65. Worst Decision

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"Looking into your eyes don't give me butterflies, the way they used to."




Mrs. Kwon, akin to completing her mission given by Y/N to keep an eye on the boss Mr. Jun, was keenly following him and scrutinising his every action, even though the latter restricted her from doing so. But the former had made up her mind to uncover every truth regarding Mr. Jun because she was aware of the fact that he was anything but suspicious.

That was the initial plan and the path she chose to follow. No one was aware of her next move, making her land up in the lion's den.

She closely followed Mr. Jun and noticed his car stopped near a lonely building, the whole place was horrifying considering the darkness and the fire-armed men in black standing right in front of her. She hid behind the huge pillar and observed everything processing further.

A well-built man, most probably the leader came forward and punched the living daylights out of Mr. Jun. A punch so powerful to break a handful of his teeth. The man's back was faced towards her and so she couldn't make out his identity. She tried her best to suppress her scream and made sure to not make a single noise because if she did, the next person whose neck will be slaughtered, would be her.

Another gut wrenching hit by the man was targeted towards Mr. Jun who now layed on the cold concrete floor, his painful hollers didn't put an effect on him instead the way he laughed, proved that he was enjoying it.

The woman's eyes widened, horrified but her bravery didn't seem to crash down and so, without wasting a moment anymore she took out her device and recorded everything. She knew what was the most important thing as of now.

Collecting evidences.

"What do you think you fucking asshole?! You can betray me behind my back and I wouldn't know?" The man kicked him on the stomach, earning a painful holler from him but his painful moans didn't seem to put an effect on the heartless being.

"N-no I-" He didn't let the other speak a word anymore and pulled him up by his collar, Mr. Jun's clothes were now reddened with blood oozing out from every corner of his body.

"You were sending anonymous tips to the Intelligence Agency right under my nose and you think you wouldn't be caught, you rotten piece of shit!" The man turned to the side and it was only now that the woman in hiding could see his side-profile. He appeared familiar but it was too early to reach to any conclusion.

In a swift swap of a second he shot Mr. Jun on the forehead, making his forehead burst and the contents spilled on the cold concrete like beans, blood splattered across the gangster's face.

It's only now that Mrs. Kwon saw his face fully, a face that is adored by millions, a face that is well known in the entire country and a face that she wasn't expecting to see here out of all places.

He wasn't someone he's showing himself to be.

Jeon Jungkook.

That's the only name that rang in her head like a mantra and what she observed afterward, was enough to give a churn deep inside her stomach. It was truly hard for her to not scream.

Jungkook landed merciless punches on the already dead man and then took a chainsaw, dismantling the body into pieces and laughed like a maniac. His eyes were dark, mysterious and his actions, horrifying.

The plain white shirt he wore was now soaked in blood. Mrs. Kwon's hands trembled and she instantly stopped recording and sent the video to Y/N. She was scared as hell and the only thing she wanted to do right now was run as fast as she could but little did she know, it was too late to make a move.

The maniac turned towards her direction, his jaw hardened and his stare was enough to make the woman weak in the knees. Her lips trembled, eyes welled with warm salty liquid and a few drops of it dropped from the corner of her eyes, she walked backwards as the deadly man took calculated steps near her as if ready to swallow his prey. His silver gun in his hand that dazzled in the moonlight.

"Mrs. Kwon, fancy to see you here." He mumbled, smirking devilishy and stopped just inches away from her as she stood still on the dead end of the bridge.

He was aware of her presence all this time and he intentionally revealed his face.

It was over for her now.

But even in this condition, her first priority was the evidence. She threw her device in the water just below the bridge and the man scoffed looking at her actions.

"It would be a lavish surprise for my kitten to see your little pieces, wouldn't it?" He monstrously touched her face and then harshly clenched her jaw.

"She-she w-will kill you! You monster-" A harsh slap was landed on her face, making blood ooze out from the corner of her lips and she hissed in pain. The devil clenched a handful of her hair and pulled her upwards, his face inches away from hers and it was only now she saw the madness in his eyes.

A total maniac.

In no time, he banged her head on the nearest pillar, making her forehead and neck covered in red.

"Fucking..." He spoke out profanities whilst banging her head on the wall.

"Bitch!" With a final hit he mercilessly twisted her neck and her hollers stopped, her heart wasn't beating anymore. Her eyes shut close and her body collided with the cold floor.

The man just laughed out loud whilst kicking her in the gut. Certainly, he didn't seem to have an ounce of humanity left inside him, the stinging smell of blood was like oxygen to his system.

"I'm waiting to snap her neck just like yours." He muttered remembering his kitten, smiling slyly and walked out whilst motioning his men to do their work.

Those men were scared out for their life because they saw the devil's face and they were aware of the rules, it's them who'll be slaughtered next.

Little did they know, he purposely revealed himself just to pass on a little surprise for his kitten. A satisfied grin was plastered on his face.

'Min Y/N, you'll see the real monster now.' He muttered to himself.


Y/N drove at the speed of light without caring about her surroundings, she didn't even stop at the red lights and drove insanely like a man woman to the destination she was called.

"You'd like to meet your friends, won't you?" That's what Jaehoon said before cutting the call and it didn't took long for the woman to decipher whom he was talking about.

"We got a lead on how the boss looks like." She remembered, Yoora informed before about the lead.

The people in the captive were Jinyoung and Yoora.

It was already tough for her to digest the fact she just got to know about her husband and now this. Her eyes were reddened due to the continuous tears that lashed out but she cared less about that. Her priority was to save her friends from Poison.

She smirked crazily and let loose her once beautifully tied hair downwards, which reached her waist. She grasped her hair in frustration, groaning like a maniac. Hysterically, she pulled out a cigarette and puffed out the intoxicated smoke, the steering profoundly turning with her other hand. Her eyes were droopy and swollen due to crying, which she cared less and drove towards the said destination.

"JK... I'll fucking kill you!" She announced, banging her fist on the steering as if releasing all her anger on it.


In half an hour of a rollercoaster drive, she halted her car on the said destination- a luxury bar. The intensity of the brakes was so high that the car abruptly stopped with a screech sound.

She carefully took her gun in her right hand and got out of the vehicle. The whole locality was silent and only Y/N and some guards, most probably, Posion's men were standing at the entrance.

She smirked devilishly and walked majestically with the weapon in her hand. Her hair adorned till her waist, the beige satin dress hugging her curves, the pointed heels creating their own cacophony of intimidating noises and her eyes that screamed the look of a lioness when enraged, was enough to send chills down anyone's spine.

The guards made way for her and didn't stop the woman even though she was carrying a gun because they were ordered by their boss to not touch a hair on her head. She simply walked right in front of them and entered the VIP lounge. The whole bar was empty and the only people which could be seen were Posion's men.

She entered the lounge and the first person she saw was Jinyoung and then Yoora, calmly sitting beside him. They got up from their positions seeing the woman and she was about to walk towards them, until a voice made her halt on her steps.

A voice that she presently, despises the most.

"Y/N." There came his honey toned voice, which didn't sound beautiful anymore. He stood there in the same outfit he wore a few hours back at the wedding, the wedding ring still placed on his hand.

Jaehoon stood beside him, staring at the woman and before the two guys could speak anything, Y/N rushed towards Jungkook at the speed of light and pulled him by the collar, dragging him along with her and pinned the male to the wall. Her action was so intense that it made a few glasses placed on the table fall intensely, shattering into pieces. The guards were about to pull the woman back but Jaehoon stopped them with the motion of his hand.

"Y/N listen-" His eyes widened at the sudden outrage of hers, he had never seen her this vexed. She appeared like a totally different personality at this moment.

"Jeon Jungkook... You love to play don't you?" She gritted her teeth, speaking each and every word with rage visible in her eyes.

Oh! How much he wished to hear his name sliding from those cherry lips of hers. But...

His name didn't sound as good as he imagined it to be, when she'll address him someday.

She was enraged. Her darkened eyes were staring right into his soul and he was so taken aback that for a moment he couldn't form words.

"Loving you was the worst desicion of my life." She choked on her words and pulled out her gun, aimed right on the forehead of the man she claimed as her 'husband'.

He was out of words by now, the woman he always saw madly in love with him was saying such words. Her eyes didn't portray compassion today, they portrayed hate, extreme hate.

Before he could speak anything else, the men pulled out their metallic weapons and aimed it on Y/N. Her gun was still in her hand pointed towards him, she was glaring at the male and glanced at the weapons placed near every part of her existence from the corner of her eyes. Her grip on the gun tightened and she chuckled darkly. She scoffed looking at those weapons.

"So you really are, JK. Jeon fucking Jungkook, YOU MURDERER!" She screamed and pulled the trigger, shooting right beside the male's ear, just one inch away from him. He flinched by the sudden attack and covered his ears.

Meanwhile, the guards snatched her weapon and twisted her arms, earning a growl from her, she glared at the male in front still recovering from shock.

Once he regained his composure his eyes widened at the scene in front.

"FUCKING LEAVE HER!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and shot the darkest glare towards the men and then at Poison. He motioned them to leave the woman and he ran towards her, hysterically pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

She hit him with her fists but he wasn't ready to leave and so, she used all her might and pushed him backwards making him stumble a few steps and landed a harsh slap across his face.

"Isn't playing with my feelings enough for you? Stop with this good guy drama! I know who you are!" She
growled like a mad-woman.

"He isn't JK." Poison finally spoke out making all the heads turn towards him.

"Oh now the right hand man of JK would enlighten me whether this man is him or not? You're the biggest traitor here!" She yelled, pointing her finger towards Jungkook and not believing an ounce of what the other was saying.

"He's saying the truth. Calm your horses, Y/N." Jinyoung spoke out, calmly sitting on the couch.

"Jungkook isn't JK." Yoora revealed, making the lawyer's eyes widen. The ground swept below her feet and she wished that the Earth open up for a moment and swallow her whole existence.

"H-how?" She whispered loud enough for Poison to hear.

"We'll have a great talk about that." He muttered, motioning her to sit.

She rubbed her temples and then snatched her gun from one of the men. She swiftly shot the glasses and wine bottles, until her gun was out of bullets, to release her frustration and then threw the weapon in the corner of the room.

"Leave my friends out of this shit, I'm warning you!" She dead-planned glaring right into Posion's soul which he cared less, instead he just put his hands inside his pockets and shook his head as 'no'.

"As expected. You know what? You shouldn't leave your neice with strangers, it's dangerous." She smirked evilly and now, it was the time for him to lose his composure.

"You won't do anything to her..."

"Oh! I certainly can if you dare to lay a finger on my people." She affirmed, kissing her teeth, her tone devoid of any emotions.

Even though her heart said otherwise, her anger subdued her love for Sarang and it was hard for Jungkook to believe that this was the same woman who was worried sick for the girl, whom she's threatening to hurt now.

"Who's JK, if not him? I saw it with my own eyes, he fucking murdered a man like a maniac!" She shouted, unable to control her emotions. Certainly, she wasn't able to beleive what the other was saying.

"Jeon Jukyung, the first son of Kingston family who's considered to have committed suicide long ago... He's JK." Jaehoon informed, making her eyes widened in surprise. She stumbled a few steps backwards, her knees gave up and she sat on the couch.

"You're lying..." She muttered shaking her head in disbelief.

"He's six years older than Jungkook and they both have strikingly similar faces. The reason why you're thinking he's JK but believe me, he's not. He doesn't even know the existence of his elder brother, he's not whom you're assuming him to be." Jaehoon affirmed and a gasp left her mouth.

She closed her eyes for a moment and covered her face with her palms to engulf everything she just heard and her actions a few moments ago, put her into a guilt trap.

Momentarily, she turned towards Jungkook, her eyes softening whilst looking at him.

'How can I do this?!' She mentally cursed herself.

"I'm- I'm sorry." She apologized, instantly but he simply nodded, showing his frustration. He wasn't mad at her for getting angry. Instead, her not trusting him and her, being ready to hurt an innocent girl was something that triggered him.

He made a mental note to talk about this later.

There was an awkward silence for a good two minutes until Jaehoon gave the further details.

"Jukyung is a born phycho, no wonder he was abandoned from the Kingston family when he was fifteen because he murdered his caretaker. Later, he came up to the ex-boss of Black Bullet and there began his journey towards becoming a notorious gangster. We were trained together and he was weird from the beginning but my father didn't have an idea of what sort of a monster he was raising." Jaehoon gave the further details, flipping the pages of history and pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a deep breath. The others present in the room were too stunned to say anything, especially Jungkook.

Afterall, it's his brother they were speaking about.

The brother he didn't know, was alive.

"What happened to the ex-boss, your father?" Yoora questioned and Jaehoon shook his head.

"There was a coup in the gang and the internal base was getting hollow, it was too late when we got to know that...Jukyung murdered him and took control of Black Bullet."

Which means... Jaehoon was the actual heir to the gang.

"Why are you telling us all this?" Jinyoung questioned.

"Because I'm the one sending anonymous tips to the Intelligence Agency." He revealed, glancing at Jinyoung and by the looks of it, he was being truthful.

"Seems like history would repeat itself." Jinyoung chimed in, speaking facts.

"Jungkook's life in danger." The hazel-eyed spoke, making Y/N gawkingly stare at him.

"Why?" She whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Just a few moments ago, you accused him for being a murderer. Jungkook and JK have the same face and the latter is aware of that fact. He knows his gang is in splits and there would be a time when his empire would get destroyed. Who do you think would be most likely to get arrested if his face gets revealed?" He explained and the woman's lips parted to speak but words chocked in her throat. She remained silent.

"He's planning to falsely put the blame on Jungkook for his crimes." Yoora muttered, glancing at the male who sat silently, gazing at his wife who was trying hard to engulf everything she has just heard.

What a joke.

'This fucked up nutcase!' The couple thought to themselves.

Ok. That's really A LOT that happened in this chapter. Y'all, there are more revealations ahead 🙂
I hope I ain't being a nutcase and making you guys bored. T_T

And the fact that he looks handsome in all hairstyles 🤌🤌

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