12. Mission: Feed Jungkook

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"The chaos are the essence of our love story."



Y/N was waiting for his reply when she asked about what he will eat. As usual there was a moment, frankly, minutes of silence and it doesn't even frustrate her anymore. Maybe, she was used to his silent behaviour.

What else can one expect in a relationship made with contracts everywhere?

She had mixed feelings right now- hate, anguish, pity and happiness.

Hate towards Sua as she's the one hurting Jungkook- the girl he cherishes the most.

Anguish towards Jungkook for trusting her and blindly loving a person who didn't reciprocate the same feels as him. Rather that girl is backstabbing him.

Pity, as she knows he will get extremely traumatized after the truth gets revealed. If it was possible to hide the truth she must have gone through any lengths to never get it revealed. But she can not , for his sake. It's rightly said that - ' Truth always wins' and this case is no exception.

And happiness. Yes she was joyful because now she can severely punish the person who tried to hurt your love.

After an eternity of awkward silence , she asked him again the same question.


"Sir, what you want to eat ?" I sighed and asked him in a calm tone.

"I don't want to eat anything. I'm going to work. Don't disturb me . Your voice is really irritating!" He shouted unnecessarily again, as expected from this idiot. It doesn't hurt anymore. Why? Because I fell that hard for you! I do feel a little angry. Childish right? I can't help it. This is unlike me.

"I know I'm really irritating and you don't wanna see my face. But now your health is more important and I would appreciate if you eat something. Not for me but for yourself." I spoke in attempt to make him eat something.

"I. Don't. Want. To." He spoke gritting his teeth on each and every word, trying to shoo me away somehow.

"Yah! Are you even listening?" He said coldly and honestly I did not even wait for his reply and started cooking fried rice. After all I know this jerk's answer would be a big NO, as always. I'm smart :)

"Yes I am listening everything. See this fried rice with sauce is looking so delicious. Umm.. my mouth's filled with water. It looks so tasty you know? Wanna have a bite." I asked very sweetly to him while showing him the plate served with freshly cooked rice. He's literally the only guy in front of whom I'm this sweet lady like. It'll be embarrassing if my colleagues got to know this side of mine.

"You really don't understand do you?" He raised one brow staring at me, making me come out of my thoughts. I took a deep breath and then answered him back.

"Sir, I don't wanna say this but your attitude force me to. Honestly, I don't care about you for being in your good side or something but rather I really wish for your well being. That's all. And if you don't eat you'll get thinner. Obviously, ARMYs would notice your deteriorating health and they would be unhappy. BECAUSE OF YOU." I purposely emphasized on these words so as to make him eat somehow.

"Can- "

He held his head. He must have got a sudden stroke of dizziness due to weak immunity. I held him and he harshly jerked away my hand. That's it. I lost my patience this time. Not because of his behaviour, I'm fine with it. Rather he was getting on my nerves for not eating well!

"I SAID EAT! If you don't want to, your going to witness the worst side of me today. Enough of your child's play! I won't take this plate everywhere like a sweet mother." I shouted really hard, making him flinch. Fire was visible in my eyes. Jungkook got surprised rather scared.


I was scared to see her this angry. She yelled real hard. My mouth flung open, I was froze on the spot and my eyes went wide. She stuffed the food from the metallic spoon in my mouth and I accepted it in defeat. I don't want my ear drums to burst today!

"Is your mouth this small? Don't act like a shy girl. Say Aah!" She shouted again. I flinched and opened my mouth a bit wider this time and she shoved the food inside it, as if her rage is getting busted out in her actions.

"I- I will eat it. Please don't shout." I said in a feeble voice. This woman sure is scary.

"Good boy. I'm going to have a bath , till that time I want you to finish the food. Remember, not even a single rice grain should be left in the pan. Understood?!" She ordered and can't help follow it as she said.


"I accept words 'Sir'." I said sarcastically, acquiring my bossy self. My anger was necessary to make him eat, at least he'll not get weak. He nodded in agreement.

'Y-yes." He was not even making an eye contact with me. I can sense he was a little scared. Can't believe the man who was just being ignorant and cold to me quite a few minutes ago is following what I'm saying. I can see you're a softy in reality.

"It's quite burnt." He said more like a whisper, loud enough for me to hear.

"It's not my fault that your kitchen does not have a non-stick pan! I do not want any complaints. Finish it!" With this I left the room smiling cheekily looking at his childish behaviour.


I had a comfortable bath. More like I was planning what to do next and thinking of who can help me in stopping Jungkook from going into the party held by that hoe- Sua. Bingo! I got an idea of who can help me out. Looks like it's true when people say that a long bath could make you think better.

I wore my black pants, a white oversized T-shirt and tied my hair into a messy bun. Also, my rectangle framed glasses which I wear when I have to go for work- they are like my night lamp for reading small letters. That's my favourite style. I feel like myself in it, so mostly I'm wearing these kind of clothes.

I got out of my room and I saw the sad bunny who looked like he got scolded by his mumma bunny and now the sad bunny was resting his head on the sofa arms to calm himself. I chuckled at my own imagination and walked towards him.

"Ahm! Ahm!" I fake coughed gaining bunny's attention. His eyes shot open to meet mine. Those beautiful pair of dark brown orbs. I can see the whole world of innocence in them. It feels like he is just too precious for this cruel world.

"I ate all of it." He showed me the empty plate while pointing at it. Literally it didn't even had a single stain on it. It looked like he even licked the plate out of fear or maybe he was hungry? Why are so stubborn Jungkook? You can eat if you're hungry. He appeared like a six year old trying to convince his mother to let him go out and play, by finishing his food.

So Cute!

This is the real Jungkook. The first time after all these days I saw him a bit real ,not acting to be like a jerk towards me. I know Jungkook, you are really vulnerable , so precious that being rude cannot be in your dictionary. It's just that you are having a war with your heart and mind- whether to accept me or not. It's been quite a long time since I know you and so I'm well aware of what your thoughts might be.

"Good. Now eat these." I showed him my palm with something kept on it.

"What are these?" He asked blinking innocently.

"My brain cells."


"What you see ? Of course they are painkillers. It is not like I'm poisoning you. They will help you in reducing pain. Eat them, I'll get you a cup of water." I said whilst handling the colourful medicines.

"I hate medicines. They are bitter- " As expected this kid can't have a peaceful day unless he throws a fit. I mentally slapped my forehead.

I stared at him with one of my brows crouched upwards. I folded my hands upto my chest and started to take steps near him. The light reflected on my glasses to make me look even scary. I started cracking my knuckles. I created a new equation in our relationship math- One stare is equal to game over for Jungkook.

"So you will not eat? Huh- "

"Who said I hate medicines?! I will eat them now. " He cut my words off and
lifted and showed me the glass full of water. He gulped the medicines in one go. Seriously, he was looking like a scared cat.

"That's nice."

"C-Can I go now?" He asked still intimidated.

"Yes you can. Make sure to not overwork yourself and tell me if you will eat outside or should I cook dinner?" I knew the answer but I still asked hoping for something different.

"I have a lot of work today so maybe I'll return very late. Don't cook for me.
Th-thankyou for yesterday." He murmured in a low voice maybe embarrassed to speak. He left after that. These words, simple words but they were enough to brighten my mood. After all, it is the first time he ever talked a bit nicely to me.

Shortly after our little argument, I called the person who maybe able to help me in this situation.

Congratulations Army and BTS for winning "ARTIST OF THE YEAR" award at AMAs . These humble kings made history as the first Asian artist to receive this award. High round of applause for them and ofcourse Armys for supporting and loving them. We are the best! Together ! Stronger!

They all look like young CEOs. On top of that, Suga's fire red Hair! Woah!

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