52. Tracked

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"Circumstances happened in my age to play and they taught me patience and hardwork."



It had been almost an hour since the ruckus the enraged woman had caused at her workplace. She sat there in the same position, trying her best to control her sobs. The only sense of relief that caught her was hearing her husband's soothing voice. She can't help but worry about him, if possible she'll just sprint away leaving all her work just to have a glance at his face.

Little did the woman knew, Jungkook too, was tensed since she gave him a call. Her trembling voice was evident that she was crying made the man clench his fists, ready to break the bones of the person who was the reason for her tears.

He was the reason.

They both were anxious because of each other. As much as Jungkook wanted to meet Y/N, his urge was subdued by the fact that she pleaded him to stay wherever he was, leaving him with no choice but to follow her request. But curiosity and concern can't be suppressed right? And so he called her again.

"Pick up the call Y/N!" He said nervously tapping his feet. After a ring or two, Y/N saw the caller- name on her screen and even though she was in no mood to talk, she still picked up his call, just in case, something happened.

"Are you alri-" She asked concerned, shortly to get her words cut off by the man. He could easily make out she was still sobbing.

"Min Y/N, I'm very fine and nothing is going to happen to me. So, stop getting stressed now. What in the world happened that you're that anxious? Did Jaehoon do something?" He spoke infuriated, his wrath audible in his deep voice at the last words he spoke. Of course, after knowing Jaehoon's real identity, his first apprehension went on him.

With a deep sigh coming from her side, she talked further, finally composing herself after listening to his voice.

"There's something you must know. I'll be there at home at night. Can we meet?" She asked ignoring all his other questions. By now she has made her mind to reveal him the true of intentions of the woman he 'loves', unaware of the fact that he absolutely despises her.

"Sure, I'll be waiting."

"Fine." She responded about to cut the call.

"Hey- wait!"


"Don't fret okay? If there's something wrong, call me asap." He soothed calmly in his deep voice.

With a 'hm' coming from her side, he shortly ended the call. A feeling of uneasiness never left off his chest and so, he soon dialed the bodyguards, he assigned specially for his lady, ordering them to keep an eye on her and inform him if there's something amiss.

Soon after he end the call, she was welcomed by another male who previously went outside giving her some space, with a first-aid kit in his hand. Naturally, looking at all the broken things he was certain there's something he definitely ain't aware of and he's close to finding that out. He glanced at the distressed woman, the lady who's always strong today appeared anxious, a rare sight for him to see her like that and with the reaction she had viewing the evidence, he's certain that she has some personal connection with this particular client of hers.

After all, why would she go to such lengths, as in to put her life at stake just to gather evidence? He ain't dumb, he knows what happened at YJN except Jungkook's part and looking at Y/N now, he's certain, he's just one step close from cracking her identity. A smirk made its way on his handsome face and he approached the young lady, who's still unaware of his presence in the room, drowned in her emotions.

He soon bent on his knee near her and took her bleeding hand in his, only to get scolded by her, yet again.

"I said don't touch me, don't you understand?" She yelled annoyed slapping away her hand from his, her eyes darting into his and he could make out, she most probably cried her heart out just now.

'Why, Y/N? By any chance, do you have feelings for Jungkook? ' He wondered boring into her reddened eyes. Steadily, he again took her hand in his, this time a bit tightly making the woman glare at him.

"What the-"

"Miss Min, your reaction just now was way too out of character for a lawyer. I'm certain you've dealt with even more heinous cases than this, then why such compassion and concern towards him?" He mocked staring intensely at her, giving chills down her spine.

"I-" Her eyes widened surprised, she realized, she just made a huge mistake by not being able to take a toll over her emotions in front of him and now, there's major possibility he'll know what she's trying so hard to hide.

"Shh... I'll keep my lips zipped as long as you get treated." He threatened, his fore-finger on her lips and not letting her speak further. The smirk never leaving his face.

Her eyes widened at his threat and her brows twitched. She gazed downwards towards his finger on her lips and he soon put it aside. She went speechless at his threat, she got an idea that he has known something about her and that's certainly not a good news, thus, going with what he says is the best option for now.

He softly placed her hand on his and slowly put on the ointment. She glanced towards her side while he was treating her wound, unable to look at him anymore. She's afraid she might yell again on him and that would make the situation difficult.

After all she hates his mere existence and if possible, she wishes to be the one to take his life.

This was all going on inside her head with a bit of anxiety as she knew Jaehoon, no Poison, he might take out some dangerous step against, his actions aren't still clear to her. Her brows joined together perplexed but soon, the anxiety inside her started increasing, when she saw the scissors, by which he was trying to cut the gauze.

"P-put that aside." Her voice trembled and she closed her eyes, not able to look at the object.

"What?" Jaehoon asked perplexed.

"That thing in your hand." She pointed making him understand, till that time he had cut the gauze and he instantly put the metallic object aside.

"Are you alright?" The smirk long gone from face and now a concerned look made its way.

Soon she composed herself and savagely replied him back.

"I was, until I saw your smirk looking at my dreadful state. You enjoy it, don't you?" She arched her perfectly plucked brow at the man, getting up from her position and him on his knees in front of her, that's where he belongs, to according to her.

Oh well, she just made him lose his wits.

He soon got up from his position, got closer to her, his height towering the woman and whispered in her ears in a breathy tone.

"Miss Min, when situations aren't in your favour, you should know when to keep your mouth shut, right?" He spoke placing the metallic object on her back, making her eyes widen by his sudden outburst. The sharp side pointing on her spine and just a little movement by him, it'll pierce into her body.

'That's the real you, Poison.' She thought to herself frightened by the object and even more despised by the person holding it.

He understood it by now she's scared of scissors and so he used it as a threat, after all, the right hand man of the boss of Black Bullet has limits to his patience and certainly, this woman exceeded that limit.

Her breathing hitched and she started trembling, no matter how much she tried, this certain object makes her mind go blank, putting her into the past trauma. It feels like she's again living it, the sound of the scissors juggling inside her head like a mantra, those scenes repeating again and again.

"I'm s-sorry. I-I- s-sorry." She apologized making him a little surprised as he has never seen Min
Y/N that vulnerable.

'Are scissors that scary to her? ' He thought.

The male realized he was too harsh on her and without wasting a minute more he threw the metallic object somewhere far in the corner of the room and pulled her into a tight hug. She wasn't in the state of mind to push him neither she had the strength to do that now, especially after his 'threat' and who knows he might use the scissors again?

The sudden warmth he felt by holding her in his arms had greater worth than any possession he holds. The burst of contentment and joy, he felt in his veins when he carefully wrapped his arms around her was so special, so beautiful, so soothing.

'If she was my woman, I would have protected her with everything I have. Wait, why do I want to... make her mine? ' He spoke to himself placing his hand on her hair, softly caressing them.

"I'm sorry. Miss Min, get a hold on yourself." He apologized in a low whisper.

She quickly pushed him backwards making him stumble a few steps and retorted gaining her composure.

"I don't fucking care whatever you know, if you dare to touch me again I will shoot you." She warned pulling out her gun aimed towards him, her mood flipping in a minute.

"Funny isn't it? The one who should abide by the law is threatening to kill someone." A dark chuckle left from Jaehoon's mouth and placed his hands in his pockets taunting the woman, making her laugh at his statement.

"If you know so much about me, you must also be knowing that I, don't abide by the laws for certain fuckers and that includes you, from now on." Her words sounded as sharp as a blade.

"You can't kill me, Min Y/N and that's a fact." He spoke darkly.

"Oh! I very well can and mind you, no one would even find the traces of your body, that's a fact." She retorted placing her gun on her temple unafraid of the weapon.

'Funny to think this woman was scared out of her wits because of scissors and now this deadly weapon doesn't scare her. You'll be the perfect person, Min Y/N. I'm amused by your bravery.' The man pondered staring deep into her eyes.

Their staring contest soon ended with a call on his side and he swiftly picked it up.

"Sir, she's starving herself- " He didn't let the woman speak any further and spoke.

"I'll be there in some time."

With this he cut the call and glanced at the lady, now peeking at him in confusion.

"I'll be back in sometime and I guess before our arguments, we should put the case first. After all, it's Jungkook's case right?" He taunted and soon left leaving the woman alone confused and anxious by everything that's happening with her.

"What the freaking hell Min Y/N! You dumb bitch!" She screamed on herself, hysterically pulling out her hair from their root.

"He definitely knows something and now we're screwed. Ah!!" She groaned sitting on the couch with a thump and massaged her temples.

Soon her device flashed with numerous messages from the media which she cared less and from the legal team of HYBE, asking for a meeting to discuss about the case and further convictions and evidences under which they'll get profited the most. Considering the situation right now, it's certain that they'll win by ninety five percent but the other five percent is the possibility of losing because the opposition ain't weak, they must be having something in their defence too. The fact that they're backed by criminal background makes it even more dangerous for the witness, that is, Arina. She must be protected at all costs. She bit her thumb-nail nervously planning her next step.

Well, her first priority is winning the case and even though it hurts her pride she must be with Jaehoon for the time being. He's the key to Black Bullet and she certainly, can't let him off-track. With this motivation, she instantly got up from her leisure position and ordered her assistant to ask someone to clean up her cabin, which appears like a storm has hit in there and soon, rushed for the meeting.


Swiftly driving his luxurious car, Jaehoon soon stopped in front of a kindergarten, impatient to meet the person he's ready to die for. Soon, he located her sitting idle on the bench with a little puppy on her lap. He approached her with steady steps, ready to surprise her but received the opposite reaction.

"You do remember me, after all. " She spoke coldly, making his heart clench by her words.

"I'm sorry, I was caught up in work, please forgive me." He pleaded in a cute tone, trying to make her smile but again his attempt failed for the nth time.

"You sound so cringe, don't do that." The little girl savagely responded making his jaw drop by her words.

'Why are all the females in my life so savage?!' He thought shocked by her reaction, the only person that came into her mind after this little kid's response was- Y/N.

'She sounds so much like her.' He smiled looking at the girl caressing the puppy's hair softly.

"Where did you found this little dude?" He asked sitting beside her on the bench, pointing towards the puppy now asleep on her lap.

"It shouldn't matter to you." She coldly answered ignoring his question .

"Alright, but you know I missed you so much when I was at work?" He asked glancing at her, busy playing with the little puppy.

"No, I don't neither I care." She answered without sparing a glance at him.

"Fine, but can you eat something? Please?" He requested placing the container of food in front of her.

"I don't want to." She muttered, her voice lifeless and devoid of any emotions.

"I'll treat you chocolate ice-cream and take you to the park." He tried to lure her which did succeed at some point. She got into deep thinking and glanced at the food.

"They say a human can live up to twenty one days without food." She spoke after a while, making the elder's eyes widen at her statement.

"What are you saying?!"

"I don't want to live, so please let me die if you can't kill me-" She spoke in her natural cute voice, ironical of the heavy words she was speaking. Anyone could make out this little kid has became mature, way before her age.

"Don't say that again! I can't see you like this! Why don't you understand? You're the only person I'm living for!" He cut her words off pulling her into a bone-crushing hug, raising his voice. Even the thought of something happening to her gives shivers down his spine.

"I miss mom." The child finally broke down from her strong facade, tears making their way down her doe eyes, her cheeks flushed to red.

"We will soon, okay? Now tell me, your mom would feel sad if you're weak when you meet her right?" He wiped her tears and asked. With a nod from the little girl coming towards his side, he continued.

"Then you should eat something."

She finally took the spoon and started to eat. He watched her intently, like the most beautiful thing that ever occurred in his life and caressed her hair. He can't see her like that, he wants her to smile, laugh, play, just like other kids her age.

He's guilty enough of taking away her childhood.

'Don't worry, you'll soon meet your mom.' He vowed to himself.


The long meeting with rounds of discussions and debates finally ended with the final file of statements created by the group of experienced lawyers, including Y/N. It sure was tiring but at the end of the day, it was worth it, she was certain of winning the case by ninety eight percent as of now.

Jaehoon too joined the meeting, a bit late, but he was at least useful enough to deal with crazy amount of files they had to go through, surely considering his real identity he wasn't a resource for the legal procedures, but he was smart, extremely smart, he knew when to twist the words said by the person and make it into a sentence in his favor- a certain quality, found exclusively in people who practice law. He knew how to manipulate people.

Soon, everyone was leaving the office and Y/N got up from her position checking the time, she didn't realise it was night already.

'Jungkook must be waiting.' The first thought that crossed her mind.

She took her blazer and was about to go when Jaehoon's voice made her stop on her track.

"I was possessed by anger before that's why I said and did all that, I'm sorry Miss Min." He apologized in a boyish tone. Anyone who doesn't know his identity would definitely get trapped in his act but not her. By this time, she has known one thing very clear about Poison, that he has some other plans.

If he wanted to kill her, he would've by now, he had plenty of opportunities and now that he knows some of her secrets, this is a golden chance for him to take his revenge for all his brothers of black bullet that got behind the bars because of her.

But he's letting her alive.

Like a cat playing with a mouse, letting him play alive for sometime, before killing him. He's enjoying this all. That's the conclusion she came up to.

"I've lost the tiny bit of respect I had for you and now it'll be better if we just talk about business and even better if you swap your 'assistant lawyer' position with someone else. " She responded brushing off her thoughts and turned her heels.

Soon she was about to go when her foot collided with the table corner and she groaned painfully.

"Careful." Jaehoon instantly caught her before she falls, making her stare at him.

"Sorry." He instantly put away his hands, making her confused at his behavior. Just today in the morning he was threatening her for letting him touch her and now he's making sure she ain't uncomfortable looking all concerned.

'What exactly does he want from me? ' She thought to herself.

With a last glare from her side towards him, she left to meet her husband leaving the man alone. His phone soon rang and he picked it up.

"Sir we broke the firewalls and tracked her personal information." The other side spoke monotonously.

"Keep it confidential for now, I'll be there in some time." He swiftly cut the call and sprinted towards the the place, he must be there before anyone else gets to know about this.

After a long car drive for an hour or so he reached the place, hacking department of the gang. He made sure his gun is fully loaded, just in case, of some attacks.

Walking in like a king, with everyone bowing towards him he spared no glance towards them. Soon he entered the room, where the person who digged her information was present. There were ten men, professional hackers, continuing their work in the room. One of them, probably their senior approached towards him.

"Sir, this is every little thing about Min Y/N, as ordered by boss." The person spoke in a robotic tone placing the file in front of him. Poison nodded at his statement and the man spoke further.

"She's the daughter of the late archeologist Min Eun Chae and her late mother was a songwriter, Kim Misoo. She has an elder brother Min Han Seok, presently, the top news reporter in the country."

"What about them?" He inquired raising a brow at him.

"Sir, have a look at them." He answered placing their pictures in front of him. Poison glanced at her faces and now he understood and connected the dots.

Shit. He cursed.

"What else?" He asked uttering down some profanities because this thing, just got all messed up.

"There's a reason she holds tremendous powers in Hangang law firm because she's a member attorney- she owns the highest amount of shares of the law firm." He informed nonchalantly.

"Interesting." Poison proclaimed impressed and the man continued further with a deep sigh, glancing here and there, he got a bit closer to him and then whispered in his ear, making sure no one else hears of and the information Poison got afterwards, made the ground collapse below his feet.

"She's married to Jeon Jungkook, the sole heir of Kingston group."


Damn this was intense! I'm surprised myself, re-reading this chapter.

Meme time!
You guys are pro in editing 🙌

And then this comment LMAO 😂😂

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