47. Poor Bunny

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"I don't know how much time we have left,
But till the time we're together,
I want to cherish each and every part of it."


"Jin Hyung-"

"I don't want to listen to anything! JUST COME HERE ASAP! Take Y/N with you too." He yelled annoyed, more of his voice was shaking, he was worried.

A pang of realisation hit me when he said that. I, on an impulse, spurted out yesterday that she's my wife and certainly I can't deny it now. Afterall, it had to be revealed someday. What scares me isn't their reaction on this revelation rather Y/N will have another headache of explaining them because of me.

"We'll be there." I replied nervously.

She got out from the room at the same time and I was awestruck by her appearance. I must say, she was looking pretty, no gorgeous. The outfit suited her perfectly, her long brownish hair loosened downwards her back, the inner crop top revealing a small portion of her waist, the full sleeves cardigan covering her hand and the light blue jeans hugging her waist, giving a perfect look on her toned body. Even the colour suited so much on her!

The fact that I've always seen her wearing either suits or PJs, this new look sure was intriguing and the other thing was makeup- She put on a light red shade of lipstick and a bit of foundation suiting her skin tone, giving her a feminine look and I think this is the first time I see her like that. Can't believe this woman is a lawyer by profession than being an actor or a model. My potato, I chuckled thinking of the name I gave her which obviously contrasts with how beautiful she really is.

At this point, I can't understand what I'm feeling so happy for- my choice in women's clothing or the person who wore the clothes chosen by me.

The phone was still in my hand and Jin hyung was speaking something but all my attention went on her. She gave an awkward expression, trying her best to smile as it was good two minutes since I'm staring at her.

"YAH! YOU LISTENING?" Jin hyung yelled again. I swear this the first time someone had distracted me this much that I forgot to reply to my hyung. What are you doing to me Y/N?

I instantly hung up the call before he curses the shit out of me and I can imagine him screaming the other side.

"He dares to hang up on me? JEON JUNGKOOK YOU BRAT!"

"Can we go?" She asked blankly, I can see she's not happy at all and I can't blame it. It's all because of me. It's crazy to think that in all these chaos, when I'm literally on the verge of losing my career, my dreams, my hopes...

I'm craving to see her smile genuinely.

I hummed in response and we had a silent ride towards Itaewon because she slept. She really was tired. I chuckled looking at her face and made sure to drive on a smooth pace, not to disturb her sleep. It's been a while I've seen her looking so peaceful, she appears like this only when she's asleep. It's pretty embarrassing to accept that I blankly stare at her at times, when she's sleeping, maybe because I wish she look like this everyday when she's awake - beautiful, peaceful and most importantly, happy. Sometimes, I've even seen her crying in her sleep, my urge to hug her tightly is resisted by the fact that I'm still unsure if it's right to do that with her, I don't want to make things uncomfortable between us.

I stopped the car and she woke up squinting her eyes a little, adjusting to the light. She looked out from the transparent window and recognised the place in no time and snapped back at me, a bit confused because I didn't tell her till now why we're here.

"Why have you brought me here?" She asked confused.

"There's something we have to deal with. Can you give me a little bit of your time?" I replied being edgy.

She nodded in response I guess she must've sensed there's something wrong in here. Nevertheless, she still agreed without questioning further.

We rang the doorbell and I instantly got behind her as I know what is coming next, so keeping myself in a safe zone would be better because Y/N is best at explaining. I don't want to get my ass swooped by hyungs!


What's up with this guy? The heck wrong with him?! What is he getting behind me as if he's about to get beaten up? This huge guy is crouching behind a small figure like me, boy what're you so scared off?

I stared at him bewildered and simultaneously Jin opened the door, his face full of rage I sensed the tension in the environment. What the hell did this idiot do this time?! For god's love! I was inactive only for a day, now what?

We were still outside and I was thinking deeply what could be the reason for the forever calm Jin to be this angry and I don't know why for some reason he appears to be anxious. The next thing I knew was Jungkook getting pulled by his ear by Jin, making my eyes go wide in surprise. The younger squealed at the sudden action.

Momma Jin pulled his baby bunny inside and I got too got along and saw all the boys along with manager standing there. Namjoon looking at us with a pitiful expression and the others appeared perturbed just like Jin.

"Yah! Have you gone insane?! Do you even know what sort of quagmire you both are in?!"

Then I turned my gaze towards the duo, Jin still pulling Jungkook's ear scolding him. I instantly got between putting both my hands in 180 degrees making them to stop this chaos. At least somebody tell me what in the world happened here?

"J-jin oppa just a second. P-please." I requested with pleading eyes which somehow worked and he left bunny's ears.

I glanced back towards him with a frown on my face, who was hiding beside me, raising both my brows asking an answer from him. A thick bead of sweat was visible on his forehead and he crouched towards my level and whispered in a feeble tone.

"They know."

"What?" I enquired getting impatient. I'm still in between these two tower-like men making me feel small. His lips pressed into a thin line.

"SPEAK!" I compelled.

"They know we're married-" He spoke loud enough for everyone to hear making my eyes grow wide in shock.

"Fuck" Unknowingly I cursed forgetting now it's my turn to face the rage of our dear momma. I slowly turned my head towards Jin in an apologising manner.

"I.. um. How much do you k-know?" I asked anxiously.

"Pretty much everything." Yoongi spoke in between, his face as serious as ever. Damn! This is why Jungkook is pushing me forward so that I can explain. This brat!

"Y/N help me just this once please, I'll do anything you want." He again whispered in my ear begging me to help him and as expected of a person like me....

I stomped on his toe gritting my teeth, making him jump like a kangaroo holding his right toe, due to the sudden pain. The others including Jin looked at me in disbelief, Jimin and Taehyung controlling their laughs.

You expect me to help you because of your mistake? If it was someone else, I might've done that. But explaining his hyungs... No way in hell I'm doing that. You better do that yourself, I better not be in their radar. Jeon Jungkook let me live a peaceful life of a true fangirl! Why do you love to make me the bad girl?

I again glanced at Jin with pleading eyes, I guess it's not going to work this time but still I tried my best to save him and did the best thing I can do right now in this situation.

He was about to throw hands again but I stopped him in between.

"Jin oppa! Time out!" I showed him a T-sign with my hands making him stop for a minute.

"Idiot, hold me for a second." I asked Jungkook to hold my hand to balance myself and he did as ordered without thinking the futher consequences.

Poor bunny.

I took off my pink slipper which I was wearing and handed it to Jin.

"Your golden weapon for the golden maknae. All yours." He smirked seeing my devilish plan and with this I stepped out from between these two. Jungkook gave me a horrified look as expected and the other two maknaes couldn't control their laughs this time.

Jin head-locked Jungkook in one of his arm and bunny was so shocked by this betrayal to even think of anything else.

"Y/N no cursing ok?" He said the sweetest tone you can ever hear and then glared at the two maknaes rolling on the floor laughing their lungs out.

"Next will be you two if you don't stop laughing." He threatened them with bunny still in his hold and these two poor souls stopped laughing and raised their thumb towards Jungkook.

"Have a nice time bro." They said in unison and instantly went backwards.
Now came the hyung line except Hobi for doing their enlightening work, Yoongi twisting his neck, Namjoon cracking his knuckles and Jin intensely glaring at the younger.

"Y/N noo!!! Please save me this once-"

I stepped out from there and went where Hobi, Taehyung, Jimin and Manager were standing giving an awkward smile to them, as if we're here for the show holding our popcorns. Poor bunny still wishing me to save him.

"You didn't tell us you were dating, but you even got married?! That too to a different girl? You were two-timing!" Jin spoke and beat his ass with the slipper making him jump in pain and passed the 'weapon' towards Namjoon.

"I told you to take care of her, I thought you'll be a good guy that's why I didn't reveal anything befor, but no, you were disrespectful towards that pure soul, weren't you?!" Namjoon spoke irritated in my defense and gave him a spank passing the slipper towards Yoongi .Gosh! He's so supportive!

"And you didn't care to tell us how much you're going through! You got kidnapped and we didn't even knew! DO YOU KNOW YOU'VE PROVOKED A MAFIA?!" He spoke perturbed and again bunny got a nice beating. Well, they're hitting him but I can't help smile at that because I can see how much they care for him!

"I forgot to add one more thing. He even said 'I have no friends'. " I spoke adding fuel to fire smirking devilishly and he looked at me with widened eyes, I'm the one revealing all the secrets.

"Who are we then? Fried chickens?!" They said in unison.

The three men again glared at him and he looked at them with baby-like pleading eyes. Anybody else would stop scolding Jungkook if he gives that look except us because we know this cuteness very well.

"Y-yah! Y/N you can't do this! " He spoke feeling betrayed.

"I can sir, I can. You deserve it for what you did to me in the beginning. I said I forgave you, but that doesn't mean you won't have to pay back for what you did." I shrugged giving my explanation and turned my back towards him with the other guys trying hard to control my laugh. The beating and scolding session continued.

I glanced towards the other men who're not involved in "beat the bunny" act. They returned a heart warming smile.

"You don't want to join them?" I asked them.

"No we're good here, let them do the work. We're here for the show." Taehyung cheered sheepishly and the others nodded in agreement.

"You aren't angry with him?" I asked.

"We were at first, but considering the thickness of the situation we think it's better if we support you both. Nevertheless, the other three are doing the work from our side too." He answered making me laugh.


Jungkook's gaze went towards you, who was standing at a distance and was laughing when he's literally getting punished. He couldn't hear exactly what you talked with others but he can make out you were laughing because you fooled him. He felt betrayed for what you did but seeing you so happy after an eternity, he felt the scoldings are worth it. If him getting hits can make you laugh, then he'll accept any punishment he gets. He smiled ear to ear looking at you, which obviously didn't go unnoticed by his hyungs.

"Are you alright now Y/N?" Manager asked concerned.

"Yes I am. Thankyou for yesterday."

"Thank Jungkook, had it not been for him you would've got shot. He cried so much because you weren't waking up yesterday." Manager said giving the details making the woman smile in awe and glance at her husband who's presently getting punished.

You felt the urge to make them stop but then you realised, even if you say anything now they'll do what they want. Afterall, they were kept in the dark for so long. Being angry is the least you can expect from them.

"You love him don't you?" Hobi asked smiling, making you look back at him.

"I do. He's the purest person I've ever met and the most handsome man I've ever seen " She replied blushing a little and they nodded.

"You've changed a lot Y/N." Hobi said remembering the first time she met them.

"And even got prettier." Jimin added his flavour of tease and she laughed along.

"I thought you've forgotten me." She said looking at Hobi.

"We did. But somehow you reminded us again of that time. I must say, you've become a stronger person but still the same when it comes to him." He said glancing towards Jungkook who's presently getting beaten up.

"I thought you were pitying him that day, but you were certain. I see you like him from that time." Jimin said stating facts.

"He didn't recognise you?" He asked.


"Should we remind him?" Hobi said in an attempt to remind him the past.

"No. That's for him to remember. Moreover, it wasn't that great of an encounter. The feelings were one sided back then and even now, I guess." She said, a layer of sadness audible in her voice.

Manager and Taehyung shared awkward glances towards each other unknown of what these three are talking about. They certainly were curious to know the whole story but considering this isn't the right time to ask anything further and pressurise her anymore, they remained silent.

"Jimin hyung!! SAVE ME PLEASE!" Jungkook screamed for help towards bestie in an attempt he might help him, but no if betrayal was a person it would be these men. They'll take full revenge today.

"Jin hyung has done his work, now Jimin hyung would take the lead. Y/N can you give me your other golden weapon?" He smiled like an angel towards Jungkook and glanced back at Y/N, making her surprised as she thought he won't do anything. Nevertheless, she took off another slipper and handed him, leaving Taehyung and Manager alone.

"It's not one-sided. He likes Y/N, I can see that. Manager shouldn't we do something to bring them together like a normal couple?" Taehyung asked trying to become a cupid.

"Well, they're already together. It's just Jungkook doesn't realise his feelings yet. There's already so much going on in their lives, it'll take time but I know they'll be happy together." Manager replied patting the younger's shoulder.

After a long hassle they finally calmed down leaving Jungkook and handing him towards you. His hair ruffled and his outfit almost ruined still he somehow managed to look breathtakingly ethereal. They didn't hit him that hard, it was just a little bit of scolding. They all were panting after the chaotic session.

If this was all not enough, you felt a sensation near your leg, as if something's licking that area and as a reflex you squealed and jumped making you lose your balance but Jungkook was fast enough tightly holding your hand, not letting you fall.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" You screamed in horror.

"Yeontan! Come here!" Taehyung called for his pet dog who somehow came out of the room.

"You alright?" Jungkook asked softly and you nodded, his hand on your arm making sure you don't fall.

"Hyung! She's not well don't scare her like that." He spoke protectively making all the men in the room stare at him. It's the first time they've seen Jungkook this protective of someone, specially a woman.

"Sorry" Taehyung muffled a little sorry smirking as his pet became a cupid this time.

"Can I take it in my hands if you don't mind?" You asked looking at the cute puppy, he appeared like a teddy bear, his eyes like black and glistening and it appeared he's smiling looking at you, enough to melt your heart at his cuteness.

"Of course why not? Yeontan loves girls." He smiled ear to ear giving the smiling little creature in your hands and as his father said he really does love girls for the fact that as soon you took it in your hands it licked your cheek.

"What is he? A playboy?" You asked jokingly as this dog was literally licking your cheeks as if they're candy.

"Pretty much yes." His father agreed making you laugh.

Little did you knew , Jimin clicked your pictures so as to give them to Jungkook. He knows this guy would only stare at your face instead of locking the memory in a picture. So he did the work for him.

"I've always seen him virtually but I must say he's cuter in reality!" You chirped happily when he licked, more like, kissed on your lips and you let him do that.

Playboy? If he's a playboy then I'm an international playboy. Even a dog is making me jealous now. Wait! Why am I...

Jealous? He thought to himself reconsidering his thoughts. You giving your attention to someone else when literally the whole Jeon Jungkook is standing in front of you was something ne never thought can happen. It was new to him and he wanted that attention of yours.

The others were enjoying the drama looking at the bunny jealous of Yeontan.

"Jungkook look at the camera! You both are looking good here. " Jimin said making him come out his thoughts and he instantly turned his face to the other side, throwing a tantrum.

"What?" You asked confused, the dog still in your hands. Obviously, who would let go of such a cute being in a couple of minutes?

"You betrayed me. I won't do anything as you please. " He spoke like a 5 year old.

"Baby koo look here please" Jin joined in trying to make this tantramatic guy behave normal for once but Jungkook is a stubborn ass. He won't do anything so easily.

"Kookie look here , I'll give you Banana milk." Namjoon said showing his dimples. You didn't knew about Jungkook but you would've done anything if Namjesus showed you that smile.

They all started babying him but no he won't do the thing they say, acting like a one year old kid as if having the first photoshoot of his life. Finally after good two minutes, you joned in .

"Will you look at the camera please? It's fine if you don't want to... " You said in a sad tone, making Yeontan, who's in your hands, sad too.

Jungkook can't escape that expression of yours, it's a killer and he certainly can't say no when you give that expression. He was about to reply further when you continued the sentence.

"If you don't, I'll stomp on your toe again!" In an instant you turned into a tease and raised your leg a bit as in to scare him, Yeontan growled too. Jungkook's jaw dropped by your sudden flip in character.

"Also do you want me to tell Jin oppa that you watch 'those' videos since you're seventeen?" You whispered in his ear making his eyes widened and as a reflex he put his hand on your mouth, trying to shut you up before he again get his ass spanked.

By now he has known one thing very well that, you may forgive things but you never forget.

All others started laughing their lungs out at the cute moment. He finally agreed to look at the camera but you didn't knew he'll be this immersed in clicking a simple photograph. He placed his arm on your waist pushing you towards himself and stared you who was giving him the same expression.

"Now you look at the camera." He said giving an ethereal smile which was enough to have a swarm of butterflies dancing in your stomach and you looked at the camera with the darkest shade of red plastered on your cheeks.

This was how your first ever photograph together was clicked.


Yeontan sir... You played well.



The Transformation 😳😳
Mr. Jeon you better be responsible for making my heart suffer by your hotness. 🥲

Thankyou, you all for 15k reads and 1k+ votes!

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