10. Secret Lover

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"This love is a maze,
Once you get in, there's no escape to it's door."



Mrs. and Mr. Jeon always talked to me very cheerfully thinking that their daughter in law is one in a million. They don't have to worry about their son anymore. But I what I'm curious about is why me ? Why me out of all those girls were chosen to be his wife? Why did she pay for my every little thing?! I'll find the answers, all of them, this time. As for my brother he was extremely busy in the States and was not in a mood to come early.


After dropping Jisoo I had a word with Jungkook's manager , as now it is time for me to shift at his place. I called manager, I think he'll help me a little.

"Hello Mr. Manager. I'm Y/N. I'm really sorry to disturb you. Can you please let me know the address of Sir's place? " I asked politely.

"Hello Y/N! I'll pick you up from your place. I know your house address." He answered in a warm tone.

"I know you are really busy , it's fine I'll manage- "

"It's ok dear. I know you are already in so much pain right now. I may not be able to understand it but I can see you are trying to suppress your cries a lot. Right? " He said stating facts.

"N-no . I mean..I- "

"You don't need to explain yourself. I'm coming to pick you up in an hour. " He cut my words and left no room for me to explain anymore.

He really caught that I was crying by my voice? I guess manager is the only warm and sweet person here. I smiled listening to him.


"You can sleep for sometime. It'll help you to calm down a bit. I'll wake you up when we reach." He said looking at my red, swollen eyes from all the crying. We were in the car so he insisted to me to rest for sometime, to which I cannot disagree as I really am tired from all this mess, specially work.

"Is his house far away?" I asked to raise a conversation. It's real brooding to be all silent and it'll be a bit rude to sleep when this person specially took out time from his busy schedule to pick me up, so yeah, I should at the very least talk to him, he's a nice person.

"Yes. Actually you are going to live in Itaewon." He said unbothered focused on driving.

"What? Itaewon?" I asked in a fake surprised tone. Well I already knew that I am going to live there but let's play along!

"Yes. That is the most secure place as it is rare for commoners to reach there. That area is specially made for VVIPs and maintaining their privacy is the top most priority of the security at that place." He spoke giving me the details to which i made an 'O' face.

"My brother also has an apartment near that place." I announced a bit proudly.

"Of course! Your brother is the star news anchor of South Korea . So definitely he'll be living in a great place too." He spoke, a tint of excitement audible in his voice.

"But won't it be too hectic for him to come here and there?" I enquired to decrease awkwardness in the environment.

"Seems like you are concerned about him a lot. It feels good that you are understanding." He gave a quick glance at me, a cheeky smile appeared on his face.

"It won't be hectic for him as he mostly stays at his Itaewon bungalow to avoid fans and media."


We reached at his place after one and a half hour long ride. Honestly, the peace and silence in the long drive really made me calm after all the ruckus. I was standing in the garden area and all the guards recognized me instantly and bowed at me just as they saw me. I was surprised at this sudden treatment of great respect.

"Welcome! Mrs. Jeon!" They said in unison making me surprised.

As said by manager, the guards here are very professional and even though they knew I am the wife of a superstar, their main focus was on keeping my identity as anonymous as possible. They all spread in different directions as soon as they bowed at me.

I smiled a little at them and then entered his house- no a big bungalow! There's room for every thing in his house. A dance room, a practice room for singing and even a room for watching TV and playing games. Oh! How can I forget? Jungkook is floating in a chest treasured with millions of Won- but this wealth has nothing to do with me.

Because I'm here only on temporary basis, once my purpose gets over, I'm in no mood to disturb Jungkook's peaceful Love-Life with Sua. My only aim is to save him from the scandals. I'll be a secret admirer, sorry 'Secret Lover' in his life.



I was cooking the dinner. I know he wouldn't eat but still I need to fulfill the obligations of a wife. He was busy showering and his phone was on the table popped up with messages . I saw those. Naturally I have less time so me and a person I hired are following Jungkook's every move, who he meets and every little things he does. Yeah, like a total stalker. I don't regret doing that, it is necessary.

The message was sent by Sua . She was asking him to attend a private party for the success of her new album. Their chats, they're so professional. I mean no I love you, I miss you things. They just exchanged information of their whereabouts and upcoming projects. Looks like this is a new trend between lovers, maybe they like to talk in person.

I was busy hurdling with my nonsense imagination of what these two would be chatting about , that I forgot to notice that the owner of phone will definitely spit fire on me if he knows that I'm seeing his personal chats and the worst happened. It appears as if the heavens have a great problem if at least one of my work gets completed peacefully.

Suddenly he popped up in front of me. The tiny droplets of water flowing off his flawless face and thick black hair, making him look even more intimidating.

"What the fuck are you trying to do?! Can't you give me some privacy?" He yelled at me with extreme rage and icy coldness in his eyes.

I was beyond shocked. As a reflex the phone was about to fall from my hands but Jungkook was fast enough to catch it before falling.

"Are you dumb? Or you like to pretend to be one just to grab attention? Didn't you got manners to not see anyone's phone? And what if my phone fell and cracked? I'm pretty sure my phone costs more than your whole salary for a year." He glared and spoke in a dark low tone voice, capable of giving chills.

"I'm sorry but your phone was ringing constantly. I-I didn't see anything. Please eat." I said to change the topic as fast as possible. Again this dragon is blowing out fire-waves of stabbing words on me.

"I already ate. I can't tolerate the food cooked by a potato like you." He said sternly, rolling his eyes in annoyance and marched towards his room looking at the messages of Sua, smiling ear to ear.

This smile drives me crazy.

I knew he'll not eat , but still I cooked. I'm the kind of person who normally won't give a damn about people who are jerks. I just ignore them forever or given them a taste of their own medicine. But this guy isn't a jerk to me, he's rather an idiot- my idiot. I think now I can relate that love is like a maze, once you get in, there's no exit to it's door.

I smiled at my own thoughts and started eating the food alone in pin-drop silence. I can't waste food, so every time I cooked I ate the remaining in the morning. Middleclass mindset you know. The silent environment was disturbed by the sudden ringing of my mobile phone.

I got a call from the detective.

Till next update , shower yourself with the fierce looks of Mr. Jeon.

Innocent me- Cover yourself boy!

Satan me- the V neck should have been even more deep.🤭

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