Chapter 5

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The new week began with Chris and Wade returning to work. Wade had a proud smile on his face, now that he was a father while Chris still remained single and without a child, although Morgan can be a little childish sometimes. What kept them on their toes though was the fact that their boss would be back today and they really hoped he would be in a good mood. After last week's back and forth and Chris handling most of the work on his own, the two guys were delightedto know there weren't too many clientscoming through this time. Unlocking the door, they walked in and got everything ready.

Wade:" Still can't believe you did it with Brittney."

Chris:" So much for being the friendly neighbourhood dork."

Wade:" You really need to chill out and keep yourself out of trouble like that. Sooner or later, this will break you, man."

Chris:" I know, I know. No need to preach to me about it."

Wade:" Anyone you got an eye on though?"

Chris:" Maybe a little."

Wade:" That's my man. Who is it?"

Chris:" It's complicated, Wade. Do you think it's gonna work?"

Wade:" Hey, you got this, Chris. Just remember who you are and why people love you."

'Love', the only word now running circles in Chris' head as he opened up the employee book and put his signature in for the day. This was done to keep track of who was present and who missed some time due to sickness, injuries, vacation or other important things. Truth be told though, Chris had a terrible night after Felicia visited him and they talked about the supposed truth. It really was a hard pill to swallow and Chris felt bad about hurting her in the previous fight. Maybe there was a way to make it up to her when the city of New York wasn't in trouble. A few minutes later, Wade already started work on the first client.

He easily found his groove again and even kept a light conversation going while Chris took any incoming calls and answered E-Mails as best as he could. The business itself was going quite well and the two young men enjoyed their good reputation quite well. Even so well that they didn't notice their boss walking in just a short while later.

(Harrison Ford)

That was Luther Carmile. He opened Venom Ink thirty years ago in that very building. He just returned from vacation, but now it was back to work as usual as the older man walked up to the counter after Chris just finished another call.

Luther:" I see you two are keeping things running here. That's good."

Chris:" We're doing what we can, Luther."

Luther:" I see that. How's the schedule looking for the week?"

Chris:" Busy as usual, but nothing we can't handle. I've put your mail on your desk."

Luther:" Thank you. You look a little shook up though. Is everything alright?"

Chris:" I...had a bit of a rough night, so a lot is going on in my head."

Wade:" He's been couped up since we got here. Don't worry about him though."

Luther:" Well, alright. I will be in my office, if you need me. Take good care of everyone, okay?"

Chris/Wade:" Yes Sir!"

With that, Luther went to the back of the parlor and into his office. He put a lot of trust into his employees and the equipment and Chris and Wade proved time and time again that they knew what to do. This was the calm side to Luther. His enraged side was a completely different story. Hopefully nobody would have to witness it.

Ten minutes after their lunch break, Chris and Wade heard reports about the City National Bank being robbed. Apparently the local police forces had trouble containing the criminal that was behind this attack. Some officers were wounded, the building was damaged and there was something even more dangerous bound to go down, if nobody stepped in. So Chris looked at Wade and put a hand on his shoulder.

Chris:" You know that I gotta check this out and make sure everything will be okay, right?"

Wade:" You gotta do what you gotta do, man. I'll tell Luther that something came up and will take over for you."

Chris:" You owe me that anyways."

Wade:" Haha yeah. Now go before something even worse happens."

Nodding, Chris put up his hood and started running towards the general direction of the bank. He didn't ditch work like this very often, but duty called at one of the least expected moments. Wade was one of the very few people who knew about Chris' second life so to speak and covered for him on a few occasions already, so this wouldn't be an issue. Being a few blocks away and out of sight from other people now, Chris activated his special powers.

Most of his body was covered in this dark red substance as it was his way of transportation by flying through the air. You gotta know, Chris was involved in a project called 'Archon', which sawseveral test subjects getting injected with the virus that would lead to these powers. Many failed at controlling it or even died in the process, deeming the whole thing a major setback, except for one...that was Chris. According to his file, he was supposed to be a walking weapon, but he refused and killed every scientist and guard within reach. Since then, the tall texan has kept this hidden from just about everyone, unless he was fighting criminals like he was about to now.

Arriving near the bank, he stopped the crimson cloud on a roof to oversee what was going down. Several police cars, a few EMTs, bullet holes in the building and fire, so something probably exploded. Chris manifested himself again as he dropped down and approached the bank slowly.

Officer:" Hey, what are you doing? This is off limits for civilians."

Chris:" I'm here to help."

Officer:" We'd love to get some help, but you're not trained for this."

Chris:" Neither are you and I don't see any of you doing anything else to stop this madness."

Officer:" We have several hurt people here a- Argh!"

Instead of letting the officer talk, Chris grabbed him with one of his claws and threw him against a nearby car. The people around them looked either shocked or confused at what happened since the moniker of 'Abyss' didn't have the best reputation among the citizens. Chris understood it very well, due to the recklessness during fights and sometimes endangering innocent people, but he didn't mean to make a mess. Then just out of nowhere, Black Cat appeared and stood on a car.

Black Cat:" Fancy seeing you here."

Abyss:" I could say the same to you. Isn't it too early for you to be out?"

Black Cat:" Not when something bad is happening."

Abyss:" Right. I don't know what exactly went down, but the suspect is still here."

Black Cat:" And it looks like he noticed us."

Turning their attention back to the bank, Black Cat was right. The one behind the attack did notice them as he turned fully towards the two.

It was Vulture, Adrian Toomes. the owner of the Bestman Salvage, based inside New York City, who chose to become a criminal after he lost his entire livelihood once Damage Control, a joint venture between the federal government and Tony Stark, was created. Apparently he was looking for a new way to get revenge and start a new business and that path led down to crimes like this. He was dangerous as previous reports and online articles stated.

Vulture:" It seems like we have a new generation of saviors among us. I was stopped once before, but this won't be that lucky."

Abyss:" I think he's a little off the rocks, isn't he?"

Black Cat:" You have no idea. Hey birdbrain, you've made a huge mistake, y'know?"

Vulture:" I will get my revenge on New York and it's people and I don't care if I have to take you or your friend out."

Abyss:" You've got a lot of nerves. Now I gotta kick your ass!"

The action didn't wait as Chris was the first one to face off against Vulture. They crossed paths once before, but it didn't get physical on that occasion. And from the looks of things, that only worsened things now as they traided punches with each other while Felicia evacuated the people inside, getting them out of the fire and the debris. When people thought of Black Cat, they always remembered the master thief for the most part, but she had a bit of a change of heart. Not that she stopped stealing completely though, but she did help people out every now and then like right now when she swept in to also fight off Vulture.

Abyss:" You might think you're doing what's best for you and your family, but that's complete bullshit."

Vulture:" Tony Stark and Bestman Salvage must pay! I will make them see what happens when you mess with Adrian Toomes!"

Black Cat:" Nothing will happen. You're just looking for attention."

Vulture:" Who do you even think you are?"

Abyss:" We're the ones who will take you down once and for all!"

Vulture just laughed at that and kicked Chris off before grabbing Felicia and using his jetpack to fly up high into the air where nobody could reach them. He had Felicia by the throat right there with her struggling to break the grip, but then she realized if she did that, she would fall.

Vulture:" I fear you don't understand what's going on. I was ruined and because of people like you, me and my family have to suffer! We lost just about everything because of your kind!"

Abyss:" You chose this path and let it get to your head, dumbass! If you had a normal job like any sane person, you wouldn't be this way!"

Vulture:" You're too naive, Abyss. You don't understand what it's like to have a personal vendetta against someone."

Abyss:" I have one against you right now!"

Smirking underneath his mask, Vulture did the unthinkable and just dropped Felicia from the height they were currently at before he flew away.

Chris moved in immediatly and jumped from cars to walls and to a height where he could comfortably catch Felicia and brought her to a nearby rooftop. The damage to the bank was done, money had been taken and some of the employees were hurt. This surely didn't go the way the two intended to.

Black Cat:" That pesky iron bird is gonna get it next time."

Abyss:" Yeah, he's got two new enemies to worry about."

Black Cat:" I could imagine working with you again."

Abyss:" Are you sure?"

Black Cat:" As sure as I can be."

She had a smirk on her face and booped Chris' nose before sprinting across the rooftops to get away from the scene. Despite all this craziness going on and almost falling to her demise, Felicia still found a moment to tease Chris and be cute. This was an unexpected turn of events in general as Chris retracted his claws and climbed down a ladder, avoiding the eyes of the spectators that gathered around the bank.

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