Prologue: Rise of Ultraman Z

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(Huntsmen and Miraculous. Despite being rivals, they share some aspects in common, and one of these is to protect innocent people. There are several threats, from common criminals to Grimms and Akumas. But there will be a new hero, someone who will save the world from unknown threats.)

(At the courtyard of a house, a young man is seen doing some training as he was kicking at a training dummy many times before doing a punch that was capable of knocking the dummy away. His name is Harry Norton.)

Harry: Phew, what a day!

(Harry then fixes the Training Dummy before going back to his house. The house stays in Paris, because he and his parents moved from their hometown as they were retired huntsmen and wanted to have a peaceful life along their son. Harry does well in school, but also has a strong sense of justice instilled in him as he was trained from a young age in combat and Grimm hunting.)

(He is seen walking inside the house as he closes the door, and then he cooks his dinner.)

(He eats it before watching a movie, and as the movie ends, he goes to sleep.)

(Next day, Harry is through a park until he found someone laying in the floor.)

Harry: What the hell?

(Harry then approaches the individual, and notices that said individual is already dead.)

Harry: Who killed him?

(Suddenly he dodges an attack as he sees three Grimms.)

(His eyes widen as he sees the three Grimms at the same time.)

Harry: Oh my God!

(They charge at him as he then pulls out two Katanas he kept on his bag.)

Harry: Good thing I never leave home without them!

(He fights the three Grimms at the same time, but then a light comes towards him and envelopes him.)

????: Borrow me your body quickly.

Harry: Wait, what?

(Suddenly Harry becomes a human-sized Ultra Warrior.)

(As the Nevermore flies at him, he grabs and slams it down. The Death Stalker tries to stab him with his stinger as he jumps and kicks it back. He then punches a Boarbatusk as he shoots a beam which vaporizes the Grimm. Harry then is reverted to normal.)

Harry: Dude... I just had the biggest dream ever... I became someone who destroyed those Grimm, it looked so real...

????: And it was!

Harry: Huh? Who said that?

????: See something in your hand?

(Harry sees something on his hand, and much to his shock, it wasn't one of his katanas, but a Z-Riser.)

(He gets confused until he hears the voice again.)

????: Click this button, and you'll find out.

(Harry doesn't understand, but does so nevertheless as he suddenly ends up in a somewhat digital dimension as he meets the very one he just "transformed".)

Harry: You?

????: My name is Ultraman Z. I'm an intergalactic hero from a distant planet. You must be Harry Norton, right?

Harry: Yeah, but how do you know my name?

Z: Most of us Ultras choose those who either are brave or have strong senses of justice.

Harry: Okay...? Anything else?

Z: A powerful threat is coming to destroy this world. One much stronger than Hawkmoth and Salem together.

Harry: Who might this threat be?

Z: My mentor didn't give me much detail, but... I believe you are worthy of my power, and you can help me to stop this threat before it's too late.

(Harry thinks for a moment, and realizes he's bound to be a hero someday, not a huntsman, not a miraculous, but someone who can save the world.)

Harry: In order to make a world where no one will be preyed upon... I accept. No matter what is thrown at me, I won't bow down, I'll keep on going.

Z: Very well.

(That's how Harry is about to become someone who's name must be chanted.)

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