Ze rules (must read if you plan on requesting)

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I shall now give to you the rules concerning requests! (Took me awhile to think of these so you guys better read it *^*)

Rule 1:
Requests aren't always open. I'll be sure to tell you guys at the end of every chapter if requests are open or not. If you request on days when requests are closed, it is invalid and thus, shall not be done. I'll also mention how many requests i'll be accepting on that specific day cuz if it becomes too much, i wont be able to handle it all.

Rule 2:
Be very specific. PLEASE. Be sure to mention the hair color, hair style, eye color, clothes and color of the clothes also, if possible please mention the POSE you want them to be drawn in. If its an OC or something, you can also tell me a little about them so that i wont draw them out of character. if you find that too troublesome, you guys can just show me a reference picture (that would be much much better for both you and me). But if its an anime character or something then that's a different story (i can always search the net) :3

Also, please mention if you guys want it digital or traditional.

Rule 3:
If you already requested once (and i did it) you have to wait a while before you request again. We need to give others a chance too :3

Rule 4:
You have to pay. Not with money tho so don't worry XD
The payment depends on whether the request is digital or traditional.
For traditional you have to do at least one of these:
-follow me FOREVER.
-vote AND comment on at least 5 or more chapters of this book

For digital:
-follow me FOREVER.
-vote AND comment on at least 10 or more chapters of this book
-art trade
-uhm..... Share me book to your friends??? Idek XD

That's pretty much all i could think of XD (if you guys have any other ideas for payment, i'm all ears.)
If you guys already did those, then just request away!
(got this idea from SagiCorn_Artists art book. hope its alright with you guys)

And lastly,

Rule 5:
Don't forget to credit me if you ever post this on some other website or when you use it or whatever. Thank you.

Oh yeah and one last thing!!!
As much as possible, PM me your requests. Because sometimes when i wanna double check on a request, i forget which chapter it was commented on XD so to prevent that from happening, you guys should just PM it to me (tho its alright if you guys just put it in the comments, i don't mind much)

Thats all!! Hope i didn't make this too long XD

Thank you to all the people who read this btw!!

Bye bye

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