a warning at him.  "You take care of him or I'll fucking kill you."   Jungkook looks back unphased "I said I got him!!" With that, he quickly walks to Jimin's car with Taehyung safely in his arms bridal style.

Alpha Jeon stops him mid-way.  Concerned with what he sees. "Speak" Jungkooks dad commands. "He's been hurt, I'm taking him to the hospital, his brothers are going to follow."  The Moon Ridge Alpha looks at the small male laying in his son's arm with a bit of suspension.  "Go.  Things here are under control."  With that Jungkook nods to his dad and makes he was to the car.

{Ok, I couldn't resist.  Here is the perfect picture of what the Kai character looks like. Enjoy.]

On the way to the ER, Jimin tries hard to concentrate on traffic even though he's a nervous wreck. "What the fuck Tae!!" Jimin screams while looking in the rearview mirror at his passed out friend.

"What the hell happened Jimin?  You two were supposed to your asses to the packhouse!"

"He...holy fuck!"  Did I mention Jimin was a nervous wreck?  Jungkook's yelling was not helping him one bit.

"Dammit, Jimin talk!"  Jung was close to using his Alpha voice but didn't since Jimin was driving.   Jimin had to force himself to take a couple of deep breaths. "We were running out of the pavilion towards the packhouse, we stopped to catch our breath and this rogue showed up out of nowhere.  Tae grabbed me, pulled me behind him...holy fuck!  He attacked a fucking alpha Jungkook!!. Taehyung attacked an Alpha!!"

"No, that's not possible Jimin, you and I both know Omegas can't attack."

"Bullshit!!  I know what I saw and what I saw was my cute, precious Omega Tae attack an Alpha" Jimin was on the verge of tears but had to keep it together to not crash his car.

Just then Tae began to moan in Jungkook's arms from all the yelling the two were doing. "Hey, It's okay.  It's okay. I've got you baby,  just relax" with that Tae became still again.  The two remained quiet, Jung stroking his mates hair to keep him calm.   Jimin who was supposed to be focused on driving, couldn't help but glance back at the two and notice how much Jung seemed to care for his dear friend.  Almost a little too much.

The hospital they were headed to is a specialty hospital that treated Wolfen.  After about 20 minutes,  "We're here!"  Jimin stopped at the ER entrance to let Jung out as an emergency staff ran to the car to help.  Jimin sped off to park and ran into the ER.  As soon as he found them they were taking Tae back. The nurse started to ask questions.  Other than telling her about his wrist and that he fainted, the only answer they could give her was 'I don't know'.  

"He needs his family here!  What do you know?"  The nurse barked as she was needing answers to care for the patient.   Jimin shakingly answered, "He's on suppressants."

"What?" Jung yelled.

Jimin continued to tell the nurse.  "He.. he takes heat/scent suppressant and something for side effects."  The nurse was relieved to finally be getting information that she desperately needed.  "Do you know what kind?"

"What do you mean suppressant Jimin?" Jungkook was angered for some unknown reason.

"Will you shut up Kookie you're making me nervous! I just said what they were for!"  Jungkook had to back off for Tae's sake and Jimin's sanity. "I.. I have a picture of it on my phone, Tae wanted me to have it in case something happened to him."  Jimin showed the nurse photos of the medicine bottles. "Where did he get this!!"  The nurse sounded shocked. "Is something wrong?" Jungkook asked, his worry was starting to increase. "This drug is banned for our kind! I need to tell the Dr."  The nurse ran back into the ER rooms with Jimin's phone and returned after about 5 minutes.  "You need to get his family here now!"  And with that, she went back to where Taehyung had been taken.

"Jimin call his parents now" Jungkook barked.  "Ok! Ok! Stop yelling at me, I'm worried about him too asshole."  Jungkook finally realized he'd been yelling at Jimin since all of this had started.  "I'm sorry".  Jimin gave him a smile "Accepted, I can already tell how much you care about him."  Shit, Jung wondered if Jimin had figured it out but dared not ask him.  Not now.

While they waited for Tae's parents to answer, his brothers rushed in. "Where's Tae?" Kai's voice echoed throughout the waiting area. "They took him back already but there's a problem," Jungkook told them. "What fucking problem?" growled Kai as he approached Jungkook.   Seong and Namjoon quickly got between the two. "For fuck's sake Kai, enough!!" yelled Seong. "What problem Jungkook?" Namjoon asked trying to keep Kai from ending Jungkook's existence.  "The nurse said one of Tae's meds is banned for our kind, she seemed pretty freaked out about it."

"His parents are on the way" squeaked Jimin.

The nurse came back out seeing more people with the other two. "Are you Taehyung's family?" the nurse hurriedly asked. "Yeah, we're his brothers, What going on with him?" Namjoon questioned worriedly.  "The doctors are running blood tests on him now to try to find out how much of the banned substance is in his system. Do you have any idea where he could have gotten it from?"  "No." Seong spoke up this time. "Our parents will be here shortly, our mom should know".   "When they get here, let the desk nurse know immediately" before the nurse took off again Namjoon asked, "Is he going to be ok?"  

"The doctors are with him now, we'll let you know soon."

Kai had to step out for some fresh air and his brothers just let him go, they figured it was better that he was outside and not near Jungkook.  Seong approached Jung after Kai was gone.  "Hey, thanks Jungkook for what you did back there for Tae". Namjoon walked up to him also.  "Yeah thanks, man.  Don't pay Kai any attention, he's just very protective and worried about Taehyung. Don't take it personally".   Jung gave them a smile and nod then turned to Jimin. "Tell them what you told me Jimin."   "Wh what??" Jimin was starting to freak out again.

"Tell them!"  Jimin nervously walked closer to the Alphas.  "Tae attacked the rogue Alpha.  We stopped to catch our breath once we ran out of the pavilion when the rogue showed up. Tae placed himself between me and the Alpha and growled at him to fuck off,  but he just laughed. He grabbed Tae by his wrist and that's when he attacked him." Jimin was on the verge of pissing his pants as the alphas glared at him. "It's true, I swear! Taehyung really did attack him!"

"Holy shit." Namjoon couldn't believe it. "What color were the rogue's eyes?"

"Th they were red".   Jimin moved behind Jungkook to get out of the brothers' sight.

"Unbelievable..." Namjoon turned to Seong.   "Have you ever heard of an Omega attacking an Alpha like that?" Namjoon asked Seong because he was a professor of Wolfen studies at the University.

"No, never, but somethings not right with any of this."  Seong was too worried about Taehyung to try to figure it out. 

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