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Aminat told me that she wanted to educate the girl child especially, she wonders if the girl child is different from the creation of God.

I told her, God created us perfectly, but men created Education, religion, culture, philosophy, knowledge and even Technology, possibly, the diseases we contract. It doesn't mean that God made a mistake creating men, and it doesn't also mean that Men made mistakes creating all these tech and cultures.

It is just that, people have decided to be wiser than God, so I encouraged her that if she wants to do anything, she should put God as the first and the last. If she had doubts about life, she should pray to God. I told her not to fight for God or religion, but she should fight for her relationship with God. I added that God knows all and all that will later happen. If she wanted to live long in life, then she should have a personal relationship with God and not just a clergyman.

I found joy, telling her about God, even though I knew I had never been faithful before. I always blamed God for all that happened in my life, I blamed God for the car accident I had, I blamed God for the kind of school I attended, I blamed God for where I was born in Nigeria. In all, I learnt that all these was just a trial and would pass away. We just need to live our life, everyday as it comes.

Aminat was having some serious complications, the night after we had our discussion on who a teacher should be. Immediately, I beckoned unto a Nurse, Aminat was having difficulties in breathing but she wasn't coughing. As she told me, her heart was beating fast but air couldn't go through her lungs. She couldn't explain the condition, all I could remember was that she was using her mouth to breath heavily. Immediately, she was rushed to the ICU, Intensive care unit.

I feared that most people who went to the Intensive care unit couldn't survive it especially when they last for four or five days in there. She looked dead to me, but I prayed with all my heart that she survived and fulfill her dreams. I didn't get a news from her about four days and on the fifth day, she came back to the recovering unit to tell me that she would be discharged soon.

I praised God that she didn't only survive but she tested negative the first time, after the second test and she remained negative, she would be discharged to her family. I was so glad to this news.

I cried inside me, to see a little girl this happy. So people survive this deadly Corona disease, I thought. Yes! By God's grace. I also wished I survive it too.

Aminat was discharged and I remained there for few days again, later in the afternoon, I got a call, guess who? It was Aminat. She told me she borrowed her mother's phone to call me. She said she has sent letters to me, I told her that I would receive them.

Later that day, I was coughing again and I fainted, in the morning, I found myself in the ICU again, the second time. I said, maybe this is where I would die and forget all my sorrows. Death then, was the best gift but as I remembered how my family died, I wished more to meet them but then, my dad wanted more from me always so I resolved to asking for life.

Here in the ICU, I discovered how life is so precious than wealth. My father's favourite bible quote, "What shall a man gain, if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?".

The thoughts of Aminat, came to me. I reminded God of my two wishes and discovered that one was almost done and the other I prayed in my heart for it.

Again, the struggle for life began, for 15 minutes in the ICU, I was seriously crying and shocked on the chest. My nose bleeds blood and my heart discouragement. This ventilator looked at me, the thought of Heaven came calling. "We mustn't lose him Doctor!" The shout again from a Nurse.

"Mr. Steven, pls stay alive!" The doctor pleaded, I thought I could give him a reply but as I looked at the Ventilator that was in 80, showing red. It went to 10 and went backward to 1. Suddenly, the zigzag line went off. This time around it was a straight line. I couldn't see or hear anything again but echoes. I tried hard to respond. Death was a bad thing again, I wished I survived this train. The health workers kept on pressing my chest to bring out life in me. It all proved abortive, as I breathed away.

It is sad, how the unseen Corona took away all I had. But I wanted the unseen God to take away doubts from me. I believed that the unseen God was and is greater than anything. I cried Jesus in my heart. The next minutes, after about 49minutes spent in bringing me back to life. I breathed a loud breath from my nostrils. Nobody saw me. They already pronounced me dead.

Suddenly, the straight lines in the ventilator goes zigzag again, "He's alive!!!" The doctor shouted as the machine beeped louder and faster. "Give him the oxygen!"

It was a miracle, how I survived, I never knew but I never wished for that experience again to myself or to my friends.

I was transfered to the recovering center again, I was happy and I wished that Aminat was there to see me. They already told her I was dead. When she sent a letter to me. The doctor placed it on my bed. I was scared of what state she could be in. The letter says,

"Papa! Thank you, for making me see life, even though I was dead-alive. I wish you recovery, I wish you life to see me doing well because you have been the encouragement I needed. With all you've said, I promised God, never to offend him or to disregard him. I promise God that I will make you proud. I now understand that Life with God is better than Life outside God. Please when you recover, come and look for me. I have found my children and I also joined a school, this one is a surprise! Papa!"

Tears rolled out of my eyes, in just few days, Aminat already could construct simple English. I wondered how she could write these words. I smiled as she called me Papa.

Days later, I was declared negative, I found out that God showed himself to me by answering my two prayers when I repented. First was that I become a motivation to someone even though I never had one. Second was that I survive Corona virus to start a new life.

God answered my two prayers. I remembered my experience in the ICU. I was not something to wish for.

I resolved to looking for Aminat in her village. I found her. She was doing well! Glory be to God.

So it is pays to serve God. Corona virus really exposed me and corrected me.

That was my experience, at the ICU and outside the ICU. Thank God I am alive, I would make a new life, chasing heaven and it's good will. I'll rather live long motivating others than blame the government for the ills of our country. Soon, I'll be returning to Britain as I have never loved to live in Nigeria. Living in Nigeria gives me a nostalgia of how my Parent died as a result of lack of equipments in Nigeria hospital.

I'd live a personal life by learning new lifestyles, new languages and helping people I can help. Aminat taught me a lot. All that happened to me taught me a lot too.

A yi, a gamma, ta fi takamma, gobe a koma.

To do, to finish, is better than don't care, come back tomorrow.

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