31. Jealous

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"When you wholeheartedly trust someone,
It's like believing in everything with your eyes closed and holding the hands of someone dear."



We came outside after some time. Namjoon somehow managed to cover up things for us so we were in a green zone- away from suspicions about our
relationship. Jimin noticed us and in no time he tightly hugged Jungkook as if there were no tomorrow. Well, I guess, they were more worried than me. 

"Jungkook, we know you need time and space to recover from this state of consternation, but locking yourself like a child would do no good either. I believe in you. Don't you dare lock yourselves ever again!" He spoke softly rubbing his back.

"I'm sorry, hyung I won't do this. Thank  you for believing in me." Jungkook said hugging him back.

"You should ask for forgiveness from Y/N, she was more perturbed than any of us here." Jin proclaimed glancing in my direction.

"You're right, I'm sorry Y/N. I know you ran all the way here, just to handle a vanquished child like me." He spoke with utmost sincerity busting out from his eyes but still, his lack of confidence was a topic of distress for me.

"Mr. Jeon, let me tell me something very important about life. There are people like you and me who are extremely passionate about their work. They can do any amount of hard work for success, whether it's complimenting their health or not. We are the same in that sense. But you know where's the difference? You lose self-credence easily!" I sighed and spoke further.

"This is how the world works! People love to pick up on one little mistake no matter whether it's yours or not, ignoring how much good work you've done. If you try to enter everyone's good books, then I'm sorry to say this...You'll vanish one day but the society would not stop looking for your imperfections! So, learn to get criticized." I raised my voice, staring directly into his soul.

"You know what? A legend, Mr. Kim, once said, 'Haters gonna hate but players gonna play, Live your life man!' " I spoke trying my best to motivate him.

"She's right, Jungkook ignore what are saying about you. You have us on your side and we have full faith in you." He held Jungkook by his shoulders, enlightening him with his 'Namjesus' power, or more like I can see a dad consoling his son.

Jungkook bursted into tears again. He instantly hugged him and cried on his shoulder, shrieking with sorrow and pain.

"I-I'm s-sorry for everything h-hyung! I dragged you guys with me too! I- " His nose and cheeks turned cherry red and his eyes glistened due to warm tears.

"Shh.. don't cry. Remember we're a family right? And a family can fight any situation together, it's okay." Namjoon softly patted on his back to calm him down and Yoongi joined them, while the others were watching them unable to find words of what to speak in this sensitive situation. The other two boys from the makne line were already getting teary-eyed looking at the state of their happy bunny being a crying mess.

"Why are you crying like a weakling when you haven't done anything wrong? We will support you, even if we have to disband! You're more important than anything else." Yoongi spoke caressing the younger's hair.

Those words, I don't know if they affected Jungkook, but they made it crystal clear to me, his members, no brothers, would never leave his side no matter what the situation is.

"That's what I'm scared of! I-I can't imagine us apart!" Jungkook cried out.

"That won't happen. You forgot you have me by your side. Enough of your weeping! Remember one thing forever, you won't lose the battle unless and until you have lost the war with yourself." His eyes and nose were red from the cries. Those chocolate brown orbs glistened with warm tears which were really making an effect on me - to kill those people right now, not caring about any laws at all.

"I agree with her. Jungkook you are a star and stars always shine in the darkness. It's alright if we are going through hard times. It's not always cupcakes and unicorns you know?" Hoseok spoke patting his shoulder and assuring him that everything would be alright. The others wiped their tears too.

"You've got enlightened enough. Don't cry anymore, you'll make me cry too! Go wash your face first, then we will talk out things peacefully." Jin spoke out loud, I can see some tears in his eyes too.

Jungkook finally stopped crying buckets, after listening to the older and excused himself for a while. I was all alone with these six extremely flamboyant men staring at me. Well, this was precarious, way too gauche for me to speak anything. There was dead silence for a couple of minutes, until he came back and Taehyung spoke to break the silence.)

"You two look so good together. But Y/N is taken, I can't ship you too!" He spoke joyfully with cuteness sprinkling out his lashes.

He's thinking of this stuff even in this situation? Right now I saw him controlling his tears to not fall and now, this sudden switch of character for sure is astounding!

"Yah! You're thinking of gossip even in this condition? Seriously?" Jin scolded winter bear lightly hitting him on his head, trying to knock some senses inside his head.

"Hyung I think we've cried enough right now and I have faith that everything would become normal again. Why fear things when- firstly we didn't do anything upsetting and secondly we have such a strong lawyer on our side?"He said looking towards me with a sly smile. I bet this man's way of thinking is higher than my salary.

Me and Jungkook were glancing at each other, more like staring as if we were trying to communicate through each other asking whether Taehyung knows something about us or he misunderstood something. Our eyes competition didn't come to an end when this charming man spoke again catching us off-guard!

"By the way, your husband's so handsome! I want to have a picture with him." He exclaimed.

Wait what? My husband is standing right in front of you and I bet you have millions of high-quality pictures with him.

"What are you saying?"

"Huh? Ms. Y/N, your husband! I saw you guys together today." I understood what he meant and he's the one gossiping and spreading rumours everywhere.

"Sir he wasn't my husband, he's my one and only brother." I explained nonchalantly.

"Really? He's like a prince! Ms. Y/N after everything's settled please can I go on a date with him once?" Taehyung joyfully asked, getting even happier. Gosh! He really is one such a man.

"D-Date?! By any chance are you- "

"No, I'm perfectly straight. Well, who doesn't want to be friends with such a god-like features man?" He gave his explanation and I closed my eyes trying to calm myself.

Again this shit. Can't believe the world's most handsome man with a grown ass is simping over my brother! I feel like kicking his balls so hard right now that he won't be able to become a father of five kids in the future. Spreading rumours and making the environment more tensed. Boy, you're getting on my nerves, literally!

"I'll ask him someday. For now, Mr. Kim let's focus on what's important and I hope you won't dig into my personal life anymore." I stared at him and by his expression, I can make out, he got scared by me. I don't why people get anxious when I stare at them?

[A/N: Well, her stare]

"Don't take his words seriously, Y/N. The maknaes are quite child-like you know." He smiled at me showing his beautiful dimples, Jin was standing beside him.

[A/N: And...]

"No, it's fine. Let's discuss about the case." They settled themselves on the couch and I stood in between. They were listening attentively to me as if I were giving a Ted Talk.

I started explaining to them about Jungkook's and Sua's relationship and her true nature. I told them how the scandal got released, of course hiding the details about my relationship with him. They were beyond shocked specially Namjoon because he knew about us.

But I found true friendship or the best words would be a loving family among these people. They are not brothers by blood but their love for each other is greater than real brothers! They were still supporting Jungkook. Though they snapped him on his head or back a few times because they got angry about the fact that he didn't tell them about dating someone, but still that appeared more of care than scolding. Unknowingly, a smile crept up on my face looking at their strong bond.

"Guys, I have this video of her drugging sir's wine. I would dig out more information about them. Till then, I need your utmost support. Just bear this for a week and remain in hiding." They nodded and affirmed.

"That's settled then I'm going off. "

"Where?" Jin asked concerned.

"I have a place not far away from here."

"How will we discuss about the case? You know crazy fans might find this place and misunderstand you, if you keep coming here and there. Your safety is important." Jungkook spoke trying hard to make me stay.

This guy doesn't even know how to please someone he wants me to stay, but can't say this to my face. Fine, let's play a little game then! You look cute when you're craving something. I chuckled to myself, gazing at his face.

"Okay, I'll stay in the other room there and it's your job to please your company and managers. I hope they won't create a fuss." I agreed with a condition on my side and pointed at the room which was previously mine.

"They won't, Bang PD initially wanted you to stay with us!  Even I was stunned why he said that. Looks like he really trusts you very much." Yoongi uttered still suspicious, his look says it all, he knows there's something off about me.

Namjoon, who knew everything and me, spared awkward glances towards each other shortly after which I spoke.

"That's settled, then. I think we should eat something then. What do you guys like? I'll cook it." I spoke trying to help them. It ain't good to sleep on an empty stomach no matter how tensed one is right?

'No way! She hates cooking. Moreover, her hand's already injured.' Jungkook thought.

"We can order-" Jungkook was trying to speak something but Jin cut his words off.

"I'll help you out then. I see it'll be difficult if you're alone." Being the amazing man he is, he offered a helping hand.

"Great!" I was about to go when Jimin asked something that made me stop in my tracks.

"If you won't mind may I ask what happened to your hand? It's covered with bandages." He asked concerned.

"Nothing, I was just a bit clumsy in the kitchen. What do you guys prefer to eat?" I quickly hid my hand and changed the topic.

"Anything plain and simple would do. It must be paining in your hand right?" Taehyung spoke softly, with so much care that I couldn't resist blushing at his words.

"Yes, it does pain a bit but don't worry I'll cook something plain then." I assured them and turned my toes.

"I would also join. More the people, the faster the job would be done." Yoongi spoke joining us.

Jungkook stared at us, almost as if fire ignited in his eyes.

Is he jealous?

If yes, I'm definitely going to enjoy this. I smirked which he saw and I guess he understood I'm purposely doing this.

After some time, we cooked the food and I was intentionally smiling and laughing at the elder guys cooking with me. We were chatting about some random topics and I bet these two really are total husband materials! The way they talked, the way they were cooking so well, everything about them screamed perfection. I can't help but admire or rather drool over their skills.

Interestingly, Jungkook kept budging in with some excuses and went out sad seeing me enjoying life to the fullest with Jin and Yoongi. My plan was succeeding in teasing him. I wanted to know if he feels jealous or not. It's fun to see him getting frustrated!

"You can call me oppa, if you like." Jin spoke flashing his worldwide handsome smile.

"Me too, I like your savage attitude." Yoongi too joined the conversation, well, as long as he ain't suspicious of me, everything else is good to go.

But internal me was screaming as any fangirl would, I'm getting compliments from the Min Suga! For real? I can't believe my ears! I might burst out of shyness today.

With a thank you coming from my side we took the cooked dishes and went to serve them.

Me and Jin served everyone and they settled themselves on the dining. Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin were sitting on one side of the table while Jungkook, me, Jin and Taehyung settled on their opposite side.

Everyone was eating peacefully when a mischievous idea struck my mind. Their reactions were epic for what I did next!

"Jin oppa, can you please pass me the salt?" I said in a total weak shy and sweet girly-girl tone. They choked on their food and it was so hard to control my laugh.

'She sure loves to annoy me. I'm going to burst out of jealousy now. But why am I getting jealous? Y/N what magic your tricks are playing on me?' Jungkook thought in mind.

"Yeah sure, you should eat more you're so skinny." He passed me the salt while placing some more food on my plate. Everyone's eyes reflected extreme shock.

Well, I broke one of my principles today- not maintaining an informal relationship with clients. I guess, sometimes it's good to be yourselves, you feel better.

"Why everyone likes to put fuel on fire?" Namjoon thought horrified by the situation.

I observed, Jungkook literally bent the fork in anger. He didn't even eat properly and I think it's enough for today. So, I didn't annoy him anymore. But it feels nice when he's frustrated that too because of my actions.



It was past midnight, and Jungkook couldn't sleep because he was busy thinking of the recent happenings. Moreover, Y/N's little game a few hours ago annoyed him.
He was in a dilemma about whether to talk to her or not. He wanted to have a chat with her.

He didn't realize but her words were slowly becoming a comfort zone for him. She was slowly becoming his support. Still, he was confused about his feelings. He could not move on from Sua yet. Of course, it's so very tough to move on from someone you loved, and cherished so wholeheartedly. Moreover, in Jungkook's case, he was more of the 'one person forever types'.

He planned his whole life with her in his imagination. This was the part that was eating him up and forcing him to get stuck with her. He didn't realize that all this time the emotions which he was terming as 'Love' were merely one-sided, getting used and then harshly thrown away like a puppet.

He admires her but doesn't like her. He respects her, but doesn't love her.

Feelings and emotions can't be controlled but vaguely believing in someone is what one must not do. It's utter foolishness, that's what that drowned him. The feeling to love someone is no doubt beautiful, but blindly loving someone, in no time, would lead to destruction.

Love is resplendent- until you know you've been trapped in its cage of fakeness.

Well, some amazing drama is going to happen in the next chapters. Maybe a new character? *Oops spoiler alert*

Something funny:

Not me wanting the bunny in his hands because my broke ass can't afford plushies. Cries in broke T_T.

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